
Source file src/k8s.io/kubernetes/test/e2e/apimachinery/flowcontrol.go

Documentation: k8s.io/kubernetes/test/e2e/apimachinery

     1  /*
     2  Copyright 2016 The Kubernetes Authors.
     4  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     5  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     6  You may obtain a copy of the License at
     8      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
    10  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    11  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    12  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    13  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    14  limitations under the License.
    15  */
    17  package apimachinery
    19  import (
    20  	"bytes"
    21  	"context"
    22  	"errors"
    23  	"fmt"
    24  	"io"
    25  	"net/http"
    26  	"sync"
    27  	"sync/atomic"
    28  	"time"
    30  	"github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2"
    31  	"github.com/onsi/gomega"
    32  	"github.com/prometheus/common/expfmt"
    33  	"github.com/prometheus/common/model"
    35  	flowcontrol "k8s.io/api/flowcontrol/v1"
    36  	apierrors "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/api/errors"
    37  	metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"
    38  	"k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/types"
    39  	utilrand "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/rand"
    40  	"k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/wait"
    41  	"k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/watch"
    42  	"k8s.io/apiserver/pkg/util/apihelpers"
    43  	clientset "k8s.io/client-go/kubernetes"
    44  	"k8s.io/client-go/rest"
    45  	clientsideflowcontrol "k8s.io/client-go/util/flowcontrol"
    46  	"k8s.io/client-go/util/retry"
    47  	"k8s.io/kubernetes/test/e2e/framework"
    48  	admissionapi "k8s.io/pod-security-admission/api"
    49  	"k8s.io/utils/ptr"
    50  )
    52  const (
    53  	nominalConcurrencyLimitMetricName = "apiserver_flowcontrol_nominal_limit_seats"
    54  	priorityLevelLabelName            = "priority_level"
    55  )
    57  var (
    58  	errPriorityLevelNotFound = errors.New("cannot find a metric sample with a matching priority level name label")
    59  )
    61  var _ = SIGDescribe("API priority and fairness", func() {
    62  	f := framework.NewDefaultFramework("apf")
    63  	f.NamespacePodSecurityLevel = admissionapi.LevelPrivileged
    65  	ginkgo.It("should ensure that requests can be classified by adding FlowSchema and PriorityLevelConfiguration", func(ctx context.Context) {
    66  		testingFlowSchemaName := "e2e-testing-flowschema"
    67  		testingPriorityLevelName := "e2e-testing-prioritylevel"
    68  		matchingUsername := "noxu"
    69  		nonMatchingUsername := "foo"
    71  		ginkgo.By("creating a testing PriorityLevelConfiguration object")
    72  		createdPriorityLevel := createPriorityLevel(ctx, f, testingPriorityLevelName, 1)
    74  		ginkgo.By("creating a testing FlowSchema object")
    75  		createdFlowSchema := createFlowSchema(ctx, f, testingFlowSchemaName, 1000, testingPriorityLevelName, []string{matchingUsername})
    77  		ginkgo.By("waiting for testing FlowSchema and PriorityLevelConfiguration to reach steady state")
    78  		waitForSteadyState(ctx, f, testingFlowSchemaName, testingPriorityLevelName)
    80  		var response *http.Response
    81  		ginkgo.By("response headers should contain the UID of the appropriate FlowSchema and PriorityLevelConfiguration for a matching user")
    82  		response = makeRequest(f, matchingUsername)
    83  		if plUIDWant, plUIDGot := string(createdPriorityLevel.UID), getPriorityLevelUID(response); plUIDWant != plUIDGot {
    84  			framework.Failf("expected PriorityLevelConfiguration UID in the response header: %s, but got: %s, response header: %#v", plUIDWant, plUIDGot, response.Header)
    85  		}
    86  		if fsUIDWant, fsUIDGot := string(createdFlowSchema.UID), getFlowSchemaUID(response); fsUIDWant != fsUIDGot {
    87  			framework.Failf("expected FlowSchema UID in the response header: %s, but got: %s, response header: %#v", fsUIDWant, fsUIDGot, response.Header)
    88  		}
    90  		ginkgo.By("response headers should contain non-empty UID of FlowSchema and PriorityLevelConfiguration for a non-matching user")
    91  		response = makeRequest(f, nonMatchingUsername)
    92  		if plUIDGot := getPriorityLevelUID(response); plUIDGot == "" {
    93  			framework.Failf("expected a non-empty PriorityLevelConfiguration UID in the response header, but got: %s, response header: %#v", plUIDGot, response.Header)
    94  		}
    95  		if fsUIDGot := getFlowSchemaUID(response); fsUIDGot == "" {
    96  			framework.Failf("expected a non-empty FlowSchema UID in the response header but got: %s, response header: %#v", fsUIDGot, response.Header)
    97  		}
    98  	})
   100  	// This test creates two flow schemas and a corresponding priority level for
   101  	// each flow schema. One flow schema has a higher match precedence. With two
   102  	// clients making requests at different rates, we test to make sure that the
   103  	// higher QPS client cannot drown out the other one despite having higher
   104  	// priority.
   105  	ginkgo.It("should ensure that requests can't be drowned out (priority)", func(ctx context.Context) {
   106  		// See https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/issues/96710
   107  		ginkgo.Skip("skipping test until flakiness is resolved")
   109  		flowSchemaNamePrefix := "e2e-testing-flowschema-" + f.UniqueName
   110  		priorityLevelNamePrefix := "e2e-testing-prioritylevel-" + f.UniqueName
   111  		loadDuration := 10 * time.Second
   112  		highQPSClientName := "highqps-" + f.UniqueName
   113  		lowQPSClientName := "lowqps-" + f.UniqueName
   115  		type client struct {
   116  			username                    string
   117  			qps                         float64
   118  			priorityLevelName           string  //lint:ignore U1000 field is actually used
   119  			concurrencyMultiplier       float64 //lint:ignore U1000 field is actually used
   120  			concurrency                 int32
   121  			flowSchemaName              string //lint:ignore U1000 field is actually used
   122  			matchingPrecedence          int32  //lint:ignore U1000 field is actually used
   123  			completedRequests           int32
   124  			expectedCompletedPercentage float64 //lint:ignore U1000 field is actually used
   125  		}
   126  		clients := []client{
   127  			// "highqps" refers to a client that creates requests at a much higher
   128  			// QPS than its counter-part and well above its concurrency share limit.
   129  			// In contrast, "lowqps" stays under its concurrency shares.
   130  			// Additionally, the "highqps" client also has a higher matching
   131  			// precedence for its flow schema.
   132  			{username: highQPSClientName, qps: 90, concurrencyMultiplier: 2.0, matchingPrecedence: 999, expectedCompletedPercentage: 0.90},
   133  			{username: lowQPSClientName, qps: 4, concurrencyMultiplier: 0.5, matchingPrecedence: 1000, expectedCompletedPercentage: 0.90},
   134  		}
   136  		ginkgo.By("creating test priority levels and flow schemas")
   137  		for i := range clients {
   138  			clients[i].priorityLevelName = fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s", priorityLevelNamePrefix, clients[i].username)
   139  			framework.Logf("creating PriorityLevel %q", clients[i].priorityLevelName)
   140  			createPriorityLevel(ctx, f, clients[i].priorityLevelName, 1)
   142  			clients[i].flowSchemaName = fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s", flowSchemaNamePrefix, clients[i].username)
   143  			framework.Logf("creating FlowSchema %q", clients[i].flowSchemaName)
   144  			createFlowSchema(ctx, f, clients[i].flowSchemaName, clients[i].matchingPrecedence, clients[i].priorityLevelName, []string{clients[i].username})
   146  			ginkgo.By("waiting for testing FlowSchema and PriorityLevelConfiguration to reach steady state")
   147  			waitForSteadyState(ctx, f, clients[i].flowSchemaName, clients[i].priorityLevelName)
   148  		}
   150  		ginkgo.By("getting request concurrency from metrics")
   151  		for i := range clients {
   152  			realConcurrency, err := getPriorityLevelNominalConcurrency(ctx, f.ClientSet, clients[i].priorityLevelName)
   153  			framework.ExpectNoError(err)
   154  			clients[i].concurrency = int32(float64(realConcurrency) * clients[i].concurrencyMultiplier)
   155  			if clients[i].concurrency < 1 {
   156  				clients[i].concurrency = 1
   157  			}
   158  			framework.Logf("request concurrency for %q will be %d (that is %d times client multiplier)", clients[i].username, clients[i].concurrency, realConcurrency)
   159  		}
   161  		ginkgo.By(fmt.Sprintf("starting uniform QPS load for %s", loadDuration.String()))
   162  		var wg sync.WaitGroup
   163  		for i := range clients {
   164  			wg.Add(1)
   165  			go func(c *client) {
   166  				defer wg.Done()
   167  				framework.Logf("starting uniform QPS load for %q: concurrency=%d, qps=%.1f", c.username, c.concurrency, c.qps)
   168  				c.completedRequests = uniformQPSLoadConcurrent(f, c.username, c.concurrency, c.qps, loadDuration)
   169  			}(&clients[i])
   170  		}
   171  		wg.Wait()
   173  		ginkgo.By("checking completed requests with expected values")
   174  		for _, client := range clients {
   175  			// Each client should have 95% of its ideal number of completed requests.
   176  			maxCompletedRequests := float64(client.concurrency) * client.qps * loadDuration.Seconds()
   177  			fractionCompleted := float64(client.completedRequests) / maxCompletedRequests
   178  			framework.Logf("client %q completed %d/%d requests (%.1f%%)", client.username, client.completedRequests, int32(maxCompletedRequests), 100*fractionCompleted)
   179  			if fractionCompleted < client.expectedCompletedPercentage {
   180  				framework.Failf("client %q: got %.1f%% completed requests, want at least %.1f%%", client.username, 100*fractionCompleted, 100*client.expectedCompletedPercentage)
   181  			}
   182  		}
   183  	})
   185  	// This test has two clients (different usernames) making requests at
   186  	// different rates. Both clients' requests get mapped to the same flow schema
   187  	// and priority level. We expect APF's "ByUser" flow distinguisher to isolate
   188  	// the two clients and not allow one client to drown out the other despite
   189  	// having a higher QPS.
   190  	ginkgo.It("should ensure that requests can't be drowned out (fairness)", func(ctx context.Context) {
   191  		// See https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/issues/96710
   192  		ginkgo.Skip("skipping test until flakiness is resolved")
   194  		priorityLevelName := "e2e-testing-prioritylevel-" + f.UniqueName
   195  		flowSchemaName := "e2e-testing-flowschema-" + f.UniqueName
   196  		loadDuration := 10 * time.Second
   198  		framework.Logf("creating PriorityLevel %q", priorityLevelName)
   199  		createPriorityLevel(ctx, f, priorityLevelName, 1)
   201  		highQPSClientName := "highqps-" + f.UniqueName
   202  		lowQPSClientName := "lowqps-" + f.UniqueName
   203  		framework.Logf("creating FlowSchema %q", flowSchemaName)
   204  		createFlowSchema(ctx, f, flowSchemaName, 1000, priorityLevelName, []string{highQPSClientName, lowQPSClientName})
   206  		ginkgo.By("waiting for testing flow schema and priority level to reach steady state")
   207  		waitForSteadyState(ctx, f, flowSchemaName, priorityLevelName)
   209  		type client struct {
   210  			username                    string
   211  			qps                         float64
   212  			concurrencyMultiplier       float64 //lint:ignore U1000 field is actually used
   213  			concurrency                 int32
   214  			completedRequests           int32
   215  			expectedCompletedPercentage float64 //lint:ignore U1000 field is actually used
   216  		}
   217  		clients := []client{
   218  			{username: highQPSClientName, qps: 90, concurrencyMultiplier: 2.0, expectedCompletedPercentage: 0.90},
   219  			{username: lowQPSClientName, qps: 4, concurrencyMultiplier: 0.5, expectedCompletedPercentage: 0.90},
   220  		}
   222  		framework.Logf("getting real concurrency")
   223  		realConcurrency, err := getPriorityLevelNominalConcurrency(ctx, f.ClientSet, priorityLevelName)
   224  		framework.ExpectNoError(err)
   225  		for i := range clients {
   226  			clients[i].concurrency = int32(float64(realConcurrency) * clients[i].concurrencyMultiplier)
   227  			if clients[i].concurrency < 1 {
   228  				clients[i].concurrency = 1
   229  			}
   230  			framework.Logf("request concurrency for %q will be %d", clients[i].username, clients[i].concurrency)
   231  		}
   233  		ginkgo.By(fmt.Sprintf("starting uniform QPS load for %s", loadDuration.String()))
   234  		var wg sync.WaitGroup
   235  		for i := range clients {
   236  			wg.Add(1)
   237  			go func(c *client) {
   238  				defer wg.Done()
   239  				framework.Logf("starting uniform QPS load for %q: concurrency=%d, qps=%.1f", c.username, c.concurrency, c.qps)
   240  				c.completedRequests = uniformQPSLoadConcurrent(f, c.username, c.concurrency, c.qps, loadDuration)
   241  			}(&clients[i])
   242  		}
   243  		wg.Wait()
   245  		ginkgo.By("checking completed requests with expected values")
   246  		for _, client := range clients {
   247  			// Each client should have 95% of its ideal number of completed requests.
   248  			maxCompletedRequests := float64(client.concurrency) * client.qps * float64(loadDuration/time.Second)
   249  			fractionCompleted := float64(client.completedRequests) / maxCompletedRequests
   250  			framework.Logf("client %q completed %d/%d requests (%.1f%%)", client.username, client.completedRequests, int32(maxCompletedRequests), 100*fractionCompleted)
   251  			if fractionCompleted < client.expectedCompletedPercentage {
   252  				framework.Failf("client %q: got %.1f%% completed requests, want at least %.1f%%", client.username, 100*fractionCompleted, 100*client.expectedCompletedPercentage)
   253  			}
   254  		}
   255  	})
   257  	/*
   258  	   Release: v1.29
   259  	   Testname: Priority and Fairness FlowSchema API
   260  	   Description:
   261  	   The flowcontrol.apiserver.k8s.io API group MUST exist in the
   262  	     /apis discovery document.
   263  	   The flowcontrol.apiserver.k8s.io/v1 API group/version MUST exist
   264  	     in the /apis/flowcontrol.apiserver.k8s.io discovery document.
   265  	   The flowschemas and flowschemas/status resources MUST exist
   266  	     in the /apis/flowcontrol.apiserver.k8s.io/v1 discovery document.
   267  	   The flowschema resource must support create, get, list, watch,
   268  	     update, patch, delete, and deletecollection.
   269  	*/
   270  	framework.ConformanceIt("should support FlowSchema API operations", func(ctx context.Context) {
   271  		fsVersion := "v1"
   272  		ginkgo.By("getting /apis")
   273  		{
   274  			discoveryGroups, err := f.ClientSet.Discovery().ServerGroups()
   275  			framework.ExpectNoError(err)
   276  			found := false
   277  			for _, group := range discoveryGroups.Groups {
   278  				if group.Name == flowcontrol.GroupName {
   279  					for _, version := range group.Versions {
   280  						if version.Version == fsVersion {
   281  							found = true
   282  							break
   283  						}
   284  					}
   285  				}
   286  			}
   287  			if !found {
   288  				framework.Failf("expected flowcontrol API group/version, got %#v", discoveryGroups.Groups)
   289  			}
   290  		}
   292  		ginkgo.By("getting /apis/flowcontrol.apiserver.k8s.io")
   293  		{
   294  			group := &metav1.APIGroup{}
   295  			err := f.ClientSet.Discovery().RESTClient().Get().AbsPath("/apis/flowcontrol.apiserver.k8s.io").Do(ctx).Into(group)
   296  			framework.ExpectNoError(err)
   297  			found := false
   298  			for _, version := range group.Versions {
   299  				if version.Version == fsVersion {
   300  					found = true
   301  					break
   302  				}
   303  			}
   304  			if !found {
   305  				framework.Failf("expected flowschemas API version, got %#v", group.Versions)
   306  			}
   307  		}
   309  		ginkgo.By("getting /apis/flowcontrol.apiserver.k8s.io/" + fsVersion)
   310  		{
   311  			resources, err := f.ClientSet.Discovery().ServerResourcesForGroupVersion(flowcontrol.SchemeGroupVersion.String())
   312  			framework.ExpectNoError(err)
   313  			foundFS, foundFSStatus := false, false
   314  			for _, resource := range resources.APIResources {
   315  				switch resource.Name {
   316  				case "flowschemas":
   317  					foundFS = true
   318  				case "flowschemas/status":
   319  					foundFSStatus = true
   320  				}
   321  			}
   322  			if !foundFS {
   323  				framework.Failf("expected flowschemas, got %#v", resources.APIResources)
   324  			}
   325  			if !foundFSStatus {
   326  				framework.Failf("expected flowschemas/status, got %#v", resources.APIResources)
   327  			}
   328  		}
   330  		client := f.ClientSet.FlowcontrolV1().FlowSchemas()
   331  		labelKey, labelValue := "example-e2e-fs-label", utilrand.String(8)
   332  		label := fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s", labelKey, labelValue)
   334  		template := &flowcontrol.FlowSchema{
   335  			ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
   336  				GenerateName: "e2e-example-fs-",
   337  				Labels: map[string]string{
   338  					labelKey: labelValue,
   339  				},
   340  			},
   341  			Spec: flowcontrol.FlowSchemaSpec{
   342  				MatchingPrecedence: 10000,
   343  				PriorityLevelConfiguration: flowcontrol.PriorityLevelConfigurationReference{
   344  					Name: "global-default",
   345  				},
   346  				DistinguisherMethod: &flowcontrol.FlowDistinguisherMethod{
   347  					Type: flowcontrol.FlowDistinguisherMethodByUserType,
   348  				},
   349  				Rules: []flowcontrol.PolicyRulesWithSubjects{
   350  					{
   351  						Subjects: []flowcontrol.Subject{
   352  							{
   353  								Kind: flowcontrol.SubjectKindUser,
   354  								User: &flowcontrol.UserSubject{
   355  									Name: "example-e2e-non-existent-user",
   356  								},
   357  							},
   358  						},
   359  						NonResourceRules: []flowcontrol.NonResourcePolicyRule{
   360  							{
   361  								Verbs:           []string{flowcontrol.VerbAll},
   362  								NonResourceURLs: []string{flowcontrol.NonResourceAll},
   363  							},
   364  						},
   365  					},
   366  				},
   367  			},
   368  		}
   370  		ginkgo.DeferCleanup(func(ctx context.Context) {
   371  			err := client.DeleteCollection(ctx, metav1.DeleteOptions{}, metav1.ListOptions{LabelSelector: label})
   372  			framework.ExpectNoError(err)
   373  		})
   375  		ginkgo.By("creating")
   376  		_, err := client.Create(ctx, template, metav1.CreateOptions{})
   377  		framework.ExpectNoError(err)
   378  		_, err = client.Create(ctx, template, metav1.CreateOptions{})
   379  		framework.ExpectNoError(err)
   380  		fsCreated, err := client.Create(ctx, template, metav1.CreateOptions{})
   381  		framework.ExpectNoError(err)
   383  		ginkgo.By("getting")
   384  		fsRead, err := client.Get(ctx, fsCreated.Name, metav1.GetOptions{})
   385  		framework.ExpectNoError(err)
   386  		gomega.Expect(fsRead.UID).To(gomega.Equal(fsCreated.UID))
   388  		ginkgo.By("listing")
   389  		list, err := client.List(ctx, metav1.ListOptions{LabelSelector: label})
   390  		framework.ExpectNoError(err)
   391  		gomega.Expect(list.Items).To(gomega.HaveLen(3), "filtered list should have 3 items")
   393  		ginkgo.By("watching")
   394  		framework.Logf("starting watch")
   395  		fsWatch, err := client.Watch(ctx, metav1.ListOptions{ResourceVersion: list.ResourceVersion, LabelSelector: label})
   396  		framework.ExpectNoError(err)
   398  		ginkgo.By("patching")
   399  		patchBytes := []byte(`{"metadata":{"annotations":{"patched":"true"}},"spec":{"matchingPrecedence":9999}}`)
   400  		fsPatched, err := client.Patch(ctx, fsCreated.Name, types.MergePatchType, patchBytes, metav1.PatchOptions{})
   401  		framework.ExpectNoError(err)
   402  		gomega.Expect(fsPatched.Annotations).To(gomega.HaveKeyWithValue("patched", "true"), "patched object should have the applied annotation")
   403  		gomega.Expect(fsPatched.Spec.MatchingPrecedence).To(gomega.Equal(int32(9999)), "patched object should have the applied spec")
   405  		ginkgo.By("updating")
   406  		var fsUpdated *flowcontrol.FlowSchema
   407  		err = retry.RetryOnConflict(retry.DefaultRetry, func() error {
   408  			fs, err := client.Get(ctx, fsCreated.Name, metav1.GetOptions{})
   409  			framework.ExpectNoError(err)
   411  			fsToUpdate := fs.DeepCopy()
   412  			fsToUpdate.Annotations["updated"] = "true"
   413  			fsToUpdate.Spec.MatchingPrecedence = int32(9000)
   415  			fsUpdated, err = client.Update(ctx, fsToUpdate, metav1.UpdateOptions{})
   416  			return err
   417  		})
   418  		framework.ExpectNoError(err, "failed to update flowschema %q", fsCreated.Name)
   419  		gomega.Expect(fsUpdated.Annotations).To(gomega.HaveKeyWithValue("updated", "true"), "updated object should have the applied annotation")
   420  		gomega.Expect(fsUpdated.Spec.MatchingPrecedence).To(gomega.Equal(int32(9000)), "updated object should have the applied spec")
   422  		framework.Logf("waiting for watch events with expected annotations")
   423  		for sawAnnotation := false; !sawAnnotation; {
   424  			select {
   425  			case evt, ok := <-fsWatch.ResultChan():
   426  				if !ok {
   427  					framework.Fail("watch channel should not close")
   428  				}
   429  				gomega.Expect(evt.Type).To(gomega.Equal(watch.Modified))
   430  				fsWatched, isFS := evt.Object.(*flowcontrol.FlowSchema)
   431  				if !isFS {
   432  					framework.Failf("expected an object of type: %T, but got %T", &flowcontrol.FlowSchema{}, evt.Object)
   433  				}
   434  				if fsWatched.Annotations["patched"] == "true" {
   435  					sawAnnotation = true
   436  					fsWatch.Stop()
   437  				} else {
   438  					framework.Logf("missing expected annotations, waiting: %#v", fsWatched.Annotations)
   439  				}
   440  			case <-time.After(wait.ForeverTestTimeout):
   441  				framework.Fail("timed out waiting for watch event")
   442  			}
   443  		}
   445  		ginkgo.By("getting /status")
   446  		resource := flowcontrol.SchemeGroupVersion.WithResource("flowschemas")
   447  		fsStatusRead, err := f.DynamicClient.Resource(resource).Get(ctx, fsCreated.Name, metav1.GetOptions{}, "status")
   448  		framework.ExpectNoError(err)
   449  		gomega.Expect(fsStatusRead.GetObjectKind().GroupVersionKind()).To(gomega.Equal(flowcontrol.SchemeGroupVersion.WithKind("FlowSchema")))
   450  		gomega.Expect(fsStatusRead.GetUID()).To(gomega.Equal(fsCreated.UID))
   452  		ginkgo.By("patching /status")
   453  		patchBytes = []byte(`{"status":{"conditions":[{"type":"PatchStatusFailed","status":"False","reason":"e2e"}]}}`)
   454  		fsStatusPatched, err := client.Patch(ctx, fsCreated.Name, types.MergePatchType, patchBytes, metav1.PatchOptions{}, "status")
   455  		framework.ExpectNoError(err)
   456  		condition := apihelpers.GetFlowSchemaConditionByType(fsStatusPatched, flowcontrol.FlowSchemaConditionType("PatchStatusFailed"))
   457  		gomega.Expect(condition).NotTo(gomega.BeNil())
   459  		ginkgo.By("updating /status")
   460  		var fsStatusUpdated *flowcontrol.FlowSchema
   461  		err = retry.RetryOnConflict(retry.DefaultRetry, func() error {
   462  			fs, err := client.Get(ctx, fsCreated.Name, metav1.GetOptions{})
   463  			framework.ExpectNoError(err)
   465  			fsStatusToUpdate := fs.DeepCopy()
   466  			fsStatusToUpdate.Status.Conditions = append(fsStatusToUpdate.Status.Conditions, flowcontrol.FlowSchemaCondition{
   467  				Type:    "StatusUpdateFailed",
   468  				Status:  flowcontrol.ConditionFalse,
   469  				Reason:  "E2E",
   470  				Message: "Set from an e2e test",
   471  			})
   472  			fsStatusUpdated, err = client.UpdateStatus(ctx, fsStatusToUpdate, metav1.UpdateOptions{})
   473  			return err
   474  		})
   475  		framework.ExpectNoError(err, "failed to update status of flowschema %q", fsCreated.Name)
   476  		condition = apihelpers.GetFlowSchemaConditionByType(fsStatusUpdated, flowcontrol.FlowSchemaConditionType("StatusUpdateFailed"))
   477  		gomega.Expect(condition).NotTo(gomega.BeNil())
   479  		ginkgo.By("deleting")
   480  		err = client.Delete(ctx, fsCreated.Name, metav1.DeleteOptions{})
   481  		framework.ExpectNoError(err)
   482  		_, err = client.Get(ctx, fsCreated.Name, metav1.GetOptions{})
   483  		if !apierrors.IsNotFound(err) {
   484  			framework.Failf("expected 404, got %#v", err)
   485  		}
   487  		list, err = client.List(ctx, metav1.ListOptions{LabelSelector: label})
   488  		framework.ExpectNoError(err)
   489  		gomega.Expect(list.Items).To(gomega.HaveLen(2), "filtered list should have 2 items")
   491  		ginkgo.By("deleting a collection")
   492  		err = client.DeleteCollection(ctx, metav1.DeleteOptions{}, metav1.ListOptions{LabelSelector: label})
   493  		framework.ExpectNoError(err)
   495  		list, err = client.List(ctx, metav1.ListOptions{LabelSelector: label})
   496  		framework.ExpectNoError(err)
   497  		gomega.Expect(list.Items).To(gomega.BeEmpty(), "filtered list should have 0 items")
   498  	})
   500  	/*
   501  	   Release: v1.29
   502  	   Testname: Priority and Fairness PriorityLevelConfiguration API
   503  	   Description:
   504  	   The flowcontrol.apiserver.k8s.io API group MUST exist in the
   505  	     /apis discovery document.
   506  	   The flowcontrol.apiserver.k8s.io/v1 API group/version MUST exist
   507  	     in the /apis/flowcontrol.apiserver.k8s.io discovery document.
   508  	   The prioritylevelconfiguration and prioritylevelconfiguration/status
   509  	     resources MUST exist in the
   510  	     /apis/flowcontrol.apiserver.k8s.io/v1 discovery document.
   511  	   The prioritylevelconfiguration resource must support create, get,
   512  	     list, watch, update, patch, delete, and deletecollection.
   513  	*/
   514  	framework.ConformanceIt("should support PriorityLevelConfiguration API operations", func(ctx context.Context) {
   515  		plVersion := "v1"
   516  		ginkgo.By("getting /apis")
   517  		{
   518  			discoveryGroups, err := f.ClientSet.Discovery().ServerGroups()
   519  			framework.ExpectNoError(err)
   520  			found := false
   521  			for _, group := range discoveryGroups.Groups {
   522  				if group.Name == flowcontrol.GroupName {
   523  					for _, version := range group.Versions {
   524  						if version.Version == plVersion {
   525  							found = true
   526  							break
   527  						}
   528  					}
   529  				}
   530  			}
   531  			if !found {
   532  				framework.Failf("expected flowcontrol API group/version, got %#v", discoveryGroups.Groups)
   533  			}
   534  		}
   536  		ginkgo.By("getting /apis/flowcontrol.apiserver.k8s.io")
   537  		{
   538  			group := &metav1.APIGroup{}
   539  			err := f.ClientSet.Discovery().RESTClient().Get().AbsPath("/apis/flowcontrol.apiserver.k8s.io").Do(ctx).Into(group)
   540  			framework.ExpectNoError(err)
   541  			found := false
   542  			for _, version := range group.Versions {
   543  				if version.Version == plVersion {
   544  					found = true
   545  					break
   546  				}
   547  			}
   548  			if !found {
   549  				framework.Failf("expected flowcontrol API version, got %#v", group.Versions)
   550  			}
   551  		}
   553  		ginkgo.By("getting /apis/flowcontrol.apiserver.k8s.io/" + plVersion)
   554  		{
   555  			resources, err := f.ClientSet.Discovery().ServerResourcesForGroupVersion(flowcontrol.SchemeGroupVersion.String())
   556  			framework.ExpectNoError(err)
   557  			foundPL, foundPLStatus := false, false
   558  			for _, resource := range resources.APIResources {
   559  				switch resource.Name {
   560  				case "prioritylevelconfigurations":
   561  					foundPL = true
   562  				case "prioritylevelconfigurations/status":
   563  					foundPLStatus = true
   564  				}
   565  			}
   566  			if !foundPL {
   567  				framework.Failf("expected prioritylevelconfigurations, got %#v", resources.APIResources)
   568  			}
   569  			if !foundPLStatus {
   570  				framework.Failf("expected prioritylevelconfigurations/status, got %#v", resources.APIResources)
   571  			}
   572  		}
   574  		client := f.ClientSet.FlowcontrolV1().PriorityLevelConfigurations()
   575  		labelKey, labelValue := "example-e2e-pl-label", utilrand.String(8)
   576  		label := fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s", labelKey, labelValue)
   578  		template := &flowcontrol.PriorityLevelConfiguration{
   579  			ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
   580  				GenerateName: "e2e-example-pl-",
   581  				Labels: map[string]string{
   582  					labelKey: labelValue,
   583  				},
   584  			},
   585  			Spec: flowcontrol.PriorityLevelConfigurationSpec{
   586  				Type: flowcontrol.PriorityLevelEnablementLimited,
   587  				Limited: &flowcontrol.LimitedPriorityLevelConfiguration{
   588  					NominalConcurrencyShares: ptr.To(int32(2)),
   589  					LimitResponse: flowcontrol.LimitResponse{
   590  						Type: flowcontrol.LimitResponseTypeReject,
   591  					},
   592  				},
   593  			},
   594  		}
   596  		ginkgo.DeferCleanup(func(ctx context.Context) {
   597  			err := client.DeleteCollection(ctx, metav1.DeleteOptions{}, metav1.ListOptions{LabelSelector: label})
   598  			framework.ExpectNoError(err)
   599  		})
   601  		ginkgo.By("creating")
   602  		_, err := client.Create(ctx, template, metav1.CreateOptions{})
   603  		framework.ExpectNoError(err)
   604  		_, err = client.Create(ctx, template, metav1.CreateOptions{})
   605  		framework.ExpectNoError(err)
   606  		plCreated, err := client.Create(ctx, template, metav1.CreateOptions{})
   607  		framework.ExpectNoError(err)
   609  		ginkgo.By("getting")
   610  		plRead, err := client.Get(ctx, plCreated.Name, metav1.GetOptions{})
   611  		framework.ExpectNoError(err)
   612  		gomega.Expect(plRead.UID).To(gomega.Equal(plCreated.UID))
   614  		ginkgo.By("listing")
   615  		list, err := client.List(ctx, metav1.ListOptions{LabelSelector: label})
   616  		framework.ExpectNoError(err)
   617  		gomega.Expect(list.Items).To(gomega.HaveLen(3), "filtered list should have 3 items")
   619  		ginkgo.By("watching")
   620  		framework.Logf("starting watch")
   621  		plWatch, err := client.Watch(ctx, metav1.ListOptions{ResourceVersion: list.ResourceVersion, LabelSelector: label})
   622  		framework.ExpectNoError(err)
   624  		ginkgo.By("patching")
   625  		patchBytes := []byte(`{"metadata":{"annotations":{"patched":"true"}},"spec":{"limited":{"nominalConcurrencyShares":4}}}`)
   626  		plPatched, err := client.Patch(ctx, plCreated.Name, types.MergePatchType, patchBytes, metav1.PatchOptions{})
   627  		framework.ExpectNoError(err)
   628  		gomega.Expect(plPatched.Annotations).To(gomega.HaveKeyWithValue("patched", "true"), "patched object should have the applied annotation")
   629  		gomega.Expect(plPatched.Spec.Limited.NominalConcurrencyShares).To(gomega.Equal(ptr.To(int32(4))), "patched object should have the applied spec")
   631  		ginkgo.By("updating")
   632  		var plUpdated *flowcontrol.PriorityLevelConfiguration
   633  		err = retry.RetryOnConflict(retry.DefaultRetry, func() error {
   634  			pl, err := client.Get(ctx, plCreated.Name, metav1.GetOptions{})
   635  			framework.ExpectNoError(err)
   637  			plToUpdate := pl.DeepCopy()
   638  			plToUpdate.Annotations["updated"] = "true"
   639  			plToUpdate.Spec.Limited.NominalConcurrencyShares = ptr.To(int32(6))
   641  			plUpdated, err = client.Update(ctx, plToUpdate, metav1.UpdateOptions{})
   642  			return err
   643  		})
   644  		framework.ExpectNoError(err, "failed to update prioritylevelconfiguration %q", plCreated.Name)
   645  		gomega.Expect(plUpdated.Annotations).To(gomega.HaveKeyWithValue("updated", "true"), "updated object should have the applied annotation")
   646  		gomega.Expect(plUpdated.Spec.Limited.NominalConcurrencyShares).To(gomega.Equal(ptr.To(int32(6))), "updated object should have the applied spec")
   648  		framework.Logf("waiting for watch events with expected annotations")
   649  		for sawAnnotation := false; !sawAnnotation; {
   650  			select {
   651  			case evt, ok := <-plWatch.ResultChan():
   652  				if !ok {
   653  					framework.Fail("watch channel should not close")
   654  				}
   655  				gomega.Expect(evt.Type).To(gomega.Equal(watch.Modified))
   656  				plWatched, isPL := evt.Object.(*flowcontrol.PriorityLevelConfiguration)
   657  				if !isPL {
   658  					framework.Failf("expected an object of type: %T, but got %T", &flowcontrol.PriorityLevelConfiguration{}, evt.Object)
   659  				}
   660  				if plWatched.Annotations["patched"] == "true" {
   661  					sawAnnotation = true
   662  					plWatch.Stop()
   663  				} else {
   664  					framework.Logf("missing expected annotations, waiting: %#v", plWatched.Annotations)
   665  				}
   666  			case <-time.After(wait.ForeverTestTimeout):
   667  				framework.Fail("timed out waiting for watch event")
   668  			}
   669  		}
   671  		ginkgo.By("getting /status")
   672  		resource := flowcontrol.SchemeGroupVersion.WithResource("prioritylevelconfigurations")
   673  		plStatusRead, err := f.DynamicClient.Resource(resource).Get(ctx, plCreated.Name, metav1.GetOptions{}, "status")
   674  		framework.ExpectNoError(err)
   675  		gomega.Expect(plStatusRead.GetObjectKind().GroupVersionKind()).To(gomega.Equal(flowcontrol.SchemeGroupVersion.WithKind("PriorityLevelConfiguration")))
   676  		gomega.Expect(plStatusRead.GetUID()).To(gomega.Equal(plCreated.UID))
   678  		ginkgo.By("patching /status")
   679  		patchBytes = []byte(`{"status":{"conditions":[{"type":"PatchStatusFailed","status":"False","reason":"e2e"}]}}`)
   680  		plStatusPatched, err := client.Patch(ctx, plCreated.Name, types.MergePatchType, patchBytes, metav1.PatchOptions{}, "status")
   681  		framework.ExpectNoError(err)
   682  		condition := apihelpers.GetPriorityLevelConfigurationConditionByType(plStatusPatched, flowcontrol.PriorityLevelConfigurationConditionType("PatchStatusFailed"))
   683  		gomega.Expect(condition).NotTo(gomega.BeNil())
   685  		ginkgo.By("updating /status")
   686  		var plStatusUpdated *flowcontrol.PriorityLevelConfiguration
   687  		err = retry.RetryOnConflict(retry.DefaultRetry, func() error {
   688  			pl, err := client.Get(ctx, plCreated.Name, metav1.GetOptions{})
   689  			framework.ExpectNoError(err)
   691  			plStatusToUpdate := pl.DeepCopy()
   692  			plStatusToUpdate.Status.Conditions = append(plStatusToUpdate.Status.Conditions, flowcontrol.PriorityLevelConfigurationCondition{
   693  				Type:    "StatusUpdateFailed",
   694  				Status:  flowcontrol.ConditionFalse,
   695  				Reason:  "E2E",
   696  				Message: "Set from an e2e test",
   697  			})
   698  			plStatusUpdated, err = client.UpdateStatus(ctx, plStatusToUpdate, metav1.UpdateOptions{})
   699  			return err
   700  		})
   701  		framework.ExpectNoError(err, "failed to update status of prioritylevelconfiguration %q", plCreated.Name)
   702  		condition = apihelpers.GetPriorityLevelConfigurationConditionByType(plStatusUpdated, flowcontrol.PriorityLevelConfigurationConditionType("StatusUpdateFailed"))
   703  		gomega.Expect(condition).NotTo(gomega.BeNil())
   705  		ginkgo.By("deleting")
   706  		err = client.Delete(ctx, plCreated.Name, metav1.DeleteOptions{})
   707  		framework.ExpectNoError(err)
   708  		_, err = client.Get(ctx, plCreated.Name, metav1.GetOptions{})
   709  		if !apierrors.IsNotFound(err) {
   710  			framework.Failf("expected 404, got %#v", err)
   711  		}
   713  		list, err = client.List(ctx, metav1.ListOptions{LabelSelector: label})
   714  		framework.ExpectNoError(err)
   715  		gomega.Expect(list.Items).To(gomega.HaveLen(2), "filtered list should have 2 items")
   717  		ginkgo.By("deleting a collection")
   718  		err = client.DeleteCollection(ctx, metav1.DeleteOptions{}, metav1.ListOptions{LabelSelector: label})
   719  		framework.ExpectNoError(err)
   721  		list, err = client.List(ctx, metav1.ListOptions{LabelSelector: label})
   722  		framework.ExpectNoError(err)
   723  		gomega.Expect(list.Items).To(gomega.BeEmpty(), "filtered list should have 0 items")
   724  	})
   725  })
   727  // createPriorityLevel creates a priority level with the provided assured
   728  // concurrency share.
   729  func createPriorityLevel(ctx context.Context, f *framework.Framework, priorityLevelName string, nominalConcurrencyShares int32) *flowcontrol.PriorityLevelConfiguration {
   730  	createdPriorityLevel, err := f.ClientSet.FlowcontrolV1().PriorityLevelConfigurations().Create(
   731  		ctx,
   732  		&flowcontrol.PriorityLevelConfiguration{
   733  			ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
   734  				Name: priorityLevelName,
   735  			},
   736  			Spec: flowcontrol.PriorityLevelConfigurationSpec{
   737  				Type: flowcontrol.PriorityLevelEnablementLimited,
   738  				Limited: &flowcontrol.LimitedPriorityLevelConfiguration{
   739  					NominalConcurrencyShares: ptr.To(nominalConcurrencyShares),
   740  					LimitResponse: flowcontrol.LimitResponse{
   741  						Type: flowcontrol.LimitResponseTypeReject,
   742  					},
   743  				},
   744  			},
   745  		},
   746  		metav1.CreateOptions{})
   747  	framework.ExpectNoError(err)
   748  	ginkgo.DeferCleanup(f.ClientSet.FlowcontrolV1().PriorityLevelConfigurations().Delete, priorityLevelName, metav1.DeleteOptions{})
   749  	return createdPriorityLevel
   750  }
   752  func getPriorityLevelNominalConcurrency(ctx context.Context, c clientset.Interface, priorityLevelName string) (int32, error) {
   753  	req := c.CoreV1().RESTClient().Get().AbsPath("/metrics")
   754  	resp, err := req.DoRaw(ctx)
   755  	if err != nil {
   756  		return 0, fmt.Errorf("error requesting metrics; request=%#+v, request.URL()=%s: %w", req, req.URL(), err)
   757  	}
   758  	sampleDecoder := expfmt.SampleDecoder{
   759  		Dec:  expfmt.NewDecoder(bytes.NewBuffer(resp), expfmt.FmtText),
   760  		Opts: &expfmt.DecodeOptions{},
   761  	}
   762  	for {
   763  		var v model.Vector
   764  		err := sampleDecoder.Decode(&v)
   765  		if err != nil {
   766  			if err == io.EOF {
   767  				break
   768  			}
   769  			return 0, err
   770  		}
   771  		for _, metric := range v {
   772  			if string(metric.Metric[model.MetricNameLabel]) != nominalConcurrencyLimitMetricName {
   773  				continue
   774  			}
   775  			if string(metric.Metric[priorityLevelLabelName]) != priorityLevelName {
   776  				continue
   777  			}
   778  			return int32(metric.Value), nil
   779  		}
   780  	}
   781  	return 0, errPriorityLevelNotFound
   782  }
   784  // createFlowSchema creates a flow schema referring to a particular priority
   785  // level and matching the username provided.
   786  func createFlowSchema(ctx context.Context, f *framework.Framework, flowSchemaName string, matchingPrecedence int32, priorityLevelName string, matchingUsernames []string) *flowcontrol.FlowSchema {
   787  	var subjects []flowcontrol.Subject
   788  	for _, matchingUsername := range matchingUsernames {
   789  		subjects = append(subjects, flowcontrol.Subject{
   790  			Kind: flowcontrol.SubjectKindUser,
   791  			User: &flowcontrol.UserSubject{
   792  				Name: matchingUsername,
   793  			},
   794  		})
   795  	}
   797  	createdFlowSchema, err := f.ClientSet.FlowcontrolV1().FlowSchemas().Create(
   798  		ctx,
   799  		&flowcontrol.FlowSchema{
   800  			ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
   801  				Name: flowSchemaName,
   802  			},
   803  			Spec: flowcontrol.FlowSchemaSpec{
   804  				MatchingPrecedence: matchingPrecedence,
   805  				PriorityLevelConfiguration: flowcontrol.PriorityLevelConfigurationReference{
   806  					Name: priorityLevelName,
   807  				},
   808  				DistinguisherMethod: &flowcontrol.FlowDistinguisherMethod{
   809  					Type: flowcontrol.FlowDistinguisherMethodByUserType,
   810  				},
   811  				Rules: []flowcontrol.PolicyRulesWithSubjects{
   812  					{
   813  						Subjects: subjects,
   814  						NonResourceRules: []flowcontrol.NonResourcePolicyRule{
   815  							{
   816  								Verbs:           []string{flowcontrol.VerbAll},
   817  								NonResourceURLs: []string{flowcontrol.NonResourceAll},
   818  							},
   819  						},
   820  					},
   821  				},
   822  			},
   823  		},
   824  		metav1.CreateOptions{})
   825  	framework.ExpectNoError(err)
   826  	ginkgo.DeferCleanup(f.ClientSet.FlowcontrolV1().FlowSchemas().Delete, flowSchemaName, metav1.DeleteOptions{})
   827  	return createdFlowSchema
   828  }
   830  // waitForSteadyState repeatedly polls the API server to check if the newly
   831  // created flow schema and priority level have been seen by the APF controller
   832  // by checking: (1) the dangling priority level reference condition in the flow
   833  // schema status, and (2) metrics. The function times out after 30 seconds.
   834  func waitForSteadyState(ctx context.Context, f *framework.Framework, flowSchemaName string, priorityLevelName string) {
   835  	framework.ExpectNoError(wait.PollWithContext(ctx, time.Second, 30*time.Second, func(ctx context.Context) (bool, error) {
   836  		fs, err := f.ClientSet.FlowcontrolV1().FlowSchemas().Get(ctx, flowSchemaName, metav1.GetOptions{})
   837  		if err != nil {
   838  			return false, err
   839  		}
   840  		condition := apihelpers.GetFlowSchemaConditionByType(fs, flowcontrol.FlowSchemaConditionDangling)
   841  		if condition == nil || condition.Status != flowcontrol.ConditionFalse {
   842  			// The absence of the dangling status object implies that the APF
   843  			// controller isn't done with syncing the flow schema object. And, of
   844  			// course, the condition being anything but false means that steady state
   845  			// hasn't been achieved.
   846  			return false, nil
   847  		}
   848  		_, err = getPriorityLevelNominalConcurrency(ctx, f.ClientSet, priorityLevelName)
   849  		if err != nil {
   850  			if err == errPriorityLevelNotFound {
   851  				return false, nil
   852  			}
   853  			return false, err
   854  		}
   855  		return true, nil
   856  	}))
   857  }
   859  // makeRequests creates a request to the API server and returns the response.
   860  func makeRequest(f *framework.Framework, username string) *http.Response {
   861  	config := f.ClientConfig()
   862  	config.Impersonate.UserName = username
   863  	config.RateLimiter = clientsideflowcontrol.NewFakeAlwaysRateLimiter()
   864  	config.Impersonate.Groups = []string{"system:authenticated"}
   865  	roundTripper, err := rest.TransportFor(config)
   866  	framework.ExpectNoError(err)
   868  	req, err := http.NewRequest(http.MethodGet, f.ClientSet.CoreV1().RESTClient().Get().AbsPath("version").URL().String(), nil)
   869  	framework.ExpectNoError(err)
   871  	response, err := roundTripper.RoundTrip(req)
   872  	framework.ExpectNoError(err)
   873  	return response
   874  }
   876  func getPriorityLevelUID(response *http.Response) string {
   877  	return response.Header.Get(flowcontrol.ResponseHeaderMatchedPriorityLevelConfigurationUID)
   878  }
   880  func getFlowSchemaUID(response *http.Response) string {
   881  	return response.Header.Get(flowcontrol.ResponseHeaderMatchedFlowSchemaUID)
   882  }
   884  // uniformQPSLoadSingle loads the API server with requests at a uniform <qps>
   885  // for <loadDuration> time. The number of successfully completed requests is
   886  // returned.
   887  func uniformQPSLoadSingle(f *framework.Framework, username string, qps float64, loadDuration time.Duration) int32 {
   888  	var completed int32
   889  	var wg sync.WaitGroup
   890  	ticker := time.NewTicker(time.Duration(float64(time.Second) / qps))
   891  	defer ticker.Stop()
   892  	timer := time.NewTimer(loadDuration)
   893  	for {
   894  		select {
   895  		case <-ticker.C:
   896  			wg.Add(1)
   897  			// Each request will have a non-zero latency. In addition, there may be
   898  			// multiple concurrent requests in-flight. As a result, a request may
   899  			// take longer than the time between two different consecutive ticks
   900  			// regardless of whether a requests is accepted or rejected. For example,
   901  			// in cases with clients making requests far above their concurrency
   902  			// share, with little time between consecutive requests, due to limited
   903  			// concurrency, newer requests will be enqueued until older ones
   904  			// complete. Hence the synchronisation with sync.WaitGroup.
   905  			go func() {
   906  				defer wg.Done()
   907  				makeRequest(f, username)
   908  				atomic.AddInt32(&completed, 1)
   909  			}()
   910  		case <-timer.C:
   911  			// Still in-flight requests should not contribute to the completed count.
   912  			totalCompleted := atomic.LoadInt32(&completed)
   913  			wg.Wait() // do not leak goroutines
   914  			return totalCompleted
   915  		}
   916  	}
   917  }
   919  // uniformQPSLoadConcurrent loads the API server with a <concurrency> number of
   920  // clients impersonating to be <username>, each creating requests at a uniform
   921  // rate defined by <qps>. The sum of number of successfully completed requests
   922  // across all concurrent clients is returned.
   923  func uniformQPSLoadConcurrent(f *framework.Framework, username string, concurrency int32, qps float64, loadDuration time.Duration) int32 {
   924  	var completed int32
   925  	var wg sync.WaitGroup
   926  	wg.Add(int(concurrency))
   927  	for i := int32(0); i < concurrency; i++ {
   928  		go func() {
   929  			defer wg.Done()
   930  			atomic.AddInt32(&completed, uniformQPSLoadSingle(f, username, qps, loadDuration))
   931  		}()
   932  	}
   933  	wg.Wait()
   934  	return completed
   935  }

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