/* Copyright 2015 The Kubernetes Authors. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ package fieldpath import ( "strings" "testing" "k8s.io/api/core/v1" metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1" ) func BenchmarkFormatMap(b *testing.B) { var s string m := map[string]string{ "spec.pod.beta.kubernetes.io/statefulset-index": "1", "Www.k8s.io/test": "1", "foo": "bar", "flannel.alpha.coreos.com/backend-data": `{"VNI":1,"VtepMAC":"ce:f9:c7:a4:de:64"}`, "flannel.alpha.coreos.com/backend-type": "vxlan", "flannel.alpha.coreos.com/kube-subnet-manager": "true", "flannel.alpha.coreos.com/public-ip": "", "management.cattle.io/pod-limits": `{"cpu":"11400m","memory":"7965Mi"}`, "management.cattle.io/pod-requests": `{"cpu":"2482m","memory":"7984Mi","pods":"26"}`, "node.alpha.kubernetes.io/ttl": "0", "volumes.kubernetes.io/controller-managed-attach-detach": "true", } b.ReportAllocs() b.ResetTimer() for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ { s = FormatMap(m) } // Avoid compiler optimizations _ = s } func TestExtractFieldPathAsString(t *testing.T) { cases := []struct { name string fieldPath string obj interface{} expectedValue string expectedMessageFragment string }{ { name: "not an API object", fieldPath: "metadata.name", obj: "", expectedMessageFragment: "object does not implement the Object interfaces", }, { name: "ok - namespace", fieldPath: "metadata.namespace", obj: &v1.Pod{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Namespace: "object-namespace", }, }, expectedValue: "object-namespace", }, { name: "ok - name", fieldPath: "metadata.name", obj: &v1.Pod{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "object-name", }, }, expectedValue: "object-name", }, { name: "ok - labels", fieldPath: "metadata.labels", obj: &v1.Pod{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Labels: map[string]string{"key": "value"}, }, }, expectedValue: "key=\"value\"", }, { name: "ok - labels bslash n", fieldPath: "metadata.labels", obj: &v1.Pod{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Labels: map[string]string{"key": "value\n"}, }, }, expectedValue: "key=\"value\\n\"", }, { name: "ok - annotations", fieldPath: "metadata.annotations", obj: &v1.Pod{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Annotations: map[string]string{"builder": "john-doe"}, }, }, expectedValue: "builder=\"john-doe\"", }, { name: "ok - annotation", fieldPath: "metadata.annotations['spec.pod.beta.kubernetes.io/statefulset-index']", obj: &v1.Pod{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Annotations: map[string]string{"spec.pod.beta.kubernetes.io/statefulset-index": "1"}, }, }, expectedValue: "1", }, { name: "ok - annotation", fieldPath: "metadata.annotations['Www.k8s.io/test']", obj: &v1.Pod{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Annotations: map[string]string{"Www.k8s.io/test": "1"}, }, }, expectedValue: "1", }, { name: "ok - uid", fieldPath: "metadata.uid", obj: &v1.Pod{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ UID: "b70b3269-858e-12a8-9cf2-1232a194038a", }, }, expectedValue: "b70b3269-858e-12a8-9cf2-1232a194038a", }, { name: "ok - label", fieldPath: "metadata.labels['something']", obj: &v1.Pod{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Labels: map[string]string{ "something": "label value", }, }, }, expectedValue: "label value", }, { name: "invalid expression", fieldPath: "metadata.whoops", obj: &v1.Pod{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Namespace: "object-namespace", }, }, expectedMessageFragment: "unsupported fieldPath", }, { name: "invalid annotation key", fieldPath: "metadata.annotations['invalid~key']", obj: &v1.Pod{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Annotations: map[string]string{"foo": "bar"}, }, }, expectedMessageFragment: "invalid key subscript in metadata.annotations", }, { name: "invalid label key", fieldPath: "metadata.labels['Www.k8s.io/test']", obj: &v1.Pod{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Annotations: map[string]string{"foo": "bar"}, }, }, expectedMessageFragment: "invalid key subscript in metadata.labels", }, { name: "invalid subscript", fieldPath: "metadata.notexisting['something']", obj: &v1.Pod{}, expectedMessageFragment: "fieldPath \"metadata.notexisting['something']\" does not support subscript", }, } for _, tc := range cases { actual, err := ExtractFieldPathAsString(tc.obj, tc.fieldPath) if err != nil { if tc.expectedMessageFragment != "" { if !strings.Contains(err.Error(), tc.expectedMessageFragment) { t.Errorf("%v: unexpected error message: %q, expected to contain %q", tc.name, err, tc.expectedMessageFragment) } } else { t.Errorf("%v: unexpected error: %v", tc.name, err) } } else if tc.expectedMessageFragment != "" { t.Errorf("%v: expected error: %v", tc.name, tc.expectedMessageFragment) } else if e := tc.expectedValue; e != "" && e != actual { t.Errorf("%v: unexpected result; got %q, expected %q", tc.name, actual, e) } } } func TestSplitMaybeSubscriptedPath(t *testing.T) { cases := []struct { fieldPath string expectedPath string expectedSubscript string expectedOK bool }{ { fieldPath: "metadata.annotations['key']", expectedPath: "metadata.annotations", expectedSubscript: "key", expectedOK: true, }, { fieldPath: "metadata.annotations['a[b']c']", expectedPath: "metadata.annotations", expectedSubscript: "a[b']c", expectedOK: true, }, { fieldPath: "metadata.labels['['key']", expectedPath: "metadata.labels", expectedSubscript: "['key", expectedOK: true, }, { fieldPath: "metadata.labels['key']']", expectedPath: "metadata.labels", expectedSubscript: "key']", expectedOK: true, }, { fieldPath: "metadata.labels['']", expectedPath: "metadata.labels", expectedSubscript: "", expectedOK: true, }, { fieldPath: "metadata.labels[' ']", expectedPath: "metadata.labels", expectedSubscript: " ", expectedOK: true, }, { fieldPath: "metadata.labels[ 'key' ]", expectedOK: false, }, { fieldPath: "metadata.labels[]", expectedOK: false, }, { fieldPath: "metadata.labels[']", expectedOK: false, }, { fieldPath: "metadata.labels['key']foo", expectedOK: false, }, { fieldPath: "['key']", expectedOK: false, }, { fieldPath: "metadata.labels", expectedOK: false, }, } for _, tc := range cases { path, subscript, ok := SplitMaybeSubscriptedPath(tc.fieldPath) if !ok { if tc.expectedOK { t.Errorf("SplitMaybeSubscriptedPath(%q) expected to return (_, _, true)", tc.fieldPath) } continue } if path != tc.expectedPath || subscript != tc.expectedSubscript { t.Errorf("SplitMaybeSubscriptedPath(%q) = (%q, %q, true), expect (%q, %q, true)", tc.fieldPath, path, subscript, tc.expectedPath, tc.expectedSubscript) } } } // TestFormatMap func TestFormatMap(t *testing.T) { type args struct { m map[string]string } tests := []struct { name string args args wantFmtStr string }{ { name: "nil", args: args{ m: nil, }, wantFmtStr: "", }, { name: "label", args: args{ m: map[string]string{ "beta.kubernetes.io/os": "linux", "kubernetes.io/arch": "amd64", "kubernetes.io/hostname": "master01", "kubernetes.io/os": "linux", "node-role.kubernetes.io/control-plane": "true", "node-role.kubernetes.io/master": "true", }, }, wantFmtStr: `beta.kubernetes.io/os="linux" kubernetes.io/arch="amd64" kubernetes.io/hostname="master01" kubernetes.io/os="linux" node-role.kubernetes.io/control-plane="true" node-role.kubernetes.io/master="true"`, }, { name: "annotation", args: args{ m: map[string]string{ "flannel.alpha.coreos.com/backend-data": `{"VNI":1,"VtepMAC":"ce:f9:c7:a4:de:64"}`, "flannel.alpha.coreos.com/backend-type": "vxlan", "flannel.alpha.coreos.com/kube-subnet-manager": "true", "flannel.alpha.coreos.com/public-ip": "", "management.cattle.io/pod-limits": `{"cpu":"11400m","memory":"7965Mi"}`, "management.cattle.io/pod-requests": `{"cpu":"2482m","memory":"7984Mi","pods":"26"}`, "node.alpha.kubernetes.io/ttl": "0", "volumes.kubernetes.io/controller-managed-attach-detach": "true", }, }, wantFmtStr: `flannel.alpha.coreos.com/backend-data="{\"VNI\":1,\"VtepMAC\":\"ce:f9:c7:a4:de:64\"}" flannel.alpha.coreos.com/backend-type="vxlan" flannel.alpha.coreos.com/kube-subnet-manager="true" flannel.alpha.coreos.com/public-ip="" management.cattle.io/pod-limits="{\"cpu\":\"11400m\",\"memory\":\"7965Mi\"}" management.cattle.io/pod-requests="{\"cpu\":\"2482m\",\"memory\":\"7984Mi\",\"pods\":\"26\"}" node.alpha.kubernetes.io/ttl="0" volumes.kubernetes.io/controller-managed-attach-detach="true"`, }, } for _, tt := range tests { t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) { if gotFmtStr := FormatMap(tt.args.m); gotFmtStr != tt.wantFmtStr { t.Errorf("FormatMap() = %v, want %v", gotFmtStr, tt.wantFmtStr) } }) } }