
Source file src/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/kubelet/cm/topologymanager/policy.go

Documentation: k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/kubelet/cm/topologymanager

     1  /*
     2  Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors.
     4  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     5  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     6  You may obtain a copy of the License at
     8      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
    10  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    11  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    12  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    13  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    14  limitations under the License.
    15  */
    17  package topologymanager
    19  import (
    20  	"k8s.io/klog/v2"
    21  	"k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/kubelet/cm/topologymanager/bitmask"
    22  )
    24  // Policy interface for Topology Manager Pod Admit Result
    25  type Policy interface {
    26  	// Returns Policy Name
    27  	Name() string
    28  	// Returns a merged TopologyHint based on input from hint providers
    29  	// and a Pod Admit Handler Response based on hints and policy type
    30  	Merge(providersHints []map[string][]TopologyHint) (TopologyHint, bool)
    31  }
    33  // Merge a TopologyHints permutation to a single hint by performing a bitwise-AND
    34  // of their affinity masks. The hint shall be preferred if all hits in the permutation
    35  // are preferred.
    36  func mergePermutation(defaultAffinity bitmask.BitMask, permutation []TopologyHint) TopologyHint {
    37  	// Get the NUMANodeAffinity from each hint in the permutation and see if any
    38  	// of them encode unpreferred allocations.
    39  	preferred := true
    40  	var numaAffinities []bitmask.BitMask
    41  	for _, hint := range permutation {
    42  		// Only consider hints that have an actual NUMANodeAffinity set.
    43  		if hint.NUMANodeAffinity != nil {
    44  			numaAffinities = append(numaAffinities, hint.NUMANodeAffinity)
    45  			// Only mark preferred if all affinities are equal.
    46  			if !hint.NUMANodeAffinity.IsEqual(numaAffinities[0]) {
    47  				preferred = false
    48  			}
    49  		}
    50  		// Only mark preferred if all affinities are preferred.
    51  		if !hint.Preferred {
    52  			preferred = false
    53  		}
    54  	}
    56  	// Merge the affinities using a bitwise-and operation.
    57  	mergedAffinity := bitmask.And(defaultAffinity, numaAffinities...)
    58  	// Build a mergedHint from the merged affinity mask, setting preferred as
    59  	// appropriate based on the logic above.
    60  	return TopologyHint{mergedAffinity, preferred}
    61  }
    63  func filterProvidersHints(providersHints []map[string][]TopologyHint) [][]TopologyHint {
    64  	// Loop through all hint providers and save an accumulated list of the
    65  	// hints returned by each hint provider. If no hints are provided, assume
    66  	// that provider has no preference for topology-aware allocation.
    67  	var allProviderHints [][]TopologyHint
    68  	for _, hints := range providersHints {
    69  		// If hints is nil, insert a single, preferred any-numa hint into allProviderHints.
    70  		if len(hints) == 0 {
    71  			klog.InfoS("Hint Provider has no preference for NUMA affinity with any resource")
    72  			allProviderHints = append(allProviderHints, []TopologyHint{{nil, true}})
    73  			continue
    74  		}
    76  		// Otherwise, accumulate the hints for each resource type into allProviderHints.
    77  		for resource := range hints {
    78  			if hints[resource] == nil {
    79  				klog.InfoS("Hint Provider has no preference for NUMA affinity with resource", "resource", resource)
    80  				allProviderHints = append(allProviderHints, []TopologyHint{{nil, true}})
    81  				continue
    82  			}
    84  			if len(hints[resource]) == 0 {
    85  				klog.InfoS("Hint Provider has no possible NUMA affinities for resource", "resource", resource)
    86  				allProviderHints = append(allProviderHints, []TopologyHint{{nil, false}})
    87  				continue
    88  			}
    90  			allProviderHints = append(allProviderHints, hints[resource])
    91  		}
    92  	}
    93  	return allProviderHints
    94  }
    96  func narrowestHint(hints []TopologyHint) *TopologyHint {
    97  	if len(hints) == 0 {
    98  		return nil
    99  	}
   100  	var narrowestHint *TopologyHint
   101  	for i := range hints {
   102  		if hints[i].NUMANodeAffinity == nil {
   103  			continue
   104  		}
   105  		if narrowestHint == nil {
   106  			narrowestHint = &hints[i]
   107  		}
   108  		if hints[i].NUMANodeAffinity.IsNarrowerThan(narrowestHint.NUMANodeAffinity) {
   109  			narrowestHint = &hints[i]
   110  		}
   111  	}
   112  	return narrowestHint
   113  }
   115  func maxOfMinAffinityCounts(filteredHints [][]TopologyHint) int {
   116  	maxOfMinCount := 0
   117  	for _, resourceHints := range filteredHints {
   118  		narrowestHint := narrowestHint(resourceHints)
   119  		if narrowestHint == nil {
   120  			continue
   121  		}
   122  		if narrowestHint.NUMANodeAffinity.Count() > maxOfMinCount {
   123  			maxOfMinCount = narrowestHint.NUMANodeAffinity.Count()
   124  		}
   125  	}
   126  	return maxOfMinCount
   127  }
   129  type HintMerger struct {
   130  	NUMAInfo *NUMAInfo
   131  	Hints    [][]TopologyHint
   132  	// Set bestNonPreferredAffinityCount to help decide which affinity mask is
   133  	// preferred amongst all non-preferred hints. We calculate this value as
   134  	// the maximum of the minimum affinity counts supplied for any given hint
   135  	// provider. In other words, prefer a hint that has an affinity mask that
   136  	// includes all of the NUMA nodes from the provider that requires the most
   137  	// NUMA nodes to satisfy its allocation.
   138  	BestNonPreferredAffinityCount int
   139  	CompareNUMAAffinityMasks      func(candidate *TopologyHint, current *TopologyHint) (best *TopologyHint)
   140  }
   142  func NewHintMerger(numaInfo *NUMAInfo, hints [][]TopologyHint, policyName string, opts PolicyOptions) HintMerger {
   143  	compareNumaAffinityMasks := func(current, candidate *TopologyHint) *TopologyHint {
   144  		// If current and candidate bitmasks are the same, prefer current hint.
   145  		if candidate.NUMANodeAffinity.IsEqual(current.NUMANodeAffinity) {
   146  			return current
   147  		}
   149  		// Otherwise compare the hints, based on the policy options provided
   150  		var best bitmask.BitMask
   151  		if (policyName != PolicySingleNumaNode) && opts.PreferClosestNUMA {
   152  			best = numaInfo.Closest(current.NUMANodeAffinity, candidate.NUMANodeAffinity)
   153  		} else {
   154  			best = numaInfo.Narrowest(current.NUMANodeAffinity, candidate.NUMANodeAffinity)
   155  		}
   156  		if best.IsEqual(current.NUMANodeAffinity) {
   157  			return current
   158  		}
   159  		return candidate
   160  	}
   162  	merger := HintMerger{
   163  		NUMAInfo:                      numaInfo,
   164  		Hints:                         hints,
   165  		BestNonPreferredAffinityCount: maxOfMinAffinityCounts(hints),
   166  		CompareNUMAAffinityMasks:      compareNumaAffinityMasks,
   167  	}
   169  	return merger
   170  }
   172  func (m HintMerger) compare(current *TopologyHint, candidate *TopologyHint) *TopologyHint {
   173  	// Only consider candidates that result in a NUMANodeAffinity > 0 to
   174  	// replace the current bestHint.
   175  	if candidate.NUMANodeAffinity.Count() == 0 {
   176  		return current
   177  	}
   179  	// If no current bestHint is set, return the candidate as the bestHint.
   180  	if current == nil {
   181  		return candidate
   182  	}
   184  	// If the current bestHint is non-preferred and the candidate hint is
   185  	// preferred, always choose the preferred hint over the non-preferred one.
   186  	if !current.Preferred && candidate.Preferred {
   187  		return candidate
   188  	}
   190  	// If the current bestHint is preferred and the candidate hint is
   191  	// non-preferred, never update the bestHint, regardless of how
   192  	// the candidate hint's affinity mask compares to the current
   193  	// hint's affinity mask.
   194  	if current.Preferred && !candidate.Preferred {
   195  		return current
   196  	}
   198  	// If the current bestHint and the candidate hint are both preferred,
   199  	// then only consider fitter NUMANodeAffinity
   200  	if current.Preferred && candidate.Preferred {
   201  		return m.CompareNUMAAffinityMasks(current, candidate)
   203  	}
   205  	// The only case left is if the current best bestHint and the candidate
   206  	// hint are both non-preferred. In this case, try and find a hint whose
   207  	// affinity count is as close to (but not higher than) the
   208  	// bestNonPreferredAffinityCount as possible. To do this we need to
   209  	// consider the following cases and react accordingly:
   210  	//
   211  	//   1. current.NUMANodeAffinity.Count() >  bestNonPreferredAffinityCount
   212  	//   2. current.NUMANodeAffinity.Count() == bestNonPreferredAffinityCount
   213  	//   3. current.NUMANodeAffinity.Count() <  bestNonPreferredAffinityCount
   214  	//
   215  	// For case (1), the current bestHint is larger than the
   216  	// bestNonPreferredAffinityCount, so updating to fitter mergeHint
   217  	// is preferred over staying where we are.
   218  	//
   219  	// For case (2), the current bestHint is equal to the
   220  	// bestNonPreferredAffinityCount, so we would like to stick with what
   221  	// we have *unless* the candidate hint is also equal to
   222  	// bestNonPreferredAffinityCount and it is fitter.
   223  	//
   224  	// For case (3), the current bestHint is less than
   225  	// bestNonPreferredAffinityCount, so we would like to creep back up to
   226  	// bestNonPreferredAffinityCount as close as we can. There are three
   227  	// cases to consider here:
   228  	//
   229  	//   3a. candidate.NUMANodeAffinity.Count() >  bestNonPreferredAffinityCount
   230  	//   3b. candidate.NUMANodeAffinity.Count() == bestNonPreferredAffinityCount
   231  	//   3c. candidate.NUMANodeAffinity.Count() <  bestNonPreferredAffinityCount
   232  	//
   233  	// For case (3a), we just want to stick with the current bestHint
   234  	// because choosing a new hint that is greater than
   235  	// bestNonPreferredAffinityCount would be counter-productive.
   236  	//
   237  	// For case (3b), we want to immediately update bestHint to the
   238  	// candidate hint, making it now equal to bestNonPreferredAffinityCount.
   239  	//
   240  	// For case (3c), we know that *both* the current bestHint and the
   241  	// candidate hint are less than bestNonPreferredAffinityCount, so we
   242  	// want to choose one that brings us back up as close to
   243  	// bestNonPreferredAffinityCount as possible. There are three cases to
   244  	// consider here:
   245  	//
   246  	//   3ca. candidate.NUMANodeAffinity.Count() >  current.NUMANodeAffinity.Count()
   247  	//   3cb. candidate.NUMANodeAffinity.Count() <  current.NUMANodeAffinity.Count()
   248  	//   3cc. candidate.NUMANodeAffinity.Count() == current.NUMANodeAffinity.Count()
   249  	//
   250  	// For case (3ca), we want to immediately update bestHint to the
   251  	// candidate hint because that will bring us closer to the (higher)
   252  	// value of bestNonPreferredAffinityCount.
   253  	//
   254  	// For case (3cb), we want to stick with the current bestHint because
   255  	// choosing the candidate hint would strictly move us further away from
   256  	// the bestNonPreferredAffinityCount.
   257  	//
   258  	// Finally, for case (3cc), we know that the current bestHint and the
   259  	// candidate hint are equal, so we simply choose the fitter of the 2.
   261  	// Case 1
   262  	if current.NUMANodeAffinity.Count() > m.BestNonPreferredAffinityCount {
   263  		return m.CompareNUMAAffinityMasks(current, candidate)
   264  	}
   265  	// Case 2
   266  	if current.NUMANodeAffinity.Count() == m.BestNonPreferredAffinityCount {
   267  		if candidate.NUMANodeAffinity.Count() != m.BestNonPreferredAffinityCount {
   268  			return current
   269  		}
   270  		return m.CompareNUMAAffinityMasks(current, candidate)
   271  	}
   272  	// Case 3a
   273  	if candidate.NUMANodeAffinity.Count() > m.BestNonPreferredAffinityCount {
   274  		return current
   275  	}
   276  	// Case 3b
   277  	if candidate.NUMANodeAffinity.Count() == m.BestNonPreferredAffinityCount {
   278  		return candidate
   279  	}
   281  	// Case 3ca
   282  	if candidate.NUMANodeAffinity.Count() > current.NUMANodeAffinity.Count() {
   283  		return candidate
   284  	}
   285  	// Case 3cb
   286  	if candidate.NUMANodeAffinity.Count() < current.NUMANodeAffinity.Count() {
   287  		return current
   288  	}
   290  	// Case 3cc
   291  	return m.CompareNUMAAffinityMasks(current, candidate)
   293  }
   295  func (m HintMerger) Merge() TopologyHint {
   296  	defaultAffinity := m.NUMAInfo.DefaultAffinityMask()
   298  	var bestHint *TopologyHint
   299  	iterateAllProviderTopologyHints(m.Hints, func(permutation []TopologyHint) {
   300  		// Get the NUMANodeAffinity from each hint in the permutation and see if any
   301  		// of them encode unpreferred allocations.
   302  		mergedHint := mergePermutation(defaultAffinity, permutation)
   304  		// Compare the current bestHint with the candidate mergedHint and
   305  		// update bestHint if appropriate.
   306  		bestHint = m.compare(bestHint, &mergedHint)
   307  	})
   309  	if bestHint == nil {
   310  		bestHint = &TopologyHint{defaultAffinity, false}
   311  	}
   313  	return *bestHint
   314  }
   316  // Iterate over all permutations of hints in 'allProviderHints [][]TopologyHint'.
   317  //
   318  // This procedure is implemented as a recursive function over the set of hints
   319  // in 'allproviderHints[i]'. It applies the function 'callback' to each
   320  // permutation as it is found. It is the equivalent of:
   321  //
   322  // for i := 0; i < len(providerHints[0]); i++
   323  //
   324  //	for j := 0; j < len(providerHints[1]); j++
   325  //	    for k := 0; k < len(providerHints[2]); k++
   326  //	        ...
   327  //	        for z := 0; z < len(providerHints[-1]); z++
   328  //	            permutation := []TopologyHint{
   329  //	                providerHints[0][i],
   330  //	                providerHints[1][j],
   331  //	                providerHints[2][k],
   332  //	                ...
   333  //	                providerHints[-1][z]
   334  //	            }
   335  //	            callback(permutation)
   336  func iterateAllProviderTopologyHints(allProviderHints [][]TopologyHint, callback func([]TopologyHint)) {
   337  	// Internal helper function to accumulate the permutation before calling the callback.
   338  	var iterate func(i int, accum []TopologyHint)
   339  	iterate = func(i int, accum []TopologyHint) {
   340  		// Base case: we have looped through all providers and have a full permutation.
   341  		if i == len(allProviderHints) {
   342  			callback(accum)
   343  			return
   344  		}
   346  		// Loop through all hints for provider 'i', and recurse to build the
   347  		// permutation of this hint with all hints from providers 'i++'.
   348  		for j := range allProviderHints[i] {
   349  			iterate(i+1, append(accum, allProviderHints[i][j]))
   350  		}
   351  	}
   352  	iterate(0, []TopologyHint{})
   353  }

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