17 package apimachinery
19 import (
20 "context"
21 "strings"
23 "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2"
24 "github.com/onsi/gomega"
26 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/runtime/schema"
28 v1 "k8s.io/apiextensions-apiserver/pkg/apis/apiextensions/v1"
29 "k8s.io/apiextensions-apiserver/pkg/client/clientset/clientset"
30 "k8s.io/apiextensions-apiserver/test/integration/fixtures"
31 metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"
32 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1/unstructured"
33 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/json"
34 "k8s.io/apiserver/pkg/storage/names"
35 "k8s.io/client-go/dynamic"
36 "k8s.io/kubernetes/test/e2e/framework"
37 admissionapi "k8s.io/pod-security-admission/api"
38 )
40 var _ = SIGDescribe("CustomResourceValidationRules [Privileged:ClusterAdmin]", func() {
41 f := framework.NewDefaultFramework("crd-validation-expressions")
42 f.NamespacePodSecurityLevel = admissionapi.LevelPrivileged
44 var apiExtensionClient *clientset.Clientset
45 ginkgo.BeforeEach(func() {
46 var err error
47 apiExtensionClient, err = clientset.NewForConfig(f.ClientConfig())
48 framework.ExpectNoError(err, "initializing apiExtensionClient")
49 })
51 customResourceClient := func(crd *v1.CustomResourceDefinition) (dynamic.NamespaceableResourceInterface, schema.GroupVersionResource) {
52 gvrs := fixtures.GetGroupVersionResourcesOfCustomResource(crd)
53 if len(gvrs) != 1 {
54 ginkgo.Fail("Expected one version in custom resource definition")
55 }
56 gvr := gvrs[0]
57 return f.DynamicClient.Resource(gvr), gvr
58 }
59 unmarshallSchema := func(schemaJson []byte) *v1.JSONSchemaProps {
60 var c v1.JSONSchemaProps
61 err := json.Unmarshal(schemaJson, &c)
62 framework.ExpectNoError(err, "unmarshalling OpenAPIv3 schema")
63 return &c
64 }
70 var schemaWithValidationExpression = unmarshallSchema([]byte(`{
71 "type":"object",
72 "properties":{
73 "spec":{
74 "type":"object",
75 "x-kubernetes-validations":[
76 { "rule":"self.x + self.y > 0" },
77 { "rule":"self.firstArray.isSorted() && self.secondArray.isSorted() && ((self.firstArray.sum() + self.secondArray.sum()) % 2 == 0)" },
78 { "rule":"self.largeArray.all(x, self.largeArray.all(y, y == x))" }
79 ],
80 "properties":{
81 "x":{ "type":"integer" },
82 "y":{ "type":"integer" },
83 "firstArray":{ "type":"array", "maxItems": 1000, "items":{ "type": "integer"} },
84 "secondArray":{ "type":"array", "maxItems": 1000, "items":{ "type": "integer"} },
85 "largeArray":{ "type":"array", "maxItems": 725, "items":{ "type": "integer"} }
86 }
87 },
88 "status":{
89 "type":"object",
90 "x-kubernetes-validations":[
91 { "rule":"self.health == 'ok' || self.health == 'unhealthy'" }
92 ],
93 "properties":{
94 "health":{ "type":"string" }
95 }
96 }
97 }
98 }`))
99 ginkgo.It("MUST NOT fail validation for create of a custom resource that satisfies the x-kubernetes-validations rules", func(ctx context.Context) {
100 ginkgo.By("Creating a custom resource definition with validation rules")
101 crd := fixtures.NewRandomNameV1CustomResourceDefinitionWithSchema(v1.NamespaceScoped, schemaWithValidationExpression, false)
102 crd, err := fixtures.CreateNewV1CustomResourceDefinitionWatchUnsafe(crd, apiExtensionClient)
103 framework.ExpectNoError(err, "creating CustomResourceDefinition")
104 defer func() {
105 err = fixtures.DeleteV1CustomResourceDefinition(crd, apiExtensionClient)
106 framework.ExpectNoError(err, "deleting CustomResourceDefinition")
107 }()
109 ginkgo.By("Creating a custom resource with values that are allowed by the validation rules set on the custom resource definition")
110 crClient, gvr := customResourceClient(crd)
111 name1 := names.SimpleNameGenerator.GenerateName("cr-1")
112 _, err = crClient.Namespace(f.Namespace.Name).Create(ctx, &unstructured.Unstructured{Object: map[string]interface{}{
113 "apiVersion": gvr.Group + "/" + gvr.Version,
114 "kind": crd.Spec.Names.Kind,
115 "metadata": map[string]interface{}{
116 "name": name1,
117 "namespace": f.Namespace.Name,
118 },
119 "spec": map[string]interface{}{
120 "x": int64(1),
121 "y": int64(0),
122 "firstArray": []int64{3, 4},
123 "secondArray": []int64{5, 10},
124 "largeArray": []int64{2, 2},
125 },
126 }}, metav1.CreateOptions{})
127 framework.ExpectNoError(err, "validation rules satisfied")
128 })
129 ginkgo.It("MUST fail validation for create of a custom resource that does not satisfy the x-kubernetes-validations rules", func(ctx context.Context) {
130 ginkgo.By("Creating a custom resource definition with validation rules")
131 crd := fixtures.NewRandomNameV1CustomResourceDefinitionWithSchema(v1.NamespaceScoped, schemaWithValidationExpression, false)
132 crd, err := fixtures.CreateNewV1CustomResourceDefinitionWatchUnsafe(crd, apiExtensionClient)
133 framework.ExpectNoError(err, "creating CustomResourceDefinition")
134 defer func() {
135 err = fixtures.DeleteV1CustomResourceDefinition(crd, apiExtensionClient)
136 framework.ExpectNoError(err, "deleting CustomResourceDefinition")
137 }()
139 ginkgo.By("Creating a custom resource with values that fail the validation rules set on the custom resource definition")
140 crClient, gvr := customResourceClient(crd)
141 name1 := names.SimpleNameGenerator.GenerateName("cr-1")
142 _, err = crClient.Namespace(f.Namespace.Name).Create(ctx, &unstructured.Unstructured{Object: map[string]interface{}{
143 "apiVersion": gvr.Group + "/" + gvr.Version,
144 "kind": crd.Spec.Names.Kind,
145 "metadata": map[string]interface{}{
146 "name": name1,
147 "namespace": f.Namespace.Name,
148 },
149 "spec": map[string]interface{}{
150 "x": int64(0),
151 "y": int64(0),
152 },
153 }}, metav1.CreateOptions{})
154 gomega.Expect(err).To(gomega.HaveOccurred(), "validation rules not satisfied")
155 expectedErrMsg := "failed rule"
156 if !strings.Contains(err.Error(), expectedErrMsg) {
157 framework.Failf("expect error contains %q, got %q", expectedErrMsg, err.Error())
158 }
159 })
161 ginkgo.It("MUST fail create of a custom resource definition that contains a x-kubernetes-validations rule that refers to a property that do not exist", func(ctx context.Context) {
162 ginkgo.By("Defining a custom resource definition with a validation rule that refers to a property that do not exist")
163 var schemaWithInvalidValidationRule = unmarshallSchema([]byte(`{
164 "type":"object",
165 "properties":{
166 "spec":{
167 "type":"object",
168 "x-kubernetes-validations":[
169 { "rule":"self.z == 100" }
170 ],
171 "properties":{
172 "x":{ "type":"integer" }
173 }
174 }
175 }
176 }`))
177 crd := fixtures.NewRandomNameV1CustomResourceDefinitionWithSchema(v1.NamespaceScoped, schemaWithInvalidValidationRule, false)
178 _, err := fixtures.CreateNewV1CustomResourceDefinitionWatchUnsafe(crd, apiExtensionClient)
179 gomega.Expect(err).To(gomega.HaveOccurred(), "creating CustomResourceDefinition with a validation rule that refers to a property that do not exist")
180 expectedErrMsg := "undefined field 'z'"
181 if !strings.Contains(err.Error(), expectedErrMsg) {
182 framework.Failf("expect error contains %q, got %q", expectedErrMsg, err.Error())
183 }
184 })
186 ginkgo.It("MUST fail create of a custom resource definition that contains an x-kubernetes-validations rule that contains a syntax error", func(ctx context.Context) {
187 ginkgo.By("Defining a custom resource definition that contains a validation rule with a syntax error")
188 var schemaWithSyntaxErrorRule = unmarshallSchema([]byte(`{
189 "type":"object",
190 "properties":{
191 "spec":{
192 "type":"object",
193 "x-kubernetes-validations":[
194 { "rule":"self = 42" }
195 ]
196 }
197 }
198 }`))
199 crd := fixtures.NewRandomNameV1CustomResourceDefinitionWithSchema(v1.NamespaceScoped, schemaWithSyntaxErrorRule, false)
200 _, err := fixtures.CreateNewV1CustomResourceDefinitionWatchUnsafe(crd, apiExtensionClient)
201 gomega.Expect(err).To(gomega.HaveOccurred(), "creating a CustomResourceDefinition with a validation rule that contains a syntax error")
202 expectedErrMsg := "Syntax error"
203 if !strings.Contains(err.Error(), expectedErrMsg) {
204 framework.Failf("expected error message to contain %q, got %q", expectedErrMsg, err.Error())
205 }
206 })
208 ginkgo.It("MUST fail create of a custom resource definition that contains an x-kubernetes-validations rule that exceeds the estimated cost limit", func(ctx context.Context) {
209 ginkgo.By("Defining a custom resource definition that contains a validation rule that exceeds the cost limit")
210 var schemaWithExpensiveRule = unmarshallSchema([]byte(`{
211 "type":"object",
212 "properties":{
213 "spec":{
214 "type":"object",
215 "properties":{
216 "x":{
217 "type":"array",
218 "items":{
219 "type":"array",
220 "items":{
221 "type":"string"
222 },
223 "x-kubernetes-validations":[
224 { "rule":"self.all(s, s == 'string constant')" }
225 ]
226 }
227 }
228 }
229 }
230 }
231 }`))
232 crd := fixtures.NewRandomNameV1CustomResourceDefinitionWithSchema(v1.NamespaceScoped, schemaWithExpensiveRule, false)
233 _, err := fixtures.CreateNewV1CustomResourceDefinitionWatchUnsafe(crd, apiExtensionClient)
234 gomega.Expect(err).To(gomega.HaveOccurred(), "creating a CustomResourceDefinition with a validation rule that exceeds the cost limit")
235 expectedErrMsg := "exceeds budget"
236 if !strings.Contains(err.Error(), expectedErrMsg) {
237 framework.Failf("expected error message to contain %q, got %q", expectedErrMsg, err.Error())
238 }
239 })
241 ginkgo.It("MUST fail create of a custom resource that exceeds the runtime cost limit for x-kubernetes-validations rule execution", func(ctx context.Context) {
242 ginkgo.By("Defining a custom resource definition including an expensive rule on a large amount of data")
243 crd := fixtures.NewRandomNameV1CustomResourceDefinitionWithSchema(v1.NamespaceScoped, schemaWithValidationExpression, false)
244 _, err := fixtures.CreateNewV1CustomResourceDefinitionWatchUnsafe(crd, apiExtensionClient)
245 framework.ExpectNoError(err, "creating CustomResourceDefinition including an expensive rule on a large amount of data")
246 defer func() {
247 err = fixtures.DeleteV1CustomResourceDefinition(crd, apiExtensionClient)
248 framework.ExpectNoError(err, "deleting CustomResourceDefinition")
249 }()
250 ginkgo.By("Attempting to create a custom resource that will exceed the runtime cost limit")
251 crClient, gvr := customResourceClient(crd)
252 name1 := names.SimpleNameGenerator.GenerateName("cr-1")
253 _, err = crClient.Namespace(f.Namespace.Name).Create(ctx, &unstructured.Unstructured{Object: map[string]interface{}{
254 "apiVersion": gvr.Group + "/" + gvr.Version,
255 "kind": crd.Spec.Names.Kind,
256 "metadata": map[string]interface{}{
257 "name": name1,
258 "namespace": f.Namespace.Name,
259 },
260 "spec": map[string]interface{}{
261 "largeArray": genLargeArray(725, 20),
262 },
263 }}, metav1.CreateOptions{})
264 gomega.Expect(err).To(gomega.HaveOccurred(), "custom resource creation should be prohibited by runtime cost limit")
265 expectedErrMsg := "call cost exceeds limit"
266 if !strings.Contains(err.Error(), expectedErrMsg) {
267 framework.Failf("expect error contains %q, got %q", expectedErrMsg, err.Error())
268 }
269 })
271 ginkgo.It("MUST fail update of a custom resource that does not satisfy a x-kubernetes-validations transition rule", func(ctx context.Context) {
272 ginkgo.By("Defining a custom resource definition with a x-kubernetes-validations transition rule")
273 var schemaWithTransitionRule = unmarshallSchema([]byte(`{
274 "type":"object",
275 "properties":{
276 "spec":{
277 "type":"object",
278 "properties":{
279 "num":{
280 "type":"integer",
281 "x-kubernetes-validations":[
282 { "rule":"self > oldSelf" }
283 ]
284 }
285 }
286 }
287 }
288 }`))
289 crd := fixtures.NewRandomNameV1CustomResourceDefinitionWithSchema(v1.NamespaceScoped, schemaWithTransitionRule, false)
290 _, err := fixtures.CreateNewV1CustomResourceDefinitionWatchUnsafe(crd, apiExtensionClient)
291 framework.ExpectNoError(err, "creating CustomResourceDefinition including an x-kubernetes-validations transition rule")
292 defer func() {
293 err = fixtures.DeleteV1CustomResourceDefinition(crd, apiExtensionClient)
294 framework.ExpectNoError(err, "deleting CustomResourceDefinition")
295 }()
296 ginkgo.By("Attempting to create a custom resource")
297 crClient, gvr := customResourceClient(crd)
298 name1 := names.SimpleNameGenerator.GenerateName("cr-1")
299 unstruct, err := crClient.Namespace(f.Namespace.Name).Create(ctx, &unstructured.Unstructured{Object: map[string]interface{}{
300 "apiVersion": gvr.Group + "/" + gvr.Version,
301 "kind": crd.Spec.Names.Kind,
302 "metadata": map[string]interface{}{
303 "name": name1,
304 "namespace": f.Namespace.Name,
305 },
306 "spec": map[string]interface{}{
307 "num": int64(10),
308 },
309 }}, metav1.CreateOptions{})
310 framework.ExpectNoError(err, "transition rules do not apply to create operations")
311 ginkgo.By("Updating a custom resource with a value that does not satisfy an x-kubernetes-validations transition rule")
312 _, err = crClient.Namespace(f.Namespace.Name).Update(ctx, &unstructured.Unstructured{Object: map[string]interface{}{
313 "apiVersion": gvr.Group + "/" + gvr.Version,
314 "kind": crd.Spec.Names.Kind,
315 "metadata": map[string]interface{}{
316 "name": name1,
317 "namespace": f.Namespace.Name,
318 "resourceVersion": unstruct.GetResourceVersion(),
319 },
320 "spec": map[string]interface{}{
321 "num": int64(9),
322 },
323 }}, metav1.UpdateOptions{})
324 gomega.Expect(err).To(gomega.HaveOccurred(), "custom resource update should be prohibited by transition rule")
325 expectedErrMsg := "failed rule"
326 if !strings.Contains(err.Error(), expectedErrMsg) {
327 framework.Failf("expect error contains %q, got %q", expectedErrMsg, err.Error())
328 }
329 })
330 })
332 func genLargeArray(n, x int64) []int64 {
333 arr := make([]int64, n)
334 for i := int64(0); i < n; i++ {
335 arr[i] = x
336 }
337 return arr
338 }
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