#!/usr/bin/env bash # Copyright 2014 The Kubernetes Authors. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # Validates that the cluster is healthy. # Error codes are: # 0 - success # 1 - fatal (cluster is unlikely to work) # 2 - non-fatal (encountered some errors, but cluster should be working correctly) set -o errexit set -o nounset set -o pipefail KUBE_ROOT=$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")/.. if [ -f "${KUBE_ROOT}/cluster/env.sh" ]; then source "${KUBE_ROOT}/cluster/env.sh" fi source "${KUBE_ROOT}/hack/lib/util.sh" source "${KUBE_ROOT}/cluster/kube-util.sh" # Run kubectl and retry upon failure. function kubectl_retry() { tries=3 while ! "${KUBE_ROOT}/cluster/kubectl.sh" "$@"; do tries=$((tries-1)) if [[ ${tries} -le 0 ]]; then echo "('kubectl $*' failed, giving up)" >&2 return 1 fi echo "(kubectl failed, will retry ${tries} times)" >&2 sleep 1 done } ALLOWED_NOTREADY_NODES="${ALLOWED_NOTREADY_NODES:-0}" CLUSTER_READY_ADDITIONAL_TIME_SECONDS="${CLUSTER_READY_ADDITIONAL_TIME_SECONDS:-30}" if [[ "${KUBERNETES_PROVIDER:-}" == "gce" ]]; then if [[ "${KUBE_CREATE_NODES}" == "true" ]]; then EXPECTED_NUM_NODES="$(get-num-nodes)" else EXPECTED_NUM_NODES="0" fi echo "Validating gce cluster, MULTIZONE=${MULTIZONE:-}" # In multizone mode we need to add instances for all nodes in the region. if [[ "${MULTIZONE:-}" == "true" ]]; then EXPECTED_NUM_NODES=$(gcloud -q compute instances list --project="${PROJECT}" --format="[no-heading]" \ --filter="(name ~ '${NODE_INSTANCE_PREFIX}.*' OR name ~ '${WINDOWS_NODE_INSTANCE_PREFIX}.*') AND zone:($(gcloud -q compute zones list --project="${PROJECT}" --filter=region="${REGION}" --format="csv[no-heading](name)" | tr "\n" "," | sed "s/,$//"))" | wc -l) echo "Computing number of nodes, NODE_INSTANCE_PREFIX=${NODE_INSTANCE_PREFIX}, REGION=${REGION}, EXPECTED_NUM_NODES=${EXPECTED_NUM_NODES}" fi else EXPECTED_NUM_NODES="${NUM_NODES}" fi if [[ "${REGISTER_MASTER_KUBELET:-}" == "true" ]]; then if [[ "${KUBERNETES_PROVIDER:-}" == "gce" ]]; then NUM_MASTERS=$(get-master-replicas-count) else NUM_MASTERS=1 fi EXPECTED_NUM_NODES=$((EXPECTED_NUM_NODES+NUM_MASTERS)) fi REQUIRED_NUM_NODES=$((EXPECTED_NUM_NODES - ALLOWED_NOTREADY_NODES)) # Make several attempts to deal with slow cluster birth. return_value=0 attempt=0 # Set the timeout to ~25minutes (100 x 15 second) to avoid timeouts for 1000-node clusters. PAUSE_BETWEEN_ITERATIONS_SECONDS=15 MAX_ATTEMPTS=100 ADDITIONAL_ITERATIONS=$(((CLUSTER_READY_ADDITIONAL_TIME_SECONDS + PAUSE_BETWEEN_ITERATIONS_SECONDS - 1)/PAUSE_BETWEEN_ITERATIONS_SECONDS)) while true; do # Pause between iterations of this large outer loop. if [[ ${attempt} -gt 0 ]]; then sleep 15 fi attempt=$((attempt+1)) # The "kubectl get nodes -o template" exports node information. # # Echo the output and gather 2 counts: # - Total number of nodes. # - Number of "ready" nodes. # # Suppress errors from kubectl output because during cluster bootstrapping # for clusters where the master node is registered, the apiserver will become # available and then get restarted as the kubelet configures the docker bridge. # # We are assigning the result of kubectl_retry get nodes operation to the res # variable in that way, to prevent stopping the whole script on an error. # # Bash command substitution $(kubectl_...) removes all trailing whitespaces # which are important for line counting. # Use trick from https://unix.stackexchange.com/a/383411 to avoid # newline truncation. node=$(kubectl_retry get nodes --no-headers; ret=$?; echo .; exit "$ret") && res="$?" || res="$?" node="${node%.}" if [ "${res}" -ne "0" ]; then if [[ "${attempt}" -gt "${last_run:-$MAX_ATTEMPTS}" ]]; then echo -e "${color_red:-} Failed to get nodes.${color_norm:-}" exit 1 else continue fi fi found=$(echo -n "${node}" | wc -l) # Use grep || true so that empty result doesn't return nonzero exit code. ready=$(echo -n "${node}" | grep -c -v "NotReady" || true) if (( "${found}" == "${EXPECTED_NUM_NODES}" )) && (( "${ready}" == "${EXPECTED_NUM_NODES}")); then break elif (( "${found}" > "${EXPECTED_NUM_NODES}" )); then if [[ "${KUBE_USE_EXISTING_MASTER:-}" != "true" ]]; then echo -e "${color_red}Found ${found} nodes, but expected ${EXPECTED_NUM_NODES}. Your cluster may not behave correctly.${color_norm}" fi break elif (( "${ready}" > "${EXPECTED_NUM_NODES}")); then echo -e "${color_red}Found ${ready} ready nodes, but expected ${EXPECTED_NUM_NODES}. Your cluster may not behave correctly.${color_norm}" break else if [[ "${REQUIRED_NUM_NODES}" -le "${ready}" ]]; then echo -e "${color_green:-}Found ${REQUIRED_NUM_NODES} Nodes, allowing additional ${ADDITIONAL_ITERATIONS} iterations for other Nodes to join.${color_norm}" last_run="${last_run:-$((attempt + ADDITIONAL_ITERATIONS - 1))}" fi if [[ "${attempt}" -gt "${last_run:-$MAX_ATTEMPTS}" ]]; then echo -e "${color_yellow:-}Detected ${ready} ready nodes, found ${found} nodes out of expected ${EXPECTED_NUM_NODES}. Your cluster may not be fully functional.${color_norm}" kubectl_retry get nodes if [[ "${REQUIRED_NUM_NODES}" -gt "${ready}" ]]; then exit 1 else return_value=2 break fi else echo -e "${color_yellow}Waiting for ${EXPECTED_NUM_NODES} ready nodes. ${ready} ready nodes, ${found} registered. Retrying.${color_norm}" fi fi done echo "Found ${found} node(s)." kubectl_retry get nodes attempt=0 while true; do # The "kubectl componentstatuses -o template" exports components health information. # # Echo the output and gather 2 counts: # - Total number of componentstatuses. # - Number of "healthy" components. cs_status=$(kubectl_retry get componentstatuses -o template --template='{{range .items}}{{with index .conditions 0}}{{.type}}:{{.status}}{{end}}{{"\n"}}{{end}}') || true componentstatuses=$(echo "${cs_status}" | grep -c 'Healthy:') || true healthy=$(echo "${cs_status}" | grep -c 'Healthy:True') || true if ((componentstatuses > healthy)) || ((componentstatuses == 0)); then if ((attempt < 5)); then echo -e "${color_yellow}Cluster not working yet.${color_norm}" attempt=$((attempt+1)) sleep 30 else echo -e " ${color_yellow}Validate output:${color_norm}" kubectl_retry get cs echo -e "${color_red}Validation returned one or more failed components. Cluster is probably broken.${color_norm}" exit 1 fi else break fi done echo "Validate output:" kubectl_retry get cs || true if [ "${return_value}" == "0" ]; then echo -e "${color_green}Cluster validation succeeded${color_norm}" else echo -e "${color_yellow}Cluster validation encountered some problems, but cluster should be in working order${color_norm}" fi exit "${return_value}"