17 package record
19 import (
20 "reflect"
21 "strconv"
22 "strings"
23 "testing"
24 "time"
26 "github.com/google/go-cmp/cmp"
27 v1 "k8s.io/api/core/v1"
28 metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"
29 testclocks "k8s.io/utils/clock/testing"
30 )
32 func makeObjectReference(kind, name, namespace string) v1.ObjectReference {
33 return v1.ObjectReference{
34 Kind: kind,
35 Name: name,
36 Namespace: namespace,
37 UID: "C934D34AFB20242",
38 APIVersion: "version",
39 FieldPath: "spec.containers{mycontainer}",
40 }
41 }
43 func makeEvent(reason, message string, involvedObject v1.ObjectReference) v1.Event {
44 eventTime := metav1.Now()
45 event := v1.Event{
46 Reason: reason,
47 Message: message,
48 InvolvedObject: involvedObject,
49 Source: v1.EventSource{
50 Component: "kubelet",
51 Host: "kublet.node1",
52 },
53 Count: 1,
54 FirstTimestamp: eventTime,
55 LastTimestamp: eventTime,
56 Type: v1.EventTypeNormal,
57 }
58 return event
59 }
61 func makeEvents(num int, template v1.Event) []v1.Event {
62 events := []v1.Event{}
63 for i := 0; i < num; i++ {
64 events = append(events, template)
65 }
66 return events
67 }
69 func makeUniqueEvents(num int) []v1.Event {
70 events := []v1.Event{}
71 kind := "Pod"
72 for i := 0; i < num; i++ {
73 reason := strings.Join([]string{"reason", strconv.Itoa(i)}, "-")
74 message := strings.Join([]string{"message", strconv.Itoa(i)}, "-")
75 name := strings.Join([]string{"pod", strconv.Itoa(i)}, "-")
76 namespace := strings.Join([]string{"ns", strconv.Itoa(i)}, "-")
77 involvedObject := makeObjectReference(kind, name, namespace)
78 events = append(events, makeEvent(reason, message, involvedObject))
79 }
80 return events
81 }
83 func makeSimilarEvents(num int, template v1.Event, messagePrefix string) []v1.Event {
84 events := makeEvents(num, template)
85 for i := range events {
86 events[i].Message = strings.Join([]string{messagePrefix, strconv.Itoa(i), events[i].Message}, "-")
87 }
88 return events
89 }
91 func setCount(event v1.Event, count int) v1.Event {
92 event.Count = int32(count)
93 return event
94 }
96 func validateEvent(messagePrefix string, actualEvent *v1.Event, expectedEvent *v1.Event, t *testing.T) (*v1.Event, error) {
97 recvEvent := *actualEvent
98 expectCompression := expectedEvent.Count > 1
99 t.Logf("%v - expectedEvent.Count is %d\n", messagePrefix, expectedEvent.Count)
101 if recvEvent.FirstTimestamp.IsZero() || recvEvent.LastTimestamp.IsZero() {
102 t.Errorf("%v - timestamp wasn't set: %#v", messagePrefix, recvEvent)
103 }
104 actualFirstTimestamp := recvEvent.FirstTimestamp
105 actualLastTimestamp := recvEvent.LastTimestamp
106 if actualFirstTimestamp.Equal(&actualLastTimestamp) {
107 if expectCompression {
108 t.Errorf("%v - FirstTimestamp (%q) and LastTimestamp (%q) must be different to indicate event compression happened, but were the same. Actual Event: %#v", messagePrefix, actualFirstTimestamp, actualLastTimestamp, recvEvent)
109 }
110 } else {
111 if expectedEvent.Count == 1 {
112 t.Errorf("%v - FirstTimestamp (%q) and LastTimestamp (%q) must be equal to indicate only one occurrence of the event, but were different. Actual Event: %#v", messagePrefix, actualFirstTimestamp, actualLastTimestamp, recvEvent)
113 }
114 }
116 recvEvent.FirstTimestamp = expectedEvent.FirstTimestamp
117 recvEvent.LastTimestamp = expectedEvent.LastTimestamp
119 recvEvent.ReportingController = expectedEvent.ReportingController
122 if n, en := recvEvent.Name, expectedEvent.Name; !strings.HasPrefix(n, en) {
123 t.Errorf("%v - Name '%v' does not contain prefix '%v'", messagePrefix, n, en)
124 }
125 recvEvent.Name = expectedEvent.Name
126 if e, a := expectedEvent, &recvEvent; !reflect.DeepEqual(e, a) {
127 t.Errorf("%v - diff: %s", messagePrefix, cmp.Diff(e, a))
128 }
129 recvEvent.FirstTimestamp = actualFirstTimestamp
130 recvEvent.LastTimestamp = actualLastTimestamp
131 return actualEvent, nil
132 }
135 func TestEventAggregatorByReasonFunc(t *testing.T) {
136 event1 := makeEvent("end-of-world", "it was fun", makeObjectReference("Pod", "pod1", "other"))
137 event2 := makeEvent("end-of-world", "it was awful", makeObjectReference("Pod", "pod1", "other"))
138 event3 := makeEvent("nevermind", "it was a bug", makeObjectReference("Pod", "pod1", "other"))
140 aggKey1, localKey1 := EventAggregatorByReasonFunc(&event1)
141 aggKey2, localKey2 := EventAggregatorByReasonFunc(&event2)
142 aggKey3, _ := EventAggregatorByReasonFunc(&event3)
144 if aggKey1 != aggKey2 {
145 t.Errorf("Expected %v equal %v", aggKey1, aggKey2)
146 }
147 if localKey1 == localKey2 {
148 t.Errorf("Expected %v to not equal %v", aggKey1, aggKey3)
149 }
150 if aggKey1 == aggKey3 {
151 t.Errorf("Expected %v to not equal %v", aggKey1, aggKey3)
152 }
153 }
156 func TestEventAggregatorByReasonMessageFunc(t *testing.T) {
157 expectedPrefix := "(combined from similar events): "
158 event1 := makeEvent("end-of-world", "it was fun", makeObjectReference("Pod", "pod1", "other"))
159 actual := EventAggregatorByReasonMessageFunc(&event1)
160 if !strings.HasPrefix(actual, expectedPrefix) {
161 t.Errorf("Expected %v to begin with prefix %v", actual, expectedPrefix)
162 }
163 }
166 func TestEventCorrelator(t *testing.T) {
167 firstEvent := makeEvent("first", "i am first", makeObjectReference("Pod", "my-pod", "my-ns"))
168 duplicateEvent := makeEvent("duplicate", "me again", makeObjectReference("Pod", "my-pod", "my-ns"))
169 uniqueEvent := makeEvent("unique", "snowflake", makeObjectReference("Pod", "my-pod", "my-ns"))
170 similarEvent := makeEvent("similar", "similar message", makeObjectReference("Pod", "my-pod", "my-ns"))
171 similarEvent.InvolvedObject.FieldPath = "spec.containers{container1}"
172 aggregateEvent := makeEvent(similarEvent.Reason, EventAggregatorByReasonMessageFunc(&similarEvent), similarEvent.InvolvedObject)
173 similarButDifferentContainerEvent := similarEvent
174 similarButDifferentContainerEvent.InvolvedObject.FieldPath = "spec.containers{container2}"
175 scenario := map[string]struct {
176 previousEvents []v1.Event
177 newEvent v1.Event
178 expectedEvent v1.Event
179 intervalSeconds int
180 expectedSkip bool
181 }{
182 "create-a-single-event": {
183 previousEvents: []v1.Event{},
184 newEvent: firstEvent,
185 expectedEvent: setCount(firstEvent, 1),
186 intervalSeconds: 5,
187 },
188 "the-same-event-should-just-count": {
189 previousEvents: makeEvents(1, duplicateEvent),
190 newEvent: duplicateEvent,
191 expectedEvent: setCount(duplicateEvent, 2),
192 intervalSeconds: 5,
193 },
194 "the-same-event-should-just-count-even-if-more-than-aggregate": {
195 previousEvents: makeEvents(defaultAggregateMaxEvents, duplicateEvent),
196 newEvent: duplicateEvent,
197 expectedEvent: setCount(duplicateEvent, defaultAggregateMaxEvents+1),
198 intervalSeconds: 30,
199 },
200 "the-same-event-is-spam-if-happens-too-frequently": {
201 previousEvents: makeEvents(defaultSpamBurst+1, duplicateEvent),
202 newEvent: duplicateEvent,
203 expectedSkip: true,
204 intervalSeconds: 1,
205 },
206 "create-many-unique-events": {
207 previousEvents: makeUniqueEvents(30),
208 newEvent: uniqueEvent,
209 expectedEvent: setCount(uniqueEvent, 1),
210 intervalSeconds: 5,
211 },
212 "similar-events-should-aggregate-event": {
213 previousEvents: makeSimilarEvents(defaultAggregateMaxEvents-1, similarEvent, similarEvent.Message),
214 newEvent: similarEvent,
215 expectedEvent: setCount(aggregateEvent, 1),
216 intervalSeconds: 5,
217 },
218 "similar-events-many-times-should-count-the-aggregate": {
219 previousEvents: makeSimilarEvents(defaultAggregateMaxEvents, similarEvent, similarEvent.Message),
220 newEvent: similarEvent,
221 expectedEvent: setCount(aggregateEvent, 2),
222 intervalSeconds: 5,
223 },
224 "events-from-different-containers-do-not-aggregate": {
225 previousEvents: makeEvents(1, similarButDifferentContainerEvent),
226 newEvent: similarEvent,
227 expectedEvent: setCount(similarEvent, 1),
228 intervalSeconds: 5,
229 },
230 "similar-events-whose-interval-is-greater-than-aggregate-interval-do-not-aggregate": {
231 previousEvents: makeSimilarEvents(defaultAggregateMaxEvents-1, similarEvent, similarEvent.Message),
232 newEvent: similarEvent,
233 expectedEvent: setCount(similarEvent, 1),
234 intervalSeconds: defaultAggregateIntervalInSeconds,
235 },
236 }
238 for testScenario, testInput := range scenario {
239 eventInterval := time.Duration(testInput.intervalSeconds) * time.Second
240 clock := testclocks.SimpleIntervalClock{Time: time.Now(), Duration: eventInterval}
241 correlator := NewEventCorrelator(&clock)
242 for i := range testInput.previousEvents {
243 event := testInput.previousEvents[i]
244 now := metav1.NewTime(clock.Now())
245 event.FirstTimestamp = now
246 event.LastTimestamp = now
247 result, err := correlator.EventCorrelate(&event)
248 if err != nil {
249 t.Errorf("scenario %v: unexpected error playing back prevEvents %v", testScenario, err)
250 }
252 if !result.Skip {
253 correlator.UpdateState(result.Event)
254 }
255 }
258 now := metav1.NewTime(clock.Now())
259 testInput.newEvent.FirstTimestamp = now
260 testInput.newEvent.LastTimestamp = now
261 result, err := correlator.EventCorrelate(&testInput.newEvent)
262 if err != nil {
263 t.Errorf("scenario %v: unexpected error correlating input event %v", testScenario, err)
264 }
267 if result.Skip != testInput.expectedSkip {
268 t.Errorf("scenario %v: expected skip %v, but got %v", testScenario, testInput.expectedSkip, result.Skip)
269 continue
270 }
273 if testInput.expectedSkip {
274 continue
275 }
278 _, err = validateEvent(testScenario, result.Event, &testInput.expectedEvent, t)
279 if err != nil {
280 t.Errorf("scenario %v: unexpected error validating result %v", testScenario, err)
281 }
282 }
283 }
285 func TestEventSpamFilter(t *testing.T) {
286 spamKeyFuncBasedOnObjectsAndReason := func(e *v1.Event) string {
287 return strings.Join([]string{
288 e.Source.Component,
289 e.Source.Host,
290 e.InvolvedObject.Kind,
291 e.InvolvedObject.Namespace,
292 e.InvolvedObject.Name,
293 string(e.InvolvedObject.UID),
294 e.InvolvedObject.APIVersion,
295 e.Reason,
296 },
297 "")
298 }
299 burstSize := 1
300 eventInterval := time.Duration(1) * time.Second
301 originalEvent := makeEvent("original", "i am first", makeObjectReference("Pod", "my-pod", "my-ns"))
302 differentReasonEvent := makeEvent("duplicate", "me again", makeObjectReference("Pod", "my-pod", "my-ns"))
303 spamEvent := makeEvent("original", "me again", makeObjectReference("Pod", "my-pod", "my-ns"))
304 testCases := map[string]struct {
305 newEvent v1.Event
306 expectedEvent v1.Event
307 expectedSkip bool
308 spamKeyFunc EventSpamKeyFunc
309 }{
310 "event should be reported as spam if object reference is the same for default spam filter": {
311 newEvent: differentReasonEvent,
312 expectedSkip: true,
313 },
314 "event should not be reported as spam if object reference is the same, but reason is different for custom spam filter": {
315 newEvent: differentReasonEvent,
316 expectedEvent: differentReasonEvent,
317 expectedSkip: false,
318 spamKeyFunc: spamKeyFuncBasedOnObjectsAndReason,
319 },
320 "event should be reported as spam if object reference and reason is the same, but message is different for custom spam filter": {
321 newEvent: spamEvent,
322 expectedSkip: true,
323 spamKeyFunc: spamKeyFuncBasedOnObjectsAndReason,
324 },
325 }
327 for testDescription, testInput := range testCases {
328 c := testclocks.SimpleIntervalClock{Time: time.Now(), Duration: eventInterval}
329 correlator := NewEventCorrelatorWithOptions(CorrelatorOptions{
330 Clock: &c,
331 SpamKeyFunc: testInput.spamKeyFunc,
332 BurstSize: burstSize,
333 })
335 result, err := correlator.EventCorrelate(&originalEvent)
336 if err != nil {
337 t.Errorf("scenario %v: unexpected error correlating originalEvent %v", testDescription, err)
338 }
340 if !result.Skip {
341 correlator.UpdateState(result.Event)
342 }
344 result, err = correlator.EventCorrelate(&testInput.newEvent)
345 if err != nil {
346 t.Errorf("scenario %v: unexpected error correlating input event %v", testDescription, err)
347 }
350 if result.Skip != testInput.expectedSkip {
351 t.Errorf("scenario %v: expected skip %v, but got %v", testDescription, testInput.expectedSkip, result.Skip)
352 continue
353 }
356 if testInput.expectedSkip {
357 continue
358 }
361 _, err = validateEvent(testDescription, result.Event, &testInput.expectedEvent, t)
362 if err != nil {
363 t.Errorf("scenario %v: unexpected error validating result %v", testDescription, err)
364 }
365 }
366 }
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