
Text file src/k8s.io/kubectl/pkg/cmd/edit/testdata/testcase-create-list-error/3.response

Documentation: k8s.io/kubectl/pkg/cmd/edit/testdata/testcase-create-list-error

     2	"kind": "Status",
     3	"apiVersion": "v1",
     4	"metadata": {},
     5	"status": "Failure",
     6	"message": "Service \"svc2\" is invalid: [spec.ports[0].protocol: Unsupported value: \"VHF\": supported values: TCP, UDP, SCTP, spec.clusterIP: Invalid value: \"\": must be empty, 'None', or a valid IP address]",
     7	"reason": "Invalid",
     8	"details": {
     9		"name": "svc2",
    10		"kind": "Service",
    11		"causes": [
    12			{
    13				"reason": "FieldValueNotSupported",
    14				"message": "Unsupported value: \"VHF\": supported values: TCP, UDP, SCTP",
    15				"field": "spec.ports[0].protocol"
    16			},
    17			{
    18				"reason": "FieldValueInvalid",
    19				"message": "Invalid value: \"\": must be empty, 'None', or a valid IP address",
    20				"field": "spec.clusterIP"
    21			}
    22		]
    23	},
    24	"code": 422

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