/* Copyright 2018 The Kubernetes Authors. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ // Package nodeinfomanager includes internal functions used to add/delete labels to // kubernetes nodes for corresponding CSI drivers package nodeinfomanager // import "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/volume/csi/nodeinfomanager" import ( "context" "encoding/json" goerrors "errors" "fmt" "math" "strings" "sync" "time" v1 "k8s.io/api/core/v1" storagev1 "k8s.io/api/storage/v1" "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/api/errors" metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1" "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/types" utilerrors "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/errors" "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/sets" "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/wait" clientset "k8s.io/client-go/kubernetes" nodeutil "k8s.io/component-helpers/node/util" "k8s.io/klog/v2" "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/volume" "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/volume/util" ) const ( // Name of node annotation that contains JSON map of driver names to node annotationKeyNodeID = "csi.volume.kubernetes.io/nodeid" ) var ( nodeKind = v1.SchemeGroupVersion.WithKind("Node") updateBackoff = wait.Backoff{ Steps: 4, Duration: 10 * time.Millisecond, Factor: 5.0, Jitter: 0.1, } ) // nodeInfoManager contains necessary common dependencies to update node info on both // the Node and CSINode objects. type nodeInfoManager struct { nodeName types.NodeName volumeHost volume.VolumeHost migratedPlugins map[string](func() bool) // lock protects changes to node. lock sync.Mutex } // If no updates is needed, the function must return the same Node object as the input. type nodeUpdateFunc func(*v1.Node) (newNode *v1.Node, updated bool, err error) // Interface implements an interface for managing labels of a node type Interface interface { CreateCSINode() (*storagev1.CSINode, error) // Updates or Creates the CSINode object with annotations for CSI Migration InitializeCSINodeWithAnnotation() error // Record in the cluster the given node information from the CSI driver with the given name. // Concurrent calls to InstallCSIDriver() is allowed, but they should not be intertwined with calls // to other methods in this interface. InstallCSIDriver(driverName string, driverNodeID string, maxVolumeLimit int64, topology map[string]string) error // Remove in the cluster node information from the CSI driver with the given name. // Concurrent calls to UninstallCSIDriver() is allowed, but they should not be intertwined with calls // to other methods in this interface. UninstallCSIDriver(driverName string) error } // NewNodeInfoManager initializes nodeInfoManager func NewNodeInfoManager( nodeName types.NodeName, volumeHost volume.VolumeHost, migratedPlugins map[string](func() bool)) Interface { return &nodeInfoManager{ nodeName: nodeName, volumeHost: volumeHost, migratedPlugins: migratedPlugins, } } // InstallCSIDriver updates the node ID annotation in the Node object and CSIDrivers field in the // CSINode object. If the CSINode object doesn't yet exist, it will be created. // If multiple calls to InstallCSIDriver() are made in parallel, some calls might receive Node or // CSINode update conflicts, which causes the function to retry the corresponding update. func (nim *nodeInfoManager) InstallCSIDriver(driverName string, driverNodeID string, maxAttachLimit int64, topology map[string]string) error { if driverNodeID == "" { return fmt.Errorf("error adding CSI driver node info: driverNodeID must not be empty") } nodeUpdateFuncs := []nodeUpdateFunc{ updateNodeIDInNode(driverName, driverNodeID), updateTopologyLabels(topology), } err := nim.updateNode(nodeUpdateFuncs...) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("error updating Node object with CSI driver node info: %v", err) } err = nim.updateCSINode(driverName, driverNodeID, maxAttachLimit, topology) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("error updating CSINode object with CSI driver node info: %v", err) } return nil } // UninstallCSIDriver removes the node ID annotation from the Node object and CSIDrivers field from the // CSINode object. If the CSINodeInfo object contains no CSIDrivers, it will be deleted. // If multiple calls to UninstallCSIDriver() are made in parallel, some calls might receive Node or // CSINode update conflicts, which causes the function to retry the corresponding update. func (nim *nodeInfoManager) UninstallCSIDriver(driverName string) error { err := nim.uninstallDriverFromCSINode(driverName) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("error uninstalling CSI driver from CSINode object %v", err) } err = nim.updateNode( removeMaxAttachLimit(driverName), removeNodeIDFromNode(driverName), ) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("error removing CSI driver node info from Node object %v", err) } return nil } func (nim *nodeInfoManager) updateNode(updateFuncs ...nodeUpdateFunc) error { var updateErrs []error err := wait.ExponentialBackoff(updateBackoff, func() (bool, error) { if err := nim.tryUpdateNode(updateFuncs...); err != nil { updateErrs = append(updateErrs, err) return false, nil } return true, nil }) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("error updating node: %v; caused by: %v", err, utilerrors.NewAggregate(updateErrs)) } return nil } // updateNode repeatedly attempts to update the corresponding node object // which is modified by applying the given update functions sequentially. // Because updateFuncs are applied sequentially, later updateFuncs should take into account // the effects of previous updateFuncs to avoid potential conflicts. For example, if multiple // functions update the same field, updates in the last function are persisted. func (nim *nodeInfoManager) tryUpdateNode(updateFuncs ...nodeUpdateFunc) error { nim.lock.Lock() defer nim.lock.Unlock() // Retrieve the latest version of Node before attempting update, so that // existing changes are not overwritten. kubeClient := nim.volumeHost.GetKubeClient() if kubeClient == nil { return fmt.Errorf("error getting kube client") } nodeClient := kubeClient.CoreV1().Nodes() originalNode, err := nodeClient.Get(context.TODO(), string(nim.nodeName), metav1.GetOptions{}) if err != nil { return err } node := originalNode.DeepCopy() needUpdate := false for _, update := range updateFuncs { newNode, updated, err := update(node) if err != nil { return err } node = newNode needUpdate = needUpdate || updated } if needUpdate { // PatchNodeStatus can update both node's status and labels or annotations // Updating status by directly updating node does not work _, _, updateErr := nodeutil.PatchNodeStatus(kubeClient.CoreV1(), types.NodeName(node.Name), originalNode, node) return updateErr } return nil } // Guarantees the map is non-nil if no error is returned. func buildNodeIDMapFromAnnotation(node *v1.Node) (map[string]string, error) { var previousAnnotationValue string if node.ObjectMeta.Annotations != nil { previousAnnotationValue = node.ObjectMeta.Annotations[annotationKeyNodeID] } var existingDriverMap map[string]string if previousAnnotationValue != "" { // Parse previousAnnotationValue as JSON if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(previousAnnotationValue), &existingDriverMap); err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf( "failed to parse node's %q annotation value (%q) err=%v", annotationKeyNodeID, previousAnnotationValue, err) } } if existingDriverMap == nil { return make(map[string]string), nil } return existingDriverMap, nil } // updateNodeIDInNode returns a function that updates a Node object with the given // Node ID information. func updateNodeIDInNode( csiDriverName string, csiDriverNodeID string) nodeUpdateFunc { return func(node *v1.Node) (*v1.Node, bool, error) { existingDriverMap, err := buildNodeIDMapFromAnnotation(node) if err != nil { return nil, false, err } if val, ok := existingDriverMap[csiDriverName]; ok { if val == csiDriverNodeID { // Value already exists in node annotation, nothing more to do return node, false, nil } } // Add/update annotation value existingDriverMap[csiDriverName] = csiDriverNodeID jsonObj, err := json.Marshal(existingDriverMap) if err != nil { return nil, false, fmt.Errorf( "error while marshalling node ID map updated with driverName=%q, nodeID=%q: %v", csiDriverName, csiDriverNodeID, err) } if node.ObjectMeta.Annotations == nil { node.ObjectMeta.Annotations = make(map[string]string) } node.ObjectMeta.Annotations[annotationKeyNodeID] = string(jsonObj) return node, true, nil } } // removeNodeIDFromNode returns a function that removes node ID information matching the given // driver name from a Node object. func removeNodeIDFromNode(csiDriverName string) nodeUpdateFunc { return func(node *v1.Node) (*v1.Node, bool, error) { var previousAnnotationValue string if node.ObjectMeta.Annotations != nil { previousAnnotationValue = node.ObjectMeta.Annotations[annotationKeyNodeID] } if previousAnnotationValue == "" { return node, false, nil } // Parse previousAnnotationValue as JSON existingDriverMap := map[string]string{} if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(previousAnnotationValue), &existingDriverMap); err != nil { return nil, false, fmt.Errorf( "failed to parse node's %q annotation value (%q) err=%v", annotationKeyNodeID, previousAnnotationValue, err) } if _, ok := existingDriverMap[csiDriverName]; !ok { // Value is already missing in node annotation, nothing more to do return node, false, nil } // Delete annotation value delete(existingDriverMap, csiDriverName) if len(existingDriverMap) == 0 { delete(node.ObjectMeta.Annotations, annotationKeyNodeID) } else { jsonObj, err := json.Marshal(existingDriverMap) if err != nil { return nil, false, fmt.Errorf( "failed while trying to remove key %q from node %q annotation. Existing data: %v", csiDriverName, annotationKeyNodeID, previousAnnotationValue) } node.ObjectMeta.Annotations[annotationKeyNodeID] = string(jsonObj) } return node, true, nil } } // updateTopologyLabels returns a function that updates labels of a Node object with the given // topology information. func updateTopologyLabels(topology map[string]string) nodeUpdateFunc { return func(node *v1.Node) (*v1.Node, bool, error) { if len(topology) == 0 { return node, false, nil } for k, v := range topology { if curVal, exists := node.Labels[k]; exists && curVal != v { return nil, false, fmt.Errorf("detected topology value collision: driver reported %q:%q but existing label is %q:%q", k, v, k, curVal) } } if node.Labels == nil { node.Labels = make(map[string]string) } for k, v := range topology { node.Labels[k] = v } return node, true, nil } } func (nim *nodeInfoManager) updateCSINode( driverName string, driverNodeID string, maxAttachLimit int64, topology map[string]string) error { csiKubeClient := nim.volumeHost.GetKubeClient() if csiKubeClient == nil { return fmt.Errorf("error getting CSI client") } var updateErrs []error err := wait.ExponentialBackoff(updateBackoff, func() (bool, error) { if err := nim.tryUpdateCSINode(csiKubeClient, driverName, driverNodeID, maxAttachLimit, topology); err != nil { updateErrs = append(updateErrs, err) return false, nil } return true, nil }) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("error updating CSINode: %v; caused by: %v", err, utilerrors.NewAggregate(updateErrs)) } return nil } func (nim *nodeInfoManager) tryUpdateCSINode( csiKubeClient clientset.Interface, driverName string, driverNodeID string, maxAttachLimit int64, topology map[string]string) error { nodeInfo, err := csiKubeClient.StorageV1().CSINodes().Get(context.TODO(), string(nim.nodeName), metav1.GetOptions{}) if nodeInfo == nil || errors.IsNotFound(err) { nodeInfo, err = nim.CreateCSINode() } if err != nil { return err } return nim.installDriverToCSINode(nodeInfo, driverName, driverNodeID, maxAttachLimit, topology) } func (nim *nodeInfoManager) InitializeCSINodeWithAnnotation() error { csiKubeClient := nim.volumeHost.GetKubeClient() if csiKubeClient == nil { return goerrors.New("error getting CSI client") } var lastErr error err := wait.ExponentialBackoff(updateBackoff, func() (bool, error) { if lastErr = nim.tryInitializeCSINodeWithAnnotation(csiKubeClient); lastErr != nil { klog.V(2).Infof("Failed to publish CSINode: %v", lastErr) return false, nil } return true, nil }) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("error updating CSINode annotation: %v; caused by: %v", err, lastErr) } return nil } func (nim *nodeInfoManager) tryInitializeCSINodeWithAnnotation(csiKubeClient clientset.Interface) error { nodeInfo, err := csiKubeClient.StorageV1().CSINodes().Get(context.TODO(), string(nim.nodeName), metav1.GetOptions{}) if nodeInfo == nil || errors.IsNotFound(err) { // CreateCSINode will set the annotation _, err = nim.CreateCSINode() return err } else if err != nil { return err } annotationModified := setMigrationAnnotation(nim.migratedPlugins, nodeInfo) if annotationModified { _, err := csiKubeClient.StorageV1().CSINodes().Update(context.TODO(), nodeInfo, metav1.UpdateOptions{}) return err } return nil } func (nim *nodeInfoManager) CreateCSINode() (*storagev1.CSINode, error) { csiKubeClient := nim.volumeHost.GetKubeClient() if csiKubeClient == nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("error getting CSI client") } node, err := csiKubeClient.CoreV1().Nodes().Get(context.TODO(), string(nim.nodeName), metav1.GetOptions{}) if err != nil { return nil, err } nodeInfo := &storagev1.CSINode{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: string(nim.nodeName), OwnerReferences: []metav1.OwnerReference{ { APIVersion: nodeKind.Version, Kind: nodeKind.Kind, Name: node.Name, UID: node.UID, }, }, }, Spec: storagev1.CSINodeSpec{ Drivers: []storagev1.CSINodeDriver{}, }, } setMigrationAnnotation(nim.migratedPlugins, nodeInfo) return csiKubeClient.StorageV1().CSINodes().Create(context.TODO(), nodeInfo, metav1.CreateOptions{}) } func setMigrationAnnotation(migratedPlugins map[string](func() bool), nodeInfo *storagev1.CSINode) (modified bool) { if migratedPlugins == nil { return false } nodeInfoAnnotations := nodeInfo.GetAnnotations() if nodeInfoAnnotations == nil { nodeInfoAnnotations = map[string]string{} } var oldAnnotationSet sets.String mpa := nodeInfoAnnotations[v1.MigratedPluginsAnnotationKey] tok := strings.Split(mpa, ",") if len(mpa) == 0 { oldAnnotationSet = sets.NewString() } else { oldAnnotationSet = sets.NewString(tok...) } newAnnotationSet := sets.NewString() for pluginName, migratedFunc := range migratedPlugins { if migratedFunc() { newAnnotationSet.Insert(pluginName) } } if oldAnnotationSet.Equal(newAnnotationSet) { return false } nas := strings.Join(newAnnotationSet.List(), ",") if len(nas) != 0 { nodeInfoAnnotations[v1.MigratedPluginsAnnotationKey] = nas } else { delete(nodeInfoAnnotations, v1.MigratedPluginsAnnotationKey) } nodeInfo.Annotations = nodeInfoAnnotations return true } // Returns true if and only if new maxAttachLimit doesn't require CSINode update func keepAllocatableCount(driverInfoSpec storagev1.CSINodeDriver, maxAttachLimit int64) bool { if maxAttachLimit == 0 { return driverInfoSpec.Allocatable == nil || driverInfoSpec.Allocatable.Count == nil } return driverInfoSpec.Allocatable != nil && driverInfoSpec.Allocatable.Count != nil && int64(*driverInfoSpec.Allocatable.Count) == maxAttachLimit } func (nim *nodeInfoManager) installDriverToCSINode( nodeInfo *storagev1.CSINode, driverName string, driverNodeID string, maxAttachLimit int64, topology map[string]string) error { csiKubeClient := nim.volumeHost.GetKubeClient() if csiKubeClient == nil { return fmt.Errorf("error getting CSI client") } topologyKeys := sets.StringKeySet(topology) specModified := true // Clone driver list, omitting the driver that matches the given driverName newDriverSpecs := []storagev1.CSINodeDriver{} for _, driverInfoSpec := range nodeInfo.Spec.Drivers { if driverInfoSpec.Name == driverName { if driverInfoSpec.NodeID == driverNodeID && sets.NewString(driverInfoSpec.TopologyKeys...).Equal(topologyKeys) && keepAllocatableCount(driverInfoSpec, maxAttachLimit) { specModified = false } } else { // Omit driverInfoSpec matching given driverName newDriverSpecs = append(newDriverSpecs, driverInfoSpec) } } annotationModified := setMigrationAnnotation(nim.migratedPlugins, nodeInfo) if !specModified && !annotationModified { return nil } // Append new driver driverSpec := storagev1.CSINodeDriver{ Name: driverName, NodeID: driverNodeID, TopologyKeys: topologyKeys.List(), } if maxAttachLimit > 0 { if maxAttachLimit > math.MaxInt32 { klog.Warningf("Exceeded max supported attach limit value, truncating it to %d", math.MaxInt32) maxAttachLimit = math.MaxInt32 } m := int32(maxAttachLimit) driverSpec.Allocatable = &storagev1.VolumeNodeResources{Count: &m} } else if maxAttachLimit != 0 { klog.Errorf("Invalid attach limit value %d cannot be added to CSINode object for %q", maxAttachLimit, driverName) } newDriverSpecs = append(newDriverSpecs, driverSpec) nodeInfo.Spec.Drivers = newDriverSpecs _, err := csiKubeClient.StorageV1().CSINodes().Update(context.TODO(), nodeInfo, metav1.UpdateOptions{}) return err } func (nim *nodeInfoManager) uninstallDriverFromCSINode( csiDriverName string) error { csiKubeClient := nim.volumeHost.GetKubeClient() if csiKubeClient == nil { return fmt.Errorf("error getting CSI client") } var updateErrs []error err := wait.ExponentialBackoff(updateBackoff, func() (bool, error) { if err := nim.tryUninstallDriverFromCSINode(csiKubeClient, csiDriverName); err != nil { updateErrs = append(updateErrs, err) return false, nil } return true, nil }) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("error updating CSINode: %v; caused by: %v", err, utilerrors.NewAggregate(updateErrs)) } return nil } func (nim *nodeInfoManager) tryUninstallDriverFromCSINode( csiKubeClient clientset.Interface, csiDriverName string) error { nodeInfoClient := csiKubeClient.StorageV1().CSINodes() nodeInfo, err := nodeInfoClient.Get(context.TODO(), string(nim.nodeName), metav1.GetOptions{}) if err != nil && errors.IsNotFound(err) { return nil } else if err != nil { return err } hasModified := false // Uninstall CSINodeDriver with name csiDriverName drivers := nodeInfo.Spec.Drivers[:0] for _, driver := range nodeInfo.Spec.Drivers { if driver.Name != csiDriverName { drivers = append(drivers, driver) } else { // Found a driver with name csiDriverName // Set hasModified to true because it will be removed hasModified = true } } if !hasModified { // No changes, don't update return nil } nodeInfo.Spec.Drivers = drivers _, err = nodeInfoClient.Update(context.TODO(), nodeInfo, metav1.UpdateOptions{}) return err // do not wrap error } func removeMaxAttachLimit(driverName string) nodeUpdateFunc { return func(node *v1.Node) (*v1.Node, bool, error) { limitKey := v1.ResourceName(util.GetCSIAttachLimitKey(driverName)) capacityExists := false if node.Status.Capacity != nil { _, capacityExists = node.Status.Capacity[limitKey] } allocatableExists := false if node.Status.Allocatable != nil { _, allocatableExists = node.Status.Allocatable[limitKey] } if !capacityExists && !allocatableExists { return node, false, nil } delete(node.Status.Capacity, limitKey) if len(node.Status.Capacity) == 0 { node.Status.Capacity = nil } delete(node.Status.Allocatable, limitKey) if len(node.Status.Allocatable) == 0 { node.Status.Allocatable = nil } return node, true, nil } }