/* Copyright 2017 The Kubernetes Authors. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ package edit import ( "bytes" "encoding/json" "io" "net/http" "net/http/httptest" "os" "path/filepath" "strings" "testing" "github.com/google/go-cmp/cmp" "github.com/spf13/cobra" yaml "gopkg.in/yaml.v2" "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/runtime/schema" "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/sets" "k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/genericiooptions" "k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/resource" "k8s.io/client-go/rest/fake" "k8s.io/kubectl/pkg/cmd/apply" "k8s.io/kubectl/pkg/cmd/create" cmdtesting "k8s.io/kubectl/pkg/cmd/testing" cmdutil "k8s.io/kubectl/pkg/cmd/util" ) type EditTestCase struct { Description string `yaml:"description"` // create or edit Mode string `yaml:"mode"` Args []string `yaml:"args"` Filename string `yaml:"filename"` Output string `yaml:"outputFormat"` OutputPatch string `yaml:"outputPatch"` SaveConfig string `yaml:"saveConfig"` Subresource string `yaml:"subresource"` Namespace string `yaml:"namespace"` ExpectedStdout []string `yaml:"expectedStdout"` ExpectedStderr []string `yaml:"expectedStderr"` ExpectedExitCode int `yaml:"expectedExitCode"` Steps []EditStep `yaml:"steps"` } type EditStep struct { // edit or request StepType string `yaml:"type"` // only applies to request RequestMethod string `yaml:"expectedMethod,omitempty"` RequestPath string `yaml:"expectedPath,omitempty"` RequestContentType string `yaml:"expectedContentType,omitempty"` Input string `yaml:"expectedInput"` // only applies to request ResponseStatusCode int `yaml:"resultingStatusCode,omitempty"` Output string `yaml:"resultingOutput"` } func TestEdit(t *testing.T) { var ( name string testcase EditTestCase i int err error ) const updateEnvVar = "UPDATE_EDIT_FIXTURE_DATA" updateInputFixtures := os.Getenv(updateEnvVar) == "true" reqResp := func(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { defer func() { i++ }() if i > len(testcase.Steps)-1 { t.Fatalf("%s, step %d: more requests than steps, got %s %s", name, i, req.Method, req.URL.Path) } step := testcase.Steps[i] body := []byte{} if req.Body != nil { body, err = io.ReadAll(req.Body) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("%s, step %d: %v", name, i, err) } } inputFile := filepath.Join("testdata", "testcase-"+name, step.Input) expectedInput, err := os.ReadFile(inputFile) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("%s, step %d: %v", name, i, err) } outputFile := filepath.Join("testdata", "testcase-"+name, step.Output) resultingOutput, err := os.ReadFile(outputFile) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("%s, step %d: %v", name, i, err) } if req.Method == "POST" && req.URL.Path == "/callback" { if step.StepType != "edit" { t.Fatalf("%s, step %d: expected edit step, got %s %s", name, i, req.Method, req.URL.Path) } if !bytes.Equal(body, expectedInput) { if updateInputFixtures { // Convenience to allow recapturing the input and persisting it here os.WriteFile(inputFile, body, os.FileMode(0644)) } else { t.Errorf("%s, step %d: diff in edit content:\n%s", name, i, cmp.Diff(string(body), string(expectedInput))) t.Logf("If the change in input is expected, rerun tests with %s=true to update input fixtures", updateEnvVar) } } return &http.Response{StatusCode: http.StatusOK, Body: io.NopCloser(bytes.NewReader(resultingOutput))}, nil } if step.StepType != "request" { t.Fatalf("%s, step %d: expected request step, got %s %s", name, i, req.Method, req.URL.Path) } body = tryIndent(body) expectedInput = tryIndent(expectedInput) if req.Method != step.RequestMethod || req.URL.Path != step.RequestPath || req.Header.Get("Content-Type") != step.RequestContentType { t.Fatalf( "%s, step %d: expected \n%s %s (content-type=%s)\ngot\n%s %s (content-type=%s)", name, i, step.RequestMethod, step.RequestPath, step.RequestContentType, req.Method, req.URL.Path, req.Header.Get("Content-Type"), ) } if !bytes.Equal(body, expectedInput) { if updateInputFixtures { // Convenience to allow recapturing the input and persisting it here os.WriteFile(inputFile, body, os.FileMode(0644)) } else { t.Errorf("%s, step %d: diff in edit content:\n%s", name, i, cmp.Diff(string(body), string(expectedInput))) t.Logf("If the change in input is expected, rerun tests with %s=true to update input fixtures", updateEnvVar) } } return &http.Response{StatusCode: step.ResponseStatusCode, Header: cmdtesting.DefaultHeader(), Body: io.NopCloser(bytes.NewReader(resultingOutput))}, nil } handler := http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) { resp, _ := reqResp(req) for k, vs := range resp.Header { w.Header().Del(k) for _, v := range vs { w.Header().Add(k, v) } } w.WriteHeader(resp.StatusCode) io.Copy(w, resp.Body) }) server := httptest.NewServer(handler) defer server.Close() t.Setenv("KUBE_EDITOR", "testdata/test_editor.sh") t.Setenv("KUBE_EDITOR_CALLBACK", server.URL+"/callback") testcases := sets.NewString() filepath.Walk("testdata", func(path string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error { if err != nil { return err } if path == "testdata" { return nil } name := filepath.Base(path) if info.IsDir() { if strings.HasPrefix(name, "testcase-") { testcases.Insert(strings.TrimPrefix(name, "testcase-")) } return filepath.SkipDir } return nil }) // sanity check that we found the right folder if !testcases.Has("create-list") { t.Fatalf("Error locating edit testcases") } for _, testcaseName := range testcases.List() { t.Run(testcaseName, func(t *testing.T) { i = 0 name = testcaseName testcase = EditTestCase{} testcaseDir := filepath.Join("testdata", "testcase-"+name) testcaseData, err := os.ReadFile(filepath.Join(testcaseDir, "test.yaml")) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("%s: %v", name, err) } if err := yaml.Unmarshal(testcaseData, &testcase); err != nil { t.Fatalf("%s: %v", name, err) } tf := cmdtesting.NewTestFactory() defer tf.Cleanup() tf.UnstructuredClientForMappingFunc = func(gv schema.GroupVersion) (resource.RESTClient, error) { versionedAPIPath := "" if gv.Group == "" { versionedAPIPath = "/api/" + gv.Version } else { versionedAPIPath = "/apis/" + gv.Group + "/" + gv.Version } return &fake.RESTClient{ VersionedAPIPath: versionedAPIPath, NegotiatedSerializer: resource.UnstructuredPlusDefaultContentConfig().NegotiatedSerializer, Client: fake.CreateHTTPClient(reqResp), }, nil } tf.WithNamespace(testcase.Namespace) tf.ClientConfigVal = cmdtesting.DefaultClientConfig() ioStreams, _, buf, errBuf := genericiooptions.NewTestIOStreams() var cmd *cobra.Command switch testcase.Mode { case "edit": cmd = NewCmdEdit(tf, ioStreams) case "create": cmd = create.NewCmdCreate(tf, ioStreams) cmd.Flags().Set("edit", "true") case "edit-last-applied": cmd = apply.NewCmdApplyEditLastApplied(tf, ioStreams) default: t.Fatalf("%s: unexpected mode %s", name, testcase.Mode) } if len(testcase.Filename) > 0 { cmd.Flags().Set("filename", filepath.Join(testcaseDir, testcase.Filename)) } if len(testcase.Output) > 0 { cmd.Flags().Set("output", testcase.Output) } if len(testcase.OutputPatch) > 0 { cmd.Flags().Set("output-patch", testcase.OutputPatch) } if len(testcase.SaveConfig) > 0 { cmd.Flags().Set("save-config", testcase.SaveConfig) } if len(testcase.Subresource) > 0 { cmd.Flags().Set("subresource", testcase.Subresource) } cmdutil.BehaviorOnFatal(func(str string, code int) { errBuf.WriteString(str) if testcase.ExpectedExitCode != code { t.Errorf("%s: expected exit code %d, got %d: %s", name, testcase.ExpectedExitCode, code, str) } }) cmd.Run(cmd, testcase.Args) stdout := buf.String() stderr := errBuf.String() for _, s := range testcase.ExpectedStdout { if !strings.Contains(stdout, s) { t.Errorf("%s: expected to see '%s' in stdout\n\nstdout:\n%s\n\nstderr:\n%s", name, s, stdout, stderr) } } for _, s := range testcase.ExpectedStderr { if !strings.Contains(stderr, s) { t.Errorf("%s: expected to see '%s' in stderr\n\nstdout:\n%s\n\nstderr:\n%s", name, s, stdout, stderr) } } if i < len(testcase.Steps) { t.Errorf("%s: saw %d steps, testcase included %d additional steps that were not exercised", name, i, len(testcase.Steps)-i) } }) } } func tryIndent(data []byte) []byte { indented := &bytes.Buffer{} if err := json.Indent(indented, data, "", "\t"); err == nil { return indented.Bytes() } return data }