17 package logs
19 import (
20 "bufio"
21 "bytes"
22 "context"
23 "fmt"
24 "io"
25 "os"
26 "path/filepath"
27 "testing"
28 "time"
30 utiltesting "k8s.io/client-go/util/testing"
32 v1 "k8s.io/api/core/v1"
33 apitesting "k8s.io/cri-api/pkg/apis/testing"
34 "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/kubelet/types"
35 "k8s.io/utils/pointer"
37 "github.com/stretchr/testify/assert"
39 metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"
40 runtimeapi "k8s.io/cri-api/pkg/apis/runtime/v1"
41 )
43 func TestLogOptions(t *testing.T) {
44 var (
45 line = int64(8)
46 bytes = int64(64)
47 timestamp = metav1.Now()
48 sinceseconds = int64(10)
49 )
50 for c, test := range []struct {
51 apiOpts *v1.PodLogOptions
52 expect *LogOptions
53 }{
54 {
55 apiOpts: &v1.PodLogOptions{},
56 expect: &LogOptions{tail: -1, bytes: -1},
57 },
58 {
59 apiOpts: &v1.PodLogOptions{TailLines: &line},
60 expect: &LogOptions{tail: line, bytes: -1},
61 },
62 {
63 apiOpts: &v1.PodLogOptions{LimitBytes: &bytes},
64 expect: &LogOptions{tail: -1, bytes: bytes},
65 },
66 {
67 apiOpts: &v1.PodLogOptions{SinceTime: ×tamp},
68 expect: &LogOptions{tail: -1, bytes: -1, since: timestamp.Time},
69 },
70 {
71 apiOpts: &v1.PodLogOptions{SinceSeconds: &sinceseconds},
72 expect: &LogOptions{tail: -1, bytes: -1, since: timestamp.Add(-10 * time.Second)},
73 },
74 } {
75 t.Logf("TestCase #%d: %+v", c, test)
76 opts := NewLogOptions(test.apiOpts, timestamp.Time)
77 assert.Equal(t, test.expect, opts)
78 }
79 }
81 func TestReadLogs(t *testing.T) {
82 file, err := os.CreateTemp("", "TestFollowLogs")
83 if err != nil {
84 t.Fatalf("unable to create temp file")
85 }
86 defer utiltesting.CloseAndRemove(t, file)
87 file.WriteString(`{"log":"line1\n","stream":"stdout","time":"2020-09-27T11:18:01.00000000Z"}` + "\n")
88 file.WriteString(`{"log":"line2\n","stream":"stdout","time":"2020-09-27T11:18:02.00000000Z"}` + "\n")
89 file.WriteString(`{"log":"line3\n","stream":"stdout","time":"2020-09-27T11:18:03.00000000Z"}` + "\n")
91 testCases := []struct {
92 name string
93 podLogOptions v1.PodLogOptions
94 expected string
95 }{
96 {
97 name: "default pod log options should output all lines",
98 podLogOptions: v1.PodLogOptions{},
99 expected: "line1\nline2\nline3\n",
100 },
101 {
102 name: "using TailLines 2 should output last 2 lines",
103 podLogOptions: v1.PodLogOptions{
104 TailLines: pointer.Int64(2),
105 },
106 expected: "line2\nline3\n",
107 },
108 {
109 name: "using TailLines 4 should output all lines when the log has less than 4 lines",
110 podLogOptions: v1.PodLogOptions{
111 TailLines: pointer.Int64(4),
112 },
113 expected: "line1\nline2\nline3\n",
114 },
115 {
116 name: "using TailLines 0 should output nothing",
117 podLogOptions: v1.PodLogOptions{
118 TailLines: pointer.Int64(0),
119 },
120 expected: "",
121 },
122 {
123 name: "using LimitBytes 9 should output first 9 bytes",
124 podLogOptions: v1.PodLogOptions{
125 LimitBytes: pointer.Int64(9),
126 },
127 expected: "line1\nlin",
128 },
129 {
130 name: "using LimitBytes 100 should output all bytes when the log has less than 100 bytes",
131 podLogOptions: v1.PodLogOptions{
132 LimitBytes: pointer.Int64(100),
133 },
134 expected: "line1\nline2\nline3\n",
135 },
136 {
137 name: "using LimitBytes 0 should output nothing",
138 podLogOptions: v1.PodLogOptions{
139 LimitBytes: pointer.Int64(0),
140 },
141 expected: "",
142 },
143 {
144 name: "using SinceTime should output lines with a time on or after the specified time",
145 podLogOptions: v1.PodLogOptions{
146 SinceTime: &metav1.Time{Time: time.Date(2020, time.Month(9), 27, 11, 18, 02, 0, time.UTC)},
147 },
148 expected: "line2\nline3\n",
149 },
150 {
151 name: "using SinceTime now should output nothing",
152 podLogOptions: v1.PodLogOptions{
153 SinceTime: &metav1.Time{Time: time.Now()},
154 },
155 expected: "",
156 },
157 {
158 name: "using follow should output all log lines",
159 podLogOptions: v1.PodLogOptions{
160 Follow: true,
161 },
162 expected: "line1\nline2\nline3\n",
163 },
164 {
165 name: "using follow combined with TailLines 2 should output the last 2 lines",
166 podLogOptions: v1.PodLogOptions{
167 Follow: true,
168 TailLines: pointer.Int64(2),
169 },
170 expected: "line2\nline3\n",
171 },
172 {
173 name: "using follow combined with SinceTime should output lines with a time on or after the specified time",
174 podLogOptions: v1.PodLogOptions{
175 Follow: true,
176 SinceTime: &metav1.Time{Time: time.Date(2020, time.Month(9), 27, 11, 18, 02, 0, time.UTC)},
177 },
178 expected: "line2\nline3\n",
179 },
180 }
181 for _, tc := range testCases {
182 t.Run(tc.name, func(t *testing.T) {
183 containerID := "fake-container-id"
184 fakeRuntimeService := &apitesting.FakeRuntimeService{
185 Containers: map[string]*apitesting.FakeContainer{
186 containerID: {
187 ContainerStatus: runtimeapi.ContainerStatus{
188 State: runtimeapi.ContainerState_CONTAINER_RUNNING,
189 },
190 },
191 },
192 }
194 if tc.podLogOptions.Follow {
195 fakeRuntimeService.Containers[containerID].State = runtimeapi.ContainerState_CONTAINER_EXITED
196 }
198 opts := NewLogOptions(&tc.podLogOptions, time.Now())
199 stdoutBuf := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
200 stderrBuf := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
201 err = ReadLogs(context.TODO(), file.Name(), containerID, opts, fakeRuntimeService, stdoutBuf, stderrBuf)
203 if err != nil {
204 t.Fatalf(err.Error())
205 }
206 if stderrBuf.Len() > 0 {
207 t.Fatalf("Stderr: %v", stderrBuf.String())
208 }
209 if actual := stdoutBuf.String(); tc.expected != actual {
210 t.Fatalf("Actual output does not match expected.\nActual: %v\nExpected: %v\n", actual, tc.expected)
211 }
212 })
213 }
214 }
216 func TestReadRotatedLog(t *testing.T) {
217 tmpDir := t.TempDir()
218 file, err := os.CreateTemp(tmpDir, "logfile")
219 if err != nil {
220 assert.NoErrorf(t, err, "unable to create temp file")
221 }
222 stdoutBuf := &bytes.Buffer{}
223 stderrBuf := &bytes.Buffer{}
224 containerID := "fake-container-id"
225 fakeRuntimeService := &apitesting.FakeRuntimeService{
226 Containers: map[string]*apitesting.FakeContainer{
227 containerID: {
228 ContainerStatus: runtimeapi.ContainerStatus{
229 State: runtimeapi.ContainerState_CONTAINER_RUNNING,
230 },
231 },
232 },
233 }
234 ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
235 defer cancel()
237 fileName := file.Name()
238 go func(ctx context.Context) {
239 podLogOptions := v1.PodLogOptions{
240 Follow: true,
241 }
242 opts := NewLogOptions(&podLogOptions, time.Now())
243 _ = ReadLogs(ctx, fileName, containerID, opts, fakeRuntimeService, stdoutBuf, stderrBuf)
244 }(ctx)
247 expectedStdout := "line0\nline2\nline4\nline6\nline8\n"
249 expectedStderr := "line1\nline3\nline5\nline7\nline9\n"
251 dir := filepath.Dir(file.Name())
252 baseName := filepath.Base(file.Name())
256 time.Sleep(50 * time.Millisecond)
258 for line := 0; line < 10; line++ {
260 now := time.Now().Format(types.RFC3339NanoLenient)
261 if line%2 == 0 {
262 file.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(
263 `{"log":"line%d\n","stream":"stdout","time":"%s"}`+"\n", line, now))
264 } else {
265 file.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(
266 `{"log":"line%d\n","stream":"stderr","time":"%s"}`+"\n", line, now))
267 }
268 time.Sleep(1 * time.Millisecond)
270 if line == 5 {
271 file.Close()
273 rotatedName := fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", baseName, time.Now().Format("220060102-150405"))
274 rotatedName = filepath.Join(dir, rotatedName)
275 if err := os.Rename(filepath.Join(dir, baseName), rotatedName); err != nil {
276 assert.NoErrorf(t, err, "failed to rotate log %q to %q", file.Name(), rotatedName)
277 return
278 }
280 newF := filepath.Join(dir, baseName)
281 if file, err = os.Create(newF); err != nil {
282 assert.NoError(t, err, "unable to create new log file")
283 return
284 }
285 time.Sleep(20 * time.Millisecond)
286 }
287 }
289 time.Sleep(20 * time.Millisecond)
291 fakeRuntimeService.Lock()
292 fakeRuntimeService.Containers[containerID].State = runtimeapi.ContainerState_CONTAINER_EXITED
293 fakeRuntimeService.Unlock()
295 assert.Equal(t, expectedStdout, stdoutBuf.String())
296 assert.Equal(t, expectedStderr, stderrBuf.String())
297 }
299 func TestParseLog(t *testing.T) {
300 timestamp, err := time.Parse(timeFormatIn, "2016-10-20T18:39:20.57606443Z")
301 assert.NoError(t, err)
302 msg := &logMessage{}
303 for c, test := range []struct {
304 line string
305 msg *logMessage
306 err bool
307 }{
308 {
309 line: `{"log":"docker stdout test log","stream":"stdout","time":"2016-10-20T18:39:20.57606443Z"}` + "\n",
310 msg: &logMessage{
311 timestamp: timestamp,
312 stream: runtimeapi.Stdout,
313 log: []byte("docker stdout test log"),
314 },
315 },
316 {
317 line: `{"log":"docker stderr test log","stream":"stderr","time":"2016-10-20T18:39:20.57606443Z"}` + "\n",
318 msg: &logMessage{
319 timestamp: timestamp,
320 stream: runtimeapi.Stderr,
321 log: []byte("docker stderr test log"),
322 },
323 },
324 {
325 line: "2016-10-20T18:39:20.57606443Z stdout F cri stdout test log\n",
326 msg: &logMessage{
327 timestamp: timestamp,
328 stream: runtimeapi.Stdout,
329 log: []byte("cri stdout test log\n"),
330 },
331 },
332 {
333 line: "2016-10-20T18:39:20.57606443Z stderr F cri stderr test log\n",
334 msg: &logMessage{
335 timestamp: timestamp,
336 stream: runtimeapi.Stderr,
337 log: []byte("cri stderr test log\n"),
338 },
339 },
340 {
341 line: "unsupported log format test log\n",
342 msg: &logMessage{},
343 err: true,
344 },
345 {
346 line: "2016-10-20T18:39:20.57606443Z stdout P cri stdout partial test log\n",
347 msg: &logMessage{
348 timestamp: timestamp,
349 stream: runtimeapi.Stdout,
350 log: []byte("cri stdout partial test log"),
351 },
352 },
353 {
354 line: "2016-10-20T18:39:20.57606443Z stdout P:TAG1:TAG2 cri stdout partial test log\n",
355 msg: &logMessage{
356 timestamp: timestamp,
357 stream: runtimeapi.Stdout,
358 log: []byte("cri stdout partial test log"),
359 },
360 },
361 } {
362 t.Logf("TestCase #%d: %+v", c, test)
363 parse, err := getParseFunc([]byte(test.line))
364 if test.err {
365 assert.Error(t, err)
366 continue
367 }
368 assert.NoError(t, err)
369 err = parse([]byte(test.line), msg)
370 assert.NoError(t, err)
371 assert.Equal(t, test.msg, msg)
372 }
373 }
375 func TestWriteLogs(t *testing.T) {
376 timestamp := time.Unix(1234, 43210)
377 log := "abcdefg\n"
379 for c, test := range []struct {
380 stream runtimeapi.LogStreamType
381 since time.Time
382 timestamp bool
383 expectStdout string
384 expectStderr string
385 }{
386 {
387 stream: runtimeapi.Stderr,
388 expectStderr: log,
389 },
390 {
391 stream: runtimeapi.Stdout,
392 expectStdout: log,
393 },
394 {
395 stream: runtimeapi.Stdout,
396 since: timestamp.Add(1 * time.Second),
397 },
398 {
399 stream: runtimeapi.Stderr,
400 timestamp: true,
401 expectStderr: timestamp.Format(timeFormatOut) + " " + log,
402 },
403 } {
404 t.Logf("TestCase #%d: %+v", c, test)
405 msg := &logMessage{
406 timestamp: timestamp,
407 stream: test.stream,
408 log: []byte(log),
409 }
410 stdoutBuf := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
411 stderrBuf := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
412 w := newLogWriter(stdoutBuf, stderrBuf, &LogOptions{since: test.since, timestamp: test.timestamp, bytes: -1})
413 err := w.write(msg, true)
414 assert.NoError(t, err)
415 assert.Equal(t, test.expectStdout, stdoutBuf.String())
416 assert.Equal(t, test.expectStderr, stderrBuf.String())
417 }
418 }
420 func TestWriteLogsWithBytesLimit(t *testing.T) {
421 timestamp := time.Unix(1234, 4321)
422 timestampStr := timestamp.Format(timeFormatOut)
423 log := "abcdefg\n"
425 for c, test := range []struct {
426 stdoutLines int
427 stderrLines int
428 bytes int
429 timestamp bool
430 expectStdout string
431 expectStderr string
432 }{
433 {
434 stdoutLines: 3,
435 bytes: 3,
436 expectStdout: "abc",
437 },
438 {
439 stdoutLines: 3,
440 bytes: len(log) + 3,
441 expectStdout: "abcdefg\nabc",
442 },
443 {
444 stdoutLines: 3,
445 bytes: 3 * len(log),
446 expectStdout: "abcdefg\nabcdefg\nabcdefg\n",
447 },
448 {
449 stderrLines: 3,
450 bytes: len(log) + 3,
451 expectStderr: "abcdefg\nabc",
452 },
453 {
454 stdoutLines: 1,
455 stderrLines: 2,
456 bytes: len(log) + 3,
457 expectStdout: "abcdefg\n",
458 expectStderr: "abc",
459 },
460 {
461 stdoutLines: 3,
462 timestamp: true,
463 bytes: len(timestampStr) + 1 + len(log) + 2,
464 expectStdout: timestampStr + " " + log + timestampStr[:2],
465 },
466 } {
467 t.Logf("TestCase #%d: %+v", c, test)
468 msg := &logMessage{
469 timestamp: timestamp,
470 log: []byte(log),
471 }
472 stdoutBuf := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
473 stderrBuf := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
474 w := newLogWriter(stdoutBuf, stderrBuf, &LogOptions{timestamp: test.timestamp, bytes: int64(test.bytes)})
475 for i := 0; i < test.stdoutLines; i++ {
476 msg.stream = runtimeapi.Stdout
477 if err := w.write(msg, true); err != nil {
478 assert.EqualError(t, err, errMaximumWrite.Error())
479 }
480 }
481 for i := 0; i < test.stderrLines; i++ {
482 msg.stream = runtimeapi.Stderr
483 if err := w.write(msg, true); err != nil {
484 assert.EqualError(t, err, errMaximumWrite.Error())
485 }
486 }
487 assert.Equal(t, test.expectStdout, stdoutBuf.String())
488 assert.Equal(t, test.expectStderr, stderrBuf.String())
489 }
490 }
492 func TestReadLogsLimitsWithTimestamps(t *testing.T) {
493 logLineFmt := "2022-10-29T16:10:22.592603036-05:00 stdout P %v\n"
494 logLineNewLine := "2022-10-29T16:10:22.592603036-05:00 stdout F \n"
496 tmpfile, err := os.CreateTemp("", "log.*.txt")
497 assert.NoError(t, err)
499 count := 10000
501 for i := 0; i < count; i++ {
502 tmpfile.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(logLineFmt, i))
503 }
504 tmpfile.WriteString(logLineNewLine)
506 for i := 0; i < count; i++ {
507 tmpfile.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(logLineFmt, i))
508 }
509 tmpfile.WriteString(logLineNewLine)
513 defer os.Remove(tmpfile.Name())
515 assert.NoError(t, err)
516 tmpfile.Close()
518 var buf bytes.Buffer
519 w := io.MultiWriter(&buf)
521 err = ReadLogs(context.Background(), tmpfile.Name(), "", &LogOptions{tail: -1, bytes: -1, timestamp: true}, nil, w, w)
522 assert.NoError(t, err)
524 lineCount := 0
525 scanner := bufio.NewScanner(bytes.NewReader(buf.Bytes()))
526 for scanner.Scan() {
527 lineCount++
530 ts, logline, _ := bytes.Cut(scanner.Bytes(), []byte(" "))
535 _, err = time.Parse(time.RFC3339, string(ts))
536 assert.NoError(t, err, "timestamp not found")
537 assert.Equal(t, true, bytes.HasSuffix(logline, []byte("9999")), "is the complete log found")
538 }
540 assert.Equal(t, 2, lineCount, "should have two lines")
541 }
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