
Text file src/k8s.io/kubernetes/test/e2e/testing-manifests/scheduling/nvidia-driver-installer.yaml

Documentation: k8s.io/kubernetes/test/e2e/testing-manifests/scheduling

     1# This DaemonSet was originally referenced from
     2# https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/container-engine-accelerators/blob/master/daemonset.yaml
     4# The Dockerfile and other source for this daemonset are in
     5# https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/cos-gpu-installer
     7apiVersion: apps/v1
     8kind: DaemonSet
    10  name: nvidia-driver-installer
    11  namespace: kube-system
    12  labels:
    13    k8s-app: nvidia-driver-installer
    15  selector:
    16    matchLabels:
    17      k8s-app: nvidia-driver-installer
    18  updateStrategy:
    19    type: RollingUpdate
    20  template:
    21    metadata:
    22      labels:
    23        name: nvidia-driver-installer
    24        k8s-app: nvidia-driver-installer
    25    spec:
    26      affinity:
    27        nodeAffinity:
    28          requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution:
    29            nodeSelectorTerms:
    30            - matchExpressions:
    31              - key: cloud.google.com/gke-accelerator
    32                operator: Exists
    33      tolerations:
    34      - operator: "Exists"
    35      hostNetwork: true
    36      hostPID: true
    37      volumes:
    38      - name: dev
    39        hostPath:
    40          path: /dev
    41      - name: vulkan-icd-mount
    42        hostPath:
    43          path: /home/kubernetes/bin/nvidia/vulkan/icd.d
    44      - name: nvidia-install-dir-host
    45        hostPath:
    46          path: /home/kubernetes/bin/nvidia
    47      - name: root-mount
    48        hostPath:
    49          path: /
    50      initContainers:
    51        # The COS GPU installer image version may be dependent on the version of COS being used.
    52        # Refer to details about the installer in https://cos.googlesource.com/cos/tools/+/refs/heads/master/src/cmd/cos_gpu_installer/
    53        # and the COS release notes (https://cloud.google.com/container-optimized-os/docs/release-notes) to determine version COS GPU installer for a given version of COS.
    55        # Maps to gcr.io/cos-cloud/cos-gpu-installer:v2.1.10 - suitable for COS M109 as per https://cloud.google.com/container-optimized-os/docs/release-notes
    56      - image: gcr.io/cos-cloud/cos-gpu-installer:v2.1.10
    57        name: nvidia-driver-installer
    58        resources:
    59          requests:
    60            cpu: 0.15
    61        securityContext:
    62          privileged: true
    63        env:
    64          - name: NVIDIA_INSTALL_DIR_HOST
    65            value: /home/kubernetes/bin/nvidia
    66          - name: NVIDIA_INSTALL_DIR_CONTAINER
    67            value: /usr/local/nvidia
    68          - name: VULKAN_ICD_DIR_HOST
    69            value: /home/kubernetes/bin/nvidia/vulkan/icd.d
    70          - name: VULKAN_ICD_DIR_CONTAINER
    71            value: /etc/vulkan/icd.d
    72          - name: ROOT_MOUNT_DIR
    73            value: /root
    74        volumeMounts:
    75        - name: nvidia-install-dir-host
    76          mountPath: /usr/local/nvidia
    77        - name: vulkan-icd-mount
    78          mountPath: /etc/vulkan/icd.d
    79        - name: dev
    80          mountPath: /dev
    81        - name: root-mount
    82          mountPath: /root
    83      containers:
    84      - image: "registry.k8s.io/pause:3.9"
    85        name: pause

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