#!/usr/bin/env bash # Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. set -o errexit set -o nounset set -o pipefail run_kubectl_exec_pod_tests() { set -o nounset set -o errexit create_and_use_new_namespace kube::log::status "Testing kubectl exec POD COMMAND" ### Test execute non-existing POD output_message=$(! kubectl exec abc date 2>&1) # POD abc should error since it doesn't exist kube::test::if_has_string "${output_message}" 'pods "abc" not found' ### Test execute multiple resources output_message=$(! kubectl exec -f - 2>&1 -- echo test << __EOF__ apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: name: test spec: containers: - name: nginx image: nginx --- apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: name: test2 spec: containers: - name: nginx image: nginx __EOF__ ) kube::test::if_has_string "${output_message}" 'cannot exec into multiple objects at a time' ### Test execute existing POD # Create test-pod kubectl create -f hack/testdata/pod.yaml # Execute existing POD output_message=$(! kubectl exec test-pod date 2>&1) # POD test-pod is exists this is shouldn't have output not found kube::test::if_has_not_string "${output_message}" 'pods "test-pod" not found' # These must be pass the validate kube::test::if_has_not_string "${output_message}" 'pod or type/name must be specified' # Clean up kubectl delete pods test-pod set +o nounset set +o errexit } run_kubectl_exec_resource_name_tests() { set +o nounset set +o errexit create_and_use_new_namespace kube::log::status "Testing kubectl exec TYPE/NAME COMMAND" ### Test execute invalid resource type output_message=$(! kubectl exec foo/bar date 2>&1) # resource type foo should error since it's invalid kube::test::if_has_string "${output_message}" 'error:' ### Test execute non-existing resources output_message=$(! kubectl exec deployments/bar date 2>&1) # resource type foo should error since it doesn't exist kube::test::if_has_string "${output_message}" '"bar" not found' kubectl create -f hack/testdata/pod.yaml kubectl create -f hack/testdata/frontend-replicaset.yaml kubectl create -f hack/testdata/configmap.yaml ### Test execute non-implemented resources output_message=$(! kubectl exec configmap/test-set-env-config date 2>&1) # resource type configmap should error since configmap not implemented to be attached kube::test::if_has_string "${output_message}" 'not implemented' ### Test execute exists and valid resource type. # Just check the output, since test-cmd not run kubelet, pod never be assigned. # and not really can run `kubectl exec` command output_message=$(! kubectl exec pods/test-pod date 2>&1) # POD test-pod is exists this is shouldn't have output not found kube::test::if_has_not_string "${output_message}" 'not found' # These must be pass the validate kube::test::if_has_not_string "${output_message}" 'pod, type/name or --filename must be specified' output_message=$(! kubectl exec replicaset/frontend date 2>&1) # Replicaset frontend is valid and exists will select the first pod. # and Shouldn't have output not found kube::test::if_has_not_string "${output_message}" 'not found' # These must be pass the validate kube::test::if_has_not_string "${output_message}" 'pod, type/name or --filename must be specified' # Clean up kubectl delete pods/test-pod kubectl delete replicaset/frontend kubectl delete configmap/test-set-env-config set +o nounset set +o errexit }