20 package cm
22 import (
23 "strings"
24 "testing"
26 "github.com/stretchr/testify/require"
27 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/api/resource"
28 metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"
30 v1 "k8s.io/api/core/v1"
31 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/types"
32 )
34 func TestIsCgroupPod(t *testing.T) {
35 qosContainersInfo := QOSContainersInfo{
36 Guaranteed: RootCgroupName,
37 Burstable: NewCgroupName(RootCgroupName, strings.ToLower(string(v1.PodQOSBurstable))),
38 BestEffort: NewCgroupName(RootCgroupName, strings.ToLower(string(v1.PodQOSBestEffort))),
39 }
40 podUID := types.UID("123")
41 testCases := []struct {
42 input CgroupName
43 expectedResult bool
44 expectedUID types.UID
45 }{
46 {
47 input: RootCgroupName,
48 expectedResult: false,
49 expectedUID: types.UID(""),
50 },
51 {
52 input: NewCgroupName(qosContainersInfo.Guaranteed),
53 expectedResult: false,
54 expectedUID: types.UID(""),
55 },
56 {
57 input: NewCgroupName(qosContainersInfo.Guaranteed, GetPodCgroupNameSuffix(podUID)),
58 expectedResult: true,
59 expectedUID: podUID,
60 },
61 {
62 input: NewCgroupName(qosContainersInfo.Guaranteed, GetPodCgroupNameSuffix(podUID), "container.scope"),
63 expectedResult: false,
64 expectedUID: types.UID(""),
65 },
66 {
67 input: NewCgroupName(qosContainersInfo.Burstable),
68 expectedResult: false,
69 expectedUID: types.UID(""),
70 },
71 {
72 input: NewCgroupName(qosContainersInfo.Burstable, GetPodCgroupNameSuffix(podUID)),
73 expectedResult: true,
74 expectedUID: podUID,
75 },
76 {
77 input: NewCgroupName(qosContainersInfo.Burstable, GetPodCgroupNameSuffix(podUID), "container.scope"),
78 expectedResult: false,
79 expectedUID: types.UID(""),
80 },
81 {
82 input: NewCgroupName(qosContainersInfo.BestEffort),
83 expectedResult: false,
84 expectedUID: types.UID(""),
85 },
86 {
87 input: NewCgroupName(qosContainersInfo.BestEffort, GetPodCgroupNameSuffix(podUID)),
88 expectedResult: true,
89 expectedUID: podUID,
90 },
91 {
92 input: NewCgroupName(qosContainersInfo.BestEffort, GetPodCgroupNameSuffix(podUID), "container.scope"),
93 expectedResult: false,
94 expectedUID: types.UID(""),
95 },
96 {
97 input: NewCgroupName(RootCgroupName, "system"),
98 expectedResult: false,
99 expectedUID: types.UID(""),
100 },
101 {
102 input: NewCgroupName(RootCgroupName, "system", "kubelet"),
103 expectedResult: false,
104 expectedUID: types.UID(""),
105 },
106 {
108 input: NewCgroupName(RootCgroupName, GetPodCgroupNameSuffix("this-uid-contains-reserved-word-pod")),
109 expectedResult: false,
110 expectedUID: types.UID(""),
111 },
112 }
113 for _, cgroupDriver := range []string{"cgroupfs", "systemd"} {
114 pcm := &podContainerManagerImpl{
115 cgroupManager: NewCgroupManager(nil, cgroupDriver),
116 enforceCPULimits: true,
117 qosContainersInfo: qosContainersInfo,
118 }
119 for _, testCase := range testCases {
121 var name string
122 if cgroupDriver == "systemd" {
123 name = testCase.input.ToSystemd()
124 } else {
125 name = testCase.input.ToCgroupfs()
126 }
128 result, resultUID := pcm.IsPodCgroup(name)
129 if result != testCase.expectedResult {
130 t.Errorf("Unexpected result for driver: %v, input: %v, expected: %v, actual: %v", cgroupDriver, testCase.input, testCase.expectedResult, result)
131 }
132 if resultUID != testCase.expectedUID {
133 t.Errorf("Unexpected result for driver: %v, input: %v, expected: %v, actual: %v", cgroupDriver, testCase.input, testCase.expectedUID, resultUID)
134 }
136 }
137 }
138 }
140 func TestGetPodContainerName(t *testing.T) {
141 newGuaranteedPodWithUID := func(uid types.UID) *v1.Pod {
142 return &v1.Pod{
143 ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
144 UID: uid,
145 },
146 Spec: v1.PodSpec{
147 Containers: []v1.Container{
148 {
149 Name: "container",
150 Resources: v1.ResourceRequirements{
151 Requests: v1.ResourceList{
152 v1.ResourceCPU: resource.MustParse("1000m"),
153 v1.ResourceMemory: resource.MustParse("1G"),
154 },
155 Limits: v1.ResourceList{
156 v1.ResourceCPU: resource.MustParse("1000m"),
157 v1.ResourceMemory: resource.MustParse("1G"),
158 },
159 },
160 },
161 },
162 },
163 }
164 }
165 newBurstablePodWithUID := func(uid types.UID) *v1.Pod {
166 return &v1.Pod{
167 ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
168 UID: uid,
169 },
170 Spec: v1.PodSpec{
171 Containers: []v1.Container{
172 {
173 Name: "container",
174 Resources: v1.ResourceRequirements{
175 Requests: v1.ResourceList{
176 v1.ResourceCPU: resource.MustParse("1000m"),
177 v1.ResourceMemory: resource.MustParse("1G"),
178 },
179 },
180 },
181 },
182 },
183 }
184 }
185 newBestEffortPodWithUID := func(uid types.UID) *v1.Pod {
186 return &v1.Pod{
187 ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
188 UID: uid,
189 },
190 Spec: v1.PodSpec{
191 Containers: []v1.Container{
192 {
193 Name: "container",
194 },
195 },
196 },
197 }
198 }
200 qosContainersInfo := QOSContainersInfo{
201 Guaranteed: RootCgroupName,
202 Burstable: NewCgroupName(RootCgroupName, strings.ToLower(string(v1.PodQOSBurstable))),
203 BestEffort: NewCgroupName(RootCgroupName, strings.ToLower(string(v1.PodQOSBestEffort))),
204 }
206 type fields struct {
207 cgroupManager CgroupManager
208 }
209 type args struct {
210 pod *v1.Pod
211 }
213 tests := []struct {
214 name string
215 fields fields
216 args args
217 wantCgroupName CgroupName
218 wantLiteralCgroupfs string
219 }{
220 {
221 name: "pod with qos guaranteed and cgroupfs",
222 fields: fields{
223 cgroupManager: NewCgroupManager(nil, "cgroupfs"),
224 },
225 args: args{
226 pod: newGuaranteedPodWithUID("fake-uid-1"),
227 },
228 wantCgroupName: NewCgroupName(qosContainersInfo.Guaranteed, "podfake-uid-1"),
229 wantLiteralCgroupfs: NewCgroupName(qosContainersInfo.Guaranteed, "podfake-uid-1").ToCgroupfs(),
230 }, {
231 name: "pod with qos guaranteed and systemd",
232 fields: fields{
233 cgroupManager: NewCgroupManager(nil, "systemd"),
234 },
235 args: args{
236 pod: newGuaranteedPodWithUID("fake-uid-2"),
237 },
238 wantCgroupName: NewCgroupName(qosContainersInfo.Guaranteed, "podfake-uid-2"),
239 wantLiteralCgroupfs: NewCgroupName(qosContainersInfo.Guaranteed, "podfake-uid-2").ToSystemd(),
240 }, {
241 name: "pod with qos burstable and cgroupfs",
242 fields: fields{
243 cgroupManager: NewCgroupManager(nil, "cgroupfs"),
244 },
245 args: args{
246 pod: newBurstablePodWithUID("fake-uid-3"),
247 },
248 wantCgroupName: NewCgroupName(qosContainersInfo.Burstable, "podfake-uid-3"),
249 wantLiteralCgroupfs: NewCgroupName(qosContainersInfo.Burstable, "podfake-uid-3").ToCgroupfs(),
250 }, {
251 name: "pod with qos burstable and systemd",
252 fields: fields{
253 cgroupManager: NewCgroupManager(nil, "systemd"),
254 },
255 args: args{
256 pod: newBurstablePodWithUID("fake-uid-4"),
257 },
258 wantCgroupName: NewCgroupName(qosContainersInfo.Burstable, "podfake-uid-4"),
259 wantLiteralCgroupfs: NewCgroupName(qosContainersInfo.Burstable, "podfake-uid-4").ToSystemd(),
260 }, {
261 name: "pod with qos best-effort and cgroupfs",
262 fields: fields{
263 cgroupManager: NewCgroupManager(nil, "cgroupfs"),
264 },
265 args: args{
266 pod: newBestEffortPodWithUID("fake-uid-5"),
267 },
268 wantCgroupName: NewCgroupName(qosContainersInfo.BestEffort, "podfake-uid-5"),
269 wantLiteralCgroupfs: NewCgroupName(qosContainersInfo.BestEffort, "podfake-uid-5").ToCgroupfs(),
270 }, {
271 name: "pod with qos best-effort and systemd",
272 fields: fields{
273 cgroupManager: NewCgroupManager(nil, "systemd"),
274 },
275 args: args{
276 pod: newBestEffortPodWithUID("fake-uid-6"),
277 },
278 wantCgroupName: NewCgroupName(qosContainersInfo.BestEffort, "podfake-uid-6"),
279 wantLiteralCgroupfs: NewCgroupName(qosContainersInfo.BestEffort, "podfake-uid-6").ToSystemd(),
280 },
281 }
283 for _, tt := range tests {
284 pcm := &podContainerManagerImpl{
285 cgroupManager: tt.fields.cgroupManager,
286 qosContainersInfo: qosContainersInfo,
287 }
289 t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
290 actualCgroupName, actualLiteralCgroupfs := pcm.GetPodContainerName(tt.args.pod)
291 require.Equalf(t, tt.wantCgroupName, actualCgroupName, "Unexpected cgroup name for pod with UID %s, container resources: %v", tt.args.pod.UID, tt.args.pod.Spec.Containers[0].Resources)
292 require.Equalf(t, tt.wantLiteralCgroupfs, actualLiteralCgroupfs, "Unexpected literal cgroupfs for pod with UID %s, container resources: %v", tt.args.pod.UID, tt.args.pod.Spec.Containers[0].Resources)
293 })
294 }
295 }
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