#!/usr/bin/env bash # Copyright 2017 The Kubernetes Authors. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # A library of helper functions and constant for the local config. # Use the config file specified in $KUBE_CONFIG_FILE, or default to # config-default.sh. readonly GCE_MAX_LOCAL_SSD=8 KUBE_ROOT=$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")/../.. source "${KUBE_ROOT}/cluster/gce/${KUBE_CONFIG_FILE-"config-default.sh"}" source "${KUBE_ROOT}/cluster/common.sh" source "${KUBE_ROOT}/hack/lib/util.sh" if [[ "${NODE_OS_DISTRIBUTION}" == "gci" || "${NODE_OS_DISTRIBUTION}" == "ubuntu" || "${NODE_OS_DISTRIBUTION}" == "custom" ]]; then source "${KUBE_ROOT}/cluster/gce/${NODE_OS_DISTRIBUTION}/node-helper.sh" else echo "Cannot operate on cluster using node os distro: ${NODE_OS_DISTRIBUTION}" >&2 exit 1 fi source "${KUBE_ROOT}/cluster/gce/windows/node-helper.sh" if [[ "${MASTER_OS_DISTRIBUTION}" == "trusty" || "${MASTER_OS_DISTRIBUTION}" == "gci" || "${MASTER_OS_DISTRIBUTION}" == "ubuntu" ]]; then source "${KUBE_ROOT}/cluster/gce/${MASTER_OS_DISTRIBUTION}/master-helper.sh" else echo "Cannot operate on cluster using master os distro: ${MASTER_OS_DISTRIBUTION}" >&2 exit 1 fi if [[ ${NODE_LOCAL_SSDS:-} -ge 1 ]] && [[ -n ${NODE_LOCAL_SSDS_EXT:-} ]] ; then echo -e "${color_red:-}Local SSD: Only one of NODE_LOCAL_SSDS and NODE_LOCAL_SSDS_EXT can be specified at once${color_norm:-}" >&2 exit 2 fi if [[ "${MASTER_OS_DISTRIBUTION}" == "gci" ]]; then DEFAULT_GCI_PROJECT=google-containers if [[ "${GCI_VERSION}" == "cos"* ]] || [[ "${MASTER_IMAGE_FAMILY}" == "cos"* ]]; then DEFAULT_GCI_PROJECT=cos-cloud fi export MASTER_IMAGE_PROJECT=${KUBE_GCE_MASTER_PROJECT:-${DEFAULT_GCI_PROJECT}} # If the master image is not set, we use the latest image based on image # family. kube_master_image="${KUBE_GCE_MASTER_IMAGE:-${GCI_VERSION}}" if [[ -z "${kube_master_image}" ]]; then kube_master_image=$(gcloud compute images list --project="${MASTER_IMAGE_PROJECT}" --no-standard-images --filter="family:${MASTER_IMAGE_FAMILY}" --format 'value(name)') fi echo "Using image: ${kube_master_image} from project: ${MASTER_IMAGE_PROJECT} as master image" >&2 export MASTER_IMAGE="${kube_master_image}" fi # Sets node image based on the specified os distro. Currently this function only # supports gci and debian. # # Requires: # NODE_OS_DISTRIBUTION # Sets: # DEFAULT_GCI_PROJECT # NODE_IMAGE # NODE_IMAGE_PROJECT function set-linux-node-image() { if [[ "${NODE_OS_DISTRIBUTION}" == "gci" ]]; then DEFAULT_GCI_PROJECT=google-containers if [[ "${GCI_VERSION}" == "cos"* ]] || [[ "${NODE_IMAGE_FAMILY}" == "cos"* ]]; then DEFAULT_GCI_PROJECT=cos-cloud fi # If the node image is not set, we use the latest image based on image # family. # Otherwise, we respect whatever is set by the user. NODE_IMAGE_PROJECT=${KUBE_GCE_NODE_PROJECT:-${DEFAULT_GCI_PROJECT}} local kube_node_image kube_node_image="${KUBE_GCE_NODE_IMAGE:-${GCI_VERSION}}" if [[ -z "${kube_node_image}" ]]; then kube_node_image=$(gcloud compute images list --project="${NODE_IMAGE_PROJECT}" --no-standard-images --filter="family:${NODE_IMAGE_FAMILY}" --format 'value(name)') fi echo "Using image: ${kube_node_image} from project: ${NODE_IMAGE_PROJECT} as node image" >&2 export NODE_IMAGE="${kube_node_image}" fi } # Requires: # WINDOWS_NODE_OS_DISTRIBUTION # Sets: # WINDOWS_NODE_IMAGE_PROJECT # WINDOWS_NODE_IMAGE function set-windows-node-image() { WINDOWS_NODE_IMAGE_PROJECT="windows-cloud" if [[ "${WINDOWS_NODE_OS_DISTRIBUTION}" == "win2019" ]]; then WINDOWS_NODE_IMAGE="windows-server-2019-dc-core-v20210914" elif [[ "${WINDOWS_NODE_OS_DISTRIBUTION}" == "win1909" ]]; then WINDOWS_NODE_IMAGE="windows-server-1909-dc-core-v20210413" elif [[ "${WINDOWS_NODE_OS_DISTRIBUTION}" == "win2004" ]]; then WINDOWS_NODE_IMAGE="windows-server-2004-dc-core-v20210914" elif [[ "${WINDOWS_NODE_OS_DISTRIBUTION,,}" == "win20h2" ]]; then WINDOWS_NODE_IMAGE="windows-server-20h2-dc-core-v20210914" elif [[ "${WINDOWS_NODE_OS_DISTRIBUTION,,}" == "win2022" ]]; then WINDOWS_NODE_IMAGE="windows-server-2022-dc-core-v20220513" else echo "Unknown WINDOWS_NODE_OS_DISTRIBUTION ${WINDOWS_NODE_OS_DISTRIBUTION}" >&2 exit 1 fi } set-linux-node-image set-windows-node-image # Verify cluster autoscaler configuration. if [[ "${ENABLE_CLUSTER_AUTOSCALER}" == "true" ]]; then if [[ -z $AUTOSCALER_MIN_NODES ]]; then echo "AUTOSCALER_MIN_NODES not set." exit 1 fi if [[ -z $AUTOSCALER_MAX_NODES ]]; then echo "AUTOSCALER_MAX_NODES not set." exit 1 fi fi # These prefixes must not be prefixes of each other, so that they can be used to # detect mutually exclusive sets of nodes. NODE_INSTANCE_PREFIX=${NODE_INSTANCE_PREFIX:-"${INSTANCE_PREFIX}-minion"} WINDOWS_NODE_INSTANCE_PREFIX=${WINDOWS_NODE_INSTANCE_PREFIX:-"${INSTANCE_PREFIX}-windows-node"} # NODE_TAG (expected to be) defined by caller # shellcheck disable=SC2153 NODE_TAGS="${NODE_TAG}" ALLOCATE_NODE_CIDRS=true PREEXISTING_NETWORK=false PREEXISTING_NETWORK_MODE="" KUBE_PROMPT_FOR_UPDATE=${KUBE_PROMPT_FOR_UPDATE:-"n"} # How long (in seconds) to wait for cluster initialization. KUBE_CLUSTER_INITIALIZATION_TIMEOUT=${KUBE_CLUSTER_INITIALIZATION_TIMEOUT:-300} function join_csv() { local IFS=','; echo "$*"; } # This function returns the first string before the comma function split_csv() { echo "$*" | cut -d',' -f1 } # Verify prereqs function verify-prereqs() { local cmd # we use openssl to generate certs kube::util::test_openssl_installed # ensure a version supported by easyrsa is installed if [ "$(openssl version | cut -d\ -f1)" == "LibreSSL" ]; then echo "LibreSSL is not supported. Please ensure openssl points to an OpenSSL binary" if [ "$(uname -s)" == "Darwin" ]; then # We want this print just the way it is # shellcheck disable=SC2016 echo 'On macOS we recommend using homebrew and adding "$(brew --prefix openssl)/bin" to your PATH' fi exit 1 fi # we use gcloud to create the cluster, gsutil to stage binaries and data for cmd in gcloud gsutil; do if ! which "${cmd}" >/dev/null; then echo "Can't find ${cmd} in PATH, please fix and retry. The Google Cloud " >&2 echo "SDK can be downloaded from https://cloud.google.com/sdk/." >&2 exit 1 fi done update-or-verify-gcloud } # Use the gcloud defaults to find the project. If it is already set in the # environment then go with that. # # Vars set: # PROJECT # NETWORK_PROJECT # PROJECT_REPORTED function detect-project() { if [[ -z "${PROJECT-}" ]]; then PROJECT=$(gcloud config list project --format 'value(core.project)') fi NETWORK_PROJECT=${NETWORK_PROJECT:-${PROJECT}} if [[ -z "${PROJECT-}" ]]; then echo "Could not detect Google Cloud Platform project. Set the default project using " >&2 echo "'gcloud config set project '" >&2 exit 1 fi if [[ -z "${PROJECT_REPORTED-}" ]]; then echo "Project: ${PROJECT}" >&2 echo "Network Project: ${NETWORK_PROJECT}" >&2 echo "Zone: ${ZONE}" >&2 PROJECT_REPORTED=true fi } # Use gsutil to get the md5 hash for a particular tar function gsutil_get_tar_md5() { # location_tar could be local or in the cloud # local tar_location example ./_output/release-tars/kubernetes-server-linux-amd64.tar.gz # cloud tar_location example gs://kubernetes-staging-PROJECT/kubernetes-devel/kubernetes-server-linux-amd64.tar.gz local -r tar_location=$1 #parse the output and return the md5 hash #the sed command at the end removes whitespace local -r tar_md5=$(gsutil hash -h -m "${tar_location}" 2>/dev/null | grep "Hash (md5):" | awk -F ':' '{print $2}' | sed 's/^[[:space:]]*//g') echo "${tar_md5}" } # Copy a release tar and its accompanying hash. function copy-to-staging() { local -r staging_path=$1 local -r gs_url=$2 local -r tar=$3 local -r hash=$4 local -r basename_tar=$(basename "${tar}") #check whether this tar alread exists and has the same hash #if it matches, then don't bother uploading it again #remote_tar_md5 checks the remote location for the existing tarball and its md5 #staging_path example gs://kubernetes-staging-PROJECT/kubernetes-devel #basename_tar example kubernetes-server-linux-amd64.tar.gz local -r remote_tar_md5=$(gsutil_get_tar_md5 "${staging_path}/${basename_tar}") if [[ -n ${remote_tar_md5} ]]; then #local_tar_md5 checks the remote location for the existing tarball and its md5 hash #tar example ./_output/release-tars/kubernetes-server-linux-amd64.tar.gz local -r local_tar_md5=$(gsutil_get_tar_md5 "${tar}") if [[ "${remote_tar_md5}" == "${local_tar_md5}" ]]; then echo "+++ ${basename_tar} uploaded earlier, cloud and local file md5 match (md5 = ${local_tar_md5})" return 0 fi fi echo "${hash}" > "${tar}.sha512" gsutil -m -q -h "Cache-Control:private, max-age=0" cp "${tar}" "${tar}.sha512" "${staging_path}" gsutil -m acl ch -g all:R "${gs_url}" "${gs_url}.sha512" >/dev/null 2>&1 || true echo "+++ ${basename_tar} uploaded (sha512 = ${hash})" } # Given the cluster zone, return the list of regional GCS release # bucket suffixes for the release in preference order. GCS doesn't # give us an API for this, so we hardcode it. # # Assumed vars: # RELEASE_REGION_FALLBACK # REGIONAL_KUBE_ADDONS # ZONE # Vars set: # PREFERRED_REGION function set-preferred-region() { case ${ZONE} in asia-*) PREFERRED_REGION=("asia-northeast1" "us-central1" "europe-west6") ;; europe-*) PREFERRED_REGION=("europe-west6" "us-central1" "asia-northeast1") ;; *) PREFERRED_REGION=("us-central1" "europe-west6" "asia-northeast1") ;; esac if [[ "${RELEASE_REGION_FALLBACK}" != "true" ]]; then PREFERRED_REGION=( "${PREFERRED_REGION[0]}" ) fi } # Take the local tar files and upload them to Google Storage. They will then be # downloaded by the master as part of the start up script for the master. # # Assumed vars: # PROJECT # SERVER_BINARY_TAR # KUBE_MANIFESTS_TAR # ZONE # Vars set: # SERVER_BINARY_TAR_URL # SERVER_BINARY_TAR_HASH # NODE_BINARY_TAR_URL # NODE_BINARY_TAR_HASH # KUBE_MANIFESTS_TAR_URL # KUBE_MANIFESTS_TAR_HASH function upload-tars() { SERVER_BINARY_TAR_URL= SERVER_BINARY_TAR_HASH= NODE_BINARY_TAR_URL= NODE_BINARY_TAR_HASH= KUBE_MANIFESTS_TAR_URL= KUBE_MANIFESTS_TAR_HASH= local project_hash if which md5 > /dev/null 2>&1; then project_hash=$(md5 -q -s "$PROJECT") else project_hash=$(echo -n "$PROJECT" | md5sum) project_hash=${project_hash%%[[:blank:]]*} fi # This requires 1 million projects before the probability of collision is 50% # that's probably good enough for now :P project_hash=${project_hash:0:10} set-preferred-region if [[ "${ENABLE_DOCKER_REGISTRY_CACHE:-}" == "true" ]]; then DOCKER_REGISTRY_MIRROR_URL="https://mirror.gcr.io" fi SERVER_BINARY_TAR_HASH=$(sha512sum-file "${SERVER_BINARY_TAR}") if [[ -n "${NODE_BINARY_TAR:-}" ]]; then NODE_BINARY_TAR_HASH=$(sha512sum-file "${NODE_BINARY_TAR}") fi if [[ -n "${KUBE_MANIFESTS_TAR:-}" ]]; then KUBE_MANIFESTS_TAR_HASH=$(sha512sum-file "${KUBE_MANIFESTS_TAR}") fi local server_binary_tar_urls=() local node_binary_tar_urls=() for region in "${PREFERRED_REGION[@]}"; do suffix="-${region}" local staging_bucket="gs://kubernetes-staging-${project_hash}${suffix}" # Ensure the buckets are created if ! gsutil ls "${staging_bucket}" >/dev/null; then echo "Creating ${staging_bucket}" gsutil mb -l "${region}" -p "${PROJECT}" "${staging_bucket}" fi local staging_path="${staging_bucket}/${INSTANCE_PREFIX}-devel" echo "+++ Staging tars to Google Storage: ${staging_path}" local server_binary_gs_url="${staging_path}/${SERVER_BINARY_TAR##*/}" copy-to-staging "${staging_path}" "${server_binary_gs_url}" "${SERVER_BINARY_TAR}" "${SERVER_BINARY_TAR_HASH}" if [[ -n "${NODE_BINARY_TAR:-}" ]]; then local node_binary_gs_url="${staging_path}/${NODE_BINARY_TAR##*/}" copy-to-staging "${staging_path}" "${node_binary_gs_url}" "${NODE_BINARY_TAR}" "${NODE_BINARY_TAR_HASH}" fi # Convert from gs:// URL to an https:// URL server_binary_tar_urls+=("${server_binary_gs_url/gs:\/\//https://storage.googleapis.com/}") if [[ -n "${NODE_BINARY_TAR:-}" ]]; then node_binary_tar_urls+=("${node_binary_gs_url/gs:\/\//https://storage.googleapis.com/}") fi if [[ -n "${KUBE_MANIFESTS_TAR:-}" ]]; then local kube_manifests_gs_url="${staging_path}/${KUBE_MANIFESTS_TAR##*/}" copy-to-staging "${staging_path}" "${kube_manifests_gs_url}" "${KUBE_MANIFESTS_TAR}" "${KUBE_MANIFESTS_TAR_HASH}" # Convert from gs:// URL to an https:// URL kube_manifests_tar_urls+=("${kube_manifests_gs_url/gs:\/\//https://storage.googleapis.com/}") fi done SERVER_BINARY_TAR_URL=$(join_csv "${server_binary_tar_urls[@]}") if [[ -n "${NODE_BINARY_TAR:-}" ]]; then NODE_BINARY_TAR_URL=$(join_csv "${node_binary_tar_urls[@]}") fi if [[ -n "${KUBE_MANIFESTS_TAR:-}" ]]; then KUBE_MANIFESTS_TAR_URL=$(join_csv "${kube_manifests_tar_urls[@]}") fi } # Detect Linux and Windows nodes created in the instance group. # # Assumed vars: # NODE_INSTANCE_PREFIX # WINDOWS_NODE_INSTANCE_PREFIX # Vars set: # NODE_NAMES # INSTANCE_GROUPS # WINDOWS_NODE_NAMES # WINDOWS_INSTANCE_GROUPS function detect-node-names() { detect-project INSTANCE_GROUPS=() kube::util::read-array INSTANCE_GROUPS < <(gcloud compute instance-groups managed list \ --project "${PROJECT}" \ --filter "name ~ '${NODE_INSTANCE_PREFIX}-.+' AND zone:(${ZONE})" \ --format='value(name)' || true) WINDOWS_INSTANCE_GROUPS=() kube::util::read-array WINDOWS_INSTANCE_GROUPS < <(gcloud compute instance-groups managed list \ --project "${PROJECT}" \ --filter "name ~ '${WINDOWS_NODE_INSTANCE_PREFIX}-.+' AND zone:(${ZONE})" \ --format='value(name)' || true) NODE_NAMES=() if [[ -n "${INSTANCE_GROUPS[*]:-}" ]]; then for group in "${INSTANCE_GROUPS[@]}"; do kube::util::read-array NODE_NAMES < <(gcloud compute instance-groups managed list-instances \ "${group}" --zone "${ZONE}" --project "${PROJECT}" \ --format='value(name)') done fi # Add heapster node name to the list too (if it exists). if [[ -n "${HEAPSTER_MACHINE_TYPE:-}" ]]; then NODE_NAMES+=("${NODE_INSTANCE_PREFIX}-heapster") fi export NODE_NAMES WINDOWS_NODE_NAMES=() if [[ -n "${WINDOWS_INSTANCE_GROUPS[*]:-}" ]]; then for group in "${WINDOWS_INSTANCE_GROUPS[@]}"; do kube::util::read-array WINDOWS_NODE_NAMES < <(gcloud compute instance-groups managed \ list-instances "${group}" --zone "${ZONE}" --project "${PROJECT}" \ --format='value(name)') done fi export WINDOWS_NODE_NAMES echo "INSTANCE_GROUPS=${INSTANCE_GROUPS[*]:-}" >&2 echo "NODE_NAMES=${NODE_NAMES[*]:-}" >&2 } # Detect the information about the minions # # Assumed vars: # ZONE # Vars set: # NODE_NAMES # KUBE_NODE_IP_ADDRESSES (array) function detect-nodes() { detect-project detect-node-names KUBE_NODE_IP_ADDRESSES=() for (( i=0; i<${#NODE_NAMES[@]}; i++)); do local node_ip node_ip=$(gcloud compute instances describe --project "${PROJECT}" --zone "${ZONE}" \ "${NODE_NAMES[$i]}" --format='value(networkInterfaces[0].accessConfigs[0].natIP)') if [[ -z "${node_ip-}" ]] ; then echo "Did not find ${NODE_NAMES[$i]}" >&2 else echo "Found ${NODE_NAMES[$i]} at ${node_ip}" KUBE_NODE_IP_ADDRESSES+=("${node_ip}") fi done if [[ -z "${KUBE_NODE_IP_ADDRESSES-}" ]]; then echo "Could not detect Kubernetes minion nodes. Make sure you've launched a cluster with 'kube-up.sh'" >&2 exit 1 fi } # Detect the IP for the master # # Assumed vars: # MASTER_NAME # ZONE # REGION # Vars set: # KUBE_MASTER # KUBE_MASTER_IP function detect-master() { detect-project KUBE_MASTER=${MASTER_NAME} echo "Trying to find master named '${MASTER_NAME}'" >&2 if [[ -z "${KUBE_MASTER_IP-}" ]]; then local master_address_name="${MASTER_NAME}-ip" echo "Looking for address '${master_address_name}'" >&2 if ! KUBE_MASTER_IP=$(gcloud compute addresses describe "${master_address_name}" \ --project "${PROJECT}" --region "${REGION}" -q --format='value(address)') || \ [[ -z "${KUBE_MASTER_IP-}" ]]; then echo "Could not detect Kubernetes master node. Make sure you've launched a cluster with 'kube-up.sh'" >&2 exit 1 fi fi if [[ -z "${KUBE_MASTER_INTERNAL_IP-}" ]] && [[ ${GCE_PRIVATE_CLUSTER:-} == "true" ]]; then local master_address_name="${MASTER_NAME}-internal-ip" echo "Looking for address '${master_address_name}'" >&2 if ! KUBE_MASTER_INTERNAL_IP=$(gcloud compute addresses describe "${master_address_name}" \ --project "${PROJECT}" --region "${REGION}" -q --format='value(address)') || \ [[ -z "${KUBE_MASTER_INTERNAL_IP-}" ]]; then echo "Could not detect Kubernetes master node. Make sure you've launched a cluster with 'kube-up.sh'" >&2 exit 1 fi fi echo "Using master: $KUBE_MASTER (external IP: $KUBE_MASTER_IP; internal IP: ${KUBE_MASTER_INTERNAL_IP:-(not set)})" >&2 } function load-or-gen-kube-bearertoken() { if [[ -n "${KUBE_CONTEXT:-}" ]]; then get-kubeconfig-bearertoken fi if [[ -z "${KUBE_BEARER_TOKEN:-}" ]]; then gen-kube-bearertoken fi } # Figure out which binary use on the server and assure it is available. # If KUBE_VERSION is specified use binaries specified by it, otherwise # use local dev binaries. # # Assumed vars: # KUBE_VERSION # KUBE_RELEASE_VERSION_REGEX # KUBE_CI_VERSION_REGEX # Vars set: # KUBE_TAR_HASH # SERVER_BINARY_TAR_URL # SERVER_BINARY_TAR_HASH function tars_from_version() { local sha512sum="" if which sha512sum >/dev/null 2>&1; then sha512sum="sha512sum" else sha512sum="shasum -a512" fi if [[ -z "${KUBE_VERSION-}" ]]; then find-release-tars upload-tars elif [[ ${KUBE_VERSION} =~ ${KUBE_RELEASE_VERSION_REGEX} ]]; then SERVER_BINARY_TAR_URL="https://dl.k8s.io/release/${KUBE_VERSION}/kubernetes-server-linux-amd64.tar.gz" # TODO: Clean this up. KUBE_MANIFESTS_TAR_URL="${SERVER_BINARY_TAR_URL/server-linux-amd64/manifests}" KUBE_MANIFESTS_TAR_HASH=$(curl -L "${KUBE_MANIFESTS_TAR_URL}" --silent --show-error | ${sha512sum}) KUBE_MANIFESTS_TAR_HASH=${KUBE_MANIFESTS_TAR_HASH%%[[:blank:]]*} elif [[ ${KUBE_VERSION} =~ ${KUBE_CI_VERSION_REGEX} ]]; then SERVER_BINARY_TAR_URL="https://storage.googleapis.com/k8s-release-dev/ci/${KUBE_VERSION}/kubernetes-server-linux-amd64.tar.gz" # TODO: Clean this up. KUBE_MANIFESTS_TAR_URL="${SERVER_BINARY_TAR_URL/server-linux-amd64/manifests}" KUBE_MANIFESTS_TAR_HASH=$(curl "${KUBE_MANIFESTS_TAR_URL}" --silent --show-error | ${sha512sum}) KUBE_MANIFESTS_TAR_HASH=${KUBE_MANIFESTS_TAR_HASH%%[[:blank:]]*} else echo "Version doesn't match regexp" >&2 exit 1 fi if ! SERVER_BINARY_TAR_HASH=$(curl -Ss --fail "${SERVER_BINARY_TAR_URL}.sha512"); then echo "Failure trying to curl release .sha512" fi if ! curl -Ss --head "${SERVER_BINARY_TAR_URL}" >&/dev/null; then echo "Can't find release at ${SERVER_BINARY_TAR_URL}" >&2 exit 1 fi } # Reads kube-env metadata from master # # Assumed vars: # KUBE_MASTER # PROJECT # ZONE function get-master-env() { # TODO(zmerlynn): Make this more reliable with retries. gcloud compute --project "${PROJECT}" ssh --zone "${ZONE}" "${KUBE_MASTER}" --command \ "curl --fail --silent -H 'Metadata-Flavor: Google' \ 'http://metadata/computeMetadata/v1/instance/attributes/kube-env'" 2>/dev/null gcloud compute --project "${PROJECT}" ssh --zone "${ZONE}" "${KUBE_MASTER}" --command \ "curl --fail --silent -H 'Metadata-Flavor: Google' \ 'http://metadata/computeMetadata/v1/instance/attributes/kube-master-certs'" 2>/dev/null } # Quote something appropriate for a yaml string. # # TODO(zmerlynn): Note that this function doesn't so much "quote" as # "strip out quotes", and we really should be using a YAML library for # this, but PyYAML isn't shipped by default, and *rant rant rant ... SIGH* function yaml-quote { echo "${@:-}" | sed -e "s/'/''/g;s/^/'/i;s/$/'/i" } # Writes the cluster location into a temporary file. # Assumed vars # ZONE function write-cluster-location { cat >"${KUBE_TEMP}/cluster-location.txt" << EOF ${ZONE} EOF } # Writes the cluster name into a temporary file. # Assumed vars # CLUSTER_NAME function write-cluster-name { cat >"${KUBE_TEMP}/cluster-name.txt" << EOF ${CLUSTER_NAME} EOF } function write-master-env { # If the user requested that the master be part of the cluster, set the # environment variable to program the master kubelet to register itself. if [[ "${REGISTER_MASTER_KUBELET:-}" == "true" && -z "${KUBELET_APISERVER:-}" ]]; then KUBELET_APISERVER="${MASTER_NAME}" fi if [[ -z "${KUBERNETES_MASTER_NAME:-}" ]]; then KUBERNETES_MASTER_NAME="${MASTER_NAME}" fi construct-linux-kubelet-flags "master" build-linux-kube-env true "${KUBE_TEMP}/master-kube-env.yaml" build-kubelet-config true "linux" "${KUBE_TEMP}/master-kubelet-config.yaml" build-kube-master-certs "${KUBE_TEMP}/kube-master-certs.yaml" } function write-linux-node-env { if [[ -z "${KUBERNETES_MASTER_NAME:-}" ]]; then KUBERNETES_MASTER_NAME="${MASTER_NAME}" fi construct-linux-kubelet-flags "heapster" build-linux-kube-env false "${KUBE_TEMP}/heapster-kube-env.yaml" construct-linux-kubelet-flags "node" build-linux-kube-env false "${KUBE_TEMP}/node-kube-env.yaml" build-kubelet-config false "linux" "${KUBE_TEMP}/node-kubelet-config.yaml" } function write-windows-node-env { construct-windows-kubelet-flags construct-windows-kubeproxy-flags build-windows-kube-env "${KUBE_TEMP}/windows-node-kube-env.yaml" build-kubelet-config false "windows" "${KUBE_TEMP}/windows-node-kubelet-config.yaml" } function build-linux-node-labels { local node_type=$1 local node_labels="" if [[ "${KUBE_PROXY_DAEMONSET:-}" == "true" && "${node_type}" != "master" ]]; then # Add kube-proxy daemonset label to node to avoid situation during cluster # upgrade/downgrade when there are two instances of kube-proxy running on a node. node_labels="node.kubernetes.io/kube-proxy-ds-ready=true" fi if [[ -n "${NODE_LABELS:-}" ]]; then node_labels="${node_labels:+${node_labels},}${NODE_LABELS}" fi if [[ -n "${NON_MASTER_NODE_LABELS:-}" && "${node_type}" != "master" ]]; then node_labels="${node_labels:+${node_labels},}${NON_MASTER_NODE_LABELS}" fi if [[ -n "${MASTER_NODE_LABELS:-}" && "${node_type}" == "master" ]]; then node_labels="${node_labels:+${node_labels},}${MASTER_NODE_LABELS}" fi echo "$node_labels" } function build-windows-node-labels { local node_labels="" if [[ -n "${WINDOWS_NODE_LABELS:-}" ]]; then node_labels="${node_labels:+${node_labels},}${WINDOWS_NODE_LABELS}" fi if [[ -n "${WINDOWS_NON_MASTER_NODE_LABELS:-}" ]]; then node_labels="${node_labels:+${node_labels},}${WINDOWS_NON_MASTER_NODE_LABELS}" fi echo "$node_labels" } # yaml-map-string-stringarray converts the encoded structure to yaml format, and echoes the result # under the provided name. If the encoded structure is empty, echoes nothing. # 1: name to be output in yaml # 2: encoded map-string-string (which may contain duplicate keys - resulting in map-string-stringarray) # 3: key-value separator (defaults to ':') # 4: item separator (defaults to ',') function yaml-map-string-stringarray { declare -r name="${1}" declare -r encoded="${2}" declare -r kv_sep="${3:-:}" declare -r item_sep="${4:-,}" declare -a pairs # indexed array declare -A map # associative array IFS="${item_sep}" read -ra pairs <<<"${encoded}" # split on item_sep for pair in "${pairs[@]}"; do declare key declare value IFS="${kv_sep}" read -r key value <<<"${pair}" # split on kv_sep map[$key]="${map[$key]+${map[$key]}${item_sep}}${value}" # append values from duplicate keys done # only output if there is a non-empty map if [[ ${#map[@]} -gt 0 ]]; then echo "${name}:" for k in "${!map[@]}"; do echo " ${k}:" declare -a values IFS="${item_sep}" read -ra values <<<"${map[$k]}" for val in "${values[@]}"; do # declare across two lines so errexit can catch failures declare v v=$(yaml-quote "${val}") echo " - ${v}" done done fi } # yaml-map-string-string converts the encoded structure to yaml format, and echoes the result # under the provided name. If the encoded structure is empty, echoes nothing. # 1: name to be output in yaml # 2: encoded map-string-string (no duplicate keys) # 3: bool, whether to yaml-quote the value string in the output (defaults to true) # 4: key-value separator (defaults to ':') # 5: item separator (defaults to ',') function yaml-map-string-string { declare -r name="${1}" declare -r encoded="${2}" declare -r quote_val_string="${3:-true}" declare -r kv_sep="${4:-:}" declare -r item_sep="${5:-,}" declare -a pairs # indexed array declare -A map # associative array IFS="${item_sep}" read -ra pairs <<<"${encoded}" # split on item_sep # TODO(mtaufen): try quoting this too for pair in "${pairs[@]}"; do declare key declare value IFS="${kv_sep}" read -r key value <<<"${pair}" # split on kv_sep map[$key]="${value}" # add to associative array done # only output if there is a non-empty map if [[ ${#map[@]} -gt 0 ]]; then echo "${name}:" for k in "${!map[@]}"; do if [[ "${quote_val_string}" == "true" ]]; then # declare across two lines so errexit can catch failures declare v v=$(yaml-quote "${map[$k]}") echo " ${k}: ${v}" else echo " ${k}: ${map[$k]}" fi done fi } # Returns kubelet flags used on both Linux and Windows nodes. function construct-common-kubelet-flags { local flags="${KUBELET_TEST_LOG_LEVEL:-"--v=2"} ${KUBELET_TEST_ARGS:-}" flags+=" --cloud-provider=${CLOUD_PROVIDER_FLAG:-external}" # TODO(mtaufen): ROTATE_CERTIFICATES seems unused; delete it? if [[ -n "${ROTATE_CERTIFICATES:-}" ]]; then flags+=" --rotate-certificates=true" fi if [[ -n "${MAX_PODS_PER_NODE:-}" ]]; then flags+=" --max-pods=${MAX_PODS_PER_NODE}" fi echo "$flags" } # Sets KUBELET_ARGS with the kubelet flags for Linux nodes. # $1: if 'true', we're rendering flags for a master, else a node function construct-linux-kubelet-flags { local node_type="$1" local flags flags="$(construct-common-kubelet-flags)" # Keep in sync with CONTAINERIZED_MOUNTER_HOME in configure-helper.sh flags+=" --experimental-mounter-path=/home/kubernetes/containerized_mounter/mounter" # Keep in sync with the mkdir command in configure-helper.sh (until the TODO is resolved) flags+=" --cert-dir=/var/lib/kubelet/pki/" # If ENABLE_AUTH_PROVIDER_GCP is set to true, kubelet is enabled to use out-of-tree auth # credential provider instead of in-tree auth credential provider. # https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/kubelet-credential-provider/kubelet-credential-provider if [[ "${ENABLE_AUTH_PROVIDER_GCP:-true}" == "true" ]]; then # Keep the values of --image-credential-provider-config and --image-credential-provider-bin-dir # in sync with value of auth_config_file and auth_provider_dir set in install-auth-provider-gcp function # in gci/configure.sh. flags+=" --image-credential-provider-config=${AUTH_PROVIDER_GCP_LINUX_CONF_FILE}" flags+=" --image-credential-provider-bin-dir=${AUTH_PROVIDER_GCP_LINUX_BIN_DIR}" fi if [[ "${node_type}" == "master" ]]; then flags+=" ${MASTER_KUBELET_TEST_ARGS:-}" if [[ "${REGISTER_MASTER_KUBELET:-false}" == "true" ]]; then #TODO(mikedanese): allow static pods to start before creating a client #flags+=" --bootstrap-kubeconfig=/var/lib/kubelet/bootstrap-kubeconfig" #flags+=" --kubeconfig=/var/lib/kubelet/kubeconfig" flags+=" --register-with-taints=node-role.kubernetes.io/control-plane=:NoSchedule" flags+=" --kubeconfig=/var/lib/kubelet/bootstrap-kubeconfig" flags+=" --register-schedulable=false" fi if [[ "${MASTER_OS_DISTRIBUTION}" == "ubuntu" ]]; then # Configure the file path for host dns configuration # as ubuntu uses systemd-resolved flags+=" --resolv-conf=/run/systemd/resolve/resolv.conf" fi else # For nodes flags+=" ${NODE_KUBELET_TEST_ARGS:-}" flags+=" --bootstrap-kubeconfig=/var/lib/kubelet/bootstrap-kubeconfig" flags+=" --kubeconfig=/var/lib/kubelet/kubeconfig" if [[ "${node_type}" == "heapster" ]]; then flags+=" ${HEAPSTER_KUBELET_TEST_ARGS:-}" fi if [[ "${NODE_OS_DISTRIBUTION}" == "ubuntu" ]]; then # Configure the file path for host dns configuration # as ubuntu uses systemd-resolved flags+=" --resolv-conf=/run/systemd/resolve/resolv.conf" fi fi flags+=" --volume-plugin-dir=${VOLUME_PLUGIN_DIR}" local node_labels node_labels="$(build-linux-node-labels "${node_type}")" if [[ -n "${node_labels:-}" ]]; then flags+=" --node-labels=${node_labels}" fi if [[ -n "${NODE_TAINTS:-}" ]]; then flags+=" --register-with-taints=${NODE_TAINTS}" fi CONTAINER_RUNTIME_ENDPOINT=${KUBE_CONTAINER_RUNTIME_ENDPOINT:-unix:///run/containerd/containerd.sock} flags+=" --container-runtime-endpoint=${CONTAINER_RUNTIME_ENDPOINT}" if [[ "${CONTAINER_RUNTIME_ENDPOINT}" =~ /containerd.sock$ ]]; then flags+=" --runtime-cgroups=/system.slice/containerd.service" fi KUBELET_ARGS="${flags}" } # Sets KUBELET_ARGS with the kubelet flags for Windows nodes. # Note that to configure flags with explicit empty string values, we can't escape # double-quotes, because they still break sc.exe after expansion in the # binPath parameter, and single-quotes get parsed as characters instead of # string delimiters. function construct-windows-kubelet-flags { local flags flags="$(construct-common-kubelet-flags)" # Note: NODE_KUBELET_TEST_ARGS is empty in typical kube-up runs. flags+=" ${NODE_KUBELET_TEST_ARGS:-}" local node_labels node_labels="$(build-windows-node-labels)" if [[ -n "${node_labels:-}" ]]; then flags+=" --node-labels=${node_labels}" fi # Concatenate common and windows-only node taints and apply them. local node_taints="${NODE_TAINTS:-}" if [[ -n "${node_taints}" && -n "${WINDOWS_NODE_TAINTS:-}" ]]; then node_taints+=":${WINDOWS_NODE_TAINTS}" else node_taints="${WINDOWS_NODE_TAINTS:-}" fi if [[ -n "${node_taints}" ]]; then flags+=" --register-with-taints=${node_taints}" fi # Many of these flags were adapted from # https://github.com/Microsoft/SDN/blob/master/Kubernetes/windows/start-kubelet.ps1. flags+=" --config=${WINDOWS_KUBELET_CONFIG_FILE}" flags+=" --kubeconfig=${WINDOWS_KUBECONFIG_FILE}" # The directory where the TLS certs are located. flags+=" --cert-dir=${WINDOWS_PKI_DIR}" flags+=" --pod-manifest-path=${WINDOWS_MANIFESTS_DIR}" # Configure kubelet to run as a windows service. flags+=" --windows-service=true" # Configure the file path for host dns configuration flags+=" --resolv-conf=${WINDOWS_CNI_DIR}\hostdns.conf" # Both --cgroups-per-qos and --enforce-node-allocatable should be disabled on # windows; the latter requires the former to be enabled to work. flags+=" --cgroups-per-qos=false --enforce-node-allocatable=" # Turn off kernel memory cgroup notification. flags+=" --kernel-memcg-notification=false" WINDOWS_CONTAINER_RUNTIME_ENDPOINT=${KUBE_WINDOWS_CONTAINER_RUNTIME_ENDPOINT:-npipe:////./pipe/containerd-containerd} flags+=" --container-runtime-endpoint=${WINDOWS_CONTAINER_RUNTIME_ENDPOINT}" # If ENABLE_AUTH_PROVIDER_GCP is set to true, kubelet is enabled to use out-of-tree auth # credential provider. https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/kubelet-credential-provider/kubelet-credential-provider if [[ "${ENABLE_AUTH_PROVIDER_GCP:-true}" == "true" ]]; then flags+=" --image-credential-provider-config=${AUTH_PROVIDER_GCP_WINDOWS_CONF_FILE}" flags+=" --image-credential-provider-bin-dir=${AUTH_PROVIDER_GCP_WINDOWS_BIN_DIR}" fi KUBELET_ARGS="${flags}" } function construct-windows-kubeproxy-flags { local flags="" # Use the same log level as the Kubelet during tests. flags+=" ${KUBELET_TEST_LOG_LEVEL:-"--v=2"}" # Windows uses kernelspace proxymode flags+=" --proxy-mode=kernelspace" # Configure kube-proxy to run as a windows service. flags+=" --windows-service=true" # Enabling Windows DSR mode unlocks newer network features and reduces # port usage for services. # https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/networking-blog/direct-server-return-dsr-in-a-nutshell/ba-p/693710 if [[ "${WINDOWS_ENABLE_DSR:-}" == "true" ]]; then flags+=" --feature-gates=WinDSR=true --enable-dsr=true " fi # Configure flags with explicit empty string values. We can't escape # double-quotes, because they still break sc.exe after expansion in the # binPath parameter, and single-quotes get parsed as characters instead # of string delimiters. KUBEPROXY_ARGS="${flags}" } # $1: if 'true', we're rendering config for a master, else a node function build-kubelet-config { local master="$1" local os="$2" local file="$3" rm -f "${file}" { print-common-kubelet-config if [[ "${master}" == "true" ]]; then print-master-kubelet-config else print-common-node-kubelet-config if [[ "${os}" == "linux" ]]; then print-linux-node-kubelet-config elif [[ "${os}" == "windows" ]]; then print-windows-node-kubelet-config else echo "Unknown OS ${os}" >&2 exit 1 fi fi } > "${file}" } # cat the Kubelet config yaml in common between masters, linux nodes, and # windows nodes function print-common-kubelet-config { declare quoted_dns_server_ip declare quoted_dns_domain quoted_dns_server_ip=$(yaml-quote "${DNS_SERVER_IP}") quoted_dns_domain=$(yaml-quote "${DNS_DOMAIN}") cat <"$file" <"$file" <>"$file" <>"$file" <>"$file" <>"$file" <>"$file" <>"$file" <>"$file" <>"$file" <>"$file" <>"$file" <>"$file" <>"$file" <>"$file" <>"$file" <>"$file" <>"$file" <>"$file" <>"$file" <>"$file" <>"$file" <>"$file" <>"$file" <>"$file" <>"$file" <>"$file" <>"$file" <>"$file" <>"$file" <>"$file" <>"$file" <>"$file" <>"$file" <>"$file" <>"$file" <>"$file" <>"$file" <>"$file" <>"$file" <>"$file" <>"$file" <>"$file" <>"$file" <>"$file" <>"$file" <>"$file" <>"$file" <>"$file" <>"$file" <>"$file" <>"$file" <>"$file" <>"$file" <>"$file" <>"$file" <>"$file" </dev/null 2>&1; then shasum=$(sha512sum "$1") else shasum=$(shasum -a512 "$1") fi echo "${shasum%%[[:blank:]]*}" } # Create certificate pairs for the cluster. # $1: The public IP for the master. # # These are used for static cert distribution (e.g. static clustering) at # cluster creation time. This will be obsoleted once we implement dynamic # clustering. # # The following certificate pairs are created: # # - ca (the cluster's certificate authority) # - server # - kubelet # - kubecfg (for kubectl) # # TODO(roberthbailey): Replace easyrsa with a simple Go program to generate # the certs that we need. # # Assumed vars # KUBE_TEMP # MASTER_NAME # # Vars set: # CERT_DIR # CA_CERT_BASE64 # MASTER_CERT_BASE64 # MASTER_KEY_BASE64 # KUBELET_CERT_BASE64 # KUBELET_KEY_BASE64 # KUBECFG_CERT_BASE64 # KUBECFG_KEY_BASE64 function create-certs { local -r primary_cn="${1}" # Determine extra certificate names for master # Create service_ip by stripping the network mask part from # SERVICE_CLUSTER_IP_RANGE and incrementing the host part with 1 service_ip=${SERVICE_CLUSTER_IP_RANGE%/*} service_ip="${service_ip%.*}.$((${service_ip##*.} + 1))" local sans="" for extra in "$@"; do if [[ -n "${extra}" ]]; then sans="${sans}IP:${extra}," fi done sans="${sans}IP:${service_ip},DNS:kubernetes,DNS:kubernetes.default,DNS:kubernetes.default.svc,DNS:kubernetes.default.svc.${DNS_DOMAIN},DNS:${MASTER_NAME}" echo "Generating certs for alternate-names: ${sans}" setup-easyrsa PRIMARY_CN="${primary_cn}" SANS="${sans}" generate-certs AGGREGATOR_PRIMARY_CN="${primary_cn}" AGGREGATOR_SANS="${sans}" generate-aggregator-certs KONNECTIVITY_SERVER_PRIMARY_CN="${primary_cn}" KONNECTIVITY_SERVER_SANS="${sans}" generate-konnectivity-server-certs CLOUD_PVL_ADMISSION_PRIMARY_CN="${primary_cn}" CLOUD_PVL_ADMISSION_SANS="${sans}" generate-cloud-pvl-admission-certs # By default, linux wraps base64 output every 76 cols, so we use 'tr -d' to remove whitespaces. # Note 'base64 -w0' doesn't work on Mac OS X, which has different flags. CA_KEY_BASE64=$(base64 "${CERT_DIR}/pki/private/ca.key" | tr -d '\r\n') CA_CERT_BASE64=$(base64 "${CERT_DIR}/pki/ca.crt" | tr -d '\r\n') MASTER_CERT_BASE64=$(base64 "${CERT_DIR}/pki/issued/${MASTER_NAME}.crt" | tr -d '\r\n') MASTER_KEY_BASE64=$(base64 "${CERT_DIR}/pki/private/${MASTER_NAME}.key" | tr -d '\r\n') KUBELET_CERT_BASE64=$(base64 "${CERT_DIR}/pki/issued/kubelet.crt" | tr -d '\r\n') KUBELET_KEY_BASE64=$(base64 "${CERT_DIR}/pki/private/kubelet.key" | tr -d '\r\n') KUBECFG_CERT_BASE64=$(base64 "${CERT_DIR}/pki/issued/kubecfg.crt" | tr -d '\r\n') KUBECFG_KEY_BASE64=$(base64 "${CERT_DIR}/pki/private/kubecfg.key" | tr -d '\r\n') KUBEAPISERVER_CERT_BASE64=$(base64 "${CERT_DIR}/pki/issued/kube-apiserver.crt" | tr -d '\r\n') KUBEAPISERVER_KEY_BASE64=$(base64 "${CERT_DIR}/pki/private/kube-apiserver.key" | tr -d '\r\n') # Setting up an addition directory (beyond pki) as it is the simplest way to # ensure we get a different CA pair to sign the proxy-client certs and which # we can send CA public key to the user-apiserver to validate communication. AGGREGATOR_CA_KEY_BASE64=$(base64 "${AGGREGATOR_CERT_DIR}/pki/private/ca.key" | tr -d '\r\n') REQUESTHEADER_CA_CERT_BASE64=$(base64 "${AGGREGATOR_CERT_DIR}/pki/ca.crt" | tr -d '\r\n') PROXY_CLIENT_CERT_BASE64=$(base64 "${AGGREGATOR_CERT_DIR}/pki/issued/proxy-client.crt" | tr -d '\r\n') PROXY_CLIENT_KEY_BASE64=$(base64 "${AGGREGATOR_CERT_DIR}/pki/private/proxy-client.key" | tr -d '\r\n') # Setting up the Kubernetes API Server Konnectivity Server auth. # This includes certs for both API Server to Konnectivity Server and # Konnectivity Agent to Konnectivity Server. KONNECTIVITY_SERVER_CA_KEY_BASE64=$(base64 "${KONNECTIVITY_SERVER_CERT_DIR}/pki/private/ca.key" | tr -d '\r\n') KONNECTIVITY_SERVER_CA_CERT_BASE64=$(base64 "${KONNECTIVITY_SERVER_CERT_DIR}/pki/ca.crt" | tr -d '\r\n') KONNECTIVITY_SERVER_CERT_BASE64=$(base64 "${KONNECTIVITY_SERVER_CERT_DIR}/pki/issued/server.crt" | tr -d '\r\n') KONNECTIVITY_SERVER_KEY_BASE64=$(base64 "${KONNECTIVITY_SERVER_CERT_DIR}/pki/private/server.key" | tr -d '\r\n') KONNECTIVITY_SERVER_CLIENT_CERT_BASE64=$(base64 "${KONNECTIVITY_SERVER_CERT_DIR}/pki/issued/client.crt" | tr -d '\r\n') KONNECTIVITY_SERVER_CLIENT_KEY_BASE64=$(base64 "${KONNECTIVITY_SERVER_CERT_DIR}/pki/private/client.key" | tr -d '\r\n') KONNECTIVITY_AGENT_CA_KEY_BASE64=$(base64 "${KONNECTIVITY_AGENT_CERT_DIR}/pki/private/ca.key" | tr -d '\r\n') KONNECTIVITY_AGENT_CA_CERT_BASE64=$(base64 "${KONNECTIVITY_AGENT_CERT_DIR}/pki/ca.crt" | tr -d '\r\n') KONNECTIVITY_AGENT_CERT_BASE64=$(base64 "${KONNECTIVITY_AGENT_CERT_DIR}/pki/issued/server.crt" | tr -d '\r\n') KONNECTIVITY_AGENT_KEY_BASE64=$(base64 "${KONNECTIVITY_AGENT_CERT_DIR}/pki/private/server.key" | tr -d '\r\n') KONNECTIVITY_AGENT_CLIENT_CERT_BASE64=$(base64 "${KONNECTIVITY_AGENT_CERT_DIR}/pki/issued/client.crt" | tr -d '\r\n') KONNECTIVITY_AGENT_CLIENT_KEY_BASE64=$(base64 "${KONNECTIVITY_AGENT_CERT_DIR}/pki/private/client.key" | tr -d '\r\n') CLOUD_PVL_ADMISSION_CA_KEY_BASE64=$(base64 "${CLOUD_PVL_ADMISSION_CERT_DIR}/pki/private/ca.key" | tr -d '\r\n') CLOUD_PVL_ADMISSION_CA_CERT_BASE64=$(base64 "${CLOUD_PVL_ADMISSION_CERT_DIR}/pki/ca.crt" | tr -d '\r\n') CLOUD_PVL_ADMISSION_CERT_BASE64=$(base64 "${CLOUD_PVL_ADMISSION_CERT_DIR}/pki/issued/server.crt" | tr -d '\r\n') CLOUD_PVL_ADMISSION_KEY_BASE64=$(base64 "${CLOUD_PVL_ADMISSION_CERT_DIR}/pki/private/server.key" | tr -d '\r\n') } # Set up easy-rsa directory structure. # # Assumed vars # KUBE_TEMP # # Vars set: # CERT_DIR # AGGREGATOR_CERT_DIR function setup-easyrsa { local -r cert_create_debug_output=$(mktemp "${KUBE_TEMP}/cert_create_debug_output.XXX") # Note: This was heavily cribbed from make-ca-cert.sh (set -x cd "${KUBE_TEMP}" curl -L -O --connect-timeout 20 --retry 6 --retry-delay 2 https://dl.k8s.io/easy-rsa/easy-rsa.tar.gz tar xzf easy-rsa.tar.gz mkdir easy-rsa-master/kubelet cp -r easy-rsa-master/easyrsa3/* easy-rsa-master/kubelet mkdir easy-rsa-master/aggregator cp -r easy-rsa-master/easyrsa3/* easy-rsa-master/aggregator mkdir easy-rsa-master/cloud-pvl-admission cp -r easy-rsa-master/easyrsa3/* easy-rsa-master/cloud-pvl-admission mkdir easy-rsa-master/konnectivity-server cp -r easy-rsa-master/easyrsa3/* easy-rsa-master/konnectivity-server mkdir easy-rsa-master/konnectivity-agent cp -r easy-rsa-master/easyrsa3/* easy-rsa-master/konnectivity-agent) &>"${cert_create_debug_output}" || true CERT_DIR="${KUBE_TEMP}/easy-rsa-master/easyrsa3" AGGREGATOR_CERT_DIR="${KUBE_TEMP}/easy-rsa-master/aggregator" CLOUD_PVL_ADMISSION_CERT_DIR="${KUBE_TEMP}/easy-rsa-master/cloud-pvl-admission" KONNECTIVITY_SERVER_CERT_DIR="${KUBE_TEMP}/easy-rsa-master/konnectivity-server" KONNECTIVITY_AGENT_CERT_DIR="${KUBE_TEMP}/easy-rsa-master/konnectivity-agent" if [ ! -x "${CERT_DIR}/easyrsa" ] || [ ! -x "${AGGREGATOR_CERT_DIR}/easyrsa" ]; then # TODO(roberthbailey,porridge): add better error handling here, # see https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/issues/55229 cat "${cert_create_debug_output}" >&2 echo "=== Failed to setup easy-rsa: Aborting ===" >&2 exit 2 fi } # Runs the easy RSA commands to generate certificate files. # The generated files are IN ${CERT_DIR} # # Assumed vars (see shellcheck disable directives below) # KUBE_TEMP # MASTER_NAME # CERT_DIR # PRIMARY_CN: Primary canonical name # SANS: Subject alternate names # # function generate-certs { local -r cert_create_debug_output=$(mktemp "${KUBE_TEMP}/cert_create_debug_output.XXX") # Note: This was heavily cribbed from make-ca-cert.sh (set -x cd "${CERT_DIR}" ./easyrsa init-pki # this puts the cert into pki/ca.crt and the key into pki/private/ca.key # PRIMARY_CN (expected to be) defined by caller # shellcheck disable=SC2153 ./easyrsa --batch "--req-cn=${PRIMARY_CN}@$(date +%s)" build-ca nopass # SANS (expected to be) defined by caller # shellcheck disable=SC2153 ./easyrsa --subject-alt-name="${SANS}" build-server-full "${MASTER_NAME}" nopass ./easyrsa build-client-full kube-apiserver nopass kube::util::ensure-cfssl "${KUBE_TEMP}/cfssl" # make the config for the signer echo '{"signing":{"default":{"expiry":"43800h","usages":["signing","key encipherment","client auth"]}}}' > "ca-config.json" # create the kubelet client cert with the correct groups echo '{"CN":"kubelet","names":[{"O":"system:nodes"}],"hosts":[""],"key":{"algo":"rsa","size":2048}}' | "${CFSSL_BIN}" gencert -ca=pki/ca.crt -ca-key=pki/private/ca.key -config=ca-config.json - | "${CFSSLJSON_BIN}" -bare kubelet mv "kubelet-key.pem" "pki/private/kubelet.key" mv "kubelet.pem" "pki/issued/kubelet.crt" rm -f "kubelet.csr" # Make a superuser client cert with subject "O=system:masters, CN=kubecfg" ./easyrsa --dn-mode=org \ --req-cn=kubecfg --req-org=system:masters \ --req-c= --req-st= --req-city= --req-email= --req-ou= \ build-client-full kubecfg nopass) &>"${cert_create_debug_output}" || true local output_file_missing=0 local output_file for output_file in \ "${CERT_DIR}/pki/private/ca.key" \ "${CERT_DIR}/pki/ca.crt" \ "${CERT_DIR}/pki/issued/${MASTER_NAME}.crt" \ "${CERT_DIR}/pki/private/${MASTER_NAME}.key" \ "${CERT_DIR}/pki/issued/kubelet.crt" \ "${CERT_DIR}/pki/private/kubelet.key" \ "${CERT_DIR}/pki/issued/kubecfg.crt" \ "${CERT_DIR}/pki/private/kubecfg.key" \ "${CERT_DIR}/pki/issued/kube-apiserver.crt" \ "${CERT_DIR}/pki/private/kube-apiserver.key" do if [[ ! -s "${output_file}" ]]; then echo "Expected file ${output_file} not created" >&2 output_file_missing=1 fi done if [ $output_file_missing -ne 0 ]; then # TODO(roberthbailey,porridge): add better error handling here, # see https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/issues/55229 cat "${cert_create_debug_output}" >&2 echo "=== Failed to generate master certificates: Aborting ===" >&2 exit 2 fi } # Runs the easy RSA commands to generate aggregator certificate files. # The generated files are in ${AGGREGATOR_CERT_DIR} # # Assumed vars # KUBE_TEMP # AGGREGATOR_MASTER_NAME # AGGREGATOR_CERT_DIR # AGGREGATOR_PRIMARY_CN: Primary canonical name # AGGREGATOR_SANS: Subject alternate names # # function generate-aggregator-certs { local -r cert_create_debug_output=$(mktemp "${KUBE_TEMP}/cert_create_debug_output.XXX") # Note: This was heavily cribbed from make-ca-cert.sh (set -x cd "${KUBE_TEMP}/easy-rsa-master/aggregator" ./easyrsa init-pki # this puts the cert into pki/ca.crt and the key into pki/private/ca.key ./easyrsa --batch "--req-cn=${AGGREGATOR_PRIMARY_CN}@$(date +%s)" build-ca nopass ./easyrsa --subject-alt-name="${AGGREGATOR_SANS}" build-server-full "${AGGREGATOR_MASTER_NAME}" nopass ./easyrsa build-client-full aggregator-apiserver nopass kube::util::ensure-cfssl "${KUBE_TEMP}/cfssl" # make the config for the signer echo '{"signing":{"default":{"expiry":"43800h","usages":["signing","key encipherment","client auth"]}}}' > "ca-config.json" # create the aggregator client cert with the correct groups echo '{"CN":"aggregator","hosts":[""],"key":{"algo":"rsa","size":2048}}' | "${CFSSL_BIN}" gencert -ca=pki/ca.crt -ca-key=pki/private/ca.key -config=ca-config.json - | "${CFSSLJSON_BIN}" -bare proxy-client mv "proxy-client-key.pem" "pki/private/proxy-client.key" mv "proxy-client.pem" "pki/issued/proxy-client.crt" rm -f "proxy-client.csr" # Make a superuser client cert with subject "O=system:masters, CN=kubecfg" ./easyrsa --dn-mode=org \ --req-cn=proxy-clientcfg --req-org=system:aggregator \ --req-c= --req-st= --req-city= --req-email= --req-ou= \ build-client-full proxy-clientcfg nopass) &>"${cert_create_debug_output}" || true local output_file_missing=0 local output_file for output_file in \ "${AGGREGATOR_CERT_DIR}/pki/private/ca.key" \ "${AGGREGATOR_CERT_DIR}/pki/ca.crt" \ "${AGGREGATOR_CERT_DIR}/pki/issued/proxy-client.crt" \ "${AGGREGATOR_CERT_DIR}/pki/private/proxy-client.key" do if [[ ! -s "${output_file}" ]]; then echo "Expected file ${output_file} not created" >&2 output_file_missing=1 fi done if [ $output_file_missing -ne 0 ]; then # TODO(roberthbailey,porridge): add better error handling here, # see https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/issues/55229 cat "${cert_create_debug_output}" >&2 echo "=== Failed to generate aggregator certificates: Aborting ===" >&2 exit 2 fi } # Runs the easy RSA commands to generate server side certificate files # for the konnectivity server. This includes both server side to both # konnectivity-server and konnectivity-agent. # The generated files are in ${KONNECTIVITY_SERVER_CERT_DIR} and # ${KONNECTIVITY_AGENT_CERT_DIR} # # Assumed vars # KUBE_TEMP # KONNECTIVITY_SERVER_CERT_DIR # KONNECTIVITY_SERVER_PRIMARY_CN: Primary canonical name # KONNECTIVITY_SERVER_SANS: Subject alternate names # function generate-konnectivity-server-certs { local -r cert_create_debug_output=$(mktemp "${KUBE_TEMP}/cert_create_debug_output.XXX") # Note: This was heavily cribbed from make-ca-cert.sh (set -x # Make the client <-> konnectivity server side certificates. cd "${KUBE_TEMP}/easy-rsa-master/konnectivity-server" ./easyrsa init-pki # this puts the cert into pki/ca.crt and the key into pki/private/ca.key ./easyrsa --batch "--req-cn=${KONNECTIVITY_SERVER_PRIMARY_CN}@$(date +%s)" build-ca nopass ./easyrsa --subject-alt-name="IP:,${KONNECTIVITY_SERVER_SANS}" build-server-full server nopass ./easyrsa build-client-full client nopass kube::util::ensure-cfssl "${KUBE_TEMP}/cfssl" # make the config for the signer echo '{"signing":{"default":{"expiry":"43800h","usages":["signing","key encipherment","client auth"]}}}' > "ca-config.json" # create the konnectivity server cert with the correct groups echo '{"CN":"konnectivity-server","hosts":[""],"key":{"algo":"rsa","size":2048}}' | "${CFSSL_BIN}" gencert -ca=pki/ca.crt -ca-key=pki/private/ca.key -config=ca-config.json - | "${CFSSLJSON_BIN}" -bare konnectivity-server rm -f "konnectivity-server.csr" # Make the agent <-> konnectivity server side certificates. cd "${KUBE_TEMP}/easy-rsa-master/konnectivity-agent" ./easyrsa init-pki # this puts the cert into pki/ca.crt and the key into pki/private/ca.key ./easyrsa --batch "--req-cn=${KONNECTIVITY_SERVER_PRIMARY_CN}@$(date +%s)" build-ca nopass ./easyrsa --subject-alt-name="${KONNECTIVITY_SERVER_SANS}" build-server-full server nopass ./easyrsa build-client-full client nopass kube::util::ensure-cfssl "${KUBE_TEMP}/cfssl" # make the config for the signer echo '{"signing":{"default":{"expiry":"43800h","usages":["signing","key encipherment","agent auth"]}}}' > "ca-config.json" # create the konnectivity server cert with the correct groups echo '{"CN":"koonectivity-server","hosts":[""],"key":{"algo":"rsa","size":2048}}' | "${CFSSL_BIN}" gencert -ca=pki/ca.crt -ca-key=pki/private/ca.key -config=ca-config.json - | "${CFSSLJSON_BIN}" -bare konnectivity-agent rm -f "konnectivity-agent.csr" echo "completed main certificate section") &>"${cert_create_debug_output}" || true local output_file_missing=0 local output_file for output_file in \ "${KONNECTIVITY_SERVER_CERT_DIR}/pki/private/ca.key" \ "${KONNECTIVITY_SERVER_CERT_DIR}/pki/ca.crt" \ "${KONNECTIVITY_SERVER_CERT_DIR}/pki/issued/server.crt" \ "${KONNECTIVITY_SERVER_CERT_DIR}/pki/private/server.key" \ "${KONNECTIVITY_SERVER_CERT_DIR}/pki/issued/client.crt" \ "${KONNECTIVITY_SERVER_CERT_DIR}/pki/private/client.key" \ "${KONNECTIVITY_AGENT_CERT_DIR}/pki/private/ca.key" \ "${KONNECTIVITY_AGENT_CERT_DIR}/pki/ca.crt" \ "${KONNECTIVITY_AGENT_CERT_DIR}/pki/issued/server.crt" \ "${KONNECTIVITY_AGENT_CERT_DIR}/pki/private/server.key" \ "${KONNECTIVITY_AGENT_CERT_DIR}/pki/issued/client.crt" \ "${KONNECTIVITY_AGENT_CERT_DIR}/pki/private/client.key" do if [[ ! -s "${output_file}" ]]; then echo "Expected file ${output_file} not created" >&2 output_file_missing=1 fi done if (( output_file_missing )); then # TODO(roberthbailey,porridge): add better error handling here, # see https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/issues/55229 cat "${cert_create_debug_output}" >&2 echo "=== Failed to generate konnectivity-server certificates: Aborting ===" >&2 exit 2 fi } # Runs the easy RSA commands to generate server side certificate files # for the cloud-pvl-admission webhook. # The generated files are in ${CLOUD_PVL_ADMISSION_CERT_DIR} # # Assumed vars # KUBE_TEMP # CLOUD_PVL_ADMISSION_CERT_DIR # CLOUD_PVL_ADMISSION_PRIMARY_CN: Primary canonical name # CLOUD_PVL_ADMISSION_SANS: Subject alternate names # function generate-cloud-pvl-admission-certs { local -r cert_create_debug_output=$(mktemp "${KUBE_TEMP}/cert_create_debug_output.XXX") # Note: This was heavily cribbed from make-ca-cert.sh (set -x # Make the client <-> cloud-pvl-admission server side certificates. cd "${KUBE_TEMP}/easy-rsa-master/cloud-pvl-admission" ./easyrsa init-pki # this puts the cert into pki/ca.crt and the key into pki/private/ca.key ./easyrsa --batch "--req-cn=${CLOUD_PVL_ADMISSION_PRIMARY_CN}@$(date +%s)" build-ca nopass ./easyrsa --subject-alt-name="IP:,${CLOUD_PVL_ADMISSION_SANS}" build-server-full server nopass ./easyrsa build-client-full client nopass kube::util::ensure-cfssl "${KUBE_TEMP}/cfssl" # make the config for the signer echo '{"signing":{"default":{"expiry":"43800h","usages":["signing","key encipherment","client auth"]}}}' > "ca-config.json" # create the cloud-pvl-admission cert with the correct groups echo '{"CN":"cloud-pvl-admission","hosts":[""],"key":{"algo":"rsa","size":2048}}' | "${CFSSL_BIN}" gencert -ca=pki/ca.crt -ca-key=pki/private/ca.key -config=ca-config.json - | "${CFSSLJSON_BIN}" -bare cloud-pvl-admission rm -f "cloud-pvl-admission.csr" # Make the cloud-pvl-admission server side certificates. cd "${KUBE_TEMP}/easy-rsa-master/cloud-pvl-admission" ./easyrsa init-pki # this puts the cert into pki/ca.crt and the key into pki/private/ca.key ./easyrsa --batch "--req-cn=${CLOUD_PVL_ADMISSION_PRIMARY_CN}@$(date +%s)" build-ca nopass ./easyrsa --subject-alt-name="${CLOUD_PVL_ADMISSION_SANS}" build-server-full server nopass ./easyrsa build-client-full client nopass kube::util::ensure-cfssl "${KUBE_TEMP}/cfssl" # make the config for the signer echo '{"signing":{"default":{"expiry":"43800h","usages":["signing","key encipherment","agent auth"]}}}' > "ca-config.json" # create the cloud-pvl-admission server cert with the correct groups echo '{"CN":"cloud-pvl-admission","hosts":[""],"key":{"algo":"rsa","size":2048}}' | "${CFSSL_BIN}" gencert -ca=pki/ca.crt -ca-key=pki/private/ca.key -config=ca-config.json - | "${CFSSLJSON_BIN}" -bare konnectivity-agent rm -f "konnectivity-agent.csr" echo "completed main certificate section") &>"${cert_create_debug_output}" || true local output_file_missing=0 local output_file for output_file in \ "${CLOUD_PVL_ADMISSION_CERT_DIR}/pki/private/ca.key" \ "${CLOUD_PVL_ADMISSION_CERT_DIR}/pki/ca.crt" \ "${CLOUD_PVL_ADMISSION_CERT_DIR}/pki/issued/server.crt" \ "${CLOUD_PVL_ADMISSION_CERT_DIR}/pki/private/server.key" \ "${CLOUD_PVL_ADMISSION_CERT_DIR}/pki/issued/client.crt" \ "${CLOUD_PVL_ADMISSION_CERT_DIR}/pki/private/client.key" do if [[ ! -s "${output_file}" ]]; then echo "Expected file ${output_file} not created" >&2 output_file_missing=1 fi done if (( output_file_missing )); then # TODO(roberthbailey,porridge): add better error handling here, # see https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/issues/55229 cat "${cert_create_debug_output}" >&2 echo "=== Failed to generate cloud-pvl-admission certificates: Aborting ===" >&2 exit 2 fi } # Using provided master env, extracts value from provided key. # # Args: # $1 master env (kube-env of master; result of calling get-master-env) # $2 env key to use function get-env-val() { local match match=$( (echo "${1}" | grep -E "^${2}:") || echo '') if [[ -z "${match}" ]]; then echo "" fi echo "${match}" | cut -d : -f 2 | cut -d \' -f 2 } # Load the master env by calling get-master-env, and extract important values function parse-master-env() { # Get required master env vars local master_env master_env=$(get-master-env) KUBE_PROXY_TOKEN=$(get-env-val "${master_env}" "KUBE_PROXY_TOKEN") NODE_PROBLEM_DETECTOR_TOKEN=$(get-env-val "${master_env}" "NODE_PROBLEM_DETECTOR_TOKEN") CA_CERT_BASE64=$(get-env-val "${master_env}" "CA_CERT") CA_KEY_BASE64=$(get-env-val "${master_env}" "CA_KEY") KUBEAPISERVER_CERT_BASE64=$(get-env-val "${master_env}" "KUBEAPISERVER_CERT") KUBEAPISERVER_KEY_BASE64=$(get-env-val "${master_env}" "KUBEAPISERVER_KEY") EXTRA_DOCKER_OPTS=$(get-env-val "${master_env}" "EXTRA_DOCKER_OPTS") KUBELET_CERT_BASE64=$(get-env-val "${master_env}" "KUBELET_CERT") KUBELET_KEY_BASE64=$(get-env-val "${master_env}" "KUBELET_KEY") MASTER_CERT_BASE64=$(get-env-val "${master_env}" "MASTER_CERT") MASTER_KEY_BASE64=$(get-env-val "${master_env}" "MASTER_KEY") AGGREGATOR_CA_KEY_BASE64=$(get-env-val "${master_env}" "AGGREGATOR_CA_KEY") REQUESTHEADER_CA_CERT_BASE64=$(get-env-val "${master_env}" "REQUESTHEADER_CA_CERT") PROXY_CLIENT_CERT_BASE64=$(get-env-val "${master_env}" "PROXY_CLIENT_CERT") PROXY_CLIENT_KEY_BASE64=$(get-env-val "${master_env}" "PROXY_CLIENT_KEY") ENABLE_LEGACY_ABAC=$(get-env-val "${master_env}" "ENABLE_LEGACY_ABAC") ETCD_APISERVER_CA_KEY_BASE64=$(get-env-val "${master_env}" "ETCD_APISERVER_CA_KEY") ETCD_APISERVER_CA_CERT_BASE64=$(get-env-val "${master_env}" "ETCD_APISERVER_CA_CERT") ETCD_APISERVER_SERVER_KEY_BASE64=$(get-env-val "${master_env}" "ETCD_APISERVER_SERVER_KEY") ETCD_APISERVER_SERVER_CERT_BASE64=$(get-env-val "${master_env}" "ETCD_APISERVER_SERVER_CERT") ETCD_APISERVER_CLIENT_KEY_BASE64=$(get-env-val "${master_env}" "ETCD_APISERVER_CLIENT_KEY") ETCD_APISERVER_CLIENT_CERT_BASE64=$(get-env-val "${master_env}" "ETCD_APISERVER_CLIENT_CERT") CLOUD_PVL_ADMISSION_CA_KEY_BASE64=$(get-env-val "${master_env}" "CLOUD_PVL_ADMISSION_CA_KEY") CLOUD_PVL_ADMISSION_CA_CERT_BASE64=$(get-env-val "${master_env}" "CLOUD_PVL_ADMISSION_CA_CERT") CLOUD_PVL_ADMISSION_CERT_BASE64=$(get-env-val "${master_env}" "CLOUD_PVL_ADMISSION_CERT") CLOUD_PVL_ADMISSION_KEY_BASE64=$(get-env-val "${master_env}" "CLOUD_PVL_ADMISSION_KEY") KONNECTIVITY_SERVER_CA_KEY_BASE64=$(get-env-val "${master_env}" "KONNECTIVITY_SERVER_CA_KEY") KONNECTIVITY_SERVER_CA_CERT_BASE64=$(get-env-val "${master_env}" "KONNECTIVITY_SERVER_CA_CERT") KONNECTIVITY_SERVER_CERT_BASE64=$(get-env-val "${master_env}" "KONNECTIVITY_SERVER_CERT") KONNECTIVITY_SERVER_KEY_BASE64=$(get-env-val "${master_env}" "KONNECTIVITY_SERVER_KEY") KONNECTIVITY_SERVER_CLIENT_CERT_BASE64=$(get-env-val "${master_env}" "KONNECTIVITY_SERVER_CLIENT_CERT") KONNECTIVITY_SERVER_CLIENT_KEY_BASE64=$(get-env-val "${master_env}" "KONNECTIVITY_SERVER_CLIENT_KEY") KONNECTIVITY_AGENT_CA_KEY_BASE64=$(get-env-val "${master_env}" "KONNECTIVITY_AGENT_CA_KEY") KONNECTIVITY_AGENT_CA_CERT_BASE64=$(get-env-val "${master_env}" "KONNECTIVITY_AGENT_CA_CERT") KONNECTIVITY_AGENT_CERT_BASE64=$(get-env-val "${master_env}" "KONNECTIVITY_AGENT_CERT") KONNECTIVITY_AGENT_KEY_BASE64=$(get-env-val "${master_env}" "KONNECTIVITY_AGENT_KEY") } # Update or verify required gcloud components are installed # at minimum required version. # Assumed vars # KUBE_PROMPT_FOR_UPDATE function update-or-verify-gcloud() { local sudo_prefix="" if [ ! -w "$(dirname "$(which gcloud)")" ]; then sudo_prefix="sudo" fi # update and install components as needed # (deliberately word split $gcloud_prompt) # shellcheck disable=SC2086 if [[ "${KUBE_PROMPT_FOR_UPDATE}" == "y" ]]; then ${sudo_prefix} gcloud ${gcloud_prompt:-} components install alpha ${sudo_prefix} gcloud ${gcloud_prompt:-} components install beta ${sudo_prefix} gcloud ${gcloud_prompt:-} components update else local version version=$(gcloud version --format=json) python3 -c" import json,sys from distutils import version minVersion = version.LooseVersion('1.3.0') required = [ 'alpha', 'beta', 'core' ] data = json.loads(sys.argv[1]) rel = data.get('Google Cloud SDK') if 'CL @' in rel: print('Using dev version of gcloud: %s' %rel) exit(0) if rel != 'HEAD' and version.LooseVersion(rel) < minVersion: print('gcloud version out of date ( < %s )' % minVersion) exit(1) missing = [] for c in required: if not data.get(c): missing += [c] if missing: for c in missing: print ('missing required gcloud component \"{0}\"'.format(c)) print ('Try running \$(gcloud components install {0})'.format(c)) exit(1) " "${version}" fi } # Robustly try to create a static ip. # $1: The name of the ip to create # $2: The name of the region to create the ip in. function create-static-ip() { detect-project local attempt=0 local REGION="$2" while true; do if gcloud compute addresses create "$1" \ --project "${PROJECT}" \ --region "${REGION}" -q > /dev/null; then # successful operation - wait until it's visible start="$(date +%s)" while true; do now="$(date +%s)" # Timeout set to 15 minutes if [[ $((now - start)) -gt 900 ]]; then echo "Timeout while waiting for master IP visibility" exit 2 fi if gcloud compute addresses describe "$1" --project "${PROJECT}" --region "${REGION}" >/dev/null 2>&1; then break fi echo "Master IP not visible yet. Waiting..." sleep 5 done break fi if gcloud compute addresses describe "$1" \ --project "${PROJECT}" \ --region "${REGION}" >/dev/null 2>&1; then # it exists - postcondition satisfied break fi if (( attempt > 4 )); then echo -e "${color_red}Failed to create static ip $1 ${color_norm}" >&2 exit 2 fi attempt=$((attempt + 1)) echo -e "${color_yellow:-}Attempt $attempt failed to create static ip $1. Retrying.${color_norm:-}" >&2 sleep $((attempt * 5)) done } # Robustly try to create a firewall rule. # $1: The name of firewall rule. # $2: IP ranges. # $3: Target tags for this firewall rule. function create-firewall-rule() { detect-project local attempt=0 while true; do if ! gcloud compute firewall-rules create "$1" \ --project "${NETWORK_PROJECT}" \ --network "${NETWORK}" \ --source-ranges "$2" \ --target-tags "$3" \ --allow tcp,udp,icmp,esp,ah,sctp; then if (( attempt > 4 )); then echo -e "${color_red}Failed to create firewall rule $1 ${color_norm}" >&2 exit 2 fi echo -e "${color_yellow}Attempt $((attempt + 1)) failed to create firewall rule $1. Retrying.${color_norm}" >&2 attempt=$((attempt + 1)) sleep $((attempt * 5)) else break fi done } # Format the string argument for gcloud network. function make-gcloud-network-argument() { local network_project="$1" local region="$2" local network="$3" local subnet="$4" local address="$5" # optional local enable_ip_alias="$6" # optional local alias_size="$7" # optional local networkURL="projects/${network_project}/global/networks/${network}" local subnetURL="projects/${network_project}/regions/${region}/subnetworks/${subnet:-}" local ret="" if [[ "${enable_ip_alias}" == 'true' ]]; then ret="--network-interface" ret="${ret} network=${networkURL}" if [[ "${address:-}" == "no-address" ]]; then ret="${ret},no-address" else ret="${ret},address=${address:-}" fi ret="${ret},subnet=${subnetURL}" ret="${ret},aliases=pods-default:${alias_size}" ret="${ret} --no-can-ip-forward" else if [[ -n ${subnet:-} ]]; then ret="${ret} --subnet ${subnetURL}" else ret="${ret} --network ${networkURL}" fi ret="${ret} --can-ip-forward" if [[ -n ${address:-} ]] && [[ "$address" != "no-address" ]]; then ret="${ret} --address ${address}" fi fi echo "${ret}" } # $1: version (required) # $2: Prefix for the template name, i.e. NODE_INSTANCE_PREFIX or # WINDOWS_NODE_INSTANCE_PREFIX. function get-template-name-from-version() { local -r version=${1} local -r template_prefix=${2} # trim template name to pass gce name validation echo "${template_prefix}-template-${version}" | cut -c 1-63 | sed 's/[\.\+]/-/g;s/-*$//g' } # validates the NODE_LOCAL_SSDS_EXT variable function validate-node-local-ssds-ext(){ ssdopts="${1}" if [[ -z "${ssdopts[0]}" || -z "${ssdopts[1]}" || -z "${ssdopts[2]}" ]]; then echo -e "${color_red}Local SSD: NODE_LOCAL_SSDS_EXT is malformed, found ${ssdopts[0]-_},${ssdopts[1]-_},${ssdopts[2]-_} ${color_norm}" >&2 exit 2 fi if [[ "${ssdopts[1]}" != "scsi" && "${ssdopts[1]}" != "nvme" ]]; then echo -e "${color_red}Local SSD: Interface must be scsi or nvme, found: ${ssdopts[1]} ${color_norm}" >&2 exit 2 fi if [[ "${ssdopts[2]}" != "fs" && "${ssdopts[2]}" != "block" ]]; then echo -e "${color_red}Local SSD: Filesystem type must be fs or block, found: ${ssdopts[2]} ${color_norm}" >&2 exit 2 fi local_ssd_ext_count=$((local_ssd_ext_count+ssdopts[0])) if [[ "${local_ssd_ext_count}" -gt "${GCE_MAX_LOCAL_SSD}" || "${local_ssd_ext_count}" -lt 1 ]]; then echo -e "${color_red}Local SSD: Total number of local ssds must range from 1 to 8, found: ${local_ssd_ext_count} ${color_norm}" >&2 exit 2 fi } # Robustly try to create an instance template. # $1: The name of the instance template. # $2: The scopes flag. # $3: String of comma-separated metadata-from-file entries. # $4: String of comma-separated metadata (key=value) entries. # $5: the node OS ("linux" or "windows"). function create-node-template() { detect-project detect-subnetworks local template_name="$1" local metadata_values="$4" local os="$5" local machine_type="$6" # First, ensure the template doesn't exist. # TODO(zmerlynn): To make this really robust, we need to parse the output and # add retries. Just relying on a non-zero exit code doesn't # distinguish an ephemeral failed call from a "not-exists". if gcloud compute instance-templates describe "${template_name}" --project "${PROJECT}" &>/dev/null; then echo "Instance template ${1} already exists; deleting." >&2 if ! gcloud compute instance-templates delete "${template_name}" --project "${PROJECT}" --quiet &>/dev/null; then echo -e "${color_yellow}Failed to delete existing instance template${color_norm}" >&2 exit 2 fi fi local gcloud="gcloud" local accelerator_args=() # VMs with Accelerators cannot be live migrated. # More details here - https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/gpus/add-gpus#create-new-gpu-instance if [[ -n "${NODE_ACCELERATORS}" ]]; then accelerator_args+=(--maintenance-policy TERMINATE --restart-on-failure --accelerator "${NODE_ACCELERATORS}") gcloud="gcloud beta" fi local preemptible_minions=() if [[ "${PREEMPTIBLE_NODE}" == "true" ]]; then preemptible_minions+=(--preemptible --maintenance-policy TERMINATE) fi local local_ssds=() local_ssd_ext_count=0 if [[ -n "${NODE_LOCAL_SSDS_EXT:-}" ]]; then IFS=";" read -r -a ssdgroups <<< "${NODE_LOCAL_SSDS_EXT:-}" for ssdgroup in "${ssdgroups[@]}" do IFS="," read -r -a ssdopts <<< "${ssdgroup}" validate-node-local-ssds-ext "${ssdopts[@]}" for ((i=1; i<=ssdopts[0]; i++)); do local_ssds+=("--local-ssd=interface=${ssdopts[1]}") done done fi if [[ -n ${NODE_LOCAL_SSDS+x} ]]; then # The NODE_LOCAL_SSDS check below fixes issue #49171 for ((i=1; i<=NODE_LOCAL_SSDS; i++)); do local_ssds+=('--local-ssd=interface=SCSI') done fi local address="" if [[ ${GCE_PRIVATE_CLUSTER:-} == "true" ]]; then address="no-address" fi local network network=$(make-gcloud-network-argument \ "${NETWORK_PROJECT}" \ "${REGION}" \ "${NETWORK}" \ "${SUBNETWORK:-}" \ "${address}" \ "${ENABLE_IP_ALIASES:-}" \ "${IP_ALIAS_SIZE:-}") local node_image_flags=() if [[ "${os}" == 'linux' ]]; then node_image_flags+=(--image-project "${NODE_IMAGE_PROJECT}" --image "${NODE_IMAGE}") elif [[ "${os}" == 'windows' ]]; then node_image_flags+=(--image-project "${WINDOWS_NODE_IMAGE_PROJECT}" --image "${WINDOWS_NODE_IMAGE}") else echo "Unknown OS ${os}" >&2 exit 1 fi local metadata_flag="${metadata_values:+--metadata ${metadata_values}}" local attempt=1 while true; do echo "Attempt ${attempt} to create ${1}" >&2 # Deliberately word split ${network}, $2 and ${metadata_flag} # shellcheck disable=SC2086 if ! ${gcloud} compute instance-templates create \ "${template_name}" \ --project "${PROJECT}" \ --machine-type "${machine_type}" \ --boot-disk-type "${NODE_DISK_TYPE}" \ --boot-disk-size "${NODE_DISK_SIZE}" \ "${node_image_flags[@]}" \ --service-account "${NODE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT}" \ --tags "${NODE_TAG}" \ "${accelerator_args[@]}" \ "${local_ssds[@]}" \ --region "${REGION}" \ ${network} \ "${preemptible_minions[@]}" \ $2 \ --metadata-from-file "$3" \ ${metadata_flag} >&2; then if (( attempt > 5 )); then echo -e "${color_red}Failed to create instance template ${template_name} ${color_norm}" >&2 exit 2 fi echo -e "${color_yellow}Attempt ${attempt} failed to create instance template ${template_name}. Retrying.${color_norm}" >&2 attempt=$((attempt + 1)) sleep $((attempt * 5)) # In case the previous attempt failed with something like a # Backend Error and left the entry laying around, delete it # before we try again. gcloud compute instance-templates delete "${template_name}" --project "${PROJECT}" &>/dev/null || true else break fi done } # Instantiate a kubernetes cluster # # Assumed vars # KUBE_ROOT # function kube-up() { kube::util::ensure-temp-dir detect-project load-or-gen-kube-basicauth load-or-gen-kube-bearertoken # Make sure we have the tar files staged on Google Storage find-release-tars upload-tars # ensure that environmental variables specifying number of migs to create set_num_migs if [[ ${KUBE_USE_EXISTING_MASTER:-} == "true" ]]; then detect-master parse-master-env create-subnetworks detect-subnetworks # Windows nodes take longer to boot and setup so create them first. create-windows-nodes create-linux-nodes elif [[ ${KUBE_REPLICATE_EXISTING_MASTER:-} == "true" ]]; then detect-master if [[ "${MASTER_OS_DISTRIBUTION}" != "gci" && "${MASTER_OS_DISTRIBUTION}" != "ubuntu" ]]; then echo "Master replication supported only for gci and ubuntu" return 1 fi if [[ ${GCE_PRIVATE_CLUSTER:-} == "true" ]]; then create-internal-loadbalancer fi create-loadbalancer # If replication of master fails, we need to ensure that the replica is removed from etcd clusters. if ! replicate-master; then remove-replica-from-etcd 2379 true || true remove-replica-from-etcd 4002 false || true fi else check-existing create-network create-subnetworks detect-subnetworks create-cloud-nat-router write-cluster-location write-cluster-name create-autoscaler-config create-master create-nodes-firewall create-nodes-template if [[ "${KUBE_CREATE_NODES}" == "true" ]]; then # Windows nodes take longer to boot and setup so create them first. create-windows-nodes create-linux-nodes fi check-cluster fi } function check-existing() { local running_in_terminal=false # May be false if tty is not allocated (for example with ssh -T). if [[ -t 1 ]]; then running_in_terminal=true fi if [[ ${running_in_terminal} == "true" || ${KUBE_UP_AUTOMATIC_CLEANUP} == "true" ]]; then if ! check-resources; then local run_kube_down="n" echo "${KUBE_RESOURCE_FOUND} found." >&2 # Get user input only if running in terminal. if [[ ${running_in_terminal} == "true" && ${KUBE_UP_AUTOMATIC_CLEANUP} == "false" ]]; then read -r -p "Would you like to shut down the old cluster (call kube-down)? [y/N] " run_kube_down fi if [[ ${run_kube_down} == "y" || ${run_kube_down} == "Y" || ${KUBE_UP_AUTOMATIC_CLEANUP} == "true" ]]; then echo "... calling kube-down" >&2 kube-down fi fi fi } function check-network-mode() { local mode mode=$(gcloud compute networks list --filter="name=('${NETWORK}')" --project "${NETWORK_PROJECT}" --format='value(x_gcloud_subnet_mode)' || true) # The deprecated field uses lower case. Convert to upper case for consistency. echo "$mode" | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]' } function create-network() { if ! gcloud compute networks --project "${NETWORK_PROJECT}" describe "${NETWORK}" &>/dev/null; then # The network needs to be created synchronously or we have a race. The # firewalls can be added concurrent with instance creation. local network_mode="auto" if [[ "${CREATE_CUSTOM_NETWORK:-}" == "true" ]]; then network_mode="custom" fi echo "Creating new ${network_mode} network: ${NETWORK}" gcloud compute networks create --project "${NETWORK_PROJECT}" "${NETWORK}" --subnet-mode="${network_mode}" else PREEXISTING_NETWORK=true PREEXISTING_NETWORK_MODE="$(check-network-mode)" echo "Found existing network ${NETWORK} in ${PREEXISTING_NETWORK_MODE} mode." fi if ! gcloud compute firewall-rules --project "${NETWORK_PROJECT}" describe "${CLUSTER_NAME}-default-internal-master" &>/dev/null; then gcloud compute firewall-rules create "${CLUSTER_NAME}-default-internal-master" \ --project "${NETWORK_PROJECT}" \ --network "${NETWORK}" \ --source-ranges "" \ --allow "tcp:1-2379,tcp:2382-65535,udp:1-65535,icmp" \ --target-tags "${MASTER_TAG}"& fi if ! gcloud compute firewall-rules --project "${NETWORK_PROJECT}" describe "${CLUSTER_NAME}-default-internal-node" &>/dev/null; then gcloud compute firewall-rules create "${CLUSTER_NAME}-default-internal-node" \ --project "${NETWORK_PROJECT}" \ --network "${NETWORK}" \ --source-ranges "" \ --allow "tcp:1-65535,udp:1-65535,icmp" \ --target-tags "${NODE_TAG}"& fi if ! gcloud compute firewall-rules describe --project "${NETWORK_PROJECT}" "${NETWORK}-default-ssh" &>/dev/null; then gcloud compute firewall-rules create "${NETWORK}-default-ssh" \ --project "${NETWORK_PROJECT}" \ --network "${NETWORK}" \ --source-ranges "" \ --allow "tcp:22" & fi # Open up TCP 3389 to allow RDP connections. if [[ ${NUM_WINDOWS_NODES} -gt 0 ]]; then if ! gcloud compute firewall-rules describe --project "${NETWORK_PROJECT}" "${NETWORK}-default-rdp" &>/dev/null; then gcloud compute firewall-rules create "${NETWORK}-default-rdp" \ --project "${NETWORK_PROJECT}" \ --network "${NETWORK}" \ --source-ranges "" \ --allow "tcp:3389" & fi fi kube::util::wait-for-jobs || { code=$? echo -e "${color_red}Failed to create firewall rules.${color_norm}" >&2 exit $code } } function expand-default-subnetwork() { gcloud compute networks update "${NETWORK}" \ --switch-to-custom-subnet-mode \ --project "${NETWORK_PROJECT}" \ --quiet || true gcloud compute networks subnets expand-ip-range "${NETWORK}" \ --region="${REGION}" \ --project "${NETWORK_PROJECT}" \ --prefix-length=19 \ --quiet } function create-subnetworks() { case ${ENABLE_IP_ALIASES} in true) echo "IP aliases are enabled. Creating subnetworks.";; false) echo "IP aliases are disabled." if [[ "${ENABLE_BIG_CLUSTER_SUBNETS}" = "true" ]]; then if [[ "${PREEXISTING_NETWORK}" != "true" ]]; then expand-default-subnetwork else echo "${color_yellow}Using pre-existing network ${NETWORK}, subnets won't be expanded to /19!${color_norm}" fi elif [[ "${CREATE_CUSTOM_NETWORK:-}" == "true" && "${PREEXISTING_NETWORK}" != "true" ]]; then gcloud compute networks subnets create "${SUBNETWORK}" --project "${NETWORK_PROJECT}" --region "${REGION}" --network "${NETWORK}" --range "${NODE_IP_RANGE}" fi return;; *) echo "${color_red}Invalid argument to ENABLE_IP_ALIASES${color_norm}" exit 1;; esac # Look for the alias subnet, it must exist and have a secondary # range configured. local subnet subnet=$(gcloud compute networks subnets describe \ --project "${NETWORK_PROJECT}" \ --region "${REGION}" \ "${IP_ALIAS_SUBNETWORK}" 2>/dev/null || true) if [[ -z "${subnet}" ]]; then echo "Creating subnet ${NETWORK}:${IP_ALIAS_SUBNETWORK}" gcloud compute networks subnets create \ "${IP_ALIAS_SUBNETWORK}" \ --description "Automatically generated subnet for ${INSTANCE_PREFIX} cluster. This will be removed on cluster teardown." \ --project "${NETWORK_PROJECT}" \ --network "${NETWORK}" \ --region "${REGION}" \ --range "${NODE_IP_RANGE}" \ --secondary-range "pods-default=${CLUSTER_IP_RANGE}" \ --secondary-range "services-default=${SERVICE_CLUSTER_IP_RANGE}" echo "Created subnetwork ${IP_ALIAS_SUBNETWORK}" else if ! echo "${subnet}" | grep --quiet secondaryIpRanges; then echo "${color_red}Subnet ${IP_ALIAS_SUBNETWORK} does not have a secondary range${color_norm}" exit 1 fi fi } # detect-subnetworks sets the SUBNETWORK var if not already set # Assumed vars: # NETWORK # REGION # NETWORK_PROJECT # # Optional vars: # SUBNETWORK # IP_ALIAS_SUBNETWORK function detect-subnetworks() { if [[ -n ${SUBNETWORK:-} ]]; then echo "Using subnet ${SUBNETWORK}" return 0 fi if [[ -n ${IP_ALIAS_SUBNETWORK:-} ]]; then SUBNETWORK=${IP_ALIAS_SUBNETWORK} echo "Using IP Alias subnet ${SUBNETWORK}" return 0 fi SUBNETWORK=$(gcloud compute networks subnets list \ --network="${NETWORK}" \ --regions="${REGION}" \ --project="${NETWORK_PROJECT}" \ --limit=1 \ --format='value(name)' 2>/dev/null) if [[ -n ${SUBNETWORK:-} ]]; then echo "Found subnet for region ${REGION} in network ${NETWORK}: ${SUBNETWORK}" return 0 fi echo "${color_red}Could not find subnetwork with region ${REGION}, network ${NETWORK}, and project ${NETWORK_PROJECT}" } # Sets up Cloud NAT for the network. # Assumed vars: # NETWORK_PROJECT # REGION # NETWORK function create-cloud-nat-router() { if [[ ${GCE_PRIVATE_CLUSTER:-} == "true" ]]; then if gcloud compute routers describe "$NETWORK-nat-router" --project "$NETWORK_PROJECT" --region "$REGION" &>/dev/null; then echo "Cloud nat already exists" return 0 fi gcloud compute routers create "$NETWORK-nat-router" \ --project "$NETWORK_PROJECT" \ --region "$REGION" \ --network "$NETWORK" gcloud compute routers nats create "$NETWORK-nat-config" \ --project "$NETWORK_PROJECT" \ --router-region "$REGION" \ --router "$NETWORK-nat-router" \ --nat-primary-subnet-ip-ranges \ --auto-allocate-nat-external-ips \ ${GCE_PRIVATE_CLUSTER_PORTS_PER_VM:+--min-ports-per-vm ${GCE_PRIVATE_CLUSTER_PORTS_PER_VM}} fi } function delete-all-firewall-rules() { local -a fws kube::util::read-array fws < <(gcloud compute firewall-rules list --project "${NETWORK_PROJECT}" --filter="network=${NETWORK}" --format="value(name)") if (( "${#fws[@]}" > 0 )); then echo "Deleting firewall rules remaining in network ${NETWORK}: ${fws[*]}" delete-firewall-rules "${fws[@]}" else echo "No firewall rules in network ${NETWORK}" fi } # Ignores firewall rule arguments that do not exist in NETWORK_PROJECT. function delete-firewall-rules() { for fw in "$@"; do if [[ -n $(gcloud compute firewall-rules --project "${NETWORK_PROJECT}" describe "${fw}" --format='value(name)' 2>/dev/null || true) ]]; then gcloud compute firewall-rules delete --project "${NETWORK_PROJECT}" --quiet "${fw}" & fi done kube::util::wait-for-jobs || { echo -e "${color_red}Failed to delete firewall rules.${color_norm}" >&2 } } function delete-network() { if [[ -n $(gcloud compute networks --project "${NETWORK_PROJECT}" describe "${NETWORK}" --format='value(name)' 2>/dev/null || true) ]]; then if ! gcloud compute networks delete --project "${NETWORK_PROJECT}" --quiet "${NETWORK}"; then echo "Failed to delete network '${NETWORK}'. Listing firewall-rules:" gcloud compute firewall-rules --project "${NETWORK_PROJECT}" list --filter="network=${NETWORK}" return 1 fi fi } function delete-cloud-nat-router() { if [[ ${GCE_PRIVATE_CLUSTER:-} == "true" ]]; then if [[ -n $(gcloud compute routers describe --project "${NETWORK_PROJECT}" --region "${REGION}" "${NETWORK}-nat-router" --format='value(name)' 2>/dev/null || true) ]]; then echo "Deleting Cloud NAT router..." gcloud compute routers delete --project "${NETWORK_PROJECT}" --region "${REGION}" --quiet "${NETWORK}-nat-router" fi fi } function delete-subnetworks() { # If running in custom mode network we need to delete subnets manually. mode="$(check-network-mode)" if [[ "${mode}" == "CUSTOM" ]]; then if [[ "${ENABLE_BIG_CLUSTER_SUBNETS}" = "true" ]]; then echo "Deleting default subnets..." # This value should be kept in sync with number of regions. local parallelism=9 gcloud compute networks subnets list --network="${NETWORK}" --project "${NETWORK_PROJECT}" --format='value(region.basename())' | \ xargs -I {} -P ${parallelism} gcloud --quiet compute networks subnets delete "${NETWORK}" --project "${NETWORK_PROJECT}" --region="{}" || true elif [[ "${CREATE_CUSTOM_NETWORK:-}" == "true" ]]; then echo "Deleting custom subnet..." gcloud --quiet compute networks subnets delete "${SUBNETWORK}" --project "${NETWORK_PROJECT}" --region="${REGION}" || true fi return fi # If we reached here, it means we're not using custom network. # So the only thing we need to check is if IP-aliases was turned # on and we created a subnet for it. If so, we should delete it. if [[ ${ENABLE_IP_ALIASES:-} == "true" ]]; then # Only delete the subnet if we created it (i.e it's not pre-existing). if [[ -z "${KUBE_GCE_IP_ALIAS_SUBNETWORK:-}" ]]; then echo "Removing auto-created subnet ${NETWORK}:${IP_ALIAS_SUBNETWORK}" if [[ -n $(gcloud compute networks subnets describe \ --project "${NETWORK_PROJECT}" \ --region "${REGION}" \ "${IP_ALIAS_SUBNETWORK}" 2>/dev/null) ]]; then gcloud --quiet compute networks subnets delete \ --project "${NETWORK_PROJECT}" \ --region "${REGION}" \ "${IP_ALIAS_SUBNETWORK}" fi fi fi } # Generates SSL certificates for etcd cluster peer to peer communication. Uses cfssl program. # # Assumed vars: # KUBE_TEMP: temporary directory # # Args: # $1: host name # $2: CA certificate # $3: CA key # # If CA cert/key is empty, the function will also generate certs for CA. # # Vars set: # ETCD_CA_KEY_BASE64 # ETCD_CA_CERT_BASE64 # ETCD_PEER_KEY_BASE64 # ETCD_PEER_CERT_BASE64 # function create-etcd-certs { local host=${1} local ca_cert=${2:-} local ca_key=${3:-} GEN_ETCD_CA_CERT="${ca_cert}" GEN_ETCD_CA_KEY="${ca_key}" \ generate-etcd-cert "${KUBE_TEMP}/cfssl" "${host}" "peer" "peer" pushd "${KUBE_TEMP}/cfssl" ETCD_CA_KEY_BASE64=$(base64 "ca-key.pem" | tr -d '\r\n') ETCD_CA_CERT_BASE64=$(gzip -c "ca.pem" | base64 | tr -d '\r\n') ETCD_PEER_KEY_BASE64=$(base64 "peer-key.pem" | tr -d '\r\n') ETCD_PEER_CERT_BASE64=$(gzip -c "peer.pem" | base64 | tr -d '\r\n') popd } # Generates SSL certificates for etcd-client and kube-apiserver communication. Uses cfssl program. # # Assumed vars: # KUBE_TEMP: temporary directory # # Args: # $1: host server name # $2: host client name # $3: CA certificate # $4: CA key # # If CA cert/key is empty, the function will also generate certs for CA. # # Vars set: # ETCD_APISERVER_CA_KEY_BASE64 # ETCD_APISERVER_CA_CERT_BASE64 # ETCD_APISERVER_SERVER_KEY_BASE64 # ETCD_APISERVER_SERVER_CERT_BASE64 # ETCD_APISERVER_CLIENT_KEY_BASE64 # ETCD_APISERVER_CLIENT_CERT_BASE64 # function create-etcd-apiserver-certs { local hostServer=${1} local hostClient=${2} local etcd_apiserver_ca_cert=${3:-} local etcd_apiserver_ca_key=${4:-} GEN_ETCD_CA_CERT="${etcd_apiserver_ca_cert}" GEN_ETCD_CA_KEY="${etcd_apiserver_ca_key}" \ generate-etcd-cert "${KUBE_TEMP}/cfssl" "${hostServer}" "server" "etcd-apiserver-server" generate-etcd-cert "${KUBE_TEMP}/cfssl" "${hostClient}" "client" "etcd-apiserver-client" pushd "${KUBE_TEMP}/cfssl" ETCD_APISERVER_CA_KEY_BASE64=$(base64 "ca-key.pem" | tr -d '\r\n') ETCD_APISERVER_CA_CERT_BASE64=$(gzip -c "ca.pem" | base64 | tr -d '\r\n') ETCD_APISERVER_SERVER_KEY_BASE64=$(base64 "etcd-apiserver-server-key.pem" | tr -d '\r\n') ETCD_APISERVER_SERVER_CERT_BASE64=$(gzip -c "etcd-apiserver-server.pem" | base64 | tr -d '\r\n') ETCD_APISERVER_CLIENT_KEY_BASE64=$(base64 "etcd-apiserver-client-key.pem" | tr -d '\r\n') ETCD_APISERVER_CLIENT_CERT_BASE64=$(gzip -c "etcd-apiserver-client.pem" | base64 | tr -d '\r\n') popd } function create-master() { echo "Starting master and configuring firewalls" gcloud compute firewall-rules create "${MASTER_NAME}-https" \ --project "${NETWORK_PROJECT}" \ --network "${NETWORK}" \ --target-tags "${MASTER_TAG}" \ --allow tcp:443 & echo "Configuring firewall for apiserver konnectivity server" if [[ "${PREPARE_KONNECTIVITY_SERVICE:-false}" == "true" ]]; then gcloud compute firewall-rules create "${MASTER_NAME}-konnectivity-server" \ --project "${NETWORK_PROJECT}" \ --network "${NETWORK}" \ --target-tags "${MASTER_TAG}" \ --allow tcp:8132 & fi # We have to make sure the disk is created before creating the master VM, so # run this in the foreground. gcloud compute disks create "${MASTER_NAME}-pd" \ --project "${PROJECT}" \ --zone "${ZONE}" \ --type "${MASTER_DISK_TYPE}" \ --size "${MASTER_DISK_SIZE}" # Create rule for accessing and securing etcd servers. if ! gcloud compute firewall-rules --project "${NETWORK_PROJECT}" describe "${MASTER_NAME}-etcd" &>/dev/null; then gcloud compute firewall-rules create "${MASTER_NAME}-etcd" \ --project "${NETWORK_PROJECT}" \ --network "${NETWORK}" \ --source-tags "${MASTER_TAG}" \ --allow "tcp:2380,tcp:2381" \ --target-tags "${MASTER_TAG}" & fi # Generate a bearer token for this cluster. We push this separately # from the other cluster variables so that the client (this # computer) can forget it later. This should disappear with # http://issue.k8s.io/3168 KUBE_PROXY_TOKEN=$(dd if=/dev/urandom bs=128 count=1 2>/dev/null | base64 | tr -d "=+/" | dd bs=32 count=1 2>/dev/null) if [[ "${ENABLE_NODE_PROBLEM_DETECTOR:-}" == "standalone" ]]; then NODE_PROBLEM_DETECTOR_TOKEN=$(dd if=/dev/urandom bs=128 count=1 2>/dev/null | base64 | tr -d "=+/" | dd bs=32 count=1 2>/dev/null) fi # Reserve the master's IP so that it can later be transferred to another VM # without disrupting the kubelets. create-static-ip "${MASTER_NAME}-ip" "${REGION}" MASTER_RESERVED_IP=$(gcloud compute addresses describe "${MASTER_NAME}-ip" \ --project "${PROJECT}" --region "${REGION}" -q --format='value(address)') if [[ "${REGISTER_MASTER_KUBELET:-}" == "true" ]]; then KUBELET_APISERVER="${MASTER_RESERVED_IP}" fi KUBERNETES_MASTER_NAME="${MASTER_RESERVED_IP}" MASTER_ADVERTISE_ADDRESS="${MASTER_RESERVED_IP}" MASTER_INTERNAL_IP="" if [[ ${GCE_PRIVATE_CLUSTER:-} == "true" ]]; then gcloud compute addresses create "${MASTER_NAME}-internal-ip" --project "${PROJECT}" --region "$REGION" --subnet "$SUBNETWORK" MASTER_INTERNAL_IP=$(gcloud compute addresses describe "${MASTER_NAME}-internal-ip" --project "${PROJECT}" --region "${REGION}" -q --format='value(address)') echo "Master internal ip is: $MASTER_INTERNAL_IP" KUBERNETES_MASTER_NAME="${MASTER_INTERNAL_IP}" MASTER_ADVERTISE_ADDRESS="${MASTER_INTERNAL_IP}" fi create-certs "${MASTER_RESERVED_IP}" "${MASTER_INTERNAL_IP}" create-etcd-certs "${MASTER_NAME}" create-etcd-apiserver-certs "etcd-${MASTER_NAME}" "${MASTER_NAME}" if [[ "$(get-num-nodes)" -ge "50" ]]; then # We block on master creation for large clusters to avoid doing too much # unnecessary work in case master start-up fails (like creation of nodes). create-master-instance "${MASTER_RESERVED_IP}" "${MASTER_INTERNAL_IP}" else create-master-instance "${MASTER_RESERVED_IP}" "${MASTER_INTERNAL_IP}" & fi } # Adds master replica to etcd cluster. # # Assumed vars: # REPLICA_NAME # PROJECT # EXISTING_MASTER_NAME # EXISTING_MASTER_ZONE # # $1: etcd client port # $2: etcd internal port # $3: whether etcd communication should use mtls # returns the result of ssh command which adds replica function add-replica-to-etcd() { local -r client_port="${1}" local -r internal_port="${2}" local -r use_mtls="${3}" TLSARG="" PROTO="http://" if [[ "${use_mtls}" == "true" ]]; then # Keep in sync with ETCD_APISERVER_CA_CERT_PATH, ETCD_APISERVER_CLIENT_CERT_PATH and ETCD_APISERVER_CLIENT_KEY_PATH in configure-helper.sh. TLSARG="--cacert /etc/srv/kubernetes/pki/etcd-apiserver-ca.crt --cert /etc/srv/kubernetes/pki/etcd-apiserver-client.crt --key /etc/srv/kubernetes/pki/etcd-apiserver-client.key" PROTO="https://" fi run-gcloud-command "${EXISTING_MASTER_NAME}" "${EXISTING_MASTER_ZONE}" "curl ${TLSARG} ${PROTO}${client_port}/v2/members -XPOST -H \"Content-Type: application/json\" -d '{\"peerURLs\":[\"https://${REPLICA_NAME}:${internal_port}\"]}' -s" return $? } # Sets EXISTING_MASTER_NAME and EXISTING_MASTER_ZONE variables. # # Assumed vars: # PROJECT # # NOTE: Must be in sync with get-replica-name-regexp function set-existing-master() { local existing_master existing_master=$(gcloud compute instances list \ --project "${PROJECT}" \ --filter "name ~ '$(get-replica-name-regexp)'" \ --format "value(name,zone)" | head -n1) EXISTING_MASTER_NAME="$(echo "${existing_master}" | cut -f1)" EXISTING_MASTER_ZONE="$(echo "${existing_master}" | cut -f2)" } function replicate-master() { set-replica-name set-existing-master echo "Experimental: replicating existing master ${EXISTING_MASTER_ZONE}/${EXISTING_MASTER_NAME} as ${ZONE}/${REPLICA_NAME}" # Before we do anything else, we should configure etcd to expect more replicas. if ! add-replica-to-etcd 2379 2380 true; then echo "Failed to add master replica to etcd cluster." return 1 fi if ! add-replica-to-etcd 4002 2381 false; then echo "Failed to add master replica to etcd events cluster." return 1 fi # We have to make sure the disk is created before creating the master VM, so # run this in the foreground. gcloud compute disks create "${REPLICA_NAME}-pd" \ --project "${PROJECT}" \ --zone "${ZONE}" \ --type "${MASTER_DISK_TYPE}" \ --size "${MASTER_DISK_SIZE}" local existing_master_replicas existing_master_replicas="$(get-all-replica-names)" replicate-master-instance "${EXISTING_MASTER_ZONE}" "${EXISTING_MASTER_NAME}" "${existing_master_replicas}" # Add new replica to the load balancer. gcloud compute target-pools add-instances "${MASTER_NAME}" \ --project "${PROJECT}" \ --zone "${ZONE}" \ --instances "${REPLICA_NAME}" if [[ "${GCE_PRIVATE_CLUSTER:-}" == "true" ]]; then add-to-internal-loadbalancer "${REPLICA_NAME}" "${ZONE}" fi } # Detaches old and ataches new external IP to a VM. # # Arguments: # $1 - VM name # $2 - VM zone # $3 - external static IP; if empty will use an ephemeral IP address. function attach-external-ip() { local NAME=${1} local ZONE=${2} local IP_ADDR=${3:-} local ACCESS_CONFIG_NAME ACCESS_CONFIG_NAME=$(gcloud compute instances describe "${NAME}" \ --project "${PROJECT}" --zone "${ZONE}" \ --format="value(networkInterfaces[0].accessConfigs[0].name)") gcloud compute instances delete-access-config "${NAME}" \ --project "${PROJECT}" --zone "${ZONE}" \ --access-config-name "${ACCESS_CONFIG_NAME}" if [[ -z "${IP_ADDR}" ]]; then gcloud compute instances add-access-config "${NAME}" \ --project "${PROJECT}" --zone "${ZONE}" \ --access-config-name "${ACCESS_CONFIG_NAME}" else gcloud compute instances add-access-config "${NAME}" \ --project "${PROJECT}" --zone "${ZONE}" \ --access-config-name "${ACCESS_CONFIG_NAME}" \ --address "${IP_ADDR}" fi } # Creates load balancer in front of apiserver if it doesn't exists already. Assumes there's only one # existing master replica. # # Assumes: # PROJECT # MASTER_NAME # ZONE # REGION function create-loadbalancer() { # Step 0: Return early if LB is already configured. if gcloud compute forwarding-rules describe "${MASTER_NAME}" \ --project "${PROJECT}" --region "${REGION}" > /dev/null 2>&1; then echo "Load balancer already exists" return fi local EXISTING_MASTER_NAME local EXISTING_MASTER_ZONE EXISTING_MASTER_NAME="$(get-all-replica-names)" EXISTING_MASTER_ZONE=$(gcloud compute instances list "${EXISTING_MASTER_NAME}" \ --project "${PROJECT}" --format='value(zone)') echo "Creating load balancer in front of an already existing master in ${EXISTING_MASTER_ZONE}" # Step 1: Detach master IP address and attach ephemeral address to the existing master attach-external-ip "${EXISTING_MASTER_NAME}" "${EXISTING_MASTER_ZONE}" # Step 2: Create target pool. gcloud compute target-pools create "${MASTER_NAME}" --project "${PROJECT}" --region "${REGION}" # TODO: We should also add master instances with suffixes gcloud compute target-pools add-instances "${MASTER_NAME}" --instances "${EXISTING_MASTER_NAME}" --project "${PROJECT}" --zone "${EXISTING_MASTER_ZONE}" # Step 3: Create forwarding rule. # TODO: This step can take up to 20 min. We need to speed this up... gcloud compute forwarding-rules create "${MASTER_NAME}" \ --project "${PROJECT}" --region "${REGION}" \ --target-pool "${MASTER_NAME}" --address="${KUBE_MASTER_IP}" --ports=443 echo -n "Waiting for the load balancer configuration to propagate..." local counter=0 until curl -k -m1 "https://${KUBE_MASTER_IP}" &> /dev/null; do counter=$((counter+1)) echo -n . if [[ ${counter} -ge 1800 ]]; then echo -e "${color_red}TIMEOUT${color_norm}" >&2 echo -e "${color_red}Load balancer failed to initialize within ${counter} seconds.${color_norm}" >&2 exit 2 fi done echo "DONE" } # attach-internal-master-ip attach internal ip to existing master. # # Assumes: # * PROJECT function attach-internal-master-ip() { local name="${1}" local zone="${2}" local ip="${3}" local aliases aliases=$(gcloud compute instances describe "${name}" --project "${PROJECT}" --zone "${zone}" --flatten='networkInterfaces[0].aliasIpRanges[]' --format='value[separator=':'](networkInterfaces[0].aliasIpRanges.subnetworkRangeName,networkInterfaces[0].aliasIpRanges.ipCidrRange)' | sed 's/^://' | paste -s -d';' -) aliases="${aliases:+${aliases};}${ip}/32" echo "Setting ${name}'s aliases to '${aliases}' (added ${ip})" # Attach ${ip} to ${name} gcloud compute instances network-interfaces update "${name}" --project "${PROJECT}" --zone "${zone}" --aliases="${aliases}" gcloud compute instances add-metadata "${name}" --zone "${zone}" --metadata=kube-master-internal-ip="${ip}" run-gcloud-command "${name}" "${zone}" 'sudo /bin/bash /home/kubernetes/bin/kube-master-internal-route.sh' || true return $? } # detach-internal-master-ip detaches internal ip from existing master. # # Assumes: # * PROJECT function detach-internal-master-ip() { local name="${1}" local zone="${2}" local ip="${3}" local aliases aliases=$(gcloud compute instances describe "${name}" --project "${PROJECT}" --zone "${zone}" --flatten='networkInterfaces[0].aliasIpRanges[]' --format='value[separator=':'](networkInterfaces[0].aliasIpRanges.subnetworkRangeName,networkInterfaces[0].aliasIpRanges.ipCidrRange)' | sed 's/^://' | grep -v "${ip}" | paste -s -d';' -) echo "Setting ${name}'s aliases to '${aliases}' (removed ${ip})" # Detach ${MASTER_NAME}-internal-ip from ${name} gcloud compute instances network-interfaces update "${name}" --project "${PROJECT}" --zone "${zone}" --aliases="${aliases}" gcloud compute instances remove-metadata "${name}" --zone "${zone}" --keys=kube-master-internal-ip # We want `ip route` to be run in the cloud and not this host run-gcloud-command "${name}" "${zone}" "sudo ip route del to local ${ip}/32 dev \$(ip route | grep default | while read -r _ _ _ _ dev _; do echo \$dev; done)" || true return $? } # create-internal-loadbalancer creates an internal load balacer in front of existing master. # # Assumes: # * MASTER_NAME # * PROJECT # * REGION function create-internal-loadbalancer() { if gcloud compute forwarding-rules describe "${MASTER_NAME}-internal" \ --project "${PROJECT}" --region "${REGION}" > /dev/null 2>&1; then echo "Load balancer already exists" return fi local EXISTING_MASTER_NAME local EXISTING_MASTER_ZONE EXISTING_MASTER_NAME="$(get-all-replica-names)" EXISTING_MASTER_ZONE=$(gcloud compute instances list "${EXISTING_MASTER_NAME}" \ --project "${PROJECT}" --format='value(zone)') echo "Detaching ${KUBE_MASTER_INTERNAL_IP} from ${EXISTING_MASTER_NAME}/${EXISTING_MASTER_ZONE}" detach-internal-master-ip "${EXISTING_MASTER_NAME}" "${EXISTING_MASTER_ZONE}" "${KUBE_MASTER_INTERNAL_IP}" echo "Creating internal load balancer with IP: ${KUBE_MASTER_INTERNAL_IP}" gcloud compute health-checks --project "${PROJECT}" create tcp "${MASTER_NAME}-hc" --port=443 gcloud compute backend-services create "${MASTER_NAME}" \ --project "${PROJECT}" \ --region "${REGION}" \ --protocol tcp \ --region "${REGION}" \ --load-balancing-scheme internal \ --health-checks "${MASTER_NAME}-hc" gcloud compute forwarding-rules create "${MASTER_NAME}-internal" \ --project "${PROJECT}" \ --region "${REGION}" \ --load-balancing-scheme internal \ --network "${NETWORK}" \ --subnet "${SUBNETWORK}" \ --address "${KUBE_MASTER_INTERNAL_IP}" \ --ip-protocol TCP \ --ports 443 \ --backend-service "${MASTER_NAME}" \ --backend-service-region "${REGION}" echo "Adding ${EXISTING_MASTER_NAME}/${EXISTING_MASTER_ZONE} to the load balancer" add-to-internal-loadbalancer "${EXISTING_MASTER_NAME}" "${EXISTING_MASTER_ZONE}" } # add-to-internal-loadbalancer adds an instance to ILB. # Assumes: # * MASTER_NAME # * PROJECT # * REGION function add-to-internal-loadbalancer() { local name="${1}" local zone="${2}" gcloud compute instance-groups unmanaged create "${name}" --project "${PROJECT}" --zone "${zone}" gcloud compute instance-groups unmanaged add-instances "${name}" --project "${PROJECT}" --zone "${zone}" --instances "${name}" gcloud compute backend-services add-backend "${MASTER_NAME}" \ --project "${PROJECT}" \ --region "${REGION}" \ --instance-group "${name}" \ --instance-group-zone "${zone}" } # remove-from-internal-loadbalancer removes an instance from ILB. # Assumes: # * MASTER_NAME # * PROJECT # * REGION function remove-from-internal-loadbalancer() { local name="${1}" local zone="${2}" if gcloud compute instance-groups unmanaged describe "${name}" --project "${PROJECT}" --zone "${zone}" &>/dev/null; then gcloud compute backend-services remove-backend "${MASTER_NAME}" \ --project "${PROJECT}" \ --region "${REGION}" \ --instance-group "${name}" \ --instance-group-zone "${zone}" gcloud compute instance-groups unmanaged delete "${name}" --project "${PROJECT}" --zone "${zone}" --quiet fi } function delete-internal-loadbalancer() { if gcloud compute forwarding-rules describe "${MASTER_NAME}-internal" --project "${PROJECT}" --region "${REGION}" &>/dev/null; then gcloud compute forwarding-rules delete "${MASTER_NAME}-internal" --project "${PROJECT}" --region "${REGION}" --quiet fi if gcloud compute backend-services describe "${MASTER_NAME}" --project "${PROJECT}" --region "${REGION}" &>/dev/null; then gcloud compute backend-services delete "${MASTER_NAME}" --project "${PROJECT}" --region "${REGION}" --quiet fi if gcloud compute health-checks describe "${MASTER_NAME}-gc" --project "${PROJECT}" &>/dev/null; then gcloud compute health-checks delete "${MASTER_NAME}-gc" --project "${PROJECT}" --quiet fi } function create-nodes-firewall() { # Create a single firewall rule for all minions. create-firewall-rule "${NODE_TAG}-all" "${CLUSTER_IP_RANGE}" "${NODE_TAG}" & # Report logging choice (if any). if [[ "${ENABLE_NODE_LOGGING-}" == "true" ]]; then echo "+++ Logging using Fluentd to ${LOGGING_DESTINATION:-unknown}" fi # Wait for last batch of jobs kube::util::wait-for-jobs || { code=$? echo -e "${color_red}Failed to create firewall rule.${color_norm}" >&2 exit $code } } function get-scope-flags() { local scope_flags= if [[ -n "${NODE_SCOPES}" ]]; then scope_flags="--scopes ${NODE_SCOPES}" else scope_flags="--no-scopes" fi echo "${scope_flags}" } function create-nodes-template() { echo "Creating nodes." local scope_flags scope_flags=$(get-scope-flags) write-linux-node-env write-windows-node-env # NOTE: these template names and their format must match # create-[linux,windows]-nodes() as well as get-template()! local linux_template_name="${NODE_INSTANCE_PREFIX}-template" local windows_template_name="${WINDOWS_NODE_INSTANCE_PREFIX}-template" create-linux-node-instance-template "$linux_template_name" create-windows-node-instance-template "$windows_template_name" "${scope_flags[*]}" if [[ -n "${ADDITIONAL_MACHINE_TYPE:-}" ]]; then local linux_extra_template_name="${NODE_INSTANCE_PREFIX}-extra-template" create-linux-node-instance-template "$linux_extra_template_name" "${ADDITIONAL_MACHINE_TYPE}" fi } # Assumes: # - MAX_INSTANCES_PER_MIG # - NUM_NODES # - NUM_WINDOWS_NODES # exports: # - NUM_MIGS # - NUM_WINDOWS_MIGS function set_num_migs() { local defaulted_max_instances_per_mig=${MAX_INSTANCES_PER_MIG:-1000} if [[ ${defaulted_max_instances_per_mig} -le "0" ]]; then echo "MAX_INSTANCES_PER_MIG cannot be negative. Assuming default 1000" defaulted_max_instances_per_mig=1000 fi export NUM_MIGS=$(((NUM_NODES + defaulted_max_instances_per_mig - 1) / defaulted_max_instances_per_mig)) export NUM_WINDOWS_MIGS=$(((NUM_WINDOWS_NODES + defaulted_max_instances_per_mig - 1) / defaulted_max_instances_per_mig)) } # Assumes: # - NUM_MIGS # - NODE_INSTANCE_PREFIX # - NUM_NODES # - PROJECT # - ZONE function create-linux-nodes() { local template_name="${NODE_INSTANCE_PREFIX}-template" local extra_template_name="${NODE_INSTANCE_PREFIX}-extra-template" local nodes="${NUM_NODES}" if [[ -n "${HEAPSTER_MACHINE_TYPE:-}" ]]; then echo "Creating a special node for heapster with machine-type ${HEAPSTER_MACHINE_TYPE}" create-heapster-node nodes=$(( nodes - 1 )) fi if [[ -n "${ADDITIONAL_MACHINE_TYPE:-}" && "${NUM_ADDITIONAL_NODES:-}" -gt 0 ]]; then local num_additional="${NUM_ADDITIONAL_NODES}" if [[ "${NUM_ADDITIONAL_NODES:-}" -gt "${nodes}" ]]; then echo "Capping NUM_ADDITIONAL_NODES to ${nodes}" num_additional="${nodes}" fi if [[ "${num_additional:-}" -gt 0 ]]; then echo "Creating ${num_additional} special nodes with machine-type ${ADDITIONAL_MACHINE_TYPE}" local extra_group_name="${NODE_INSTANCE_PREFIX}-extra" gcloud compute instance-groups managed \ create "${extra_group_name}" \ --project "${PROJECT}" \ --zone "${ZONE}" \ --base-instance-name "${extra_group_name}" \ --size "${num_additional}" \ --template "${extra_template_name}" || true; gcloud compute instance-groups managed wait-until --stable \ "${extra_group_name}" \ --zone "${ZONE}" \ --project "${PROJECT}" \ --timeout "${MIG_WAIT_UNTIL_STABLE_TIMEOUT}" || true nodes=$(( nodes - num_additional )) fi fi local instances_left=${nodes} for ((i=1; i<=NUM_MIGS; i++)); do local group_name="${NODE_INSTANCE_PREFIX}-group-$i" if [[ $i -eq ${NUM_MIGS} ]]; then # TODO: We don't add a suffix for the last group to keep backward compatibility when there's only one MIG. # We should change it at some point, but note #18545 when changing this. group_name="${NODE_INSTANCE_PREFIX}-group" fi # Spread the remaining number of nodes evenly this_mig_size=$((instances_left / (NUM_MIGS - i + 1))) instances_left=$((instances_left - this_mig_size)) # Run instance-groups creation in parallel. { gcloud compute instance-groups managed \ create "${group_name}" \ --project "${PROJECT}" \ --zone "${ZONE}" \ --base-instance-name "${group_name}" \ --size "${this_mig_size}" \ --template "${template_name}" || true; gcloud compute instance-groups managed wait-until --stable \ "${group_name}" \ --zone "${ZONE}" \ --project "${PROJECT}" \ --timeout "${MIG_WAIT_UNTIL_STABLE_TIMEOUT}" || true } & done wait } # Assumes: # - NUM_WINDOWS_MIGS # - WINDOWS_NODE_INSTANCE_PREFIX # - NUM_WINDOWS_NODES # - PROJECT # - ZONE function create-windows-nodes() { local template_name="${WINDOWS_NODE_INSTANCE_PREFIX}-template" local -r nodes="${NUM_WINDOWS_NODES}" local instances_left=${nodes} for ((i=1; i <= NUM_WINDOWS_MIGS; i++)); do local group_name="${WINDOWS_NODE_INSTANCE_PREFIX}-group-$i" if [[ $i -eq ${NUM_WINDOWS_MIGS} ]]; then # TODO: We don't add a suffix for the last group to keep backward compatibility when there's only one MIG. # We should change it at some point, but note #18545 when changing this. group_name="${WINDOWS_NODE_INSTANCE_PREFIX}-group" fi # Spread the remaining number of nodes evenly this_mig_size=$((instances_left / (NUM_WINDOWS_MIGS - i + 1))) instances_left=$((instances_left - this_mig_size)) gcloud compute instance-groups managed \ create "${group_name}" \ --project "${PROJECT}" \ --zone "${ZONE}" \ --base-instance-name "${group_name}" \ --size "${this_mig_size}" \ --template "${template_name}" || true; gcloud compute instance-groups managed wait-until --stable \ "${group_name}" \ --zone "${ZONE}" \ --project "${PROJECT}" \ --timeout "${MIG_WAIT_UNTIL_STABLE_TIMEOUT}" || true; done } # Assumes: # - NODE_INSTANCE_PREFIX # - PROJECT # - NETWORK_PROJECT # - REGION # - ZONE # - HEAPSTER_MACHINE_TYPE # - NODE_DISK_TYPE # - NODE_DISK_SIZE # - NODE_IMAGE_PROJECT # - NODE_IMAGE # - NODE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT # - NODE_TAG # - NETWORK # - ENABLE_IP_ALIASES # - SUBNETWORK # - IP_ALIAS_SIZE function create-heapster-node() { local gcloud="gcloud" local network network=$(make-gcloud-network-argument \ "${NETWORK_PROJECT}" \ "${REGION}" \ "${NETWORK}" \ "${SUBNETWORK:-}" \ "" \ "${ENABLE_IP_ALIASES:-}" \ "${IP_ALIAS_SIZE:-}") # Deliberately word split ${network} and $(get-scope-flags) # shellcheck disable=SC2086 disable=SC2046 ${gcloud} compute instances \ create "${NODE_INSTANCE_PREFIX}-heapster" \ --project "${PROJECT}" \ --zone "${ZONE}" \ --machine-type="${HEAPSTER_MACHINE_TYPE}" \ --boot-disk-type "${NODE_DISK_TYPE}" \ --boot-disk-size "${NODE_DISK_SIZE}" \ --image-project="${NODE_IMAGE_PROJECT}" \ --image "${NODE_IMAGE}" \ --service-account "${NODE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT}" \ --tags "${NODE_TAG}" \ ${network} \ $(get-scope-flags) \ --metadata-from-file "$(get-node-instance-metadata-from-file "heapster-kube-env")" } # Assumes: # - NUM_MIGS # - NODE_INSTANCE_PREFIX # - PROJECT # - ZONE # - AUTOSCALER_MAX_NODES # - AUTOSCALER_MIN_NODES # Exports # - AUTOSCALER_MIG_CONFIG function create-cluster-autoscaler-mig-config() { # Each MIG must have at least one node, so the min number of nodes # must be greater or equal to the number of migs. if [[ ${AUTOSCALER_MIN_NODES} -lt 0 ]]; then echo "AUTOSCALER_MIN_NODES must be greater or equal 0" exit 2 fi # Each MIG must have at least one node, so the min number of nodes # must be greater or equal to the number of migs. if [[ ${AUTOSCALER_MAX_NODES} -lt ${NUM_MIGS} ]]; then echo "AUTOSCALER_MAX_NODES must be greater or equal ${NUM_MIGS}" exit 2 fi if [[ ${NUM_WINDOWS_MIGS} -gt 0 ]]; then # TODO(pjh): implement Windows support in this function. echo "Not implemented yet: autoscaler config for Windows MIGs" exit 2 fi # The code assumes that the migs were created with create-nodes # function which tries to evenly spread nodes across the migs. AUTOSCALER_MIG_CONFIG="" local left_min=${AUTOSCALER_MIN_NODES} local left_max=${AUTOSCALER_MAX_NODES} for ((i=1; i <= NUM_MIGS; i++)); do local group_name="${NODE_INSTANCE_PREFIX}-group-$i" if [[ $i -eq ${NUM_MIGS} ]]; then # TODO: We don't add a suffix for the last group to keep backward compatibility when there's only one MIG. # We should change it at some point, but note #18545 when changing this. group_name="${NODE_INSTANCE_PREFIX}-group" fi this_mig_min=$((left_min/(NUM_MIGS-i+1))) this_mig_max=$((left_max/(NUM_MIGS-i+1))) left_min=$((left_min-this_mig_min)) left_max=$((left_max-this_mig_max)) local mig_url="https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/${PROJECT}/zones/${ZONE}/instanceGroups/${group_name}" AUTOSCALER_MIG_CONFIG="${AUTOSCALER_MIG_CONFIG} --nodes=${this_mig_min}:${this_mig_max}:${mig_url}" done AUTOSCALER_MIG_CONFIG="${AUTOSCALER_MIG_CONFIG} --scale-down-enabled=${AUTOSCALER_ENABLE_SCALE_DOWN}" } # Assumes: # - NUM_MIGS # - NODE_INSTANCE_PREFIX # - PROJECT # - ZONE # - ENABLE_CLUSTER_AUTOSCALER # - AUTOSCALER_MAX_NODES # - AUTOSCALER_MIN_NODES function create-autoscaler-config() { # Create autoscaler for nodes configuration if requested if [[ "${ENABLE_CLUSTER_AUTOSCALER}" == "true" ]]; then create-cluster-autoscaler-mig-config echo "Using autoscaler config: ${AUTOSCALER_MIG_CONFIG} ${AUTOSCALER_EXPANDER_CONFIG}" fi } function check-cluster() { detect-node-names detect-master echo "Waiting up to ${KUBE_CLUSTER_INITIALIZATION_TIMEOUT} seconds for cluster initialization." echo echo " This will continually check to see if the API for kubernetes is reachable." echo " This may time out if there was some uncaught error during start up." echo # curl in mavericks is borked. secure="" if which sw_vers >& /dev/null; then if [[ $(sw_vers | grep ProductVersion | awk '{print $2}') = "10.9."* ]]; then secure="--insecure" fi fi local start_time local curl_out start_time=$(date +%s) curl_out=$(mktemp) kube::util::trap_add "rm -f ${curl_out}" EXIT until curl -vsS --cacert "${CERT_DIR}/pki/ca.crt" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer ${KUBE_BEARER_TOKEN}" \ ${secure} \ --max-time 5 --fail \ "https://${KUBE_MASTER_IP}/api/v1/pods?limit=100" > "${curl_out}" 2>&1; do local elapsed elapsed=$(($(date +%s) - start_time)) if [[ ${elapsed} -gt ${KUBE_CLUSTER_INITIALIZATION_TIMEOUT} ]]; then echo -e "${color_red}Cluster failed to initialize within ${KUBE_CLUSTER_INITIALIZATION_TIMEOUT} seconds.${color_norm}" >&2 echo "Last output from querying API server follows:" >&2 echo "-----------------------------------------------------" >&2 cat "${curl_out}" >&2 echo "-----------------------------------------------------" >&2 exit 2 fi printf "." sleep 2 done echo "Kubernetes cluster created." export KUBE_CERT="${CERT_DIR}/pki/issued/kubecfg.crt" export KUBE_KEY="${CERT_DIR}/pki/private/kubecfg.key" export CA_CERT="${CERT_DIR}/pki/ca.crt" export CONTEXT="${PROJECT}_${INSTANCE_PREFIX}" ( umask 077 # Update the user's kubeconfig to include credentials for this apiserver. create-kubeconfig ) # ensures KUBECONFIG is set get-kubeconfig-basicauth if [[ ${GCE_UPLOAD_KUBCONFIG_TO_MASTER_METADATA:-} == "true" ]]; then gcloud compute instances add-metadata "${MASTER_NAME}" --project="${PROJECT}" --zone="${ZONE}" --metadata-from-file="kubeconfig=${KUBECONFIG}" || true fi echo echo -e "${color_green:-}Kubernetes cluster is running. The master is running at:" echo echo -e "${color_yellow} https://${KUBE_MASTER_IP}" echo echo -e "${color_green}The user name and password to use is located in ${KUBECONFIG}.${color_norm}" echo } # Removes master replica from etcd cluster. # # Assumed vars: # REPLICA_NAME # PROJECT # EXISTING_MASTER_NAME # EXISTING_MASTER_ZONE # # $1: etcd client port # $2: whether etcd communication should use mtls # returns the result of ssh command which removes replica function remove-replica-from-etcd() { local -r port="${1}" local -r use_mtls="${2}" TLSARG="" PROTO="http://" if [[ "${use_mtls}" == "true" ]]; then # Keep in sync with ETCD_APISERVER_CA_CERT_PATH, ETCD_APISERVER_CLIENT_CERT_PATH and ETCD_APISERVER_CLIENT_KEY_PATH in configure-helper.sh. TLSARG="--cacert /etc/srv/kubernetes/pki/etcd-apiserver-ca.crt --cert /etc/srv/kubernetes/pki/etcd-apiserver-client.crt --key /etc/srv/kubernetes/pki/etcd-apiserver-client.key" PROTO="https://" fi [[ -n "${EXISTING_MASTER_NAME}" ]] || return run-gcloud-command "${EXISTING_MASTER_NAME}" "${EXISTING_MASTER_ZONE}" "curl -s ${TLSARG} ${PROTO}${port}/v2/members/\$(curl -s ${TLSARG} ${PROTO}${port}/v2/members -XGET | sed 's/{\\\"id/\n/g' | grep ${REPLICA_NAME}\\\" | cut -f 3 -d \\\") -XDELETE -L 2>/dev/null" local -r res=$? echo "Removing etcd replica, name: ${REPLICA_NAME}, port: ${port}, result: ${res}" return "${res}" } # Delete a kubernetes cluster. This is called from test-teardown. # # Assumed vars: # MASTER_NAME # NODE_INSTANCE_PREFIX # WINDOWS_NODE_INSTANCE_PREFIX # ZONE # This function tears down cluster resources 10 at a time to avoid issuing too many # API calls and exceeding API quota. It is important to bring down the instances before bringing # down the firewall rules and routes. function kube-down() { local -r batch=200 detect-project detect-node-names # For INSTANCE_GROUPS and WINDOWS_INSTANCE_GROUPS echo "Bringing down cluster" set +e # Do not stop on error if [[ "${KUBE_DELETE_NODES:-}" != "false" ]]; then # Get the name of the managed instance group template before we delete the # managed instance group. (The name of the managed instance group template may # change during a cluster upgrade.) local templates templates=$(get-template "${PROJECT}") # Deliberately allow globbing, do not change unless a bug is found # shellcheck disable=SC2206 local all_instance_groups=(${INSTANCE_GROUPS[@]:-} ${WINDOWS_INSTANCE_GROUPS[@]:-}) # Deliberately do not quote, do not change unless a bug is found # shellcheck disable=SC2068 for group in ${all_instance_groups[@]:-}; do { if gcloud compute instance-groups managed describe "${group}" --project "${PROJECT}" --zone "${ZONE}" &>/dev/null; then gcloud compute instance-groups managed delete \ --project "${PROJECT}" \ --quiet \ --zone "${ZONE}" \ "${group}" fi } & done # Wait for last batch of jobs kube::util::wait-for-jobs || { echo -e "Failed to delete instance group(s)." >&2 } # Deliberately do not quote, do not change unless a bug is found # shellcheck disable=SC2068 for template in ${templates[@]:-}; do { if gcloud compute instance-templates describe --project "${PROJECT}" "${template}" &>/dev/null; then gcloud compute instance-templates delete \ --project "${PROJECT}" \ --quiet \ "${template}" fi } & done # Wait for last batch of jobs kube::util::wait-for-jobs || { echo -e "Failed to delete instance template(s)." >&2 } # Delete the special heapster node (if it exists). if [[ -n "${HEAPSTER_MACHINE_TYPE:-}" ]]; then local -r heapster_machine_name="${NODE_INSTANCE_PREFIX}-heapster" if gcloud compute instances describe "${heapster_machine_name}" --zone "${ZONE}" --project "${PROJECT}" &>/dev/null; then # Now we can safely delete the VM. gcloud compute instances delete \ --project "${PROJECT}" \ --quiet \ --delete-disks all \ --zone "${ZONE}" \ "${heapster_machine_name}" fi fi fi local -r REPLICA_NAME="${KUBE_REPLICA_NAME:-$(get-replica-name)}" set-existing-master # Un-register the master replica from etcd and events etcd. remove-replica-from-etcd 2379 true remove-replica-from-etcd 4002 false # Delete the master replica (if it exists). if gcloud compute instances describe "${REPLICA_NAME}" --zone "${ZONE}" --project "${PROJECT}" &>/dev/null; then # If there is a load balancer in front of apiservers we need to first update its configuration. if gcloud compute target-pools describe "${MASTER_NAME}" --region "${REGION}" --project "${PROJECT}" &>/dev/null; then gcloud compute target-pools remove-instances "${MASTER_NAME}" \ --project "${PROJECT}" \ --zone "${ZONE}" \ --instances "${REPLICA_NAME}" fi # Detach replica from LB if needed. if [[ ${GCE_PRIVATE_CLUSTER:-} == "true" ]]; then remove-from-internal-loadbalancer "${REPLICA_NAME}" "${ZONE}" fi # Now we can safely delete the VM. gcloud compute instances delete \ --project "${PROJECT}" \ --quiet \ --delete-disks all \ --zone "${ZONE}" \ "${REPLICA_NAME}" fi # Delete the master replica pd (possibly leaked by kube-up if master create failed). # TODO(jszczepkowski): remove also possibly leaked replicas' pds local -r replica_pd="${REPLICA_NAME:-${MASTER_NAME}}-pd" if gcloud compute disks describe "${replica_pd}" --zone "${ZONE}" --project "${PROJECT}" &>/dev/null; then gcloud compute disks delete \ --project "${PROJECT}" \ --quiet \ --zone "${ZONE}" \ "${replica_pd}" fi # Check if this are any remaining master replicas. local REMAINING_MASTER_COUNT REMAINING_MASTER_COUNT=$(gcloud compute instances list \ --project "${PROJECT}" \ --filter="name ~ '$(get-replica-name-regexp)'" \ --format "value(zone)" | wc -l) # In the replicated scenario, if there's only a single master left, we should also delete load balancer in front of it. if [[ "${REMAINING_MASTER_COUNT}" -eq 1 ]]; then detect-master local REMAINING_REPLICA_NAME local REMAINING_REPLICA_ZONE REMAINING_REPLICA_NAME="$(get-all-replica-names)" REMAINING_REPLICA_ZONE=$(gcloud compute instances list "${REMAINING_REPLICA_NAME}" \ --project "${PROJECT}" --format='value(zone)') if gcloud compute forwarding-rules describe "${MASTER_NAME}" --region "${REGION}" --project "${PROJECT}" &>/dev/null; then gcloud compute forwarding-rules delete \ --project "${PROJECT}" \ --region "${REGION}" \ --quiet \ "${MASTER_NAME}" attach-external-ip "${REMAINING_REPLICA_NAME}" "${REMAINING_REPLICA_ZONE}" "${KUBE_MASTER_IP}" gcloud compute target-pools delete \ --project "${PROJECT}" \ --region "${REGION}" \ --quiet \ "${MASTER_NAME}" fi if [[ ${GCE_PRIVATE_CLUSTER:-} == "true" ]]; then remove-from-internal-loadbalancer "${REMAINING_REPLICA_NAME}" "${REMAINING_REPLICA_ZONE}" delete-internal-loadbalancer attach-internal-master-ip "${REMAINING_REPLICA_NAME}" "${REMAINING_REPLICA_ZONE}" "${KUBE_MASTER_INTERNAL_IP}" fi fi # If there are no more remaining master replicas, we should delete all remaining network resources. if [[ "${REMAINING_MASTER_COUNT}" -eq 0 ]]; then # Delete firewall rule for the master, etcd servers, and nodes. delete-firewall-rules "${MASTER_NAME}-https" "${MASTER_NAME}-etcd" "${NODE_TAG}-all" "${MASTER_NAME}-konnectivity-server" # Delete the master's reserved IP if gcloud compute addresses describe "${MASTER_NAME}-ip" --region "${REGION}" --project "${PROJECT}" &>/dev/null; then gcloud compute addresses delete \ --project "${PROJECT}" \ --region "${REGION}" \ --quiet \ "${MASTER_NAME}-ip" fi if gcloud compute addresses describe "${MASTER_NAME}-internal-ip" --region "${REGION}" --project "${PROJECT}" &>/dev/null; then gcloud compute addresses delete \ --project "${PROJECT}" \ --region "${REGION}" \ --quiet \ "${MASTER_NAME}-internal-ip" fi fi if [[ "${KUBE_DELETE_NODES:-}" != "false" ]]; then # Find out what minions are running. local -a minions kube::util::read-array minions < <(gcloud compute instances list \ --project "${PROJECT}" \ --filter="(name ~ '${NODE_INSTANCE_PREFIX}-.+' OR name ~ '${WINDOWS_NODE_INSTANCE_PREFIX}-.+') AND zone:(${ZONE})" \ --format='value(name)') # If any minions are running, delete them in batches. while (( "${#minions[@]}" > 0 )); do echo Deleting nodes "${minions[*]::${batch}}" gcloud compute instances delete \ --project "${PROJECT}" \ --quiet \ --delete-disks boot \ --zone "${ZONE}" \ "${minions[@]::${batch}}" minions=( "${minions[@]:${batch}}" ) done fi # If there are no more remaining master replicas: delete routes, pd for influxdb and update kubeconfig if [[ "${REMAINING_MASTER_COUNT}" -eq 0 ]]; then # Delete routes. local -a routes # Clean up all routes w/ names like "-" # e.g. "kubernetes-12345678-90ab-cdef-1234-567890abcdef". The name is # determined by the node controller on the master. # Note that this is currently a noop, as synchronously deleting the node MIG # first allows the master to cleanup routes itself. local TRUNCATED_PREFIX="${INSTANCE_PREFIX:0:26}" kube::util::read-array routes < <(gcloud compute routes list --project "${NETWORK_PROJECT}" \ --filter="name ~ '${TRUNCATED_PREFIX}-.{8}-.{4}-.{4}-.{4}-.{12}'" \ --format='value(name)') while (( "${#routes[@]}" > 0 )); do echo Deleting routes "${routes[*]::${batch}}" gcloud compute routes delete \ --project "${NETWORK_PROJECT}" \ --quiet \ "${routes[@]::${batch}}" routes=( "${routes[@]:${batch}}" ) done # Delete persistent disk for influx-db. if gcloud compute disks describe "${INSTANCE_PREFIX}"-influxdb-pd --zone "${ZONE}" --project "${PROJECT}" &>/dev/null; then gcloud compute disks delete \ --project "${PROJECT}" \ --quiet \ --zone "${ZONE}" \ "${INSTANCE_PREFIX}"-influxdb-pd fi # Delete all remaining firewall rules and network. delete-firewall-rules \ "${CLUSTER_NAME}-default-internal-master" \ "${CLUSTER_NAME}-default-internal-node" if [[ "${KUBE_DELETE_NETWORK}" == "true" ]]; then delete-firewall-rules \ "${NETWORK}-default-ssh" \ "${NETWORK}-default-rdp" \ "${NETWORK}-default-internal" # Pre-1.5 clusters delete-cloud-nat-router # Delete all remaining firewall rules in the network. delete-all-firewall-rules || true delete-subnetworks || true delete-network || true # might fail if there are leaked resources that reference the network fi # If there are no more remaining master replicas, we should update kubeconfig. export CONTEXT="${PROJECT}_${INSTANCE_PREFIX}" clear-kubeconfig else # If some master replicas remain: cluster has been changed, we need to re-validate it. echo "... calling validate-cluster" >&2 # Override errexit (validate-cluster) && validate_result="$?" || validate_result="$?" # We have two different failure modes from validate cluster: # - 1: fatal error - cluster won't be working correctly # - 2: weak error - something went wrong, but cluster probably will be working correctly # We just print an error message in case 2). if [[ "${validate_result}" -eq 1 ]]; then exit 1 elif [[ "${validate_result}" -eq 2 ]]; then echo "...ignoring non-fatal errors in validate-cluster" >&2 fi fi set -e } # Prints name of one of the master replicas in the current zone. It will be either # just MASTER_NAME or MASTER_NAME with a suffix for a replica (see get-replica-name-regexp). # # Assumed vars: # PROJECT # ZONE # MASTER_NAME # # NOTE: Must be in sync with get-replica-name-regexp and set-replica-name. function get-replica-name() { # Ignore if gcloud compute fails and successfully echo any outcome # shellcheck disable=SC2005 echo "$(gcloud compute instances list \ --project "${PROJECT}" \ --filter="name ~ '$(get-replica-name-regexp)' AND zone:(${ZONE})" \ --format "value(name)" | head -n1)" } # Prints comma-separated names of all of the master replicas in all zones. # # Assumed vars: # PROJECT # MASTER_NAME # # NOTE: Must be in sync with get-replica-name-regexp and set-replica-name. function get-all-replica-names() { # Ignore if gcloud compute fails and successfully echo any outcome # shellcheck disable=SC2005 echo "$(gcloud compute instances list \ --project "${PROJECT}" \ --filter="name ~ '$(get-replica-name-regexp)'" \ --format "value(name)" | tr "\n" "," | sed 's/,$//')" } # Prints the number of all of the master replicas in all zones. # # Assumed vars: # MASTER_NAME function get-master-replicas-count() { detect-project local num_masters num_masters=$(gcloud compute instances list \ --project "${PROJECT}" \ --filter="name ~ '$(get-replica-name-regexp)'" \ --format "value(zone)" | wc -l) echo -n "${num_masters}" } # Prints regexp for full master machine name. In a cluster with replicated master, # VM names may either be MASTER_NAME or MASTER_NAME with a suffix for a replica. function get-replica-name-regexp() { echo "^${MASTER_NAME}(-...)?" } # Sets REPLICA_NAME to a unique name for a master replica that will match # expected regexp (see get-replica-name-regexp). # # Assumed vars: # PROJECT # ZONE # MASTER_NAME # # Sets: # REPLICA_NAME function set-replica-name() { local instances instances=$(gcloud compute instances list \ --project "${PROJECT}" \ --filter="name ~ '$(get-replica-name-regexp)'" \ --format "value(name)") suffix="" while echo "${instances}" | grep "${suffix}" &>/dev/null; do suffix="$(date | md5sum | head -c3)" done REPLICA_NAME="${MASTER_NAME}-${suffix}" } # Gets the instance templates in use by the cluster. It echos the template names # so that the function output can be used. # Assumed vars: # NODE_INSTANCE_PREFIX # WINDOWS_NODE_INSTANCE_PREFIX # # $1: project function get-template() { local linux_filter="${NODE_INSTANCE_PREFIX}-(extra-)?template(-(${KUBE_RELEASE_VERSION_DASHED_REGEX}|${KUBE_CI_VERSION_DASHED_REGEX}))?" local windows_filter="${WINDOWS_NODE_INSTANCE_PREFIX}-template(-(${KUBE_RELEASE_VERSION_DASHED_REGEX}|${KUBE_CI_VERSION_DASHED_REGEX}))?" gcloud compute instance-templates list \ --filter="name ~ '${linux_filter}' OR name ~ '${windows_filter}'" \ --project="${1}" --format='value(name)' } # Checks if there are any present resources related kubernetes cluster. # # Assumed vars: # MASTER_NAME # NODE_INSTANCE_PREFIX # WINDOWS_NODE_INSTANCE_PREFIX # ZONE # REGION # Vars set: # KUBE_RESOURCE_FOUND function check-resources() { detect-project detect-node-names echo "Looking for already existing resources" KUBE_RESOURCE_FOUND="" if [[ -n "${INSTANCE_GROUPS[*]:-}" ]]; then KUBE_RESOURCE_FOUND="Managed instance groups ${INSTANCE_GROUPS[*]}" return 1 fi if [[ -n "${WINDOWS_INSTANCE_GROUPS[*]:-}" ]]; then KUBE_RESOURCE_FOUND="Managed instance groups ${WINDOWS_INSTANCE_GROUPS[*]}" return 1 fi if gcloud compute instance-templates describe --project "${PROJECT}" "${NODE_INSTANCE_PREFIX}-template" &>/dev/null; then KUBE_RESOURCE_FOUND="Instance template ${NODE_INSTANCE_PREFIX}-template" return 1 fi if gcloud compute instance-templates describe --project "${PROJECT}" "${WINDOWS_NODE_INSTANCE_PREFIX}-template" &>/dev/null; then KUBE_RESOURCE_FOUND="Instance template ${WINDOWS_NODE_INSTANCE_PREFIX}-template" return 1 fi if gcloud compute instances describe --project "${PROJECT}" "${MASTER_NAME}" --zone "${ZONE}" &>/dev/null; then KUBE_RESOURCE_FOUND="Kubernetes master ${MASTER_NAME}" return 1 fi if gcloud compute disks describe --project "${PROJECT}" "${MASTER_NAME}"-pd --zone "${ZONE}" &>/dev/null; then KUBE_RESOURCE_FOUND="Persistent disk ${MASTER_NAME}-pd" return 1 fi # Find out what minions are running. local -a minions kube::util::read-array minions < <(gcloud compute instances list \ --project "${PROJECT}" \ --filter="(name ~ '${NODE_INSTANCE_PREFIX}-.+' OR name ~ '${WINDOWS_NODE_INSTANCE_PREFIX}-.+') AND zone:(${ZONE})" \ --format='value(name)') if (( "${#minions[@]}" > 0 )); then KUBE_RESOURCE_FOUND="${#minions[@]} matching ${NODE_INSTANCE_PREFIX}-.+ or ${WINDOWS_NODE_INSTANCE_PREFIX}-.+" return 1 fi if gcloud compute firewall-rules describe --project "${NETWORK_PROJECT}" "${MASTER_NAME}-https" &>/dev/null; then KUBE_RESOURCE_FOUND="Firewall rules for ${MASTER_NAME}-https" return 1 fi if gcloud compute firewall-rules describe --project "${NETWORK_PROJECT}" "${NODE_TAG}-all" &>/dev/null; then KUBE_RESOURCE_FOUND="Firewall rules for ${MASTER_NAME}-all" return 1 fi local -a routes kube::util::read-array routes < <(gcloud compute routes list --project "${NETWORK_PROJECT}" \ --filter="name ~ '${INSTANCE_PREFIX}-minion-.{4}'" --format='value(name)') if (( "${#routes[@]}" > 0 )); then KUBE_RESOURCE_FOUND="${#routes[@]} routes matching ${INSTANCE_PREFIX}-minion-.{4}" return 1 fi if gcloud compute addresses describe --project "${PROJECT}" "${MASTER_NAME}-ip" --region "${REGION}" &>/dev/null; then KUBE_RESOURCE_FOUND="Master's reserved IP" return 1 fi # No resources found. return 0 } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Cluster specific test helpers # Execute prior to running tests to build a release if required for env. # # Assumed Vars: # KUBE_ROOT function test-build-release() { # Make a release "${KUBE_ROOT}/build/release.sh" } # Execute prior to running tests to initialize required structure. # # Assumed vars: # Variables from config.sh function test-setup() { # Detect the project into $PROJECT if it isn't set detect-project if [[ ${MULTIZONE:-} == "true" && -n ${E2E_ZONES:-} ]]; then for KUBE_GCE_ZONE in ${E2E_ZONES}; do KUBE_GCE_ZONE="${KUBE_GCE_ZONE}" KUBE_USE_EXISTING_MASTER="${KUBE_USE_EXISTING_MASTER:-}" "${KUBE_ROOT}/cluster/kube-up.sh" KUBE_USE_EXISTING_MASTER="true" # For subsequent zones we use the existing master done else "${KUBE_ROOT}/cluster/kube-up.sh" fi # Open up port 80 & 8080 so common containers on minions can be reached # TODO(roberthbailey): Remove this once we are no longer relying on hostPorts. local start start=$(date +%s) gcloud compute firewall-rules create \ --project "${NETWORK_PROJECT}" \ --target-tags "${NODE_TAG}" \ --allow tcp:80,tcp:8080 \ --network "${NETWORK}" \ "${NODE_TAG}-http-alt" 2> /dev/null || true # As there is no simple way to wait longer for this operation we need to manually # wait some additional time (20 minutes altogether). while ! gcloud compute firewall-rules describe --project "${NETWORK_PROJECT}" "${NODE_TAG}-http-alt" 2> /dev/null; do if [[ $((start + 1200)) -lt $(date +%s) ]]; then echo -e "${color_red:-}Failed to create firewall ${NODE_TAG}-http-alt in ${NETWORK_PROJECT}" >&2 exit 1 fi sleep 5 done # Open up the NodePort range # TODO(justinsb): Move to main setup, if we decide whether we want to do this by default. start=$(date +%s) gcloud compute firewall-rules create \ --project "${NETWORK_PROJECT}" \ --target-tags "${NODE_TAG}" \ --allow tcp:30000-32767,udp:30000-32767 \ --network "${NETWORK}" \ "${NODE_TAG}-nodeports" 2> /dev/null || true # As there is no simple way to wait longer for this operation we need to manually # wait some additional time (20 minutes altogether). while ! gcloud compute firewall-rules describe --project "${NETWORK_PROJECT}" "${NODE_TAG}-nodeports" 2> /dev/null; do if [[ $((start + 1200)) -lt $(date +%s) ]]; then echo -e "${color_red}Failed to create firewall ${NODE_TAG}-nodeports in ${PROJECT}" >&2 exit 1 fi sleep 5 done } # Execute after running tests to perform any required clean-up. function test-teardown() { detect-project echo "Shutting down test cluster in background." delete-firewall-rules \ "${NODE_TAG}-http-alt" \ "${NODE_TAG}-nodeports" if [[ ${MULTIZONE:-} == "true" && -n ${E2E_ZONES:-} ]]; then local zones read -r -a zones <<< "${E2E_ZONES}" # tear them down in reverse order, finally tearing down the master too. for ((zone_num=${#zones[@]}-1; zone_num>0; zone_num--)); do KUBE_GCE_ZONE="${zones[zone_num]}" KUBE_USE_EXISTING_MASTER="true" "${KUBE_ROOT}/cluster/kube-down.sh" done KUBE_GCE_ZONE="${zones[0]}" KUBE_USE_EXISTING_MASTER="false" "${KUBE_ROOT}/cluster/kube-down.sh" else "${KUBE_ROOT}/cluster/kube-down.sh" fi } # SSH to a node by name ($1) and run a command ($2). function ssh-to-node() { local node="$1" local cmd="$2" # Loop until we can successfully ssh into the box for (( i=0; i<5; i++)); do if gcloud compute ssh --ssh-flag='-o LogLevel=quiet' --ssh-flag='-o ConnectTimeout=30' --project "${PROJECT}" --zone="${ZONE}" "${node}" --command 'echo test > /dev/null'; then break fi sleep 5 done # Then actually try the command. gcloud compute ssh --ssh-flag="-o LogLevel=quiet" --ssh-flag="-o ConnectTimeout=30" --project "${PROJECT}" --zone="${ZONE}" "${node}" --command "${cmd}" } # Perform preparations required to run e2e tests function prepare-e2e() { detect-project } # Delete the image given by $1. function delete-image() { gcloud container images delete --quiet "$1" }