
Source file src/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/scheduler/framework/plugins/dynamicresources/dynamicresources_test.go

Documentation: k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/scheduler/framework/plugins/dynamicresources

     1  /*
     2  Copyright 2022 The Kubernetes Authors.
     4  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     5  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     6  You may obtain a copy of the License at
     8      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
    10  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    11  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    12  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    13  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    14  limitations under the License.
    15  */
    17  package dynamicresources
    19  import (
    20  	"context"
    21  	"errors"
    22  	"fmt"
    23  	"sort"
    24  	"sync"
    25  	"testing"
    26  	"time"
    28  	"github.com/google/go-cmp/cmp"
    29  	"github.com/stretchr/testify/assert"
    30  	"github.com/stretchr/testify/require"
    32  	v1 "k8s.io/api/core/v1"
    33  	resourcev1alpha2 "k8s.io/api/resource/v1alpha2"
    34  	metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"
    35  	apiruntime "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/runtime"
    36  	"k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/runtime/schema"
    37  	"k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/types"
    38  	"k8s.io/client-go/informers"
    39  	"k8s.io/client-go/kubernetes/fake"
    40  	cgotesting "k8s.io/client-go/testing"
    41  	"k8s.io/client-go/tools/cache"
    42  	"k8s.io/klog/v2/ktesting"
    43  	_ "k8s.io/klog/v2/ktesting/init"
    44  	"k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/scheduler/framework"
    45  	"k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/scheduler/framework/plugins/feature"
    46  	"k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/scheduler/framework/runtime"
    47  	st "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/scheduler/testing"
    48  )
    50  var (
    51  	podKind = v1.SchemeGroupVersion.WithKind("Pod")
    53  	podName       = "my-pod"
    54  	podUID        = "1234"
    55  	resourceName  = "my-resource"
    56  	resourceName2 = resourceName + "-2"
    57  	claimName     = podName + "-" + resourceName
    58  	claimName2    = podName + "-" + resourceName + "-2"
    59  	className     = "my-resource-class"
    60  	namespace     = "default"
    62  	resourceClass = &resourcev1alpha2.ResourceClass{
    63  		ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
    64  			Name: className,
    65  		},
    66  		DriverName: "some-driver",
    67  	}
    69  	podWithClaimName = st.MakePod().Name(podName).Namespace(namespace).
    70  				UID(podUID).
    71  				PodResourceClaims(v1.PodResourceClaim{Name: resourceName, Source: v1.ClaimSource{ResourceClaimName: &claimName}}).
    72  				Obj()
    73  	otherPodWithClaimName = st.MakePod().Name(podName).Namespace(namespace).
    74  				UID(podUID + "-II").
    75  				PodResourceClaims(v1.PodResourceClaim{Name: resourceName, Source: v1.ClaimSource{ResourceClaimName: &claimName}}).
    76  				Obj()
    77  	podWithClaimTemplate = st.MakePod().Name(podName).Namespace(namespace).
    78  				UID(podUID).
    79  				PodResourceClaims(v1.PodResourceClaim{Name: resourceName, Source: v1.ClaimSource{ResourceClaimTemplateName: &claimName}}).
    80  				Obj()
    81  	podWithClaimTemplateInStatus = func() *v1.Pod {
    82  		pod := podWithClaimTemplate.DeepCopy()
    83  		pod.Status.ResourceClaimStatuses = []v1.PodResourceClaimStatus{
    84  			{
    85  				Name:              pod.Spec.ResourceClaims[0].Name,
    86  				ResourceClaimName: &claimName,
    87  			},
    88  		}
    89  		return pod
    90  	}()
    91  	podWithTwoClaimNames = st.MakePod().Name(podName).Namespace(namespace).
    92  				UID(podUID).
    93  				PodResourceClaims(v1.PodResourceClaim{Name: resourceName, Source: v1.ClaimSource{ResourceClaimName: &claimName}}).
    94  				PodResourceClaims(v1.PodResourceClaim{Name: resourceName2, Source: v1.ClaimSource{ResourceClaimName: &claimName2}}).
    95  				Obj()
    97  	workerNode = &st.MakeNode().Name("worker").Label("nodename", "worker").Node
    99  	claim = st.MakeResourceClaim().
   100  		Name(claimName).
   101  		Namespace(namespace).
   102  		ResourceClassName(className).
   103  		Obj()
   104  	pendingImmediateClaim = st.FromResourceClaim(claim).
   105  				AllocationMode(resourcev1alpha2.AllocationModeImmediate).
   106  				Obj()
   107  	pendingDelayedClaim = st.FromResourceClaim(claim).
   108  				OwnerReference(podName, podUID, podKind).
   109  				AllocationMode(resourcev1alpha2.AllocationModeWaitForFirstConsumer).
   110  				Obj()
   111  	pendingDelayedClaim2 = st.FromResourceClaim(pendingDelayedClaim).
   112  				Name(claimName2).
   113  				Obj()
   114  	deallocatingClaim = st.FromResourceClaim(pendingImmediateClaim).
   115  				Allocation(&resourcev1alpha2.AllocationResult{}).
   116  				DeallocationRequested(true).
   117  				Obj()
   118  	inUseClaim = st.FromResourceClaim(pendingImmediateClaim).
   119  			Allocation(&resourcev1alpha2.AllocationResult{}).
   120  			ReservedFor(resourcev1alpha2.ResourceClaimConsumerReference{Resource: "pods", Name: podName, UID: types.UID(podUID)}).
   121  			Obj()
   122  	allocatedClaim = st.FromResourceClaim(pendingDelayedClaim).
   123  			Allocation(&resourcev1alpha2.AllocationResult{}).
   124  			Obj()
   125  	allocatedDelayedClaimWithWrongTopology = st.FromResourceClaim(allocatedClaim).
   126  						Allocation(&resourcev1alpha2.AllocationResult{AvailableOnNodes: st.MakeNodeSelector().In("no-such-label", []string{"no-such-value"}).Obj()}).
   127  						Obj()
   128  	allocatedImmediateClaimWithWrongTopology = st.FromResourceClaim(allocatedDelayedClaimWithWrongTopology).
   129  							AllocationMode(resourcev1alpha2.AllocationModeImmediate).
   130  							Obj()
   131  	allocatedClaimWithGoodTopology = st.FromResourceClaim(allocatedClaim).
   132  					Allocation(&resourcev1alpha2.AllocationResult{AvailableOnNodes: st.MakeNodeSelector().In("nodename", []string{"worker"}).Obj()}).
   133  					Obj()
   134  	otherClaim = st.MakeResourceClaim().
   135  			Name("not-my-claim").
   136  			Namespace(namespace).
   137  			ResourceClassName(className).
   138  			Obj()
   140  	scheduling = st.MakePodSchedulingContexts().Name(podName).Namespace(namespace).
   141  			OwnerReference(podName, podUID, podKind).
   142  			Obj()
   143  	schedulingPotential = st.FromPodSchedulingContexts(scheduling).
   144  				PotentialNodes(workerNode.Name).
   145  				Obj()
   146  	schedulingSelectedPotential = st.FromPodSchedulingContexts(schedulingPotential).
   147  					SelectedNode(workerNode.Name).
   148  					Obj()
   149  	schedulingInfo = st.FromPodSchedulingContexts(schedulingPotential).
   150  			ResourceClaims(resourcev1alpha2.ResourceClaimSchedulingStatus{Name: resourceName},
   151  			resourcev1alpha2.ResourceClaimSchedulingStatus{Name: resourceName2}).
   152  		Obj()
   153  )
   155  // result defines the expected outcome of some operation. It covers
   156  // operation's status and the state of the world (= objects).
   157  type result struct {
   158  	status *framework.Status
   159  	// changes contains a mapping of name to an update function for
   160  	// the corresponding object. These functions apply exactly the expected
   161  	// changes to a copy of the object as it existed before the operation.
   162  	changes change
   164  	// added contains objects created by the operation.
   165  	added []metav1.Object
   167  	// removed contains objects deleted by the operation.
   168  	removed []metav1.Object
   169  }
   171  // change contains functions for modifying objects of a certain type. These
   172  // functions will get called for all objects of that type. If they needs to
   173  // make changes only to a particular instance, then it must check the name.
   174  type change struct {
   175  	scheduling func(*resourcev1alpha2.PodSchedulingContext) *resourcev1alpha2.PodSchedulingContext
   176  	claim      func(*resourcev1alpha2.ResourceClaim) *resourcev1alpha2.ResourceClaim
   177  }
   178  type perNodeResult map[string]result
   180  func (p perNodeResult) forNode(nodeName string) result {
   181  	if p == nil {
   182  		return result{}
   183  	}
   184  	return p[nodeName]
   185  }
   187  type want struct {
   188  	preenqueue       result
   189  	preFilterResult  *framework.PreFilterResult
   190  	prefilter        result
   191  	filter           perNodeResult
   192  	prescore         result
   193  	reserve          result
   194  	unreserve        result
   195  	prebind          result
   196  	postbind         result
   197  	postFilterResult *framework.PostFilterResult
   198  	postfilter       result
   200  	// unreserveAfterBindFailure, if set, triggers a call to Unreserve
   201  	// after PreBind, as if the actual Bind had failed.
   202  	unreserveAfterBindFailure *result
   203  }
   205  // prepare contains changes for objects in the API server.
   206  // Those changes are applied before running the steps. This can
   207  // be used to simulate concurrent changes by some other entities
   208  // like a resource driver.
   209  type prepare struct {
   210  	filter     change
   211  	prescore   change
   212  	reserve    change
   213  	unreserve  change
   214  	prebind    change
   215  	postbind   change
   216  	postfilter change
   217  }
   219  func TestPlugin(t *testing.T) {
   220  	testcases := map[string]struct {
   221  		nodes       []*v1.Node // default if unset is workerNode
   222  		pod         *v1.Pod
   223  		claims      []*resourcev1alpha2.ResourceClaim
   224  		classes     []*resourcev1alpha2.ResourceClass
   225  		schedulings []*resourcev1alpha2.PodSchedulingContext
   227  		prepare prepare
   228  		want    want
   229  		disable bool
   230  	}{
   231  		"empty": {
   232  			pod: st.MakePod().Name("foo").Namespace("default").Obj(),
   233  			want: want{
   234  				prefilter: result{
   235  					status: framework.NewStatus(framework.Skip),
   236  				},
   237  				postfilter: result{
   238  					status: framework.NewStatus(framework.Unschedulable, `no new claims to deallocate`),
   239  				},
   240  			},
   241  		},
   242  		"claim-reference": {
   243  			pod:    podWithClaimName,
   244  			claims: []*resourcev1alpha2.ResourceClaim{allocatedClaim, otherClaim},
   245  			want: want{
   246  				prebind: result{
   247  					changes: change{
   248  						claim: func(claim *resourcev1alpha2.ResourceClaim) *resourcev1alpha2.ResourceClaim {
   249  							if claim.Name == claimName {
   250  								claim = claim.DeepCopy()
   251  								claim.Status.ReservedFor = inUseClaim.Status.ReservedFor
   252  							}
   253  							return claim
   254  						},
   255  					},
   256  				},
   257  			},
   258  		},
   259  		"claim-template": {
   260  			pod:    podWithClaimTemplateInStatus,
   261  			claims: []*resourcev1alpha2.ResourceClaim{allocatedClaim, otherClaim},
   262  			want: want{
   263  				prebind: result{
   264  					changes: change{
   265  						claim: func(claim *resourcev1alpha2.ResourceClaim) *resourcev1alpha2.ResourceClaim {
   266  							if claim.Name == claimName {
   267  								claim = claim.DeepCopy()
   268  								claim.Status.ReservedFor = inUseClaim.Status.ReservedFor
   269  							}
   270  							return claim
   271  						},
   272  					},
   273  				},
   274  			},
   275  		},
   276  		"missing-claim": {
   277  			pod:    podWithClaimTemplate, // status not set
   278  			claims: []*resourcev1alpha2.ResourceClaim{allocatedClaim, otherClaim},
   279  			want: want{
   280  				preenqueue: result{
   281  					status: framework.NewStatus(framework.UnschedulableAndUnresolvable, `pod "default/my-pod": ResourceClaim not created yet`),
   282  				},
   283  			},
   284  		},
   285  		"deleted-claim": {
   286  			pod: podWithClaimTemplateInStatus,
   287  			claims: func() []*resourcev1alpha2.ResourceClaim {
   288  				claim := allocatedClaim.DeepCopy()
   289  				claim.DeletionTimestamp = &metav1.Time{Time: time.Now()}
   290  				return []*resourcev1alpha2.ResourceClaim{claim}
   291  			}(),
   292  			want: want{
   293  				preenqueue: result{
   294  					status: framework.NewStatus(framework.UnschedulableAndUnresolvable, `resourceclaim "my-pod-my-resource" is being deleted`),
   295  				},
   296  			},
   297  		},
   298  		"wrong-claim": {
   299  			pod: podWithClaimTemplateInStatus,
   300  			claims: func() []*resourcev1alpha2.ResourceClaim {
   301  				claim := allocatedClaim.DeepCopy()
   302  				claim.OwnerReferences[0].UID += "123"
   303  				return []*resourcev1alpha2.ResourceClaim{claim}
   304  			}(),
   305  			want: want{
   306  				preenqueue: result{
   307  					status: framework.NewStatus(framework.UnschedulableAndUnresolvable, `ResourceClaim default/my-pod-my-resource was not created for pod default/my-pod (pod is not owner)`),
   308  				},
   309  			},
   310  		},
   311  		"waiting-for-immediate-allocation": {
   312  			pod:     podWithClaimName,
   313  			claims:  []*resourcev1alpha2.ResourceClaim{pendingImmediateClaim},
   314  			classes: []*resourcev1alpha2.ResourceClass{resourceClass},
   315  			want: want{
   316  				prefilter: result{
   317  					status: framework.NewStatus(framework.UnschedulableAndUnresolvable, `unallocated immediate resourceclaim`),
   318  				},
   319  				postfilter: result{
   320  					status: framework.NewStatus(framework.Unschedulable, `no new claims to deallocate`),
   321  				},
   322  			},
   323  		},
   324  		"waiting-for-deallocation": {
   325  			pod:    podWithClaimName,
   326  			claims: []*resourcev1alpha2.ResourceClaim{deallocatingClaim},
   327  			want: want{
   328  				prefilter: result{
   329  					status: framework.NewStatus(framework.UnschedulableAndUnresolvable, `resourceclaim must be reallocated`),
   330  				},
   331  				postfilter: result{
   332  					status: framework.NewStatus(framework.Unschedulable, `no new claims to deallocate`),
   333  				},
   334  			},
   335  		},
   336  		"delayed-allocation-missing-class": {
   337  			pod:    podWithClaimName,
   338  			claims: []*resourcev1alpha2.ResourceClaim{pendingDelayedClaim},
   339  			want: want{
   340  				prefilter: result{
   341  					status: framework.NewStatus(framework.UnschedulableAndUnresolvable, fmt.Sprintf("resource class %s does not exist", className)),
   342  				},
   343  				postfilter: result{
   344  					status: framework.NewStatus(framework.Unschedulable, `no new claims to deallocate`),
   345  				},
   346  			},
   347  		},
   348  		"delayed-allocation-scheduling-select-immediately": {
   349  			// Create the PodSchedulingContext object, ask for information
   350  			// and select a node.
   351  			pod:     podWithClaimName,
   352  			claims:  []*resourcev1alpha2.ResourceClaim{pendingDelayedClaim},
   353  			classes: []*resourcev1alpha2.ResourceClass{resourceClass},
   354  			want: want{
   355  				prebind: result{
   356  					status: framework.NewStatus(framework.Pending, `waiting for resource driver`),
   357  					added:  []metav1.Object{schedulingSelectedPotential},
   358  				},
   359  			},
   360  		},
   361  		"delayed-allocation-scheduling-ask": {
   362  			// Create the PodSchedulingContext object, ask for
   363  			// information, but do not select a node because
   364  			// there are multiple claims.
   365  			pod:     podWithTwoClaimNames,
   366  			claims:  []*resourcev1alpha2.ResourceClaim{pendingDelayedClaim, pendingDelayedClaim2},
   367  			classes: []*resourcev1alpha2.ResourceClass{resourceClass},
   368  			want: want{
   369  				prebind: result{
   370  					status: framework.NewStatus(framework.Pending, `waiting for resource driver`),
   371  					added:  []metav1.Object{schedulingPotential},
   372  				},
   373  			},
   374  		},
   375  		"delayed-allocation-scheduling-finish": {
   376  			// Use the populated PodSchedulingContext object to select a
   377  			// node.
   378  			pod:         podWithClaimName,
   379  			claims:      []*resourcev1alpha2.ResourceClaim{pendingDelayedClaim},
   380  			schedulings: []*resourcev1alpha2.PodSchedulingContext{schedulingInfo},
   381  			classes:     []*resourcev1alpha2.ResourceClass{resourceClass},
   382  			want: want{
   383  				prebind: result{
   384  					status: framework.NewStatus(framework.Pending, `waiting for resource driver`),
   385  					changes: change{
   386  						scheduling: func(in *resourcev1alpha2.PodSchedulingContext) *resourcev1alpha2.PodSchedulingContext {
   387  							return st.FromPodSchedulingContexts(in).
   388  								SelectedNode(workerNode.Name).
   389  								Obj()
   390  						},
   391  					},
   392  				},
   393  			},
   394  		},
   395  		"delayed-allocation-scheduling-finish-concurrent-label-update": {
   396  			// Use the populated PodSchedulingContext object to select a
   397  			// node.
   398  			pod:         podWithClaimName,
   399  			claims:      []*resourcev1alpha2.ResourceClaim{pendingDelayedClaim},
   400  			schedulings: []*resourcev1alpha2.PodSchedulingContext{schedulingInfo},
   401  			classes:     []*resourcev1alpha2.ResourceClass{resourceClass},
   402  			prepare: prepare{
   403  				prebind: change{
   404  					scheduling: func(in *resourcev1alpha2.PodSchedulingContext) *resourcev1alpha2.PodSchedulingContext {
   405  						// This does not actually conflict with setting the
   406  						// selected node, but because the plugin is not using
   407  						// patching yet, Update nonetheless fails.
   408  						return st.FromPodSchedulingContexts(in).
   409  							Label("hello", "world").
   410  							Obj()
   411  					},
   412  				},
   413  			},
   414  			want: want{
   415  				prebind: result{
   416  					status: framework.AsStatus(errors.New(`ResourceVersion must match the object that gets updated`)),
   417  				},
   418  			},
   419  		},
   420  		"delayed-allocation-scheduling-completed": {
   421  			// Remove PodSchedulingContext object once the pod is scheduled.
   422  			pod:         podWithClaimName,
   423  			claims:      []*resourcev1alpha2.ResourceClaim{allocatedClaim},
   424  			schedulings: []*resourcev1alpha2.PodSchedulingContext{schedulingInfo},
   425  			classes:     []*resourcev1alpha2.ResourceClass{resourceClass},
   426  			want: want{
   427  				prebind: result{
   428  					changes: change{
   429  						claim: func(in *resourcev1alpha2.ResourceClaim) *resourcev1alpha2.ResourceClaim {
   430  							return st.FromResourceClaim(in).
   431  								ReservedFor(resourcev1alpha2.ResourceClaimConsumerReference{Resource: "pods", Name: podName, UID: types.UID(podUID)}).
   432  								Obj()
   433  						},
   434  					},
   435  				},
   436  				postbind: result{
   437  					removed: []metav1.Object{schedulingInfo},
   438  				},
   439  			},
   440  		},
   441  		"in-use-by-other": {
   442  			nodes:       []*v1.Node{},
   443  			pod:         otherPodWithClaimName,
   444  			claims:      []*resourcev1alpha2.ResourceClaim{inUseClaim},
   445  			classes:     []*resourcev1alpha2.ResourceClass{},
   446  			schedulings: []*resourcev1alpha2.PodSchedulingContext{},
   447  			prepare:     prepare{},
   448  			want: want{
   449  				prefilter: result{
   450  					status: framework.NewStatus(framework.UnschedulableAndUnresolvable, `resourceclaim in use`),
   451  				},
   452  				postfilter: result{
   453  					status: framework.NewStatus(framework.Unschedulable, `no new claims to deallocate`),
   454  				},
   455  			},
   456  		},
   457  		"wrong-topology-delayed-allocation": {
   458  			// PostFilter tries to get the pod scheduleable by
   459  			// deallocating the claim.
   460  			pod:    podWithClaimName,
   461  			claims: []*resourcev1alpha2.ResourceClaim{allocatedDelayedClaimWithWrongTopology},
   462  			want: want{
   463  				filter: perNodeResult{
   464  					workerNode.Name: {
   465  						status: framework.NewStatus(framework.UnschedulableAndUnresolvable, `resourceclaim not available on the node`),
   466  					},
   467  				},
   468  				postfilter: result{
   469  					// Claims with delayed allocation get deallocated.
   470  					changes: change{
   471  						claim: func(in *resourcev1alpha2.ResourceClaim) *resourcev1alpha2.ResourceClaim {
   472  							return st.FromResourceClaim(in).
   473  								DeallocationRequested(true).
   474  								Obj()
   475  						},
   476  					},
   477  					status: framework.NewStatus(framework.Unschedulable, `deallocation of ResourceClaim completed`),
   478  				},
   479  			},
   480  		},
   481  		"wrong-topology-immediate-allocation": {
   482  			// PostFilter tries to get the pod scheduleable by
   483  			// deallocating the claim.
   484  			pod:    podWithClaimName,
   485  			claims: []*resourcev1alpha2.ResourceClaim{allocatedImmediateClaimWithWrongTopology},
   486  			want: want{
   487  				filter: perNodeResult{
   488  					workerNode.Name: {
   489  						status: framework.NewStatus(framework.UnschedulableAndUnresolvable, `resourceclaim not available on the node`),
   490  					},
   491  				},
   492  				postfilter: result{
   493  					// Claims with immediate allocation don't. They would just get allocated again right
   494  					// away, without considering the needs of the pod.
   495  					status: framework.NewStatus(framework.Unschedulable, `still not schedulable`),
   496  				},
   497  			},
   498  		},
   499  		"good-topology": {
   500  			pod:    podWithClaimName,
   501  			claims: []*resourcev1alpha2.ResourceClaim{allocatedClaimWithGoodTopology},
   502  			want: want{
   503  				prebind: result{
   504  					changes: change{
   505  						claim: func(in *resourcev1alpha2.ResourceClaim) *resourcev1alpha2.ResourceClaim {
   506  							return st.FromResourceClaim(in).
   507  								ReservedFor(resourcev1alpha2.ResourceClaimConsumerReference{Resource: "pods", Name: podName, UID: types.UID(podUID)}).
   508  								Obj()
   509  						},
   510  					},
   511  				},
   512  			},
   513  		},
   514  		"bind-failure": {
   515  			pod:    podWithClaimName,
   516  			claims: []*resourcev1alpha2.ResourceClaim{allocatedClaimWithGoodTopology},
   517  			want: want{
   518  				prebind: result{
   519  					changes: change{
   520  						claim: func(in *resourcev1alpha2.ResourceClaim) *resourcev1alpha2.ResourceClaim {
   521  							return st.FromResourceClaim(in).
   522  								ReservedFor(resourcev1alpha2.ResourceClaimConsumerReference{Resource: "pods", Name: podName, UID: types.UID(podUID)}).
   523  								Obj()
   524  						},
   525  					},
   526  				},
   527  				unreserveAfterBindFailure: &result{
   528  					changes: change{
   529  						claim: func(in *resourcev1alpha2.ResourceClaim) *resourcev1alpha2.ResourceClaim {
   530  							out := in.DeepCopy()
   531  							out.Status.ReservedFor = []resourcev1alpha2.ResourceClaimConsumerReference{}
   532  							return out
   533  						},
   534  					},
   535  				},
   536  			},
   537  		},
   538  		"reserved-okay": {
   539  			pod:    podWithClaimName,
   540  			claims: []*resourcev1alpha2.ResourceClaim{inUseClaim},
   541  		},
   542  		"disable": {
   543  			pod:    podWithClaimName,
   544  			claims: []*resourcev1alpha2.ResourceClaim{inUseClaim},
   545  			want: want{
   546  				prefilter: result{
   547  					status: framework.NewStatus(framework.Skip),
   548  				},
   549  			},
   550  			disable: true,
   551  		},
   552  	}
   554  	for name, tc := range testcases {
   555  		// We can run in parallel because logging is per-test.
   556  		tc := tc
   557  		t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) {
   558  			t.Parallel()
   559  			nodes := tc.nodes
   560  			if nodes == nil {
   561  				nodes = []*v1.Node{workerNode}
   562  			}
   563  			testCtx := setup(t, nodes, tc.claims, tc.classes, tc.schedulings)
   564  			testCtx.p.enabled = !tc.disable
   565  			initialObjects := testCtx.listAll(t)
   567  			status := testCtx.p.PreEnqueue(testCtx.ctx, tc.pod)
   568  			t.Run("PreEnqueue", func(t *testing.T) {
   569  				testCtx.verify(t, tc.want.preenqueue, initialObjects, nil, status)
   570  			})
   571  			if !status.IsSuccess() {
   572  				return
   573  			}
   575  			result, status := testCtx.p.PreFilter(testCtx.ctx, testCtx.state, tc.pod)
   576  			t.Run("prefilter", func(t *testing.T) {
   577  				assert.Equal(t, tc.want.preFilterResult, result)
   578  				testCtx.verify(t, tc.want.prefilter, initialObjects, result, status)
   579  			})
   580  			if status.IsSkip() {
   581  				return
   582  			}
   583  			unschedulable := status.Code() != framework.Success
   585  			var potentialNodes []*framework.NodeInfo
   587  			initialObjects = testCtx.listAll(t)
   588  			testCtx.updateAPIServer(t, initialObjects, tc.prepare.filter)
   589  			if !unschedulable {
   590  				for _, nodeInfo := range testCtx.nodeInfos {
   591  					initialObjects = testCtx.listAll(t)
   592  					status := testCtx.p.Filter(testCtx.ctx, testCtx.state, tc.pod, nodeInfo)
   593  					nodeName := nodeInfo.Node().Name
   594  					t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("filter/%s", nodeInfo.Node().Name), func(t *testing.T) {
   595  						testCtx.verify(t, tc.want.filter.forNode(nodeName), initialObjects, nil, status)
   596  					})
   597  					if status.Code() != framework.Success {
   598  						unschedulable = true
   599  					} else {
   600  						potentialNodes = append(potentialNodes, nodeInfo)
   601  					}
   602  				}
   603  			}
   605  			if !unschedulable && len(potentialNodes) > 0 {
   606  				initialObjects = testCtx.listAll(t)
   607  				initialObjects = testCtx.updateAPIServer(t, initialObjects, tc.prepare.prescore)
   608  				status := testCtx.p.PreScore(testCtx.ctx, testCtx.state, tc.pod, potentialNodes)
   609  				t.Run("prescore", func(t *testing.T) {
   610  					testCtx.verify(t, tc.want.prescore, initialObjects, nil, status)
   611  				})
   612  				if status.Code() != framework.Success {
   613  					unschedulable = true
   614  				}
   615  			}
   617  			var selectedNode *framework.NodeInfo
   618  			if !unschedulable && len(potentialNodes) > 0 {
   619  				selectedNode = potentialNodes[0]
   621  				initialObjects = testCtx.listAll(t)
   622  				initialObjects = testCtx.updateAPIServer(t, initialObjects, tc.prepare.reserve)
   623  				status := testCtx.p.Reserve(testCtx.ctx, testCtx.state, tc.pod, selectedNode.Node().Name)
   624  				t.Run("reserve", func(t *testing.T) {
   625  					testCtx.verify(t, tc.want.reserve, initialObjects, nil, status)
   626  				})
   627  				if status.Code() != framework.Success {
   628  					unschedulable = true
   629  				}
   630  			}
   632  			if selectedNode != nil {
   633  				if unschedulable {
   634  					initialObjects = testCtx.listAll(t)
   635  					initialObjects = testCtx.updateAPIServer(t, initialObjects, tc.prepare.unreserve)
   636  					testCtx.p.Unreserve(testCtx.ctx, testCtx.state, tc.pod, selectedNode.Node().Name)
   637  					t.Run("unreserve", func(t *testing.T) {
   638  						testCtx.verify(t, tc.want.unreserve, initialObjects, nil, status)
   639  					})
   640  				} else {
   641  					initialObjects = testCtx.listAll(t)
   642  					initialObjects = testCtx.updateAPIServer(t, initialObjects, tc.prepare.prebind)
   643  					status := testCtx.p.PreBind(testCtx.ctx, testCtx.state, tc.pod, selectedNode.Node().Name)
   644  					t.Run("prebind", func(t *testing.T) {
   645  						testCtx.verify(t, tc.want.prebind, initialObjects, nil, status)
   646  					})
   648  					if tc.want.unreserveAfterBindFailure != nil {
   649  						initialObjects = testCtx.listAll(t)
   650  						testCtx.p.Unreserve(testCtx.ctx, testCtx.state, tc.pod, selectedNode.Node().Name)
   651  						t.Run("unreserverAfterBindFailure", func(t *testing.T) {
   652  							testCtx.verify(t, *tc.want.unreserveAfterBindFailure, initialObjects, nil, status)
   653  						})
   654  					} else if status.IsSuccess() {
   655  						initialObjects = testCtx.listAll(t)
   656  						initialObjects = testCtx.updateAPIServer(t, initialObjects, tc.prepare.postbind)
   657  						testCtx.p.PostBind(testCtx.ctx, testCtx.state, tc.pod, selectedNode.Node().Name)
   658  						t.Run("postbind", func(t *testing.T) {
   659  							testCtx.verify(t, tc.want.postbind, initialObjects, nil, nil)
   660  						})
   661  					}
   662  				}
   663  			} else {
   664  				initialObjects = testCtx.listAll(t)
   665  				initialObjects = testCtx.updateAPIServer(t, initialObjects, tc.prepare.postfilter)
   666  				result, status := testCtx.p.PostFilter(testCtx.ctx, testCtx.state, tc.pod, nil /* filteredNodeStatusMap not used by plugin */)
   667  				t.Run("postfilter", func(t *testing.T) {
   668  					assert.Equal(t, tc.want.postFilterResult, result)
   669  					testCtx.verify(t, tc.want.postfilter, initialObjects, nil, status)
   670  				})
   671  			}
   672  		})
   673  	}
   674  }
   676  type testContext struct {
   677  	ctx             context.Context
   678  	client          *fake.Clientset
   679  	informerFactory informers.SharedInformerFactory
   680  	p               *dynamicResources
   681  	nodeInfos       []*framework.NodeInfo
   682  	state           *framework.CycleState
   683  }
   685  func (tc *testContext) verify(t *testing.T, expected result, initialObjects []metav1.Object, result interface{}, status *framework.Status) {
   686  	t.Helper()
   687  	assert.Equal(t, expected.status, status)
   688  	objects := tc.listAll(t)
   689  	wantObjects := update(t, initialObjects, expected.changes)
   690  	wantObjects = append(wantObjects, expected.added...)
   691  	for _, remove := range expected.removed {
   692  		for i, obj := range wantObjects {
   693  			// This is a bit relaxed (no GVR comparison, no UID
   694  			// comparison) to simplify writing the test cases.
   695  			if obj.GetName() == remove.GetName() && obj.GetNamespace() == remove.GetNamespace() {
   696  				wantObjects = append(wantObjects[0:i], wantObjects[i+1:]...)
   697  				break
   698  			}
   699  		}
   700  	}
   701  	sortObjects(wantObjects)
   702  	stripObjects(wantObjects)
   703  	stripObjects(objects)
   704  	assert.Equal(t, wantObjects, objects)
   705  }
   707  // setGVK is implemented by metav1.TypeMeta and thus all API objects, in
   708  // contrast to metav1.Type, which is not (?!) implemented.
   709  type setGVK interface {
   710  	SetGroupVersionKind(gvk schema.GroupVersionKind)
   711  }
   713  // stripObjects removes certain fields (Kind, APIVersion, etc.) which are not
   714  // important and might not be set.
   715  func stripObjects(objects []metav1.Object) {
   716  	for _, obj := range objects {
   717  		obj.SetResourceVersion("")
   718  		obj.SetUID("")
   719  		if objType, ok := obj.(setGVK); ok {
   720  			objType.SetGroupVersionKind(schema.GroupVersionKind{})
   721  		}
   722  	}
   723  }
   725  func (tc *testContext) listAll(t *testing.T) (objects []metav1.Object) {
   726  	t.Helper()
   727  	claims, err := tc.client.ResourceV1alpha2().ResourceClaims("").List(tc.ctx, metav1.ListOptions{})
   728  	require.NoError(t, err, "list claims")
   729  	for _, claim := range claims.Items {
   730  		claim := claim
   731  		objects = append(objects, &claim)
   732  	}
   733  	schedulings, err := tc.client.ResourceV1alpha2().PodSchedulingContexts("").List(tc.ctx, metav1.ListOptions{})
   734  	require.NoError(t, err, "list pod scheduling")
   735  	for _, scheduling := range schedulings.Items {
   736  		scheduling := scheduling
   737  		objects = append(objects, &scheduling)
   738  	}
   740  	sortObjects(objects)
   741  	return
   742  }
   744  // updateAPIServer modifies objects and stores any changed object in the API server.
   745  func (tc *testContext) updateAPIServer(t *testing.T, objects []metav1.Object, updates change) []metav1.Object {
   746  	modified := update(t, objects, updates)
   747  	for i := range modified {
   748  		obj := modified[i]
   749  		if diff := cmp.Diff(objects[i], obj); diff != "" {
   750  			t.Logf("Updating %T %q, diff (-old, +new):\n%s", obj, obj.GetName(), diff)
   751  			switch obj := obj.(type) {
   752  			case *resourcev1alpha2.ResourceClaim:
   753  				obj, err := tc.client.ResourceV1alpha2().ResourceClaims(obj.Namespace).Update(tc.ctx, obj, metav1.UpdateOptions{})
   754  				if err != nil {
   755  					t.Fatalf("unexpected error during prepare update: %v", err)
   756  				}
   757  				modified[i] = obj
   758  			case *resourcev1alpha2.PodSchedulingContext:
   759  				obj, err := tc.client.ResourceV1alpha2().PodSchedulingContexts(obj.Namespace).Update(tc.ctx, obj, metav1.UpdateOptions{})
   760  				if err != nil {
   761  					t.Fatalf("unexpected error during prepare update: %v", err)
   762  				}
   763  				modified[i] = obj
   764  			default:
   765  				t.Fatalf("unsupported object type %T", obj)
   766  			}
   767  		}
   768  	}
   769  	return modified
   770  }
   772  func sortObjects(objects []metav1.Object) {
   773  	sort.Slice(objects, func(i, j int) bool {
   774  		if objects[i].GetNamespace() < objects[j].GetNamespace() {
   775  			return true
   776  		}
   777  		return objects[i].GetName() < objects[j].GetName()
   778  	})
   779  }
   781  // update walks through all existing objects, finds the corresponding update
   782  // function based on name and kind, and replaces those objects that have an
   783  // update function. The rest is left unchanged.
   784  func update(t *testing.T, objects []metav1.Object, updates change) []metav1.Object {
   785  	var updated []metav1.Object
   787  	for _, obj := range objects {
   788  		switch in := obj.(type) {
   789  		case *resourcev1alpha2.ResourceClaim:
   790  			if updates.claim != nil {
   791  				obj = updates.claim(in)
   792  			}
   793  		case *resourcev1alpha2.PodSchedulingContext:
   794  			if updates.scheduling != nil {
   795  				obj = updates.scheduling(in)
   796  			}
   797  		}
   798  		updated = append(updated, obj)
   799  	}
   801  	return updated
   802  }
   804  func setup(t *testing.T, nodes []*v1.Node, claims []*resourcev1alpha2.ResourceClaim, classes []*resourcev1alpha2.ResourceClass, schedulings []*resourcev1alpha2.PodSchedulingContext) (result *testContext) {
   805  	t.Helper()
   807  	tc := &testContext{}
   808  	_, ctx := ktesting.NewTestContext(t)
   809  	ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
   810  	t.Cleanup(cancel)
   811  	tc.ctx = ctx
   813  	tc.client = fake.NewSimpleClientset()
   814  	reactor := createReactor(tc.client.Tracker())
   815  	tc.client.PrependReactor("*", "*", reactor)
   816  	tc.informerFactory = informers.NewSharedInformerFactory(tc.client, 0)
   818  	opts := []runtime.Option{
   819  		runtime.WithClientSet(tc.client),
   820  		runtime.WithInformerFactory(tc.informerFactory),
   821  	}
   822  	fh, err := runtime.NewFramework(ctx, nil, nil, opts...)
   823  	if err != nil {
   824  		t.Fatal(err)
   825  	}
   827  	pl, err := New(ctx, nil, fh, feature.Features{EnableDynamicResourceAllocation: true})
   828  	if err != nil {
   829  		t.Fatal(err)
   830  	}
   831  	tc.p = pl.(*dynamicResources)
   833  	// The tests use the API to create the objects because then reactors
   834  	// get triggered.
   835  	for _, claim := range claims {
   836  		_, err := tc.client.ResourceV1alpha2().ResourceClaims(claim.Namespace).Create(tc.ctx, claim, metav1.CreateOptions{})
   837  		require.NoError(t, err, "create resource claim")
   838  	}
   839  	for _, class := range classes {
   840  		_, err := tc.client.ResourceV1alpha2().ResourceClasses().Create(tc.ctx, class, metav1.CreateOptions{})
   841  		require.NoError(t, err, "create resource class")
   842  	}
   843  	for _, scheduling := range schedulings {
   844  		_, err := tc.client.ResourceV1alpha2().PodSchedulingContexts(scheduling.Namespace).Create(tc.ctx, scheduling, metav1.CreateOptions{})
   845  		require.NoError(t, err, "create pod scheduling")
   846  	}
   848  	tc.informerFactory.Start(tc.ctx.Done())
   849  	t.Cleanup(func() {
   850  		// Need to cancel before waiting for the shutdown.
   851  		cancel()
   852  		// Now we can wait for all goroutines to stop.
   853  		tc.informerFactory.Shutdown()
   854  	})
   856  	tc.informerFactory.WaitForCacheSync(tc.ctx.Done())
   858  	for _, node := range nodes {
   859  		nodeInfo := framework.NewNodeInfo()
   860  		nodeInfo.SetNode(node)
   861  		tc.nodeInfos = append(tc.nodeInfos, nodeInfo)
   862  	}
   863  	tc.state = framework.NewCycleState()
   865  	return tc
   866  }
   868  // createReactor implements the logic required for the UID and ResourceVersion
   869  // fields to work when using the fake client. Add it with client.PrependReactor
   870  // to your fake client. ResourceVersion handling is required for conflict
   871  // detection during updates, which is covered by some scenarios.
   872  func createReactor(tracker cgotesting.ObjectTracker) func(action cgotesting.Action) (handled bool, ret apiruntime.Object, err error) {
   873  	var uidCounter int
   874  	var resourceVersionCounter int
   875  	var mutex sync.Mutex
   877  	return func(action cgotesting.Action) (handled bool, ret apiruntime.Object, err error) {
   878  		createAction, ok := action.(cgotesting.CreateAction)
   879  		if !ok {
   880  			return false, nil, nil
   881  		}
   882  		obj, ok := createAction.GetObject().(metav1.Object)
   883  		if !ok {
   884  			return false, nil, nil
   885  		}
   887  		mutex.Lock()
   888  		defer mutex.Unlock()
   889  		switch action.GetVerb() {
   890  		case "create":
   891  			if obj.GetUID() != "" {
   892  				return true, nil, errors.New("UID must not be set on create")
   893  			}
   894  			if obj.GetResourceVersion() != "" {
   895  				return true, nil, errors.New("ResourceVersion must not be set on create")
   896  			}
   897  			obj.SetUID(types.UID(fmt.Sprintf("UID-%d", uidCounter)))
   898  			uidCounter++
   899  			obj.SetResourceVersion(fmt.Sprintf("REV-%d", resourceVersionCounter))
   900  			resourceVersionCounter++
   901  		case "update":
   902  			uid := obj.GetUID()
   903  			resourceVersion := obj.GetResourceVersion()
   904  			if uid == "" {
   905  				return true, nil, errors.New("UID must be set on update")
   906  			}
   907  			if resourceVersion == "" {
   908  				return true, nil, errors.New("ResourceVersion must be set on update")
   909  			}
   911  			oldObj, err := tracker.Get(action.GetResource(), obj.GetNamespace(), obj.GetName())
   912  			if err != nil {
   913  				return true, nil, err
   914  			}
   915  			oldObjMeta, ok := oldObj.(metav1.Object)
   916  			if !ok {
   917  				return true, nil, errors.New("internal error: unexpected old object type")
   918  			}
   919  			if oldObjMeta.GetResourceVersion() != resourceVersion {
   920  				return true, nil, errors.New("ResourceVersion must match the object that gets updated")
   921  			}
   923  			obj.SetResourceVersion(fmt.Sprintf("REV-%d", resourceVersionCounter))
   924  			resourceVersionCounter++
   925  		}
   926  		return false, nil, nil
   927  	}
   928  }
   930  func Test_isSchedulableAfterClaimChange(t *testing.T) {
   931  	testcases := map[string]struct {
   932  		pod            *v1.Pod
   933  		claims         []*resourcev1alpha2.ResourceClaim
   934  		oldObj, newObj interface{}
   935  		expectedHint   framework.QueueingHint
   936  		expectedErr    bool
   937  	}{
   938  		"skip-deletes": {
   939  			pod:          podWithClaimTemplate,
   940  			oldObj:       allocatedClaim,
   941  			newObj:       nil,
   942  			expectedHint: framework.QueueSkip,
   943  		},
   944  		"backoff-wrong-new-object": {
   945  			pod:         podWithClaimTemplate,
   946  			newObj:      "not-a-claim",
   947  			expectedErr: true,
   948  		},
   949  		"skip-wrong-claim": {
   950  			pod: podWithClaimTemplate,
   951  			newObj: func() *resourcev1alpha2.ResourceClaim {
   952  				claim := allocatedClaim.DeepCopy()
   953  				claim.OwnerReferences[0].UID += "123"
   954  				return claim
   955  			}(),
   956  			expectedHint: framework.QueueSkip,
   957  		},
   958  		"skip-unrelated-claim": {
   959  			pod:    podWithClaimTemplate,
   960  			claims: []*resourcev1alpha2.ResourceClaim{allocatedClaim},
   961  			newObj: func() *resourcev1alpha2.ResourceClaim {
   962  				claim := allocatedClaim.DeepCopy()
   963  				claim.Name += "-foo"
   964  				claim.UID += "123"
   965  				return claim
   966  			}(),
   967  			expectedHint: framework.QueueSkip,
   968  		},
   969  		"queue-on-add": {
   970  			pod:          podWithClaimName,
   971  			newObj:       pendingImmediateClaim,
   972  			expectedHint: framework.Queue,
   973  		},
   974  		"backoff-wrong-old-object": {
   975  			pod:         podWithClaimName,
   976  			oldObj:      "not-a-claim",
   977  			newObj:      pendingImmediateClaim,
   978  			expectedErr: true,
   979  		},
   980  		"skip-adding-finalizer": {
   981  			pod:    podWithClaimName,
   982  			claims: []*resourcev1alpha2.ResourceClaim{pendingImmediateClaim},
   983  			oldObj: pendingImmediateClaim,
   984  			newObj: func() *resourcev1alpha2.ResourceClaim {
   985  				claim := pendingImmediateClaim.DeepCopy()
   986  				claim.Finalizers = append(claim.Finalizers, "foo")
   987  				return claim
   988  			}(),
   989  			expectedHint: framework.QueueSkip,
   990  		},
   991  		"queue-on-status-change": {
   992  			pod:    podWithClaimName,
   993  			claims: []*resourcev1alpha2.ResourceClaim{pendingImmediateClaim},
   994  			oldObj: pendingImmediateClaim,
   995  			newObj: func() *resourcev1alpha2.ResourceClaim {
   996  				claim := pendingImmediateClaim.DeepCopy()
   997  				claim.Status.Allocation = &resourcev1alpha2.AllocationResult{}
   998  				return claim
   999  			}(),
  1000  			expectedHint: framework.Queue,
  1001  		},
  1002  	}
  1004  	for name, tc := range testcases {
  1005  		t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) {
  1006  			logger, _ := ktesting.NewTestContext(t)
  1007  			testCtx := setup(t, nil, tc.claims, nil, nil)
  1008  			if claim, ok := tc.newObj.(*resourcev1alpha2.ResourceClaim); ok {
  1009  				// Update the informer because the lister gets called and must have the claim.
  1010  				store := testCtx.informerFactory.Resource().V1alpha2().ResourceClaims().Informer().GetStore()
  1011  				if tc.oldObj == nil {
  1012  					require.NoError(t, store.Add(claim))
  1013  				} else {
  1014  					require.NoError(t, store.Update(claim))
  1015  				}
  1016  			}
  1017  			actualHint, err := testCtx.p.isSchedulableAfterClaimChange(logger, tc.pod, tc.oldObj, tc.newObj)
  1018  			if tc.expectedErr {
  1019  				require.Error(t, err)
  1020  				return
  1021  			}
  1023  			require.NoError(t, err)
  1024  			require.Equal(t, tc.expectedHint, actualHint)
  1025  		})
  1026  	}
  1027  }
  1029  func Test_isSchedulableAfterPodSchedulingContextChange(t *testing.T) {
  1030  	testcases := map[string]struct {
  1031  		pod            *v1.Pod
  1032  		schedulings    []*resourcev1alpha2.PodSchedulingContext
  1033  		claims         []*resourcev1alpha2.ResourceClaim
  1034  		oldObj, newObj interface{}
  1035  		expectedHint   framework.QueueingHint
  1036  		expectedErr    bool
  1037  	}{
  1038  		"skip-deleted": {
  1039  			pod:          podWithClaimTemplate,
  1040  			oldObj:       scheduling,
  1041  			expectedHint: framework.QueueSkip,
  1042  		},
  1043  		"skip-missed-deleted": {
  1044  			pod: podWithClaimTemplate,
  1045  			oldObj: cache.DeletedFinalStateUnknown{
  1046  				Obj: scheduling,
  1047  			},
  1048  			expectedHint: framework.QueueSkip,
  1049  		},
  1050  		"backoff-wrong-old-object": {
  1051  			pod:         podWithClaimTemplate,
  1052  			oldObj:      "not-a-scheduling-context",
  1053  			newObj:      scheduling,
  1054  			expectedErr: true,
  1055  		},
  1056  		"backoff-missed-wrong-old-object": {
  1057  			pod: podWithClaimTemplate,
  1058  			oldObj: cache.DeletedFinalStateUnknown{
  1059  				Obj: "not-a-scheduling-context",
  1060  			},
  1061  			newObj:      scheduling,
  1062  			expectedErr: true,
  1063  		},
  1064  		"skip-unrelated-object": {
  1065  			pod:    podWithClaimTemplate,
  1066  			claims: []*resourcev1alpha2.ResourceClaim{pendingDelayedClaim},
  1067  			newObj: func() *resourcev1alpha2.PodSchedulingContext {
  1068  				scheduling := scheduling.DeepCopy()
  1069  				scheduling.Name += "-foo"
  1070  				return scheduling
  1071  			}(),
  1072  			expectedHint: framework.QueueSkip,
  1073  		},
  1074  		"backoff-wrong-new-object": {
  1075  			pod:         podWithClaimTemplate,
  1076  			oldObj:      scheduling,
  1077  			newObj:      "not-a-scheduling-context",
  1078  			expectedErr: true,
  1079  		},
  1080  		"skip-missing-claim": {
  1081  			pod:          podWithClaimTemplate,
  1082  			oldObj:       scheduling,
  1083  			newObj:       schedulingInfo,
  1084  			expectedHint: framework.QueueSkip,
  1085  		},
  1086  		"skip-missing-infos": {
  1087  			pod:          podWithClaimTemplateInStatus,
  1088  			claims:       []*resourcev1alpha2.ResourceClaim{pendingDelayedClaim},
  1089  			oldObj:       scheduling,
  1090  			newObj:       scheduling,
  1091  			expectedHint: framework.QueueSkip,
  1092  		},
  1093  		"queue-new-infos": {
  1094  			pod:          podWithClaimTemplateInStatus,
  1095  			claims:       []*resourcev1alpha2.ResourceClaim{pendingDelayedClaim},
  1096  			oldObj:       scheduling,
  1097  			newObj:       schedulingInfo,
  1098  			expectedHint: framework.Queue,
  1099  		},
  1100  		"queue-bad-selected-node": {
  1101  			pod:    podWithClaimTemplateInStatus,
  1102  			claims: []*resourcev1alpha2.ResourceClaim{pendingDelayedClaim},
  1103  			oldObj: func() *resourcev1alpha2.PodSchedulingContext {
  1104  				scheduling := schedulingInfo.DeepCopy()
  1105  				scheduling.Spec.SelectedNode = workerNode.Name
  1106  				return scheduling
  1107  			}(),
  1108  			newObj: func() *resourcev1alpha2.PodSchedulingContext {
  1109  				scheduling := schedulingInfo.DeepCopy()
  1110  				scheduling.Spec.SelectedNode = workerNode.Name
  1111  				scheduling.Status.ResourceClaims[0].UnsuitableNodes = append(scheduling.Status.ResourceClaims[0].UnsuitableNodes, scheduling.Spec.SelectedNode)
  1112  				return scheduling
  1113  			}(),
  1114  			expectedHint: framework.Queue,
  1115  		},
  1116  		"skip-spec-changes": {
  1117  			pod:    podWithClaimTemplateInStatus,
  1118  			claims: []*resourcev1alpha2.ResourceClaim{pendingDelayedClaim},
  1119  			oldObj: schedulingInfo,
  1120  			newObj: func() *resourcev1alpha2.PodSchedulingContext {
  1121  				scheduling := schedulingInfo.DeepCopy()
  1122  				scheduling.Spec.SelectedNode = workerNode.Name
  1123  				return scheduling
  1124  			}(),
  1125  			expectedHint: framework.QueueSkip,
  1126  		},
  1127  		"backoff-other-changes": {
  1128  			pod:    podWithClaimTemplateInStatus,
  1129  			claims: []*resourcev1alpha2.ResourceClaim{pendingDelayedClaim},
  1130  			oldObj: schedulingInfo,
  1131  			newObj: func() *resourcev1alpha2.PodSchedulingContext {
  1132  				scheduling := schedulingInfo.DeepCopy()
  1133  				scheduling.Finalizers = append(scheduling.Finalizers, "foo")
  1134  				return scheduling
  1135  			}(),
  1136  			expectedHint: framework.Queue,
  1137  		},
  1138  	}
  1140  	for name, tc := range testcases {
  1141  		tc := tc
  1142  		t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) {
  1143  			t.Parallel()
  1144  			logger, _ := ktesting.NewTestContext(t)
  1145  			testCtx := setup(t, nil, tc.claims, nil, tc.schedulings)
  1146  			actualHint, err := testCtx.p.isSchedulableAfterPodSchedulingContextChange(logger, tc.pod, tc.oldObj, tc.newObj)
  1147  			if tc.expectedErr {
  1148  				require.Error(t, err)
  1149  				return
  1150  			}
  1152  			require.NoError(t, err)
  1153  			require.Equal(t, tc.expectedHint, actualHint)
  1154  		})
  1155  	}
  1156  }

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