1# See the OWNERS docs at https://go.k8s.io/owners
4 ".*":
5 reviewers:
6 - dep-reviewers
7 - sig-architecture-approvers
8 approvers:
9 - dep-approvers # for go.mod/go.sum
10 - sig-architecture-approvers # for OWNERS_ALIASES and other root files
11 emeritus_approvers:
12 - bgrant0607
13 - brendandburns
14 - dchen1107
15 - jbeda
16 - lavalamp
17 - liggitt
18 - smarterclayton
19 - thockin
20 - wojtek-t
21 # go.{mod,sum} files relate to go dependencies, and should be reviewed by the
22 # dep-approvers
23 "go\\.(mod|sum)$":
24 required_reviewers:
25 - kubernetes/dep-approvers
26 labels:
27 - area/dependency
28 # metrics.go files are sig-instrumentation related, and should be tagged
29 # and reviewed by sig-instrumentation
30 "metrics\\.go$":
31 labels:
32 - sig/instrumentation
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