
Source file src/k8s.io/kubernetes/cmd/kubeadm/app/util/etcd/etcd_test.go

Documentation: k8s.io/kubernetes/cmd/kubeadm/app/util/etcd

     1  /*
     2  Copyright 2018 The Kubernetes Authors.
     4  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     5  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     6  You may obtain a copy of the License at
     8      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
    10  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    11  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    12  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    13  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    14  limitations under the License.
    15  */
    17  package etcd
    19  import (
    20  	"context"
    21  	"fmt"
    22  	"reflect"
    23  	"strconv"
    24  	"testing"
    25  	"time"
    27  	"github.com/pkg/errors"
    29  	pb "go.etcd.io/etcd/api/v3/etcdserverpb"
    30  	clientv3 "go.etcd.io/etcd/client/v3"
    31  	apierrors "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/api/errors"
    32  	"k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/runtime"
    33  	clientsetfake "k8s.io/client-go/kubernetes/fake"
    34  	clienttesting "k8s.io/client-go/testing"
    36  	kubeadmapi "k8s.io/kubernetes/cmd/kubeadm/app/apis/kubeadm"
    37  	"k8s.io/kubernetes/cmd/kubeadm/app/constants"
    38  	testresources "k8s.io/kubernetes/cmd/kubeadm/test/resources"
    39  )
    41  var errNotImplemented = errors.New("not implemented")
    43  type fakeEtcdClient struct {
    44  	members   []*pb.Member
    45  	endpoints []string
    46  }
    48  // Close shuts down the client's etcd connections.
    49  func (f *fakeEtcdClient) Close() error {
    50  	f.members = []*pb.Member{}
    51  	return nil
    52  }
    54  // Endpoints lists the registered endpoints for the client.
    55  func (f *fakeEtcdClient) Endpoints() []string {
    56  	return f.endpoints
    57  }
    59  // MemberList lists the current cluster membership.
    60  func (f *fakeEtcdClient) MemberList(_ context.Context) (*clientv3.MemberListResponse, error) {
    61  	return &clientv3.MemberListResponse{
    62  		Members: f.members,
    63  	}, nil
    64  }
    66  // MemberAdd adds a new member into the cluster.
    67  func (f *fakeEtcdClient) MemberAdd(_ context.Context, peerAddrs []string) (*clientv3.MemberAddResponse, error) {
    68  	return nil, errNotImplemented
    69  }
    71  // MemberAddAsLearner adds a new learner member into the cluster.
    72  func (f *fakeEtcdClient) MemberAddAsLearner(_ context.Context, peerAddrs []string) (*clientv3.MemberAddResponse, error) {
    73  	return nil, errNotImplemented
    74  }
    76  // MemberRemove removes an existing member from the cluster.
    77  func (f *fakeEtcdClient) MemberRemove(_ context.Context, id uint64) (*clientv3.MemberRemoveResponse, error) {
    78  	return nil, errNotImplemented
    79  }
    81  // MemberPromote promotes a member from raft learner (non-voting) to raft voting member.
    82  func (f *fakeEtcdClient) MemberPromote(_ context.Context, id uint64) (*clientv3.MemberPromoteResponse, error) {
    83  	return nil, errNotImplemented
    84  }
    86  // Status gets the status of the endpoint.
    87  func (f *fakeEtcdClient) Status(_ context.Context, endpoint string) (*clientv3.StatusResponse, error) {
    88  	return nil, errNotImplemented
    89  }
    91  // Sync synchronizes client's endpoints with the known endpoints from the etcd membership.
    92  func (f *fakeEtcdClient) Sync(_ context.Context) error {
    93  	return errNotImplemented
    94  }
    96  func testGetURL(t *testing.T, getURLFunc func(*kubeadmapi.APIEndpoint) string, port int) {
    97  	portStr := strconv.Itoa(port)
    98  	tests := []struct {
    99  		name             string
   100  		advertiseAddress string
   101  		expectedURL      string
   102  	}{
   103  		{
   104  			name:             "IPv4",
   105  			advertiseAddress: "",
   106  			expectedURL:      fmt.Sprintf("", portStr),
   107  		},
   108  		{
   109  			name:             "IPv6",
   110  			advertiseAddress: "2001:db8::2",
   111  			expectedURL:      fmt.Sprintf("https://[2001:db8::2]:%s", portStr),
   112  		},
   113  		{
   114  			name:             "IPv4 localhost",
   115  			advertiseAddress: "",
   116  			expectedURL:      fmt.Sprintf("", portStr),
   117  		},
   118  		{
   119  			name:             "IPv6 localhost",
   120  			advertiseAddress: "::1",
   121  			expectedURL:      fmt.Sprintf("https://[::1]:%s", portStr),
   122  		},
   123  	}
   125  	for _, test := range tests {
   126  		url := getURLFunc(&kubeadmapi.APIEndpoint{AdvertiseAddress: test.advertiseAddress})
   127  		if url != test.expectedURL {
   128  			t.Errorf("expected %s, got %s", test.expectedURL, url)
   129  		}
   130  	}
   131  }
   133  func TestGetClientURL(t *testing.T) {
   134  	testGetURL(t, GetClientURL, constants.EtcdListenClientPort)
   135  }
   137  func TestGetPeerURL(t *testing.T) {
   138  	testGetURL(t, GetPeerURL, constants.EtcdListenPeerPort)
   139  }
   141  func TestGetClientURLByIP(t *testing.T) {
   142  	portStr := strconv.Itoa(constants.EtcdListenClientPort)
   143  	tests := []struct {
   144  		name        string
   145  		ip          string
   146  		expectedURL string
   147  	}{
   148  		{
   149  			name:        "IPv4",
   150  			ip:          "",
   151  			expectedURL: fmt.Sprintf("", portStr),
   152  		},
   153  		{
   154  			name:        "IPv6",
   155  			ip:          "2001:db8::2",
   156  			expectedURL: fmt.Sprintf("https://[2001:db8::2]:%s", portStr),
   157  		},
   158  		{
   159  			name:        "IPv4 localhost",
   160  			ip:          "",
   161  			expectedURL: fmt.Sprintf("", portStr),
   162  		},
   163  		{
   164  			name:        "IPv6 localhost",
   165  			ip:          "::1",
   166  			expectedURL: fmt.Sprintf("https://[::1]:%s", portStr),
   167  		},
   168  	}
   170  	for _, test := range tests {
   171  		url := GetClientURLByIP(test.ip)
   172  		if url != test.expectedURL {
   173  			t.Errorf("expected %s, got %s", test.expectedURL, url)
   174  		}
   175  	}
   176  }
   178  func TestGetEtcdEndpointsWithBackoff(t *testing.T) {
   179  	tests := []struct {
   180  		name              string
   181  		pods              []testresources.FakeStaticPod
   182  		expectedEndpoints []string
   183  		expectedErr       bool
   184  	}{
   185  		{
   186  			name:              "no pod annotations",
   187  			expectedEndpoints: []string{},
   188  			expectedErr:       true,
   189  		},
   190  		{
   191  			name: "ipv4 endpoint in pod annotation; port is preserved",
   192  			pods: []testresources.FakeStaticPod{
   193  				{
   194  					Component: constants.Etcd,
   195  					Annotations: map[string]string{
   196  						constants.EtcdAdvertiseClientUrlsAnnotationKey: "",
   197  					},
   198  				},
   199  			},
   200  			expectedEndpoints: []string{""},
   201  		},
   202  	}
   203  	for _, rt := range tests {
   204  		t.Run(rt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
   205  			client := clientsetfake.NewSimpleClientset()
   206  			for _, pod := range rt.pods {
   207  				if err := pod.Create(client); err != nil {
   208  					t.Errorf("error setting up test creating pod for node %q", pod.NodeName)
   209  				}
   210  			}
   211  			endpoints, err := getEtcdEndpointsWithRetry(client, time.Microsecond*10, time.Millisecond*100)
   212  			if err != nil && !rt.expectedErr {
   213  				t.Errorf("got error %q; was expecting no errors", err)
   214  				return
   215  			} else if err == nil && rt.expectedErr {
   216  				t.Error("got no error; was expecting an error")
   217  				return
   218  			} else if err != nil && rt.expectedErr {
   219  				return
   220  			}
   222  			if !reflect.DeepEqual(endpoints, rt.expectedEndpoints) {
   223  				t.Errorf("expected etcd endpoints: %v; got: %v", rt.expectedEndpoints, endpoints)
   224  			}
   225  		})
   226  	}
   227  }
   229  func TestGetRawEtcdEndpointsFromPodAnnotation(t *testing.T) {
   230  	tests := []struct {
   231  		name              string
   232  		pods              []testresources.FakeStaticPod
   233  		clientSetup       func(*clientsetfake.Clientset)
   234  		expectedEndpoints []string
   235  		expectedErr       bool
   236  	}{
   237  		{
   238  			name: "exactly one pod with annotation",
   239  			pods: []testresources.FakeStaticPod{
   240  				{
   241  					NodeName:    "cp-0",
   242  					Component:   constants.Etcd,
   243  					Annotations: map[string]string{constants.EtcdAdvertiseClientUrlsAnnotationKey: ""},
   244  				},
   245  			},
   246  			expectedEndpoints: []string{""},
   247  		},
   248  		{
   249  			name: "two pods; one is missing annotation",
   250  			pods: []testresources.FakeStaticPod{
   251  				{
   252  					NodeName:    "cp-0",
   253  					Component:   constants.Etcd,
   254  					Annotations: map[string]string{constants.EtcdAdvertiseClientUrlsAnnotationKey: ""},
   255  				},
   256  				{
   257  					NodeName:  "cp-1",
   258  					Component: constants.Etcd,
   259  				},
   260  			},
   261  			expectedEndpoints: []string{""},
   262  			expectedErr:       true,
   263  		},
   264  		{
   265  			name:        "no pods with annotation",
   266  			expectedErr: true,
   267  		},
   268  		{
   269  			name: "exactly one pod with annotation; all requests fail",
   270  			pods: []testresources.FakeStaticPod{
   271  				{
   272  					NodeName:    "cp-0",
   273  					Component:   constants.Etcd,
   274  					Annotations: map[string]string{constants.EtcdAdvertiseClientUrlsAnnotationKey: ""},
   275  				},
   276  			},
   277  			clientSetup: func(clientset *clientsetfake.Clientset) {
   278  				clientset.PrependReactor("list", "pods", func(action clienttesting.Action) (handled bool, ret runtime.Object, err error) {
   279  					return true, nil, apierrors.NewInternalError(errors.New("API server down"))
   280  				})
   281  			},
   282  			expectedErr: true,
   283  		},
   284  	}
   285  	for _, rt := range tests {
   286  		t.Run(rt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
   287  			client := clientsetfake.NewSimpleClientset()
   288  			for i, pod := range rt.pods {
   289  				if err := pod.CreateWithPodSuffix(client, strconv.Itoa(i)); err != nil {
   290  					t.Errorf("error setting up test creating pod for node %q", pod.NodeName)
   291  				}
   292  			}
   293  			if rt.clientSetup != nil {
   294  				rt.clientSetup(client)
   295  			}
   296  			endpoints, err := getRawEtcdEndpointsFromPodAnnotation(client, time.Microsecond*10, time.Millisecond*100)
   297  			if err != nil && !rt.expectedErr {
   298  				t.Errorf("got error %v, but wasn't expecting any error", err)
   299  				return
   300  			} else if err == nil && rt.expectedErr {
   301  				t.Error("didn't get any error; but was expecting an error")
   302  				return
   303  			} else if err != nil && rt.expectedErr {
   304  				return
   305  			}
   306  			if !reflect.DeepEqual(endpoints, rt.expectedEndpoints) {
   307  				t.Errorf("expected etcd endpoints: %v; got: %v", rt.expectedEndpoints, endpoints)
   308  			}
   309  		})
   310  	}
   311  }
   313  func TestGetRawEtcdEndpointsFromPodAnnotationWithoutRetry(t *testing.T) {
   314  	tests := []struct {
   315  		name              string
   316  		pods              []testresources.FakeStaticPod
   317  		clientSetup       func(*clientsetfake.Clientset)
   318  		expectedEndpoints []string
   319  		expectedErr       bool
   320  	}{
   321  		{
   322  			name:              "no pods",
   323  			expectedEndpoints: []string{},
   324  		},
   325  		{
   326  			name: "exactly one pod with annotation",
   327  			pods: []testresources.FakeStaticPod{
   328  				{
   329  					NodeName:    "cp-0",
   330  					Component:   constants.Etcd,
   331  					Annotations: map[string]string{constants.EtcdAdvertiseClientUrlsAnnotationKey: ""},
   332  				},
   333  			},
   334  			expectedEndpoints: []string{""},
   335  		},
   336  		{
   337  			name: "two pods; one is missing annotation",
   338  			pods: []testresources.FakeStaticPod{
   339  				{
   340  					NodeName:    "cp-0",
   341  					Component:   constants.Etcd,
   342  					Annotations: map[string]string{constants.EtcdAdvertiseClientUrlsAnnotationKey: ""},
   343  				},
   344  				{
   345  					NodeName:  "cp-1",
   346  					Component: constants.Etcd,
   347  				},
   348  			},
   349  			expectedEndpoints: []string{""},
   350  		},
   351  		{
   352  			name: "two pods with annotation",
   353  			pods: []testresources.FakeStaticPod{
   354  				{
   355  					NodeName:    "cp-0",
   356  					Component:   constants.Etcd,
   357  					Annotations: map[string]string{constants.EtcdAdvertiseClientUrlsAnnotationKey: ""},
   358  				},
   359  				{
   360  					NodeName:    "cp-1",
   361  					Component:   constants.Etcd,
   362  					Annotations: map[string]string{constants.EtcdAdvertiseClientUrlsAnnotationKey: ""},
   363  				},
   364  			},
   365  			expectedEndpoints: []string{"", ""},
   366  		},
   367  		{
   368  			name: "exactly one pod with annotation; request fails",
   369  			pods: []testresources.FakeStaticPod{
   370  				{
   371  					NodeName:    "cp-0",
   372  					Component:   constants.Etcd,
   373  					Annotations: map[string]string{constants.EtcdAdvertiseClientUrlsAnnotationKey: ""},
   374  				},
   375  			},
   376  			clientSetup: func(clientset *clientsetfake.Clientset) {
   377  				clientset.PrependReactor("list", "pods", func(action clienttesting.Action) (handled bool, ret runtime.Object, err error) {
   378  					return true, nil, apierrors.NewInternalError(errors.New("API server down"))
   379  				})
   380  			},
   381  			expectedErr: true,
   382  		},
   383  	}
   384  	for _, rt := range tests {
   385  		t.Run(rt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
   386  			client := clientsetfake.NewSimpleClientset()
   387  			for _, pod := range rt.pods {
   388  				if err := pod.Create(client); err != nil {
   389  					t.Errorf("error setting up test creating pod for node %q", pod.NodeName)
   390  					return
   391  				}
   392  			}
   393  			if rt.clientSetup != nil {
   394  				rt.clientSetup(client)
   395  			}
   396  			endpoints, _, err := getRawEtcdEndpointsFromPodAnnotationWithoutRetry(client)
   397  			if err != nil && !rt.expectedErr {
   398  				t.Errorf("got error %v, but wasn't expecting any error", err)
   399  				return
   400  			} else if err == nil && rt.expectedErr {
   401  				t.Error("didn't get any error; but was expecting an error")
   402  				return
   403  			} else if err != nil && rt.expectedErr {
   404  				return
   405  			}
   406  			if !reflect.DeepEqual(endpoints, rt.expectedEndpoints) {
   407  				t.Errorf("expected etcd endpoints: %v; got: %v", rt.expectedEndpoints, endpoints)
   408  			}
   409  		})
   410  	}
   411  }
   413  func TestClient_GetMemberID(t *testing.T) {
   414  	type fields struct {
   415  		Endpoints     []string
   416  		newEtcdClient func(endpoints []string) (etcdClient, error)
   417  	}
   418  	type args struct {
   419  		peerURL string
   420  	}
   421  	tests := []struct {
   422  		name    string
   423  		fields  fields
   424  		args    args
   425  		want    uint64
   426  		wantErr error
   427  	}{
   428  		{
   429  			name: "member ID found",
   430  			fields: fields{
   431  				Endpoints: []string{},
   432  				newEtcdClient: func(endpoints []string) (etcdClient, error) {
   433  					f := &fakeEtcdClient{
   434  						members: []*pb.Member{
   435  							{
   436  								ID:   1,
   437  								Name: "member1",
   438  								PeerURLs: []string{
   439  									"https://member1:2380",
   440  								},
   441  							},
   442  						},
   443  					}
   444  					return f, nil
   445  				},
   446  			},
   447  			args: args{
   448  				peerURL: "https://member1:2380",
   449  			},
   450  			wantErr: nil,
   451  			want:    1,
   452  		},
   453  		{
   454  			name: "member ID not found",
   455  			fields: fields{
   456  				Endpoints: []string{},
   457  				newEtcdClient: func(endpoints []string) (etcdClient, error) {
   458  					f := &fakeEtcdClient{
   459  						members: []*pb.Member{
   460  							{
   461  								ID:   1,
   462  								Name: "member1",
   463  								PeerURLs: []string{
   464  									"https://member1:2380",
   465  								},
   466  							},
   467  						},
   468  					}
   469  					return f, nil
   470  				},
   471  			},
   472  			args: args{
   473  				peerURL: "https://member2:2380",
   474  			},
   475  			wantErr: ErrNoMemberIDForPeerURL,
   476  			want:    0,
   477  		},
   478  	}
   479  	for _, tt := range tests {
   480  		t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
   481  			c := &Client{
   482  				Endpoints:     tt.fields.Endpoints,
   483  				newEtcdClient: tt.fields.newEtcdClient,
   484  			}
   485  			c.listMembersFunc = func(_ time.Duration) (*clientv3.MemberListResponse, error) {
   486  				f, _ := c.newEtcdClient([]string{})
   487  				resp, _ := f.MemberList(context.Background())
   488  				return resp, nil
   489  			}
   491  			got, err := c.GetMemberID(tt.args.peerURL)
   492  			if !errors.Is(tt.wantErr, err) {
   493  				t.Errorf("Client.GetMemberID() error = %v, wantErr %v", err, tt.wantErr)
   494  				return
   495  			}
   496  			if got != tt.want {
   497  				t.Errorf("Client.GetMemberID() = %v, want %v", got, tt.want)
   498  			}
   499  		})
   500  	}
   501  }
   503  func TestListMembers(t *testing.T) {
   504  	type fields struct {
   505  		Endpoints       []string
   506  		newEtcdClient   func(endpoints []string) (etcdClient, error)
   507  		listMembersFunc func(timeout time.Duration) (*clientv3.MemberListResponse, error)
   508  	}
   509  	tests := []struct {
   510  		name      string
   511  		fields    fields
   512  		want      []Member
   513  		wantError bool
   514  	}{
   515  		{
   516  			name: "PeerURLs are empty",
   517  			fields: fields{
   518  				Endpoints: []string{},
   519  				newEtcdClient: func(endpoints []string) (etcdClient, error) {
   520  					f := &fakeEtcdClient{}
   521  					return f, nil
   522  				},
   523  			},
   524  			want: []Member{},
   525  		},
   526  		{
   527  			name: "PeerURLs are non-empty",
   528  			fields: fields{
   529  				Endpoints: []string{},
   530  				newEtcdClient: func(endpoints []string) (etcdClient, error) {
   531  					f := &fakeEtcdClient{
   532  						members: []*pb.Member{
   533  							{
   534  								ID:   1,
   535  								Name: "member1",
   536  								PeerURLs: []string{
   537  									"https://member1:2380",
   538  								},
   539  							},
   540  							{
   541  								ID:   2,
   542  								Name: "member2",
   543  								PeerURLs: []string{
   544  									"https://member2:2380",
   545  								},
   546  							},
   547  						},
   548  					}
   549  					return f, nil
   550  				},
   551  			},
   552  			want: []Member{
   553  				{
   554  					Name:    "member1",
   555  					PeerURL: "https://member1:2380",
   556  				},
   557  				{
   558  					Name:    "member2",
   559  					PeerURL: "https://member2:2380",
   560  				},
   561  			},
   562  		},
   563  		{
   564  			name: "PeerURLs has multiple urls",
   565  			fields: fields{
   566  				Endpoints: []string{},
   567  				newEtcdClient: func(endpoints []string) (etcdClient, error) {
   568  					f := &fakeEtcdClient{
   569  						members: []*pb.Member{
   570  							{
   571  								ID:   1,
   572  								Name: "member1",
   573  								PeerURLs: []string{
   574  									"https://member1:2380",
   575  									"https://member2:2380",
   576  								},
   577  							},
   578  						},
   579  					}
   580  					return f, nil
   581  				},
   582  			},
   583  			want: []Member{
   584  				{
   585  					Name:    "member1",
   586  					PeerURL: "https://member1:2380",
   587  				},
   588  			},
   589  		},
   590  		{
   591  			name: "ListMembers return error",
   592  			fields: fields{
   593  				Endpoints: []string{},
   594  				newEtcdClient: func(endpoints []string) (etcdClient, error) {
   595  					f := &fakeEtcdClient{
   596  						members: []*pb.Member{
   597  							{
   598  								ID:   1,
   599  								Name: "member1",
   600  								PeerURLs: []string{
   601  									"https://member1:2380",
   602  									"https://member2:2380",
   603  								},
   604  							},
   605  						},
   606  					}
   607  					return f, nil
   608  				},
   609  				listMembersFunc: func(_ time.Duration) (*clientv3.MemberListResponse, error) {
   610  					return nil, errNotImplemented
   611  				},
   612  			},
   613  			want:      nil,
   614  			wantError: true,
   615  		},
   616  	}
   617  	for _, tt := range tests {
   618  		t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
   619  			c := &Client{
   620  				Endpoints:       tt.fields.Endpoints,
   621  				newEtcdClient:   tt.fields.newEtcdClient,
   622  				listMembersFunc: tt.fields.listMembersFunc,
   623  			}
   624  			if c.listMembersFunc == nil {
   625  				c.listMembersFunc = func(_ time.Duration) (*clientv3.MemberListResponse, error) {
   626  					return c.listMembers(100 * time.Millisecond)
   627  				}
   628  			}
   629  			got, err := c.ListMembers()
   630  			if !reflect.DeepEqual(got, tt.want) {
   631  				t.Errorf("ListMembers() = %v, want %v", got, tt.want)
   632  			}
   633  			if (err != nil) != (tt.wantError) {
   634  				t.Errorf("ListMembers() error = %v, wantError %v", err, tt.wantError)
   635  			}
   636  		})
   637  	}
   638  }
   640  func TestIsLearner(t *testing.T) {
   641  	type fields struct {
   642  		Endpoints       []string
   643  		newEtcdClient   func(endpoints []string) (etcdClient, error)
   644  		listMembersFunc func(timeout time.Duration) (*clientv3.MemberListResponse, error)
   645  	}
   646  	tests := []struct {
   647  		name      string
   648  		fields    fields
   649  		memberID  uint64
   650  		want      bool
   651  		wantError bool
   652  	}{
   653  		{
   654  			name: "The specified member is not a learner",
   655  			fields: fields{
   656  				Endpoints: []string{},
   657  				newEtcdClient: func(endpoints []string) (etcdClient, error) {
   658  					f := &fakeEtcdClient{
   659  						members: []*pb.Member{
   660  							{
   661  								ID:   1,
   662  								Name: "member1",
   663  								PeerURLs: []string{
   664  									"https://member1:2380",
   665  								},
   666  								IsLearner: false,
   667  							},
   668  						},
   669  					}
   670  					return f, nil
   671  				},
   672  			},
   673  			memberID: 1,
   674  			want:     false,
   675  		},
   676  		{
   677  			name: "The specified member is a learner",
   678  			fields: fields{
   679  				Endpoints: []string{},
   680  				newEtcdClient: func(endpoints []string) (etcdClient, error) {
   681  					f := &fakeEtcdClient{
   682  						members: []*pb.Member{
   683  							{
   684  								ID:   1,
   685  								Name: "member1",
   686  								PeerURLs: []string{
   687  									"https://member1:2380",
   688  								},
   689  								IsLearner: true,
   690  							},
   691  							{
   692  								ID:   2,
   693  								Name: "member2",
   694  								PeerURLs: []string{
   695  									"https://member2:2380",
   696  								},
   697  							},
   698  						},
   699  					}
   700  					return f, nil
   701  				},
   702  			},
   703  			memberID: 1,
   704  			want:     true,
   705  		},
   706  		{
   707  			name: "The specified member does not exist",
   708  			fields: fields{
   709  				Endpoints: []string{},
   710  				newEtcdClient: func(endpoints []string) (etcdClient, error) {
   711  					f := &fakeEtcdClient{
   712  						members: []*pb.Member{},
   713  					}
   714  					return f, nil
   715  				},
   716  			},
   717  			memberID: 3,
   718  			want:     false,
   719  		},
   720  		{
   721  			name: "Learner ID is empty",
   722  			fields: fields{
   723  				Endpoints: []string{},
   724  				newEtcdClient: func(endpoints []string) (etcdClient, error) {
   725  					f := &fakeEtcdClient{
   726  						members: []*pb.Member{
   727  							{
   728  								Name: "member2",
   729  								PeerURLs: []string{
   730  									"https://member2:2380",
   731  								},
   732  								IsLearner: true,
   733  							},
   734  						},
   735  					}
   736  					return f, nil
   737  				},
   738  			},
   739  			want: true,
   740  		},
   741  		{
   742  			name: "ListMembers returns an error",
   743  			fields: fields{
   744  				Endpoints: []string{},
   745  				newEtcdClient: func(endpoints []string) (etcdClient, error) {
   746  					f := &fakeEtcdClient{
   747  						members: []*pb.Member{
   748  							{
   749  								Name: "member2",
   750  								PeerURLs: []string{
   751  									"https://member2:2380",
   752  								},
   753  								IsLearner: true,
   754  							},
   755  						},
   756  					}
   757  					return f, nil
   758  				},
   759  				listMembersFunc: func(_ time.Duration) (*clientv3.MemberListResponse, error) {
   760  					return nil, errNotImplemented
   761  				},
   762  			},
   763  			want:      false,
   764  			wantError: true,
   765  		},
   766  	}
   767  	for _, tt := range tests {
   768  		t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
   769  			c := &Client{
   770  				Endpoints:       tt.fields.Endpoints,
   771  				newEtcdClient:   tt.fields.newEtcdClient,
   772  				listMembersFunc: tt.fields.listMembersFunc,
   773  			}
   774  			if c.listMembersFunc == nil {
   775  				c.listMembersFunc = func(t_ time.Duration) (*clientv3.MemberListResponse, error) {
   776  					f, _ := c.newEtcdClient([]string{})
   777  					resp, _ := f.MemberList(context.Background())
   778  					return resp, nil
   779  				}
   780  			}
   781  			got, err := c.isLearner(tt.memberID)
   782  			if got != tt.want {
   783  				t.Errorf("isLearner() = %v, want %v", got, tt.want)
   784  			}
   785  			if (err != nil) != (tt.wantError) {
   786  				t.Errorf("isLearner() error = %v, wantError %v", err, tt.wantError)
   787  			}
   788  		})
   789  	}
   790  }

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