
Source file src/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/scheduler/framework/plugins/tainttoleration/taint_toleration_test.go

Documentation: k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/scheduler/framework/plugins/tainttoleration

     1  /*
     2  Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors.
     4  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     5  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     6  You may obtain a copy of the License at
     8      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
    10  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    11  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    12  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    13  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    14  limitations under the License.
    15  */
    17  package tainttoleration
    19  import (
    20  	"context"
    21  	"reflect"
    22  	"testing"
    24  	v1 "k8s.io/api/core/v1"
    25  	metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"
    26  	"k8s.io/klog/v2/ktesting"
    27  	"k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/scheduler/framework"
    28  	"k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/scheduler/framework/runtime"
    29  	"k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/scheduler/internal/cache"
    30  	tf "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/scheduler/testing/framework"
    31  )
    33  func nodeWithTaints(nodeName string, taints []v1.Taint) *v1.Node {
    34  	return &v1.Node{
    35  		ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
    36  			Name: nodeName,
    37  		},
    38  		Spec: v1.NodeSpec{
    39  			Taints: taints,
    40  		},
    41  	}
    42  }
    44  func podWithTolerations(podName string, tolerations []v1.Toleration) *v1.Pod {
    45  	return &v1.Pod{
    46  		ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
    47  			Name: podName,
    48  		},
    49  		Spec: v1.PodSpec{
    50  			Tolerations: tolerations,
    51  		},
    52  	}
    53  }
    55  func TestTaintTolerationScore(t *testing.T) {
    56  	tests := []struct {
    57  		name         string
    58  		pod          *v1.Pod
    59  		nodes        []*v1.Node
    60  		expectedList framework.NodeScoreList
    61  	}{
    62  		// basic test case
    63  		{
    64  			name: "node with taints tolerated by the pod, gets a higher score than those node with intolerable taints",
    65  			pod: podWithTolerations("pod1", []v1.Toleration{{
    66  				Key:      "foo",
    67  				Operator: v1.TolerationOpEqual,
    68  				Value:    "bar",
    69  				Effect:   v1.TaintEffectPreferNoSchedule,
    70  			}}),
    71  			nodes: []*v1.Node{
    72  				nodeWithTaints("nodeA", []v1.Taint{{
    73  					Key:    "foo",
    74  					Value:  "bar",
    75  					Effect: v1.TaintEffectPreferNoSchedule,
    76  				}}),
    77  				nodeWithTaints("nodeB", []v1.Taint{{
    78  					Key:    "foo",
    79  					Value:  "blah",
    80  					Effect: v1.TaintEffectPreferNoSchedule,
    81  				}}),
    82  			},
    83  			expectedList: []framework.NodeScore{
    84  				{Name: "nodeA", Score: framework.MaxNodeScore},
    85  				{Name: "nodeB", Score: 0},
    86  			},
    87  		},
    88  		// the count of taints that are tolerated by pod, does not matter.
    89  		{
    90  			name: "the nodes that all of their taints are tolerated by the pod, get the same score, no matter how many tolerable taints a node has",
    91  			pod: podWithTolerations("pod1", []v1.Toleration{
    92  				{
    93  					Key:      "cpu-type",
    94  					Operator: v1.TolerationOpEqual,
    95  					Value:    "arm64",
    96  					Effect:   v1.TaintEffectPreferNoSchedule,
    97  				}, {
    98  					Key:      "disk-type",
    99  					Operator: v1.TolerationOpEqual,
   100  					Value:    "ssd",
   101  					Effect:   v1.TaintEffectPreferNoSchedule,
   102  				},
   103  			}),
   104  			nodes: []*v1.Node{
   105  				nodeWithTaints("nodeA", []v1.Taint{}),
   106  				nodeWithTaints("nodeB", []v1.Taint{
   107  					{
   108  						Key:    "cpu-type",
   109  						Value:  "arm64",
   110  						Effect: v1.TaintEffectPreferNoSchedule,
   111  					},
   112  				}),
   113  				nodeWithTaints("nodeC", []v1.Taint{
   114  					{
   115  						Key:    "cpu-type",
   116  						Value:  "arm64",
   117  						Effect: v1.TaintEffectPreferNoSchedule,
   118  					}, {
   119  						Key:    "disk-type",
   120  						Value:  "ssd",
   121  						Effect: v1.TaintEffectPreferNoSchedule,
   122  					},
   123  				}),
   124  			},
   125  			expectedList: []framework.NodeScore{
   126  				{Name: "nodeA", Score: framework.MaxNodeScore},
   127  				{Name: "nodeB", Score: framework.MaxNodeScore},
   128  				{Name: "nodeC", Score: framework.MaxNodeScore},
   129  			},
   130  		},
   131  		// the count of taints on a node that are not tolerated by pod, matters.
   132  		{
   133  			name: "the more intolerable taints a node has, the lower score it gets.",
   134  			pod: podWithTolerations("pod1", []v1.Toleration{{
   135  				Key:      "foo",
   136  				Operator: v1.TolerationOpEqual,
   137  				Value:    "bar",
   138  				Effect:   v1.TaintEffectPreferNoSchedule,
   139  			}}),
   140  			nodes: []*v1.Node{
   141  				nodeWithTaints("nodeA", []v1.Taint{}),
   142  				nodeWithTaints("nodeB", []v1.Taint{
   143  					{
   144  						Key:    "cpu-type",
   145  						Value:  "arm64",
   146  						Effect: v1.TaintEffectPreferNoSchedule,
   147  					},
   148  				}),
   149  				nodeWithTaints("nodeC", []v1.Taint{
   150  					{
   151  						Key:    "cpu-type",
   152  						Value:  "arm64",
   153  						Effect: v1.TaintEffectPreferNoSchedule,
   154  					}, {
   155  						Key:    "disk-type",
   156  						Value:  "ssd",
   157  						Effect: v1.TaintEffectPreferNoSchedule,
   158  					},
   159  				}),
   160  			},
   161  			expectedList: []framework.NodeScore{
   162  				{Name: "nodeA", Score: framework.MaxNodeScore},
   163  				{Name: "nodeB", Score: 50},
   164  				{Name: "nodeC", Score: 0},
   165  			},
   166  		},
   167  		// taints-tolerations priority only takes care about the taints and tolerations that have effect PreferNoSchedule
   168  		{
   169  			name: "only taints and tolerations that have effect PreferNoSchedule are checked by taints-tolerations priority function",
   170  			pod: podWithTolerations("pod1", []v1.Toleration{
   171  				{
   172  					Key:      "cpu-type",
   173  					Operator: v1.TolerationOpEqual,
   174  					Value:    "arm64",
   175  					Effect:   v1.TaintEffectNoSchedule,
   176  				}, {
   177  					Key:      "disk-type",
   178  					Operator: v1.TolerationOpEqual,
   179  					Value:    "ssd",
   180  					Effect:   v1.TaintEffectNoSchedule,
   181  				},
   182  			}),
   183  			nodes: []*v1.Node{
   184  				nodeWithTaints("nodeA", []v1.Taint{}),
   185  				nodeWithTaints("nodeB", []v1.Taint{
   186  					{
   187  						Key:    "cpu-type",
   188  						Value:  "arm64",
   189  						Effect: v1.TaintEffectNoSchedule,
   190  					},
   191  				}),
   192  				nodeWithTaints("nodeC", []v1.Taint{
   193  					{
   194  						Key:    "cpu-type",
   195  						Value:  "arm64",
   196  						Effect: v1.TaintEffectPreferNoSchedule,
   197  					}, {
   198  						Key:    "disk-type",
   199  						Value:  "ssd",
   200  						Effect: v1.TaintEffectPreferNoSchedule,
   201  					},
   202  				}),
   203  			},
   204  			expectedList: []framework.NodeScore{
   205  				{Name: "nodeA", Score: framework.MaxNodeScore},
   206  				{Name: "nodeB", Score: framework.MaxNodeScore},
   207  				{Name: "nodeC", Score: 0},
   208  			},
   209  		},
   210  		{
   211  			name: "Default behaviour No taints and tolerations, lands on node with no taints",
   212  			//pod without tolerations
   213  			pod: podWithTolerations("pod1", []v1.Toleration{}),
   214  			nodes: []*v1.Node{
   215  				//Node without taints
   216  				nodeWithTaints("nodeA", []v1.Taint{}),
   217  				nodeWithTaints("nodeB", []v1.Taint{
   218  					{
   219  						Key:    "cpu-type",
   220  						Value:  "arm64",
   221  						Effect: v1.TaintEffectPreferNoSchedule,
   222  					},
   223  				}),
   224  			},
   225  			expectedList: []framework.NodeScore{
   226  				{Name: "nodeA", Score: framework.MaxNodeScore},
   227  				{Name: "nodeB", Score: 0},
   228  			},
   229  		},
   230  	}
   231  	for _, test := range tests {
   232  		t.Run(test.name, func(t *testing.T) {
   233  			_, ctx := ktesting.NewTestContext(t)
   234  			ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
   235  			defer cancel()
   237  			state := framework.NewCycleState()
   238  			snapshot := cache.NewSnapshot(nil, test.nodes)
   239  			fh, _ := runtime.NewFramework(ctx, nil, nil, runtime.WithSnapshotSharedLister(snapshot))
   241  			p, err := New(ctx, nil, fh)
   242  			if err != nil {
   243  				t.Fatalf("creating plugin: %v", err)
   244  			}
   245  			status := p.(framework.PreScorePlugin).PreScore(ctx, state, test.pod, tf.BuildNodeInfos(test.nodes))
   246  			if !status.IsSuccess() {
   247  				t.Errorf("unexpected error: %v", status)
   248  			}
   249  			var gotList framework.NodeScoreList
   250  			for _, n := range test.nodes {
   251  				nodeName := n.ObjectMeta.Name
   252  				score, status := p.(framework.ScorePlugin).Score(ctx, state, test.pod, nodeName)
   253  				if !status.IsSuccess() {
   254  					t.Errorf("unexpected error: %v", status)
   255  				}
   256  				gotList = append(gotList, framework.NodeScore{Name: nodeName, Score: score})
   257  			}
   259  			status = p.(framework.ScorePlugin).ScoreExtensions().NormalizeScore(ctx, state, test.pod, gotList)
   260  			if !status.IsSuccess() {
   261  				t.Errorf("unexpected error: %v", status)
   262  			}
   264  			if !reflect.DeepEqual(test.expectedList, gotList) {
   265  				t.Errorf("expected:\n\t%+v,\ngot:\n\t%+v", test.expectedList, gotList)
   266  			}
   267  		})
   268  	}
   269  }
   271  func TestTaintTolerationFilter(t *testing.T) {
   272  	tests := []struct {
   273  		name       string
   274  		pod        *v1.Pod
   275  		node       *v1.Node
   276  		wantStatus *framework.Status
   277  	}{
   278  		{
   279  			name: "A pod having no tolerations can't be scheduled onto a node with nonempty taints",
   280  			pod:  podWithTolerations("pod1", []v1.Toleration{}),
   281  			node: nodeWithTaints("nodeA", []v1.Taint{{Key: "dedicated", Value: "user1", Effect: "NoSchedule"}}),
   282  			wantStatus: framework.NewStatus(framework.UnschedulableAndUnresolvable,
   283  				"node(s) had untolerated taint {dedicated: user1}"),
   284  		},
   285  		{
   286  			name: "A pod which can be scheduled on a dedicated node assigned to user1 with effect NoSchedule",
   287  			pod:  podWithTolerations("pod1", []v1.Toleration{{Key: "dedicated", Value: "user1", Effect: "NoSchedule"}}),
   288  			node: nodeWithTaints("nodeA", []v1.Taint{{Key: "dedicated", Value: "user1", Effect: "NoSchedule"}}),
   289  		},
   290  		{
   291  			name: "A pod which can't be scheduled on a dedicated node assigned to user2 with effect NoSchedule",
   292  			pod:  podWithTolerations("pod1", []v1.Toleration{{Key: "dedicated", Operator: "Equal", Value: "user2", Effect: "NoSchedule"}}),
   293  			node: nodeWithTaints("nodeA", []v1.Taint{{Key: "dedicated", Value: "user1", Effect: "NoSchedule"}}),
   294  			wantStatus: framework.NewStatus(framework.UnschedulableAndUnresolvable,
   295  				"node(s) had untolerated taint {dedicated: user1}"),
   296  		},
   297  		{
   298  			name: "A pod can be scheduled onto the node, with a toleration uses operator Exists that tolerates the taints on the node",
   299  			pod:  podWithTolerations("pod1", []v1.Toleration{{Key: "foo", Operator: "Exists", Effect: "NoSchedule"}}),
   300  			node: nodeWithTaints("nodeA", []v1.Taint{{Key: "foo", Value: "bar", Effect: "NoSchedule"}}),
   301  		},
   302  		{
   303  			name: "A pod has multiple tolerations, node has multiple taints, all the taints are tolerated, pod can be scheduled onto the node",
   304  			pod: podWithTolerations("pod1", []v1.Toleration{
   305  				{Key: "dedicated", Operator: "Equal", Value: "user2", Effect: "NoSchedule"},
   306  				{Key: "foo", Operator: "Exists", Effect: "NoSchedule"},
   307  			}),
   308  			node: nodeWithTaints("nodeA", []v1.Taint{
   309  				{Key: "dedicated", Value: "user2", Effect: "NoSchedule"},
   310  				{Key: "foo", Value: "bar", Effect: "NoSchedule"},
   311  			}),
   312  		},
   313  		{
   314  			name: "A pod has a toleration that keys and values match the taint on the node, but (non-empty) effect doesn't match, " +
   315  				"can't be scheduled onto the node",
   316  			pod:  podWithTolerations("pod1", []v1.Toleration{{Key: "foo", Operator: "Equal", Value: "bar", Effect: "PreferNoSchedule"}}),
   317  			node: nodeWithTaints("nodeA", []v1.Taint{{Key: "foo", Value: "bar", Effect: "NoSchedule"}}),
   318  			wantStatus: framework.NewStatus(framework.UnschedulableAndUnresolvable,
   319  				"node(s) had untolerated taint {foo: bar}"),
   320  		},
   321  		{
   322  			name: "The pod has a toleration that keys and values match the taint on the node, the effect of toleration is empty, " +
   323  				"and the effect of taint is NoSchedule. Pod can be scheduled onto the node",
   324  			pod:  podWithTolerations("pod1", []v1.Toleration{{Key: "foo", Operator: "Equal", Value: "bar"}}),
   325  			node: nodeWithTaints("nodeA", []v1.Taint{{Key: "foo", Value: "bar", Effect: "NoSchedule"}}),
   326  		},
   327  		{
   328  			name: "The pod has a toleration that key and value don't match the taint on the node, " +
   329  				"but the effect of taint on node is PreferNoSchedule. Pod can be scheduled onto the node",
   330  			pod:  podWithTolerations("pod1", []v1.Toleration{{Key: "dedicated", Operator: "Equal", Value: "user2", Effect: "NoSchedule"}}),
   331  			node: nodeWithTaints("nodeA", []v1.Taint{{Key: "dedicated", Value: "user1", Effect: "PreferNoSchedule"}}),
   332  		},
   333  		{
   334  			name: "The pod has no toleration, " +
   335  				"but the effect of taint on node is PreferNoSchedule. Pod can be scheduled onto the node",
   336  			pod:  podWithTolerations("pod1", []v1.Toleration{}),
   337  			node: nodeWithTaints("nodeA", []v1.Taint{{Key: "dedicated", Value: "user1", Effect: "PreferNoSchedule"}}),
   338  		},
   339  	}
   340  	for _, test := range tests {
   341  		t.Run(test.name, func(t *testing.T) {
   342  			_, ctx := ktesting.NewTestContext(t)
   343  			nodeInfo := framework.NewNodeInfo()
   344  			nodeInfo.SetNode(test.node)
   345  			p, err := New(ctx, nil, nil)
   346  			if err != nil {
   347  				t.Fatalf("creating plugin: %v", err)
   348  			}
   349  			gotStatus := p.(framework.FilterPlugin).Filter(ctx, nil, test.pod, nodeInfo)
   350  			if !reflect.DeepEqual(gotStatus, test.wantStatus) {
   351  				t.Errorf("status does not match: %v, want: %v", gotStatus, test.wantStatus)
   352  			}
   353  		})
   354  	}
   355  }

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