17 package app
19 import (
20 "context"
21 "fmt"
22 "net"
23 "net/http"
24 "net/http/httptest"
25 "os"
26 "path/filepath"
27 "testing"
28 "time"
30 "github.com/google/go-cmp/cmp"
31 "github.com/spf13/pflag"
32 v1 "k8s.io/api/core/v1"
33 metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"
34 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/runtime"
35 "k8s.io/apiserver/pkg/util/feature"
36 componentbaseconfig "k8s.io/component-base/config"
37 "k8s.io/component-base/featuregate"
38 featuregatetesting "k8s.io/component-base/featuregate/testing"
39 configv1 "k8s.io/kube-scheduler/config/v1"
40 "k8s.io/kubernetes/cmd/kube-scheduler/app/options"
41 "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/features"
42 "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/scheduler/apis/config"
43 "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/scheduler/apis/config/testing/defaults"
44 "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/scheduler/framework"
45 )
47 func TestSetup(t *testing.T) {
49 tmpDir, err := os.MkdirTemp("", "scheduler-options")
50 if err != nil {
51 t.Fatal(err)
52 }
53 defer os.RemoveAll(tmpDir)
56 server := httptest.NewTLSServer(http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
57 w.WriteHeader(200)
58 w.Write([]byte(`ok`))
59 }))
60 defer server.Close()
62 configKubeconfig := filepath.Join(tmpDir, "config.kubeconfig")
63 if err := os.WriteFile(configKubeconfig, []byte(fmt.Sprintf(`
64 apiVersion: v1
65 kind: Config
66 clusters:
67 - cluster:
68 insecure-skip-tls-verify: true
69 server: %s
70 name: default
71 contexts:
72 - context:
73 cluster: default
74 user: default
75 name: default
76 current-context: default
77 users:
78 - name: default
79 user:
80 username: config
81 `, server.URL)), os.FileMode(0600)); err != nil {
82 t.Fatal(err)
83 }
86 pluginConfigFilev1 := filepath.Join(tmpDir, "pluginv1.yaml")
87 if err := os.WriteFile(pluginConfigFilev1, []byte(fmt.Sprintf(`
88 apiVersion: kubescheduler.config.k8s.io/v1
89 kind: KubeSchedulerConfiguration
90 clientConnection:
91 kubeconfig: '%s'
92 profiles:
93 - plugins:
94 multiPoint:
95 enabled:
96 - name: SchedulingGates
97 - name: DefaultBinder
98 - name: PrioritySort
99 - name: DefaultPreemption
100 - name: VolumeBinding
101 - name: NodeResourcesFit
102 - name: NodePorts
103 - name: InterPodAffinity
104 - name: TaintToleration
105 disabled:
106 - name: "*"
107 preFilter:
108 disabled:
109 - name: VolumeBinding
110 - name: InterPodAffinity
111 filter:
112 disabled:
113 - name: VolumeBinding
114 - name: InterPodAffinity
115 - name: TaintToleration
116 score:
117 disabled:
118 - name: VolumeBinding
119 - name: NodeResourcesFit
120 `, configKubeconfig)), os.FileMode(0600)); err != nil {
121 t.Fatal(err)
122 }
125 simplifiedPluginConfigFilev1 := filepath.Join(tmpDir, "simplifiedPluginv1.yaml")
126 if err := os.WriteFile(simplifiedPluginConfigFilev1, []byte(fmt.Sprintf(`
127 apiVersion: kubescheduler.config.k8s.io/v1
128 kind: KubeSchedulerConfiguration
129 clientConnection:
130 kubeconfig: '%s'
131 profiles:
132 - schedulerName: simplified-scheduler
133 `, configKubeconfig)), os.FileMode(0600)); err != nil {
134 t.Fatal(err)
135 }
138 outOfTreePluginConfigFilev1 := filepath.Join(tmpDir, "outOfTreePluginv1.yaml")
139 if err := os.WriteFile(outOfTreePluginConfigFilev1, []byte(fmt.Sprintf(`
140 apiVersion: kubescheduler.config.k8s.io/v1
141 kind: KubeSchedulerConfiguration
142 clientConnection:
143 kubeconfig: '%s'
144 profiles:
145 - plugins:
146 preFilter:
147 enabled:
148 - name: Foo
149 filter:
150 enabled:
151 - name: Foo
152 `, configKubeconfig)), os.FileMode(0600)); err != nil {
153 t.Fatal(err)
154 }
157 multiProfilesConfig := filepath.Join(tmpDir, "multi-profiles.yaml")
158 if err := os.WriteFile(multiProfilesConfig, []byte(fmt.Sprintf(`
159 apiVersion: kubescheduler.config.k8s.io/v1
160 kind: KubeSchedulerConfiguration
161 clientConnection:
162 kubeconfig: '%s'
163 profiles:
164 - schedulerName: "profile-default-plugins"
165 - schedulerName: "profile-disable-all-filter-and-score-plugins"
166 plugins:
167 preFilter:
168 disabled:
169 - name: "*"
170 filter:
171 disabled:
172 - name: "*"
173 postFilter:
174 disabled:
175 - name: "*"
176 preScore:
177 disabled:
178 - name: "*"
179 score:
180 disabled:
181 - name: "*"
182 `, configKubeconfig)), os.FileMode(0600)); err != nil {
183 t.Fatal(err)
184 }
187 emptyLeaderElectionConfig := filepath.Join(tmpDir, "empty-leader-election-config.yaml")
188 if err := os.WriteFile(emptyLeaderElectionConfig, []byte(fmt.Sprintf(`
189 apiVersion: kubescheduler.config.k8s.io/v1
190 kind: KubeSchedulerConfiguration
191 clientConnection:
192 kubeconfig: '%s'
193 `, configKubeconfig)), os.FileMode(0600)); err != nil {
194 t.Fatal(err)
195 }
198 leaderElectionConfig := filepath.Join(tmpDir, "leader-election-config.yaml")
199 if err := os.WriteFile(leaderElectionConfig, []byte(fmt.Sprintf(`
200 apiVersion: kubescheduler.config.k8s.io/v1
201 kind: KubeSchedulerConfiguration
202 clientConnection:
203 kubeconfig: '%s'
204 leaderElection:
205 leaseDuration: 1h
206 `, configKubeconfig)), os.FileMode(0600)); err != nil {
207 t.Fatal(err)
208 }
210 testcases := []struct {
211 name string
212 flags []string
213 registryOptions []Option
214 restoreFeatures map[featuregate.Feature]bool
215 wantPlugins map[string]*config.Plugins
216 wantLeaderElection *componentbaseconfig.LeaderElectionConfiguration
217 wantClientConnection *componentbaseconfig.ClientConnectionConfiguration
218 }{
219 {
220 name: "default config with an alpha feature enabled",
221 flags: []string{
222 "--kubeconfig", configKubeconfig,
223 "--feature-gates=VolumeCapacityPriority=true",
224 },
225 wantPlugins: map[string]*config.Plugins{
226 "default-scheduler": defaults.ExpandedPluginsV1,
227 },
228 restoreFeatures: map[featuregate.Feature]bool{
229 features.VolumeCapacityPriority: false,
230 },
231 },
232 {
233 name: "component configuration v1 with only scheduler name configured",
234 flags: []string{
235 "--config", simplifiedPluginConfigFilev1,
236 "--kubeconfig", configKubeconfig,
237 },
238 wantPlugins: map[string]*config.Plugins{
239 "simplified-scheduler": defaults.ExpandedPluginsV1,
240 },
241 },
242 {
243 name: "default config",
244 flags: []string{
245 "--kubeconfig", configKubeconfig,
246 },
247 wantPlugins: map[string]*config.Plugins{
248 "default-scheduler": defaults.ExpandedPluginsV1,
249 },
250 },
251 {
252 name: "component configuration v1",
253 flags: []string{
254 "--config", pluginConfigFilev1,
255 "--kubeconfig", configKubeconfig,
256 },
257 wantPlugins: map[string]*config.Plugins{
258 "default-scheduler": func() *config.Plugins {
259 plugins := defaults.ExpandedPluginsV1.DeepCopy()
260 plugins.Filter.Enabled = []config.Plugin{
261 {Name: "NodeResourcesFit"},
262 {Name: "NodePorts"},
263 }
264 plugins.PreFilter.Enabled = []config.Plugin{
265 {Name: "NodeResourcesFit"},
266 {Name: "NodePorts"},
267 }
268 plugins.PreScore.Enabled = []config.Plugin{
269 {Name: "VolumeBinding"},
270 {Name: "NodeResourcesFit"},
271 {Name: "InterPodAffinity"},
272 {Name: "TaintToleration"},
273 }
274 plugins.Score.Enabled = []config.Plugin{
275 {Name: "InterPodAffinity", Weight: 1},
276 {Name: "TaintToleration", Weight: 1},
277 }
278 return plugins
279 }(),
280 },
281 },
282 {
283 name: "out-of-tree component configuration v1",
284 flags: []string{
285 "--config", outOfTreePluginConfigFilev1,
286 "--kubeconfig", configKubeconfig,
287 },
288 registryOptions: []Option{WithPlugin("Foo", newFoo)},
289 wantPlugins: map[string]*config.Plugins{
290 "default-scheduler": func() *config.Plugins {
291 plugins := defaults.ExpandedPluginsV1.DeepCopy()
292 plugins.PreFilter.Enabled = append(plugins.PreFilter.Enabled, config.Plugin{Name: "Foo"})
293 plugins.Filter.Enabled = append(plugins.Filter.Enabled, config.Plugin{Name: "Foo"})
294 return plugins
295 }(),
296 },
297 },
298 {
299 name: "leader election CLI args, along with --config arg",
300 flags: []string{
301 "--leader-elect=false",
302 "--leader-elect-lease-duration=2h",
303 "--kubeconfig=foo",
304 "--config", emptyLeaderElectionConfig,
305 },
306 wantLeaderElection: &componentbaseconfig.LeaderElectionConfiguration{
307 LeaderElect: false,
308 LeaseDuration: metav1.Duration{Duration: 2 * time.Hour},
309 RenewDeadline: metav1.Duration{Duration: 10 * time.Second},
310 RetryPeriod: metav1.Duration{Duration: 2 * time.Second},
311 ResourceLock: "leases",
312 ResourceName: configv1.SchedulerDefaultLockObjectName,
313 ResourceNamespace: configv1.SchedulerDefaultLockObjectNamespace,
314 },
315 wantClientConnection: &componentbaseconfig.ClientConnectionConfiguration{
316 Kubeconfig: configKubeconfig,
317 ContentType: "application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf",
318 QPS: 50,
319 Burst: 100,
320 },
321 },
322 {
323 name: "leader election CLI args, without --config arg",
324 flags: []string{
325 "--leader-elect=false",
326 "--leader-elect-lease-duration=2h",
327 "--leader-elect-resource-namespace=default",
328 "--kubeconfig", configKubeconfig,
329 },
330 wantLeaderElection: &componentbaseconfig.LeaderElectionConfiguration{
331 LeaderElect: false,
332 LeaseDuration: metav1.Duration{Duration: 2 * time.Hour},
333 RenewDeadline: metav1.Duration{Duration: 10 * time.Second},
334 RetryPeriod: metav1.Duration{Duration: 2 * time.Second},
335 ResourceLock: "leases",
336 ResourceName: configv1.SchedulerDefaultLockObjectName,
337 ResourceNamespace: "default",
338 },
339 wantClientConnection: &componentbaseconfig.ClientConnectionConfiguration{
340 Kubeconfig: configKubeconfig,
341 ContentType: "application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf",
342 QPS: 50,
343 Burst: 100,
344 },
345 },
346 {
347 name: "leader election settings specified by ComponentConfig only",
348 flags: []string{
349 "--config", leaderElectionConfig,
350 },
351 wantLeaderElection: &componentbaseconfig.LeaderElectionConfiguration{
352 LeaderElect: true,
353 LeaseDuration: metav1.Duration{Duration: 1 * time.Hour},
354 RenewDeadline: metav1.Duration{Duration: 10 * time.Second},
355 RetryPeriod: metav1.Duration{Duration: 2 * time.Second},
356 ResourceLock: "leases",
357 ResourceName: configv1.SchedulerDefaultLockObjectName,
358 ResourceNamespace: configv1.SchedulerDefaultLockObjectNamespace,
359 },
360 },
361 {
362 name: "leader election settings specified by CLI args and ComponentConfig",
363 flags: []string{
364 "--leader-elect=true",
365 "--leader-elect-renew-deadline=5s",
366 "--leader-elect-retry-period=1s",
367 "--config", leaderElectionConfig,
368 },
369 wantLeaderElection: &componentbaseconfig.LeaderElectionConfiguration{
370 LeaderElect: true,
371 LeaseDuration: metav1.Duration{Duration: 1 * time.Hour},
372 RenewDeadline: metav1.Duration{Duration: 5 * time.Second},
373 RetryPeriod: metav1.Duration{Duration: 1 * time.Second},
374 ResourceLock: "leases",
375 ResourceName: configv1.SchedulerDefaultLockObjectName,
376 ResourceNamespace: configv1.SchedulerDefaultLockObjectNamespace,
377 },
378 },
379 }
381 makeListener := func(t *testing.T) net.Listener {
382 t.Helper()
383 l, err := net.Listen("tcp", ":0")
384 if err != nil {
385 t.Fatal(err)
386 }
387 return l
388 }
390 for _, tc := range testcases {
391 t.Run(tc.name, func(t *testing.T) {
392 for k, v := range tc.restoreFeatures {
393 defer featuregatetesting.SetFeatureGateDuringTest(t, feature.DefaultFeatureGate, k, v)()
394 }
396 fs := pflag.NewFlagSet("test", pflag.PanicOnError)
397 opts := options.NewOptions()
400 opts.SecureServing.Listener = makeListener(t)
401 defer opts.SecureServing.Listener.Close()
403 nfs := opts.Flags
404 for _, f := range nfs.FlagSets {
405 fs.AddFlagSet(f)
406 }
407 if err := fs.Parse(tc.flags); err != nil {
408 t.Fatal(err)
409 }
412 opts.SecureServing.Listener = makeListener(t)
413 defer opts.SecureServing.Listener.Close()
415 ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
416 defer cancel()
417 _, sched, err := Setup(ctx, opts, tc.registryOptions...)
418 if err != nil {
419 t.Fatal(err)
420 }
422 if tc.wantPlugins != nil {
423 gotPlugins := make(map[string]*config.Plugins)
424 for n, p := range sched.Profiles {
425 gotPlugins[n] = p.ListPlugins()
426 }
428 if diff := cmp.Diff(tc.wantPlugins, gotPlugins); diff != "" {
429 t.Errorf("Unexpected plugins diff (-want, +got): %s", diff)
430 }
431 }
433 if tc.wantLeaderElection != nil {
434 gotLeaderElection := opts.ComponentConfig.LeaderElection
435 if diff := cmp.Diff(*tc.wantLeaderElection, gotLeaderElection); diff != "" {
436 t.Errorf("Unexpected leaderElection diff (-want, +got): %s", diff)
437 }
438 }
440 if tc.wantClientConnection != nil {
441 gotClientConnection := opts.ComponentConfig.ClientConnection
442 if diff := cmp.Diff(*tc.wantClientConnection, gotClientConnection); diff != "" {
443 t.Errorf("Unexpected clientConnection diff (-want, +got): %s", diff)
444 }
445 }
446 })
447 }
448 }
451 type foo struct{}
453 var _ framework.PreFilterPlugin = &foo{}
454 var _ framework.FilterPlugin = &foo{}
456 func (*foo) Name() string {
457 return "Foo"
458 }
460 func newFoo(_ context.Context, _ runtime.Object, _ framework.Handle) (framework.Plugin, error) {
461 return &foo{}, nil
462 }
464 func (*foo) PreFilter(_ context.Context, _ *framework.CycleState, _ *v1.Pod) (*framework.PreFilterResult, *framework.Status) {
465 return nil, nil
466 }
468 func (*foo) PreFilterExtensions() framework.PreFilterExtensions {
469 return nil
470 }
472 func (*foo) Filter(_ context.Context, _ *framework.CycleState, _ *v1.Pod, nodeInfo *framework.NodeInfo) *framework.Status {
473 return nil
474 }
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