1# JSON Serialization (v2)
6This module hosts an experimental implementation of v2 `encoding/json`.
7The API is unstable and breaking changes will regularly be made.
8Do not depend on this in publicly available modules.
10## Goals and objectives
12* **Mostly backwards compatible:** If possible, v2 should aim to be _mostly_
13compatible with v1 in terms of both API and default behavior to ease migration.
14For example, the `Marshal` and `Unmarshal` functions are the most widely used
15declarations in the v1 package. It seems sensible for equivalent functionality
16in v2 to be named the same and have the same signature.
17Behaviorally, we should aim for 95% to 99% backwards compatibility.
18We do not aim for 100% compatibility since we want the freedom to break
19certain behaviors that are now considered to have been a mistake.
20We may provide options that can bring the v2 implementation to 100% compatibility,
21but it will not be the default.
23* **More flexible:** There is a
24[long list of feature requests](https://github.com/golang/go/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+encoding%2Fjson+in%3Atitle).
25We should aim to provide the most flexible features that addresses most usages.
26We do not want to over fit the v2 API to handle every possible use case.
27Ideally, the features provided should be orthogonal in nature such that
28any combination of features results in as few surprising edge cases as possible.
30* **More performant:** JSON serialization is widely used and any bit of extra
31performance gains will be greatly appreciated. Some rarely used behaviors of v1
32may be dropped in favor of better performance. For example,
33despite `Encoder` and `Decoder` operating on an `io.Writer` and `io.Reader`,
34they do not operate in a truly streaming manner,
35leading to a loss in performance. The v2 implementation should aim to be truly
36streaming by default (see [#33714](https://golang.org/issue/33714)).
38* **Easy to use (hard to misuse):** The v2 API should aim to make
39the common case easy and the less common case at least possible.
40The API should avoid behavior that goes contrary to user expectation,
41which may result in subtle bugs (see [#36225](https://golang.org/issue/36225)).
43* **v1 and v2 maintainability:** Since the v1 implementation must stay forever,
44it would be beneficial if v1 could be implemented under the hood with v2,
45allowing for less maintenance burden in the future. This probably implies that
46behavioral changes in v2 relative to v1 need to be exposed as options.
48* **Avoid unsafe:** Standard library packages generally avoid the use of
49package `unsafe` even if it could provide a performance boost.
50We aim to preserve this property.
52## Expectations
54While this module aims to possibly be the v2 implementation of `encoding/json`,
55there is no guarantee that this outcome will occur. As with any major change
56to the Go standard library, this will eventually go through the
57[Go proposal process](https://github.com/golang/proposal#readme).
58At the present moment, this is still in the design and experimentation phase
59and is not ready for a formal proposal.
61There are several possible outcomes from this experiment:
621. We determine that a v2 `encoding/json` would not provide sufficient benefit
63over the existing v1 `encoding/json` package. Thus, we abandon this effort.
642. We propose a v2 `encoding/json` design, but it is rejected in favor of some
65other design that is considered superior.
663. We propose a v2 `encoding/json` design, but rather than adding an entirely
67new v2 `encoding/json` package, we decide to merge its functionality into
68the existing v1 `encoding/json` package.
694. We propose a v2 `encoding/json` design and it is accepted, resulting in
70its addition to the standard library.
715. Some other unforeseen outcome (among the infinite number of possibilities).
73## Development
75This module is primarily developed by
77[@mvdan](https://github.com/mvdan), and
79with feedback provided by
81[@ChrisHines](https://github.com/ChrisHines), and
84Discussion about semantics occur semi-regularly, where a
85[record of past meetings can be found here](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rovrOTd-wTawGMPPlPuKhwXaYBg9VszTXR9AQQL5LfI/edit?usp=sharing).
87## Design overview
89This package aims to provide a clean separation between syntax and semantics.
90Syntax deals with the structural representation of JSON (as specified in
91[RFC 4627](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4627),
92[RFC 7159](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7159),
93[RFC 7493](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7493),
94[RFC 8259](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8259), and
95[RFC 8785](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8785)).
96Semantics deals with the meaning of syntactic data as usable application data.
98The `Encoder` and `Decoder` types are streaming tokenizers concerned with the
99packing or parsing of JSON data. They operate on `Token` and `RawValue` types
100which represent the common data structures that are representable in JSON.
101`Encoder` and `Decoder` do not aim to provide any interpretation of the data.
103Functions like `Marshal`, `MarshalFull`, `MarshalNext`, `Unmarshal`,
104`UnmarshalFull`, and `UnmarshalNext` provide semantic meaning by correlating
105any arbitrary Go type with some JSON representation of that type (as stored in
106data types like `[]byte`, `io.Writer`, `io.Reader`, `Encoder`, or `Decoder`).
110This diagram provides a high-level overview of the v2 `json` package.
111Purple blocks represent types, while blue blocks represent functions or methods.
112The arrows and their direction represent the approximate flow of data.
113The bottom half of the diagram contains functionality that is only concerned
114with syntax, while the upper half contains functionality that assigns
115semantic meaning to syntactic data handled by the bottom half.
117In contrast to v1 `encoding/json`, options are represented as separate types
118rather than being setter methods on the `Encoder` or `Decoder` types.
120## Behavior changes
122The v2 `json` package changes the default behavior of `Marshal` and `Unmarshal`
123relative to the v1 `json` package to be more sensible.
124Some of these behavior changes have options and workarounds to opt into
125behavior similar to what v1 provided.
127This table shows an overview of the changes:
129| v1 | v2 | Details |
130| -- | -- | ------- |
131| JSON object members are unmarshaled into a Go struct using a **case-insensitive name match**. | JSON object members are unmarshaled into a Go struct using a **case-sensitive name match**. | [CaseSensitivity](/diff_test.go#:~:text=TestCaseSensitivity) |
132| When marshaling a Go struct, a struct field marked as `omitempty` is omitted if **the field value is an empty Go value**, which is defined as false, 0, a nil pointer, a nil interface value, and any empty array, slice, map, or string. | When marshaling a Go struct, a struct field marked as `omitempty` is omitted if **the field value would encode as an empty JSON value**, which is defined as a JSON null, or an empty JSON string, object, or array. | [OmitEmptyOption](/diff_test.go#:~:text=TestOmitEmptyOption) |
133| The `string` option **does affect** Go bools. | The `string` option **does not affect** Go bools. | [StringOption](/diff_test.go#:~:text=TestStringOption) |
134| The `string` option **does not recursively affect** sub-values of the Go field value. | The `string` option **does recursively affect** sub-values of the Go field value. | [StringOption](/diff_test.go#:~:text=TestStringOption) |
135| The `string` option **sometimes accepts** a JSON null escaped within a JSON string. | The `string` option **never accepts** a JSON null escaped within a JSON string. | [StringOption](/diff_test.go#:~:text=TestStringOption) |
136| A nil Go slice is marshaled as a **JSON null**. | A nil Go slice is marshaled as an **empty JSON array**. | [NilSlicesAndMaps](/diff_test.go#:~:text=TestNilSlicesAndMaps) |
137| A nil Go map is marshaled as a **JSON null**. | A nil Go map is marshaled as an **empty JSON object**. | [NilSlicesAndMaps](/diff_test.go#:~:text=TestNilSlicesAndMaps) |
138| A Go array may be unmarshaled from a **JSON array of any length**. | A Go array must be unmarshaled from a **JSON array of the same length**. | [Arrays](/diff_test.go#:~:text=Arrays) |
139| A Go byte array is represented as a **JSON array of JSON numbers**. | A Go byte array is represented as a **Base64-encoded JSON string**. | [ByteArrays](/diff_test.go#:~:text=TestByteArrays) |
140| `MarshalJSON` and `UnmarshalJSON` methods declared on a pointer receiver are **inconsistently called**. | `MarshalJSON` and `UnmarshalJSON` methods declared on a pointer receiver are **consistently called**. | [PointerReceiver](/diff_test.go#:~:text=TestPointerReceiver) |
141| A Go map is marshaled in a **deterministic order**. | A Go map is marshaled in a **non-deterministic order**. | [MapDeterminism](/diff_test.go#:~:text=TestMapDeterminism) |
142| JSON strings are encoded **with HTML-specific characters being escaped**. | JSON strings are encoded **without any characters being escaped** (unless necessary). | [EscapeHTML](/diff_test.go#:~:text=TestEscapeHTML) |
143| When marshaling, invalid UTF-8 within a Go string **are silently replaced**. | When marshaling, invalid UTF-8 within a Go string **results in an error**. | [InvalidUTF8](/diff_test.go#:~:text=TestInvalidUTF8) |
144| When unmarshaling, invalid UTF-8 within a JSON string **are silently replaced**. | When unmarshaling, invalid UTF-8 within a JSON string **results in an error**. | [InvalidUTF8](/diff_test.go#:~:text=TestInvalidUTF8) |
145| When marshaling, **an error does not occur** if the output JSON value contains objects with duplicate names. | When marshaling, **an error does occur** if the output JSON value contains objects with duplicate names. | [DuplicateNames](/diff_test.go#:~:text=TestDuplicateNames) |
146| When unmarshaling, **an error does not occur** if the input JSON value contains objects with duplicate names. | When unmarshaling, **an error does occur** if the input JSON value contains objects with duplicate names. | [DuplicateNames](/diff_test.go#:~:text=TestDuplicateNames) |
147| Unmarshaling a JSON null into a non-empty Go value **inconsistently clears the value or does nothing**. | Unmarshaling a JSON null into a non-empty Go value **always clears the value**. | [MergeNull](/diff_test.go#:~:text=TestMergeNull) |
148| Unmarshaling a JSON value into a non-empty Go value **follows inconsistent and bizarre behavior**. | Unmarshaling a JSON value into a non-empty Go value **always merges if the input is an object, and otherwise replaces**. | [MergeComposite](/diff_test.go#:~:text=TestMergeComposite) |
149| A `time.Duration` is represented as a **JSON number containing the decimal number of nanoseconds**. | A `time.Duration` is represented as a **JSON string containing the formatted duration (e.g., "1h2m3.456s")**. | [TimeDurations](/diff_test.go#:~:text=TestTimeDurations) |
150| Unmarshaling a JSON number into a Go float beyond its representation **results in an error**. | Unmarshaling a JSON number into a Go float beyond its representation **uses the closest representable value (e.g., ±`math.MaxFloat`)**. | [MaxFloats](/diff_test.go#:~:text=TestMaxFloats) |
151| A Go struct with only unexported fields **can be serialized**. | A Go struct with only unexported fields **cannot be serialized**. | [EmptyStructs](/diff_test.go#:~:text=TestEmptyStructs) |
152| A Go struct that embeds an unexported struct type **can sometimes be serialized**. | A Go struct that embeds an unexported struct type **cannot be serialized**. | [EmbedUnexported](/diff_test.go#:~:text=TestEmbedUnexported) |
154See [diff_test.go](/diff_test.go) for details about every change.
156## Performance
158One of the goals of the v2 module is to be more performant than v1.
160Each of the charts below show the performance across
161several different JSON implementations:
163* `JSONv1` is `encoding/json` at `v1.18.2`
164* `JSONv2` is `github.com/go-json-experiment/json` at `v0.0.0-20220524042235-dd8be80fc4a7`
165* `JSONIterator` is `github.com/json-iterator/go` at `v1.1.12`
166* `SegmentJSON` is `github.com/segmentio/encoding/json` at `v0.3.5`
167* `GoJSON` is `github.com/goccy/go-json` at `v0.9.7`
168* `SonicJSON` is `github.com/bytedance/sonic` at `v1.3.0`
170Benchmarks were run across various datasets:
172* `CanadaGeometry` is a GeoJSON (RFC 7946) representation of Canada.
173 It contains many JSON arrays of arrays of two-element arrays of numbers.
174* `CITMCatalog` contains many JSON objects using numeric names.
175* `SyntheaFHIR` is sample JSON data from the healthcare industry.
176 It contains many nested JSON objects with mostly string values,
177 where the set of unique string values is relatively small.
178* `TwitterStatus` is the JSON response from the Twitter API.
179 It contains a mix of all different JSON kinds, where string values
180 are a mix of both single-byte ASCII and multi-byte Unicode.
181* `GolangSource` is a simple tree representing the Go source code.
182 It contains many nested JSON objects, each with the same schema.
183* `StringUnicode` contains many strings with multi-byte Unicode runes.
185All of the implementations other than `JSONv1` and `JSONv2` make
186extensive use of `unsafe`. As such, we expect those to generally be faster,
187but at the cost of memory and type safety. `SonicJSON` goes a step even further
188and uses just-in-time compilation to generate machine code specialized
189for the Go type being marshaled or unmarshaled.
190Also, `SonicJSON` does not validate JSON strings for valid UTF-8,
191and so gains a notable performance boost on datasets with multi-byte Unicode.
192Benchmarks are performed based on the default marshal and unmarshal behavior
193of each package. Note that `JSONv2` aims to be safe and correct by default,
194which may not be the most performant strategy.
196`JSONv2` has several semantic changes relative to `JSONv1` that
197impacts performance:
1991. When marshaling, `JSONv2` no longer sorts the keys of a Go map.
200 This will improve performance.
2012. When marshaling or unmarshaling, `JSONv2` always checks
202 to make sure JSON object names are unique.
203 This will hurt performance, but is more correct.
2043. When marshaling or unmarshaling, `JSONv2` always
205 shallow copies the underlying value for a Go interface and
206 shallow copies the key and value for entries in a Go map.
207 This is done to keep the value as addressable so that `JSONv2` can
208 call methods and functions that operate on a pointer receiver.
209 This will hurt performance, but is more correct.
211All of the charts are unit-less since the values are normalized
212relative to `JSONv1`, which is why `JSONv1` always has a value of 1.
213A lower value is better (i.e., runs faster).
215Benchmarks were performed on an AMD Ryzen 9 5900X.
217The code for the benchmarks is located at
220### Marshal Performance
222#### Concrete types
226* This compares marshal performance when serializing
227 [from concrete types](/testdata_test.go).
228* The `JSONv1` implementation is close to optimal (without the use of `unsafe`).
229* Relative to `JSONv1`, `JSONv2` is generally as fast or slightly faster.
230* Relative to `JSONIterator`, `JSONv2` is up to 1.3x faster.
231* Relative to `SegmentJSON`, `JSONv2` is up to 1.8x slower.
232* Relative to `GoJSON`, `JSONv2` is up to 2.0x slower.
233* Relative to `SonicJSON`, `JSONv2` is about 1.8x to 3.2x slower
234 (ignoring `StringUnicode` since `SonicJSON` does not validate UTF-8).
235* For `JSONv1` and `JSONv2`, marshaling from concrete types is
236 mostly limited by the performance of Go reflection.
238#### Interface types
242* This compares marshal performance when serializing from
243 `any`, `map[string]any`, and `[]any` types.
244* Relative to `JSONv1`, `JSONv2` is about 1.5x to 4.2x faster.
245* Relative to `JSONIterator`, `JSONv2` is about 1.1x to 2.4x faster.
246* Relative to `SegmentJSON`, `JSONv2` is about 1.2x to 1.8x faster.
247* Relative to `GoJSON`, `JSONv2` is about 1.1x to 2.5x faster.
248* Relative to `SonicJSON`, `JSONv2` is up to 1.5x slower
249 (ignoring `StringUnicode` since `SonicJSON` does not validate UTF-8).
250* `JSONv2` is faster than the alternatives.
251 One advantange is because it does not sort the keys for a `map[string]any`,
252 while alternatives (except `SonicJSON` and `JSONIterator`) do sort the keys.
254#### RawValue types
258* This compares performance when marshaling from a `json.RawValue`.
259 This mostly exercises the underlying encoder and
260 hides the cost of Go reflection.
261* Relative to `JSONv1`, `JSONv2` is about 3.5x to 7.8x faster.
262* `JSONIterator` is blazingly fast because
263 [it does not validate whether the raw value is valid](https://go.dev/play/p/bun9IXQCKRe)
264 and simply copies it to the output.
265* Relative to `SegmentJSON`, `JSONv2` is about 1.5x to 2.7x faster.
266* Relative to `GoJSON`, `JSONv2` is up to 2.2x faster.
267* Relative to `SonicJSON`, `JSONv2` is up to 1.5x faster.
268* Aside from `JSONIterator`, `JSONv2` is generally the fastest.
270### Unmarshal Performance
272#### Concrete types
276* This compares unmarshal performance when deserializing
277 [into concrete types](/testdata_test.go).
278* Relative to `JSONv1`, `JSONv2` is about 1.8x to 5.7x faster.
279* Relative to `JSONIterator`, `JSONv2` is about 1.1x to 1.6x slower.
280* Relative to `SegmentJSON`, `JSONv2` is up to 2.5x slower.
281* Relative to `GoJSON`, `JSONv2` is about 1.4x to 2.1x slower.
282* Relative to `SonicJSON`, `JSONv2` is up to 4.0x slower
283 (ignoring `StringUnicode` since `SonicJSON` does not validate UTF-8).
284* For `JSONv1` and `JSONv2`, unmarshaling into concrete types is
285 mostly limited by the performance of Go reflection.
287#### Interface types
291* This compares unmarshal performance when deserializing into
292 `any`, `map[string]any`, and `[]any` types.
293* Relative to `JSONv1`, `JSONv2` is about 1.tx to 4.3x faster.
294* Relative to `JSONIterator`, `JSONv2` is up to 1.5x faster.
295* Relative to `SegmentJSON`, `JSONv2` is about 1.5 to 3.7x faster.
296* Relative to `GoJSON`, `JSONv2` is up to 1.3x faster.
297* Relative to `SonicJSON`, `JSONv2` is up to 1.5x slower
298 (ignoring `StringUnicode` since `SonicJSON` does not validate UTF-8).
299* Aside from `SonicJSON`, `JSONv2` is generally just as fast
300 or faster than all the alternatives.
302#### RawValue types
306* This compares performance when unmarshaling into a `json.RawValue`.
307 This mostly exercises the underlying decoder and
308 hides away most of the cost of Go reflection.
309* Relative to `JSONv1`, `JSONv2` is about 8.3x to 17.0x faster.
310* Relative to `JSONIterator`, `JSONv2` is up to 2.0x faster.
311* Relative to `SegmentJSON`, `JSONv2` is up to 1.6x faster or 1.7x slower.
312* Relative to `GoJSON`, `JSONv2` is up to 1.9x faster or 2.1x slower.
313* Relative to `SonicJSON`, `JSONv2` is up to 2.0x faster
314 (ignoring `StringUnicode` since `SonicJSON` does not validate UTF-8).
315* `JSONv1` takes a
316 [lexical scanning approach](https://talks.golang.org/2011/lex.slide#1),
317 which performs a virtual function call for every byte of input.
318 In contrast, `JSONv2` makes heavy use of iterative and linear parsing logic
319 (with extra complexity to resume parsing when encountering segmented buffers).
320* `JSONv2` is comparable to the alternatives that use `unsafe`.
321 Generally it is faster, but sometimes it is slower.
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