20 package nodeshutdown
22 import (
23 "fmt"
24 "os"
25 "strings"
26 "sync"
27 "testing"
28 "time"
30 "github.com/google/go-cmp/cmp"
31 "github.com/google/go-cmp/cmp/cmpopts"
32 "github.com/stretchr/testify/assert"
33 v1 "k8s.io/api/core/v1"
34 metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"
35 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/types"
36 utilfeature "k8s.io/apiserver/pkg/util/feature"
37 "k8s.io/client-go/tools/record"
38 featuregatetesting "k8s.io/component-base/featuregate/testing"
39 "k8s.io/klog/v2/ktesting"
40 _ "k8s.io/klog/v2/ktesting/init"
41 "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/apis/scheduling"
42 pkgfeatures "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/features"
43 kubeletconfig "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/kubelet/apis/config"
44 "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/kubelet/eviction"
45 "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/kubelet/nodeshutdown/systemd"
46 "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/kubelet/prober"
47 probetest "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/kubelet/prober/testing"
48 "k8s.io/utils/clock"
49 testingclock "k8s.io/utils/clock/testing"
50 )
53 var lock sync.Mutex
55 type fakeDbus struct {
56 currentInhibitDelay time.Duration
57 overrideSystemInhibitDelay time.Duration
58 shutdownChan chan bool
60 didInhibitShutdown bool
61 didOverrideInhibitDelay bool
62 }
64 func (f *fakeDbus) CurrentInhibitDelay() (time.Duration, error) {
65 if f.didOverrideInhibitDelay {
66 return f.overrideSystemInhibitDelay, nil
67 }
68 return f.currentInhibitDelay, nil
69 }
71 func (f *fakeDbus) InhibitShutdown() (systemd.InhibitLock, error) {
72 f.didInhibitShutdown = true
73 return systemd.InhibitLock(0), nil
74 }
76 func (f *fakeDbus) ReleaseInhibitLock(lock systemd.InhibitLock) error {
77 return nil
78 }
80 func (f *fakeDbus) ReloadLogindConf() error {
81 return nil
82 }
84 func (f *fakeDbus) MonitorShutdown() (<-chan bool, error) {
85 return f.shutdownChan, nil
86 }
88 func (f *fakeDbus) OverrideInhibitDelay(inhibitDelayMax time.Duration) error {
89 f.didOverrideInhibitDelay = true
90 return nil
91 }
93 func makePod(name string, priority int32, terminationGracePeriod *int64) *v1.Pod {
94 return &v1.Pod{
95 ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
96 Name: name,
97 UID: types.UID(name),
98 },
99 Spec: v1.PodSpec{
100 Priority: &priority,
101 TerminationGracePeriodSeconds: terminationGracePeriod,
102 },
103 }
104 }
106 func TestManager(t *testing.T) {
107 systemDbusTmp := systemDbus
108 defer func() {
109 systemDbus = systemDbusTmp
110 }()
111 normalPodNoGracePeriod := makePod("normal-pod-nil-grace-period", scheduling.DefaultPriorityWhenNoDefaultClassExists, nil )
112 criticalPodNoGracePeriod := makePod("critical-pod-nil-grace-period", scheduling.SystemCriticalPriority, nil )
114 shortGracePeriod := int64(2)
115 normalPodGracePeriod := makePod("normal-pod-grace-period", scheduling.DefaultPriorityWhenNoDefaultClassExists, &shortGracePeriod )
116 criticalPodGracePeriod := makePod("critical-pod-grace-period", scheduling.SystemCriticalPriority, &shortGracePeriod )
118 longGracePeriod := int64(1000)
119 normalPodLongGracePeriod := makePod("normal-pod-long-grace-period", scheduling.DefaultPriorityWhenNoDefaultClassExists, &longGracePeriod )
121 var tests = []struct {
122 desc string
123 activePods []*v1.Pod
124 shutdownGracePeriodRequested time.Duration
125 shutdownGracePeriodCriticalPods time.Duration
126 systemInhibitDelay time.Duration
127 overrideSystemInhibitDelay time.Duration
128 enablePodDisruptionConditions bool
129 expectedDidOverrideInhibitDelay bool
130 expectedPodToGracePeriodOverride map[string]int64
131 expectedError error
132 expectedPodStatuses map[string]v1.PodStatus
133 }{
134 {
135 desc: "verify pod status; PodDisruptionConditions enabled",
136 activePods: []*v1.Pod{
137 {
138 ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "running-pod"},
139 Spec: v1.PodSpec{},
140 Status: v1.PodStatus{
141 Phase: v1.PodRunning,
142 },
143 },
144 {
145 ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "failed-pod"},
146 Spec: v1.PodSpec{},
147 Status: v1.PodStatus{
148 Phase: v1.PodFailed,
149 },
150 },
151 {
152 ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "succeeded-pod"},
153 Spec: v1.PodSpec{},
154 Status: v1.PodStatus{
155 Phase: v1.PodSucceeded,
156 },
157 },
158 },
159 shutdownGracePeriodRequested: time.Duration(30 * time.Second),
160 shutdownGracePeriodCriticalPods: time.Duration(10 * time.Second),
161 systemInhibitDelay: time.Duration(40 * time.Second),
162 overrideSystemInhibitDelay: time.Duration(40 * time.Second),
163 enablePodDisruptionConditions: true,
164 expectedDidOverrideInhibitDelay: false,
165 expectedPodToGracePeriodOverride: map[string]int64{"running-pod": 20, "failed-pod": 20, "succeeded-pod": 20},
166 expectedPodStatuses: map[string]v1.PodStatus{
167 "running-pod": {
168 Phase: v1.PodFailed,
169 Message: "Pod was terminated in response to imminent node shutdown.",
170 Reason: "Terminated",
171 Conditions: []v1.PodCondition{
172 {
173 Type: v1.DisruptionTarget,
174 Status: v1.ConditionTrue,
175 Reason: "TerminationByKubelet",
176 Message: "Pod was terminated in response to imminent node shutdown.",
177 },
178 },
179 },
180 "failed-pod": {
181 Phase: v1.PodFailed,
182 Message: "Pod was terminated in response to imminent node shutdown.",
183 Reason: "Terminated",
184 Conditions: []v1.PodCondition{
185 {
186 Type: v1.DisruptionTarget,
187 Status: v1.ConditionTrue,
188 Reason: "TerminationByKubelet",
189 Message: "Pod was terminated in response to imminent node shutdown.",
190 },
191 },
192 },
193 "succeeded-pod": {
194 Phase: v1.PodSucceeded,
195 Message: "Pod was terminated in response to imminent node shutdown.",
196 Reason: "Terminated",
197 Conditions: []v1.PodCondition{
198 {
199 Type: v1.DisruptionTarget,
200 Status: v1.ConditionTrue,
201 Reason: "TerminationByKubelet",
202 Message: "Pod was terminated in response to imminent node shutdown.",
203 },
204 },
205 },
206 },
207 },
208 {
209 desc: "no override (total=30s, critical=10s)",
210 activePods: []*v1.Pod{normalPodNoGracePeriod, criticalPodNoGracePeriod},
211 shutdownGracePeriodRequested: time.Duration(30 * time.Second),
212 shutdownGracePeriodCriticalPods: time.Duration(10 * time.Second),
213 systemInhibitDelay: time.Duration(40 * time.Second),
214 overrideSystemInhibitDelay: time.Duration(40 * time.Second),
215 enablePodDisruptionConditions: false,
216 expectedDidOverrideInhibitDelay: false,
217 expectedPodToGracePeriodOverride: map[string]int64{"normal-pod-nil-grace-period": 20, "critical-pod-nil-grace-period": 10},
218 expectedPodStatuses: map[string]v1.PodStatus{
219 "normal-pod-nil-grace-period": {
220 Phase: v1.PodFailed,
221 Message: "Pod was terminated in response to imminent node shutdown.",
222 Reason: "Terminated",
223 },
224 "critical-pod-nil-grace-period": {
225 Phase: v1.PodFailed,
226 Message: "Pod was terminated in response to imminent node shutdown.",
227 Reason: "Terminated",
228 },
229 },
230 },
231 {
232 desc: "no override (total=30s, critical=10s) pods with terminationGracePeriod and without",
233 activePods: []*v1.Pod{normalPodNoGracePeriod, criticalPodNoGracePeriod, normalPodGracePeriod, criticalPodGracePeriod},
234 shutdownGracePeriodRequested: time.Duration(30 * time.Second),
235 shutdownGracePeriodCriticalPods: time.Duration(10 * time.Second),
236 systemInhibitDelay: time.Duration(40 * time.Second),
237 overrideSystemInhibitDelay: time.Duration(40 * time.Second),
238 expectedDidOverrideInhibitDelay: false,
239 expectedPodToGracePeriodOverride: map[string]int64{"normal-pod-nil-grace-period": 20, "critical-pod-nil-grace-period": 10, "normal-pod-grace-period": 2, "critical-pod-grace-period": 2},
240 },
241 {
242 desc: "no override (total=30s, critical=10s) pod with long terminationGracePeriod is overridden",
243 activePods: []*v1.Pod{normalPodNoGracePeriod, criticalPodNoGracePeriod, normalPodGracePeriod, criticalPodGracePeriod, normalPodLongGracePeriod},
244 shutdownGracePeriodRequested: time.Duration(30 * time.Second),
245 shutdownGracePeriodCriticalPods: time.Duration(10 * time.Second),
246 systemInhibitDelay: time.Duration(40 * time.Second),
247 overrideSystemInhibitDelay: time.Duration(40 * time.Second),
248 expectedDidOverrideInhibitDelay: false,
249 expectedPodToGracePeriodOverride: map[string]int64{"normal-pod-nil-grace-period": 20, "critical-pod-nil-grace-period": 10, "normal-pod-grace-period": 2, "critical-pod-grace-period": 2, "normal-pod-long-grace-period": 20},
250 },
251 {
252 desc: "no override (total=30, critical=0)",
253 activePods: []*v1.Pod{normalPodNoGracePeriod, criticalPodNoGracePeriod},
254 shutdownGracePeriodRequested: time.Duration(30 * time.Second),
255 shutdownGracePeriodCriticalPods: time.Duration(0 * time.Second),
256 systemInhibitDelay: time.Duration(40 * time.Second),
257 overrideSystemInhibitDelay: time.Duration(40 * time.Second),
258 expectedDidOverrideInhibitDelay: false,
259 expectedPodToGracePeriodOverride: map[string]int64{"normal-pod-nil-grace-period": 30, "critical-pod-nil-grace-period": 0},
260 },
261 {
262 desc: "override successful (total=30, critical=10)",
263 activePods: []*v1.Pod{normalPodNoGracePeriod, criticalPodNoGracePeriod},
264 shutdownGracePeriodRequested: time.Duration(30 * time.Second),
265 shutdownGracePeriodCriticalPods: time.Duration(10 * time.Second),
266 systemInhibitDelay: time.Duration(5 * time.Second),
267 overrideSystemInhibitDelay: time.Duration(30 * time.Second),
268 expectedDidOverrideInhibitDelay: true,
269 expectedPodToGracePeriodOverride: map[string]int64{"normal-pod-nil-grace-period": 20, "critical-pod-nil-grace-period": 10},
270 },
271 {
272 desc: "override unsuccessful",
273 activePods: []*v1.Pod{normalPodNoGracePeriod, criticalPodNoGracePeriod},
274 shutdownGracePeriodRequested: time.Duration(30 * time.Second),
275 shutdownGracePeriodCriticalPods: time.Duration(10 * time.Second),
276 systemInhibitDelay: time.Duration(5 * time.Second),
277 overrideSystemInhibitDelay: time.Duration(5 * time.Second),
278 expectedDidOverrideInhibitDelay: true,
279 expectedPodToGracePeriodOverride: map[string]int64{"normal-pod-nil-grace-period": 5, "critical-pod-nil-grace-period": 0},
280 expectedError: fmt.Errorf("unable to update logind InhibitDelayMaxSec to 30s (ShutdownGracePeriod), current value of InhibitDelayMaxSec (5s) is less than requested ShutdownGracePeriod"),
281 },
282 {
283 desc: "override unsuccessful, zero time",
284 activePods: []*v1.Pod{normalPodNoGracePeriod, criticalPodNoGracePeriod},
285 shutdownGracePeriodRequested: time.Duration(5 * time.Second),
286 shutdownGracePeriodCriticalPods: time.Duration(5 * time.Second),
287 systemInhibitDelay: time.Duration(0 * time.Second),
288 overrideSystemInhibitDelay: time.Duration(0 * time.Second),
289 expectedError: fmt.Errorf("unable to update logind InhibitDelayMaxSec to 5s (ShutdownGracePeriod), current value of InhibitDelayMaxSec (0s) is less than requested ShutdownGracePeriod"),
290 },
291 {
292 desc: "no override, all time to critical pods",
293 activePods: []*v1.Pod{normalPodNoGracePeriod, criticalPodNoGracePeriod},
294 shutdownGracePeriodRequested: time.Duration(5 * time.Second),
295 shutdownGracePeriodCriticalPods: time.Duration(5 * time.Second),
296 systemInhibitDelay: time.Duration(5 * time.Second),
297 overrideSystemInhibitDelay: time.Duration(5 * time.Second),
298 expectedDidOverrideInhibitDelay: false,
299 expectedPodToGracePeriodOverride: map[string]int64{"normal-pod-nil-grace-period": 0, "critical-pod-nil-grace-period": 5},
300 },
301 }
303 for _, tc := range tests {
304 t.Run(tc.desc, func(t *testing.T) {
305 logger, _ := ktesting.NewTestContext(t)
307 activePodsFunc := func() []*v1.Pod {
308 return tc.activePods
309 }
311 type PodKillInfo struct {
312 Name string
313 GracePeriod int64
314 }
316 podKillChan := make(chan PodKillInfo, 1)
317 killPodsFunc := func(pod *v1.Pod, evict bool, gracePeriodOverride *int64, fn func(podStatus *v1.PodStatus)) error {
318 var gracePeriod int64
319 if gracePeriodOverride != nil {
320 gracePeriod = *gracePeriodOverride
321 }
322 fn(&pod.Status)
323 podKillChan <- PodKillInfo{Name: pod.Name, GracePeriod: gracePeriod}
324 return nil
325 }
327 fakeShutdownChan := make(chan bool)
328 fakeDbus := &fakeDbus{currentInhibitDelay: tc.systemInhibitDelay, shutdownChan: fakeShutdownChan, overrideSystemInhibitDelay: tc.overrideSystemInhibitDelay}
330 lock.Lock()
331 systemDbus = func() (dbusInhibiter, error) {
332 return fakeDbus, nil
333 }
334 defer featuregatetesting.SetFeatureGateDuringTest(t, utilfeature.DefaultFeatureGate, pkgfeatures.PodDisruptionConditions, tc.enablePodDisruptionConditions)()
335 defer featuregatetesting.SetFeatureGateDuringTest(t, utilfeature.DefaultFeatureGate, pkgfeatures.GracefulNodeShutdown, true)()
337 proberManager := probetest.FakeManager{}
338 fakeRecorder := &record.FakeRecorder{}
339 nodeRef := &v1.ObjectReference{Kind: "Node", Name: "test", UID: types.UID("test"), Namespace: ""}
340 manager, _ := NewManager(&Config{
341 Logger: logger,
342 ProbeManager: proberManager,
343 Recorder: fakeRecorder,
344 NodeRef: nodeRef,
345 GetPodsFunc: activePodsFunc,
346 KillPodFunc: killPodsFunc,
347 SyncNodeStatusFunc: func() {},
348 ShutdownGracePeriodRequested: tc.shutdownGracePeriodRequested,
349 ShutdownGracePeriodCriticalPods: tc.shutdownGracePeriodCriticalPods,
350 Clock: testingclock.NewFakeClock(time.Now()),
351 StateDirectory: os.TempDir(),
352 })
354 err := manager.Start()
355 lock.Unlock()
357 if tc.expectedError != nil {
358 if err == nil {
359 t.Errorf("unexpected error message. Got: <nil> want %s", tc.expectedError.Error())
360 } else if !strings.Contains(err.Error(), tc.expectedError.Error()) {
361 t.Errorf("unexpected error message. Got: %s want %s", err.Error(), tc.expectedError.Error())
362 }
363 } else {
364 assert.NoError(t, err, "expected manager.Start() to not return error")
365 assert.True(t, fakeDbus.didInhibitShutdown, "expected that manager inhibited shutdown")
366 assert.NoError(t, manager.ShutdownStatus(), "expected that manager does not return error since shutdown is not active")
367 assert.Equal(t, manager.Admit(nil).Admit, true)
370 select {
371 case fakeShutdownChan <- true:
372 case <-time.After(1 * time.Second):
373 t.Fatal()
374 }
377 killedPodsToGracePeriods := map[string]int64{}
378 for i := 0; i < len(tc.activePods); i++ {
379 select {
380 case podKillInfo := <-podKillChan:
381 killedPodsToGracePeriods[podKillInfo.Name] = podKillInfo.GracePeriod
382 continue
383 case <-time.After(1 * time.Second):
384 t.Fatal()
385 }
386 }
388 assert.Error(t, manager.ShutdownStatus(), "expected that manager returns error since shutdown is active")
389 assert.Equal(t, manager.Admit(nil).Admit, false)
390 assert.Equal(t, tc.expectedPodToGracePeriodOverride, killedPodsToGracePeriods)
391 assert.Equal(t, tc.expectedDidOverrideInhibitDelay, fakeDbus.didOverrideInhibitDelay, "override system inhibit delay differs")
392 if tc.expectedPodStatuses != nil {
393 for _, pod := range tc.activePods {
394 if diff := cmp.Diff(tc.expectedPodStatuses[pod.Name], pod.Status, cmpopts.IgnoreFields(v1.PodCondition{}, "LastProbeTime", "LastTransitionTime")); diff != "" {
395 t.Errorf("Unexpected PodStatus: (-want,+got):\n%s", diff)
396 }
397 }
398 }
399 }
400 })
401 }
402 }
404 func TestFeatureEnabled(t *testing.T) {
405 var tests = []struct {
406 desc string
407 shutdownGracePeriodRequested time.Duration
408 featureGateEnabled bool
409 expectEnabled bool
410 }{
411 {
412 desc: "shutdownGracePeriodRequested 0; disables feature",
413 shutdownGracePeriodRequested: time.Duration(0 * time.Second),
414 featureGateEnabled: true,
415 expectEnabled: false,
416 },
417 {
418 desc: "feature gate disabled; disables feature",
419 shutdownGracePeriodRequested: time.Duration(100 * time.Second),
420 featureGateEnabled: false,
421 expectEnabled: false,
422 },
423 {
424 desc: "feature gate enabled; shutdownGracePeriodRequested > 0; enables feature",
425 shutdownGracePeriodRequested: time.Duration(100 * time.Second),
426 featureGateEnabled: true,
427 expectEnabled: true,
428 },
429 }
430 for _, tc := range tests {
431 t.Run(tc.desc, func(t *testing.T) {
432 logger, _ := ktesting.NewTestContext(t)
433 activePodsFunc := func() []*v1.Pod {
434 return nil
435 }
436 killPodsFunc := func(pod *v1.Pod, evict bool, gracePeriodOverride *int64, fn func(*v1.PodStatus)) error {
437 return nil
438 }
439 defer featuregatetesting.SetFeatureGateDuringTest(t, utilfeature.DefaultFeatureGate, pkgfeatures.GracefulNodeShutdown, tc.featureGateEnabled)()
441 proberManager := probetest.FakeManager{}
442 fakeRecorder := &record.FakeRecorder{}
443 nodeRef := &v1.ObjectReference{Kind: "Node", Name: "test", UID: types.UID("test"), Namespace: ""}
445 manager, _ := NewManager(&Config{
446 Logger: logger,
447 ProbeManager: proberManager,
448 Recorder: fakeRecorder,
449 NodeRef: nodeRef,
450 GetPodsFunc: activePodsFunc,
451 KillPodFunc: killPodsFunc,
452 SyncNodeStatusFunc: func() {},
453 ShutdownGracePeriodRequested: tc.shutdownGracePeriodRequested,
454 ShutdownGracePeriodCriticalPods: 0,
455 StateDirectory: os.TempDir(),
456 })
457 assert.Equal(t, tc.expectEnabled, manager != managerStub{})
458 })
459 }
460 }
462 func TestRestart(t *testing.T) {
463 logger, _ := ktesting.NewTestContext(t)
464 systemDbusTmp := systemDbus
465 defer func() {
466 systemDbus = systemDbusTmp
467 }()
469 shutdownGracePeriodRequested := 30 * time.Second
470 shutdownGracePeriodCriticalPods := 10 * time.Second
471 systemInhibitDelay := 40 * time.Second
472 overrideSystemInhibitDelay := 40 * time.Second
473 activePodsFunc := func() []*v1.Pod {
474 return nil
475 }
476 killPodsFunc := func(pod *v1.Pod, isEvicted bool, gracePeriodOverride *int64, fn func(*v1.PodStatus)) error {
477 return nil
478 }
479 syncNodeStatus := func() {}
481 var shutdownChan chan bool
482 var shutdownChanMut sync.Mutex
483 var connChan = make(chan struct{}, 1)
485 lock.Lock()
486 systemDbus = func() (dbusInhibiter, error) {
487 defer func() {
488 connChan <- struct{}{}
489 }()
490 ch := make(chan bool)
491 shutdownChanMut.Lock()
492 shutdownChan = ch
493 shutdownChanMut.Unlock()
494 dbus := &fakeDbus{currentInhibitDelay: systemInhibitDelay, shutdownChan: ch, overrideSystemInhibitDelay: overrideSystemInhibitDelay}
495 return dbus, nil
496 }
498 proberManager := probetest.FakeManager{}
499 fakeRecorder := &record.FakeRecorder{}
500 nodeRef := &v1.ObjectReference{Kind: "Node", Name: "test", UID: types.UID("test"), Namespace: ""}
501 manager, _ := NewManager(&Config{
502 Logger: logger,
503 ProbeManager: proberManager,
504 Recorder: fakeRecorder,
505 NodeRef: nodeRef,
506 GetPodsFunc: activePodsFunc,
507 KillPodFunc: killPodsFunc,
508 SyncNodeStatusFunc: syncNodeStatus,
509 ShutdownGracePeriodRequested: shutdownGracePeriodRequested,
510 ShutdownGracePeriodCriticalPods: shutdownGracePeriodCriticalPods,
511 StateDirectory: os.TempDir(),
512 })
514 err := manager.Start()
515 lock.Unlock()
517 if err != nil {
518 t.Errorf("unexpected error: %v", err)
519 }
521 for i := 0; i != 3; i++ {
522 select {
523 case <-time.After(dbusReconnectPeriod * 5):
524 t.Fatal("wait dbus connect timeout")
525 case <-connChan:
526 }
528 shutdownChanMut.Lock()
529 close(shutdownChan)
530 shutdownChanMut.Unlock()
531 }
532 }
534 func Test_migrateConfig(t *testing.T) {
535 type shutdownConfig struct {
536 shutdownGracePeriodRequested time.Duration
537 shutdownGracePeriodCriticalPods time.Duration
538 }
539 tests := []struct {
540 name string
541 args shutdownConfig
542 want []kubeletconfig.ShutdownGracePeriodByPodPriority
543 }{
544 {
545 name: "both shutdownGracePeriodRequested and shutdownGracePeriodCriticalPods",
546 args: shutdownConfig{
547 shutdownGracePeriodRequested: 300 * time.Second,
548 shutdownGracePeriodCriticalPods: 120 * time.Second,
549 },
550 want: []kubeletconfig.ShutdownGracePeriodByPodPriority{
551 {
552 Priority: scheduling.DefaultPriorityWhenNoDefaultClassExists,
553 ShutdownGracePeriodSeconds: 180,
554 },
555 {
556 Priority: scheduling.SystemCriticalPriority,
557 ShutdownGracePeriodSeconds: 120,
558 },
559 },
560 },
561 {
562 name: "only shutdownGracePeriodRequested",
563 args: shutdownConfig{
564 shutdownGracePeriodRequested: 100 * time.Second,
565 shutdownGracePeriodCriticalPods: 0 * time.Second,
566 },
567 want: []kubeletconfig.ShutdownGracePeriodByPodPriority{
568 {
569 Priority: scheduling.DefaultPriorityWhenNoDefaultClassExists,
570 ShutdownGracePeriodSeconds: 100,
571 },
572 {
573 Priority: scheduling.SystemCriticalPriority,
574 ShutdownGracePeriodSeconds: 0,
575 },
576 },
577 },
578 {
579 name: "empty configuration",
580 args: shutdownConfig{
581 shutdownGracePeriodRequested: 0 * time.Second,
582 shutdownGracePeriodCriticalPods: 0 * time.Second,
583 },
584 want: nil,
585 },
586 {
587 name: "wrong configuration",
588 args: shutdownConfig{
589 shutdownGracePeriodRequested: 1 * time.Second,
590 shutdownGracePeriodCriticalPods: 100 * time.Second,
591 },
592 want: nil,
593 },
594 }
595 for _, tt := range tests {
596 t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
597 if got := migrateConfig(tt.args.shutdownGracePeriodRequested, tt.args.shutdownGracePeriodCriticalPods); !assert.Equal(t, tt.want, got) {
598 t.Errorf("migrateConfig() = %v, want %v", got, tt.want)
599 }
600 })
601 }
602 }
604 func Test_groupByPriority(t *testing.T) {
605 type args struct {
606 shutdownGracePeriodByPodPriority []kubeletconfig.ShutdownGracePeriodByPodPriority
607 pods []*v1.Pod
608 }
609 tests := []struct {
610 name string
611 args args
612 want []podShutdownGroup
613 }{
614 {
615 name: "migrate config",
616 args: args{
617 shutdownGracePeriodByPodPriority: migrateConfig(300*time.Second , 120*time.Second ),
618 pods: []*v1.Pod{
619 makePod("normal-pod", scheduling.DefaultPriorityWhenNoDefaultClassExists, nil),
620 makePod("highest-user-definable-pod", scheduling.HighestUserDefinablePriority, nil),
621 makePod("critical-pod", scheduling.SystemCriticalPriority, nil),
622 },
623 },
624 want: []podShutdownGroup{
625 {
626 ShutdownGracePeriodByPodPriority: kubeletconfig.ShutdownGracePeriodByPodPriority{
627 Priority: scheduling.DefaultPriorityWhenNoDefaultClassExists,
628 ShutdownGracePeriodSeconds: 180,
629 },
630 Pods: []*v1.Pod{
631 makePod("normal-pod", scheduling.DefaultPriorityWhenNoDefaultClassExists, nil),
632 makePod("highest-user-definable-pod", scheduling.HighestUserDefinablePriority, nil),
633 },
634 },
635 {
636 ShutdownGracePeriodByPodPriority: kubeletconfig.ShutdownGracePeriodByPodPriority{
637 Priority: scheduling.SystemCriticalPriority,
638 ShutdownGracePeriodSeconds: 120,
639 },
640 Pods: []*v1.Pod{
641 makePod("critical-pod", scheduling.SystemCriticalPriority, nil),
642 },
643 },
644 },
645 },
646 {
647 name: "pod priority",
648 args: args{
649 shutdownGracePeriodByPodPriority: []kubeletconfig.ShutdownGracePeriodByPodPriority{
650 {
651 Priority: 1,
652 ShutdownGracePeriodSeconds: 10,
653 },
654 {
655 Priority: 2,
656 ShutdownGracePeriodSeconds: 20,
657 },
658 {
659 Priority: 3,
660 ShutdownGracePeriodSeconds: 30,
661 },
662 {
663 Priority: 4,
664 ShutdownGracePeriodSeconds: 40,
665 },
666 },
667 pods: []*v1.Pod{
668 makePod("pod-0", 0, nil),
669 makePod("pod-1", 1, nil),
670 makePod("pod-2", 2, nil),
671 makePod("pod-3", 3, nil),
672 makePod("pod-4", 4, nil),
673 makePod("pod-5", 5, nil),
674 },
675 },
676 want: []podShutdownGroup{
677 {
678 ShutdownGracePeriodByPodPriority: kubeletconfig.ShutdownGracePeriodByPodPriority{
679 Priority: 1,
680 ShutdownGracePeriodSeconds: 10,
681 },
682 Pods: []*v1.Pod{
683 makePod("pod-0", 0, nil),
684 makePod("pod-1", 1, nil),
685 },
686 },
687 {
688 ShutdownGracePeriodByPodPriority: kubeletconfig.ShutdownGracePeriodByPodPriority{
689 Priority: 2,
690 ShutdownGracePeriodSeconds: 20,
691 },
692 Pods: []*v1.Pod{
693 makePod("pod-2", 2, nil),
694 },
695 },
696 {
697 ShutdownGracePeriodByPodPriority: kubeletconfig.ShutdownGracePeriodByPodPriority{
698 Priority: 3,
699 ShutdownGracePeriodSeconds: 30,
700 },
701 Pods: []*v1.Pod{
702 makePod("pod-3", 3, nil),
703 },
704 },
705 {
706 ShutdownGracePeriodByPodPriority: kubeletconfig.ShutdownGracePeriodByPodPriority{
707 Priority: 4,
708 ShutdownGracePeriodSeconds: 40,
709 },
710 Pods: []*v1.Pod{
711 makePod("pod-4", 4, nil),
712 makePod("pod-5", 5, nil),
713 },
714 },
715 },
716 },
717 }
718 for _, tt := range tests {
719 t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
720 if got := groupByPriority(tt.args.shutdownGracePeriodByPodPriority, tt.args.pods); !assert.Equal(t, tt.want, got) {
721 t.Errorf("groupByPriority() = %v, want %v", got, tt.want)
722 }
723 })
724 }
725 }
727 func Test_managerImpl_processShutdownEvent(t *testing.T) {
728 var (
729 probeManager = probetest.FakeManager{}
730 fakeRecorder = &record.FakeRecorder{}
731 syncNodeStatus = func() {}
732 nodeRef = &v1.ObjectReference{Kind: "Node", Name: "test", UID: types.UID("test"), Namespace: ""}
733 fakeclock = testingclock.NewFakeClock(time.Now())
734 )
736 type fields struct {
737 recorder record.EventRecorder
738 nodeRef *v1.ObjectReference
739 probeManager prober.Manager
740 shutdownGracePeriodByPodPriority []kubeletconfig.ShutdownGracePeriodByPodPriority
741 getPods eviction.ActivePodsFunc
742 killPodFunc eviction.KillPodFunc
743 syncNodeStatus func()
744 dbusCon dbusInhibiter
745 inhibitLock systemd.InhibitLock
746 nodeShuttingDownNow bool
747 clock clock.Clock
748 }
749 tests := []struct {
750 name string
751 fields fields
752 wantErr bool
753 expectedOutputContains string
754 }{
755 {
756 name: "kill pod func take too long",
757 fields: fields{
758 recorder: fakeRecorder,
759 nodeRef: nodeRef,
760 probeManager: probeManager,
761 shutdownGracePeriodByPodPriority: []kubeletconfig.ShutdownGracePeriodByPodPriority{
762 {
763 Priority: 1,
764 ShutdownGracePeriodSeconds: 10,
765 },
766 {
767 Priority: 2,
768 ShutdownGracePeriodSeconds: 20,
769 },
770 },
771 getPods: func() []*v1.Pod {
772 return []*v1.Pod{
773 makePod("normal-pod", 1, nil),
774 makePod("critical-pod", 2, nil),
775 }
776 },
777 killPodFunc: func(pod *v1.Pod, isEvicted bool, gracePeriodOverride *int64, fn func(*v1.PodStatus)) error {
778 fakeclock.Step(60 * time.Second)
779 return nil
780 },
781 syncNodeStatus: syncNodeStatus,
782 clock: fakeclock,
783 dbusCon: &fakeDbus{},
784 },
785 wantErr: false,
786 expectedOutputContains: "Shutdown manager pod killing time out",
787 },
788 }
790 for _, tt := range tests {
791 t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
792 logger := ktesting.NewLogger(t,
793 ktesting.NewConfig(
794 ktesting.BufferLogs(true),
795 ),
796 )
797 m := &managerImpl{
798 logger: logger,
799 recorder: tt.fields.recorder,
800 nodeRef: tt.fields.nodeRef,
801 probeManager: tt.fields.probeManager,
802 shutdownGracePeriodByPodPriority: tt.fields.shutdownGracePeriodByPodPriority,
803 getPods: tt.fields.getPods,
804 killPodFunc: tt.fields.killPodFunc,
805 syncNodeStatus: tt.fields.syncNodeStatus,
806 dbusCon: tt.fields.dbusCon,
807 inhibitLock: tt.fields.inhibitLock,
808 nodeShuttingDownMutex: sync.Mutex{},
809 nodeShuttingDownNow: tt.fields.nodeShuttingDownNow,
810 clock: tt.fields.clock,
811 }
812 if err := m.processShutdownEvent(); (err != nil) != tt.wantErr {
813 t.Errorf("managerImpl.processShutdownEvent() error = %v, wantErr %v", err, tt.wantErr)
814 }
816 underlier, ok := logger.GetSink().(ktesting.Underlier)
817 if !ok {
818 t.Fatalf("Should have had a ktesting LogSink, got %T", logger.GetSink())
819 }
821 log := underlier.GetBuffer().String()
822 if !strings.Contains(log, tt.expectedOutputContains) {
825 t.Errorf("managerImpl.processShutdownEvent() should have logged %s, see actual output above.", tt.expectedOutputContains)
826 }
827 })
828 }
829 }
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