//go:build linux // +build linux /* Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ package preflight import ( "syscall" "github.com/pkg/errors" system "k8s.io/system-validators/validators" utilsexec "k8s.io/utils/exec" ) // Check number of memory required by kubeadm func (mc MemCheck) Check() (warnings, errorList []error) { info := syscall.Sysinfo_t{} err := syscall.Sysinfo(&info) if err != nil { errorList = append(errorList, errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to get system info")) } // Totalram holds the total usable memory. Unit holds the size of a memory unit in bytes. Multiply them and convert to MB actual := uint64(info.Totalram) * uint64(info.Unit) / 1024 / 1024 if actual < mc.Mem { errorList = append(errorList, errors.Errorf("the system RAM (%d MB) is less than the minimum %d MB", actual, mc.Mem)) } return warnings, errorList } // addOSValidator adds a new OSValidator func addOSValidator(validators []system.Validator, reporter *system.StreamReporter) []system.Validator { validators = append(validators, &system.OSValidator{Reporter: reporter}, &system.CgroupsValidator{Reporter: reporter}) return validators } // addIPv6Checks adds IPv6 related checks func addIPv6Checks(checks []Checker) []Checker { checks = append(checks, FileContentCheck{Path: ipv6DefaultForwarding, Content: []byte{'1'}}, ) return checks } // addIPv4Checks adds IPv4 related checks func addIPv4Checks(checks []Checker) []Checker { checks = append(checks, FileContentCheck{Path: ipv4Forward, Content: []byte{'1'}}) return checks } // addSwapCheck adds a swap check func addSwapCheck(checks []Checker) []Checker { checks = append(checks, SwapCheck{}) return checks } // addExecChecks adds checks that verify if certain binaries are in PATH func addExecChecks(checks []Checker, execer utilsexec.Interface) []Checker { checks = append(checks, InPathCheck{executable: "crictl", mandatory: true, exec: execer}, InPathCheck{executable: "conntrack", mandatory: true, exec: execer}, InPathCheck{executable: "ip", mandatory: true, exec: execer}, InPathCheck{executable: "iptables", mandatory: true, exec: execer}, InPathCheck{executable: "mount", mandatory: true, exec: execer}, InPathCheck{executable: "nsenter", mandatory: true, exec: execer}, InPathCheck{executable: "ebtables", mandatory: false, exec: execer}, InPathCheck{executable: "ethtool", mandatory: false, exec: execer}, InPathCheck{executable: "socat", mandatory: false, exec: execer}, InPathCheck{executable: "tc", mandatory: false, exec: execer}, InPathCheck{executable: "touch", mandatory: false, exec: execer}) return checks }