#!/usr/bin/env bash # Copyright 2014 The Kubernetes Authors. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # This script runs e2e tests on Google Cloud Platform. # Usage: `hack/ginkgo-e2e.sh`. set -o errexit set -o nounset set -o pipefail KUBE_ROOT=$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")/.. source "${KUBE_ROOT}/cluster/common.sh" source "${KUBE_ROOT}/hack/lib/init.sh" # Find the ginkgo binary build as part of the release. ginkgo=$(kube::util::find-binary "ginkgo") e2e_test=$(kube::util::find-binary "e2e.test") # --- Setup some env vars. GINKGO_PARALLEL=${GINKGO_PARALLEL:-n} # set to 'y' to run tests in parallel CLOUD_CONFIG=${CLOUD_CONFIG:-""} # If 'y', Ginkgo's reporter will not use escape sequence to color output. # # Since Kubernetes 1.25, the default is to use colors only when connected to # a terminal. That is the right choice for all Prow jobs (Spyglass doesn't # render them properly). GINKGO_NO_COLOR=${GINKGO_NO_COLOR:-$(if [ -t 2 ]; then echo n; else echo y; fi)} # If 'y', will rerun failed tests once to give them a second chance. GINKGO_TOLERATE_FLAKES=${GINKGO_TOLERATE_FLAKES:-n} # If set, the command executed will be: # - `dlv exec` if set to "delve" # - `gdb` if set to "gdb" # NOTE: for this to work the e2e.test binary has to be compiled with # make DBG=1 WHAT=test/e2e/e2e.test E2E_TEST_DEBUG_TOOL=${E2E_TEST_DEBUG_TOOL:-} : "${KUBECTL:="${KUBE_ROOT}/cluster/kubectl.sh"}" : "${KUBE_CONFIG_FILE:="config-test.sh"}" export KUBECTL KUBE_CONFIG_FILE source "${KUBE_ROOT}/cluster/kube-util.sh" function detect-master-from-kubeconfig() { export KUBECONFIG=${KUBECONFIG:-$DEFAULT_KUBECONFIG} local cc cc=$("${KUBE_ROOT}/cluster/kubectl.sh" config view -o jsonpath="{.current-context}") if [[ -n "${KUBE_CONTEXT:-}" ]]; then cc="${KUBE_CONTEXT}" fi local cluster cluster=$("${KUBE_ROOT}/cluster/kubectl.sh" config view -o jsonpath="{.contexts[?(@.name == \"${cc}\")].context.cluster}") KUBE_MASTER_URL=$("${KUBE_ROOT}/cluster/kubectl.sh" config view -o jsonpath="{.clusters[?(@.name == \"${cluster}\")].cluster.server}") } # ---- Do cloud-provider-specific setup if [[ -n "${KUBERNETES_CONFORMANCE_TEST:-}" ]]; then echo "Conformance test: not doing test setup." KUBERNETES_PROVIDER=${KUBERNETES_CONFORMANCE_PROVIDER:-"skeleton"} detect-master-from-kubeconfig auth_config=( "--kubeconfig=${KUBECONFIG}" ) else echo "Setting up for KUBERNETES_PROVIDER=\"${KUBERNETES_PROVIDER}\"." prepare-e2e detect-master >/dev/null KUBE_MASTER_URL="${KUBE_MASTER_URL:-}" if [[ -z "${KUBE_MASTER_URL:-}" && -n "${KUBE_MASTER_IP:-}" ]]; then KUBE_MASTER_URL="https://${KUBE_MASTER_IP}" fi auth_config=( "--kubeconfig=${KUBECONFIG:-$DEFAULT_KUBECONFIG}" ) fi if [[ -n "${NODE_INSTANCE_PREFIX:-}" ]]; then NODE_INSTANCE_GROUP="${NODE_INSTANCE_PREFIX}-group" fi if [[ "${KUBERNETES_PROVIDER}" == "gce" ]]; then set_num_migs NODE_INSTANCE_GROUP="" for ((i=1; i<=NUM_MIGS; i++)); do if [[ ${i} == "${NUM_MIGS}" ]]; then # We are assigning the same mig names as create-nodes function from cluster/gce/util.sh. NODE_INSTANCE_GROUP="${NODE_INSTANCE_GROUP}${NODE_INSTANCE_PREFIX}-group" else NODE_INSTANCE_GROUP="${NODE_INSTANCE_GROUP}${NODE_INSTANCE_PREFIX}-group-${i}," fi done fi # TODO(kubernetes/test-infra#3330): Allow NODE_INSTANCE_GROUP to be # set before we get here, which eliminates any cluster/gke use if # KUBERNETES_CONFORMANCE_PROVIDER is set to "gke". if [[ -z "${NODE_INSTANCE_GROUP:-}" ]] && [[ "${KUBERNETES_PROVIDER}" == "gke" ]]; then detect-node-instance-groups NODE_INSTANCE_GROUP=$(kube::util::join , "${NODE_INSTANCE_GROUP[@]}") fi if [[ "${KUBERNETES_PROVIDER}" == "azure" ]]; then if [[ ${CLOUD_CONFIG} == "" ]]; then echo "Missing azure cloud config" exit 1 fi fi # These arguments are understood by both Ginkgo test suite and CLI. # Some arguments (like --nodes) are only supported when using the CLI. # Those get set below when choosing the program. ginkgo_args=( "--poll-progress-after=${GINKGO_POLL_PROGRESS_AFTER:-60m}" "--poll-progress-interval=${GINKGO_POLL_PROGRESS_INTERVAL:-5m}" "--source-root=${KUBE_ROOT}" ) # NOTE: Ginkgo's default timeout has been reduced from 24h to 1h in V2, set it manually here as "24h" # for backward compatibility purpose. ginkgo_args+=("--timeout=${GINKGO_TIMEOUT:-24h}") if [[ -n "${CONFORMANCE_TEST_SKIP_REGEX:-}" ]]; then ginkgo_args+=("--skip=${CONFORMANCE_TEST_SKIP_REGEX}") ginkgo_args+=("--seed=1436380640") fi if [[ "${GINKGO_UNTIL_IT_FAILS:-}" == true ]]; then ginkgo_args+=("--until-it-fails=true") fi FLAKE_ATTEMPTS=1 if [[ "${GINKGO_TOLERATE_FLAKES}" == "y" ]]; then FLAKE_ATTEMPTS=2 fi ginkgo_args+=("--flake-attempts=${FLAKE_ATTEMPTS}") if [[ "${GINKGO_NO_COLOR}" == "y" ]]; then ginkgo_args+=("--no-color") fi # The --host setting is used only when providing --auth_config # If --kubeconfig is used, the host to use is retrieved from the .kubeconfig # file and the one provided with --host is ignored. # Add path for things like running kubectl binary. PATH=$(dirname "${e2e_test}"):"${PATH}" export PATH # Choose the program to execute and additional arguments for it. # # Note that the e2e.test binary must have been built with "make DBG=1" # when using debuggers, otherwise debug information gets stripped. case "${E2E_TEST_DEBUG_TOOL:-ginkgo}" in ginkgo) program=("${ginkgo}") if [[ -n "${GINKGO_PARALLEL_NODES:-}" ]]; then program+=("--nodes=${GINKGO_PARALLEL_NODES}") elif [[ ${GINKGO_PARALLEL} =~ ^[yY]$ ]]; then program+=("--nodes=25") fi program+=("${ginkgo_args[@]:+${ginkgo_args[@]}}") ;; delve) program=("dlv" "exec") ;; gdb) program=("gdb") ;; *) kube::log::error_exit "Unsupported E2E_TEST_DEBUG_TOOL=${E2E_TEST_DEBUG_TOOL}" ;; esac # Move Ginkgo arguments that are understood by the suite when not using # the CLI. suite_args=() if [ "${E2E_TEST_DEBUG_TOOL:-ginkgo}" != "ginkgo" ]; then for arg in "${ginkgo_args[@]}"; do suite_args+=("--ginkgo.${arg#--}") done fi # Generate full dumps of the test result and progress in /ginkgo/, # using the Ginkgo-specific JSON format and JUnit XML. Ignored if --report-dir # is not used. suite_args+=(--report-complete-ginkgo --report-complete-junit) # The following invocation is fairly complex. Let's dump it to simplify # determining what the final options are. Enabled by default in CI # environments like Prow. case "${GINKGO_SHOW_COMMAND:-${CI:-no}}" in y|yes|true) set -x ;; esac "${program[@]}" "${e2e_test}" -- \ "${auth_config[@]:+${auth_config[@]}}" \ --host="${KUBE_MASTER_URL}" \ --provider="${KUBERNETES_PROVIDER}" \ --gce-project="${PROJECT:-}" \ --gce-zone="${ZONE:-}" \ --gce-region="${REGION:-}" \ --gce-multizone="${MULTIZONE:-false}" \ --gke-cluster="${CLUSTER_NAME:-}" \ --kube-master="${KUBE_MASTER:-}" \ --cluster-tag="${CLUSTER_ID:-}" \ --cloud-config-file="${CLOUD_CONFIG:-}" \ --repo-root="${KUBE_ROOT}" \ --node-instance-group="${NODE_INSTANCE_GROUP:-}" \ --prefix="${KUBE_GCE_INSTANCE_PREFIX:-e2e}" \ --network="${KUBE_GCE_NETWORK:-${KUBE_GKE_NETWORK:-e2e}}" \ --node-tag="${NODE_TAG:-}" \ --master-tag="${MASTER_TAG:-}" \ --docker-config-file="${DOCKER_CONFIG_FILE:-}" \ --dns-domain="${KUBE_DNS_DOMAIN:-cluster.local}" \ --prepull-images="${PREPULL_IMAGES:-false}" \ ${MASTER_OS_DISTRIBUTION:+"--master-os-distro=${MASTER_OS_DISTRIBUTION}"} \ ${NODE_OS_DISTRIBUTION:+"--node-os-distro=${NODE_OS_DISTRIBUTION}"} \ ${NUM_NODES:+"--num-nodes=${NUM_NODES}"} \ ${E2E_REPORT_DIR:+"--report-dir=${E2E_REPORT_DIR}"} \ ${E2E_REPORT_PREFIX:+"--report-prefix=${E2E_REPORT_PREFIX}"} \ "${suite_args[@]:+${suite_args[@]}}" \ "${@}"