#!/usr/bin/env bash # Copyright 2018 The Kubernetes Authors. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. set -o errexit set -o nounset set -o pipefail # Runs tests for kubectl diff run_kubectl_diff_tests() { set -o nounset set -o errexit create_and_use_new_namespace kube::log::status "Testing kubectl diff" # Test that it works when the live object doesn't exist output_message=$(! kubectl diff -f hack/testdata/pod.yaml) kube::test::if_has_string "${output_message}" 'test-pod' # Ensure diff only dry-runs and doesn't persist change kube::test::get_object_assert 'pod' "{{range.items}}{{ if eq ${id_field:?} \"test-pod\" }}found{{end}}{{end}}:" ':' kubectl apply -f hack/testdata/pod.yaml kube::test::get_object_assert 'pod' "{{range.items}}{{ if eq ${id_field:?} \"test-pod\" }}found{{end}}{{end}}:" 'found:' initialResourceVersion=$(kubectl get "${kube_flags[@]:?}" -f hack/testdata/pod.yaml -o go-template='{{ .metadata.resourceVersion }}') # Make sure that diffing the resource right after returns nothing (0 exit code). kubectl diff -f hack/testdata/pod.yaml # Ensure diff only dry-runs and doesn't persist change resourceVersion=$(kubectl get "${kube_flags[@]:?}" -f hack/testdata/pod.yaml -o go-template='{{ .metadata.resourceVersion }}') kube::test::if_has_string "${resourceVersion}" "${initialResourceVersion}" # Make sure that: # 1. the exit code for diff is 1 because it found a difference # 2. the difference contains the changed image # 3. the output doesn't indicate this is an error output_message=$(kubectl diff -f hack/testdata/pod-changed.yaml 2>&1 || test $? -eq 1) kube::test::if_has_string "${output_message}" 'registry.k8s.io/pause:3.4' kube::test::if_has_not_string "${output_message}" 'exit status 1' # Ensure diff only dry-runs and doesn't persist change resourceVersion=$(kubectl get "${kube_flags[@]:?}" -f hack/testdata/pod.yaml -o go-template='{{ .metadata.resourceVersion }}') kube::test::if_has_string "${resourceVersion}" "${initialResourceVersion}" # Test found diff with server-side apply output_message=$(kubectl diff -f hack/testdata/pod-changed.yaml --server-side || test $? -eq 1) kube::test::if_has_string "${output_message}" 'registry.k8s.io/pause:3.4' # Ensure diff --server-side only dry-runs and doesn't persist change resourceVersion=$(kubectl get "${kube_flags[@]:?}" -f hack/testdata/pod.yaml -o go-template='{{ .metadata.resourceVersion }}') kube::test::if_has_string "${resourceVersion}" "${initialResourceVersion}" # Test that we have a return code bigger than 1 if there is an error when diffing kubectl diff -f hack/testdata/invalid-pod.yaml || test $? -gt 1 # Cleanup kubectl delete -f hack/testdata/pod.yaml kube::log::status "Testing kubectl diff with server-side apply" # Test that kubectl diff --server-side works when the live object doesn't exist output_message=$(! kubectl diff --server-side -f hack/testdata/pod.yaml) kube::test::if_has_string "${output_message}" 'test-pod' # Ensure diff --server-side only dry-runs and doesn't persist change kube::test::get_object_assert 'pod' "{{range.items}}{{ if eq ${id_field:?} \"test-pod\" }}found{{end}}{{end}}:" ':' # Server-side apply the Pod kubectl apply --server-side -f hack/testdata/pod.yaml kube::test::get_object_assert 'pod' "{{range.items}}{{ if eq ${id_field:?} \"test-pod\" }}found{{end}}{{end}}:" 'found:' # Make sure that --server-side diffing the resource right after returns nothing (0 exit code). kubectl diff --server-side -f hack/testdata/pod.yaml # Make sure that for kubectl diff --server-side: # 1. the exit code for diff is 1 because it found a difference # 2. the difference contains the changed image output_message=$(kubectl diff --server-side -f hack/testdata/pod-changed.yaml || test $? -eq 1) kube::test::if_has_string "${output_message}" 'registry.k8s.io/pause:3.4' ## kubectl diff --prune kubectl create ns nsb kubectl apply --namespace nsb -l prune-group=true -f hack/testdata/prune/a.yaml kube::test::get_object_assert 'pods a -n nsb' "{{${id_field:?}}}" 'a' # Make sure that kubectl diff does not return pod 'a' without prune flag output_message=$(kubectl diff -l prune-group=true -f hack/testdata/prune/b.yaml || test $? -eq 1) kube::test::if_has_not_string "${output_message}" "name: a" # Make sure that for kubectl diff --prune: # 1. the exit code for diff is 1 because it found a difference # 2. the difference contains the pruned pod output_message=$(kubectl diff --prune -l prune-group=true -f hack/testdata/prune/b.yaml || test $? -eq 1) # pod 'a' should be in output, it is pruned kube::test::if_has_string "${output_message}" 'name: a' # apply b with namespace kubectl apply --prune --namespace nsb -l prune-group=true -f hack/testdata/prune/b.yaml # check right pod exists and wrong pod doesn't exist kube::test::wait_object_assert 'pods -n nsb' "{{range.items}}{{${id_field:?}}}:{{end}}" 'b:' # Make sure that diff --prune returns nothing (0 exit code) for 'b'. kubectl diff --prune -l prune-group=true -f hack/testdata/prune/b.yaml # Cleanup kubectl delete -f hack/testdata/pod.yaml kubectl delete -f hack/testdata/prune/b.yaml kubectl delete namespace nsb ## kubectl diff --prune with label selector kubectl create ns nsbprune kubectl apply --namespace nsbprune -f - <