/* Copyright 2018 The Kubernetes Authors. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ package metrics import ( "fmt" "testing" "github.com/stretchr/testify/assert" ) type resourceUtilizationRatioTestCase struct { metrics PodMetricsInfo requests map[string]int64 targetUtilization int32 expectedUtilizationRatio float64 expectedCurrentUtilization int32 expectedRawAverageValue int64 expectedErr error } func (tc *resourceUtilizationRatioTestCase) runTest(t *testing.T) { actualUtilizationRatio, actualCurrentUtilization, actualRawAverageValue, actualErr := GetResourceUtilizationRatio(tc.metrics, tc.requests, tc.targetUtilization) if tc.expectedErr != nil { assert.Error(t, actualErr, "there should be an error getting the utilization ratio") assert.Contains(t, fmt.Sprintf("%v", actualErr), fmt.Sprintf("%v", tc.expectedErr), "the error message should be as expected") return } assert.NoError(t, actualErr, "there should be no error retrieving the utilization ratio") assert.Equal(t, tc.expectedUtilizationRatio, actualUtilizationRatio, "the utilization ratios should be as expected") assert.Equal(t, tc.expectedCurrentUtilization, actualCurrentUtilization, "the current utilization should be as expected") assert.Equal(t, tc.expectedRawAverageValue, actualRawAverageValue, "the raw average value should be as expected") } type metricUsageRatioTestCase struct { metrics PodMetricsInfo targetUsage int64 expectedUsageRatio float64 expectedCurrentUsage int64 } func (tc *metricUsageRatioTestCase) runTest(t *testing.T) { actualUsageRatio, actualCurrentUsage := GetMetricUsageRatio(tc.metrics, tc.targetUsage) assert.Equal(t, tc.expectedUsageRatio, actualUsageRatio, "the usage ratios should be as expected") assert.Equal(t, tc.expectedCurrentUsage, actualCurrentUsage, "the current usage should be as expected") } func TestGetResourceUtilizationRatioBaseCase(t *testing.T) { tc := resourceUtilizationRatioTestCase{ metrics: PodMetricsInfo{ "test-pod-0": {Value: 50}, "test-pod-1": {Value: 76}, }, requests: map[string]int64{ "test-pod-0": 100, "test-pod-1": 100, }, targetUtilization: 50, expectedUtilizationRatio: 1.26, expectedCurrentUtilization: 63, expectedRawAverageValue: 63, expectedErr: nil, } tc.runTest(t) } func TestGetResourceUtilizationRatioIgnorePodsWithNoRequest(t *testing.T) { tc := resourceUtilizationRatioTestCase{ metrics: PodMetricsInfo{ "test-pod-0": {Value: 50}, "test-pod-1": {Value: 76}, "test-pod-no-request": {Value: 100}, }, requests: map[string]int64{ "test-pod-0": 100, "test-pod-1": 100, }, targetUtilization: 50, expectedUtilizationRatio: 1.26, expectedCurrentUtilization: 63, expectedRawAverageValue: 63, expectedErr: nil, } tc.runTest(t) } func TestGetResourceUtilizationRatioExtraRequest(t *testing.T) { tc := resourceUtilizationRatioTestCase{ metrics: PodMetricsInfo{ "test-pod-0": {Value: 50}, "test-pod-1": {Value: 76}, }, requests: map[string]int64{ "test-pod-0": 100, "test-pod-1": 100, "test-pod-extra-request": 500, }, targetUtilization: 50, expectedUtilizationRatio: 1.26, expectedCurrentUtilization: 63, expectedRawAverageValue: 63, expectedErr: nil, } tc.runTest(t) } func TestGetResourceUtilizationRatioNoRequests(t *testing.T) { tc := resourceUtilizationRatioTestCase{ metrics: PodMetricsInfo{ "test-pod-0": {Value: 50}, "test-pod-1": {Value: 76}, }, requests: map[string]int64{}, targetUtilization: 50, expectedUtilizationRatio: 0, expectedCurrentUtilization: 0, expectedRawAverageValue: 0, expectedErr: fmt.Errorf("no metrics returned matched known pods"), } tc.runTest(t) } func TestGetMetricUsageRatioBaseCase(t *testing.T) { tc := metricUsageRatioTestCase{ metrics: PodMetricsInfo{ "test-pod-0": {Value: 5000}, "test-pod-1": {Value: 10000}, }, targetUsage: 10000, expectedUsageRatio: .75, expectedCurrentUsage: 7500, } tc.runTest(t) }