#!/usr/bin/env bash # Copyright 2016 The Kubernetes Authors. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # This script downloads and installs the Kubernetes client and server # (and optionally test) binaries, # It is intended to be called from an extracted Kubernetes release tarball. # # We automatically choose the correct client binaries to download. # # Options: # Set KUBERNETES_SERVER_ARCH to choose the server (Kubernetes cluster) # architecture to download: # * amd64 [default] # * arm # * arm64 # * ppc64le # * s390x # # Set KUBERNETES_CLIENT_OS to choose the client OS to download: # * current OS [default] # * linux # * darwin # * windows # # Set KUBERNETES_CLIENT_ARCH to choose the client architecture to download: # * current architecture [default] # * amd64 # * arm # * arm64 # * ppc64le # * s390x # * windows # # Set KUBERNETES_SKIP_CONFIRM to skip the installation confirmation prompt. # Set KUBERNETES_RELEASE_URL to choose where to download binaries from. # (Defaults to https://dl.k8s.io/release). # Set KUBERNETES_DOWNLOAD_TESTS to additionally download and extract the test # binaries tarball. set -o errexit set -o nounset set -o pipefail KUBE_ROOT=$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")/.." && pwd) KUBERNETES_RELEASE_URL="${KUBERNETES_RELEASE_URL:-https://dl.k8s.io}" function detect_kube_release() { if [[ -n "${KUBE_VERSION:-}" ]]; then return 0 # Allow caller to explicitly set version fi if [[ ! -e "${KUBE_ROOT}/version" ]]; then echo "Can't determine Kubernetes release." >&2 echo "${BASH_SOURCE[0]} should only be run from a prebuilt Kubernetes release." >&2 echo "Did you mean to use get-kube.sh instead?" >&2 exit 1 fi KUBE_VERSION=$(cat "${KUBE_ROOT}/version") } function detect_client_info() { if [ -n "${KUBERNETES_CLIENT_OS-}" ]; then CLIENT_PLATFORM="${KUBERNETES_CLIENT_OS}" else local kernel kernel="$(uname -s)" case "${kernel}" in Darwin) CLIENT_PLATFORM="darwin" ;; Linux) CLIENT_PLATFORM="linux" ;; *) echo "Unknown, unsupported platform: ${kernel}." >&2 echo "Supported platforms: Linux, Darwin." >&2 echo "Bailing out." >&2 exit 2 esac fi if [ -n "${KUBERNETES_CLIENT_ARCH-}" ]; then CLIENT_ARCH="${KUBERNETES_CLIENT_ARCH}" else # TODO: migrate the kube::util::host_platform function out of hack/lib and # use it here. local machine machine="$(uname -m)" case "${machine}" in x86_64*|i?86_64*|amd64*) CLIENT_ARCH="amd64" ;; aarch64*|arm64*) CLIENT_ARCH="arm64" ;; arm*) CLIENT_ARCH="arm" ;; i?86*) CLIENT_ARCH="386" ;; ppc64le*) CLIENT_ARCH="ppc64le" ;; s390x*) CLIENT_ARCH="s390x" ;; *) echo "Unknown, unsupported architecture (${machine})." >&2 echo "Supported architectures x86_64, i686, arm, arm64, ppc64le, s390x." >&2 echo "Bailing out." >&2 exit 3 ;; esac fi } function md5sum_file() { if which md5 >/dev/null 2>&1; then md5 -q "$1" else md5sum "$1" | awk '{ print $1 }' fi } function sha512sum_file() { if which sha512sum >/dev/null 2>&1; then sha512sum "$1" | awk '{ print $1 }' else shasum -a512 "$1" | awk '{ print $1 }' fi } function download_tarball() { local -r download_path="$1" local -r file="$2" local trace_on="off" if [[ -o xtrace ]]; then trace_on="on" set +x fi url="${DOWNLOAD_URL_PREFIX}/${file}" mkdir -p "${download_path}" if [[ $(which gsutil) ]] && [[ "$url" =~ ^https://storage.googleapis.com/.* ]]; then gsutil cp "${url//'https://storage.googleapis.com/'/gs://}" "${download_path}/${file}" elif [[ $(which curl) ]]; then # if the url belongs to GCS API we should use oauth2_token in the headers curl_headers="" if { [[ "${KUBERNETES_PROVIDER:-gce}" == "gce" ]] || [[ "${KUBERNETES_PROVIDER}" == "gke" ]] ; } && [[ "$url" =~ ^https://storage.googleapis.com.* ]]; then curl_headers="Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)" fi curl ${curl_headers:+-H "${curl_headers}"} -fL --retry 3 --keepalive-time 2 "${url}" -o "${download_path}/${file}" elif [[ $(which wget) ]]; then wget "${url}" -O "${download_path}/${file}" else echo "Couldn't find gsutil, curl, or wget. Bailing out." >&2 exit 4 fi echo local md5sum sha512sum md5sum=$(md5sum_file "${download_path}/${file}") echo "md5sum(${file})=${md5sum}" sha512sum=$(sha512sum_file "${download_path}/${file}") echo "sha512sum(${file})=${sha512sum}" echo # TODO: add actual verification if [[ "${trace_on}" == "on" ]]; then set -x fi } function extract_arch_tarball() { local -r tarfile="$1" local -r platform="$2" local -r arch="$3" platforms_dir="${KUBE_ROOT}/platforms/${platform}/${arch}" echo "Extracting ${tarfile} into ${platforms_dir}" mkdir -p "${platforms_dir}" # Tarball looks like kubernetes/{client,server,test}/bin/BINARY" tar -xzf "${tarfile}" --strip-components 3 -C "${platforms_dir}" } detect_kube_release DOWNLOAD_URL_PREFIX="${KUBERNETES_RELEASE_URL}/${KUBE_VERSION}" SERVER_PLATFORM="linux" SERVER_ARCH="${KUBERNETES_SERVER_ARCH:-amd64}" SERVER_TAR="kubernetes-server-${SERVER_PLATFORM}-${SERVER_ARCH}.tar.gz" if [[ -n "${KUBERNETES_NODE_PLATFORM-}" || -n "${KUBERNETES_NODE_ARCH-}" ]]; then NODE_PLATFORM="${KUBERNETES_NODE_PLATFORM:-${SERVER_PLATFORM}}" NODE_ARCH="${KUBERNETES_NODE_ARCH:-${SERVER_ARCH}}" NODE_TAR="kubernetes-node-${NODE_PLATFORM}-${NODE_ARCH}.tar.gz" fi detect_client_info CLIENT_TAR="kubernetes-client-${CLIENT_PLATFORM}-${CLIENT_ARCH}.tar.gz" echo "Kubernetes release: ${KUBE_VERSION}" echo "Server: ${SERVER_PLATFORM}/${SERVER_ARCH} (to override, set KUBERNETES_SERVER_ARCH)" printf "Client: %s/%s" "${CLIENT_PLATFORM}" "${CLIENT_ARCH}" if [ -z "${KUBERNETES_CLIENT_OS-}" ] && [ -z "${KUBERNETES_CLIENT_ARCH-}" ]; then printf " (autodetected)" fi echo " (to override, set KUBERNETES_CLIENT_OS and/or KUBERNETES_CLIENT_ARCH)" echo echo "Will download ${SERVER_TAR} from ${DOWNLOAD_URL_PREFIX}" echo "Will download and extract ${CLIENT_TAR} from ${DOWNLOAD_URL_PREFIX}" DOWNLOAD_NODE_TAR=false if [[ -n "${NODE_TAR:-}" ]]; then DOWNLOAD_NODE_TAR=true echo "Will download and extract ${NODE_TAR} from ${DOWNLOAD_URL_PREFIX}" fi DOWNLOAD_TESTS_TAR=false if [[ -n "${KUBERNETES_DOWNLOAD_TESTS-}" ]]; then DOWNLOAD_TESTS_TAR=true echo "Will download and extract kubernetes-test tarball(s) from ${DOWNLOAD_URL_PREFIX}" fi if [[ -z "${KUBERNETES_SKIP_CONFIRM-}" ]]; then echo "Is this ok? [Y]/n" read -r confirm if [[ "${confirm}" =~ ^[nN]$ ]]; then echo "Aborting." exit 1 fi fi download_tarball "${KUBE_ROOT}/server" "${SERVER_TAR}" if "${DOWNLOAD_NODE_TAR}"; then download_tarball "${KUBE_ROOT}/node" "${NODE_TAR}" fi download_tarball "${KUBE_ROOT}/client" "${CLIENT_TAR}" extract_arch_tarball "${KUBE_ROOT}/client/${CLIENT_TAR}" "${CLIENT_PLATFORM}" "${CLIENT_ARCH}" ln -s "${KUBE_ROOT}/platforms/${CLIENT_PLATFORM}/${CLIENT_ARCH}" "${KUBE_ROOT}/client/bin" echo "Add '${KUBE_ROOT}/client/bin' to your PATH to use newly-installed binaries." if "${DOWNLOAD_TESTS_TAR}"; then TESTS_PORTABLE_TAR="kubernetes-test-portable.tar.gz" download_tarball "${KUBE_ROOT}/test" "${TESTS_PORTABLE_TAR}" || true if [[ -f "${KUBE_ROOT}/test/${TESTS_PORTABLE_TAR}" ]]; then echo "Extracting ${TESTS_PORTABLE_TAR} into ${KUBE_ROOT}" # Strip leading "kubernetes/" tar -xzf "${KUBE_ROOT}/test/${TESTS_PORTABLE_TAR}" --strip-components 1 -C "${KUBE_ROOT}" # Next, download platform-specific test tarballs for all relevant platforms TEST_PLATFORM_TUPLES=( "${CLIENT_PLATFORM}/${CLIENT_ARCH}" "${SERVER_PLATFORM}/${SERVER_ARCH}" ) if [[ -n "${NODE_PLATFORM:-}" && -n "${NODE_ARCH:-}" ]]; then TEST_PLATFORM_TUPLES+=("${NODE_PLATFORM}/${NODE_ARCH}") fi # Loop over only the unique tuples for TUPLE in $(printf "%s\n" "${TEST_PLATFORM_TUPLES[@]}" | sort -u); do OS=$(echo "${TUPLE}" | cut -d/ -f1) ARCH=$(echo "${TUPLE}" | cut -d/ -f2) TEST_PLATFORM_TAR="kubernetes-test-${OS}-${ARCH}.tar.gz" download_tarball "${KUBE_ROOT}/test" "${TEST_PLATFORM_TAR}" extract_arch_tarball "${KUBE_ROOT}/test/${TEST_PLATFORM_TAR}" "${OS}" "${ARCH}" done else echo "Failed to download portable test tarball, falling back to mondo test tarball." TESTS_MONDO_TAR="kubernetes-test.tar.gz" download_tarball "${KUBE_ROOT}/test" "${TESTS_MONDO_TAR}" echo "Extracting ${TESTS_MONDO_TAR} into ${KUBE_ROOT}" # Strip leading "kubernetes/" tar -xzf "${KUBE_ROOT}/test/${TESTS_MONDO_TAR}" --strip-components 1 -C "${KUBE_ROOT}" fi fi