
Source file src/k8s.io/kubernetes/test/e2e/framework/internal/unittests/bugs/bugs.go

Documentation: k8s.io/kubernetes/test/e2e/framework/internal/unittests/bugs

     1  /*
     2  Copyright 2023 The Kubernetes Authors.
     4  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     5  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     6  You may obtain a copy of the License at
     8      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
    10  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    11  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    12  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    13  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    14  limitations under the License.
    15  */
    17  package bugs
    19  import (
    20  	"bytes"
    21  	"testing"
    23  	"github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2"
    24  	"k8s.io/kubernetes/test/e2e/framework"
    25  	"k8s.io/kubernetes/test/e2e/framework/internal/unittests/bugs/features"
    26  )
    28  // The line number of the following code is checked in BugOutput below.
    29  // Be careful when moving it around or changing the import statements above.
    30  // Here are some intentionally blank lines that can be removed to compensate
    31  // for future additional import statements.
    32  //
    33  //
    34  //
    35  //
    36  //
    37  //
    38  //
    39  //
    40  //
    41  //
    42  //
    43  //
    44  //
    45  //
    46  //
    47  //
    48  //
    49  //
    50  // This must be line #50.
    52  func helper() {
    53  	framework.RecordBug(framework.NewBug("new bug", 0))
    54  	framework.RecordBug(framework.NewBug("parent", 1))
    55  }
    57  func RecordBugs() {
    58  	helper()
    59  	framework.RecordBug(framework.Bug{FileName: "buggy/buggy.go", LineNumber: 100, Message: "hello world"})
    60  	framework.RecordBug(framework.Bug{FileName: "some/relative/path/buggy.go", LineNumber: 200, Message: "    with spaces    \n"})
    61  }
    63  var (
    64  	validFeature     = framework.ValidFeatures.Add("feature-foo")
    65  	validEnvironment = framework.ValidEnvironments.Add("Linux")
    66  	validNodeFeature = framework.ValidNodeFeatures.Add("node-feature-foo")
    67  )
    69  func Describe() {
    70  	// Normally a single line would be better, but this is an extreme example and
    71  	// thus uses multiple.
    72  	framework.SIGDescribe("testing")("abc",
    73  		// Bugs in parameters will be attributed to the Describe call, not the line of the parameter.
    74  		"",        // buggy: not needed
    75  		" space1", // buggy: leading white space
    76  		"space2 ", // buggy: trailing white space
    77  		framework.WithFeature("no-such-feature"),
    78  		framework.WithFeature(validFeature),
    79  		framework.WithEnvironment("no-such-env"),
    80  		framework.WithEnvironment(validEnvironment),
    81  		framework.WithNodeFeature("no-such-node-env"),
    82  		framework.WithNodeFeature(validNodeFeature),
    83  		framework.WithFeatureGate("no-such-feature-gate"),
    84  		framework.WithFeatureGate(features.Alpha),
    85  		framework.WithFeatureGate(features.Beta),
    86  		framework.WithFeatureGate(features.GA),
    87  		framework.WithConformance(),
    88  		framework.WithNodeConformance(),
    89  		framework.WithSlow(),
    90  		framework.WithSerial(),
    91  		framework.WithDisruptive(),
    92  		framework.WithLabel("custom-label"),
    93  		"xyz", // okay, becomes part of the final text
    94  		func() {
    95  			f := framework.NewDefaultFramework("abc")
    97  			framework.Context("y", framework.WithLabel("foo"), func() {
    98  				framework.It("should", f.WithLabel("bar"), func() {
    99  				})
   100  			})
   102  			f.Context("x", f.WithLabel("foo"), func() {
   103  				f.It("should", f.WithLabel("bar"), func() {
   104  				})
   105  			})
   106  		},
   107  	)
   109  	framework.SIGDescribe("123")
   110  }
   112  const (
   113  	numBugs   = 3
   114  	bugOutput = `ERROR: bugs.go:53: new bug
   115  ERROR: bugs.go:58: parent
   116  ERROR: bugs.go:72: empty strings as separators are unnecessary and need to be removed
   117  ERROR: bugs.go:72: trailing or leading spaces are unnecessary and need to be removed: " space1"
   118  ERROR: bugs.go:72: trailing or leading spaces are unnecessary and need to be removed: "space2 "
   119  ERROR: bugs.go:77: WithFeature: unknown feature "no-such-feature"
   120  ERROR: bugs.go:79: WithEnvironment: unknown environment "no-such-env"
   121  ERROR: bugs.go:81: WithNodeFeature: unknown environment "no-such-node-env"
   122  ERROR: bugs.go:83: WithFeatureGate: the feature gate "no-such-feature-gate" is unknown
   123  ERROR: bugs.go:109: SIG label must be lowercase, no spaces and no sig- prefix, got instead: "123"
   124  ERROR: buggy/buggy.go:100: hello world
   125  ERROR: some/relative/path/buggy.go:200: with spaces
   126  `
   127  	// Used by unittests/list-tests. It's sorted by test name, not source code location.
   128  	ListTestsOutput = `The following spec names can be used with 'ginkgo run --focus/skip':
   129      ../bugs/bugs.go:103: [sig-testing] abc   space1 space2  [Feature:no-such-feature] [Feature:feature-foo] [Environment:no-such-env] [Environment:Linux] [NodeFeature:no-such-node-env] [NodeFeature:node-feature-foo] [FeatureGate:no-such-feature-gate] [FeatureGate:TestAlphaFeature] [Alpha] [FeatureGate:TestBetaFeature] [Beta] [FeatureGate:TestGAFeature] [Conformance] [NodeConformance] [Slow] [Serial] [Disruptive] [custom-label] xyz x [foo] should [bar]
   130      ../bugs/bugs.go:98: [sig-testing] abc   space1 space2  [Feature:no-such-feature] [Feature:feature-foo] [Environment:no-such-env] [Environment:Linux] [NodeFeature:no-such-node-env] [NodeFeature:node-feature-foo] [FeatureGate:no-such-feature-gate] [FeatureGate:TestAlphaFeature] [Alpha] [FeatureGate:TestBetaFeature] [Beta] [FeatureGate:TestGAFeature] [Conformance] [NodeConformance] [Slow] [Serial] [Disruptive] [custom-label] xyz y [foo] should [bar]
   132  `
   134  	// Used by unittests/list-labels.
   135  	ListLabelsOutput = `The following labels can be used with 'ginkgo run --label-filter':
   136      Alpha
   137      Beta
   138      Conformance
   139      Disruptive
   140      Environment:Linux
   141      Environment:no-such-env
   142      Feature:feature-foo
   143      Feature:no-such-feature
   144      FeatureGate:TestAlphaFeature
   145      FeatureGate:TestBetaFeature
   146      FeatureGate:TestGAFeature
   147      FeatureGate:no-such-feature-gate
   148      NodeConformance
   149      NodeFeature:no-such-node-env
   150      NodeFeature:node-feature-foo
   151      Serial
   152      Slow
   153      bar
   154      custom-label
   155      foo
   156      sig-testing
   158  `
   159  )
   161  func GetGinkgoOutput(t *testing.T) string {
   162  	var buffer bytes.Buffer
   163  	ginkgo.GinkgoWriter.TeeTo(&buffer)
   164  	t.Cleanup(ginkgo.GinkgoWriter.ClearTeeWriters)
   166  	suiteConfig, reporterConfig := framework.CreateGinkgoConfig()
   167  	fakeT := &testing.T{}
   168  	ginkgo.RunSpecs(fakeT, "Buggy Suite", suiteConfig, reporterConfig)
   170  	return buffer.String()
   171  }

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