
Source file src/k8s.io/kubernetes/plugin/pkg/auth/authorizer/node/graph.go

Documentation: k8s.io/kubernetes/plugin/pkg/auth/authorizer/node

     1  /*
     2  Copyright 2017 The Kubernetes Authors.
     4  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     5  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     6  You may obtain a copy of the License at
     8      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
    10  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    11  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    12  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    13  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    14  limitations under the License.
    15  */
    17  package node
    19  import (
    20  	"sync"
    21  	"time"
    23  	corev1 "k8s.io/api/core/v1"
    24  	"k8s.io/component-helpers/storage/ephemeral"
    25  	"k8s.io/dynamic-resource-allocation/resourceclaim"
    26  	pvutil "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/api/v1/persistentvolume"
    27  	podutil "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/api/v1/pod"
    28  	"k8s.io/kubernetes/third_party/forked/gonum/graph"
    29  	"k8s.io/kubernetes/third_party/forked/gonum/graph/simple"
    30  )
    32  // namedVertex implements graph.Node and remembers the type, namespace, and name of its related API object
    33  type namedVertex struct {
    34  	name       string
    35  	namespace  string
    36  	id         int
    37  	vertexType vertexType
    38  }
    40  func newNamedVertex(vertexType vertexType, namespace, name string, id int) *namedVertex {
    41  	return &namedVertex{
    42  		vertexType: vertexType,
    43  		name:       name,
    44  		namespace:  namespace,
    45  		id:         id,
    46  	}
    47  }
    48  func (n *namedVertex) ID() int {
    49  	return n.id
    50  }
    51  func (n *namedVertex) String() string {
    52  	if len(n.namespace) == 0 {
    53  		return vertexTypes[n.vertexType] + ":" + n.name
    54  	}
    55  	return vertexTypes[n.vertexType] + ":" + n.namespace + "/" + n.name
    56  }
    58  // destinationEdge is a graph edge that includes a denormalized reference to the final destination vertex.
    59  // This should only be used when there is a single leaf vertex reachable from T.
    60  type destinationEdge struct {
    61  	F           graph.Node
    62  	T           graph.Node
    63  	Destination graph.Node
    64  }
    66  func newDestinationEdge(from, to, destination graph.Node) graph.Edge {
    67  	return &destinationEdge{F: from, T: to, Destination: destination}
    68  }
    69  func (e *destinationEdge) From() graph.Node   { return e.F }
    70  func (e *destinationEdge) To() graph.Node     { return e.T }
    71  func (e *destinationEdge) Weight() float64    { return 0 }
    72  func (e *destinationEdge) DestinationID() int { return e.Destination.ID() }
    74  // Graph holds graph vertices and a way to look up a vertex for a particular API type/namespace/name.
    75  // All edges point toward the vertices representing Kubernetes nodes:
    76  //
    77  // node <- pod
    78  // pod  <- secret,configmap,pvc
    79  // pvc  <- pv
    80  // pv   <- secret
    81  type Graph struct {
    82  	lock  sync.RWMutex
    83  	graph *simple.DirectedAcyclicGraph
    84  	// vertices is a map of type -> namespace -> name -> vertex
    85  	vertices map[vertexType]namespaceVertexMapping
    87  	// destinationEdgeIndex is a map of vertex -> set of destination IDs
    88  	destinationEdgeIndex map[int]*intSet
    89  	// destinationEdgeThreshold is the minimum number of distinct destination IDs at which to maintain an index
    90  	destinationEdgeThreshold int
    91  }
    93  // namespaceVertexMapping is a map of namespace -> name -> vertex
    94  type namespaceVertexMapping map[string]nameVertexMapping
    96  // nameVertexMapping is a map of name -> vertex
    97  type nameVertexMapping map[string]*namedVertex
    99  func NewGraph() *Graph {
   100  	return &Graph{
   101  		vertices: map[vertexType]namespaceVertexMapping{},
   102  		graph:    simple.NewDirectedAcyclicGraph(0, 0),
   104  		destinationEdgeIndex: map[int]*intSet{},
   105  		// experimentally determined to be the point at which iteration adds an order of magnitude to the authz check.
   106  		// since maintaining indexes costs time/memory while processing graph changes, we don't want to make this too low.
   107  		destinationEdgeThreshold: 200,
   108  	}
   109  }
   111  // vertexType indicates the type of the API object the vertex represents.
   112  // represented as a byte to minimize space used in the vertices.
   113  type vertexType byte
   115  const (
   116  	configMapVertexType vertexType = iota
   117  	sliceVertexType
   118  	nodeVertexType
   119  	podVertexType
   120  	pvcVertexType
   121  	pvVertexType
   122  	resourceClaimVertexType
   123  	secretVertexType
   124  	vaVertexType
   125  	serviceAccountVertexType
   126  )
   128  var vertexTypes = map[vertexType]string{
   129  	configMapVertexType:      "configmap",
   130  	sliceVertexType:          "resourceslice",
   131  	nodeVertexType:           "node",
   132  	podVertexType:            "pod",
   133  	pvcVertexType:            "pvc",
   134  	pvVertexType:             "pv",
   135  	resourceClaimVertexType:  "resourceclaim",
   136  	secretVertexType:         "secret",
   137  	vaVertexType:             "volumeattachment",
   138  	serviceAccountVertexType: "serviceAccount",
   139  }
   141  // must be called under a write lock
   142  func (g *Graph) getOrCreateVertex_locked(vertexType vertexType, namespace, name string) *namedVertex {
   143  	if vertex, exists := g.getVertex_rlocked(vertexType, namespace, name); exists {
   144  		return vertex
   145  	}
   146  	return g.createVertex_locked(vertexType, namespace, name)
   147  }
   149  // must be called under a read lock
   150  func (g *Graph) getVertex_rlocked(vertexType vertexType, namespace, name string) (*namedVertex, bool) {
   151  	vertex, exists := g.vertices[vertexType][namespace][name]
   152  	return vertex, exists
   153  }
   155  // must be called under a write lock
   156  func (g *Graph) createVertex_locked(vertexType vertexType, namespace, name string) *namedVertex {
   157  	typedVertices, exists := g.vertices[vertexType]
   158  	if !exists {
   159  		typedVertices = namespaceVertexMapping{}
   160  		g.vertices[vertexType] = typedVertices
   161  	}
   163  	namespacedVertices, exists := typedVertices[namespace]
   164  	if !exists {
   165  		namespacedVertices = map[string]*namedVertex{}
   166  		typedVertices[namespace] = namespacedVertices
   167  	}
   169  	vertex := newNamedVertex(vertexType, namespace, name, g.graph.NewNodeID())
   170  	namespacedVertices[name] = vertex
   171  	g.graph.AddNode(vertex)
   173  	return vertex
   174  }
   176  // must be called under write lock
   177  func (g *Graph) deleteVertex_locked(vertexType vertexType, namespace, name string) {
   178  	vertex, exists := g.getVertex_rlocked(vertexType, namespace, name)
   179  	if !exists {
   180  		return
   181  	}
   183  	// find existing neighbors with a single edge (meaning we are their only neighbor)
   184  	neighborsToRemove := []graph.Node{}
   185  	edgesToRemoveFromIndexes := []graph.Edge{}
   186  	g.graph.VisitFrom(vertex, func(neighbor graph.Node) bool {
   187  		// this downstream neighbor has only one edge (which must be from us), so remove them as well
   188  		if g.graph.Degree(neighbor) == 1 {
   189  			neighborsToRemove = append(neighborsToRemove, neighbor)
   190  		}
   191  		return true
   192  	})
   193  	g.graph.VisitTo(vertex, func(neighbor graph.Node) bool {
   194  		if g.graph.Degree(neighbor) == 1 {
   195  			// this upstream neighbor has only one edge (which must be to us), so remove them as well
   196  			neighborsToRemove = append(neighborsToRemove, neighbor)
   197  		} else {
   198  			// decrement the destination edge index on this neighbor if the edge between us was a destination edge
   199  			edgesToRemoveFromIndexes = append(edgesToRemoveFromIndexes, g.graph.EdgeBetween(vertex, neighbor))
   200  		}
   201  		return true
   202  	})
   204  	// remove the vertex
   205  	g.removeVertex_locked(vertex)
   207  	// remove neighbors that are now edgeless
   208  	for _, neighbor := range neighborsToRemove {
   209  		g.removeVertex_locked(neighbor.(*namedVertex))
   210  	}
   212  	// remove edges from destination indexes for neighbors that dropped outbound edges
   213  	for _, edge := range edgesToRemoveFromIndexes {
   214  		g.removeEdgeFromDestinationIndex_locked(edge)
   215  	}
   216  }
   218  // must be called under write lock
   219  // deletes edges from a given vertex type to a specific vertex
   220  // will delete each orphaned "from" vertex, but will never delete the "to" vertex
   221  func (g *Graph) deleteEdges_locked(fromType, toType vertexType, toNamespace, toName string) {
   222  	// get the "to" side
   223  	toVert, exists := g.getVertex_rlocked(toType, toNamespace, toName)
   224  	if !exists {
   225  		return
   226  	}
   228  	// delete all edges between vertices of fromType and toVert
   229  	neighborsToRemove := []*namedVertex{}
   230  	edgesToRemove := []graph.Edge{}
   231  	g.graph.VisitTo(toVert, func(from graph.Node) bool {
   232  		fromVert := from.(*namedVertex)
   233  		if fromVert.vertexType != fromType {
   234  			return true
   235  		}
   236  		// this neighbor has only one edge (which must be to us), so remove them as well
   237  		if g.graph.Degree(fromVert) == 1 {
   238  			neighborsToRemove = append(neighborsToRemove, fromVert)
   239  		} else {
   240  			edgesToRemove = append(edgesToRemove, g.graph.EdgeBetween(from, toVert))
   241  		}
   242  		return true
   243  	})
   245  	// clean up orphaned verts
   246  	for _, v := range neighborsToRemove {
   247  		g.removeVertex_locked(v)
   248  	}
   250  	// remove edges and decrement destination indexes for neighbors that dropped outbound edges
   251  	for _, edge := range edgesToRemove {
   252  		g.graph.RemoveEdge(edge)
   253  		g.removeEdgeFromDestinationIndex_locked(edge)
   254  	}
   255  }
   257  // A fastpath for recomputeDestinationIndex_locked for "removing edge" case.
   258  func (g *Graph) removeEdgeFromDestinationIndex_locked(e graph.Edge) {
   259  	n := e.From()
   260  	// don't maintain indices for nodes with few edges
   261  	edgeCount := g.graph.Degree(n)
   262  	if edgeCount < g.destinationEdgeThreshold {
   263  		delete(g.destinationEdgeIndex, n.ID())
   264  		return
   265  	}
   267  	// decrement the nodeID->destinationID refcount in the index, if the index exists
   268  	index := g.destinationEdgeIndex[n.ID()]
   269  	if index == nil {
   270  		return
   271  	}
   272  	if destinationEdge, ok := e.(*destinationEdge); ok {
   273  		index.decrement(destinationEdge.DestinationID())
   274  	}
   275  }
   277  // A fastpath for recomputeDestinationIndex_locked for "adding edge case".
   278  func (g *Graph) addEdgeToDestinationIndex_locked(e graph.Edge) {
   279  	n := e.From()
   280  	index := g.destinationEdgeIndex[n.ID()]
   281  	if index == nil {
   282  		// There is no index, use the full index computation method
   283  		g.recomputeDestinationIndex_locked(n)
   284  		return
   285  	}
   286  	// fast-add the new edge to an existing index
   287  	if destinationEdge, ok := e.(*destinationEdge); ok {
   288  		index.increment(destinationEdge.DestinationID())
   289  	}
   290  }
   292  // must be called under write lock
   293  // removeVertex_locked removes the specified vertex from the graph and from the maintained indices.
   294  // It does nothing to indexes of neighbor vertices.
   295  func (g *Graph) removeVertex_locked(v *namedVertex) {
   296  	g.graph.RemoveNode(v)
   297  	delete(g.destinationEdgeIndex, v.ID())
   298  	delete(g.vertices[v.vertexType][v.namespace], v.name)
   299  	if len(g.vertices[v.vertexType][v.namespace]) == 0 {
   300  		delete(g.vertices[v.vertexType], v.namespace)
   301  	}
   302  }
   304  // must be called under write lock
   305  // recomputeDestinationIndex_locked recomputes the index of destination ids for the specified vertex
   306  func (g *Graph) recomputeDestinationIndex_locked(n graph.Node) {
   307  	// don't maintain indices for nodes with few edges
   308  	edgeCount := g.graph.Degree(n)
   309  	if edgeCount < g.destinationEdgeThreshold {
   310  		delete(g.destinationEdgeIndex, n.ID())
   311  		return
   312  	}
   314  	// get or create the index
   315  	index := g.destinationEdgeIndex[n.ID()]
   316  	if index == nil {
   317  		index = newIntSet()
   318  	} else {
   319  		index.reset()
   320  	}
   322  	// populate the index
   323  	g.graph.VisitFrom(n, func(dest graph.Node) bool {
   324  		if destinationEdge, ok := g.graph.EdgeBetween(n, dest).(*destinationEdge); ok {
   325  			index.increment(destinationEdge.DestinationID())
   326  		}
   327  		return true
   328  	})
   329  	g.destinationEdgeIndex[n.ID()] = index
   330  }
   332  // AddPod should only be called once spec.NodeName is populated.
   333  // It sets up edges for the following relationships (which are immutable for a pod once bound to a node):
   334  //
   335  //	pod       -> node
   336  //	secret    -> pod
   337  //	configmap -> pod
   338  //	pvc       -> pod
   339  //	svcacct   -> pod
   340  func (g *Graph) AddPod(pod *corev1.Pod) {
   341  	start := time.Now()
   342  	defer func() {
   343  		graphActionsDuration.WithLabelValues("AddPod").Observe(time.Since(start).Seconds())
   344  	}()
   345  	g.lock.Lock()
   346  	defer g.lock.Unlock()
   348  	g.deleteVertex_locked(podVertexType, pod.Namespace, pod.Name)
   349  	podVertex := g.getOrCreateVertex_locked(podVertexType, pod.Namespace, pod.Name)
   350  	nodeVertex := g.getOrCreateVertex_locked(nodeVertexType, "", pod.Spec.NodeName)
   351  	g.graph.SetEdge(newDestinationEdge(podVertex, nodeVertex, nodeVertex))
   353  	// Short-circuit adding edges to other resources for mirror pods.
   354  	// A node must never be able to create a pod that grants them permissions on other API objects.
   355  	// The NodeRestriction admission plugin prevents creation of such pods, but short-circuiting here gives us defense in depth.
   356  	if _, isMirrorPod := pod.Annotations[corev1.MirrorPodAnnotationKey]; isMirrorPod {
   357  		return
   358  	}
   360  	// TODO(mikedanese): If the pod doesn't mount the service account secrets,
   361  	// should the node still get access to the service account?
   362  	//
   363  	// ref https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/issues/58790
   364  	if len(pod.Spec.ServiceAccountName) > 0 {
   365  		serviceAccountVertex := g.getOrCreateVertex_locked(serviceAccountVertexType, pod.Namespace, pod.Spec.ServiceAccountName)
   366  		e := newDestinationEdge(serviceAccountVertex, podVertex, nodeVertex)
   367  		g.graph.SetEdge(e)
   368  		g.addEdgeToDestinationIndex_locked(e)
   369  	}
   371  	podutil.VisitPodSecretNames(pod, func(secret string) bool {
   372  		secretVertex := g.getOrCreateVertex_locked(secretVertexType, pod.Namespace, secret)
   373  		e := newDestinationEdge(secretVertex, podVertex, nodeVertex)
   374  		g.graph.SetEdge(e)
   375  		g.addEdgeToDestinationIndex_locked(e)
   376  		return true
   377  	})
   379  	podutil.VisitPodConfigmapNames(pod, func(configmap string) bool {
   380  		configmapVertex := g.getOrCreateVertex_locked(configMapVertexType, pod.Namespace, configmap)
   381  		e := newDestinationEdge(configmapVertex, podVertex, nodeVertex)
   382  		g.graph.SetEdge(e)
   383  		g.addEdgeToDestinationIndex_locked(e)
   384  		return true
   385  	})
   387  	for _, v := range pod.Spec.Volumes {
   388  		claimName := ""
   389  		if v.PersistentVolumeClaim != nil {
   390  			claimName = v.PersistentVolumeClaim.ClaimName
   391  		} else if v.Ephemeral != nil {
   392  			claimName = ephemeral.VolumeClaimName(pod, &v)
   393  		}
   394  		if claimName != "" {
   395  			pvcVertex := g.getOrCreateVertex_locked(pvcVertexType, pod.Namespace, claimName)
   396  			e := newDestinationEdge(pvcVertex, podVertex, nodeVertex)
   397  			g.graph.SetEdge(e)
   398  			g.addEdgeToDestinationIndex_locked(e)
   399  		}
   400  	}
   402  	for _, podResourceClaim := range pod.Spec.ResourceClaims {
   403  		claimName, _, err := resourceclaim.Name(pod, &podResourceClaim)
   404  		// Do we have a valid claim name? If yes, add an edge that grants
   405  		// kubelet access to that claim. An error indicates that a claim
   406  		// still needs to be created, nil that intentionally no claim
   407  		// was created and never will be because it isn't needed.
   408  		if err == nil && claimName != nil {
   409  			claimVertex := g.getOrCreateVertex_locked(resourceClaimVertexType, pod.Namespace, *claimName)
   410  			e := newDestinationEdge(claimVertex, podVertex, nodeVertex)
   411  			g.graph.SetEdge(e)
   412  			g.addEdgeToDestinationIndex_locked(e)
   413  		}
   414  	}
   415  }
   416  func (g *Graph) DeletePod(name, namespace string) {
   417  	start := time.Now()
   418  	defer func() {
   419  		graphActionsDuration.WithLabelValues("DeletePod").Observe(time.Since(start).Seconds())
   420  	}()
   421  	g.lock.Lock()
   422  	defer g.lock.Unlock()
   423  	g.deleteVertex_locked(podVertexType, namespace, name)
   424  }
   426  // AddPV sets up edges for the following relationships:
   427  //
   428  //	secret -> pv
   429  //
   430  //	pv -> pvc
   431  func (g *Graph) AddPV(pv *corev1.PersistentVolume) {
   432  	start := time.Now()
   433  	defer func() {
   434  		graphActionsDuration.WithLabelValues("AddPV").Observe(time.Since(start).Seconds())
   435  	}()
   436  	g.lock.Lock()
   437  	defer g.lock.Unlock()
   439  	// clear existing edges
   440  	g.deleteVertex_locked(pvVertexType, "", pv.Name)
   442  	// if we have a pvc, establish new edges
   443  	if pv.Spec.ClaimRef != nil {
   444  		pvVertex := g.getOrCreateVertex_locked(pvVertexType, "", pv.Name)
   446  		// since we don't know the other end of the pvc -> pod -> node chain (or it may not even exist yet), we can't decorate these edges with kubernetes node info
   447  		g.graph.SetEdge(simple.Edge{F: pvVertex, T: g.getOrCreateVertex_locked(pvcVertexType, pv.Spec.ClaimRef.Namespace, pv.Spec.ClaimRef.Name)})
   448  		pvutil.VisitPVSecretNames(pv, func(namespace, secret string, kubeletVisible bool) bool {
   449  			// This grants access to the named secret in the same namespace as the bound PVC
   450  			if kubeletVisible {
   451  				g.graph.SetEdge(simple.Edge{F: g.getOrCreateVertex_locked(secretVertexType, namespace, secret), T: pvVertex})
   452  			}
   453  			return true
   454  		})
   455  	}
   456  }
   457  func (g *Graph) DeletePV(name string) {
   458  	start := time.Now()
   459  	defer func() {
   460  		graphActionsDuration.WithLabelValues("DeletePV").Observe(time.Since(start).Seconds())
   461  	}()
   462  	g.lock.Lock()
   463  	defer g.lock.Unlock()
   464  	g.deleteVertex_locked(pvVertexType, "", name)
   465  }
   467  // AddVolumeAttachment sets up edges for the following relationships:
   468  //
   469  //	volume attachment -> node
   470  func (g *Graph) AddVolumeAttachment(attachmentName, nodeName string) {
   471  	start := time.Now()
   472  	defer func() {
   473  		graphActionsDuration.WithLabelValues("AddVolumeAttachment").Observe(time.Since(start).Seconds())
   474  	}()
   475  	g.lock.Lock()
   476  	defer g.lock.Unlock()
   478  	// clear existing edges
   479  	g.deleteVertex_locked(vaVertexType, "", attachmentName)
   481  	// if we have a node, establish new edges
   482  	if len(nodeName) > 0 {
   483  		vaVertex := g.getOrCreateVertex_locked(vaVertexType, "", attachmentName)
   484  		nodeVertex := g.getOrCreateVertex_locked(nodeVertexType, "", nodeName)
   485  		g.graph.SetEdge(newDestinationEdge(vaVertex, nodeVertex, nodeVertex))
   486  	}
   487  }
   488  func (g *Graph) DeleteVolumeAttachment(name string) {
   489  	start := time.Now()
   490  	defer func() {
   491  		graphActionsDuration.WithLabelValues("DeleteVolumeAttachment").Observe(time.Since(start).Seconds())
   492  	}()
   493  	g.lock.Lock()
   494  	defer g.lock.Unlock()
   495  	g.deleteVertex_locked(vaVertexType, "", name)
   496  }
   498  // AddResourceSlice sets up edges for the following relationships:
   499  //
   500  //	node resource slice -> node
   501  func (g *Graph) AddResourceSlice(sliceName, nodeName string) {
   502  	start := time.Now()
   503  	defer func() {
   504  		graphActionsDuration.WithLabelValues("AddResourceSlice").Observe(time.Since(start).Seconds())
   505  	}()
   506  	g.lock.Lock()
   507  	defer g.lock.Unlock()
   509  	// clear existing edges
   510  	g.deleteVertex_locked(sliceVertexType, "", sliceName)
   512  	// if we have a node, establish new edges
   513  	if len(nodeName) > 0 {
   514  		sliceVertex := g.getOrCreateVertex_locked(sliceVertexType, "", sliceName)
   515  		nodeVertex := g.getOrCreateVertex_locked(nodeVertexType, "", nodeName)
   516  		g.graph.SetEdge(newDestinationEdge(sliceVertex, nodeVertex, nodeVertex))
   517  	}
   518  }
   519  func (g *Graph) DeleteResourceSlice(sliceName string) {
   520  	start := time.Now()
   521  	defer func() {
   522  		graphActionsDuration.WithLabelValues("DeleteResourceSlice").Observe(time.Since(start).Seconds())
   523  	}()
   524  	g.lock.Lock()
   525  	defer g.lock.Unlock()
   526  	g.deleteVertex_locked(sliceVertexType, "", sliceName)
   527  }

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