17 package schemamutation
19 import (
20 "encoding/json"
21 "fmt"
22 "math"
23 "math/rand"
24 "reflect"
25 "regexp"
26 "strings"
27 "testing"
28 "time"
30 fuzz "github.com/google/gofuzz"
31 "k8s.io/kube-openapi/pkg/util/jsontesting"
32 "k8s.io/kube-openapi/pkg/util/sets"
33 "k8s.io/kube-openapi/pkg/validation/spec"
34 )
36 func fuzzFuncs(f *fuzz.Fuzzer, refFunc func(ref *spec.Ref, c fuzz.Continue, visible bool)) {
37 invisible := 0
38 depth := 0
39 maxDepth := 3
40 nilChance := func(depth int) float64 {
41 return math.Pow(0.9, math.Max(0.0, float64(maxDepth-depth)))
42 }
43 updateFuzzer := func(depth int) {
44 f.NilChance(nilChance(depth))
45 f.NumElements(0, max(0, maxDepth-depth))
46 }
47 updateFuzzer(depth)
48 enter := func(o interface{}, recursive bool, c fuzz.Continue) {
49 if recursive {
50 depth++
51 updateFuzzer(depth)
52 }
54 invisible++
55 c.FuzzNoCustom(o)
56 invisible--
57 }
58 leave := func(recursive bool) {
59 if recursive {
60 depth--
61 updateFuzzer(depth)
62 }
63 }
64 f.Funcs(
65 func(ref *spec.Ref, c fuzz.Continue) {
66 refFunc(ref, c, invisible == 0)
67 },
68 func(sa *spec.SchemaOrStringArray, c fuzz.Continue) {
69 *sa = spec.SchemaOrStringArray{}
70 if c.RandBool() {
71 c.Fuzz(&sa.Schema)
72 } else {
73 c.Fuzz(&sa.Property)
74 }
75 if sa.Schema == nil && len(sa.Property) == 0 {
76 *sa = spec.SchemaOrStringArray{Schema: &spec.Schema{}}
77 }
78 },
79 func(url *spec.SchemaURL, c fuzz.Continue) {
80 *url = spec.SchemaURL("http://url")
81 },
82 func(s *spec.Swagger, c fuzz.Continue) {
83 enter(s, false, c)
84 defer leave(false)
87 c.Fuzz(&s.Parameters)
88 c.Fuzz(&s.Responses)
89 c.Fuzz(&s.Definitions)
90 c.Fuzz(&s.Paths)
91 },
92 func(p *spec.PathItem, c fuzz.Continue) {
93 enter(p, false, c)
94 defer leave(false)
97 c.Fuzz(&p.Parameters)
98 c.Fuzz(&p.Delete)
99 c.Fuzz(&p.Get)
100 c.Fuzz(&p.Head)
101 c.Fuzz(&p.Options)
102 c.Fuzz(&p.Patch)
103 c.Fuzz(&p.Post)
104 c.Fuzz(&p.Put)
105 },
106 func(p *spec.Parameter, c fuzz.Continue) {
107 enter(p, false, c)
108 defer leave(false)
111 c.Fuzz(&p.Ref)
112 c.Fuzz(&p.Schema)
113 if c.RandBool() {
114 p.Items = &spec.Items{}
115 c.Fuzz(&p.Items.Ref)
116 } else {
117 p.Items = nil
118 }
119 },
120 func(s *spec.Response, c fuzz.Continue) {
121 enter(s, false, c)
122 defer leave(false)
125 c.Fuzz(&s.Ref)
126 c.Fuzz(&s.Description)
127 c.Fuzz(&s.Schema)
128 c.Fuzz(&s.Examples)
129 },
130 func(s *spec.Dependencies, c fuzz.Continue) {
131 enter(s, false, c)
132 defer leave(false)
135 },
136 func(p *spec.SimpleSchema, c fuzz.Continue) {
138 if c.Float64() > nilChance(depth) {
139 return
140 }
142 enter(p, true, c)
143 defer leave(true)
145 c.FuzzNoCustom(p)
146 },
147 func(s *spec.SchemaProps, c fuzz.Continue) {
149 if c.Float64() > nilChance(depth) {
150 return
151 }
153 enter(s, true, c)
154 defer leave(true)
156 c.FuzzNoCustom(s)
157 },
158 func(i *interface{}, c fuzz.Continue) {
160 },
161 )
162 }
164 func TestReplaceReferences(t *testing.T) {
165 visibleRE, err := regexp.Compile("\"\\$ref\":\"(http://ref-[^\"]*)\"")
166 if err != nil {
167 t.Fatalf("failed to compile ref regex: %v", err)
168 }
169 invisibleRE, err := regexp.Compile("\"\\$ref\":\"(http://invisible-[^\"]*)\"")
170 if err != nil {
171 t.Fatalf("failed to compile ref regex: %v", err)
172 }
174 for i := 0; i < 1000; i++ {
175 var visibleRefs, invisibleRefs sets.String
176 var seed int64
177 var randSource rand.Source
178 var s *spec.Swagger
179 for {
180 visibleRefs = sets.NewString()
181 invisibleRefs = sets.NewString()
183 f := fuzz.New()
184 seed = time.Now().UnixNano()
186 randSource = rand.New(rand.NewSource(seed))
187 f.RandSource(randSource)
189 visibleRefsNum := 0
190 invisibleRefsNum := 0
191 fuzzFuncs(f,
192 func(ref *spec.Ref, c fuzz.Continue, visible bool) {
193 var url string
194 if visible {
196 url = fmt.Sprintf("http://ref-%d", visibleRefsNum)
197 visibleRefsNum++
198 } else {
200 url = fmt.Sprintf("http://invisible-%d", invisibleRefsNum)
201 invisibleRefsNum++
202 }
204 r, err := spec.NewRef(url)
205 if err != nil {
206 t.Fatalf("failed to fuzz ref: %v", err)
207 }
208 *ref = r
209 },
210 )
213 s = &spec.Swagger{}
214 f.Fuzz(s)
217 var err error
218 s, err = cloneSwagger(s)
219 if err != nil {
220 t.Fatalf("failed to normalize swagger after fuzzing: %v", err)
221 }
224 bs, err := s.MarshalJSON()
225 if err != nil {
226 t.Fatalf("failed to marshal swagger: %v", err)
227 }
228 for _, m := range invisibleRE.FindAllStringSubmatch(string(bs), -1) {
229 invisibleRefs.Insert(m[1])
230 }
231 if res := visibleRE.FindAllStringSubmatch(string(bs), -1); len(res) > 0 {
232 for _, m := range res {
233 visibleRefs.Insert(m[1])
234 }
235 break
236 }
237 }
239 t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("iteration %d", i), func(t *testing.T) {
240 mutatedRefs := sets.NewString()
241 mutationProbability := rand.New(randSource).Float64()
242 for _, vr := range visibleRefs.List() {
243 if rand.New(randSource).Float64() > mutationProbability {
244 mutatedRefs.Insert(vr)
245 }
246 }
248 origString, err := s.MarshalJSON()
249 if err != nil {
250 t.Fatalf("failed to marshal swagger: %v", err)
251 }
252 t.Logf("created schema with %d walked refs, %d invisible refs, mutating %v, seed %d: %s", visibleRefs.Len(), invisibleRefs.Len(), mutatedRefs.List(), seed, string(origString))
255 mutatedString := string(origString)
256 for _, r := range mutatedRefs.List() {
257 mr := strings.Replace(r, "ref", "mutated", -1)
258 mutatedString = strings.Replace(mutatedString, "\""+r+"\"", "\""+mr+"\"", -1)
259 }
260 mutatedViaJSON := &spec.Swagger{}
261 if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(mutatedString), mutatedViaJSON); err != nil {
262 t.Fatalf("failed to unmarshal mutated spec: %v", err)
263 }
266 seenRefs := sets.NewString()
267 walker := Walker{
268 RefCallback: func(ref *spec.Ref) *spec.Ref {
269 seenRefs.Insert(ref.String())
270 if mutatedRefs.Has(ref.String()) {
271 r, err := spec.NewRef(strings.Replace(ref.String(), "ref", "mutated", -1))
272 if err != nil {
273 t.Fatalf("failed to create ref: %v", err)
274 }
275 return &r
276 }
277 return ref
278 },
279 SchemaCallback: SchemaCallBackNoop,
280 }
281 mutatedViaWalker := walker.WalkRoot(s)
284 if !reflect.DeepEqual(mutatedViaJSON, mutatedViaWalker) {
285 t.Errorf("mutation via walker differ from JSON text replacement (got A, expected B): %s", objectDiff(mutatedViaWalker, mutatedViaJSON))
286 }
287 if !seenRefs.HasAll(visibleRefs.List()...) {
288 t.Errorf("expected to see the same refs in the walker as during fuzzing. Not seen: %v", visibleRefs.Difference(seenRefs).List())
289 }
290 if shouldNotSee := seenRefs.Intersection(invisibleRefs); shouldNotSee.Len() > 0 {
291 t.Errorf("refs seen that the walker is not expected to see: %v", shouldNotSee.List())
292 }
293 })
294 }
295 }
297 func TestReplaceSchema(t *testing.T) {
298 for i := 0; i < 1000; i++ {
299 t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("iteration-%d", i), func(t *testing.T) {
300 seed := time.Now().UnixNano()
301 f := fuzz.NewWithSeed(seed).NilChance(0).MaxDepth(5)
302 rootSchema := &spec.Schema{}
303 f.Funcs(func(s *spec.Schema, c fuzz.Continue) {
304 c.Fuzz(&s.Description)
305 s.Description += " original"
306 if c.RandBool() {
308 var enums []string
309 c.Fuzz(&enums)
310 for _, enum := range enums {
311 s.Enum = append(s.Enum, enum)
312 }
313 }
314 if c.RandBool() {
315 c.Fuzz(&s.Properties)
316 }
317 if c.RandBool() {
318 c.Fuzz(&s.AdditionalProperties)
319 }
320 if c.RandBool() {
321 c.Fuzz(&s.PatternProperties)
322 }
323 if c.RandBool() {
324 c.Fuzz(&s.AdditionalItems)
325 }
326 if c.RandBool() {
327 c.Fuzz(&s.AnyOf)
328 }
329 if c.RandBool() {
330 c.Fuzz(&s.AllOf)
331 }
332 if c.RandBool() {
333 c.Fuzz(&s.OneOf)
334 }
335 if c.RandBool() {
336 c.Fuzz(&s.Not)
337 }
338 if c.RandBool() {
339 c.Fuzz(&s.Definitions)
340 }
341 if c.RandBool() {
342 items := new(spec.SchemaOrArray)
343 if c.RandBool() {
344 c.Fuzz(&items.Schema)
345 } else {
346 c.Fuzz(&items.Schemas)
347 }
348 s.Items = items
349 }
350 })
351 f.Fuzz(rootSchema)
352 w := &Walker{SchemaCallback: func(schema *spec.Schema) *spec.Schema {
353 s := *schema
354 s.Description = strings.Replace(s.Description, "original", "modified", -1)
355 return &s
356 }, RefCallback: RefCallbackNoop}
357 newSchema := w.WalkSchema(rootSchema)
358 origBytes, err := json.Marshal(rootSchema)
359 if err != nil {
360 t.Fatalf("cannot marshal original schema: %v", err)
361 }
362 origJSON := string(origBytes)
363 mutatedWithString := strings.Replace(origJSON, "original", "modified", -1)
364 newBytes, err := json.Marshal(newSchema)
365 if err != nil {
366 t.Fatalf("cannot marshal mutated schema: %v", err)
367 }
368 if err := jsontesting.JsonCompare(newBytes, []byte(mutatedWithString)); err != nil {
369 t.Error(err)
370 }
371 if !strings.Contains(origJSON, `"enum":[`) {
372 t.Logf("did not contain enum, skipping enum checks")
373 return
374 }
376 w = &Walker{SchemaCallback: func(schema *spec.Schema) *spec.Schema {
377 s := *schema
378 s.Enum = nil
379 return &s
380 }, RefCallback: RefCallbackNoop}
381 newSchema = w.WalkSchema(rootSchema)
382 newBytes, err = json.Marshal(newSchema)
383 if err != nil {
384 t.Fatalf("cannot marshal mutated schema: %v", err)
385 }
386 if strings.Contains(string(newBytes), `"enum":[`) {
387 t.Errorf("enum still exists in %q", newBytes)
388 }
389 })
390 }
391 }
393 func cloneSwagger(orig *spec.Swagger) (*spec.Swagger, error) {
394 bs, err := orig.MarshalJSON()
395 if err != nil {
396 return nil, fmt.Errorf("error marshaling: %v", err)
397 }
398 s := &spec.Swagger{}
399 if err := json.Unmarshal(bs, s); err != nil {
400 return nil, fmt.Errorf("error unmarshaling: %v", err)
401 }
402 return s, nil
403 }
406 func stringDiff(a, b string) string {
407 ba := []byte(a)
408 bb := []byte(b)
409 out := []byte{}
410 i := 0
411 for ; i < len(ba) && i < len(bb); i++ {
412 if ba[i] != bb[i] {
413 break
414 }
415 out = append(out, ba[i])
416 }
417 out = append(out, []byte("\n\nA: ")...)
418 out = append(out, ba[i:]...)
419 out = append(out, []byte("\n\nB: ")...)
420 out = append(out, bb[i:]...)
421 out = append(out, []byte("\n\n")...)
422 return string(out)
423 }
428 func objectDiff(a, b interface{}) string {
429 ab, err := json.Marshal(a)
430 if err != nil {
431 panic(fmt.Sprintf("a: %v", err))
432 }
433 bb, err := json.Marshal(b)
434 if err != nil {
435 panic(fmt.Sprintf("b: %v", err))
436 }
437 return stringDiff(string(ab), string(bb))
438 }
440 func max(i, j int) int {
441 if i > j {
442 return i
443 }
444 return j
445 }
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