1apiVersion: v1
2kind: Pod
4 name: l7-lb-controller
5 namespace: kube-system
6 labels:
7 k8s-app: gcp-lb-controller
8 kubernetes.io/name: "GLBC"
10 securityContext:
11 seccompProfile:
12 type: RuntimeDefault
13 priorityClassName: system-node-critical
14 priority: 2000001000
15 terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 600
16 hostNetwork: true
17 containers:
18 - image: gcr.io/k8s-ingress-image-push/ingress-gce-glbc-amd64:v1.23.1
19 livenessProbe:
20 httpGet:
21 path: /healthz
22 port: 8086
23 scheme: HTTP
24 initialDelaySeconds: 30
25 # healthz reaches out to GCE
26 periodSeconds: 30
27 timeoutSeconds: 15
28 successThreshold: 1
29 failureThreshold: 5
30 name: l7-lb-controller
31 volumeMounts:
32 - mountPath: /etc/gce.conf
33 name: cloudconfig
34 readOnly: true
35 - mountPath: /var/log/glbc.log
36 name: logfile
37 readOnly: false
38 - mountPath: /etc/srv/kubernetes/l7-lb-controller
39 name: srvkube
40 readOnly: true
41 resources:
42 # Request is set to accommodate this pod alongside the other
43 # master components on a single core master.
44 requests:
45 cpu: 10m
46 memory: 50Mi
47 args:
48 - --v=3
49 - --logtostderr=false
50 - --log_file=/var/log/glbc.log
51 - --enable-finalizer-remove
52 - --enable-finalizer-add
53 - --default-backend-service=kube-system/default-http-backend
54 - --kubeconfig=/etc/srv/kubernetes/l7-lb-controller/kubeconfig
55 - --sync-period=600s
56 - --running-in-cluster=false
57 - --config-file-path=/etc/gce.conf
58 - --healthz-port=8086
59 - --gce-ratelimit=ga.Operations.Get,qps,10,100
60 - --gce-ratelimit=alpha.Operations.Get,qps,10,100
61 - --gce-ratelimit=beta.Operations.Get,qps,10,100
62 - --gce-ratelimit=ga.BackendServices.Get,qps,1.8,1
63 - --gce-ratelimit=beta.BackendServices.Get,qps,1.8,1
64 - --gce-ratelimit=ga.HealthChecks.Get,qps,1.8,1
65 - --gce-ratelimit=alpha.HealthChecks.Get,qps,1.8,1
66 - --gce-ratelimit=beta.NetworkEndpointGroups.Get,qps,1.8,1
67 - --gce-ratelimit=beta.NetworkEndpointGroups.AttachNetworkEndpoints,qps,1.8,1
68 - --gce-ratelimit=beta.NetworkEndpointGroups.DetachNetworkEndpoints,qps,1.8,1
69 - --gce-ratelimit=beta.NetworkEndpointGroups.ListNetworkEndpoints,qps,1.8,1
70 - --gce-ratelimit=ga.NetworkEndpointGroups.Get,qps,1.8,1
71 - --gce-ratelimit=ga.NetworkEndpointGroups.AttachNetworkEndpoints,qps,1.8,1
72 - --gce-ratelimit=ga.NetworkEndpointGroups.DetachNetworkEndpoints,qps,1.8,1
73 - --gce-ratelimit=ga.NetworkEndpointGroups.ListNetworkEndpoints,qps,1.8,1
74 volumes:
75 - hostPath:
76 path: /etc/gce.conf
77 type: FileOrCreate
78 name: cloudconfig
79 - hostPath:
80 path: /var/log/glbc.log
81 type: FileOrCreate
82 name: logfile
83 - hostPath:
84 path: /etc/srv/kubernetes/l7-lb-controller
85 name: srvkube
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