# kubectl create namespace edit-test # kubectl create service clusterip svc1 --tcp 80 --namespace=edit-test --save-config # kubectl edit service svc1 --namespace=edit-test --save-config=true description: edit with flag --save-config=true should update the annotation mode: edit args: - service - svc1 saveConfig: "true" namespace: edit-test expectedStdout: - service/svc1 edited expectedExitCode: 0 steps: - type: request expectedMethod: GET expectedPath: /api/v1/namespaces/edit-test/services/svc1 expectedInput: 0.request resultingStatusCode: 200 resultingOutput: 0.response - type: edit expectedInput: 1.original resultingOutput: 1.edited - type: request expectedMethod: PATCH expectedPath: /api/v1/namespaces/edit-test/services/svc1 expectedContentType: application/strategic-merge-patch+json expectedInput: 2.request resultingStatusCode: 200 resultingOutput: 2.response