1#!/usr/bin/env bash
3# Copyright 2017 The Kubernetes Authors.
5# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7# You may obtain a copy of the License at
9# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
11# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15# limitations under the License.
17# Call this to dump all master and node logs into the folder specified in $1
18# (defaults to _artifacts). Only works if the provider supports SSH.
20# TODO(shyamjvs): This script should be moved to test/e2e which is where it ideally belongs.
21set -o errexit
22set -o nounset
23set -o pipefail
25readonly report_dir="${1:-_artifacts}"
26readonly gcs_artifacts_dir="${2:-}"
27readonly logexporter_namespace="${3:-logexporter}"
29# In order to more trivially extend log-dump for custom deployments,
30# check for a function named log_dump_custom_get_instances. If it's
31# defined, we assume the function can me called with one argument, the
32# role, which is either "master" or "node".
33echo 'Checking for custom logdump instances, if any'
34if [[ $(type -t log_dump_custom_get_instances) == "function" ]]; then
35 readonly use_custom_instance_list=yes
37 readonly use_custom_instance_list=
40readonly master_ssh_supported_providers="gce aws"
41readonly node_ssh_supported_providers="gce gke aws"
42readonly gcloud_supported_providers="gce gke"
44readonly master_logfiles="kube-apiserver.log kube-apiserver-audit.log kube-scheduler.log kube-controller-manager.log cloud-controller-manager.log etcd.log etcd-events.log glbc.log cluster-autoscaler.log kube-addon-manager.log konnectivity-server.log fluentd.log kubelet.cov"
45readonly node_logfiles="kube-proxy.log containers/konnectivity-agent-*.log fluentd.log node-problem-detector.log kubelet.cov"
46readonly node_systemd_services="node-problem-detector"
47readonly hollow_node_logfiles="kubelet-hollow-node-*.log kubeproxy-hollow-node-*.log npd-hollow-node-*.log"
48readonly aws_logfiles="cloud-init-output.log"
49readonly gce_logfiles="startupscript.log"
50readonly kern_logfile="kern.log"
51readonly initd_logfiles="docker/log"
52readonly supervisord_logfiles="kubelet.log supervisor/supervisord.log supervisor/kubelet-stdout.log supervisor/kubelet-stderr.log supervisor/docker-stdout.log supervisor/docker-stderr.log"
53readonly systemd_services="kubelet kubelet-monitor kube-container-runtime-monitor ${LOG_DUMP_SYSTEMD_SERVICES:-docker}"
54readonly extra_log_files="${LOG_DUMP_EXTRA_FILES:-}"
55readonly extra_systemd_services="${LOG_DUMP_SAVE_SERVICES:-}"
56readonly dump_systemd_journal="${LOG_DUMP_SYSTEMD_JOURNAL:-false}"
57# Log files found in WINDOWS_LOGS_DIR on Windows nodes:
58readonly windows_node_logfiles="kubelet.log kube-proxy.log docker.log docker_images.log csi-proxy.log"
59# Log files found in other directories on Windows nodes:
60readonly windows_node_otherfiles="C:\\Windows\\MEMORY.dmp"
62# Limit the number of concurrent node connections so that we don't run out of
63# file descriptors for large clusters.
64readonly max_dump_processes=25
66# Indicator variable whether we experienced a significant failure during
67# logexporter creation or execution.
70# Percentage of nodes that must be logexported successfully (otherwise the
71# process will exit with a non-zero exit code).
72readonly log_dump_expected_success_percentage="${LOG_DUMP_EXPECTED_SUCCESS_PERCENTAGE:-0}"
74function print-deprecation-note() {
75 local -r dashline=$(printf -- '-%.0s' {1..100})
76 echo "${dashline}"
77 echo "k/k version of the log-dump.sh script is deprecated!"
78 echo "Please migrate your test job to use test-infra's repo version of log-dump.sh!"
79 echo "Migration steps can be found in the readme file."
80 echo "${dashline}"
83# TODO: Get rid of all the sourcing of bash dependencies eventually.
84function setup() {
85 KUBE_ROOT=$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")/../..
86 if [[ -z "${use_custom_instance_list}" ]]; then
87 : "${KUBE_CONFIG_FILE:=config-test.sh}"
88 echo 'Sourcing kube-util.sh'
89 source "${KUBE_ROOT}/cluster/kube-util.sh"
90 echo 'Detecting project'
91 detect-project 2>&1
92 elif [[ "${KUBERNETES_PROVIDER}" == "gke" ]]; then
93 echo "Using 'use_custom_instance_list' with gke, skipping check for LOG_DUMP_SSH_KEY and LOG_DUMP_SSH_USER"
94 # Source the below script for the ssh-to-node utility function.
95 # Hack to save and restore the value of the ZONE env as the script overwrites it.
96 local gke_zone="${ZONE:-}"
97 source "${KUBE_ROOT}/cluster/gce/util.sh"
98 ZONE="${gke_zone}"
99 elif [[ -z "${LOG_DUMP_SSH_KEY:-}" ]]; then
100 echo 'LOG_DUMP_SSH_KEY not set, but required when using log_dump_custom_get_instances'
101 exit 1
102 elif [[ -z "${LOG_DUMP_SSH_USER:-}" ]]; then
103 echo 'LOG_DUMP_SSH_USER not set, but required when using log_dump_custom_get_instances'
104 exit 1
105 fi
106 source "${KUBE_ROOT}/hack/lib/util.sh"
109function log-dump-ssh() {
110 if [[ "${gcloud_supported_providers}" =~ ${KUBERNETES_PROVIDER} ]]; then
111 ssh-to-node "$@"
112 return
113 fi
115 local host="$1"
116 local cmd="$2"
118 ssh -oLogLevel=quiet -oConnectTimeout=30 -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -i "${LOG_DUMP_SSH_KEY}" "${LOG_DUMP_SSH_USER}@${host}" "${cmd}"
121# Copy all files /var/log/{$3}.log on node $1 into local dir $2.
122# $3 should be a string array of file names.
123# This function shouldn't ever trigger errexit, but doesn't block stderr.
124function copy-logs-from-node() {
125 local -r node="${1}"
126 local -r dir="${2}"
127 shift
128 shift
129 local files=("$@")
130 # Append "*"
131 # The * at the end is needed to also copy rotated logs (which happens
132 # in large clusters and long runs).
133 files=( "${files[@]/%/*}" )
134 # Prepend "/var/log/"
135 files=( "${files[@]/#/\/var\/log\/}" )
136 # Comma delimit (even the singleton, or scp does the wrong thing), surround by braces.
137 local -r scp_files="{$(printf "%s," "${files[@]}")}"
139 if [[ "${gcloud_supported_providers}" =~ ${KUBERNETES_PROVIDER} ]]; then
140 # get-serial-port-output lets you ask for ports 1-4, but currently (11/21/2016) only port 1 contains useful information
141 gcloud compute instances get-serial-port-output --project "${PROJECT}" --zone "${ZONE}" --port 1 "${node}" > "${dir}/serial-1.log" || true
142 source_file_args=()
143 for single_file in "${files[@]}"; do
144 source_file_args+=( "${node}:${single_file}" )
145 done
146 gcloud compute scp --recurse --project "${PROJECT}" --zone "${ZONE}" "${source_file_args[@]}" "${dir}" > /dev/null || true
147 elif [[ "${KUBERNETES_PROVIDER}" == "aws" ]]; then
148 local ip
149 ip=$(get_ssh_hostname "${node}")
150 scp -oLogLevel=quiet -oConnectTimeout=30 -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -i "${AWS_SSH_KEY}" "${SSH_USER}@${ip}:${scp_files}" "${dir}" > /dev/null || true
151 elif [[ -n "${use_custom_instance_list}" ]]; then
152 scp -oLogLevel=quiet -oConnectTimeout=30 -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -i "${LOG_DUMP_SSH_KEY}" "${LOG_DUMP_SSH_USER}@${node}:${scp_files}" "${dir}" > /dev/null || true
153 else
154 echo "Unknown cloud-provider '${KUBERNETES_PROVIDER}' and use_custom_instance_list is unset too - skipping logdump for '${node}'"
155 fi
158# Save logs for node $1 into directory $2. Pass in any non-common files in $3.
159# Pass in any non-common systemd services in $4.
160# $3 and $4 should be a space-separated list of files.
161# Set $5 to true to indicate it is on master. Default to false.
162# This function shouldn't ever trigger errexit
163function save-logs() {
164 local -r node_name="${1}"
165 local -r dir="${2}"
166 local files=()
167 IFS=' ' read -r -a files <<< "$3"
168 local opt_systemd_services="${4:-""}"
169 local on_master="${5:-"false"}"
171 local extra=()
172 IFS=' ' read -r -a extra <<< "$extra_log_files"
173 files+=("${extra[@]}")
174 if [[ -n "${use_custom_instance_list}" ]]; then
175 if [[ -n "${LOG_DUMP_SAVE_LOGS:-}" ]]; then
176 local dump=()
177 IFS=' ' read -r -a dump <<< "${LOG_DUMP_SAVE_LOGS:-}"
178 files+=("${dump[@]}")
179 fi
180 else
181 local providerlogs=()
182 case "${KUBERNETES_PROVIDER}" in
183 gce|gke)
184 IFS=' ' read -r -a providerlogs <<< "${gce_logfiles}"
185 ;;
186 aws)
187 IFS=' ' read -r -a providerlogs <<< "${aws_logfiles}"
188 ;;
189 esac
190 files+=("${providerlogs[@]}")
191 fi
192 local services
193 read -r -a services <<< "${systemd_services} ${opt_systemd_services} ${extra_systemd_services}"
195 if log-dump-ssh "${node_name}" "command -v journalctl" &> /dev/null; then
196 if [[ "${on_master}" == "true" ]]; then
197 log-dump-ssh "${node_name}" "sudo journalctl --output=short-precise -u kube-master-installation.service" > "${dir}/kube-master-installation.log" || true
198 log-dump-ssh "${node_name}" "sudo journalctl --output=short-precise -u kube-master-configuration.service" > "${dir}/kube-master-configuration.log" || true
199 else
200 log-dump-ssh "${node_name}" "sudo journalctl --output=short-precise -u kube-node-installation.service" > "${dir}/kube-node-installation.log" || true
201 log-dump-ssh "${node_name}" "sudo journalctl --output=short-precise -u kube-node-configuration.service" > "${dir}/kube-node-configuration.log" || true
202 fi
203 log-dump-ssh "${node_name}" "sudo journalctl --output=short-precise -k" > "${dir}/kern.log" || true
205 for svc in "${services[@]}"; do
206 log-dump-ssh "${node_name}" "sudo journalctl --output=short-precise -u ${svc}.service" > "${dir}/${svc}.log" || true
207 done
209 if [[ "$dump_systemd_journal" == "true" ]]; then
210 log-dump-ssh "${node_name}" "sudo journalctl --output=short-precise" > "${dir}/systemd.log" || true
211 fi
212 else
213 local tmpfiles=()
214 for f in "${kern_logfile}" "${initd_logfiles}" "${supervisord_logfiles}"; do
215 IFS=' ' read -r -a tmpfiles <<< "$f"
216 files+=("${tmpfiles[@]}")
217 done
218 fi
220 # log where we pull the images from
221 log-dump-ssh "${node_name}" "sudo ctr -n k8s.io images ls" > "${dir}/images-containerd.log" || true
222 log-dump-ssh "${node_name}" "sudo docker images --all" > "${dir}/images-docker.log" || true
224 # Try dumping coverage profiles, if it looks like coverage is enabled in the first place.
225 if log-dump-ssh "${node_name}" "stat /var/log/kubelet.cov" &> /dev/null; then
226 if log-dump-ssh "${node_name}" "command -v docker" &> /dev/null; then
227 if [[ "${on_master}" == "true" ]]; then
228 run-in-docker-container "${node_name}" "kube-apiserver" "cat /tmp/k8s-kube-apiserver.cov" > "${dir}/kube-apiserver.cov" || true
229 run-in-docker-container "${node_name}" "kube-scheduler" "cat /tmp/k8s-kube-scheduler.cov" > "${dir}/kube-scheduler.cov" || true
230 run-in-docker-container "${node_name}" "kube-controller-manager" "cat /tmp/k8s-kube-controller-manager.cov" > "${dir}/kube-controller-manager.cov" || true
231 else
232 run-in-docker-container "${node_name}" "kube-proxy" "cat /tmp/k8s-kube-proxy.cov" > "${dir}/kube-proxy.cov" || true
233 fi
234 else
235 echo 'Coverage profiles seem to exist, but cannot be retrieved from inside containers.'
236 fi
237 fi
239 echo 'Changing logfiles to be world-readable for download'
240 log-dump-ssh "${node_name}" "sudo chmod -R a+r /var/log" || true
242 echo "Copying '${files[*]}' from ${node_name}"
243 copy-logs-from-node "${node_name}" "${dir}" "${files[@]}"
246# Saves a copy of the Windows Docker event log to ${WINDOWS_LOGS_DIR}\docker.log
247# on node $1.
248function export-windows-docker-event-log() {
249 local -r node="${1}"
251 local -r powershell_cmd="powershell.exe -Command \"\$logs=\$(Get-EventLog -LogName Application -Source Docker | Format-Table -Property TimeGenerated, EntryType, Message -Wrap); \$logs | Out-File -FilePath '${WINDOWS_LOGS_DIR}\\docker.log'\""
253 # Retry up to 3 times to allow ssh keys to be properly propagated and
254 # stored.
255 for retry in {1..3}; do
256 if gcloud compute ssh --project "${PROJECT}" --zone "${ZONE}" "${node}" \
257 --command "$powershell_cmd"; then
258 break
259 else
260 sleep 10
261 fi
262 done
265# Saves prepulled Windows Docker images list to ${WINDOWS_LOGS_DIR}\docker_images.log
266# on node $1.
267function export-windows-docker-images-list() {
268 local -r node="${1}"
270 local -r powershell_cmd="powershell.exe -Command \"\$logs=\$(docker image list); \$logs | Out-File -FilePath '${WINDOWS_LOGS_DIR}\\docker_images.log'\""
272 # Retry up to 3 times to allow ssh keys to be properly propagated and
273 # stored.
274 for retry in {1..3}; do
275 if gcloud compute ssh --project "${PROJECT}" --zone "${ZONE}" "${node}" \
276 --command "$powershell_cmd"; then
277 break
278 else
279 sleep 10
280 fi
281 done
284# Saves log files from diagnostics tool.(https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/compute-image-tools/tree/master/cli_tools/diagnostics)
285function save-windows-logs-via-diagnostics-tool() {
286 local node="${1}"
287 local dest_dir="${2}"
289 gcloud compute instances add-metadata "${node}" --metadata enable-diagnostics=true --project="${PROJECT}" --zone="${ZONE}"
290 local logs_archive_in_gcs
291 logs_archive_in_gcs=$(gcloud alpha compute diagnose export-logs "${node}" "--zone=${ZONE}" "--project=${PROJECT}" | tail -n 1)
292 local temp_local_path="${node}.zip"
293 for retry in {1..20}; do
294 if gsutil mv "${logs_archive_in_gcs}" "${temp_local_path}" > /dev/null 2>&1; then
295 echo "Downloaded diagnostics log from ${logs_archive_in_gcs}"
296 break
297 else
298 sleep 10
299 fi
300 done
302 if [[ -f "${temp_local_path}" ]]; then
303 unzip "${temp_local_path}" -d "${dest_dir}" > /dev/null
304 rm -f "${temp_local_path}"
305 fi
308# Saves log files from SSH
309function save-windows-logs-via-ssh() {
310 local node="${1}"
311 local dest_dir="${2}"
313 export-windows-docker-event-log "${node}"
314 export-windows-docker-images-list "${node}"
316 local remote_files=()
317 for file in "${windows_node_logfiles[@]}"; do
318 remote_files+=( "${WINDOWS_LOGS_DIR}\\${file}" )
319 done
320 remote_files+=( "${windows_node_otherfiles[@]}" )
322 # TODO(pjh, yujuhong): handle rotated logs and copying multiple files at the
323 # same time.
324 for remote_file in "${remote_files[@]}"; do
325 # Retry up to 3 times to allow ssh keys to be properly propagated and
326 # stored.
327 for retry in {1..3}; do
328 if gcloud compute scp --recurse --project "${PROJECT}" \
329 --zone "${ZONE}" "${node}:${remote_file}" "${dest_dir}" \
330 > /dev/null; then
331 break
332 else
333 sleep 10
334 fi
335 done
336 done
339# Save log files and serial console output from Windows node $1 into local
340# directory $2.
341# This function shouldn't ever trigger errexit.
342function save-logs-windows() {
343 local -r node="${1}"
344 local -r dest_dir="${2}"
346 if [[ ! "${gcloud_supported_providers}" =~ ${KUBERNETES_PROVIDER} ]]; then
347 echo "Not saving logs for ${node}, Windows log dumping requires gcloud support"
348 return
349 fi
351 if [[ "${KUBERNETES_PROVIDER}" == "gke" ]]; then
352 save-windows-logs-via-diagnostics-tool "${node}" "${dest_dir}"
353 else
354 save-windows-logs-via-ssh "${node}" "${dest_dir}"
355 fi
357 # Serial port 1 contains the Windows console output.
358 gcloud compute instances get-serial-port-output --project "${PROJECT}" \
359 --zone "${ZONE}" --port 1 "${node}" > "${dest_dir}/serial-1.log" || true
362# Execute a command in container $2 on node $1.
363# Uses docker because the container may not ordinarily permit direct execution.
364function run-in-docker-container() {
365 local node_name="$1"
366 local container="$2"
367 shift 2
368 log-dump-ssh "${node_name}" "docker exec \"\$(docker ps -f label=io.kubernetes.container.name=${container} --format \"{{.ID}}\")\" $*"
371function dump_masters() {
372 local master_names=()
373 if [[ -n "${use_custom_instance_list}" ]]; then
374 while IFS='' read -r line; do master_names+=("$line"); done < <(log_dump_custom_get_instances master)
375 elif [[ ! "${master_ssh_supported_providers}" =~ ${KUBERNETES_PROVIDER} ]]; then
376 echo "Master SSH not supported for ${KUBERNETES_PROVIDER}"
377 return
378 elif [[ -n "${KUBEMARK_MASTER_NAME:-}" ]]; then
379 master_names=( "${KUBEMARK_MASTER_NAME}" )
380 else
381 if ! (detect-master); then
382 echo 'Master not detected. Is the cluster up?'
383 return
384 fi
385 master_names=( "${MASTER_NAME}" )
386 fi
388 if [[ "${#master_names[@]}" == 0 ]]; then
389 echo 'No masters found?'
390 return
391 fi
393 proc=${max_dump_processes}
394 for master_name in "${master_names[@]}"; do
395 master_dir="${report_dir}/${master_name}"
396 mkdir -p "${master_dir}"
397 save-logs "${master_name}" "${master_dir}" "${master_logfiles}" "" "true" &
399 # We don't want to run more than ${max_dump_processes} at a time, so
400 # wait once we hit that many nodes. This isn't ideal, since one might
401 # take much longer than the others, but it should help.
402 proc=$((proc - 1))
403 if [[ proc -eq 0 ]]; then
404 proc=${max_dump_processes}
405 wait
406 fi
407 done
408 # Wait for any remaining processes.
409 if [[ proc -gt 0 && proc -lt ${max_dump_processes} ]]; then
410 wait
411 fi
414# Dumps logs from nodes in the cluster. Linux nodes to dump logs from can be
415# specified via $1 or $use_custom_instance_list. If not specified then the nodes
416# to dump logs for will be detected using detect-node-names(); if Windows nodes
417# are present then they will be detected and their logs will be dumped too.
418function dump_nodes() {
419 local node_names=()
420 local windows_node_names=()
421 if [[ -n "${1:-}" ]]; then
422 echo 'Dumping logs for nodes provided as args to dump_nodes() function'
423 node_names=( "$@" )
424 elif [[ -n "${use_custom_instance_list}" ]]; then
425 echo 'Dumping logs for nodes provided by log_dump_custom_get_instances() function'
426 while IFS='' read -r line; do node_names+=("$line"); done < <(log_dump_custom_get_instances node)
427 elif [[ ! "${node_ssh_supported_providers}" =~ ${KUBERNETES_PROVIDER} ]]; then
428 echo "Node SSH not supported for ${KUBERNETES_PROVIDER}"
429 return
430 else
431 echo 'Detecting nodes in the cluster'
432 detect-node-names &> /dev/null
433 if [[ -n "${NODE_NAMES:-}" ]]; then
434 node_names=( "${NODE_NAMES[@]}" )
435 fi
436 if [[ -n "${WINDOWS_NODE_NAMES:-}" ]]; then
437 windows_node_names=( "${WINDOWS_NODE_NAMES[@]}" )
438 fi
439 fi
441 if [[ "${#node_names[@]}" == 0 && "${#windows_node_names[@]}" == 0 ]]; then
442 echo 'No nodes found!'
443 return
444 fi
446 node_logfiles_all="${node_logfiles}"
447 if [[ "${ENABLE_HOLLOW_NODE_LOGS:-}" == "true" ]]; then
448 node_logfiles_all="${node_logfiles_all} ${hollow_node_logfiles}"
449 fi
451 linux_nodes_selected_for_logs=()
452 if [[ -n "${LOGDUMP_ONLY_N_RANDOM_NODES:-}" ]]; then
453 # We randomly choose 'LOGDUMP_ONLY_N_RANDOM_NODES' many nodes for fetching logs.
454 for index in $(shuf -i 0-$(( ${#node_names[*]} - 1 )) -n "${LOGDUMP_ONLY_N_RANDOM_NODES}")
455 do
456 linux_nodes_selected_for_logs+=("${node_names[$index]}")
457 done
458 else
459 linux_nodes_selected_for_logs=( "${node_names[@]}" )
460 fi
461 all_selected_nodes=( "${linux_nodes_selected_for_logs[@]}" )
462 all_selected_nodes+=( "${windows_node_names[@]}" )
464 proc=${max_dump_processes}
465 start="$(date +%s)"
466 # log_dump_ssh_timeout is the maximal number of seconds the log dumping over
467 # SSH operation can take. Please note that the logic enforcing the timeout
468 # is only a best effort. The actual time of the operation may be longer
469 # due to waiting for all the child processes below.
470 log_dump_ssh_timeout_seconds="${LOG_DUMP_SSH_TIMEOUT_SECONDS:-}"
471 for i in "${!all_selected_nodes[@]}"; do
472 node_name="${all_selected_nodes[$i]}"
473 node_dir="${report_dir}/${node_name}"
474 mkdir -p "${node_dir}"
475 if [[ "${i}" -lt "${#linux_nodes_selected_for_logs[@]}" ]]; then
476 # Save logs in the background. This speeds up things when there are
477 # many nodes.
478 save-logs "${node_name}" "${node_dir}" "${node_logfiles_all}" "${node_systemd_services}" &
479 else
480 save-logs-windows "${node_name}" "${node_dir}" &
481 fi
483 # We don't want to run more than ${max_dump_processes} at a time, so
484 # wait once we hit that many nodes. This isn't ideal, since one might
485 # take much longer than the others, but it should help.
486 proc=$((proc - 1))
487 if [[ proc -eq 0 ]]; then
488 proc=${max_dump_processes}
489 wait
490 now="$(date +%s)"
491 if [[ -n "${log_dump_ssh_timeout_seconds}" && $((now - start)) -gt ${log_dump_ssh_timeout_seconds} ]]; then
492 echo "WARNING: Hit timeout after ${log_dump_ssh_timeout_seconds} seconds, finishing log dumping over SSH shortly"
493 break
494 fi
495 fi
496 done
497 # Wait for any remaining processes.
498 if [[ proc -gt 0 && proc -lt ${max_dump_processes} ]]; then
499 wait
500 fi
503# Collect names of nodes which didn't run logexporter successfully.
504# This function examines NODE_NAMES but not WINDOWS_NODE_NAMES since logexporter
505# does not run on Windows nodes.
507# Note: This step is O(#nodes^2) as we check if each node is present in the list of succeeded nodes.
508# Making it linear would add code complexity without much benefit (as it just takes ~1s for 5k nodes).
509# Assumes:
511# Sets:
513function find_non_logexported_nodes() {
514 local file="${gcs_artifacts_dir}/logexported-nodes-registry"
515 echo "Listing marker files ($file) for successful nodes..."
516 succeeded_nodes=$(gsutil ls "${file}") || return 1
517 echo 'Successfully listed marker files for successful nodes'
519 for node in "${NODE_NAMES[@]}"; do
520 if [[ ! "${succeeded_nodes}" =~ ${node} ]]; then
521 NON_LOGEXPORTED_NODES+=("${node}")
522 fi
523 done
526# This function examines NODE_NAMES but not WINDOWS_NODE_NAMES since logexporter
527# does not run on Windows nodes.
528function dump_nodes_with_logexporter() {
529 if [[ -n "${use_custom_instance_list}" ]]; then
530 echo 'Dumping logs for nodes provided by log_dump_custom_get_instances() function'
532 while IFS='' read -r line; do NODE_NAMES+=("$line"); done < <(log_dump_custom_get_instances node)
533 else
534 echo 'Detecting nodes in the cluster'
535 detect-node-names &> /dev/null
536 fi
538 if [[ -z "${NODE_NAMES:-}" ]]; then
539 echo 'No nodes found!'
540 return
541 fi
543 # Obtain parameters required by logexporter.
544 local -r service_account_credentials="$(base64 "${GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS}" | tr -d '\n')"
545 local -r cloud_provider="${KUBERNETES_PROVIDER}"
546 local -r enable_hollow_node_logs="${ENABLE_HOLLOW_NODE_LOGS:-false}"
547 local -r logexport_sleep_seconds="$(( 90 + NUM_NODES / 3 ))"
548 if [[ -z "${ZONE_NODE_SELECTOR_DISABLED:-}" ]]; then
549 local -r node_selector="${ZONE_NODE_SELECTOR_LABEL:-topology.kubernetes.io/zone}: ${ZONE}"
550 fi
552 # Fill in the parameters in the logexporter daemonset template.
553 local -r tmp="${KUBE_TEMP}/logexporter"
554 local -r manifest_yaml="${tmp}/logexporter-daemonset.yaml"
555 mkdir -p "${tmp}"
556 cp "${KUBE_ROOT}/cluster/log-dump/logexporter-daemonset.yaml" "${manifest_yaml}"
558 sed -i'' -e "s@{{.NodeSelector}}@${node_selector:-}@g" "${manifest_yaml}"
559 sed -i'' -e "s@{{.LogexporterNamespace}}@${logexporter_namespace}@g" "${manifest_yaml}"
560 sed -i'' -e "s@{{.ServiceAccountCredentials}}@${service_account_credentials}@g" "${manifest_yaml}"
561 sed -i'' -e "s@{{.CloudProvider}}@${cloud_provider}@g" "${manifest_yaml}"
562 sed -i'' -e "s@{{.GCSPath}}@${gcs_artifacts_dir}@g" "${manifest_yaml}"
563 sed -i'' -e "s@{{.EnableHollowNodeLogs}}@${enable_hollow_node_logs}@g" "${manifest_yaml}"
564 sed -i'' -e "s@{{.DumpSystemdJournal}}@${dump_systemd_journal}@g" "${manifest_yaml}"
565 sed -i'' -e "s@{{.ExtraLogFiles}}@${extra_log_files}@g" "${manifest_yaml}"
566 sed -i'' -e "s@{{.ExtraSystemdServices}}@${extra_systemd_services}@g" "${manifest_yaml}"
568 # Create the logexporter namespace, service-account secret and the logexporter daemonset within that namespace.
569 KUBECTL="${KUBE_ROOT}/cluster/kubectl.sh"
570 if ! "${KUBECTL}" create -f "${manifest_yaml}"; then
571 echo 'Failed to create logexporter daemonset.. falling back to logdump through SSH'
572 "${KUBECTL}" delete namespace "${logexporter_namespace}" || true
573 dump_nodes "${NODE_NAMES[@]}"
574 logexporter_failed=1
575 return
576 fi
578 # Periodically fetch list of already logexported nodes to verify
579 # if we aren't already done.
580 start="$(date +%s)"
581 while true; do
582 now="$(date +%s)"
583 if [[ $((now - start)) -gt ${logexport_sleep_seconds} ]]; then
584 echo 'Waiting for all nodes to be logexported timed out.'
585 break
586 fi
587 if find_non_logexported_nodes; then
588 if [[ -z "${NON_LOGEXPORTED_NODES:-}" ]]; then
589 break
590 fi
591 fi
592 sleep 15
593 done
595 # Store logs from logexporter pods to allow debugging log exporting process
596 # itself.
597 proc=${max_dump_processes}
598 "${KUBECTL}" get pods -n "${logexporter_namespace}" -o jsonpath='{range .items[*]}{.metadata.name}{"\t"}{.spec.nodeName}{"\n"}{end}' | (while read -r pod node; do
599 echo "Fetching logs from ${pod} running on ${node}"
600 mkdir -p "${report_dir}/${node}"
601 "${KUBECTL}" logs -n "${logexporter_namespace}" "${pod}" > "${report_dir}/${node}/${pod}.log" &
603 # We don't want to run more than ${max_dump_processes} at a time, so
604 # wait once we hit that many nodes. This isn't ideal, since one might
605 # take much longer than the others, but it should help.
606 proc=$((proc - 1))
607 if [[ proc -eq 0 ]]; then
608 proc=${max_dump_processes}
609 wait
610 fi
611 # Wait for any remaining processes.
612 done; wait)
614 # List registry of marker files (of nodes whose logexporter succeeded) from GCS.
615 for retry in {1..10}; do
616 if find_non_logexported_nodes; then
617 break
618 else
619 echo "Attempt ${retry} failed to list marker files for successful nodes"
620 if [[ "${retry}" == 10 ]]; then
621 echo 'Final attempt to list marker files failed.. falling back to logdump through SSH'
622 "${KUBECTL}" delete namespace "${logexporter_namespace}" || true
623 dump_nodes "${NODE_NAMES[@]}"
624 logexporter_failed=1
625 return
626 fi
627 sleep 2
628 fi
629 done
631 failed_nodes=()
632 # The following if is needed, because defaulting for empty arrays
633 # seems to treat them as non-empty with single empty string.
634 if [[ -n "${NON_LOGEXPORTED_NODES:-}" ]]; then
635 for node in "${NON_LOGEXPORTED_NODES[@]:-}"; do
636 echo "Logexporter didn't succeed on node ${node}. Queuing it for logdump through SSH."
637 failed_nodes+=("${node}")
638 done
639 fi
641 # If less than a certain ratio of the nodes got logexported, report an error.
642 if [[ $(((${#NODE_NAMES[@]} - ${#failed_nodes[@]}) * 100)) -lt $((${#NODE_NAMES[@]} * log_dump_expected_success_percentage )) ]]; then
643 logexporter_failed=1
644 fi
646 # Delete the logexporter resources and dump logs for the failed nodes (if any) through SSH.
647 "${KUBECTL}" get pods --namespace "${logexporter_namespace}" || true
648 "${KUBECTL}" delete namespace "${logexporter_namespace}" || true
649 if [[ "${#failed_nodes[@]}" != 0 ]]; then
650 echo -e "Dumping logs through SSH for the following nodes:\n${failed_nodes[*]}"
651 dump_nodes "${failed_nodes[@]}"
652 fi
655function detect_node_failures() {
656 if ! [[ "${gcloud_supported_providers}" =~ ${KUBERNETES_PROVIDER} ]]; then
657 return
658 fi
660 detect-node-names
661 if [[ "${KUBERNETES_PROVIDER}" == "gce" ]]; then
662 local all_instance_groups=("${INSTANCE_GROUPS[@]}" "${WINDOWS_INSTANCE_GROUPS[@]}")
663 else
664 local all_instance_groups=("${INSTANCE_GROUPS[@]}")
665 fi
667 if [ -z "${all_instance_groups:-}" ]; then
668 return
669 fi
670 for group in "${all_instance_groups[@]}"; do
671 local creation_timestamp
672 creation_timestamp=$(gcloud compute instance-groups managed describe \
673 "${group}" \
674 --project "${PROJECT}" \
675 --zone "${ZONE}" \
676 --format='value(creationTimestamp)')
677 echo "Failures for ${group} (if any):"
678 gcloud logging read --order=asc \
679 --format='table(timestamp,jsonPayload.resource.name,jsonPayload.event_subtype)' \
680 --project "${PROJECT}" \
681 "resource.type=\"gce_instance\"
682 logName=\"projects/${PROJECT}/logs/compute.googleapis.com%2Factivity_log\"
683 (jsonPayload.event_subtype=\"compute.instances.hostError\" OR jsonPayload.event_subtype=\"compute.instances.automaticRestart\")
684 jsonPayload.resource.name:\"${group}\"
685 timestamp >= \"${creation_timestamp}\""
686 done
689function main() {
690 print-deprecation-note
691 setup
692 kube::util::ensure-temp-dir
693 # Copy master logs to artifacts dir locally (through SSH).
694 echo "Dumping logs from master locally to '${report_dir}'"
695 dump_masters
696 if [[ "${DUMP_ONLY_MASTER_LOGS:-}" == "true" ]]; then
697 echo 'Skipping dumping of node logs'
698 return
699 fi
701 # Copy logs from nodes to GCS directly or to artifacts dir locally (through SSH).
702 if [[ -n "${gcs_artifacts_dir}" ]]; then
703 echo "Dumping logs from nodes to GCS directly at '${gcs_artifacts_dir}' using logexporter"
704 dump_nodes_with_logexporter
705 else
706 echo "Dumping logs from nodes locally to '${report_dir}'"
707 dump_nodes
708 fi
710 detect_node_failures
711 if [[ ${logexporter_failed} -ne 0 && ${log_dump_expected_success_percentage} -gt 0 ]]; then
712 return 1
713 fi
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