
Source file src/k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/resource/visitor.go

Documentation: k8s.io/cli-runtime/pkg/resource

     1  /*
     2  Copyright 2014 The Kubernetes Authors.
     4  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     5  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     6  You may obtain a copy of the License at
     8      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
    10  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    11  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    12  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    13  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    14  limitations under the License.
    15  */
    17  package resource
    19  import (
    20  	"bytes"
    21  	"context"
    22  	"fmt"
    23  	"io"
    24  	"net/http"
    25  	"net/url"
    26  	"os"
    27  	"path/filepath"
    28  	"strings"
    29  	"time"
    31  	"golang.org/x/sync/errgroup"
    32  	"golang.org/x/text/encoding/unicode"
    33  	"golang.org/x/text/transform"
    34  	"k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/api/errors"
    35  	"k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/api/meta"
    36  	metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"
    37  	"k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/labels"
    38  	"k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/runtime"
    39  	"k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/runtime/schema"
    40  	utilerrors "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/errors"
    41  	"k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/yaml"
    42  	"k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/watch"
    43  )
    45  const (
    46  	constSTDINstr       = "STDIN"
    47  	stopValidateMessage = "if you choose to ignore these errors, turn validation off with --validate=false"
    48  )
    50  // Watchable describes a resource that can be watched for changes that occur on the server,
    51  // beginning after the provided resource version.
    52  type Watchable interface {
    53  	Watch(resourceVersion string) (watch.Interface, error)
    54  }
    56  // ResourceMapping allows an object to return the resource mapping associated with
    57  // the resource or resources it represents.
    58  type ResourceMapping interface {
    59  	ResourceMapping() *meta.RESTMapping
    60  }
    62  // Info contains temporary info to execute a REST call, or show the results
    63  // of an already completed REST call.
    64  type Info struct {
    65  	// Client will only be present if this builder was not local
    66  	Client RESTClient
    67  	// Mapping will only be present if this builder was not local
    68  	Mapping *meta.RESTMapping
    70  	// Namespace will be set if the object is namespaced and has a specified value.
    71  	Namespace string
    72  	Name      string
    74  	// Optional, Source is the filename or URL to template file (.json or .yaml),
    75  	// or stdin to use to handle the resource
    76  	Source string
    77  	// Optional, this is the most recent value returned by the server if available. It will
    78  	// typically be in unstructured or internal forms, depending on how the Builder was
    79  	// defined. If retrieved from the server, the Builder expects the mapping client to
    80  	// decide the final form. Use the AsVersioned, AsUnstructured, and AsInternal helpers
    81  	// to alter the object versions.
    82  	// If Subresource is specified, this will be the object for the subresource.
    83  	Object runtime.Object
    84  	// Optional, this is the most recent resource version the server knows about for
    85  	// this type of resource. It may not match the resource version of the object,
    86  	// but if set it should be equal to or newer than the resource version of the
    87  	// object (however the server defines resource version).
    88  	ResourceVersion string
    89  	// Optional, if specified, the object is the most recent value of the subresource
    90  	// returned by the server if available.
    91  	Subresource string
    92  }
    94  // Visit implements Visitor
    95  func (i *Info) Visit(fn VisitorFunc) error {
    96  	return fn(i, nil)
    97  }
    99  // Get retrieves the object from the Namespace and Name fields
   100  func (i *Info) Get() (err error) {
   101  	obj, err := NewHelper(i.Client, i.Mapping).WithSubresource(i.Subresource).Get(i.Namespace, i.Name)
   102  	if err != nil {
   103  		if errors.IsNotFound(err) && len(i.Namespace) > 0 && i.Namespace != metav1.NamespaceDefault && i.Namespace != metav1.NamespaceAll {
   104  			err2 := i.Client.Get().AbsPath("api", "v1", "namespaces", i.Namespace).Do(context.TODO()).Error()
   105  			if err2 != nil && errors.IsNotFound(err2) {
   106  				return err2
   107  			}
   108  		}
   109  		return err
   110  	}
   111  	i.Object = obj
   112  	i.ResourceVersion, _ = metadataAccessor.ResourceVersion(obj)
   113  	return nil
   114  }
   116  // Refresh updates the object with another object. If ignoreError is set
   117  // the Object will be updated even if name, namespace, or resourceVersion
   118  // attributes cannot be loaded from the object.
   119  func (i *Info) Refresh(obj runtime.Object, ignoreError bool) error {
   120  	name, err := metadataAccessor.Name(obj)
   121  	if err != nil {
   122  		if !ignoreError {
   123  			return err
   124  		}
   125  	} else {
   126  		i.Name = name
   127  	}
   128  	namespace, err := metadataAccessor.Namespace(obj)
   129  	if err != nil {
   130  		if !ignoreError {
   131  			return err
   132  		}
   133  	} else {
   134  		i.Namespace = namespace
   135  	}
   136  	version, err := metadataAccessor.ResourceVersion(obj)
   137  	if err != nil {
   138  		if !ignoreError {
   139  			return err
   140  		}
   141  	} else {
   142  		i.ResourceVersion = version
   143  	}
   144  	i.Object = obj
   145  	return nil
   146  }
   148  // ObjectName returns an approximate form of the resource's kind/name.
   149  func (i *Info) ObjectName() string {
   150  	if i.Mapping != nil {
   151  		return fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", i.Mapping.Resource.Resource, i.Name)
   152  	}
   153  	gvk := i.Object.GetObjectKind().GroupVersionKind()
   154  	if len(gvk.Group) == 0 {
   155  		return fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", strings.ToLower(gvk.Kind), i.Name)
   156  	}
   157  	return fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s/%s\n", strings.ToLower(gvk.Kind), gvk.Group, i.Name)
   158  }
   160  // String returns the general purpose string representation
   161  func (i *Info) String() string {
   162  	basicInfo := fmt.Sprintf("Name: %q, Namespace: %q", i.Name, i.Namespace)
   163  	if i.Mapping != nil {
   164  		mappingInfo := fmt.Sprintf("Resource: %q, GroupVersionKind: %q", i.Mapping.Resource.String(),
   165  			i.Mapping.GroupVersionKind.String())
   166  		return fmt.Sprint(mappingInfo, "\n", basicInfo)
   167  	}
   168  	return basicInfo
   169  }
   171  // Namespaced returns true if the object belongs to a namespace
   172  func (i *Info) Namespaced() bool {
   173  	if i.Mapping != nil {
   174  		// if we have RESTMapper info, use it
   175  		return i.Mapping.Scope.Name() == meta.RESTScopeNameNamespace
   176  	}
   177  	// otherwise, use the presence of a namespace in the info as an indicator
   178  	return len(i.Namespace) > 0
   179  }
   181  // Watch returns server changes to this object after it was retrieved.
   182  func (i *Info) Watch(resourceVersion string) (watch.Interface, error) {
   183  	return NewHelper(i.Client, i.Mapping).WatchSingle(i.Namespace, i.Name, resourceVersion)
   184  }
   186  // ResourceMapping returns the mapping for this resource and implements ResourceMapping
   187  func (i *Info) ResourceMapping() *meta.RESTMapping {
   188  	return i.Mapping
   189  }
   191  // VisitorList implements Visit for the sub visitors it contains. The first error
   192  // returned from a child Visitor will terminate iteration.
   193  type VisitorList []Visitor
   195  // Visit implements Visitor
   196  func (l VisitorList) Visit(fn VisitorFunc) error {
   197  	for i := range l {
   198  		if err := l[i].Visit(fn); err != nil {
   199  			return err
   200  		}
   201  	}
   202  	return nil
   203  }
   205  type ConcurrentVisitorList struct {
   206  	visitors    []Visitor
   207  	concurrency int
   208  }
   210  func (l ConcurrentVisitorList) Visit(fn VisitorFunc) error {
   211  	g := errgroup.Group{}
   213  	// Concurrency 1 just runs the visitors sequentially, this is the default
   214  	// as it preserves the previous behavior, but allows components to opt into
   215  	// concurrency.
   216  	concurrency := 1
   217  	if l.concurrency > concurrency {
   218  		concurrency = l.concurrency
   219  	}
   220  	g.SetLimit(concurrency)
   222  	for i := range l.visitors {
   223  		i := i
   224  		g.Go(func() error {
   225  			return l.visitors[i].Visit(fn)
   226  		})
   227  	}
   229  	return g.Wait()
   230  }
   232  // EagerVisitorList implements Visit for the sub visitors it contains. All errors
   233  // will be captured and returned at the end of iteration.
   234  type EagerVisitorList []Visitor
   236  // Visit implements Visitor, and gathers errors that occur during processing until
   237  // all sub visitors have been visited.
   238  func (l EagerVisitorList) Visit(fn VisitorFunc) error {
   239  	var errs []error
   240  	for i := range l {
   241  		err := l[i].Visit(func(info *Info, err error) error {
   242  			if err != nil {
   243  				errs = append(errs, err)
   244  				return nil
   245  			}
   246  			if err := fn(info, nil); err != nil {
   247  				errs = append(errs, err)
   248  			}
   249  			return nil
   250  		})
   251  		if err != nil {
   252  			errs = append(errs, err)
   253  		}
   254  	}
   255  	return utilerrors.NewAggregate(errs)
   256  }
   258  func ValidateSchema(data []byte, schema ContentValidator) error {
   259  	if schema == nil {
   260  		return nil
   261  	}
   262  	if err := schema.ValidateBytes(data); err != nil {
   263  		return fmt.Errorf("error validating data: %v; %s", err, stopValidateMessage)
   264  	}
   265  	return nil
   266  }
   268  // URLVisitor downloads the contents of a URL, and if successful, returns
   269  // an info object representing the downloaded object.
   270  type URLVisitor struct {
   271  	URL *url.URL
   272  	*StreamVisitor
   273  	HttpAttemptCount int
   274  }
   276  func (v *URLVisitor) Visit(fn VisitorFunc) error {
   277  	body, err := readHttpWithRetries(httpgetImpl, time.Second, v.URL.String(), v.HttpAttemptCount)
   278  	if err != nil {
   279  		return err
   280  	}
   281  	defer body.Close()
   282  	v.StreamVisitor.Reader = body
   283  	return v.StreamVisitor.Visit(fn)
   284  }
   286  // readHttpWithRetries tries to http.Get the v.URL retries times before giving up.
   287  func readHttpWithRetries(get httpget, duration time.Duration, u string, attempts int) (io.ReadCloser, error) {
   288  	var err error
   289  	if attempts <= 0 {
   290  		return nil, fmt.Errorf("http attempts must be greater than 0, was %d", attempts)
   291  	}
   292  	for i := 0; i < attempts; i++ {
   293  		var (
   294  			statusCode int
   295  			status     string
   296  			body       io.ReadCloser
   297  		)
   298  		if i > 0 {
   299  			time.Sleep(duration)
   300  		}
   302  		// Try to get the URL
   303  		statusCode, status, body, err = get(u)
   305  		// Retry Errors
   306  		if err != nil {
   307  			continue
   308  		}
   310  		if statusCode == http.StatusOK {
   311  			return body, nil
   312  		}
   313  		body.Close()
   314  		// Error - Set the error condition from the StatusCode
   315  		err = fmt.Errorf("unable to read URL %q, server reported %s, status code=%d", u, status, statusCode)
   317  		if statusCode >= 500 && statusCode < 600 {
   318  			// Retry 500's
   319  			continue
   320  		} else {
   321  			// Don't retry other StatusCodes
   322  			break
   323  		}
   324  	}
   325  	return nil, err
   326  }
   328  // httpget Defines function to retrieve a url and return the results.  Exists for unit test stubbing.
   329  type httpget func(url string) (int, string, io.ReadCloser, error)
   331  // httpgetImpl Implements a function to retrieve a url and return the results.
   332  func httpgetImpl(url string) (int, string, io.ReadCloser, error) {
   333  	resp, err := http.Get(url)
   334  	if err != nil {
   335  		return 0, "", nil, err
   336  	}
   337  	return resp.StatusCode, resp.Status, resp.Body, nil
   338  }
   340  // DecoratedVisitor will invoke the decorators in order prior to invoking the visitor function
   341  // passed to Visit. An error will terminate the visit.
   342  type DecoratedVisitor struct {
   343  	visitor    Visitor
   344  	decorators []VisitorFunc
   345  }
   347  // NewDecoratedVisitor will create a visitor that invokes the provided visitor functions before
   348  // the user supplied visitor function is invoked, giving them the opportunity to mutate the Info
   349  // object or terminate early with an error.
   350  func NewDecoratedVisitor(v Visitor, fn ...VisitorFunc) Visitor {
   351  	if len(fn) == 0 {
   352  		return v
   353  	}
   354  	return DecoratedVisitor{v, fn}
   355  }
   357  // Visit implements Visitor
   358  func (v DecoratedVisitor) Visit(fn VisitorFunc) error {
   359  	return v.visitor.Visit(func(info *Info, err error) error {
   360  		if err != nil {
   361  			return err
   362  		}
   363  		for i := range v.decorators {
   364  			if err := v.decorators[i](info, nil); err != nil {
   365  				return err
   366  			}
   367  		}
   368  		return fn(info, nil)
   369  	})
   370  }
   372  // ContinueOnErrorVisitor visits each item and, if an error occurs on
   373  // any individual item, returns an aggregate error after all items
   374  // are visited.
   375  type ContinueOnErrorVisitor struct {
   376  	Visitor
   377  }
   379  // Visit returns nil if no error occurs during traversal, a regular
   380  // error if one occurs, or if multiple errors occur, an aggregate
   381  // error.  If the provided visitor fails on any individual item it
   382  // will not prevent the remaining items from being visited. An error
   383  // returned by the visitor directly may still result in some items
   384  // not being visited.
   385  func (v ContinueOnErrorVisitor) Visit(fn VisitorFunc) error {
   386  	var errs []error
   387  	err := v.Visitor.Visit(func(info *Info, err error) error {
   388  		if err != nil {
   389  			errs = append(errs, err)
   390  			return nil
   391  		}
   392  		if err := fn(info, nil); err != nil {
   393  			errs = append(errs, err)
   394  		}
   395  		return nil
   396  	})
   397  	if err != nil {
   398  		errs = append(errs, err)
   399  	}
   400  	if len(errs) == 1 {
   401  		return errs[0]
   402  	}
   403  	return utilerrors.NewAggregate(errs)
   404  }
   406  // FlattenListVisitor flattens any objects that runtime.ExtractList recognizes as a list
   407  // - has an "Items" public field that is a slice of runtime.Objects or objects satisfying
   408  // that interface - into multiple Infos. Returns nil in the case of no errors.
   409  // When an error is hit on sub items (for instance, if a List contains an object that does
   410  // not have a registered client or resource), returns an aggregate error.
   411  type FlattenListVisitor struct {
   412  	visitor Visitor
   413  	typer   runtime.ObjectTyper
   414  	mapper  *mapper
   415  }
   417  // NewFlattenListVisitor creates a visitor that will expand list style runtime.Objects
   418  // into individual items and then visit them individually.
   419  func NewFlattenListVisitor(v Visitor, typer runtime.ObjectTyper, mapper *mapper) Visitor {
   420  	return FlattenListVisitor{v, typer, mapper}
   421  }
   423  func (v FlattenListVisitor) Visit(fn VisitorFunc) error {
   424  	return v.visitor.Visit(func(info *Info, err error) error {
   425  		if err != nil {
   426  			return err
   427  		}
   428  		if info.Object == nil {
   429  			return fn(info, nil)
   430  		}
   431  		if !meta.IsListType(info.Object) {
   432  			return fn(info, nil)
   433  		}
   435  		items := []runtime.Object{}
   436  		itemsToProcess := []runtime.Object{info.Object}
   438  		for i := 0; i < len(itemsToProcess); i++ {
   439  			currObj := itemsToProcess[i]
   440  			if !meta.IsListType(currObj) {
   441  				items = append(items, currObj)
   442  				continue
   443  			}
   445  			currItems, err := meta.ExtractList(currObj)
   446  			if err != nil {
   447  				return err
   448  			}
   449  			if errs := runtime.DecodeList(currItems, v.mapper.decoder); len(errs) > 0 {
   450  				return utilerrors.NewAggregate(errs)
   451  			}
   452  			itemsToProcess = append(itemsToProcess, currItems...)
   453  		}
   455  		// If we have a GroupVersionKind on the list, prioritize that when asking for info on the objects contained in the list
   456  		var preferredGVKs []schema.GroupVersionKind
   457  		if info.Mapping != nil && !info.Mapping.GroupVersionKind.Empty() {
   458  			preferredGVKs = append(preferredGVKs, info.Mapping.GroupVersionKind)
   459  		}
   460  		var errs []error
   461  		for i := range items {
   462  			item, err := v.mapper.infoForObject(items[i], v.typer, preferredGVKs)
   463  			if err != nil {
   464  				errs = append(errs, err)
   465  				continue
   466  			}
   467  			if len(info.ResourceVersion) != 0 {
   468  				item.ResourceVersion = info.ResourceVersion
   469  			}
   470  			// propagate list source to items source
   471  			if len(info.Source) != 0 {
   472  				item.Source = info.Source
   473  			}
   474  			if err := fn(item, nil); err != nil {
   475  				errs = append(errs, err)
   476  			}
   477  		}
   478  		return utilerrors.NewAggregate(errs)
   479  	})
   480  }
   482  func ignoreFile(path string, extensions []string) bool {
   483  	if len(extensions) == 0 {
   484  		return false
   485  	}
   486  	ext := filepath.Ext(path)
   487  	for _, s := range extensions {
   488  		if s == ext {
   489  			return false
   490  		}
   491  	}
   492  	return true
   493  }
   495  // FileVisitorForSTDIN return a special FileVisitor just for STDIN
   496  func FileVisitorForSTDIN(mapper *mapper, schema ContentValidator) Visitor {
   497  	return &FileVisitor{
   498  		Path:          constSTDINstr,
   499  		StreamVisitor: NewStreamVisitor(nil, mapper, constSTDINstr, schema),
   500  	}
   501  }
   503  // ExpandPathsToFileVisitors will return a slice of FileVisitors that will handle files from the provided path.
   504  // After FileVisitors open the files, they will pass an io.Reader to a StreamVisitor to do the reading. (stdin
   505  // is also taken care of). Paths argument also accepts a single file, and will return a single visitor
   506  func ExpandPathsToFileVisitors(mapper *mapper, paths string, recursive bool, extensions []string, schema ContentValidator) ([]Visitor, error) {
   507  	var visitors []Visitor
   508  	err := filepath.Walk(paths, func(path string, fi os.FileInfo, err error) error {
   509  		if err != nil {
   510  			return err
   511  		}
   513  		if fi.IsDir() {
   514  			if path != paths && !recursive {
   515  				return filepath.SkipDir
   516  			}
   517  			return nil
   518  		}
   519  		// Don't check extension if the filepath was passed explicitly
   520  		if path != paths && ignoreFile(path, extensions) {
   521  			return nil
   522  		}
   524  		visitor := &FileVisitor{
   525  			Path:          path,
   526  			StreamVisitor: NewStreamVisitor(nil, mapper, path, schema),
   527  		}
   529  		visitors = append(visitors, visitor)
   530  		return nil
   531  	})
   533  	if err != nil {
   534  		return nil, err
   535  	}
   536  	return visitors, nil
   537  }
   539  // FileVisitor is wrapping around a StreamVisitor, to handle open/close files
   540  type FileVisitor struct {
   541  	Path string
   542  	*StreamVisitor
   543  }
   545  // Visit in a FileVisitor is just taking care of opening/closing files
   546  func (v *FileVisitor) Visit(fn VisitorFunc) error {
   547  	var f *os.File
   548  	if v.Path == constSTDINstr {
   549  		f = os.Stdin
   550  	} else {
   551  		var err error
   552  		f, err = os.Open(v.Path)
   553  		if err != nil {
   554  			return err
   555  		}
   556  		defer f.Close()
   557  	}
   559  	// TODO: Consider adding a flag to force to UTF16, apparently some
   560  	// Windows tools don't write the BOM
   561  	utf16bom := unicode.BOMOverride(unicode.UTF8.NewDecoder())
   562  	v.StreamVisitor.Reader = transform.NewReader(f, utf16bom)
   564  	return v.StreamVisitor.Visit(fn)
   565  }
   567  // StreamVisitor reads objects from an io.Reader and walks them. A stream visitor can only be
   568  // visited once.
   569  // TODO: depends on objects being in JSON format before being passed to decode - need to implement
   570  // a stream decoder method on runtime.Codec to properly handle this.
   571  type StreamVisitor struct {
   572  	io.Reader
   573  	*mapper
   575  	Source string
   576  	Schema ContentValidator
   577  }
   579  // NewStreamVisitor is a helper function that is useful when we want to change the fields of the struct but keep calls the same.
   580  func NewStreamVisitor(r io.Reader, mapper *mapper, source string, schema ContentValidator) *StreamVisitor {
   581  	return &StreamVisitor{
   582  		Reader: r,
   583  		mapper: mapper,
   584  		Source: source,
   585  		Schema: schema,
   586  	}
   587  }
   589  // Visit implements Visitor over a stream. StreamVisitor is able to distinct multiple resources in one stream.
   590  func (v *StreamVisitor) Visit(fn VisitorFunc) error {
   591  	d := yaml.NewYAMLOrJSONDecoder(v.Reader, 4096)
   592  	for {
   593  		ext := runtime.RawExtension{}
   594  		if err := d.Decode(&ext); err != nil {
   595  			if err == io.EOF {
   596  				return nil
   597  			}
   598  			return fmt.Errorf("error parsing %s: %v", v.Source, err)
   599  		}
   600  		// TODO: This needs to be able to handle object in other encodings and schemas.
   601  		ext.Raw = bytes.TrimSpace(ext.Raw)
   602  		if len(ext.Raw) == 0 || bytes.Equal(ext.Raw, []byte("null")) {
   603  			continue
   604  		}
   605  		if err := ValidateSchema(ext.Raw, v.Schema); err != nil {
   606  			return fmt.Errorf("error validating %q: %v", v.Source, err)
   607  		}
   608  		info, err := v.infoForData(ext.Raw, v.Source)
   609  		if err != nil {
   610  			if fnErr := fn(info, err); fnErr != nil {
   611  				return fnErr
   612  			}
   613  			continue
   614  		}
   615  		if err := fn(info, nil); err != nil {
   616  			return err
   617  		}
   618  	}
   619  }
   621  func UpdateObjectNamespace(info *Info, err error) error {
   622  	if err != nil {
   623  		return err
   624  	}
   625  	if info.Object != nil {
   626  		return metadataAccessor.SetNamespace(info.Object, info.Namespace)
   627  	}
   628  	return nil
   629  }
   631  // FilterNamespace omits the namespace if the object is not namespace scoped
   632  func FilterNamespace(info *Info, err error) error {
   633  	if err != nil {
   634  		return err
   635  	}
   636  	if !info.Namespaced() {
   637  		info.Namespace = ""
   638  		UpdateObjectNamespace(info, nil)
   639  	}
   640  	return nil
   641  }
   643  // SetNamespace ensures that every Info object visited will have a namespace
   644  // set. If info.Object is set, it will be mutated as well.
   645  func SetNamespace(namespace string) VisitorFunc {
   646  	return func(info *Info, err error) error {
   647  		if err != nil {
   648  			return err
   649  		}
   650  		if !info.Namespaced() {
   651  			return nil
   652  		}
   653  		if len(info.Namespace) == 0 {
   654  			info.Namespace = namespace
   655  			UpdateObjectNamespace(info, nil)
   656  		}
   657  		return nil
   658  	}
   659  }
   661  // RequireNamespace will either set a namespace if none is provided on the
   662  // Info object, or if the namespace is set and does not match the provided
   663  // value, returns an error. This is intended to guard against administrators
   664  // accidentally operating on resources outside their namespace.
   665  func RequireNamespace(namespace string) VisitorFunc {
   666  	return func(info *Info, err error) error {
   667  		if err != nil {
   668  			return err
   669  		}
   670  		if !info.Namespaced() {
   671  			return nil
   672  		}
   673  		if len(info.Namespace) == 0 {
   674  			info.Namespace = namespace
   675  			UpdateObjectNamespace(info, nil)
   676  			return nil
   677  		}
   678  		if info.Namespace != namespace {
   679  			return fmt.Errorf("the namespace from the provided object %q does not match the namespace %q. You must pass '--namespace=%s' to perform this operation.", info.Namespace, namespace, info.Namespace)
   680  		}
   681  		return nil
   682  	}
   683  }
   685  // RetrieveLatest updates the Object on each Info by invoking a standard client
   686  // Get.
   687  func RetrieveLatest(info *Info, err error) error {
   688  	if err != nil {
   689  		return err
   690  	}
   691  	if meta.IsListType(info.Object) {
   692  		return fmt.Errorf("watch is only supported on individual resources and resource collections, but a list of resources is found")
   693  	}
   694  	if len(info.Name) == 0 {
   695  		return nil
   696  	}
   697  	if info.Namespaced() && len(info.Namespace) == 0 {
   698  		return fmt.Errorf("no namespace set on resource %s %q", info.Mapping.Resource, info.Name)
   699  	}
   700  	return info.Get()
   701  }
   703  // RetrieveLazy updates the object if it has not been loaded yet.
   704  func RetrieveLazy(info *Info, err error) error {
   705  	if err != nil {
   706  		return err
   707  	}
   708  	if info.Object == nil {
   709  		return info.Get()
   710  	}
   711  	return nil
   712  }
   714  type FilterFunc func(info *Info, err error) (bool, error)
   716  type FilteredVisitor struct {
   717  	visitor Visitor
   718  	filters []FilterFunc
   719  }
   721  func NewFilteredVisitor(v Visitor, fn ...FilterFunc) Visitor {
   722  	if len(fn) == 0 {
   723  		return v
   724  	}
   725  	return FilteredVisitor{v, fn}
   726  }
   728  func (v FilteredVisitor) Visit(fn VisitorFunc) error {
   729  	return v.visitor.Visit(func(info *Info, err error) error {
   730  		if err != nil {
   731  			return err
   732  		}
   733  		for _, filter := range v.filters {
   734  			ok, err := filter(info, nil)
   735  			if err != nil {
   736  				return err
   737  			}
   738  			if !ok {
   739  				return nil
   740  			}
   741  		}
   742  		return fn(info, nil)
   743  	})
   744  }
   746  func FilterByLabelSelector(s labels.Selector) FilterFunc {
   747  	return func(info *Info, err error) (bool, error) {
   748  		if err != nil {
   749  			return false, err
   750  		}
   751  		a, err := meta.Accessor(info.Object)
   752  		if err != nil {
   753  			return false, err
   754  		}
   755  		if !s.Matches(labels.Set(a.GetLabels())) {
   756  			return false, nil
   757  		}
   758  		return true, nil
   759  	}
   760  }
   762  type InfoListVisitor []*Info
   764  func (infos InfoListVisitor) Visit(fn VisitorFunc) error {
   765  	var err error
   766  	for _, i := range infos {
   767  		err = fn(i, err)
   768  	}
   769  	return err
   770  }

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