1# Please edit the 'last-applied-configuration' annotations below.
2# Lines beginning with a '#' will be ignored, and an empty file will abort the edit.
4# The edited file had a syntax error: error converting YAML to JSON: yaml: line 12: could not find expected ':'
6apiVersion: v1
8- apiVersion: v1
9 data:
10 baz: qux
11 foo: changed-value
12 new-data: new-value
13 new-data2: new-value
14 new-data3: newivalue
15 kind: ConfigMap
16 metadata:
17 annotations: {}
18 name: cm1
19 namespace: myproject
20- kind: Service
21 apiVersion: v1
22 metadata:
23 annotations: {}
24 labels:
25 app: svc1
26 new-label: foo
27 new-label2: foo2
28 name: svc1
29 namespace: myproject
30 spec:
31 ports:
32 - name: "80"
33 port: 82
34 protocol: TCP
35 targetPort: 81
36 sessionAffinity: None
37 type: ClusterIP
38 status:
39 loadBalancer: {}
40kind: List
41metadata: {}
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