17 package helper
19 import (
20 "reflect"
21 "testing"
23 "k8s.io/kube-aggregator/pkg/apis/apiregistration/v1"
24 )
26 var (
27 a v1.APIServiceConditionType = "A"
28 b v1.APIServiceConditionType = "B"
29 )
31 func TestIsAPIServiceConditionTrue(t *testing.T) {
32 conditionATrue := makeNewAPIServiceCondition(a, "a reason", "a message", v1.ConditionTrue)
33 conditionAFalse := makeNewAPIServiceCondition(a, "a reason", "a message", v1.ConditionFalse)
34 tests := []*struct {
35 name string
36 apiService *v1.APIService
37 conditionType v1.APIServiceConditionType
38 expected bool
39 }{
40 {
41 name: "Should return false when condition of type is not present",
42 apiService: makeNewAPIService("v1", 100),
43 conditionType: a,
44 expected: false,
45 },
46 {
47 name: "Should return false when condition of type is present but status is not ConditionTrue",
48 apiService: makeNewAPIService("v1", 100, conditionAFalse),
49 conditionType: a,
50 expected: false,
51 },
52 {
53 name: "Should return false when condition of type is present but status is not ConditionTrue",
54 apiService: makeNewAPIService("v1", 100, conditionATrue),
55 conditionType: a,
56 expected: true,
57 },
58 }
60 for _, tc := range tests {
61 if isConditionTrue := IsAPIServiceConditionTrue(tc.apiService, tc.conditionType); isConditionTrue != tc.expected {
62 t.Errorf("expected condition of type %v to be %v, actually was %v",
63 tc.conditionType, isConditionTrue, tc.expected)
65 }
66 }
67 }
69 func TestSetAPIServiceCondition(t *testing.T) {
70 conditionA1 := makeNewAPIServiceCondition(a, "a1 reason", "a1 message", v1.ConditionTrue)
71 conditionA2 := makeNewAPIServiceCondition(a, "a2 reason", "a2 message", v1.ConditionTrue)
72 tests := []*struct {
73 name string
74 apiService *v1.APIService
75 conditionType v1.APIServiceConditionType
76 initialCondition *v1.APIServiceCondition
77 setCondition v1.APIServiceCondition
78 expectedCondition *v1.APIServiceCondition
79 }{
80 {
81 name: "Should set a new condition with type where previously there was no condition of that type",
82 apiService: makeNewAPIService("v1", 100),
83 conditionType: a,
84 initialCondition: nil,
85 setCondition: conditionA1,
86 expectedCondition: &conditionA1,
87 },
88 {
89 name: "Should override a condition of type, when a condition of that type existed previously",
90 apiService: makeNewAPIService("v1", 100, conditionA1),
91 conditionType: a,
92 initialCondition: &conditionA1,
93 setCondition: conditionA2,
94 expectedCondition: &conditionA2,
95 },
96 }
98 for _, tc := range tests {
99 startingCondition := GetAPIServiceConditionByType(tc.apiService, tc.conditionType)
100 if !reflect.DeepEqual(startingCondition, tc.initialCondition) {
101 t.Errorf("expected to find condition %s initially, actual was %s", tc.initialCondition, startingCondition)
103 }
104 SetAPIServiceCondition(tc.apiService, tc.setCondition)
105 actual := GetAPIServiceConditionByType(tc.apiService, tc.setCondition.Type)
106 if !reflect.DeepEqual(actual, tc.expectedCondition) {
107 t.Errorf("expected %s, actual %s", tc.expectedCondition, actual)
108 }
109 }
110 }
112 func TestSortedAPIServicesByVersion(t *testing.T) {
113 tests := []*struct {
114 name string
115 versions []string
116 expected []string
117 }{
118 {
119 name: "case1",
120 versions: []string{"v1", "v2"},
121 expected: []string{"v2", "v1"},
122 },
123 {
124 name: "case2",
125 versions: []string{"v2", "v10"},
126 expected: []string{"v10", "v2"},
127 },
128 {
129 name: "case3",
130 versions: []string{"v2", "v2beta1", "v10beta2", "v10beta1", "v10alpha1", "v1"},
131 expected: []string{"v2", "v1", "v10beta2", "v10beta1", "v2beta1", "v10alpha1"},
132 },
133 {
134 name: "case4",
135 versions: []string{"v1", "v2", "test", "foo10", "final", "foo2", "foo1"},
136 expected: []string{"v2", "v1", "final", "foo1", "foo10", "foo2", "test"},
137 },
138 {
139 name: "case5_from_documentation",
140 versions: []string{"v12alpha1", "v10", "v11beta2", "v10beta3", "v3beta1", "v2", "v11alpha2", "foo1", "v1", "foo10"},
141 expected: []string{"v10", "v2", "v1", "v11beta2", "v10beta3", "v3beta1", "v12alpha1", "v11alpha2", "foo1", "foo10"},
142 },
143 }
145 for _, tc := range tests {
146 apiServices := []*v1.APIService{}
147 for _, v := range tc.versions {
148 apiServices = append(apiServices, makeNewAPIService(v, 100))
149 }
150 sortedServices := SortedByGroupAndVersion(apiServices)
151 actual := []string{}
152 for _, s := range sortedServices[0] {
153 actual = append(actual, s.Spec.Version)
154 }
155 if !reflect.DeepEqual(tc.expected, actual) {
156 t.Errorf("expected %s, actual %s", tc.expected, actual)
157 }
158 }
159 }
161 func TestGetAPIServiceConditionByType(t *testing.T) {
162 conditionA := makeNewAPIServiceCondition(a, "a reason", "a message", v1.ConditionTrue)
163 conditionB := makeNewAPIServiceCondition(b, "b reason", "b message", v1.ConditionTrue)
164 tests := []*struct {
165 name string
166 apiService *v1.APIService
167 conditionType v1.APIServiceConditionType
168 expectedCondition *v1.APIServiceCondition
169 }{
170 {
171 name: "Should find a matching condition from apiService",
172 apiService: makeNewAPIService("v1", 100, conditionA, conditionB),
173 conditionType: a,
174 expectedCondition: &conditionA,
175 },
176 {
177 name: "Should not find a matching condition",
178 apiService: makeNewAPIService("v1", 100, conditionA),
179 conditionType: b,
180 expectedCondition: nil,
181 },
182 }
184 for _, tc := range tests {
185 actual := GetAPIServiceConditionByType(tc.apiService, tc.conditionType)
186 if !reflect.DeepEqual(tc.expectedCondition, actual) {
187 t.Errorf("expected %s, actual %s", tc.expectedCondition, actual)
188 }
189 }
190 }
192 func makeNewAPIService(version string, priority int32, conditions ...v1.APIServiceCondition) *v1.APIService {
193 status := v1.APIServiceStatus{Conditions: conditions}
194 return &v1.APIService{Spec: v1.APIServiceSpec{Version: version, VersionPriority: priority}, Status: status}
195 }
197 func makeNewAPIServiceCondition(conditionType v1.APIServiceConditionType, reason string, message string, status v1.ConditionStatus) v1.APIServiceCondition {
198 return v1.APIServiceCondition{Type: conditionType, Reason: reason, Message: message, Status: status}
199 }
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