17 package flag
19 import (
20 "reflect"
21 "testing"
22 )
24 func TestStringMapStringString(t *testing.T) {
25 var nilMap map[string]string
26 cases := []struct {
27 desc string
28 m *MapStringString
29 expect string
30 }{
31 {"nil", NewMapStringString(&nilMap), ""},
32 {"empty", NewMapStringString(&map[string]string{}), ""},
33 {"one key", NewMapStringString(&map[string]string{"one": "foo"}), "one=foo"},
34 {"two keys", NewMapStringString(&map[string]string{"one": "foo", "two": "bar"}), "one=foo,two=bar"},
35 }
36 for _, c := range cases {
37 t.Run(c.desc, func(t *testing.T) {
38 str := c.m.String()
39 if c.expect != str {
40 t.Fatalf("expect %q but got %q", c.expect, str)
41 }
42 })
43 }
44 }
46 func TestSetMapStringString(t *testing.T) {
47 var nilMap map[string]string
48 cases := []struct {
49 desc string
50 vals []string
51 start *MapStringString
52 expect *MapStringString
53 err string
54 }{
56 {"clears defaults", []string{""},
57 NewMapStringString(&map[string]string{"default": ""}),
58 &MapStringString{
59 initialized: true,
60 Map: &map[string]string{},
61 NoSplit: false,
62 }, ""},
64 {"allocates map if currently nil", []string{""},
65 &MapStringString{initialized: true, Map: &nilMap},
66 &MapStringString{
67 initialized: true,
68 Map: &map[string]string{},
69 NoSplit: false,
70 }, ""},
72 {"empty", []string{""},
73 NewMapStringString(&nilMap),
74 &MapStringString{
75 initialized: true,
76 Map: &map[string]string{},
77 NoSplit: false,
78 }, ""},
79 {"one key", []string{"one=foo"},
80 NewMapStringString(&nilMap),
81 &MapStringString{
82 initialized: true,
83 Map: &map[string]string{"one": "foo"},
84 NoSplit: false,
85 }, ""},
86 {"two keys", []string{"one=foo,two=bar"},
87 NewMapStringString(&nilMap),
88 &MapStringString{
89 initialized: true,
90 Map: &map[string]string{"one": "foo", "two": "bar"},
91 NoSplit: false,
92 }, ""},
93 {"one key, multi flag invocation only", []string{"one=foo,bar"},
94 NewMapStringStringNoSplit(&nilMap),
95 &MapStringString{
96 initialized: true,
97 Map: &map[string]string{"one": "foo,bar"},
98 NoSplit: true,
99 }, ""},
100 {"two keys, multi flag invocation only", []string{"one=foo,bar", "two=foo,bar"},
101 NewMapStringStringNoSplit(&nilMap),
102 &MapStringString{
103 initialized: true,
104 Map: &map[string]string{"one": "foo,bar", "two": "foo,bar"},
105 NoSplit: true,
106 }, ""},
107 {"two keys, multiple Set invocations", []string{"one=foo", "two=bar"},
108 NewMapStringString(&nilMap),
109 &MapStringString{
110 initialized: true,
111 Map: &map[string]string{"one": "foo", "two": "bar"},
112 NoSplit: false,
113 }, ""},
114 {"two keys with space", []string{"one=foo, two=bar"},
115 NewMapStringString(&nilMap),
116 &MapStringString{
117 initialized: true,
118 Map: &map[string]string{"one": "foo", "two": "bar"},
119 NoSplit: false,
120 }, ""},
121 {"empty key", []string{"=foo"},
122 NewMapStringString(&nilMap),
123 &MapStringString{
124 initialized: true,
125 Map: &map[string]string{"": "foo"},
126 NoSplit: false,
127 }, ""},
128 {"missing value", []string{"one"},
129 NewMapStringString(&nilMap),
130 nil,
131 "malformed pair, expect string=string"},
132 {"no target", []string{"a:foo"},
133 NewMapStringString(nil),
134 nil,
135 "no target (nil pointer to map[string]string)"},
136 }
137 for _, c := range cases {
138 nilMap = nil
139 t.Run(c.desc, func(t *testing.T) {
140 var err error
141 for _, val := range c.vals {
142 err = c.start.Set(val)
143 if err != nil {
144 break
145 }
146 }
147 if c.err != "" {
148 if err == nil || err.Error() != c.err {
149 t.Fatalf("expect error %s but got %v", c.err, err)
150 }
151 return
152 } else if err != nil {
153 t.Fatalf("unexpected error: %v", err)
154 }
155 if !reflect.DeepEqual(c.expect, c.start) {
156 t.Fatalf("expect %#v but got %#v", c.expect, c.start)
157 }
158 })
159 }
160 }
162 func TestEmptyMapStringString(t *testing.T) {
163 var nilMap map[string]string
164 cases := []struct {
165 desc string
166 val *MapStringString
167 expect bool
168 }{
169 {"nil", NewMapStringString(&nilMap), true},
170 {"empty", NewMapStringString(&map[string]string{}), true},
171 {"populated", NewMapStringString(&map[string]string{"foo": ""}), false},
172 }
173 for _, c := range cases {
174 t.Run(c.desc, func(t *testing.T) {
175 result := c.val.Empty()
176 if result != c.expect {
177 t.Fatalf("expect %t but got %t", c.expect, result)
178 }
179 })
180 }
181 }
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