
Source file src/k8s.io/kube-openapi/pkg/internal/third_party/go-json-experiment/json/encode.go

Documentation: k8s.io/kube-openapi/pkg/internal/third_party/go-json-experiment/json

     1  // Copyright 2020 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
     2  // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
     3  // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
     5  package json
     7  import (
     8  	"bytes"
     9  	"io"
    10  	"math"
    11  	"math/bits"
    12  	"strconv"
    13  	"unicode/utf16"
    14  	"unicode/utf8"
    15  )
    17  // EncodeOptions configures how JSON encoding operates.
    18  // The zero value is equivalent to the default settings,
    19  // which is compliant with both RFC 7493 and RFC 8259.
    20  type EncodeOptions struct {
    21  	requireKeyedLiterals
    22  	nonComparable
    24  	// multiline specifies whether the encoder should emit multiline output.
    25  	multiline bool
    27  	// omitTopLevelNewline specifies whether to omit the newline
    28  	// that is appended after every top-level JSON value when streaming.
    29  	omitTopLevelNewline bool
    31  	// AllowDuplicateNames specifies that JSON objects may contain
    32  	// duplicate member names. Disabling the duplicate name check may provide
    33  	// performance benefits, but breaks compliance with RFC 7493, section 2.3.
    34  	// The output will still be compliant with RFC 8259,
    35  	// which leaves the handling of duplicate names as unspecified behavior.
    36  	AllowDuplicateNames bool
    38  	// AllowInvalidUTF8 specifies that JSON strings may contain invalid UTF-8,
    39  	// which will be mangled as the Unicode replacement character, U+FFFD.
    40  	// This causes the encoder to break compliance with
    41  	// RFC 7493, section 2.1, and RFC 8259, section 8.1.
    42  	AllowInvalidUTF8 bool
    44  	// preserveRawStrings specifies that WriteToken and WriteValue should not
    45  	// reformat any JSON string, but keep the formatting verbatim.
    46  	preserveRawStrings bool
    48  	// canonicalizeNumbers specifies that WriteToken and WriteValue should
    49  	// reformat any JSON numbers according to RFC 8785, section
    50  	canonicalizeNumbers bool
    52  	// EscapeRune reports whether the provided character should be escaped
    53  	// as a hexadecimal Unicode codepoint (e.g., \ufffd).
    54  	// If nil, the shortest and simplest encoding will be used,
    55  	// which is also the formatting specified by RFC 8785, section
    56  	EscapeRune func(rune) bool
    58  	// Indent (if non-empty) specifies that the encoder should emit multiline
    59  	// output where each element in a JSON object or array begins on a new,
    60  	// indented line beginning with the indent prefix followed by one or more
    61  	// copies of indent according to the indentation nesting.
    62  	// It may only be composed of space or tab characters.
    63  	Indent string
    65  	// IndentPrefix is prepended to each line within a JSON object or array.
    66  	// The purpose of the indent prefix is to encode data that can more easily
    67  	// be embedded inside other formatted JSON data.
    68  	// It may only be composed of space or tab characters.
    69  	// It is ignored if Indent is empty.
    70  	IndentPrefix string
    71  }
    73  // Encoder is a streaming encoder from raw JSON tokens and values.
    74  // It is used to write a stream of top-level JSON values,
    75  // each terminated with a newline character.
    76  //
    77  // WriteToken and WriteValue calls may be interleaved.
    78  // For example, the following JSON value:
    79  //
    80  //	{"name":"value","array":[null,false,true,3.14159],"object":{"k":"v"}}
    81  //
    82  // can be composed with the following calls (ignoring errors for brevity):
    83  //
    84  //	e.WriteToken(ObjectStart)           // {
    85  //	e.WriteToken(String("name"))        // "name"
    86  //	e.WriteToken(String("value"))       // "value"
    87  //	e.WriteValue(RawValue(`"array"`))   // "array"
    88  //	e.WriteToken(ArrayStart)            // [
    89  //	e.WriteToken(Null)                  // null
    90  //	e.WriteToken(False)                 // false
    91  //	e.WriteValue(RawValue("true"))      // true
    92  //	e.WriteToken(Float(3.14159))        // 3.14159
    93  //	e.WriteToken(ArrayEnd)              // ]
    94  //	e.WriteValue(RawValue(`"object"`))  // "object"
    95  //	e.WriteValue(RawValue(`{"k":"v"}`)) // {"k":"v"}
    96  //	e.WriteToken(ObjectEnd)             // }
    97  //
    98  // The above is one of many possible sequence of calls and
    99  // may not represent the most sensible method to call for any given token/value.
   100  // For example, it is probably more common to call WriteToken with a string
   101  // for object names.
   102  type Encoder struct {
   103  	state
   104  	encodeBuffer
   105  	options EncodeOptions
   107  	seenPointers seenPointers // only used when marshaling
   108  }
   110  // encodeBuffer is a buffer split into 2 segments:
   111  //
   112  //   - buf[0:len(buf)]        // written (but unflushed) portion of the buffer
   113  //   - buf[len(buf):cap(buf)] // unused portion of the buffer
   114  type encodeBuffer struct {
   115  	buf []byte // may alias wr if it is a bytes.Buffer
   117  	// baseOffset is added to len(buf) to obtain the absolute offset
   118  	// relative to the start of io.Writer stream.
   119  	baseOffset int64
   121  	wr io.Writer
   123  	// maxValue is the approximate maximum RawValue size passed to WriteValue.
   124  	maxValue int
   125  	// unusedCache is the buffer returned by the UnusedBuffer method.
   126  	unusedCache []byte
   127  	// bufStats is statistics about buffer utilization.
   128  	// It is only used with pooled encoders in pools.go.
   129  	bufStats bufferStatistics
   130  }
   132  // NewEncoder constructs a new streaming encoder writing to w.
   133  func NewEncoder(w io.Writer) *Encoder {
   134  	return EncodeOptions{}.NewEncoder(w)
   135  }
   137  // NewEncoder constructs a new streaming encoder writing to w
   138  // configured with the provided options.
   139  // It flushes the internal buffer when the buffer is sufficiently full or
   140  // when a top-level value has been written.
   141  //
   142  // If w is a bytes.Buffer, then the encoder appends directly into the buffer
   143  // without copying the contents from an intermediate buffer.
   144  func (o EncodeOptions) NewEncoder(w io.Writer) *Encoder {
   145  	e := new(Encoder)
   146  	o.ResetEncoder(e, w)
   147  	return e
   148  }
   150  // ResetEncoder resets an encoder such that it is writing afresh to w and
   151  // configured with the provided options.
   152  func (o EncodeOptions) ResetEncoder(e *Encoder, w io.Writer) {
   153  	if e == nil {
   154  		panic("json: invalid nil Encoder")
   155  	}
   156  	if w == nil {
   157  		panic("json: invalid nil io.Writer")
   158  	}
   159  	e.reset(nil, w, o)
   160  }
   162  func (e *Encoder) reset(b []byte, w io.Writer, o EncodeOptions) {
   163  	if len(o.Indent) > 0 {
   164  		o.multiline = true
   165  		if s := trimLeftSpaceTab(o.IndentPrefix); len(s) > 0 {
   166  			panic("json: invalid character " + quoteRune([]byte(s)) + " in indent prefix")
   167  		}
   168  		if s := trimLeftSpaceTab(o.Indent); len(s) > 0 {
   169  			panic("json: invalid character " + quoteRune([]byte(s)) + " in indent")
   170  		}
   171  	}
   172  	e.state.reset()
   173  	e.encodeBuffer = encodeBuffer{buf: b, wr: w, bufStats: e.bufStats}
   174  	e.options = o
   175  	if bb, ok := w.(*bytes.Buffer); ok && bb != nil {
   176  		e.buf = bb.Bytes()[bb.Len():] // alias the unused buffer of bb
   177  	}
   178  }
   180  // Reset resets an encoder such that it is writing afresh to w but
   181  // keeps any pre-existing encoder options.
   182  func (e *Encoder) Reset(w io.Writer) {
   183  	e.options.ResetEncoder(e, w)
   184  }
   186  // needFlush determines whether to flush at this point.
   187  func (e *Encoder) needFlush() bool {
   188  	// NOTE: This function is carefully written to be inlineable.
   190  	// Avoid flushing if e.wr is nil since there is no underlying writer.
   191  	// Flush if less than 25% of the capacity remains.
   192  	// Flushing at some constant fraction ensures that the buffer stops growing
   193  	// so long as the largest Token or Value fits within that unused capacity.
   194  	return e.wr != nil && (e.tokens.depth() == 1 || len(e.buf) > 3*cap(e.buf)/4)
   195  }
   197  // flush flushes the buffer to the underlying io.Writer.
   198  // It may append a trailing newline after the top-level value.
   199  func (e *Encoder) flush() error {
   200  	if e.wr == nil || e.avoidFlush() {
   201  		return nil
   202  	}
   204  	// In streaming mode, always emit a newline after the top-level value.
   205  	if e.tokens.depth() == 1 && !e.options.omitTopLevelNewline {
   206  		e.buf = append(e.buf, '\n')
   207  	}
   209  	// Inform objectNameStack that we are about to flush the buffer content.
   210  	e.names.copyQuotedBuffer(e.buf)
   212  	// Specialize bytes.Buffer for better performance.
   213  	if bb, ok := e.wr.(*bytes.Buffer); ok {
   214  		// If e.buf already aliases the internal buffer of bb,
   215  		// then the Write call simply increments the internal offset,
   216  		// otherwise Write operates as expected.
   217  		// See https://go.dev/issue/42986.
   218  		n, _ := bb.Write(e.buf) // never fails unless bb is nil
   219  		e.baseOffset += int64(n)
   221  		// If the internal buffer of bytes.Buffer is too small,
   222  		// append operations elsewhere in the Encoder may grow the buffer.
   223  		// This would be semantically correct, but hurts performance.
   224  		// As such, ensure 25% of the current length is always available
   225  		// to reduce the probability that other appends must allocate.
   226  		if avail := bb.Cap() - bb.Len(); avail < bb.Len()/4 {
   227  			bb.Grow(avail + 1)
   228  		}
   230  		e.buf = bb.Bytes()[bb.Len():] // alias the unused buffer of bb
   231  		return nil
   232  	}
   234  	// Flush the internal buffer to the underlying io.Writer.
   235  	n, err := e.wr.Write(e.buf)
   236  	e.baseOffset += int64(n)
   237  	if err != nil {
   238  		// In the event of an error, preserve the unflushed portion.
   239  		// Thus, write errors aren't fatal so long as the io.Writer
   240  		// maintains consistent state after errors.
   241  		if n > 0 {
   242  			e.buf = e.buf[:copy(e.buf, e.buf[n:])]
   243  		}
   244  		return &ioError{action: "write", err: err}
   245  	}
   246  	e.buf = e.buf[:0]
   248  	// Check whether to grow the buffer.
   249  	// Note that cap(e.buf) may already exceed maxBufferSize since
   250  	// an append elsewhere already grew it to store a large token.
   251  	const maxBufferSize = 4 << 10
   252  	const growthSizeFactor = 2 // higher value is faster
   253  	const growthRateFactor = 2 // higher value is slower
   254  	// By default, grow if below the maximum buffer size.
   255  	grow := cap(e.buf) <= maxBufferSize/growthSizeFactor
   256  	// Growing can be expensive, so only grow
   257  	// if a sufficient number of bytes have been processed.
   258  	grow = grow && int64(cap(e.buf)) < e.previousOffsetEnd()/growthRateFactor
   259  	if grow {
   260  		e.buf = make([]byte, 0, cap(e.buf)*growthSizeFactor)
   261  	}
   263  	return nil
   264  }
   266  func (e *encodeBuffer) previousOffsetEnd() int64 { return e.baseOffset + int64(len(e.buf)) }
   267  func (e *encodeBuffer) unflushedBuffer() []byte  { return e.buf }
   269  // avoidFlush indicates whether to avoid flushing to ensure there is always
   270  // enough in the buffer to unwrite the last object member if it were empty.
   271  func (e *Encoder) avoidFlush() bool {
   272  	switch {
   273  	case e.tokens.last.length() == 0:
   274  		// Never flush after ObjectStart or ArrayStart since we don't know yet
   275  		// if the object or array will end up being empty.
   276  		return true
   277  	case e.tokens.last.needObjectValue():
   278  		// Never flush before the object value since we don't know yet
   279  		// if the object value will end up being empty.
   280  		return true
   281  	case e.tokens.last.needObjectName() && len(e.buf) >= 2:
   282  		// Never flush after the object value if it does turn out to be empty.
   283  		switch string(e.buf[len(e.buf)-2:]) {
   284  		case `ll`, `""`, `{}`, `[]`: // last two bytes of every empty value
   285  			return true
   286  		}
   287  	}
   288  	return false
   289  }
   291  // unwriteEmptyObjectMember unwrites the last object member if it is empty
   292  // and reports whether it performed an unwrite operation.
   293  func (e *Encoder) unwriteEmptyObjectMember(prevName *string) bool {
   294  	if last := e.tokens.last; !last.isObject() || !last.needObjectName() || last.length() == 0 {
   295  		panic("BUG: must be called on an object after writing a value")
   296  	}
   298  	// The flushing logic is modified to never flush a trailing empty value.
   299  	// The encoder never writes trailing whitespace eagerly.
   300  	b := e.unflushedBuffer()
   302  	// Detect whether the last value was empty.
   303  	var n int
   304  	if len(b) >= 3 {
   305  		switch string(b[len(b)-2:]) {
   306  		case "ll": // last two bytes of `null`
   307  			n = len(`null`)
   308  		case `""`:
   309  			// It is possible for a non-empty string to have `""` as a suffix
   310  			// if the second to the last quote was escaped.
   311  			if b[len(b)-3] == '\\' {
   312  				return false // e.g., `"\""` is not empty
   313  			}
   314  			n = len(`""`)
   315  		case `{}`:
   316  			n = len(`{}`)
   317  		case `[]`:
   318  			n = len(`[]`)
   319  		}
   320  	}
   321  	if n == 0 {
   322  		return false
   323  	}
   325  	// Unwrite the value, whitespace, colon, name, whitespace, and comma.
   326  	b = b[:len(b)-n]
   327  	b = trimSuffixWhitespace(b)
   328  	b = trimSuffixByte(b, ':')
   329  	b = trimSuffixString(b)
   330  	b = trimSuffixWhitespace(b)
   331  	b = trimSuffixByte(b, ',')
   332  	e.buf = b // store back truncated unflushed buffer
   334  	// Undo state changes.
   335  	e.tokens.last.decrement() // for object member value
   336  	e.tokens.last.decrement() // for object member name
   337  	if !e.options.AllowDuplicateNames {
   338  		if e.tokens.last.isActiveNamespace() {
   339  			e.namespaces.last().removeLast()
   340  		}
   341  		e.names.clearLast()
   342  		if prevName != nil {
   343  			e.names.copyQuotedBuffer(e.buf) // required by objectNameStack.replaceLastUnquotedName
   344  			e.names.replaceLastUnquotedName(*prevName)
   345  		}
   346  	}
   347  	return true
   348  }
   350  // unwriteOnlyObjectMemberName unwrites the only object member name
   351  // and returns the unquoted name.
   352  func (e *Encoder) unwriteOnlyObjectMemberName() string {
   353  	if last := e.tokens.last; !last.isObject() || last.length() != 1 {
   354  		panic("BUG: must be called on an object after writing first name")
   355  	}
   357  	// Unwrite the name and whitespace.
   358  	b := trimSuffixString(e.buf)
   359  	isVerbatim := bytes.IndexByte(e.buf[len(b):], '\\') < 0
   360  	name := string(unescapeStringMayCopy(e.buf[len(b):], isVerbatim))
   361  	e.buf = trimSuffixWhitespace(b)
   363  	// Undo state changes.
   364  	e.tokens.last.decrement()
   365  	if !e.options.AllowDuplicateNames {
   366  		if e.tokens.last.isActiveNamespace() {
   367  			e.namespaces.last().removeLast()
   368  		}
   369  		e.names.clearLast()
   370  	}
   371  	return name
   372  }
   374  func trimSuffixWhitespace(b []byte) []byte {
   375  	// NOTE: The arguments and logic are kept simple to keep this inlineable.
   376  	n := len(b) - 1
   377  	for n >= 0 && (b[n] == ' ' || b[n] == '\t' || b[n] == '\r' || b[n] == '\n') {
   378  		n--
   379  	}
   380  	return b[:n+1]
   381  }
   383  func trimSuffixString(b []byte) []byte {
   384  	// NOTE: The arguments and logic are kept simple to keep this inlineable.
   385  	if len(b) > 0 && b[len(b)-1] == '"' {
   386  		b = b[:len(b)-1]
   387  	}
   388  	for len(b) >= 2 && !(b[len(b)-1] == '"' && b[len(b)-2] != '\\') {
   389  		b = b[:len(b)-1] // trim all characters except an unescaped quote
   390  	}
   391  	if len(b) > 0 && b[len(b)-1] == '"' {
   392  		b = b[:len(b)-1]
   393  	}
   394  	return b
   395  }
   397  func hasSuffixByte(b []byte, c byte) bool {
   398  	// NOTE: The arguments and logic are kept simple to keep this inlineable.
   399  	return len(b) > 0 && b[len(b)-1] == c
   400  }
   402  func trimSuffixByte(b []byte, c byte) []byte {
   403  	// NOTE: The arguments and logic are kept simple to keep this inlineable.
   404  	if len(b) > 0 && b[len(b)-1] == c {
   405  		return b[:len(b)-1]
   406  	}
   407  	return b
   408  }
   410  // WriteToken writes the next token and advances the internal write offset.
   411  //
   412  // The provided token kind must be consistent with the JSON grammar.
   413  // For example, it is an error to provide a number when the encoder
   414  // is expecting an object name (which is always a string), or
   415  // to provide an end object delimiter when the encoder is finishing an array.
   416  // If the provided token is invalid, then it reports a SyntacticError and
   417  // the internal state remains unchanged.
   418  func (e *Encoder) WriteToken(t Token) error {
   419  	k := t.Kind()
   420  	b := e.buf // use local variable to avoid mutating e in case of error
   422  	// Append any delimiters or optional whitespace.
   423  	b = e.tokens.mayAppendDelim(b, k)
   424  	if e.options.multiline {
   425  		b = e.appendWhitespace(b, k)
   426  	}
   428  	// Append the token to the output and to the state machine.
   429  	var err error
   430  	switch k {
   431  	case 'n':
   432  		b = append(b, "null"...)
   433  		err = e.tokens.appendLiteral()
   434  	case 'f':
   435  		b = append(b, "false"...)
   436  		err = e.tokens.appendLiteral()
   437  	case 't':
   438  		b = append(b, "true"...)
   439  		err = e.tokens.appendLiteral()
   440  	case '"':
   441  		n0 := len(b) // offset before calling t.appendString
   442  		if b, err = t.appendString(b, !e.options.AllowInvalidUTF8, e.options.preserveRawStrings, e.options.EscapeRune); err != nil {
   443  			break
   444  		}
   445  		if !e.options.AllowDuplicateNames && e.tokens.last.needObjectName() {
   446  			if !e.tokens.last.isValidNamespace() {
   447  				err = errInvalidNamespace
   448  				break
   449  			}
   450  			if e.tokens.last.isActiveNamespace() && !e.namespaces.last().insertQuoted(b[n0:], false) {
   451  				err = &SyntacticError{str: "duplicate name " + string(b[n0:]) + " in object"}
   452  				break
   453  			}
   454  			e.names.replaceLastQuotedOffset(n0) // only replace if insertQuoted succeeds
   455  		}
   456  		err = e.tokens.appendString()
   457  	case '0':
   458  		if b, err = t.appendNumber(b, e.options.canonicalizeNumbers); err != nil {
   459  			break
   460  		}
   461  		err = e.tokens.appendNumber()
   462  	case '{':
   463  		b = append(b, '{')
   464  		if err = e.tokens.pushObject(); err != nil {
   465  			break
   466  		}
   467  		if !e.options.AllowDuplicateNames {
   468  			e.names.push()
   469  			e.namespaces.push()
   470  		}
   471  	case '}':
   472  		b = append(b, '}')
   473  		if err = e.tokens.popObject(); err != nil {
   474  			break
   475  		}
   476  		if !e.options.AllowDuplicateNames {
   477  			e.names.pop()
   478  			e.namespaces.pop()
   479  		}
   480  	case '[':
   481  		b = append(b, '[')
   482  		err = e.tokens.pushArray()
   483  	case ']':
   484  		b = append(b, ']')
   485  		err = e.tokens.popArray()
   486  	default:
   487  		return &SyntacticError{str: "invalid json.Token"}
   488  	}
   489  	if err != nil {
   490  		return err
   491  	}
   493  	// Finish off the buffer and store it back into e.
   494  	e.buf = b
   495  	if e.needFlush() {
   496  		return e.flush()
   497  	}
   498  	return nil
   499  }
   501  const (
   502  	rawIntNumber  = -1
   503  	rawUintNumber = -2
   504  )
   506  // writeNumber is specialized version of WriteToken, but optimized for numbers.
   507  // As a special-case, if bits is -1 or -2, it will treat v as
   508  // the raw-encoded bits of an int64 or uint64, respectively.
   509  // It is only called from arshal_default.go.
   510  func (e *Encoder) writeNumber(v float64, bits int, quote bool) error {
   511  	b := e.buf // use local variable to avoid mutating e in case of error
   513  	// Append any delimiters or optional whitespace.
   514  	b = e.tokens.mayAppendDelim(b, '0')
   515  	if e.options.multiline {
   516  		b = e.appendWhitespace(b, '0')
   517  	}
   519  	if quote {
   520  		// Append the value to the output.
   521  		n0 := len(b) // offset before appending the number
   522  		b = append(b, '"')
   523  		switch bits {
   524  		case rawIntNumber:
   525  			b = strconv.AppendInt(b, int64(math.Float64bits(v)), 10)
   526  		case rawUintNumber:
   527  			b = strconv.AppendUint(b, uint64(math.Float64bits(v)), 10)
   528  		default:
   529  			b = appendNumber(b, v, bits)
   530  		}
   531  		b = append(b, '"')
   533  		// Escape the string if necessary.
   534  		if e.options.EscapeRune != nil {
   535  			b2 := append(e.unusedCache, b[n0+len(`"`):len(b)-len(`"`)]...)
   536  			b, _ = appendString(b[:n0], string(b2), false, e.options.EscapeRune)
   537  			e.unusedCache = b2[:0]
   538  		}
   540  		// Update the state machine.
   541  		if !e.options.AllowDuplicateNames && e.tokens.last.needObjectName() {
   542  			if !e.tokens.last.isValidNamespace() {
   543  				return errInvalidNamespace
   544  			}
   545  			if e.tokens.last.isActiveNamespace() && !e.namespaces.last().insertQuoted(b[n0:], false) {
   546  				return &SyntacticError{str: "duplicate name " + string(b[n0:]) + " in object"}
   547  			}
   548  			e.names.replaceLastQuotedOffset(n0) // only replace if insertQuoted succeeds
   549  		}
   550  		if err := e.tokens.appendString(); err != nil {
   551  			return err
   552  		}
   553  	} else {
   554  		switch bits {
   555  		case rawIntNumber:
   556  			b = strconv.AppendInt(b, int64(math.Float64bits(v)), 10)
   557  		case rawUintNumber:
   558  			b = strconv.AppendUint(b, uint64(math.Float64bits(v)), 10)
   559  		default:
   560  			b = appendNumber(b, v, bits)
   561  		}
   562  		if err := e.tokens.appendNumber(); err != nil {
   563  			return err
   564  		}
   565  	}
   567  	// Finish off the buffer and store it back into e.
   568  	e.buf = b
   569  	if e.needFlush() {
   570  		return e.flush()
   571  	}
   572  	return nil
   573  }
   575  // WriteValue writes the next raw value and advances the internal write offset.
   576  // The Encoder does not simply copy the provided value verbatim, but
   577  // parses it to ensure that it is syntactically valid and reformats it
   578  // according to how the Encoder is configured to format whitespace and strings.
   579  //
   580  // The provided value kind must be consistent with the JSON grammar
   581  // (see examples on Encoder.WriteToken). If the provided value is invalid,
   582  // then it reports a SyntacticError and the internal state remains unchanged.
   583  func (e *Encoder) WriteValue(v RawValue) error {
   584  	e.maxValue |= len(v) // bitwise OR is a fast approximation of max
   586  	k := v.Kind()
   587  	b := e.buf // use local variable to avoid mutating e in case of error
   589  	// Append any delimiters or optional whitespace.
   590  	b = e.tokens.mayAppendDelim(b, k)
   591  	if e.options.multiline {
   592  		b = e.appendWhitespace(b, k)
   593  	}
   595  	// Append the value the output.
   596  	var err error
   597  	v = v[consumeWhitespace(v):]
   598  	n0 := len(b) // offset before calling e.reformatValue
   599  	b, v, err = e.reformatValue(b, v, e.tokens.depth())
   600  	if err != nil {
   601  		return err
   602  	}
   603  	v = v[consumeWhitespace(v):]
   604  	if len(v) > 0 {
   605  		return newInvalidCharacterError(v[0:], "after top-level value")
   606  	}
   608  	// Append the kind to the state machine.
   609  	switch k {
   610  	case 'n', 'f', 't':
   611  		err = e.tokens.appendLiteral()
   612  	case '"':
   613  		if !e.options.AllowDuplicateNames && e.tokens.last.needObjectName() {
   614  			if !e.tokens.last.isValidNamespace() {
   615  				err = errInvalidNamespace
   616  				break
   617  			}
   618  			if e.tokens.last.isActiveNamespace() && !e.namespaces.last().insertQuoted(b[n0:], false) {
   619  				err = &SyntacticError{str: "duplicate name " + string(b[n0:]) + " in object"}
   620  				break
   621  			}
   622  			e.names.replaceLastQuotedOffset(n0) // only replace if insertQuoted succeeds
   623  		}
   624  		err = e.tokens.appendString()
   625  	case '0':
   626  		err = e.tokens.appendNumber()
   627  	case '{':
   628  		if err = e.tokens.pushObject(); err != nil {
   629  			break
   630  		}
   631  		if err = e.tokens.popObject(); err != nil {
   632  			panic("BUG: popObject should never fail immediately after pushObject: " + err.Error())
   633  		}
   634  	case '[':
   635  		if err = e.tokens.pushArray(); err != nil {
   636  			break
   637  		}
   638  		if err = e.tokens.popArray(); err != nil {
   639  			panic("BUG: popArray should never fail immediately after pushArray: " + err.Error())
   640  		}
   641  	}
   642  	if err != nil {
   643  		return err
   644  	}
   646  	// Finish off the buffer and store it back into e.
   647  	e.buf = b
   648  	if e.needFlush() {
   649  		return e.flush()
   650  	}
   651  	return nil
   652  }
   654  // appendWhitespace appends whitespace that immediately precedes the next token.
   655  func (e *Encoder) appendWhitespace(b []byte, next Kind) []byte {
   656  	if e.tokens.needDelim(next) == ':' {
   657  		return append(b, ' ')
   658  	} else {
   659  		return e.appendIndent(b, e.tokens.needIndent(next))
   660  	}
   661  }
   663  // appendIndent appends the appropriate number of indentation characters
   664  // for the current nested level, n.
   665  func (e *Encoder) appendIndent(b []byte, n int) []byte {
   666  	if n == 0 {
   667  		return b
   668  	}
   669  	b = append(b, '\n')
   670  	b = append(b, e.options.IndentPrefix...)
   671  	for ; n > 1; n-- {
   672  		b = append(b, e.options.Indent...)
   673  	}
   674  	return b
   675  }
   677  // reformatValue parses a JSON value from the start of src and
   678  // appends it to the end of dst, reformatting whitespace and strings as needed.
   679  // It returns the updated versions of dst and src.
   680  func (e *Encoder) reformatValue(dst []byte, src RawValue, depth int) ([]byte, RawValue, error) {
   681  	// TODO: Should this update valueFlags as input?
   682  	if len(src) == 0 {
   683  		return dst, src, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
   684  	}
   685  	var n int
   686  	var err error
   687  	switch k := Kind(src[0]).normalize(); k {
   688  	case 'n':
   689  		if n = consumeNull(src); n == 0 {
   690  			n, err = consumeLiteral(src, "null")
   691  		}
   692  	case 'f':
   693  		if n = consumeFalse(src); n == 0 {
   694  			n, err = consumeLiteral(src, "false")
   695  		}
   696  	case 't':
   697  		if n = consumeTrue(src); n == 0 {
   698  			n, err = consumeLiteral(src, "true")
   699  		}
   700  	case '"':
   701  		if n := consumeSimpleString(src); n > 0 && e.options.EscapeRune == nil {
   702  			dst, src = append(dst, src[:n]...), src[n:] // copy simple strings verbatim
   703  			return dst, src, nil
   704  		}
   705  		return reformatString(dst, src, !e.options.AllowInvalidUTF8, e.options.preserveRawStrings, e.options.EscapeRune)
   706  	case '0':
   707  		if n := consumeSimpleNumber(src); n > 0 && !e.options.canonicalizeNumbers {
   708  			dst, src = append(dst, src[:n]...), src[n:] // copy simple numbers verbatim
   709  			return dst, src, nil
   710  		}
   711  		return reformatNumber(dst, src, e.options.canonicalizeNumbers)
   712  	case '{':
   713  		return e.reformatObject(dst, src, depth)
   714  	case '[':
   715  		return e.reformatArray(dst, src, depth)
   716  	default:
   717  		return dst, src, newInvalidCharacterError(src, "at start of value")
   718  	}
   719  	if err != nil {
   720  		return dst, src, err
   721  	}
   722  	dst, src = append(dst, src[:n]...), src[n:]
   723  	return dst, src, nil
   724  }
   726  // reformatObject parses a JSON object from the start of src and
   727  // appends it to the end of src, reformatting whitespace and strings as needed.
   728  // It returns the updated versions of dst and src.
   729  func (e *Encoder) reformatObject(dst []byte, src RawValue, depth int) ([]byte, RawValue, error) {
   730  	// Append object start.
   731  	if src[0] != '{' {
   732  		panic("BUG: reformatObject must be called with a buffer that starts with '{'")
   733  	}
   734  	dst, src = append(dst, '{'), src[1:]
   736  	// Append (possible) object end.
   737  	src = src[consumeWhitespace(src):]
   738  	if len(src) == 0 {
   739  		return dst, src, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
   740  	}
   741  	if src[0] == '}' {
   742  		dst, src = append(dst, '}'), src[1:]
   743  		return dst, src, nil
   744  	}
   746  	var err error
   747  	var names *objectNamespace
   748  	if !e.options.AllowDuplicateNames {
   749  		e.namespaces.push()
   750  		defer e.namespaces.pop()
   751  		names = e.namespaces.last()
   752  	}
   753  	depth++
   754  	for {
   755  		// Append optional newline and indentation.
   756  		if e.options.multiline {
   757  			dst = e.appendIndent(dst, depth)
   758  		}
   760  		// Append object name.
   761  		src = src[consumeWhitespace(src):]
   762  		if len(src) == 0 {
   763  			return dst, src, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
   764  		}
   765  		n0 := len(dst) // offset before calling reformatString
   766  		n := consumeSimpleString(src)
   767  		if n > 0 && e.options.EscapeRune == nil {
   768  			dst, src = append(dst, src[:n]...), src[n:] // copy simple strings verbatim
   769  		} else {
   770  			dst, src, err = reformatString(dst, src, !e.options.AllowInvalidUTF8, e.options.preserveRawStrings, e.options.EscapeRune)
   771  		}
   772  		if err != nil {
   773  			return dst, src, err
   774  		}
   775  		if !e.options.AllowDuplicateNames && !names.insertQuoted(dst[n0:], false) {
   776  			return dst, src, &SyntacticError{str: "duplicate name " + string(dst[n0:]) + " in object"}
   777  		}
   779  		// Append colon.
   780  		src = src[consumeWhitespace(src):]
   781  		if len(src) == 0 {
   782  			return dst, src, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
   783  		}
   784  		if src[0] != ':' {
   785  			return dst, src, newInvalidCharacterError(src, "after object name (expecting ':')")
   786  		}
   787  		dst, src = append(dst, ':'), src[1:]
   788  		if e.options.multiline {
   789  			dst = append(dst, ' ')
   790  		}
   792  		// Append object value.
   793  		src = src[consumeWhitespace(src):]
   794  		if len(src) == 0 {
   795  			return dst, src, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
   796  		}
   797  		dst, src, err = e.reformatValue(dst, src, depth)
   798  		if err != nil {
   799  			return dst, src, err
   800  		}
   802  		// Append comma or object end.
   803  		src = src[consumeWhitespace(src):]
   804  		if len(src) == 0 {
   805  			return dst, src, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
   806  		}
   807  		switch src[0] {
   808  		case ',':
   809  			dst, src = append(dst, ','), src[1:]
   810  			continue
   811  		case '}':
   812  			if e.options.multiline {
   813  				dst = e.appendIndent(dst, depth-1)
   814  			}
   815  			dst, src = append(dst, '}'), src[1:]
   816  			return dst, src, nil
   817  		default:
   818  			return dst, src, newInvalidCharacterError(src, "after object value (expecting ',' or '}')")
   819  		}
   820  	}
   821  }
   823  // reformatArray parses a JSON array from the start of src and
   824  // appends it to the end of dst, reformatting whitespace and strings as needed.
   825  // It returns the updated versions of dst and src.
   826  func (e *Encoder) reformatArray(dst []byte, src RawValue, depth int) ([]byte, RawValue, error) {
   827  	// Append array start.
   828  	if src[0] != '[' {
   829  		panic("BUG: reformatArray must be called with a buffer that starts with '['")
   830  	}
   831  	dst, src = append(dst, '['), src[1:]
   833  	// Append (possible) array end.
   834  	src = src[consumeWhitespace(src):]
   835  	if len(src) == 0 {
   836  		return dst, src, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
   837  	}
   838  	if src[0] == ']' {
   839  		dst, src = append(dst, ']'), src[1:]
   840  		return dst, src, nil
   841  	}
   843  	var err error
   844  	depth++
   845  	for {
   846  		// Append optional newline and indentation.
   847  		if e.options.multiline {
   848  			dst = e.appendIndent(dst, depth)
   849  		}
   851  		// Append array value.
   852  		src = src[consumeWhitespace(src):]
   853  		if len(src) == 0 {
   854  			return dst, src, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
   855  		}
   856  		dst, src, err = e.reformatValue(dst, src, depth)
   857  		if err != nil {
   858  			return dst, src, err
   859  		}
   861  		// Append comma or array end.
   862  		src = src[consumeWhitespace(src):]
   863  		if len(src) == 0 {
   864  			return dst, src, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
   865  		}
   866  		switch src[0] {
   867  		case ',':
   868  			dst, src = append(dst, ','), src[1:]
   869  			continue
   870  		case ']':
   871  			if e.options.multiline {
   872  				dst = e.appendIndent(dst, depth-1)
   873  			}
   874  			dst, src = append(dst, ']'), src[1:]
   875  			return dst, src, nil
   876  		default:
   877  			return dst, src, newInvalidCharacterError(src, "after array value (expecting ',' or ']')")
   878  		}
   879  	}
   880  }
   882  // OutputOffset returns the current output byte offset. It gives the location
   883  // of the next byte immediately after the most recently written token or value.
   884  // The number of bytes actually written to the underlying io.Writer may be less
   885  // than this offset due to internal buffering effects.
   886  func (e *Encoder) OutputOffset() int64 {
   887  	return e.previousOffsetEnd()
   888  }
   890  // UnusedBuffer returns a zero-length buffer with a possible non-zero capacity.
   891  // This buffer is intended to be used to populate a RawValue
   892  // being passed to an immediately succeeding WriteValue call.
   893  //
   894  // Example usage:
   895  //
   896  //	b := d.UnusedBuffer()
   897  //	b = append(b, '"')
   898  //	b = appendString(b, v) // append the string formatting of v
   899  //	b = append(b, '"')
   900  //	... := d.WriteValue(b)
   901  //
   902  // It is the user's responsibility to ensure that the value is valid JSON.
   903  func (e *Encoder) UnusedBuffer() []byte {
   904  	// NOTE: We don't return e.buf[len(e.buf):cap(e.buf)] since WriteValue would
   905  	// need to take special care to avoid mangling the data while reformatting.
   906  	// WriteValue can't easily identify whether the input RawValue aliases e.buf
   907  	// without using unsafe.Pointer. Thus, we just return a different buffer.
   908  	// Should this ever alias e.buf, we need to consider how it operates with
   909  	// the specialized performance optimization for bytes.Buffer.
   910  	n := 1 << bits.Len(uint(e.maxValue|63)) // fast approximation for max length
   911  	if cap(e.unusedCache) < n {
   912  		e.unusedCache = make([]byte, 0, n)
   913  	}
   914  	return e.unusedCache
   915  }
   917  // StackDepth returns the depth of the state machine for written JSON data.
   918  // Each level on the stack represents a nested JSON object or array.
   919  // It is incremented whenever an ObjectStart or ArrayStart token is encountered
   920  // and decremented whenever an ObjectEnd or ArrayEnd token is encountered.
   921  // The depth is zero-indexed, where zero represents the top-level JSON value.
   922  func (e *Encoder) StackDepth() int {
   923  	// NOTE: Keep in sync with Decoder.StackDepth.
   924  	return e.tokens.depth() - 1
   925  }
   927  // StackIndex returns information about the specified stack level.
   928  // It must be a number between 0 and StackDepth, inclusive.
   929  // For each level, it reports the kind:
   930  //
   931  //   - 0 for a level of zero,
   932  //   - '{' for a level representing a JSON object, and
   933  //   - '[' for a level representing a JSON array.
   934  //
   935  // It also reports the length of that JSON object or array.
   936  // Each name and value in a JSON object is counted separately,
   937  // so the effective number of members would be half the length.
   938  // A complete JSON object must have an even length.
   939  func (e *Encoder) StackIndex(i int) (Kind, int) {
   940  	// NOTE: Keep in sync with Decoder.StackIndex.
   941  	switch s := e.tokens.index(i); {
   942  	case i > 0 && s.isObject():
   943  		return '{', s.length()
   944  	case i > 0 && s.isArray():
   945  		return '[', s.length()
   946  	default:
   947  		return 0, s.length()
   948  	}
   949  }
   951  // StackPointer returns a JSON Pointer (RFC 6901) to the most recently written value.
   952  // Object names are only present if AllowDuplicateNames is false, otherwise
   953  // object members are represented using their index within the object.
   954  func (e *Encoder) StackPointer() string {
   955  	e.names.copyQuotedBuffer(e.buf)
   956  	return string(e.appendStackPointer(nil))
   957  }
   959  // appendString appends src to dst as a JSON string per RFC 7159, section 7.
   960  //
   961  // If validateUTF8 is specified, this rejects input that contains invalid UTF-8
   962  // otherwise invalid bytes are replaced with the Unicode replacement character.
   963  // If escapeRune is provided, it specifies which runes to escape using
   964  // hexadecimal sequences. If nil, the shortest representable form is used,
   965  // which is also the canonical form for strings (RFC 8785, section
   966  //
   967  // Note that this API allows full control over the formatting of strings
   968  // except for whether a forward solidus '/' may be formatted as '\/' and
   969  // the casing of hexadecimal Unicode escape sequences.
   970  func appendString(dst []byte, src string, validateUTF8 bool, escapeRune func(rune) bool) ([]byte, error) {
   971  	appendEscapedASCII := func(dst []byte, c byte) []byte {
   972  		switch c {
   973  		case '"', '\\':
   974  			dst = append(dst, '\\', c)
   975  		case '\b':
   976  			dst = append(dst, "\\b"...)
   977  		case '\f':
   978  			dst = append(dst, "\\f"...)
   979  		case '\n':
   980  			dst = append(dst, "\\n"...)
   981  		case '\r':
   982  			dst = append(dst, "\\r"...)
   983  		case '\t':
   984  			dst = append(dst, "\\t"...)
   985  		default:
   986  			dst = append(dst, "\\u"...)
   987  			dst = appendHexUint16(dst, uint16(c))
   988  		}
   989  		return dst
   990  	}
   991  	appendEscapedUnicode := func(dst []byte, r rune) []byte {
   992  		if r1, r2 := utf16.EncodeRune(r); r1 != '\ufffd' && r2 != '\ufffd' {
   993  			dst = append(dst, "\\u"...)
   994  			dst = appendHexUint16(dst, uint16(r1))
   995  			dst = append(dst, "\\u"...)
   996  			dst = appendHexUint16(dst, uint16(r2))
   997  		} else {
   998  			dst = append(dst, "\\u"...)
   999  			dst = appendHexUint16(dst, uint16(r))
  1000  		}
  1001  		return dst
  1002  	}
  1004  	// Optimize for when escapeRune is nil.
  1005  	if escapeRune == nil {
  1006  		var i, n int
  1007  		dst = append(dst, '"')
  1008  		for uint(len(src)) > uint(n) {
  1009  			// Handle single-byte ASCII.
  1010  			if c := src[n]; c < utf8.RuneSelf {
  1011  				n++
  1012  				if c < ' ' || c == '"' || c == '\\' {
  1013  					dst = append(dst, src[i:n-1]...)
  1014  					dst = appendEscapedASCII(dst, c)
  1015  					i = n
  1016  				}
  1017  				continue
  1018  			}
  1020  			// Handle multi-byte Unicode.
  1021  			_, rn := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(src[n:])
  1022  			n += rn
  1023  			if rn == 1 { // must be utf8.RuneError since we already checked for single-byte ASCII
  1024  				dst = append(dst, src[i:n-rn]...)
  1025  				if validateUTF8 {
  1026  					return dst, &SyntacticError{str: "invalid UTF-8 within string"}
  1027  				}
  1028  				dst = append(dst, "\ufffd"...)
  1029  				i = n
  1030  			}
  1031  		}
  1032  		dst = append(dst, src[i:n]...)
  1033  		dst = append(dst, '"')
  1034  		return dst, nil
  1035  	}
  1037  	// Slower implementation for when escapeRune is non-nil.
  1038  	var i, n int
  1039  	dst = append(dst, '"')
  1040  	for uint(len(src)) > uint(n) {
  1041  		switch r, rn := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(src[n:]); {
  1042  		case r == utf8.RuneError && rn == 1:
  1043  			dst = append(dst, src[i:n]...)
  1044  			if validateUTF8 {
  1045  				return dst, &SyntacticError{str: "invalid UTF-8 within string"}
  1046  			}
  1047  			if escapeRune('\ufffd') {
  1048  				dst = append(dst, `\ufffd`...)
  1049  			} else {
  1050  				dst = append(dst, "\ufffd"...)
  1051  			}
  1052  			n += rn
  1053  			i = n
  1054  		case escapeRune(r):
  1055  			dst = append(dst, src[i:n]...)
  1056  			dst = appendEscapedUnicode(dst, r)
  1057  			n += rn
  1058  			i = n
  1059  		case r < ' ' || r == '"' || r == '\\':
  1060  			dst = append(dst, src[i:n]...)
  1061  			dst = appendEscapedASCII(dst, byte(r))
  1062  			n += rn
  1063  			i = n
  1064  		default:
  1065  			n += rn
  1066  		}
  1067  	}
  1068  	dst = append(dst, src[i:n]...)
  1069  	dst = append(dst, '"')
  1070  	return dst, nil
  1071  }
  1073  // reformatString consumes a JSON string from src and appends it to dst,
  1074  // reformatting it if necessary for the given escapeRune parameter.
  1075  // It returns the appended output and the remainder of the input.
  1076  func reformatString(dst, src []byte, validateUTF8, preserveRaw bool, escapeRune func(rune) bool) ([]byte, []byte, error) {
  1077  	// TODO: Should this update valueFlags as input?
  1078  	var flags valueFlags
  1079  	n, err := consumeString(&flags, src, validateUTF8)
  1080  	if err != nil {
  1081  		return dst, src[n:], err
  1082  	}
  1083  	if preserveRaw || (escapeRune == nil && flags.isCanonical()) {
  1084  		dst = append(dst, src[:n]...) // copy the string verbatim
  1085  		return dst, src[n:], nil
  1086  	}
  1088  	// TODO: Implement a direct, raw-to-raw reformat for strings.
  1089  	// If the escapeRune option would have resulted in no changes to the output,
  1090  	// it would be faster to simply append src to dst without going through
  1091  	// an intermediary representation in a separate buffer.
  1092  	b, _ := unescapeString(make([]byte, 0, n), src[:n])
  1093  	dst, _ = appendString(dst, string(b), validateUTF8, escapeRune)
  1094  	return dst, src[n:], nil
  1095  }
  1097  // appendNumber appends src to dst as a JSON number per RFC 7159, section 6.
  1098  // It formats numbers similar to the ES6 number-to-string conversion.
  1099  // See https://go.dev/issue/14135.
  1100  //
  1101  // The output is identical to ECMA-262, 6th edition, section and with
  1102  // RFC 8785, section for 64-bit floating-point numbers except for -0,
  1103  // which is formatted as -0 instead of just 0.
  1104  //
  1105  // For 32-bit floating-point numbers,
  1106  // the output is a 32-bit equivalent of the algorithm.
  1107  // Note that ECMA-262 specifies no algorithm for 32-bit numbers.
  1108  func appendNumber(dst []byte, src float64, bits int) []byte {
  1109  	if bits == 32 {
  1110  		src = float64(float32(src))
  1111  	}
  1113  	abs := math.Abs(src)
  1114  	fmt := byte('f')
  1115  	if abs != 0 {
  1116  		if bits == 64 && (float64(abs) < 1e-6 || float64(abs) >= 1e21) ||
  1117  			bits == 32 && (float32(abs) < 1e-6 || float32(abs) >= 1e21) {
  1118  			fmt = 'e'
  1119  		}
  1120  	}
  1121  	dst = strconv.AppendFloat(dst, src, fmt, -1, bits)
  1122  	if fmt == 'e' {
  1123  		// Clean up e-09 to e-9.
  1124  		n := len(dst)
  1125  		if n >= 4 && dst[n-4] == 'e' && dst[n-3] == '-' && dst[n-2] == '0' {
  1126  			dst[n-2] = dst[n-1]
  1127  			dst = dst[:n-1]
  1128  		}
  1129  	}
  1130  	return dst
  1131  }
  1133  // reformatNumber consumes a JSON string from src and appends it to dst,
  1134  // canonicalizing it if specified.
  1135  // It returns the appended output and the remainder of the input.
  1136  func reformatNumber(dst, src []byte, canonicalize bool) ([]byte, []byte, error) {
  1137  	n, err := consumeNumber(src)
  1138  	if err != nil {
  1139  		return dst, src[n:], err
  1140  	}
  1141  	if !canonicalize {
  1142  		dst = append(dst, src[:n]...) // copy the number verbatim
  1143  		return dst, src[n:], nil
  1144  	}
  1146  	// Canonicalize the number per RFC 8785, section
  1147  	// As an optimization, we can copy integer numbers below 2⁵³ verbatim.
  1148  	const maxExactIntegerDigits = 16 // len(strconv.AppendUint(nil, 1<<53, 10))
  1149  	if n < maxExactIntegerDigits && consumeSimpleNumber(src[:n]) == n {
  1150  		dst = append(dst, src[:n]...) // copy the number verbatim
  1151  		return dst, src[n:], nil
  1152  	}
  1153  	fv, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(string(src[:n]), 64)
  1154  	switch {
  1155  	case fv == 0:
  1156  		fv = 0 // normalize negative zero as just zero
  1157  	case math.IsInf(fv, +1):
  1158  		fv = +math.MaxFloat64
  1159  	case math.IsInf(fv, -1):
  1160  		fv = -math.MaxFloat64
  1161  	}
  1162  	return appendNumber(dst, fv, 64), src[n:], nil
  1163  }
  1165  // appendHexUint16 appends src to dst as a 4-byte hexadecimal number.
  1166  func appendHexUint16(dst []byte, src uint16) []byte {
  1167  	dst = append(dst, "0000"[1+(bits.Len16(src)-1)/4:]...)
  1168  	dst = strconv.AppendUint(dst, uint64(src), 16)
  1169  	return dst
  1170  }

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