#!/usr/bin/env bash # Copyright 2015 The Kubernetes Authors. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # Calls gcloud to print out a variety of Google Cloud Platform resources used by # Kubernetes. Can be run before/after test runs and compared to track leaking # resources. # PROJECT must be set in the environment. # If ZONE, KUBE_GCE_INSTANCE_PREFIX, CLUSTER_NAME, KUBE_GCE_NETWORK, or # KUBE_GKE_NETWORK is set, they will be used to filter the results. set -o errexit set -o nounset set -o pipefail ZONE=${ZONE:-} REGION=${ZONE%-*} INSTANCE_PREFIX=${KUBE_GCE_INSTANCE_PREFIX:-${CLUSTER_NAME:-}} NETWORK=${KUBE_GCE_NETWORK:-${KUBE_GKE_NETWORK:-default}} # In GKE the instance prefix starts with "gke-". if [[ "${KUBERNETES_PROVIDER:-}" == "gke" ]]; then INSTANCE_PREFIX="gke-${CLUSTER_NAME}" # Truncate to 26 characters for route prefix matching. INSTANCE_PREFIX="${INSTANCE_PREFIX:0:26}" fi # Usage: gcloud-list # GREP_REGEX is applied to the output of gcloud if set GREP_REGEX="" function gcloud-list() { local -r group=$1 local -r resource=$2 local -r filter=${3:-} echo -e "\n\n[ ${group} ${resource} ]" local attempt=1 local result="" while true; do if result=$(gcloud "${group}" "${resource}" list --project="${PROJECT}" ${filter:+--filter="$filter"} "${@:4}"); then if [[ -n "${GREP_REGEX:-}" ]]; then result=$(echo "${result}" | grep "${GREP_REGEX}" || true) fi echo "${result}" return fi echo -e "Attempt ${attempt} failed to list ${resource}. Retrying." >&2 attempt=$((attempt + 1)) if [[ ${attempt} -gt 5 ]]; then echo -e "List ${resource} failed!" >&2 exit 2 fi sleep $((5 * attempt)) done } echo "Project: ${PROJECT}" echo "Region: ${REGION}" echo "Zone: ${ZONE}" echo "Instance prefix: ${INSTANCE_PREFIX:-}" echo "Network: ${NETWORK}" echo "Provider: ${KUBERNETES_PROVIDER:-}" # List resources related to instances, filtering by the instance prefix if # provided. set +e # do not stop on error gcloud-list compute instance-templates "name ~ '${INSTANCE_PREFIX}.*'" gcloud-list compute instance-groups "${ZONE:+"zone:(${ZONE}) AND "}name ~ '${INSTANCE_PREFIX}.*'" gcloud-list compute instances "${ZONE:+"zone:(${ZONE}) AND "}name ~ '${INSTANCE_PREFIX}.*'" # List disk resources, filtering by instance prefix if provided. gcloud-list compute disks "${ZONE:+"zone:(${ZONE}) AND "}name ~ '${INSTANCE_PREFIX}.*'" # List network resources. We include names starting with "a", corresponding to # those that Kubernetes creates. gcloud-list compute addresses "${REGION:+"region=(${REGION}) AND "}name ~ 'a.*|${INSTANCE_PREFIX}.*'" # Match either the header or a line with the specified e2e network. # This assumes that the network name is the second field in the output. GREP_REGEX="^NAME\|^[^ ]\+[ ]\+\(${NETWORK}\) " gcloud-list compute routes "name ~ 'default.*|${INSTANCE_PREFIX}.*'" gcloud-list compute firewall-rules "name ~ 'default.*|k8s-fw.*|${INSTANCE_PREFIX}.*'" GREP_REGEX="" gcloud-list compute forwarding-rules ${REGION:+"region=(${REGION})"} gcloud-list compute target-pools ${REGION:+"region=(${REGION})"} gcloud-list logging sinks set -e