17 package metrics
19 import (
20 "testing"
21 "time"
23 "github.com/blang/semver/v4"
24 "github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus"
25 "github.com/stretchr/testify/assert"
27 apimachineryversion "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/version"
28 testclock "k8s.io/utils/clock/testing"
29 )
31 func TestTimingHistogram(t *testing.T) {
32 v115 := semver.MustParse("1.15.0")
33 var tests = []struct {
34 desc string
35 *TimingHistogramOpts
36 registryVersion *semver.Version
37 expectedMetricCount int
38 expectedHelp string
39 }{
40 {
41 desc: "Test non deprecated",
42 TimingHistogramOpts: &TimingHistogramOpts{
43 Namespace: "namespace",
44 Name: "metric_test_name",
45 Subsystem: "subsystem",
46 Help: "histogram help message",
47 Buckets: DefBuckets,
48 InitialValue: 13,
49 },
50 registryVersion: &v115,
51 expectedMetricCount: 1,
52 expectedHelp: "EXPERIMENTAL: [ALPHA] histogram help message",
53 },
54 {
55 desc: "Test deprecated",
56 TimingHistogramOpts: &TimingHistogramOpts{
57 Namespace: "namespace",
58 Name: "metric_test_name",
59 Subsystem: "subsystem",
60 Help: "histogram help message",
61 DeprecatedVersion: "1.15.0",
62 Buckets: DefBuckets,
63 InitialValue: 3,
64 },
65 registryVersion: &v115,
66 expectedMetricCount: 1,
67 expectedHelp: "EXPERIMENTAL: [ALPHA] (Deprecated since 1.15.0) histogram help message",
68 },
69 {
70 desc: "Test hidden",
71 TimingHistogramOpts: &TimingHistogramOpts{
72 Namespace: "namespace",
73 Name: "metric_test_name",
74 Subsystem: "subsystem",
75 Help: "histogram help message",
76 DeprecatedVersion: "1.14.0",
77 Buckets: DefBuckets,
78 InitialValue: 5,
79 },
80 registryVersion: &v115,
81 expectedMetricCount: 0,
82 expectedHelp: "EXPERIMENTAL: histogram help message",
83 },
84 }
86 for _, test := range tests {
87 t.Run(test.desc, func(t *testing.T) {
88 registry := newKubeRegistry(apimachineryversion.Info{
89 Major: "1",
90 Minor: "15",
91 GitVersion: "v1.15.0-alpha-1.12345",
92 })
93 t0 := time.Now()
94 clk := testclock.NewFakePassiveClock(t0)
95 c := NewTestableTimingHistogram(clk.Now, test.TimingHistogramOpts)
96 registry.MustRegister(c)
98 metricChan := make(chan prometheus.Metric)
99 go func() {
100 c.Collect(metricChan)
101 close(metricChan)
102 }()
103 m1 := <-metricChan
104 gm1, ok := m1.(GaugeMetric)
105 if !ok || gm1 != c.PrometheusTimingHistogram {
106 t.Error("Unexpected metric", m1, c.PrometheusTimingHistogram)
107 }
108 m2, ok := <-metricChan
109 if ok {
110 t.Error("Unexpected second metric", m2)
111 }
113 ms, err := registry.Gather()
114 assert.Equalf(t, test.expectedMetricCount, len(ms), "Got %v metrics, Want: %v metrics", len(ms), test.expectedMetricCount)
115 assert.Nil(t, err, "Gather failed %v", err)
117 for _, metric := range ms {
118 assert.Equalf(t, test.expectedHelp, metric.GetHelp(), "Got %s as help message, want %s", metric.GetHelp(), test.expectedHelp)
119 }
122 v0 := test.TimingHistogramOpts.InitialValue
123 dt1 := time.Nanosecond
124 t1 := t0.Add(dt1)
125 clk.SetTime(t1)
126 var v1 float64 = 10
127 c.Set(v1)
128 dt2 := time.Hour
129 t2 := t1.Add(dt2)
130 clk.SetTime(t2)
131 var v2 float64 = 1e6
132 c.Add(v2 - v1)
133 dt3 := time.Microsecond
134 t3 := t2.Add(dt3)
135 clk.SetTime(t3)
136 c.Set(0)
137 expectedCount := uint64(dt1 + dt2 + dt3)
138 expectedSum := float64(dt1)*v0 + float64(dt2)*v1 + float64(dt3)*v2
139 ms, err = registry.Gather()
140 assert.Nil(t, err, "Gather failed %v", err)
142 for _, mf := range ms {
143 t.Logf("Considering metric family %s", mf.GetName())
144 for _, m := range mf.GetMetric() {
145 assert.Equalf(t, expectedCount, m.GetHistogram().GetSampleCount(), "Got %v, want %v as the sample count of metric %s", m.GetHistogram().GetSampleCount(), expectedCount, m.String())
146 assert.Equalf(t, expectedSum, m.GetHistogram().GetSampleSum(), "Got %v, want %v as the sample sum of metric %s", m.GetHistogram().GetSampleSum(), expectedSum, m.String())
147 }
148 }
149 })
150 }
151 }
153 func TestTimingHistogramVec(t *testing.T) {
154 v115 := semver.MustParse("1.15.0")
155 var tests = []struct {
156 desc string
157 *TimingHistogramOpts
158 labels []string
159 registryVersion *semver.Version
160 expectedMetricCount int
161 expectedHelp string
162 }{
163 {
164 desc: "Test non deprecated",
165 TimingHistogramOpts: &TimingHistogramOpts{
166 Namespace: "namespace",
167 Name: "metric_test_name",
168 Subsystem: "subsystem",
169 Help: "histogram help message",
170 Buckets: DefBuckets,
171 InitialValue: 5,
172 },
173 labels: []string{"label_a", "label_b"},
174 registryVersion: &v115,
175 expectedMetricCount: 1,
176 expectedHelp: "EXPERIMENTAL: [ALPHA] histogram help message",
177 },
178 {
179 desc: "Test deprecated",
180 TimingHistogramOpts: &TimingHistogramOpts{
181 Namespace: "namespace",
182 Name: "metric_test_name",
183 Subsystem: "subsystem",
184 Help: "histogram help message",
185 DeprecatedVersion: "1.15.0",
186 Buckets: DefBuckets,
187 InitialValue: 13,
188 },
189 labels: []string{"label_a", "label_b"},
190 registryVersion: &v115,
191 expectedMetricCount: 1,
192 expectedHelp: "EXPERIMENTAL: [ALPHA] (Deprecated since 1.15.0) histogram help message",
193 },
194 {
195 desc: "Test hidden",
196 TimingHistogramOpts: &TimingHistogramOpts{
197 Namespace: "namespace",
198 Name: "metric_test_name",
199 Subsystem: "subsystem",
200 Help: "histogram help message",
201 DeprecatedVersion: "1.14.0",
202 Buckets: DefBuckets,
203 InitialValue: 42,
204 },
205 labels: []string{"label_a", "label_b"},
206 registryVersion: &v115,
207 expectedMetricCount: 0,
208 expectedHelp: "EXPERIMENTAL: histogram help message",
209 },
210 }
212 for _, test := range tests {
213 t.Run(test.desc, func(t *testing.T) {
214 registry := newKubeRegistry(apimachineryversion.Info{
215 Major: "1",
216 Minor: "15",
217 GitVersion: "v1.15.0-alpha-1.12345",
218 })
219 t0 := time.Now()
220 clk := testclock.NewFakePassiveClock(t0)
221 c := NewTestableTimingHistogramVec(clk.Now, test.TimingHistogramOpts, test.labels)
222 registry.MustRegister(c)
223 var v0 float64 = 3
224 cm1, err := c.WithLabelValuesChecked("1", "2")
225 if err != nil {
226 t.Error(err)
227 }
228 cm1.Set(v0)
230 if test.expectedMetricCount > 0 {
231 metricChan := make(chan prometheus.Metric, 2)
232 c.Collect(metricChan)
233 close(metricChan)
234 m1 := <-metricChan
235 if m1 != cm1.(prometheus.Metric) {
236 t.Error("Unexpected metric", m1, cm1)
237 }
238 m2, ok := <-metricChan
239 if ok {
240 t.Error("Unexpected second metric", m2)
241 }
242 }
244 ms, err := registry.Gather()
245 assert.Equalf(t, test.expectedMetricCount, len(ms), "Got %v metrics, Want: %v metrics", len(ms), test.expectedMetricCount)
246 assert.Nil(t, err, "Gather failed %v", err)
247 for _, metric := range ms {
248 if metric.GetHelp() != test.expectedHelp {
249 assert.Equalf(t, test.expectedHelp, metric.GetHelp(), "Got %s as help message, want %s", metric.GetHelp(), test.expectedHelp)
250 }
251 }
254 c.WithLabelValues("1", "3").Set(v0)
255 c.WithLabelValues("2", "3").Set(v0)
256 dt1 := time.Nanosecond
257 t1 := t0.Add(dt1)
258 clk.SetTime(t1)
259 c.WithLabelValues("1", "2").Add(5.0)
260 c.WithLabelValues("1", "3").Add(5.0)
261 c.WithLabelValues("2", "3").Add(5.0)
262 ms, err = registry.Gather()
263 assert.Nil(t, err, "Gather failed %v", err)
265 for _, mf := range ms {
266 t.Logf("Considering metric family %s", mf.String())
267 assert.Equalf(t, 3, len(mf.GetMetric()), "Got %v metrics, wanted 3 as the count for family %#+v", len(mf.GetMetric()), mf)
268 for _, m := range mf.GetMetric() {
269 expectedCount := uint64(dt1)
270 expectedSum := float64(dt1) * v0
271 assert.Equalf(t, expectedCount, m.GetHistogram().GetSampleCount(), "Got %v, expected histogram sample count to equal %d for metric %s", m.GetHistogram().GetSampleCount(), expectedCount, m.String())
272 assert.Equalf(t, expectedSum, m.GetHistogram().GetSampleSum(), "Got %v, expected histogram sample sum to equal %v for metric %s", m.GetHistogram().GetSampleSum(), expectedSum, m.String())
273 }
274 }
275 })
276 }
277 }
279 func TestTimingHistogramWithLabelValueAllowList(t *testing.T) {
280 labelAllowValues := map[string]string{
281 "namespace_subsystem_metric_allowlist_test,label_a": "allowed",
282 }
283 labels := []string{"label_a", "label_b"}
284 opts := &TimingHistogramOpts{
285 Namespace: "namespace",
286 Name: "metric_allowlist_test",
287 Subsystem: "subsystem",
288 InitialValue: 7,
289 }
290 var tests = []struct {
291 desc string
292 labelValues [][]string
293 expectMetricValues map[string]uint64
294 }{
295 {
296 desc: "Test no unexpected input",
297 labelValues: [][]string{{"allowed", "b1"}, {"allowed", "b2"}},
298 expectMetricValues: map[string]uint64{
299 "allowed b1": 1.0,
300 "allowed b2": 1.0,
301 },
302 },
303 {
304 desc: "Test unexpected input",
305 labelValues: [][]string{{"allowed", "b1"}, {"not_allowed", "b1"}},
306 expectMetricValues: map[string]uint64{
307 "allowed b1": 1.0,
308 "unexpected b1": 1.0,
309 },
310 },
311 }
313 for _, test := range tests {
314 t.Run(test.desc, func(t *testing.T) {
315 SetLabelAllowListFromCLI(labelAllowValues)
316 registry := newKubeRegistry(apimachineryversion.Info{
317 Major: "1",
318 Minor: "15",
319 GitVersion: "v1.15.0-alpha-1.12345",
320 })
321 t0 := time.Now()
322 clk := testclock.NewFakePassiveClock(t0)
323 c := NewTestableTimingHistogramVec(clk.Now, opts, labels)
324 registry.MustRegister(c)
325 var v0 float64 = 13
326 for _, lv := range test.labelValues {
327 c.WithLabelValues(lv...).Set(v0)
328 }
330 dt1 := 3 * time.Hour
331 t1 := t0.Add(dt1)
332 clk.SetTime(t1)
334 for _, lv := range test.labelValues {
335 c.WithLabelValues(lv...).Add(1.0)
336 }
337 mfs, err := registry.Gather()
338 assert.Nil(t, err, "Gather failed %v", err)
340 for _, mf := range mfs {
341 if *mf.Name != BuildFQName(opts.Namespace, opts.Subsystem, opts.Name) {
342 continue
343 }
344 mfMetric := mf.GetMetric()
345 t.Logf("Consider metric family %s", mf.GetName())
347 for _, m := range mfMetric {
348 var aValue, bValue string
349 for _, l := range m.Label {
350 if *l.Name == "label_a" {
351 aValue = *l.Value
352 }
353 if *l.Name == "label_b" {
354 bValue = *l.Value
355 }
356 }
357 labelValuePair := aValue + " " + bValue
358 expectedCount, ok := test.expectMetricValues[labelValuePair]
359 assert.True(t, ok, "Got unexpected label values, lable_a is %v, label_b is %v", aValue, bValue)
360 expectedSum := float64(dt1) * v0 * float64(expectedCount)
361 expectedCount *= uint64(dt1)
362 actualCount := m.GetHistogram().GetSampleCount()
363 actualSum := m.GetHistogram().GetSampleSum()
364 assert.Equalf(t, expectedCount, actualCount, "Got %v, wanted %v as the count while setting label_a to %v and label b to %v", actualCount, expectedCount, aValue, bValue)
365 assert.Equalf(t, expectedSum, actualSum, "Got %v, wanted %v as the sum while setting label_a to %v and label b to %v", actualSum, expectedSum, aValue, bValue)
366 }
367 }
368 })
369 }
370 }
372 func BenchmarkTimingHistogram(b *testing.B) {
373 b.StopTimer()
374 now := time.Now()
375 th := NewTestableTimingHistogram(func() time.Time { return now }, &TimingHistogramOpts{
376 Namespace: "testns",
377 Subsystem: "testsubsys",
378 Name: "testhist",
379 Help: "Me",
380 Buckets: []float64{1, 2, 4, 8, 16},
381 InitialValue: 3,
382 })
383 registry := NewKubeRegistry()
384 registry.MustRegister(th)
385 var x int
386 b.StartTimer()
387 for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
388 now = now.Add(time.Duration(31-x) * time.Microsecond)
389 th.Set(float64(x))
390 x = (x + i) % 23
391 }
392 }
394 func BenchmarkTimingHistogramVecEltCached(b *testing.B) {
395 b.StopTimer()
396 now := time.Now()
397 hv := NewTestableTimingHistogramVec(func() time.Time { return now }, &TimingHistogramOpts{
398 Namespace: "testns",
399 Subsystem: "testsubsys",
400 Name: "testhist",
401 Help: "Me",
402 Buckets: []float64{1, 2, 4, 8, 16},
403 InitialValue: 3,
404 },
405 []string{"label1", "label2"})
406 registry := NewKubeRegistry()
407 registry.MustRegister(hv)
408 th, err := hv.WithLabelValuesChecked("v1", "v2")
409 if err != nil {
410 b.Error(err)
411 }
412 var x int
413 b.StartTimer()
414 for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
415 now = now.Add(time.Duration(31-x) * time.Microsecond)
416 th.Set(float64(x))
417 x = (x + i) % 23
418 }
419 }
421 func BenchmarkTimingHistogramVecEltFetched(b *testing.B) {
422 b.StopTimer()
423 now := time.Now()
424 hv := NewTestableTimingHistogramVec(func() time.Time { return now }, &TimingHistogramOpts{
425 Namespace: "testns",
426 Subsystem: "testsubsys",
427 Name: "testhist",
428 Help: "Me",
429 Buckets: []float64{1, 2, 4, 8, 16},
430 InitialValue: 3,
431 },
432 []string{"label1", "label2"})
433 registry := NewKubeRegistry()
434 registry.MustRegister(hv)
435 var x int
436 b.StartTimer()
437 for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
438 now = now.Add(time.Duration(31-x) * time.Microsecond)
439 hv.WithLabelValues("v1", "v2").Set(float64(x))
440 x = (x + i) % 60
441 }
442 }
444 func TestUnregisteredVec(t *testing.T) {
445 hv := NewTestableTimingHistogramVec(time.Now, &TimingHistogramOpts{
446 Namespace: "testns",
447 Subsystem: "testsubsys",
448 Name: "testhist",
449 Help: "Me",
450 Buckets: []float64{1, 2, 4, 8, 16},
451 InitialValue: 3,
452 },
453 []string{"label1", "label2"})
454 gauge, err := hv.WithLabelValuesChecked("v1", "v2")
455 if gauge != noop {
456 t.Errorf("Expected noop but got %#+v", gauge)
457 }
458 if !ErrIsNotRegistered(err) {
459 t.Errorf("Expected errNotRegistered but got err=%v", err)
460 }
461 }
463 func TestBadValues(t *testing.T) {
464 hv := NewTestableTimingHistogramVec(time.Now, &TimingHistogramOpts{
465 Namespace: "testns",
466 Subsystem: "testsubsys",
467 Name: "testhist",
468 Help: "Me",
469 Buckets: []float64{1, 2, 4, 8, 16},
470 InitialValue: 3,
471 },
472 []string{"label1", "label2"})
473 registry := NewKubeRegistry()
474 registry.MustRegister(hv)
475 gauge, err := hv.WithLabelValuesChecked("v1")
476 if gauge != noop {
477 t.Errorf("Expected noop but got %#+v", gauge)
478 }
479 if err == nil {
480 t.Error("Expected an error but got nil")
481 }
482 if ErrIsNotRegistered(err) {
483 t.Error("Expected an error other than errNotRegistered but got that one")
484 }
485 }
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