
Source file src/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/volume/volume.go

Documentation: k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/volume

     1  /*
     2  Copyright 2014 The Kubernetes Authors.
     4  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     5  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     6  You may obtain a copy of the License at
     8      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
    10  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    11  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    12  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    13  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    14  limitations under the License.
    15  */
    17  package volume
    19  import (
    20  	"time"
    22  	v1 "k8s.io/api/core/v1"
    23  	"k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/api/resource"
    24  	metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"
    25  	"k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/types"
    26  )
    28  // Volume represents a directory used by pods or hosts on a node. All method
    29  // implementations of methods in the volume interface must be idempotent.
    30  type Volume interface {
    31  	// GetPath returns the path to which the volume should be mounted for the
    32  	// pod.
    33  	GetPath() string
    35  	// MetricsProvider embeds methods for exposing metrics (e.g.
    36  	// used, available space).
    37  	MetricsProvider
    38  }
    40  // BlockVolume interface provides methods to generate global map path
    41  // and pod device map path.
    42  type BlockVolume interface {
    43  	// GetGlobalMapPath returns a global map path which contains
    44  	// bind mount associated to a block device.
    45  	// ex. plugins/kubernetes.io/{PluginName}/{DefaultKubeletVolumeDevicesDirName}/{volumePluginDependentPath}/{pod uuid}
    46  	GetGlobalMapPath(spec *Spec) (string, error)
    47  	// GetPodDeviceMapPath returns a pod device map path
    48  	// and name of a symbolic link associated to a block device.
    49  	// ex. pods/{podUid}/{DefaultKubeletVolumeDevicesDirName}/{escapeQualifiedPluginName}/, {volumeName}
    50  	GetPodDeviceMapPath() (string, string)
    52  	// SupportsMetrics should return true if the MetricsProvider is
    53  	// initialized
    54  	SupportsMetrics() bool
    56  	// MetricsProvider embeds methods for exposing metrics (e.g.
    57  	// used, available space).
    58  	MetricsProvider
    59  }
    61  // MetricsProvider exposes metrics (e.g. used,available space) related to a
    62  // Volume.
    63  type MetricsProvider interface {
    64  	// GetMetrics returns the Metrics for the Volume. Maybe expensive for
    65  	// some implementations.
    66  	GetMetrics() (*Metrics, error)
    67  }
    69  // Metrics represents the used and available bytes of the Volume.
    70  type Metrics struct {
    71  	// The time at which these stats were updated.
    72  	Time metav1.Time
    74  	// Used represents the total bytes used by the Volume.
    75  	// Note: For block devices this maybe more than the total size of the files.
    76  	Used *resource.Quantity
    78  	// Capacity represents the total capacity (bytes) of the volume's
    79  	// underlying storage. For Volumes that share a filesystem with the host
    80  	// (e.g. emptydir, hostpath) this is the size of the underlying storage,
    81  	// and will not equal Used + Available as the fs is shared.
    82  	Capacity *resource.Quantity
    84  	// Available represents the storage space available (bytes) for the
    85  	// Volume. For Volumes that share a filesystem with the host (e.g.
    86  	// emptydir, hostpath), this is the available space on the underlying
    87  	// storage, and is shared with host processes and other Volumes.
    88  	Available *resource.Quantity
    90  	// InodesUsed represents the total inodes used by the Volume.
    91  	InodesUsed *resource.Quantity
    93  	// Inodes represents the total number of inodes available in the volume.
    94  	// For volumes that share a filesystem with the host (e.g. emptydir, hostpath),
    95  	// this is the inodes available in the underlying storage,
    96  	// and will not equal InodesUsed + InodesFree as the fs is shared.
    97  	Inodes *resource.Quantity
    99  	// InodesFree represent the inodes available for the volume.  For Volumes that share
   100  	// a filesystem with the host (e.g. emptydir, hostpath), this is the free inodes
   101  	// on the underlying storage, and is shared with host processes and other volumes
   102  	InodesFree *resource.Quantity
   104  	// Normal volumes are available for use and operating optimally.
   105  	// An abnormal volume does not meet these criteria.
   106  	// This field is OPTIONAL. Only some csi drivers which support NodeServiceCapability_RPC_VOLUME_CONDITION
   107  	// need to fill it.
   108  	Abnormal *bool
   110  	// The message describing the condition of the volume.
   111  	// This field is OPTIONAL. Only some csi drivers which support capability_RPC_VOLUME_CONDITION
   112  	// need to fill it.
   113  	Message *string
   114  }
   116  // Attributes represents the attributes of this mounter.
   117  type Attributes struct {
   118  	ReadOnly       bool
   119  	Managed        bool
   120  	SELinuxRelabel bool
   121  }
   123  // MounterArgs provides more easily extensible arguments to Mounter
   124  type MounterArgs struct {
   125  	// When FsUser is set, the ownership of the volume will be modified to be
   126  	// owned and writable by FsUser. Otherwise, there is no side effects.
   127  	// Currently only supported with projected service account tokens.
   128  	FsUser              *int64
   129  	FsGroup             *int64
   130  	FSGroupChangePolicy *v1.PodFSGroupChangePolicy
   131  	DesiredSize         *resource.Quantity
   132  	SELinuxLabel        string
   133  }
   135  // Mounter interface provides methods to set up/mount the volume.
   136  type Mounter interface {
   137  	// Uses Interface to provide the path for Docker binds.
   138  	Volume
   140  	// SetUp prepares and mounts/unpacks the volume to a
   141  	// self-determined directory path. The mount point and its
   142  	// content should be owned by `fsUser` or 'fsGroup' so that it can be
   143  	// accessed by the pod. This may be called more than once, so
   144  	// implementations must be idempotent.
   145  	// It could return following types of errors:
   146  	//   - TransientOperationFailure
   147  	//   - UncertainProgressError
   148  	//   - Error of any other type should be considered a final error
   149  	SetUp(mounterArgs MounterArgs) error
   151  	// SetUpAt prepares and mounts/unpacks the volume to the
   152  	// specified directory path, which may or may not exist yet.
   153  	// The mount point and its content should be owned by `fsUser`
   154  	// 'fsGroup' so that it can be accessed by the pod. This may
   155  	// be called more than once, so implementations must be
   156  	// idempotent.
   157  	SetUpAt(dir string, mounterArgs MounterArgs) error
   158  	// GetAttributes returns the attributes of the mounter.
   159  	// This function is called after SetUp()/SetUpAt().
   160  	GetAttributes() Attributes
   161  }
   163  // Unmounter interface provides methods to cleanup/unmount the volumes.
   164  type Unmounter interface {
   165  	Volume
   166  	// TearDown unmounts the volume from a self-determined directory and
   167  	// removes traces of the SetUp procedure.
   168  	TearDown() error
   169  	// TearDown unmounts the volume from the specified directory and
   170  	// removes traces of the SetUp procedure.
   171  	TearDownAt(dir string) error
   172  }
   174  // BlockVolumeMapper interface is a mapper interface for block volume.
   175  type BlockVolumeMapper interface {
   176  	BlockVolume
   177  }
   179  // CustomBlockVolumeMapper interface provides custom methods to set up/map the volume.
   180  type CustomBlockVolumeMapper interface {
   181  	BlockVolumeMapper
   182  	// SetUpDevice prepares the volume to the node by the plugin specific way.
   183  	// For most in-tree plugins, attacher.Attach() and attacher.WaitForAttach()
   184  	// will do necessary works.
   185  	// This may be called more than once, so implementations must be idempotent.
   186  	// SetUpDevice returns stagingPath if device setup was successful
   187  	SetUpDevice() (stagingPath string, err error)
   189  	// MapPodDevice maps the block device to a path and return the path.
   190  	// Unique device path across kubelet node reboot is required to avoid
   191  	// unexpected block volume destruction.
   192  	// If empty string is returned, the path returned by attacher.Attach() and
   193  	// attacher.WaitForAttach() will be used.
   194  	MapPodDevice() (publishPath string, err error)
   196  	// GetStagingPath returns path that was used for staging the volume
   197  	// it is mainly used by CSI plugins
   198  	GetStagingPath() string
   199  }
   201  // BlockVolumeUnmapper interface is an unmapper interface for block volume.
   202  type BlockVolumeUnmapper interface {
   203  	BlockVolume
   204  }
   206  // CustomBlockVolumeUnmapper interface provides custom methods to cleanup/unmap the volumes.
   207  type CustomBlockVolumeUnmapper interface {
   208  	BlockVolumeUnmapper
   209  	// TearDownDevice removes traces of the SetUpDevice procedure.
   210  	// If the plugin is non-attachable, this method detaches the volume
   211  	// from a node.
   212  	TearDownDevice(mapPath string, devicePath string) error
   214  	// UnmapPodDevice removes traces of the MapPodDevice procedure.
   215  	UnmapPodDevice() error
   216  }
   218  // Provisioner is an interface that creates templates for PersistentVolumes
   219  // and can create the volume as a new resource in the infrastructure provider.
   220  type Provisioner interface {
   221  	// Provision creates the resource by allocating the underlying volume in a
   222  	// storage system. This method should block until completion and returns
   223  	// PersistentVolume representing the created storage resource.
   224  	Provision(selectedNode *v1.Node, allowedTopologies []v1.TopologySelectorTerm) (*v1.PersistentVolume, error)
   225  }
   227  // Deleter removes the resource from the underlying storage provider. Calls
   228  // to this method should block until the deletion is complete. Any error
   229  // returned indicates the volume has failed to be reclaimed. A nil return
   230  // indicates success.
   231  type Deleter interface {
   232  	Volume
   233  	// This method should block until completion.
   234  	// deletedVolumeInUseError returned from this function will not be reported
   235  	// as error and it will be sent as "Info" event to the PV being deleted. The
   236  	// volume controller will retry deleting the volume in the next periodic
   237  	// sync. This can be used to postpone deletion of a volume that is being
   238  	// detached from a node. Deletion of such volume would fail anyway and such
   239  	// error would confuse users.
   240  	Delete() error
   241  }
   243  // Attacher can attach a volume to a node.
   244  type Attacher interface {
   245  	DeviceMounter
   247  	// Attaches the volume specified by the given spec to the node with the given Name.
   248  	// On success, returns the device path where the device was attached on the
   249  	// node.
   250  	Attach(spec *Spec, nodeName types.NodeName) (string, error)
   252  	// VolumesAreAttached checks whether the list of volumes still attached to the specified
   253  	// node. It returns a map which maps from the volume spec to the checking result.
   254  	// If an error is occurred during checking, the error will be returned
   255  	VolumesAreAttached(specs []*Spec, nodeName types.NodeName) (map[*Spec]bool, error)
   257  	// WaitForAttach blocks until the device is attached to this
   258  	// node. If it successfully attaches, the path to the device
   259  	// is returned. Otherwise, if the device does not attach after
   260  	// the given timeout period, an error will be returned.
   261  	WaitForAttach(spec *Spec, devicePath string, pod *v1.Pod, timeout time.Duration) (string, error)
   262  }
   264  // DeviceMounterArgs provides auxiliary, optional arguments to DeviceMounter.
   265  type DeviceMounterArgs struct {
   266  	FsGroup      *int64
   267  	SELinuxLabel string
   268  }
   270  // DeviceMounter can mount a block volume to a global path.
   271  type DeviceMounter interface {
   272  	// GetDeviceMountPath returns a path where the device should
   273  	// be mounted after it is attached. This is a global mount
   274  	// point which should be bind mounted for individual volumes.
   275  	GetDeviceMountPath(spec *Spec) (string, error)
   277  	// MountDevice mounts the disk to a global path which
   278  	// individual pods can then bind mount
   279  	// Note that devicePath can be empty if the volume plugin does not implement any of Attach and WaitForAttach methods.
   280  	// It could return following types of errors:
   281  	//   - TransientOperationFailure
   282  	//   - UncertainProgressError
   283  	//   - Error of any other type should be considered a final error
   284  	MountDevice(spec *Spec, devicePath string, deviceMountPath string, deviceMounterArgs DeviceMounterArgs) error
   285  }
   287  type BulkVolumeVerifier interface {
   288  	// BulkVerifyVolumes checks whether the list of volumes still attached to the
   289  	// clusters in the node. It returns a map which maps from the volume spec to the checking result.
   290  	// If an error occurs during check - error should be returned and volume on nodes
   291  	// should be assumed as still attached.
   292  	BulkVerifyVolumes(volumesByNode map[types.NodeName][]*Spec) (map[types.NodeName]map[*Spec]bool, error)
   293  }
   295  // Detacher can detach a volume from a node.
   296  type Detacher interface {
   297  	DeviceUnmounter
   298  	// Detach the given volume from the node with the given Name.
   299  	// volumeName is name of the volume as returned from plugin's
   300  	// GetVolumeName().
   301  	Detach(volumeName string, nodeName types.NodeName) error
   302  }
   304  // DeviceUnmounter can unmount a block volume from the global path.
   305  type DeviceUnmounter interface {
   306  	// UnmountDevice unmounts the global mount of the disk. This
   307  	// should only be called once all bind mounts have been
   308  	// unmounted.
   309  	UnmountDevice(deviceMountPath string) error
   310  }

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