/* Copyright 2020 The Kubernetes Authors. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ package e2enode import ( "context" "errors" "fmt" "os" "strings" "time" v1 "k8s.io/api/core/v1" "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/api/resource" metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1" kubeletdevicepluginv1beta1 "k8s.io/kubelet/pkg/apis/deviceplugin/v1beta1" kubeletpodresourcesv1 "k8s.io/kubelet/pkg/apis/podresources/v1" kubefeatures "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/features" kubeletconfig "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/kubelet/apis/config" apisgrpc "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/kubelet/apis/grpc" "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/kubelet/apis/podresources" "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/kubelet/cm/cpumanager" "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/kubelet/util" testutils "k8s.io/kubernetes/test/utils" admissionapi "k8s.io/pod-security-admission/api" "k8s.io/utils/cpuset" "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2" "github.com/onsi/gomega" "github.com/onsi/gomega/gstruct" "github.com/onsi/gomega/types" "k8s.io/kubernetes/test/e2e/feature" "k8s.io/kubernetes/test/e2e/framework" e2emetrics "k8s.io/kubernetes/test/e2e/framework/metrics" e2enode "k8s.io/kubernetes/test/e2e/framework/node" e2epod "k8s.io/kubernetes/test/e2e/framework/pod" e2eskipper "k8s.io/kubernetes/test/e2e/framework/skipper" "k8s.io/kubernetes/test/e2e/nodefeature" ) const ( defaultTopologyUnawareResourceName = "example.com/resource" ) type podDesc struct { podName string cntName string resourceName string resourceAmount int cpuRequest int // cpuRequest is in millicores initContainers []initContainerDesc } func (desc podDesc) CpuRequestQty() resource.Quantity { qty := resource.NewMilliQuantity(int64(desc.cpuRequest), resource.DecimalSI) return *qty } func (desc podDesc) CpuRequestExclusive() int { if (desc.cpuRequest % 1000) != 0 { // exclusive cpus are request only if the quantity is integral; // hence, explicitly rule out non-integral requests return 0 } return desc.cpuRequest / 1000 } func (desc podDesc) RequiresCPU() bool { return desc.cpuRequest > 0 } func (desc podDesc) RequiresDevices() bool { return desc.resourceName != "" && desc.resourceAmount > 0 } type initContainerDesc struct { cntName string resourceName string resourceAmount int cpuRequest int // cpuRequest is in millicores restartPolicy *v1.ContainerRestartPolicy } func (desc initContainerDesc) CPURequestQty() resource.Quantity { qty := resource.NewMilliQuantity(int64(desc.cpuRequest), resource.DecimalSI) return *qty } func (desc initContainerDesc) CPURequestExclusive() int { if (desc.cpuRequest % 1000) != 0 { // exclusive cpus are request only if the quantity is integral; // hence, explicitly rule out non-integral requests return 0 } return desc.cpuRequest / 1000 } func (desc initContainerDesc) RequiresCPU() bool { return desc.cpuRequest > 0 } func (desc initContainerDesc) RequiresDevices() bool { return desc.resourceName != "" && desc.resourceAmount > 0 } func makePodResourcesTestPod(desc podDesc) *v1.Pod { cnt := v1.Container{ Name: desc.cntName, Image: busyboxImage, Resources: v1.ResourceRequirements{ Requests: v1.ResourceList{}, Limits: v1.ResourceList{}, }, Command: []string{"sh", "-c", "sleep 1d"}, } if desc.RequiresCPU() { cpuRequestQty := desc.CpuRequestQty() cnt.Resources.Requests[v1.ResourceCPU] = cpuRequestQty cnt.Resources.Limits[v1.ResourceCPU] = cpuRequestQty // we don't really care, we only need to be in guaranteed QoS cnt.Resources.Requests[v1.ResourceMemory] = resource.MustParse("100Mi") cnt.Resources.Limits[v1.ResourceMemory] = resource.MustParse("100Mi") } if desc.RequiresDevices() { cnt.Resources.Requests[v1.ResourceName(desc.resourceName)] = resource.MustParse(fmt.Sprintf("%d", desc.resourceAmount)) cnt.Resources.Limits[v1.ResourceName(desc.resourceName)] = resource.MustParse(fmt.Sprintf("%d", desc.resourceAmount)) } var initCnts []v1.Container for _, cntDesc := range desc.initContainers { initCnt := v1.Container{ Name: cntDesc.cntName, Image: busyboxImage, Resources: v1.ResourceRequirements{ Requests: v1.ResourceList{}, Limits: v1.ResourceList{}, }, Command: []string{"sh", "-c", "sleep 5s"}, RestartPolicy: cntDesc.restartPolicy, } if cntDesc.restartPolicy != nil && *cntDesc.restartPolicy == v1.ContainerRestartPolicyAlways { initCnt.Command = []string{"sh", "-c", "sleep 1d"} } if cntDesc.RequiresCPU() { cpuRequestQty := cntDesc.CPURequestQty() initCnt.Resources.Requests[v1.ResourceCPU] = cpuRequestQty initCnt.Resources.Limits[v1.ResourceCPU] = cpuRequestQty // we don't really care, we only need to be in guaranteed QoS initCnt.Resources.Requests[v1.ResourceMemory] = resource.MustParse("100Mi") initCnt.Resources.Limits[v1.ResourceMemory] = resource.MustParse("100Mi") } if cntDesc.RequiresDevices() { initCnt.Resources.Requests[v1.ResourceName(cntDesc.resourceName)] = resource.MustParse(fmt.Sprintf("%d", cntDesc.resourceAmount)) initCnt.Resources.Limits[v1.ResourceName(cntDesc.resourceName)] = resource.MustParse(fmt.Sprintf("%d", cntDesc.resourceAmount)) } initCnts = append(initCnts, initCnt) } return &v1.Pod{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: desc.podName, }, Spec: v1.PodSpec{ RestartPolicy: v1.RestartPolicyNever, InitContainers: initCnts, Containers: []v1.Container{ cnt, }, }, } } func logPodResources(podIdx int, pr *kubeletpodresourcesv1.PodResources) { ns := pr.GetNamespace() cnts := pr.GetContainers() if len(cnts) == 0 { framework.Logf("#%02d/%02d/%02d - %s/%s/%s No containers", podIdx, 0, 0, ns, pr.GetName(), "_") return } for cntIdx, cnt := range cnts { if len(cnt.Devices) == 0 { framework.Logf("#%02d/%02d/%02d - %s/%s/%s cpus -> %v resources -> none", podIdx, cntIdx, 0, ns, pr.GetName(), cnt.Name, cnt.CpuIds) continue } for devIdx, dev := range cnt.Devices { framework.Logf("#%02d/%02d/%02d - %s/%s/%s cpus -> %v %s -> %s", podIdx, cntIdx, devIdx, ns, pr.GetName(), cnt.Name, cnt.CpuIds, dev.ResourceName, strings.Join(dev.DeviceIds, ", ")) } } } type podResMap map[string]map[string]kubeletpodresourcesv1.ContainerResources func convertToMap(podsResources []*kubeletpodresourcesv1.PodResources) podResMap { res := make(map[string]map[string]kubeletpodresourcesv1.ContainerResources) for idx, podResource := range podsResources { // to make troubleshooting easier logPodResources(idx, podResource) cnts := make(map[string]kubeletpodresourcesv1.ContainerResources) for _, cnt := range podResource.GetContainers() { cnts[cnt.GetName()] = *cnt } res[podResource.GetName()] = cnts } return res } func getPodResourcesValues(ctx context.Context, cli kubeletpodresourcesv1.PodResourcesListerClient) (podResMap, error) { resp, err := cli.List(ctx, &kubeletpodresourcesv1.ListPodResourcesRequest{}) if err != nil { return nil, err } return convertToMap(resp.GetPodResources()), nil } type testPodData struct { PodMap map[string]*v1.Pod } func newTestPodData() *testPodData { return &testPodData{ PodMap: make(map[string]*v1.Pod), } } func (tpd *testPodData) createPodsForTest(ctx context.Context, f *framework.Framework, podReqs []podDesc) { for _, podReq := range podReqs { pod := makePodResourcesTestPod(podReq) pod = e2epod.NewPodClient(f).CreateSync(ctx, pod) framework.Logf("created pod %s", podReq.podName) tpd.PodMap[podReq.podName] = pod } } /* deletePodsForTest clean up all the pods run for a testcase. Must ensure proper cleanup */ func (tpd *testPodData) deletePodsForTest(ctx context.Context, f *framework.Framework) { deletePodsAsync(ctx, f, tpd.PodMap) } /* deletePod removes pod during a test. Should do a best-effort clean up */ func (tpd *testPodData) deletePod(ctx context.Context, f *framework.Framework, podName string) { _, ok := tpd.PodMap[podName] if !ok { return } deletePodSyncByName(ctx, f, podName) delete(tpd.PodMap, podName) } func findContainerDeviceByName(devs []*kubeletpodresourcesv1.ContainerDevices, resourceName string) *kubeletpodresourcesv1.ContainerDevices { for _, dev := range devs { if dev.ResourceName == resourceName { return dev } } return nil } func matchPodDescWithResources(expected []podDesc, found podResMap) error { for _, podReq := range expected { framework.Logf("matching: %#v", podReq) podInfo, ok := found[podReq.podName] if !ok { return fmt.Errorf("no pod resources for pod %q", podReq.podName) } cntInfo, ok := podInfo[podReq.cntName] if !ok { return fmt.Errorf("no container resources for pod %q container %q", podReq.podName, podReq.cntName) } if podReq.RequiresCPU() { if exclusiveCpus := podReq.CpuRequestExclusive(); exclusiveCpus != len(cntInfo.CpuIds) { if exclusiveCpus == 0 { return fmt.Errorf("pod %q container %q requested %d expected to be allocated CPUs from shared pool %v", podReq.podName, podReq.cntName, podReq.cpuRequest, cntInfo.CpuIds) } return fmt.Errorf("pod %q container %q expected %d cpus got %v", podReq.podName, podReq.cntName, exclusiveCpus, cntInfo.CpuIds) } } if podReq.RequiresDevices() { dev := findContainerDeviceByName(cntInfo.GetDevices(), podReq.resourceName) if dev == nil { return fmt.Errorf("pod %q container %q expected data for resource %q not found", podReq.podName, podReq.cntName, podReq.resourceName) } if len(dev.DeviceIds) != podReq.resourceAmount { return fmt.Errorf("pod %q container %q resource %q expected %d items got %v", podReq.podName, podReq.cntName, podReq.resourceName, podReq.resourceAmount, dev.DeviceIds) } } else { devs := cntInfo.GetDevices() if len(devs) > 0 { return fmt.Errorf("pod %q container %q expected no resources, got %v", podReq.podName, podReq.cntName, devs) } } if cnts, ok := found[defaultTopologyUnawareResourceName]; ok { for _, cnt := range cnts { for _, cd := range cnt.GetDevices() { if cd.ResourceName != defaultTopologyUnawareResourceName { continue } if cd.Topology != nil { //we expect nil topology return fmt.Errorf("Nil topology is expected") } } } } // check init containers for _, initCntDesc := range podReq.initContainers { if initCntDesc.restartPolicy == nil || *initCntDesc.restartPolicy != v1.ContainerRestartPolicyAlways { // If the init container is not restartable, we don't expect it // to be reported. _, ok := podInfo[initCntDesc.cntName] if ok { return fmt.Errorf("pod %q regular init container %q should not be reported", podReq.podName, initCntDesc.cntName) } continue } cntInfo, ok := podInfo[initCntDesc.cntName] if !ok { return fmt.Errorf("no container resources for pod %q container %q", podReq.podName, initCntDesc.cntName) } if initCntDesc.RequiresCPU() { if exclusiveCpus := initCntDesc.CPURequestExclusive(); exclusiveCpus != len(cntInfo.CpuIds) { if exclusiveCpus == 0 { return fmt.Errorf("pod %q container %q requested %d expected to be allocated CPUs from shared pool %v", podReq.podName, initCntDesc.cntName, initCntDesc.cpuRequest, cntInfo.CpuIds) } return fmt.Errorf("pod %q container %q expected %d cpus got %v", podReq.podName, initCntDesc.cntName, exclusiveCpus, cntInfo.CpuIds) } } if initCntDesc.RequiresDevices() { dev := findContainerDeviceByName(cntInfo.GetDevices(), initCntDesc.resourceName) if dev == nil { return fmt.Errorf("pod %q container %q expected data for resource %q not found", podReq.podName, initCntDesc.cntName, initCntDesc.resourceName) } if len(dev.DeviceIds) != initCntDesc.resourceAmount { return fmt.Errorf("pod %q container %q resource %q expected %d items got %v", podReq.podName, initCntDesc.cntName, initCntDesc.resourceName, initCntDesc.resourceAmount, dev.DeviceIds) } } else { devs := cntInfo.GetDevices() if len(devs) > 0 { return fmt.Errorf("pod %q container %q expected no resources, got %v", podReq.podName, initCntDesc.cntName, devs) } } if cnts, ok := found[defaultTopologyUnawareResourceName]; ok { for _, cnt := range cnts { for _, cd := range cnt.GetDevices() { if cd.ResourceName != defaultTopologyUnawareResourceName { continue } if cd.Topology != nil { // we expect nil topology return fmt.Errorf("Nil topology is expected") } } } } } } return nil } func expectPodResources(ctx context.Context, offset int, cli kubeletpodresourcesv1.PodResourcesListerClient, expected []podDesc) { gomega.EventuallyWithOffset(1+offset, ctx, func(ctx context.Context) error { found, err := getPodResourcesValues(ctx, cli) if err != nil { return err } return matchPodDescWithResources(expected, found) }, time.Minute, 10*time.Second).Should(gomega.Succeed()) } func filterOutDesc(descs []podDesc, name string) []podDesc { var ret []podDesc for _, desc := range descs { if desc.podName == name { continue } ret = append(ret, desc) } return ret } func podresourcesListTests(ctx context.Context, f *framework.Framework, cli kubeletpodresourcesv1.PodResourcesListerClient, sd *sriovData, sidecarContainersEnabled bool) { var tpd *testPodData var found podResMap var expected []podDesc var extra podDesc expectedBasePods := 0 /* nothing but pods we create */ if sd != nil { expectedBasePods = 1 // sriovdp } var err error ginkgo.By("checking the output when no pods are present") found, err = getPodResourcesValues(ctx, cli) framework.ExpectNoError(err, "getPodResourcesValues() failed err: %v", err) gomega.ExpectWithOffset(1, found).To(gomega.HaveLen(expectedBasePods), "base pod expectation mismatch") tpd = newTestPodData() ginkgo.By("checking the output when only pods which don't require resources are present") expected = []podDesc{ { podName: "pod-00", cntName: "cnt-00", }, { podName: "pod-01", cntName: "cnt-00", }, } tpd.createPodsForTest(ctx, f, expected) expectPodResources(ctx, 1, cli, expected) tpd.deletePodsForTest(ctx, f) tpd = newTestPodData() ginkgo.By("checking the output when only a subset of pods require resources") if sd != nil { expected = []podDesc{ { podName: "pod-00", cntName: "cnt-00", }, { podName: "pod-01", cntName: "cnt-00", resourceName: sd.resourceName, resourceAmount: 1, cpuRequest: 1000, }, { podName: "pod-02", cntName: "cnt-00", cpuRequest: 1000, }, { podName: "pod-03", cntName: "cnt-00", resourceName: sd.resourceName, resourceAmount: 1, cpuRequest: 1000, }, } } else { expected = []podDesc{ { podName: "pod-00", cntName: "cnt-00", }, { podName: "pod-01", cntName: "cnt-00", cpuRequest: 1000, }, { podName: "pod-02", cntName: "cnt-00", cpuRequest: 1000, }, { podName: "pod-03", cntName: "cnt-00", cpuRequest: 1000, }, } } tpd.createPodsForTest(ctx, f, expected) expectPodResources(ctx, 1, cli, expected) tpd.deletePodsForTest(ctx, f) tpd = newTestPodData() ginkgo.By("checking the output when creating pods which require resources between calls") if sd != nil { expected = []podDesc{ { podName: "pod-00", cntName: "cnt-00", }, { podName: "pod-01", cntName: "cnt-00", resourceName: sd.resourceName, resourceAmount: 1, cpuRequest: 1000, }, { podName: "pod-02", cntName: "cnt-00", cpuRequest: 1000, }, } } else { expected = []podDesc{ { podName: "pod-00", cntName: "cnt-00", }, { podName: "pod-01", cntName: "cnt-00", cpuRequest: 1000, }, { podName: "pod-02", cntName: "cnt-00", cpuRequest: 1000, }, } } tpd.createPodsForTest(ctx, f, expected) expectPodResources(ctx, 1, cli, expected) if sd != nil { extra = podDesc{ podName: "pod-03", cntName: "cnt-00", resourceName: sd.resourceName, resourceAmount: 1, cpuRequest: 1000, } } else { extra = podDesc{ podName: "pod-03", cntName: "cnt-00", cpuRequest: 1000, } } tpd.createPodsForTest(ctx, f, []podDesc{ extra, }) expected = append(expected, extra) expectPodResources(ctx, 1, cli, expected) tpd.deletePodsForTest(ctx, f) tpd = newTestPodData() ginkgo.By("checking the output when deleting pods which require resources between calls") if sd != nil { expected = []podDesc{ { podName: "pod-00", cntName: "cnt-00", cpuRequest: 1000, }, { podName: "pod-01", cntName: "cnt-00", resourceName: sd.resourceName, resourceAmount: 1, cpuRequest: 2000, }, { podName: "pod-02", cntName: "cnt-00", }, { podName: "pod-03", cntName: "cnt-00", resourceName: sd.resourceName, resourceAmount: 1, cpuRequest: 1000, }, } } else { expected = []podDesc{ { podName: "pod-00", cntName: "cnt-00", cpuRequest: 1000, }, { podName: "pod-01", cntName: "cnt-00", cpuRequest: 1000, }, { podName: "pod-02", cntName: "cnt-00", }, { podName: "pod-03", cntName: "cnt-00", cpuRequest: 1000, }, } } tpd.createPodsForTest(ctx, f, expected) expectPodResources(ctx, 1, cli, expected) tpd.deletePod(ctx, f, "pod-01") expectedPostDelete := filterOutDesc(expected, "pod-01") expectPodResources(ctx, 1, cli, expectedPostDelete) tpd.deletePodsForTest(ctx, f) tpd = newTestPodData() ginkgo.By("checking the output when pods request non integral CPUs") if sd != nil { expected = []podDesc{ { podName: "pod-00", cntName: "cnt-00", cpuRequest: 1500, }, { podName: "pod-01", cntName: "cnt-00", resourceName: sd.resourceName, resourceAmount: 1, cpuRequest: 1500, }, } } else { expected = []podDesc{ { podName: "pod-00", cntName: "cnt-00", cpuRequest: 1500, }, } } tpd.createPodsForTest(ctx, f, expected) expectPodResources(ctx, 1, cli, expected) tpd.deletePodsForTest(ctx, f) if sidecarContainersEnabled { containerRestartPolicyAlways := v1.ContainerRestartPolicyAlways tpd = newTestPodData() ginkgo.By("checking the output when pods have init containers") if sd != nil { expected = []podDesc{ { podName: "pod-00", cntName: "regular-00", cpuRequest: 1000, initContainers: []initContainerDesc{ { cntName: "init-00", resourceName: sd.resourceName, resourceAmount: 1, cpuRequest: 1000, }, }, }, { podName: "pod-01", cntName: "regular-00", cpuRequest: 1000, initContainers: []initContainerDesc{ { cntName: "restartable-init-00", resourceName: sd.resourceName, resourceAmount: 1, cpuRequest: 1000, restartPolicy: &containerRestartPolicyAlways, }, }, }, } } else { expected = []podDesc{ { podName: "pod-00", cntName: "regular-00", cpuRequest: 1000, initContainers: []initContainerDesc{ { cntName: "init-00", cpuRequest: 1000, }, }, }, { podName: "pod-01", cntName: "regular-00", cpuRequest: 1000, initContainers: []initContainerDesc{ { cntName: "restartable-init-00", cpuRequest: 1000, restartPolicy: &containerRestartPolicyAlways, }, }, }, } } tpd.createPodsForTest(ctx, f, expected) expectPodResources(ctx, 1, cli, expected) tpd.deletePodsForTest(ctx, f) } } func podresourcesGetAllocatableResourcesTests(ctx context.Context, cli kubeletpodresourcesv1.PodResourcesListerClient, sd *sriovData, onlineCPUs, reservedSystemCPUs cpuset.CPUSet) { ginkgo.By("checking the devices known to the kubelet") resp, err := cli.GetAllocatableResources(ctx, &kubeletpodresourcesv1.AllocatableResourcesRequest{}) framework.ExpectNoErrorWithOffset(1, err) devs := resp.GetDevices() var cpus []int for _, cpuid := range resp.GetCpuIds() { cpus = append(cpus, int(cpuid)) } allocatableCPUs := cpuset.New(cpus...) if onlineCPUs.Size() == 0 { ginkgo.By("expecting no CPUs reported") gomega.ExpectWithOffset(1, onlineCPUs.Size()).To(gomega.Equal(reservedSystemCPUs.Size()), "with no online CPUs, no CPUs should be reserved") } else { ginkgo.By(fmt.Sprintf("expecting online CPUs reported - online=%v (%d) reserved=%v (%d)", onlineCPUs, onlineCPUs.Size(), reservedSystemCPUs, reservedSystemCPUs.Size())) if reservedSystemCPUs.Size() > onlineCPUs.Size() { ginkgo.Fail("more reserved CPUs than online") } expectedCPUs := onlineCPUs.Difference(reservedSystemCPUs) ginkgo.By(fmt.Sprintf("expecting CPUs '%v'='%v'", allocatableCPUs, expectedCPUs)) gomega.ExpectWithOffset(1, allocatableCPUs.Equals(expectedCPUs)).To(gomega.BeTrue(), "mismatch expecting CPUs") } if sd == nil { // no devices in the environment, so expect no devices ginkgo.By("expecting no devices reported") gomega.ExpectWithOffset(1, devs).To(gomega.BeEmpty(), fmt.Sprintf("got unexpected devices %#v", devs)) return } ginkgo.By(fmt.Sprintf("expecting some %q devices reported", sd.resourceName)) gomega.ExpectWithOffset(1, devs).ToNot(gomega.BeEmpty()) for _, dev := range devs { gomega.Expect(dev.ResourceName).To(gomega.Equal(sd.resourceName)) gomega.ExpectWithOffset(1, dev.DeviceIds).ToNot(gomega.BeEmpty()) } } func podresourcesGetTests(ctx context.Context, f *framework.Framework, cli kubeletpodresourcesv1.PodResourcesListerClient, sidecarContainersEnabled bool) { //var err error ginkgo.By("checking the output when no pods are present") expected := []podDesc{} resp, err := cli.Get(ctx, &kubeletpodresourcesv1.GetPodResourcesRequest{PodName: "test", PodNamespace: f.Namespace.Name}) podResourceList := []*kubeletpodresourcesv1.PodResources{resp.GetPodResources()} gomega.Expect(err).To(gomega.HaveOccurred(), "pod not found") res := convertToMap(podResourceList) err = matchPodDescWithResources(expected, res) framework.ExpectNoError(err, "matchPodDescWithResources() failed err %v", err) tpd := newTestPodData() ginkgo.By("checking the output when only pods which don't require resources are present") expected = []podDesc{ { podName: "pod-00", cntName: "cnt-00", }, } tpd.createPodsForTest(ctx, f, expected) resp, err = cli.Get(ctx, &kubeletpodresourcesv1.GetPodResourcesRequest{PodName: "pod-00", PodNamespace: f.Namespace.Name}) framework.ExpectNoError(err, "Get() call failed for pod %s/%s", f.Namespace.Name, "pod-00") podResourceList = []*kubeletpodresourcesv1.PodResources{resp.GetPodResources()} res = convertToMap(podResourceList) err = matchPodDescWithResources(expected, res) framework.ExpectNoError(err, "matchPodDescWithResources() failed err %v", err) tpd.deletePodsForTest(ctx, f) tpd = newTestPodData() ginkgo.By("checking the output when only pod require CPU") expected = []podDesc{ { podName: "pod-01", cntName: "cnt-00", cpuRequest: 1000, }, } tpd.createPodsForTest(ctx, f, expected) resp, err = cli.Get(ctx, &kubeletpodresourcesv1.GetPodResourcesRequest{PodName: "pod-01", PodNamespace: f.Namespace.Name}) framework.ExpectNoError(err, "Get() call failed for pod %s/%s", f.Namespace.Name, "pod-01") podResourceList = []*kubeletpodresourcesv1.PodResources{resp.GetPodResources()} res = convertToMap(podResourceList) err = matchPodDescWithResources(expected, res) framework.ExpectNoError(err, "matchPodDescWithResources() failed err %v", err) tpd.deletePodsForTest(ctx, f) if sidecarContainersEnabled { containerRestartPolicyAlways := v1.ContainerRestartPolicyAlways tpd = newTestPodData() ginkgo.By("checking the output when only pod with init containers require CPU") expected = []podDesc{ { podName: "pod-01", cntName: "cnt-00", cpuRequest: 1000, initContainers: []initContainerDesc{ { cntName: "init-00", cpuRequest: 1000, }, { cntName: "restartable-init-01", cpuRequest: 1000, restartPolicy: &containerRestartPolicyAlways, }, }, }, } tpd.createPodsForTest(ctx, f, expected) resp, err = cli.Get(ctx, &kubeletpodresourcesv1.GetPodResourcesRequest{PodName: "pod-01", PodNamespace: f.Namespace.Name}) framework.ExpectNoError(err, "Get() call failed for pod %s/%s", f.Namespace.Name, "pod-01") podResourceList = []*kubeletpodresourcesv1.PodResources{resp.GetPodResources()} res = convertToMap(podResourceList) err = matchPodDescWithResources(expected, res) framework.ExpectNoError(err, "matchPodDescWithResources() failed err %v", err) tpd.deletePodsForTest(ctx, f) } } // Serial because the test updates kubelet configuration. var _ = SIGDescribe("POD Resources", framework.WithSerial(), feature.PodResources, nodefeature.PodResources, func() { f := framework.NewDefaultFramework("podresources-test") f.NamespacePodSecurityLevel = admissionapi.LevelPrivileged reservedSystemCPUs := cpuset.New(1) ginkgo.Context("with SRIOV devices in the system", func() { ginkgo.BeforeEach(func() { requireSRIOVDevices() }) ginkgo.Context("with CPU manager Static policy", func() { ginkgo.BeforeEach(func(ctx context.Context) { // this is a very rough check. We just want to rule out system that does NOT have enough resources _, cpuAlloc, _ := getLocalNodeCPUDetails(ctx, f) if cpuAlloc < minCoreCount { e2eskipper.Skipf("Skipping CPU Manager tests since the CPU allocatable < %d", minCoreCount) } }) // empty context to apply kubelet config changes ginkgo.Context("", func() { tempSetCurrentKubeletConfig(f, func(ctx context.Context, initialConfig *kubeletconfig.KubeletConfiguration) { // Set the CPU Manager policy to static. initialConfig.CPUManagerPolicy = string(cpumanager.PolicyStatic) // Set the CPU Manager reconcile period to 1 second. initialConfig.CPUManagerReconcilePeriod = metav1.Duration{Duration: 1 * time.Second} cpus := reservedSystemCPUs.String() framework.Logf("configurePodResourcesInKubelet: using reservedSystemCPUs=%q", cpus) initialConfig.ReservedSystemCPUs = cpus }) ginkgo.It("should return the expected responses", func(ctx context.Context) { onlineCPUs, err := getOnlineCPUs() framework.ExpectNoError(err, "getOnlineCPUs() failed err: %v", err) configMap := getSRIOVDevicePluginConfigMap(framework.TestContext.SriovdpConfigMapFile) sd := setupSRIOVConfigOrFail(ctx, f, configMap) ginkgo.DeferCleanup(teardownSRIOVConfigOrFail, f, sd) waitForSRIOVResources(ctx, f, sd) endpoint, err := util.LocalEndpoint(defaultPodResourcesPath, podresources.Socket) framework.ExpectNoError(err, "LocalEndpoint() failed err: %v", err) cli, conn, err := podresources.GetV1Client(endpoint, defaultPodResourcesTimeout, defaultPodResourcesMaxSize) framework.ExpectNoError(err, "GetV1Client() failed err: %v", err) defer conn.Close() waitForSRIOVResources(ctx, f, sd) ginkgo.By("checking List()") podresourcesListTests(ctx, f, cli, sd, false) ginkgo.By("checking GetAllocatableResources()") podresourcesGetAllocatableResourcesTests(ctx, cli, sd, onlineCPUs, reservedSystemCPUs) }) framework.It("should return the expected responses", nodefeature.SidecarContainers, func(ctx context.Context) { onlineCPUs, err := getOnlineCPUs() framework.ExpectNoError(err, "getOnlineCPUs() failed err: %v", err) configMap := getSRIOVDevicePluginConfigMap(framework.TestContext.SriovdpConfigMapFile) sd := setupSRIOVConfigOrFail(ctx, f, configMap) ginkgo.DeferCleanup(teardownSRIOVConfigOrFail, f, sd) waitForSRIOVResources(ctx, f, sd) endpoint, err := util.LocalEndpoint(defaultPodResourcesPath, podresources.Socket) framework.ExpectNoError(err, "LocalEndpoint() failed err: %v", err) cli, conn, err := podresources.GetV1Client(endpoint, defaultPodResourcesTimeout, defaultPodResourcesMaxSize) framework.ExpectNoError(err, "GetV1Client() failed err: %v", err) defer framework.ExpectNoError(conn.Close()) waitForSRIOVResources(ctx, f, sd) ginkgo.By("checking List()") podresourcesListTests(ctx, f, cli, sd, true) ginkgo.By("checking GetAllocatableResources()") podresourcesGetAllocatableResourcesTests(ctx, cli, sd, onlineCPUs, reservedSystemCPUs) }) }) }) ginkgo.Context("with CPU manager None policy", func() { ginkgo.It("should return the expected responses", func(ctx context.Context) { // current default is "none" policy - no need to restart the kubelet requireSRIOVDevices() configMap := getSRIOVDevicePluginConfigMap(framework.TestContext.SriovdpConfigMapFile) sd := setupSRIOVConfigOrFail(ctx, f, configMap) ginkgo.DeferCleanup(teardownSRIOVConfigOrFail, f, sd) waitForSRIOVResources(ctx, f, sd) endpoint, err := util.LocalEndpoint(defaultPodResourcesPath, podresources.Socket) framework.ExpectNoError(err, "LocalEndpoint() failed err: %v", err) cli, conn, err := podresources.GetV1Client(endpoint, defaultPodResourcesTimeout, defaultPodResourcesMaxSize) framework.ExpectNoError(err, "GetV1Client() failed err: %v", err) defer conn.Close() waitForSRIOVResources(ctx, f, sd) // intentionally passing empty cpuset instead of onlineCPUs because with none policy // we should get no allocatable cpus - no exclusively allocatable CPUs, depends on policy static podresourcesGetAllocatableResourcesTests(ctx, cli, sd, cpuset.CPUSet{}, cpuset.CPUSet{}) }) }) }) ginkgo.Context("without SRIOV devices in the system", func() { ginkgo.BeforeEach(func() { requireLackOfSRIOVDevices() }) ginkgo.Context("with CPU manager Static policy", func() { ginkgo.BeforeEach(func(ctx context.Context) { // this is a very rough check. We just want to rule out system that does NOT have enough resources _, cpuAlloc, _ := getLocalNodeCPUDetails(ctx, f) if cpuAlloc < minCoreCount { e2eskipper.Skipf("Skipping CPU Manager tests since the CPU allocatable < %d", minCoreCount) } }) // empty context to apply kubelet config changes ginkgo.Context("", func() { tempSetCurrentKubeletConfig(f, func(ctx context.Context, initialConfig *kubeletconfig.KubeletConfiguration) { // Set the CPU Manager policy to static. initialConfig.CPUManagerPolicy = string(cpumanager.PolicyStatic) // Set the CPU Manager reconcile period to 1 second. initialConfig.CPUManagerReconcilePeriod = metav1.Duration{Duration: 1 * time.Second} cpus := reservedSystemCPUs.String() framework.Logf("configurePodResourcesInKubelet: using reservedSystemCPUs=%q", cpus) initialConfig.ReservedSystemCPUs = cpus if initialConfig.FeatureGates == nil { initialConfig.FeatureGates = make(map[string]bool) } initialConfig.FeatureGates[string(kubefeatures.KubeletPodResourcesGet)] = true }) ginkgo.It("should return the expected responses", func(ctx context.Context) { onlineCPUs, err := getOnlineCPUs() framework.ExpectNoError(err, "getOnlineCPUs() failed err: %v", err) endpoint, err := util.LocalEndpoint(defaultPodResourcesPath, podresources.Socket) framework.ExpectNoError(err, "LocalEndpoint() failed err: %v", err) cli, conn, err := podresources.GetV1Client(endpoint, defaultPodResourcesTimeout, defaultPodResourcesMaxSize) framework.ExpectNoError(err, "GetV1Client() failed err: %v", err) defer conn.Close() podresourcesListTests(ctx, f, cli, nil, false) podresourcesGetAllocatableResourcesTests(ctx, cli, nil, onlineCPUs, reservedSystemCPUs) podresourcesGetTests(ctx, f, cli, false) }) framework.It("should return the expected responses", nodefeature.SidecarContainers, func(ctx context.Context) { onlineCPUs, err := getOnlineCPUs() framework.ExpectNoError(err, "getOnlineCPUs() failed err: %v", err) endpoint, err := util.LocalEndpoint(defaultPodResourcesPath, podresources.Socket) framework.ExpectNoError(err, "LocalEndpoint() failed err: %v", err) cli, conn, err := podresources.GetV1Client(endpoint, defaultPodResourcesTimeout, defaultPodResourcesMaxSize) framework.ExpectNoError(err, "GetV1Client() failed err: %v", err) defer func() { framework.ExpectNoError(conn.Close()) }() podresourcesListTests(ctx, f, cli, nil, true) podresourcesGetAllocatableResourcesTests(ctx, cli, nil, onlineCPUs, reservedSystemCPUs) podresourcesGetTests(ctx, f, cli, true) }) ginkgo.It("should account for resources of pods in terminal phase", func(ctx context.Context) { pd := podDesc{ cntName: "e2e-test-cnt", podName: "e2e-test-pod", cpuRequest: 1000, } pod := makePodResourcesTestPod(pd) pod.Spec.Containers[0].Command = []string{"sh", "-c", "/bin/true"} pod = e2epod.NewPodClient(f).Create(ctx, pod) defer e2epod.NewPodClient(f).DeleteSync(ctx, pod.Name, metav1.DeleteOptions{}, time.Minute) err := e2epod.WaitForPodCondition(ctx, f.ClientSet, pod.Namespace, pod.Name, "Pod Succeeded", time.Minute*2, testutils.PodSucceeded) framework.ExpectNoError(err) endpoint, err := util.LocalEndpoint(defaultPodResourcesPath, podresources.Socket) framework.ExpectNoError(err) cli, conn, err := podresources.GetV1Client(endpoint, defaultPodResourcesTimeout, defaultPodResourcesMaxSize) framework.ExpectNoError(err) defer conn.Close() // although the pod moved into terminal state, PodResourcesAPI still list its cpus expectPodResources(ctx, 1, cli, []podDesc{pd}) }) }) }) ginkgo.Context("with CPU manager None policy", func() { ginkgo.It("should return the expected responses", func(ctx context.Context) { endpoint, err := util.LocalEndpoint(defaultPodResourcesPath, podresources.Socket) framework.ExpectNoError(err, "LocalEndpoint() failed err: %v", err) cli, conn, err := podresources.GetV1Client(endpoint, defaultPodResourcesTimeout, defaultPodResourcesMaxSize) framework.ExpectNoError(err, "GetV1Client() failed err: %v", err) defer conn.Close() // intentionally passing empty cpuset instead of onlineCPUs because with none policy // we should get no allocatable cpus - no exclusively allocatable CPUs, depends on policy static podresourcesGetAllocatableResourcesTests(ctx, cli, nil, cpuset.CPUSet{}, cpuset.CPUSet{}) }) }) ginkgo.Context("with disabled KubeletPodResourcesGet feature gate", func() { ginkgo.It("should return the expected error with the feature gate disabled", func(ctx context.Context) { endpoint, err := util.LocalEndpoint(defaultPodResourcesPath, podresources.Socket) framework.ExpectNoError(err, "LocalEndpoint() faild err %v", err) cli, conn, err := podresources.GetV1Client(endpoint, defaultPodResourcesTimeout, defaultPodResourcesMaxSize) framework.ExpectNoError(err, "GetV1Client() failed err %v", err) defer conn.Close() ginkgo.By("checking Get fail if the feature gate is not enabled") getRes, err := cli.Get(ctx, &kubeletpodresourcesv1.GetPodResourcesRequest{PodName: "test", PodNamespace: f.Namespace.Name}) framework.Logf("Get result: %v, err: %v", getRes, err) gomega.Expect(err).To(gomega.HaveOccurred(), "With feature gate disabled, the call must fail") }) }) }) ginkgo.Context("with a topology-unaware device plugin, which reports resources w/o hardware topology", func() { ginkgo.Context("with CPU manager Static policy", func() { ginkgo.BeforeEach(func(ctx context.Context) { // this is a very rough check. We just want to rule out system that does NOT have enough resources _, cpuAlloc, _ := getLocalNodeCPUDetails(ctx, f) if cpuAlloc < minCoreCount { e2eskipper.Skipf("Skipping CPU Manager tests since the CPU allocatable < %d", minCoreCount) } }) // empty context to apply kubelet config changes ginkgo.Context("", func() { tempSetCurrentKubeletConfig(f, func(ctx context.Context, initialConfig *kubeletconfig.KubeletConfiguration) { // Set the CPU Manager policy to static. initialConfig.CPUManagerPolicy = string(cpumanager.PolicyStatic) // Set the CPU Manager reconcile period to 1 second. initialConfig.CPUManagerReconcilePeriod = metav1.Duration{Duration: 1 * time.Second} cpus := reservedSystemCPUs.String() framework.Logf("configurePodResourcesInKubelet: using reservedSystemCPUs=%q", cpus) initialConfig.ReservedSystemCPUs = cpus }) ginkgo.It("should return proper podresources the same as before the restart of kubelet", func(ctx context.Context) { dpPod := setupSampleDevicePluginOrFail(ctx, f) ginkgo.DeferCleanup(teardownSampleDevicePluginOrFail, f, dpPod) waitForTopologyUnawareResources(ctx, f) endpoint, err := util.LocalEndpoint(defaultPodResourcesPath, podresources.Socket) framework.ExpectNoError(err, "LocalEndpoint() failed err: %v", err) cli, conn, err := podresources.GetV1Client(endpoint, defaultPodResourcesTimeout, defaultPodResourcesMaxSize) framework.ExpectNoError(err, "GetV1Client() failed err: %v", err) defer conn.Close() ginkgo.By("checking List and resources topology unaware resource should be without topology") allocatableResponse, _ := cli.GetAllocatableResources(ctx, &kubeletpodresourcesv1.AllocatableResourcesRequest{}) for _, dev := range allocatableResponse.GetDevices() { if dev.ResourceName != defaultTopologyUnawareResourceName { continue } gomega.Expect(dev.Topology).To(gomega.BeNil(), "Topology is expected to be empty for topology unaware resources") } desc := podDesc{ podName: "pod-01", cntName: "cnt-01", resourceName: defaultTopologyUnawareResourceName, resourceAmount: 1, cpuRequest: 1000, } tpd := newTestPodData() tpd.createPodsForTest(ctx, f, []podDesc{ desc, }) expectPodResources(ctx, 1, cli, []podDesc{desc}) ginkgo.By("Restarting Kubelet") restartKubelet(true) // we need to wait for the node to be reported ready before we can safely query // the podresources endpoint again. Otherwise we will have false negatives. ginkgo.By("Wait for node to be ready") waitForTopologyUnawareResources(ctx, f) expectPodResources(ctx, 1, cli, []podDesc{desc}) tpd.deletePodsForTest(ctx, f) }) }) }) }) f.Context("when querying /metrics", f.WithNodeConformance(), func() { tempSetCurrentKubeletConfig(f, func(ctx context.Context, initialConfig *kubeletconfig.KubeletConfiguration) { if initialConfig.FeatureGates == nil { initialConfig.FeatureGates = make(map[string]bool) } initialConfig.FeatureGates[string(kubefeatures.KubeletPodResourcesGet)] = true }) ginkgo.BeforeEach(func(ctx context.Context) { // ensure APIs have been called at least once endpoint, err := util.LocalEndpoint(defaultPodResourcesPath, podresources.Socket) framework.ExpectNoError(err, "LocalEndpoint() failed err %v", err) cli, conn, err := podresources.GetV1Client(endpoint, defaultPodResourcesTimeout, defaultPodResourcesMaxSize) framework.ExpectNoError(err, "GetV1Client() failed err %v", err) defer conn.Close() _, err = cli.List(ctx, &kubeletpodresourcesv1.ListPodResourcesRequest{}) framework.ExpectNoError(err, "List() failed err %v", err) _, err = cli.GetAllocatableResources(ctx, &kubeletpodresourcesv1.AllocatableResourcesRequest{}) framework.ExpectNoError(err, "GetAllocatableResources() failed err %v", err) desc := podDesc{ podName: "pod-01", cntName: "cnt-01", } tpd := newTestPodData() tpd.createPodsForTest(ctx, f, []podDesc{ desc, }) expectPodResources(ctx, 1, cli, []podDesc{desc}) expected := []podDesc{} resp, err := cli.Get(ctx, &kubeletpodresourcesv1.GetPodResourcesRequest{PodName: "pod-01", PodNamespace: f.Namespace.Name}) framework.ExpectNoError(err, "Get() call failed for pod %s/%s", f.Namespace.Name, "pod-01") podResourceList := []*kubeletpodresourcesv1.PodResources{resp.GetPodResources()} res := convertToMap(podResourceList) err = matchPodDescWithResources(expected, res) framework.ExpectNoError(err, "matchPodDescWithResources() failed err %v", err) tpd.deletePodsForTest(ctx, f) }) ginkgo.It("should report the values for the podresources metrics", func(ctx context.Context) { // we updated the kubelet config in BeforeEach, so we can assume we start fresh. // being [Serial], we can also assume noone else but us is running pods. ginkgo.By("Checking the value of the podresources metrics") matchResourceMetrics := gstruct.MatchKeys(gstruct.IgnoreExtras, gstruct.Keys{ "kubelet_pod_resources_endpoint_requests_total": gstruct.MatchAllElements(nodeID, gstruct.Elements{ "": timelessSampleAtLeast(1), }), "kubelet_pod_resources_endpoint_requests_list": gstruct.MatchAllElements(nodeID, gstruct.Elements{ "": timelessSampleAtLeast(1), }), "kubelet_pod_resources_endpoint_requests_get_allocatable": gstruct.MatchAllElements(nodeID, gstruct.Elements{ "": timelessSampleAtLeast(1), }), "kubelet_pod_resources_endpoint_requests_get": gstruct.MatchAllElements(nodeID, gstruct.Elements{ "": timelessSampleAtLeast(1), }), // not checking errors: the calls don't have non-catastrophic (e.g. out of memory) error conditions yet. }) ginkgo.By("Giving the Kubelet time to start up and produce metrics") gomega.Eventually(ctx, getPodResourcesMetrics, 1*time.Minute, 15*time.Second).Should(matchResourceMetrics) ginkgo.By("Ensuring the metrics match the expectations a few more times") gomega.Consistently(ctx, getPodResourcesMetrics, 1*time.Minute, 15*time.Second).Should(matchResourceMetrics) }) }) ginkgo.Context("with the builtin rate limit values", func() { ginkgo.It("should hit throttling when calling podresources List in a tight loop", func(ctx context.Context) { // ensure APIs have been called at least once endpoint, err := util.LocalEndpoint(defaultPodResourcesPath, podresources.Socket) framework.ExpectNoError(err, "LocalEndpoint() failed err %v", err) ginkgo.By("Connecting to the kubelet endpoint") cli, conn, err := podresources.GetV1Client(endpoint, defaultPodResourcesTimeout, defaultPodResourcesMaxSize) framework.ExpectNoError(err, "GetV1Client() failed err %v", err) defer conn.Close() tries := podresources.DefaultQPS * 2 // This should also be greater than DefaultBurstTokens errs := []error{} ginkgo.By(fmt.Sprintf("Issuing %d List() calls in a tight loop", tries)) startTime := time.Now() for try := 0; try < tries; try++ { _, err = cli.List(ctx, &kubeletpodresourcesv1.ListPodResourcesRequest{}) errs = append(errs, err) } elapsed := time.Since(startTime) ginkgo.By(fmt.Sprintf("Checking return codes for %d List() calls in %v", tries, elapsed)) framework.ExpectNoError(errs[0], "the first List() call unexpectedly failed with %v", errs[0]) // we would expect (burst) successes and then (tries-burst) errors on a clean test environment running with // enough CPU power. CI is usually harsher. So we relax constraints, expecting at least _a_ failure, while // we are likely to get much more. But we can't predict yet how more we should expect, so we prefer to relax // constraints than to risk flakes at this stage. errLimitExceededCount := 0 for _, err := range errs[1:] { if errors.Is(err, apisgrpc.ErrorLimitExceeded) { errLimitExceededCount++ } } gomega.Expect(errLimitExceededCount).ToNot(gomega.BeZero(), "never hit the rate limit trying %d calls in %v", tries, elapsed) framework.Logf("got %d/%d rate limit errors, at least one needed, the more the better", errLimitExceededCount, tries) // this is not needed for this test. We're done. But we need to play nice with *other* tests which may run just after, // and which need to query the API. If they run "too fast", they can still be throttled because the throttling period // is not exhausted yet, yielding false negatives, leading to flakes. // We can't reset the period for the rate limit, we just wait "long enough" to make sure we absorb the burst // and other queries are not rejected because happening to soon ginkgo.By("Cooling down to reset the podresources API rate limit") time.Sleep(5 * time.Second) }) }) }) func requireLackOfSRIOVDevices() { if sriovdevCount, err := countSRIOVDevices(); err != nil || sriovdevCount > 0 { e2eskipper.Skipf("this test is meant to run on a system with no configured VF from SRIOV device") } } func getOnlineCPUs() (cpuset.CPUSet, error) { onlineCPUList, err := os.ReadFile("/sys/devices/system/cpu/online") if err != nil { return cpuset.CPUSet{}, err } return cpuset.Parse(strings.TrimSpace(string(onlineCPUList))) } func setupSampleDevicePluginOrFail(ctx context.Context, f *framework.Framework) *v1.Pod { e2enode.WaitForNodeToBeReady(ctx, f.ClientSet, framework.TestContext.NodeName, 5*time.Minute) dp := getSampleDevicePluginPod(kubeletdevicepluginv1beta1.DevicePluginPath) dp.Spec.NodeName = framework.TestContext.NodeName ginkgo.By("Create the sample device plugin pod") dpPod := e2epod.NewPodClient(f).CreateSync(ctx, dp) err := e2epod.WaitForPodCondition(ctx, f.ClientSet, dpPod.Namespace, dpPod.Name, "Ready", 120*time.Second, testutils.PodRunningReady) if err != nil { framework.Logf("Sample Device Pod %v took too long to enter running/ready: %v", dp.Name, err) } framework.ExpectNoError(err, "WaitForPodCondition() failed err: %v", err) return dpPod } func teardownSampleDevicePluginOrFail(ctx context.Context, f *framework.Framework, pod *v1.Pod) { gp := int64(0) deleteOptions := metav1.DeleteOptions{ GracePeriodSeconds: &gp, } ginkgo.By(fmt.Sprintf("Delete sample device plugin pod %s/%s", pod.Namespace, pod.Name)) err := f.ClientSet.CoreV1().Pods(pod.Namespace).Delete(ctx, pod.Name, deleteOptions) framework.ExpectNoError(err, "Failed to delete Pod %v in Namspace %v", pod.Name, pod.Namespace) waitForAllContainerRemoval(ctx, pod.Name, pod.Namespace) } func waitForTopologyUnawareResources(ctx context.Context, f *framework.Framework) { ginkgo.By(fmt.Sprintf("Waiting for %q resources to become available on the local node", defaultTopologyUnawareResourceName)) gomega.Eventually(ctx, func(ctx context.Context) bool { node := getLocalNode(ctx, f) resourceAmount := CountSampleDeviceAllocatable(node) return resourceAmount > 0 }, 2*time.Minute, framework.Poll).Should(gomega.BeTrue()) } func getPodResourcesMetrics(ctx context.Context) (e2emetrics.KubeletMetrics, error) { // we are running out of good names, so we need to be unnecessarily specific to avoid clashes ginkgo.By("getting Pod Resources metrics from the metrics API") return e2emetrics.GrabKubeletMetricsWithoutProxy(ctx, nodeNameOrIP()+":10255", "/metrics") } func timelessSampleAtLeast(lower interface{}) types.GomegaMatcher { return gstruct.PointTo(gstruct.MatchAllFields(gstruct.Fields{ // We already check Metric when matching the Id "Metric": gstruct.Ignore(), "Value": gomega.BeNumerically(">=", lower), "Timestamp": gstruct.Ignore(), "Histogram": gstruct.Ignore(), })) }