17 package dns
19 const (
21 CoreDNSService = `
22 apiVersion: v1
23 kind: Service
24 metadata:
25 labels:
26 k8s-app: kube-dns
27 kubernetes.io/cluster-service: "true"
28 kubernetes.io/name: "CoreDNS"
29 name: kube-dns
30 namespace: kube-system
31 annotations:
32 prometheus.io/port: "9153"
33 prometheus.io/scrape: "true"
34 # Without this resourceVersion value, an update of the Service between versions will yield:
35 # Service "kube-dns" is invalid: metadata.resourceVersion: Invalid value: "": must be specified for an update
36 resourceVersion: "0"
37 spec:
38 clusterIP: {{ .DNSIP }}
39 ports:
40 - name: dns
41 port: 53
42 protocol: UDP
43 targetPort: 53
44 - name: dns-tcp
45 port: 53
46 protocol: TCP
47 targetPort: 53
48 - name: metrics
49 port: 9153
50 protocol: TCP
51 targetPort: 9153
52 selector:
53 k8s-app: kube-dns
54 `
57 CoreDNSDeployment = `
58 apiVersion: apps/v1
59 kind: Deployment
60 metadata:
61 name: {{ .DeploymentName }}
62 namespace: kube-system
63 labels:
64 k8s-app: kube-dns
65 spec:
66 replicas: {{ .Replicas }}
67 strategy:
68 type: RollingUpdate
69 rollingUpdate:
70 maxUnavailable: 1
71 selector:
72 matchLabels:
73 k8s-app: kube-dns
74 template:
75 metadata:
76 labels:
77 k8s-app: kube-dns
78 spec:
79 priorityClassName: system-cluster-critical
80 serviceAccountName: coredns
81 affinity:
82 podAntiAffinity:
83 preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution:
84 - weight: 100
85 podAffinityTerm:
86 labelSelector:
87 matchExpressions:
88 - key: k8s-app
89 operator: In
90 values: ["kube-dns"]
91 topologyKey: kubernetes.io/hostname
92 tolerations:
93 - key: CriticalAddonsOnly
94 operator: Exists
95 - key: {{ .ControlPlaneTaintKey }}
96 effect: NoSchedule
97 nodeSelector:
98 kubernetes.io/os: linux
99 containers:
100 - name: coredns
101 image: {{ .Image }}
102 imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
103 resources:
104 limits:
105 memory: 170Mi
106 requests:
107 cpu: 100m
108 memory: 70Mi
109 args: [ "-conf", "/etc/coredns/Corefile" ]
110 volumeMounts:
111 - name: config-volume
112 mountPath: /etc/coredns
113 readOnly: true
114 ports:
115 - containerPort: 53
116 name: dns
117 protocol: UDP
118 - containerPort: 53
119 name: dns-tcp
120 protocol: TCP
121 - containerPort: 9153
122 name: metrics
123 protocol: TCP
124 livenessProbe:
125 httpGet:
126 path: /health
127 port: 8080
128 scheme: HTTP
129 initialDelaySeconds: 60
130 timeoutSeconds: 5
131 successThreshold: 1
132 failureThreshold: 5
133 readinessProbe:
134 httpGet:
135 path: /ready
136 port: 8181
137 scheme: HTTP
138 securityContext:
139 allowPrivilegeEscalation: false
140 capabilities:
141 add:
143 drop:
144 - ALL
145 readOnlyRootFilesystem: true
146 dnsPolicy: Default
147 volumes:
148 - name: config-volume
149 configMap:
150 name: coredns
151 items:
152 - key: Corefile
153 path: Corefile
154 `
157 CoreDNSConfigMap = `
158 apiVersion: v1
159 kind: ConfigMap
160 metadata:
161 name: coredns
162 namespace: kube-system
163 data:
164 Corefile: |
165 .:53 {
166 errors
167 health {
168 lameduck 5s
169 }
170 ready
171 kubernetes {{ .DNSDomain }} in-addr.arpa ip6.arpa {
172 pods insecure
173 fallthrough in-addr.arpa ip6.arpa
174 ttl 30
175 }
176 prometheus :9153
177 forward . /etc/resolv.conf {
178 max_concurrent 1000
179 }
180 cache 30
181 loop
182 reload
183 loadbalance
184 }
185 `
187 CoreDNSClusterRole = `
188 apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
189 kind: ClusterRole
190 metadata:
191 name: system:coredns
192 rules:
193 - apiGroups:
194 - ""
195 resources:
196 - endpoints
197 - services
198 - pods
199 - namespaces
200 verbs:
201 - list
202 - watch
203 - apiGroups:
204 - discovery.k8s.io
205 resources:
206 - endpointslices
207 verbs:
208 - list
209 - watch
210 `
212 CoreDNSClusterRoleBinding = `
213 apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
214 kind: ClusterRoleBinding
215 metadata:
216 name: system:coredns
217 roleRef:
218 apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io
219 kind: ClusterRole
220 name: system:coredns
221 subjects:
222 - kind: ServiceAccount
223 name: coredns
224 namespace: kube-system
225 `
227 CoreDNSServiceAccount = `
228 apiVersion: v1
229 kind: ServiceAccount
230 metadata:
231 name: coredns
232 namespace: kube-system
233 `
234 )
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