
Source file src/k8s.io/kubernetes/test/e2e/autoscaling/horizontal_pod_autoscaling_behavior.go

Documentation: k8s.io/kubernetes/test/e2e/autoscaling

     1  /*
     2  Copyright 2022 The Kubernetes Authors.
     4  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     5  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     6  You may obtain a copy of the License at
     8      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
    10  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    11  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    12  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    13  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    14  limitations under the License.
    15  */
    17  package autoscaling
    19  import (
    20  	"context"
    21  	"time"
    23  	autoscalingv2 "k8s.io/api/autoscaling/v2"
    24  	"k8s.io/kubernetes/test/e2e/feature"
    25  	"k8s.io/kubernetes/test/e2e/framework"
    26  	e2eautoscaling "k8s.io/kubernetes/test/e2e/framework/autoscaling"
    27  	admissionapi "k8s.io/pod-security-admission/api"
    29  	"github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2"
    30  	"github.com/onsi/gomega"
    31  )
    33  var _ = SIGDescribe(feature.HPA, framework.WithSerial(), framework.WithSlow(), "Horizontal pod autoscaling (non-default behavior)", func() {
    34  	f := framework.NewDefaultFramework("horizontal-pod-autoscaling")
    35  	f.NamespacePodSecurityLevel = admissionapi.LevelPrivileged
    37  	hpaName := "consumer"
    39  	podCPURequest := 500
    40  	targetCPUUtilizationPercent := 25
    42  	// usageForReplicas returns usage for (n - 0.5) replicas as if they would consume all CPU
    43  	// under the target. The 0.5 replica reduction is to accommodate for the deviation between
    44  	// the actual consumed cpu and requested usage by the ResourceConsumer.
    45  	// HPA rounds up the recommendations. So, if the usage is e.g. for 3.5 replicas,
    46  	// the recommended replica number will be 4.
    47  	usageForReplicas := func(replicas int) int {
    48  		usagePerReplica := podCPURequest * targetCPUUtilizationPercent / 100
    49  		return replicas*usagePerReplica - usagePerReplica/2
    50  	}
    52  	fullWindowOfNewUsage := 30 * time.Second
    53  	windowWithOldUsagePasses := 30 * time.Second
    54  	newPodMetricsDelay := 15 * time.Second
    55  	metricsAvailableDelay := fullWindowOfNewUsage + windowWithOldUsagePasses + newPodMetricsDelay
    57  	hpaReconciliationInterval := 15 * time.Second
    58  	actuationDelay := 10 * time.Second
    59  	maxHPAReactionTime := metricsAvailableDelay + hpaReconciliationInterval + actuationDelay
    61  	maxConsumeCPUDelay := 30 * time.Second
    62  	waitForReplicasPollInterval := 20 * time.Second
    63  	maxResourceConsumerDelay := maxConsumeCPUDelay + waitForReplicasPollInterval
    65  	waitBuffer := 1 * time.Minute
    67  	ginkgo.Describe("with short downscale stabilization window", func() {
    68  		ginkgo.It("should scale down soon after the stabilization period", func(ctx context.Context) {
    69  			ginkgo.By("setting up resource consumer and HPA")
    70  			initPods := 1
    71  			initCPUUsageTotal := usageForReplicas(initPods)
    72  			upScaleStabilization := 0 * time.Minute
    73  			downScaleStabilization := 1 * time.Minute
    75  			rc := e2eautoscaling.NewDynamicResourceConsumer(ctx,
    76  				hpaName, f.Namespace.Name, e2eautoscaling.KindDeployment, initPods,
    77  				initCPUUsageTotal, 0, 0, int64(podCPURequest), 200,
    78  				f.ClientSet, f.ScalesGetter, e2eautoscaling.Disable, e2eautoscaling.Idle,
    79  			)
    80  			ginkgo.DeferCleanup(rc.CleanUp)
    82  			hpa := e2eautoscaling.CreateCPUHorizontalPodAutoscalerWithBehavior(ctx,
    83  				rc, int32(targetCPUUtilizationPercent), 1, 5,
    84  				e2eautoscaling.HPABehaviorWithStabilizationWindows(upScaleStabilization, downScaleStabilization),
    85  			)
    86  			ginkgo.DeferCleanup(e2eautoscaling.DeleteHPAWithBehavior, rc, hpa.Name)
    88  			// making sure HPA is ready, doing its job and already has a recommendation recorded
    89  			// for stabilization logic before lowering the consumption
    90  			ginkgo.By("triggering scale up to record a recommendation")
    91  			rc.ConsumeCPU(usageForReplicas(3))
    92  			rc.WaitForReplicas(ctx, 3, maxHPAReactionTime+maxResourceConsumerDelay+waitBuffer)
    94  			ginkgo.By("triggering scale down by lowering consumption")
    95  			rc.ConsumeCPU(usageForReplicas(2))
    96  			waitStart := time.Now()
    97  			rc.WaitForReplicas(ctx, 2, downScaleStabilization+maxHPAReactionTime+maxResourceConsumerDelay+waitBuffer)
    98  			timeWaited := time.Now().Sub(waitStart)
   100  			ginkgo.By("verifying time waited for a scale down")
   101  			framework.Logf("time waited for scale down: %s", timeWaited)
   102  			gomega.Expect(timeWaited).To(gomega.BeNumerically(">", downScaleStabilization), "waited %s, wanted more than %s", timeWaited, downScaleStabilization)
   103  			deadline := downScaleStabilization + maxHPAReactionTime + maxResourceConsumerDelay
   104  			gomega.Expect(timeWaited).To(gomega.BeNumerically("<", deadline), "waited %s, wanted less than %s", timeWaited, deadline)
   105  		})
   106  	})
   108  	ginkgo.Describe("with long upscale stabilization window", func() {
   109  		ginkgo.It("should scale up only after the stabilization period", func(ctx context.Context) {
   110  			ginkgo.By("setting up resource consumer and HPA")
   111  			initPods := 2
   112  			initCPUUsageTotal := usageForReplicas(initPods)
   113  			upScaleStabilization := 3 * time.Minute
   114  			downScaleStabilization := 0 * time.Minute
   116  			rc := e2eautoscaling.NewDynamicResourceConsumer(ctx,
   117  				hpaName, f.Namespace.Name, e2eautoscaling.KindDeployment, initPods,
   118  				initCPUUsageTotal, 0, 0, int64(podCPURequest), 200,
   119  				f.ClientSet, f.ScalesGetter, e2eautoscaling.Disable, e2eautoscaling.Idle,
   120  			)
   121  			ginkgo.DeferCleanup(rc.CleanUp)
   123  			hpa := e2eautoscaling.CreateCPUHorizontalPodAutoscalerWithBehavior(ctx,
   124  				rc, int32(targetCPUUtilizationPercent), 1, 10,
   125  				e2eautoscaling.HPABehaviorWithStabilizationWindows(upScaleStabilization, downScaleStabilization),
   126  			)
   127  			ginkgo.DeferCleanup(e2eautoscaling.DeleteHPAWithBehavior, rc, hpa.Name)
   129  			// making sure HPA is ready, doing its job and already has a recommendation recorded
   130  			// for stabilization logic before increasing the consumption
   131  			ginkgo.By("triggering scale down to record a recommendation")
   132  			rc.ConsumeCPU(usageForReplicas(1))
   133  			rc.WaitForReplicas(ctx, 1, maxHPAReactionTime+maxResourceConsumerDelay+waitBuffer)
   135  			ginkgo.By("triggering scale up by increasing consumption")
   136  			rc.ConsumeCPU(usageForReplicas(3))
   137  			waitStart := time.Now()
   138  			rc.WaitForReplicas(ctx, 3, upScaleStabilization+maxHPAReactionTime+maxResourceConsumerDelay+waitBuffer)
   139  			timeWaited := time.Now().Sub(waitStart)
   141  			ginkgo.By("verifying time waited for a scale up")
   142  			framework.Logf("time waited for scale up: %s", timeWaited)
   143  			gomega.Expect(timeWaited).To(gomega.BeNumerically(">", upScaleStabilization), "waited %s, wanted more than %s", timeWaited, upScaleStabilization)
   144  			deadline := upScaleStabilization + maxHPAReactionTime + maxResourceConsumerDelay
   145  			gomega.Expect(timeWaited).To(gomega.BeNumerically("<", deadline), "waited %s, wanted less than %s", timeWaited, deadline)
   146  		})
   147  	})
   149  	ginkgo.Describe("with autoscaling disabled", func() {
   150  		ginkgo.It("shouldn't scale up", func(ctx context.Context) {
   151  			ginkgo.By("setting up resource consumer and HPA")
   152  			initPods := 1
   153  			initCPUUsageTotal := usageForReplicas(initPods)
   155  			rc := e2eautoscaling.NewDynamicResourceConsumer(ctx,
   156  				hpaName, f.Namespace.Name, e2eautoscaling.KindDeployment, initPods,
   157  				initCPUUsageTotal, 0, 0, int64(podCPURequest), 200,
   158  				f.ClientSet, f.ScalesGetter, e2eautoscaling.Disable, e2eautoscaling.Idle,
   159  			)
   160  			ginkgo.DeferCleanup(rc.CleanUp)
   162  			hpa := e2eautoscaling.CreateCPUHorizontalPodAutoscalerWithBehavior(ctx,
   163  				rc, int32(targetCPUUtilizationPercent), 1, 10, e2eautoscaling.HPABehaviorWithScaleDisabled(e2eautoscaling.ScaleUpDirection),
   164  			)
   165  			ginkgo.DeferCleanup(e2eautoscaling.DeleteHPAWithBehavior, rc, hpa.Name)
   167  			waitDeadline := maxHPAReactionTime + maxResourceConsumerDelay + waitBuffer
   169  			ginkgo.By("trying to trigger scale up")
   170  			rc.ConsumeCPU(usageForReplicas(8))
   171  			waitStart := time.Now()
   173  			rc.EnsureDesiredReplicasInRange(ctx, initPods, initPods, waitDeadline, hpa.Name)
   174  			timeWaited := time.Now().Sub(waitStart)
   176  			ginkgo.By("verifying time waited for a scale up")
   177  			framework.Logf("time waited for scale up: %s", timeWaited)
   178  			gomega.Expect(timeWaited).To(gomega.BeNumerically(">", waitDeadline), "waited %s, wanted to wait more than %s", timeWaited, waitDeadline)
   180  			ginkgo.By("verifying number of replicas")
   181  			replicas, err := rc.GetReplicas(ctx)
   182  			framework.ExpectNoError(err)
   183  			gomega.Expect(replicas).To(gomega.BeNumerically("==", initPods), "had %s replicas, still have %s replicas after time deadline", initPods, replicas)
   184  		})
   186  		ginkgo.It("shouldn't scale down", func(ctx context.Context) {
   187  			ginkgo.By("setting up resource consumer and HPA")
   188  			initPods := 3
   189  			initCPUUsageTotal := usageForReplicas(initPods)
   191  			rc := e2eautoscaling.NewDynamicResourceConsumer(ctx,
   192  				hpaName, f.Namespace.Name, e2eautoscaling.KindDeployment, initPods,
   193  				initCPUUsageTotal, 0, 0, int64(podCPURequest), 200,
   194  				f.ClientSet, f.ScalesGetter, e2eautoscaling.Disable, e2eautoscaling.Idle,
   195  			)
   196  			ginkgo.DeferCleanup(rc.CleanUp)
   198  			hpa := e2eautoscaling.CreateCPUHorizontalPodAutoscalerWithBehavior(ctx,
   199  				rc, int32(targetCPUUtilizationPercent), 1, 10, e2eautoscaling.HPABehaviorWithScaleDisabled(e2eautoscaling.ScaleDownDirection),
   200  			)
   201  			ginkgo.DeferCleanup(e2eautoscaling.DeleteHPAWithBehavior, rc, hpa.Name)
   203  			defaultDownscaleStabilisation := 5 * time.Minute
   204  			waitDeadline := maxHPAReactionTime + maxResourceConsumerDelay + defaultDownscaleStabilisation
   206  			ginkgo.By("trying to trigger scale down")
   207  			rc.ConsumeCPU(usageForReplicas(1))
   208  			waitStart := time.Now()
   210  			rc.EnsureDesiredReplicasInRange(ctx, initPods, initPods, waitDeadline, hpa.Name)
   211  			timeWaited := time.Now().Sub(waitStart)
   213  			ginkgo.By("verifying time waited for a scale down")
   214  			framework.Logf("time waited for scale down: %s", timeWaited)
   215  			gomega.Expect(timeWaited).To(gomega.BeNumerically(">", waitDeadline), "waited %s, wanted to wait more than %s", timeWaited, waitDeadline)
   217  			ginkgo.By("verifying number of replicas")
   218  			replicas, err := rc.GetReplicas(ctx)
   219  			framework.ExpectNoError(err)
   220  			gomega.Expect(replicas).To(gomega.BeNumerically("==", initPods), "had %s replicas, still have %s replicas after time deadline", initPods, replicas)
   221  		})
   223  	})
   225  	ginkgo.Describe("with scale limited by number of Pods rate", func() {
   226  		ginkgo.It("should scale up no more than given number of Pods per minute", func(ctx context.Context) {
   227  			ginkgo.By("setting up resource consumer and HPA")
   228  			initPods := 1
   229  			initCPUUsageTotal := usageForReplicas(initPods)
   230  			limitWindowLength := 1 * time.Minute
   231  			podsLimitPerMinute := 1
   233  			rc := e2eautoscaling.NewDynamicResourceConsumer(ctx,
   234  				hpaName, f.Namespace.Name, e2eautoscaling.KindDeployment, initPods,
   235  				initCPUUsageTotal, 0, 0, int64(podCPURequest), 200,
   236  				f.ClientSet, f.ScalesGetter, e2eautoscaling.Disable, e2eautoscaling.Idle,
   237  			)
   238  			ginkgo.DeferCleanup(rc.CleanUp)
   240  			hpa := e2eautoscaling.CreateCPUHorizontalPodAutoscalerWithBehavior(ctx,
   241  				rc, int32(targetCPUUtilizationPercent), 1, 10,
   242  				e2eautoscaling.HPABehaviorWithScaleLimitedByNumberOfPods(e2eautoscaling.ScaleUpDirection, int32(podsLimitPerMinute), int32(limitWindowLength.Seconds())),
   243  			)
   244  			ginkgo.DeferCleanup(e2eautoscaling.DeleteHPAWithBehavior, rc, hpa.Name)
   246  			ginkgo.By("triggering scale up by increasing consumption")
   247  			rc.ConsumeCPU(usageForReplicas(3))
   249  			waitStart := time.Now()
   250  			rc.WaitForReplicas(ctx, 2, maxHPAReactionTime+maxResourceConsumerDelay+limitWindowLength)
   251  			timeWaitedFor2 := time.Now().Sub(waitStart)
   253  			waitStart = time.Now()
   254  			rc.WaitForReplicas(ctx, 3, maxHPAReactionTime+maxResourceConsumerDelay+limitWindowLength)
   255  			timeWaitedFor3 := time.Now().Sub(waitStart)
   257  			ginkgo.By("verifying time waited for a scale up to 2 replicas")
   258  			deadline := limitWindowLength + maxHPAReactionTime + maxResourceConsumerDelay
   259  			// First scale event can happen right away, as there were no scale events in the past.
   260  			gomega.Expect(timeWaitedFor2).To(gomega.BeNumerically("<", deadline), "waited %s, wanted less than %s", timeWaitedFor2, deadline)
   262  			ginkgo.By("verifying time waited for a scale up to 3 replicas")
   263  			// Second scale event needs to respect limit window.
   264  			gomega.Expect(timeWaitedFor3).To(gomega.BeNumerically(">", limitWindowLength), "waited %s, wanted to wait more than %s", timeWaitedFor3, limitWindowLength)
   265  			gomega.Expect(timeWaitedFor3).To(gomega.BeNumerically("<", deadline), "waited %s, wanted less than %s", timeWaitedFor3, deadline)
   266  		})
   268  		ginkgo.It("should scale down no more than given number of Pods per minute", func(ctx context.Context) {
   269  			ginkgo.By("setting up resource consumer and HPA")
   270  			initPods := 3
   271  			initCPUUsageTotal := usageForReplicas(initPods)
   272  			limitWindowLength := 1 * time.Minute
   273  			podsLimitPerMinute := 1
   275  			rc := e2eautoscaling.NewDynamicResourceConsumer(ctx,
   276  				hpaName, f.Namespace.Name, e2eautoscaling.KindDeployment, initPods,
   277  				initCPUUsageTotal, 0, 0, int64(podCPURequest), 200,
   278  				f.ClientSet, f.ScalesGetter, e2eautoscaling.Disable, e2eautoscaling.Idle,
   279  			)
   280  			ginkgo.DeferCleanup(rc.CleanUp)
   282  			hpa := e2eautoscaling.CreateCPUHorizontalPodAutoscalerWithBehavior(ctx,
   283  				rc, int32(targetCPUUtilizationPercent), 1, 10,
   284  				e2eautoscaling.HPABehaviorWithScaleLimitedByNumberOfPods(e2eautoscaling.ScaleDownDirection, int32(podsLimitPerMinute), int32(limitWindowLength.Seconds())),
   285  			)
   286  			ginkgo.DeferCleanup(e2eautoscaling.DeleteHPAWithBehavior, rc, hpa.Name)
   288  			ginkgo.By("triggering scale down by lowering consumption")
   289  			rc.ConsumeCPU(usageForReplicas(1))
   291  			waitStart := time.Now()
   292  			rc.WaitForReplicas(ctx, 2, maxHPAReactionTime+maxResourceConsumerDelay+limitWindowLength)
   293  			timeWaitedFor2 := time.Now().Sub(waitStart)
   295  			waitStart = time.Now()
   296  			rc.WaitForReplicas(ctx, 1, maxHPAReactionTime+maxResourceConsumerDelay+limitWindowLength)
   297  			timeWaitedFor1 := time.Now().Sub(waitStart)
   299  			ginkgo.By("verifying time waited for a scale down to 2 replicas")
   300  			deadline := limitWindowLength + maxHPAReactionTime + maxResourceConsumerDelay
   301  			// First scale event can happen right away, as there were no scale events in the past.
   302  			gomega.Expect(timeWaitedFor2).To(gomega.BeNumerically("<", deadline), "waited %s, wanted less than %s", timeWaitedFor2, deadline)
   304  			ginkgo.By("verifying time waited for a scale down to 1 replicas")
   305  			// Second scale event needs to respect limit window.
   306  			gomega.Expect(timeWaitedFor1).To(gomega.BeNumerically(">", limitWindowLength), "waited %s, wanted more than %s", timeWaitedFor1, limitWindowLength)
   307  			gomega.Expect(timeWaitedFor1).To(gomega.BeNumerically("<", deadline), "waited %s, wanted less than %s", timeWaitedFor1, deadline)
   308  		})
   309  	})
   311  	ginkgo.Describe("with scale limited by percentage", func() {
   312  		ginkgo.It("should scale up no more than given percentage of current Pods per minute", func(ctx context.Context) {
   313  			ginkgo.By("setting up resource consumer and HPA")
   314  			initPods := 2
   315  			initCPUUsageTotal := usageForReplicas(initPods)
   316  			limitWindowLength := 1 * time.Minute
   317  			percentageLimitPerMinute := 50
   319  			rc := e2eautoscaling.NewDynamicResourceConsumer(ctx,
   320  				hpaName, f.Namespace.Name, e2eautoscaling.KindDeployment, initPods,
   321  				initCPUUsageTotal, 0, 0, int64(podCPURequest), 200,
   322  				f.ClientSet, f.ScalesGetter, e2eautoscaling.Disable, e2eautoscaling.Idle,
   323  			)
   324  			ginkgo.DeferCleanup(rc.CleanUp)
   326  			hpa := e2eautoscaling.CreateCPUHorizontalPodAutoscalerWithBehavior(ctx,
   327  				rc, int32(targetCPUUtilizationPercent), 1, 10,
   328  				e2eautoscaling.HPABehaviorWithScaleLimitedByPercentage(e2eautoscaling.ScaleUpDirection, int32(percentageLimitPerMinute), int32(limitWindowLength.Seconds())),
   329  			)
   330  			ginkgo.DeferCleanup(e2eautoscaling.DeleteHPAWithBehavior, rc, hpa.Name)
   332  			ginkgo.By("triggering scale up by increasing consumption")
   333  			rc.ConsumeCPU(usageForReplicas(8))
   335  			waitStart := time.Now()
   336  			rc.WaitForReplicas(ctx, 3, maxHPAReactionTime+maxResourceConsumerDelay+limitWindowLength)
   337  			timeWaitedFor3 := time.Now().Sub(waitStart)
   339  			waitStart = time.Now()
   340  			// Scale up limited by percentage takes ceiling, so new replicas number is ceil(3 * 1.5) = ceil(4.5) = 5
   341  			rc.WaitForReplicas(ctx, 5, maxHPAReactionTime+maxResourceConsumerDelay+limitWindowLength)
   342  			timeWaitedFor5 := time.Now().Sub(waitStart)
   344  			ginkgo.By("verifying time waited for a scale up to 3 replicas")
   345  			deadline := limitWindowLength + maxHPAReactionTime + maxResourceConsumerDelay
   346  			// First scale event can happen right away, as there were no scale events in the past.
   347  			gomega.Expect(timeWaitedFor3).To(gomega.BeNumerically("<", deadline), "waited %s, wanted less than %s", timeWaitedFor3, deadline)
   349  			ginkgo.By("verifying time waited for a scale up to 5 replicas")
   350  			// Second scale event needs to respect limit window.
   351  			gomega.Expect(timeWaitedFor5).To(gomega.BeNumerically(">", limitWindowLength), "waited %s, wanted to wait more than %s", timeWaitedFor5, limitWindowLength)
   352  			gomega.Expect(timeWaitedFor5).To(gomega.BeNumerically("<", deadline), "waited %s, wanted less than %s", timeWaitedFor5, deadline)
   353  		})
   355  		ginkgo.It("should scale down no more than given percentage of current Pods per minute", func(ctx context.Context) {
   356  			ginkgo.By("setting up resource consumer and HPA")
   357  			initPods := 7
   358  			initCPUUsageTotal := usageForReplicas(initPods)
   359  			limitWindowLength := 1 * time.Minute
   360  			percentageLimitPerMinute := 25
   362  			rc := e2eautoscaling.NewDynamicResourceConsumer(ctx,
   363  				hpaName, f.Namespace.Name, e2eautoscaling.KindDeployment, initPods,
   364  				initCPUUsageTotal, 0, 0, int64(podCPURequest), 200,
   365  				f.ClientSet, f.ScalesGetter, e2eautoscaling.Disable, e2eautoscaling.Idle,
   366  			)
   367  			ginkgo.DeferCleanup(rc.CleanUp)
   369  			hpa := e2eautoscaling.CreateCPUHorizontalPodAutoscalerWithBehavior(ctx,
   370  				rc, int32(targetCPUUtilizationPercent), 1, 10,
   371  				e2eautoscaling.HPABehaviorWithScaleLimitedByPercentage(e2eautoscaling.ScaleDownDirection, int32(percentageLimitPerMinute), int32(limitWindowLength.Seconds())),
   372  			)
   373  			ginkgo.DeferCleanup(e2eautoscaling.DeleteHPAWithBehavior, rc, hpa.Name)
   375  			ginkgo.By("triggering scale down by lowering consumption")
   376  			rc.ConsumeCPU(usageForReplicas(1))
   378  			waitStart := time.Now()
   379  			rc.WaitForReplicas(ctx, 5, maxHPAReactionTime+maxResourceConsumerDelay+limitWindowLength)
   380  			timeWaitedFor5 := time.Now().Sub(waitStart)
   382  			waitStart = time.Now()
   383  			// Scale down limited by percentage takes floor, so new replicas number is floor(5 * 0.75) = floor(3.75) = 3
   384  			rc.WaitForReplicas(ctx, 3, maxHPAReactionTime+maxResourceConsumerDelay+limitWindowLength)
   385  			timeWaitedFor3 := time.Now().Sub(waitStart)
   387  			ginkgo.By("verifying time waited for a scale down to 5 replicas")
   388  			deadline := limitWindowLength + maxHPAReactionTime + maxResourceConsumerDelay
   389  			// First scale event can happen right away, as there were no scale events in the past.
   390  			gomega.Expect(timeWaitedFor5).To(gomega.BeNumerically("<", deadline), "waited %s, wanted less than %s", timeWaitedFor5, deadline)
   392  			ginkgo.By("verifying time waited for a scale down to 3 replicas")
   393  			// Second scale event needs to respect limit window.
   394  			gomega.Expect(timeWaitedFor3).To(gomega.BeNumerically(">", limitWindowLength), "waited %s, wanted more than %s", timeWaitedFor3, limitWindowLength)
   395  			gomega.Expect(timeWaitedFor3).To(gomega.BeNumerically("<", deadline), "waited %s, wanted less than %s", timeWaitedFor3, deadline)
   396  		})
   397  	})
   399  	ginkgo.Describe("with both scale up and down controls configured", func() {
   400  		waitBuffer := 2 * time.Minute
   402  		ginkgo.It("should keep recommendation within the range over two stabilization windows", func(ctx context.Context) {
   403  			ginkgo.By("setting up resource consumer and HPA")
   404  			initPods := 1
   405  			initCPUUsageTotal := usageForReplicas(initPods)
   406  			upScaleStabilization := 3 * time.Minute
   407  			downScaleStabilization := 3 * time.Minute
   409  			rc := e2eautoscaling.NewDynamicResourceConsumer(ctx,
   410  				hpaName, f.Namespace.Name, e2eautoscaling.KindDeployment, initPods,
   411  				initCPUUsageTotal, 0, 0, int64(podCPURequest), 200,
   412  				f.ClientSet, f.ScalesGetter, e2eautoscaling.Disable, e2eautoscaling.Idle,
   413  			)
   414  			ginkgo.DeferCleanup(rc.CleanUp)
   416  			hpa := e2eautoscaling.CreateCPUHorizontalPodAutoscalerWithBehavior(ctx,
   417  				rc, int32(targetCPUUtilizationPercent), 1, 5,
   418  				e2eautoscaling.HPABehaviorWithStabilizationWindows(upScaleStabilization, downScaleStabilization),
   419  			)
   420  			ginkgo.DeferCleanup(e2eautoscaling.DeleteHPAWithBehavior, rc, hpa.Name)
   422  			ginkgo.By("triggering scale up by increasing consumption")
   423  			rc.ConsumeCPU(usageForReplicas(3))
   424  			waitDeadline := upScaleStabilization
   426  			ginkgo.By("verifying number of replicas stay in desired range within stabilisation window")
   427  			rc.EnsureDesiredReplicasInRange(ctx, 1, 1, waitDeadline, hpa.Name)
   429  			ginkgo.By("waiting for replicas to scale up after stabilisation window passed")
   430  			waitStart := time.Now()
   431  			waitDeadline = maxHPAReactionTime + maxResourceConsumerDelay + waitBuffer
   432  			rc.WaitForReplicas(ctx, 3, waitDeadline)
   433  			timeWaited := time.Now().Sub(waitStart)
   434  			framework.Logf("time waited for scale up: %s", timeWaited)
   435  			gomega.Expect(timeWaited).To(gomega.BeNumerically("<", waitDeadline), "waited %s, wanted less than %s", timeWaited, waitDeadline)
   437  			ginkgo.By("triggering scale down by lowering consumption")
   438  			rc.ConsumeCPU(usageForReplicas(2))
   439  			waitDeadline = downScaleStabilization
   441  			ginkgo.By("verifying number of replicas stay in desired range within stabilisation window")
   442  			rc.EnsureDesiredReplicasInRange(ctx, 3, 3, waitDeadline, hpa.Name)
   444  			ginkgo.By("waiting for replicas to scale down after stabilisation window passed")
   445  			waitStart = time.Now()
   446  			waitDeadline = maxHPAReactionTime + maxResourceConsumerDelay + waitBuffer
   447  			rc.WaitForReplicas(ctx, 2, waitDeadline)
   448  			timeWaited = time.Now().Sub(waitStart)
   449  			framework.Logf("time waited for scale down: %s", timeWaited)
   450  			gomega.Expect(timeWaited).To(gomega.BeNumerically("<", waitDeadline), "waited %s, wanted less than %s", timeWaited, waitDeadline)
   451  		})
   453  		ginkgo.It("should keep recommendation within the range with stabilization window and pod limit rate", func(ctx context.Context) {
   454  			ginkgo.By("setting up resource consumer and HPA")
   455  			initPods := 2
   456  			initCPUUsageTotal := usageForReplicas(initPods)
   457  			downScaleStabilization := 3 * time.Minute
   458  			limitWindowLength := 2 * time.Minute
   459  			podsLimitPerMinute := 1
   461  			rc := e2eautoscaling.NewDynamicResourceConsumer(ctx,
   462  				hpaName, f.Namespace.Name, e2eautoscaling.KindDeployment, initPods,
   463  				initCPUUsageTotal, 0, 0, int64(podCPURequest), 200,
   464  				f.ClientSet, f.ScalesGetter, e2eautoscaling.Disable, e2eautoscaling.Idle,
   465  			)
   466  			ginkgo.DeferCleanup(rc.CleanUp)
   468  			scaleUpRule := e2eautoscaling.HPAScalingRuleWithScalingPolicy(autoscalingv2.PodsScalingPolicy, int32(podsLimitPerMinute), int32(limitWindowLength.Seconds()))
   469  			scaleDownRule := e2eautoscaling.HPAScalingRuleWithStabilizationWindow(int32(downScaleStabilization.Seconds()))
   470  			hpa := e2eautoscaling.CreateCPUHorizontalPodAutoscalerWithBehavior(ctx,
   471  				rc, int32(targetCPUUtilizationPercent), 2, 5,
   472  				e2eautoscaling.HPABehaviorWithScaleUpAndDownRules(scaleUpRule, scaleDownRule),
   473  			)
   474  			ginkgo.DeferCleanup(e2eautoscaling.DeleteHPAWithBehavior, rc, hpa.Name)
   476  			ginkgo.By("triggering scale up by increasing consumption")
   477  			rc.ConsumeCPU(usageForReplicas(4))
   478  			waitDeadline := limitWindowLength
   480  			ginkgo.By("verifying number of replicas stay in desired range with pod limit rate")
   481  			rc.EnsureDesiredReplicasInRange(ctx, 2, 3, waitDeadline, hpa.Name)
   483  			ginkgo.By("waiting for replicas to scale up")
   484  			waitStart := time.Now()
   485  			waitDeadline = limitWindowLength + maxHPAReactionTime + maxResourceConsumerDelay + waitBuffer
   486  			rc.WaitForReplicas(ctx, 4, waitDeadline)
   487  			timeWaited := time.Now().Sub(waitStart)
   488  			framework.Logf("time waited for scale up: %s", timeWaited)
   489  			gomega.Default.Expect(timeWaited).To(gomega.BeNumerically("<", waitDeadline), "waited %s, wanted less than %s", timeWaited, waitDeadline)
   491  			ginkgo.By("triggering scale down by lowering consumption")
   492  			rc.ConsumeCPU(usageForReplicas(2))
   494  			ginkgo.By("verifying number of replicas stay in desired range within stabilisation window")
   495  			waitDeadline = downScaleStabilization
   496  			rc.EnsureDesiredReplicasInRange(ctx, 4, 4, waitDeadline, hpa.Name)
   498  			ginkgo.By("waiting for replicas to scale down after stabilisation window passed")
   499  			waitStart = time.Now()
   500  			waitDeadline = maxHPAReactionTime + maxResourceConsumerDelay + waitBuffer
   501  			rc.WaitForReplicas(ctx, 2, waitDeadline)
   502  			timeWaited = time.Now().Sub(waitStart)
   503  			framework.Logf("time waited for scale down: %s", timeWaited)
   504  			gomega.Expect(timeWaited).To(gomega.BeNumerically("<", waitDeadline), "waited %s, wanted less than %s", timeWaited, waitDeadline)
   505  		})
   506  	})
   507  })

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