/* Copyright 2020 The Kubernetes Authors. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ package state import ( "fmt" "path/filepath" "sync" "k8s.io/klog/v2" "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/kubelet/checkpointmanager" "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/kubelet/checkpointmanager/errors" ) var _ State = &stateCheckpoint{} type stateCheckpoint struct { sync.RWMutex cache State policyName string checkpointManager checkpointmanager.CheckpointManager checkpointName string } // NewCheckpointState creates new State for keeping track of memory/pod assignment with checkpoint backend func NewCheckpointState(stateDir, checkpointName, policyName string) (State, error) { checkpointManager, err := checkpointmanager.NewCheckpointManager(stateDir) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to initialize checkpoint manager: %v", err) } stateCheckpoint := &stateCheckpoint{ cache: NewMemoryState(), policyName: policyName, checkpointManager: checkpointManager, checkpointName: checkpointName, } if err := stateCheckpoint.restoreState(); err != nil { //nolint:staticcheck // ST1005 user-facing error message return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not restore state from checkpoint: %v, please drain this node and delete the memory manager checkpoint file %q before restarting Kubelet", err, filepath.Join(stateDir, checkpointName)) } return stateCheckpoint, nil } // restores state from a checkpoint and creates it if it doesn't exist func (sc *stateCheckpoint) restoreState() error { sc.Lock() defer sc.Unlock() var err error checkpoint := NewMemoryManagerCheckpoint() if err = sc.checkpointManager.GetCheckpoint(sc.checkpointName, checkpoint); err != nil { if err == errors.ErrCheckpointNotFound { return sc.storeState() } return err } if sc.policyName != checkpoint.PolicyName { return fmt.Errorf("[memorymanager] configured policy %q differs from state checkpoint policy %q", sc.policyName, checkpoint.PolicyName) } sc.cache.SetMachineState(checkpoint.MachineState) sc.cache.SetMemoryAssignments(checkpoint.Entries) klog.V(2).InfoS("State checkpoint: restored state from checkpoint") return nil } // saves state to a checkpoint, caller is responsible for locking func (sc *stateCheckpoint) storeState() error { checkpoint := NewMemoryManagerCheckpoint() checkpoint.PolicyName = sc.policyName checkpoint.MachineState = sc.cache.GetMachineState() checkpoint.Entries = sc.cache.GetMemoryAssignments() err := sc.checkpointManager.CreateCheckpoint(sc.checkpointName, checkpoint) if err != nil { klog.ErrorS(err, "Could not save checkpoint") return err } return nil } // GetMemoryState returns Memory Map stored in the State func (sc *stateCheckpoint) GetMachineState() NUMANodeMap { sc.RLock() defer sc.RUnlock() return sc.cache.GetMachineState() } // GetMemoryBlocks returns memory assignments of a container func (sc *stateCheckpoint) GetMemoryBlocks(podUID string, containerName string) []Block { sc.RLock() defer sc.RUnlock() return sc.cache.GetMemoryBlocks(podUID, containerName) } // GetMemoryAssignments returns ContainerMemoryAssignments func (sc *stateCheckpoint) GetMemoryAssignments() ContainerMemoryAssignments { sc.RLock() defer sc.RUnlock() return sc.cache.GetMemoryAssignments() } // SetMachineState stores NUMANodeMap in State func (sc *stateCheckpoint) SetMachineState(memoryMap NUMANodeMap) { sc.Lock() defer sc.Unlock() sc.cache.SetMachineState(memoryMap) err := sc.storeState() if err != nil { klog.InfoS("Store state to checkpoint error", "err", err) } } // SetMemoryBlocks stores memory assignments of container func (sc *stateCheckpoint) SetMemoryBlocks(podUID string, containerName string, blocks []Block) { sc.Lock() defer sc.Unlock() sc.cache.SetMemoryBlocks(podUID, containerName, blocks) err := sc.storeState() if err != nil { klog.InfoS("Store state to checkpoint error", "err", err) } } // SetMemoryAssignments sets ContainerMemoryAssignments by using the passed parameter func (sc *stateCheckpoint) SetMemoryAssignments(assignments ContainerMemoryAssignments) { sc.Lock() defer sc.Unlock() sc.cache.SetMemoryAssignments(assignments) err := sc.storeState() if err != nil { klog.InfoS("Store state to checkpoint error", "err", err) } } // Delete deletes corresponding Blocks from ContainerMemoryAssignments func (sc *stateCheckpoint) Delete(podUID string, containerName string) { sc.Lock() defer sc.Unlock() sc.cache.Delete(podUID, containerName) err := sc.storeState() if err != nil { klog.InfoS("Store state to checkpoint error", "err", err) } } // ClearState clears machineState and ContainerMemoryAssignments func (sc *stateCheckpoint) ClearState() { sc.Lock() defer sc.Unlock() sc.cache.ClearState() err := sc.storeState() if err != nil { klog.InfoS("Store state to checkpoint error", "err", err) } }