
Text file src/k8s.io/kubernetes/test/e2e/testing-manifests/storage-csi/gce-pd/controller_ss.yaml

Documentation: k8s.io/kubernetes/test/e2e/testing-manifests/storage-csi/gce-pd

     1kind: StatefulSet
     2apiVersion: apps/v1
     4  name: csi-gce-pd-controller
     6  serviceName: "csi-gce-pd"
     7  replicas: 1
     8  selector:
     9    matchLabels:
    10      app: gcp-compute-persistent-disk-csi-driver
    11  template:
    12    metadata:
    13      labels:
    14        app: gcp-compute-persistent-disk-csi-driver
    15    spec:
    16      # Host network must be used for interaction with Workload Identity in GKE
    17      # since it replaces GCE Metadata Server with GKE Metadata Server. Remove
    18      # this requirement when issue is resolved and before any exposure of
    19      # metrics ports
    20      hostNetwork: true
    21      serviceAccountName: csi-gce-pd-controller-sa
    22      containers:
    23        - name: csi-snapshotter
    24          image: registry.k8s.io/sig-storage/csi-snapshotter:v5.0.1
    25          args:
    26            - "--v=5"
    27            - "--csi-address=/csi/csi.sock"
    28            - "--metrics-address=:22014"
    29            - "--leader-election"
    30            - "--leader-election-namespace=$(PDCSI_NAMESPACE)"
    31            - "--timeout=300s"
    32          env:
    33            - name: PDCSI_NAMESPACE
    34              valueFrom:
    35                fieldRef:
    36                  fieldPath: metadata.namespace
    37          imagePullPolicy: Always
    38          volumeMounts:
    39            - name: socket-dir
    40              mountPath: /csi
    41        - name: csi-provisioner
    42          image: registry.k8s.io/sig-storage/csi-provisioner:v3.4.0
    43          args:
    44            - "--v=5"
    45            - "--csi-address=/csi/csi.sock"
    46            - "--feature-gates=Topology=true"
    47            - "--http-endpoint=:22011"
    48            - "--leader-election-namespace=$(PDCSI_NAMESPACE)"
    49            - "--timeout=250s"
    50            - "--extra-create-metadata"
    51          # - "--run-controller-service=false"  # disable the controller service of the CSI driver
    52          # - "--run-node-service=false"        # disable the node service of the CSI driver
    53            - "--leader-election"
    54            - "--default-fstype=ext4"
    55          env:
    56            - name: PDCSI_NAMESPACE
    57              valueFrom:
    58                fieldRef:
    59                  fieldPath: metadata.namespace
    60          ports:
    61            - containerPort: 22011
    62              name: http-endpoint
    63              protocol: TCP
    64          livenessProbe:
    65            failureThreshold: 1
    66            httpGet:
    67              path: /healthz/leader-election
    68              port: http-endpoint
    69            initialDelaySeconds: 10
    70            timeoutSeconds: 10
    71            periodSeconds: 20
    72          volumeMounts:
    73            - name: socket-dir
    74              mountPath: /csi
    75        - name: csi-attacher
    76          image: registry.k8s.io/sig-storage/csi-attacher:v4.0.0
    77          args:
    78            - "--v=5"
    79            - "--csi-address=/csi/csi.sock"
    80            - "--http-endpoint=:22012"
    81            - "--leader-election"
    82            - "--leader-election-namespace=$(PDCSI_NAMESPACE)"
    83            - "--timeout=250s"
    84          env:
    85            - name: PDCSI_NAMESPACE
    86              valueFrom:
    87                fieldRef:
    88                  fieldPath: metadata.namespace
    89          ports:
    90            - containerPort: 22012
    91              name: http-endpoint
    92              protocol: TCP
    93          livenessProbe:
    94            failureThreshold: 1
    95            httpGet:
    96              path: /healthz/leader-election
    97              port: http-endpoint
    98            initialDelaySeconds: 10
    99            timeoutSeconds: 10
   100            periodSeconds: 20
   101          volumeMounts:
   102            - name: socket-dir
   103              mountPath: /csi
   104        - name: csi-resizer
   105          image: registry.k8s.io/sig-storage/csi-resizer:v1.6.0
   106          args:
   107            - "--v=5"
   108            - "--csi-address=/csi/csi.sock"
   109            - "--http-endpoint=:22013"
   110            - "--leader-election"
   111            - "--leader-election-namespace=$(PDCSI_NAMESPACE)"
   112            - "--handle-volume-inuse-error=false"
   113          env:
   114            - name: PDCSI_NAMESPACE
   115              valueFrom:
   116                fieldRef:
   117                  fieldPath: metadata.namespace
   118          ports:
   119            - containerPort: 22013
   120              name: http-endpoint
   121              protocol: TCP
   122          livenessProbe:
   123            failureThreshold: 1
   124            httpGet:
   125              path: /healthz/leader-election
   126              port: http-endpoint
   127            initialDelaySeconds: 10
   128            timeoutSeconds: 10
   129            periodSeconds: 20
   130          volumeMounts:
   131            - name: socket-dir
   132              mountPath: /csi
   133        - name: gce-pd-driver
   134          image: registry.k8s.io/cloud-provider-gcp/gcp-compute-persistent-disk-csi-driver:v1.4.0
   135          args:
   136            - "--v=5"
   137            - "--endpoint=unix:/csi/csi.sock"
   138          env:
   139            - name: GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS
   140              value: "/etc/cloud-sa/cloud-sa.json"
   141          volumeMounts:
   142            - name: socket-dir
   143              mountPath: /csi
   144            - name: cloud-sa-volume
   145              readOnly: true
   146              mountPath: "/etc/cloud-sa"
   147      volumes:
   148        - name: socket-dir
   149          emptyDir: {}
   150        - name: cloud-sa-volume
   151          secret:
   152            secretName: cloud-sa

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