1apiVersion: apps/v1
2kind: StatefulSet
4 name: cockroachdb
6 serviceName: "cockroachdb"
7 replicas: 3
8 selector:
9 matchLabels:
10 app: cockroachdb
11 template:
12 metadata:
13 labels:
14 app: cockroachdb
15 spec:
16 # Init containers are run only once in the lifetime of a pod, before
17 # it's started up for the first time. It has to exit successfully
18 # before the pod's main containers are allowed to start.
19 # This particular init container does a DNS lookup for other pods in
20 # the set to help determine whether or not a cluster already exists.
21 # If any other pods exist, it creates a file in the cockroach-data
22 # directory to pass that information along to the primary container that
23 # has to decide what command-line flags to use when starting CockroachDB.
24 # This only matters when a pod's persistent volume is empty - if it has
25 # data from a previous execution, that data will always be used.
26 initContainers:
27 - name: bootstrap
28 image: cockroachdb/cockroach-k8s-init:0.1
29 imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
30 args:
31 - "-on-start=/on-start.sh"
32 - "-service=cockroachdb"
33 env:
34 - name: POD_NAMESPACE
35 valueFrom:
36 fieldRef:
37 fieldPath: metadata.namespace
38 volumeMounts:
39 - name: datadir
40 mountPath: "/cockroach/cockroach-data"
41 affinity:
42 podAntiAffinity:
43 preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution:
44 - weight: 100
45 podAffinityTerm:
46 labelSelector:
47 matchExpressions:
48 - key: app
49 operator: In
50 values:
51 - cockroachdb
52 topologyKey: kubernetes.io/hostname
53 containers:
54 - name: cockroachdb
55 image: cockroachdb/cockroach:v1.0
56 imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
57 ports:
58 - containerPort: 26257
59 name: grpc
60 - containerPort: 8080
61 name: http
62 volumeMounts:
63 - name: datadir
64 mountPath: /cockroach/cockroach-data
65 command:
66 - "/bin/bash"
67 - "-ecx"
68 - |
69 # The use of qualified `hostname -f` is crucial:
70 # Other nodes aren't able to look up the unqualified hostname.
71 CRARGS=("start" "--logtostderr" "--insecure" "--host" "$(hostname -f)" "--http-host" "")
72 # We only want to initialize a new cluster (by omitting the join flag)
73 # if we're sure that we're the first node (i.e. index 0) and that
74 # there aren't any other nodes running as part of the cluster that
75 # this is supposed to be a part of (which indicates that a cluster
76 # already exists and we should make sure not to create a new one).
77 # It's fine to run without --join on a restart if there aren't any
78 # other nodes.
79 if [ ! "$(hostname)" == "cockroachdb-0" ] || \
80 [ -e "/cockroach/cockroach-data/cluster_exists_marker" ]
81 then
82 # We don't join cockroachdb in order to avoid a node attempting
83 # to join itself, which currently doesn't work
84 # (https://github.com/cockroachdb/cockroach/issues/9625).
85 CRARGS+=("--join" "cockroachdb-0.cockroachdb,cockroachdb-1.cockroachdb,cockroachdb-2.cockroachdb")
86 fi
87 exec /cockroach/cockroach ${CRARGS[*]}
88 # No pre-stop hook is required, a SIGTERM plus some time is all that's
89 # needed for graceful shutdown of a node.
90 terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 60
91 volumes:
92 - name: datadir
93 persistentVolumeClaim:
94 claimName: datadir
95 volumeClaimTemplates:
96 - metadata:
97 name: datadir
98 spec:
99 accessModes:
100 - "ReadWriteOnce"
101 resources:
102 requests:
103 storage: 1Gi
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