1# Please edit the object below. Lines beginning with a '#' will be ignored,
2# and an empty file will abort the edit. If an error occurs while saving this file will be
3# reopened with the relevant failures.
5apiVersion: v1
7- apiVersion: v1
8 data:
9 baz: qux
10 foo: changed-value
11 new-data: new-value
12 new-data2: new-value
13 kind: ConfigMap
14 metadata:
15 creationTimestamp: "2017-02-03T06:12:07Z"
16 name: cm1
17 namespace: edit-test
18 resourceVersion: "1414"
19 selfLink: /api/v1/namespaces/edit-test/configmaps/cm1
20 uid: b09bffab-e9d7-11e6-8c3b-acbc32c1ca87
21- apiVersion: v1
22 kind: Service
23 metadata:
24 creationTimestamp: "2017-02-03T06:11:32Z"
25 labels:
26 app: svc1
27 new-label: foo
28 name: svc1
29 namespace: edit-test
30 resourceVersion: "1064"
31 selfLink: /api/v1/namespaces/edit-test/services/svc1
32 uid: 9bec82be-e9d7-11e6-8c3b-acbc32c1ca87
33 spec:
34 clusterIP:
35 ports:
36 - name: "80"
37 port: 81
38 protocol: TCP
39 targetPort: 81
40 sessionAffinity: None
41 type: ClusterIP
42 status:
43 loadBalancer: {}
44kind: List
45metadata: {}
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