/* Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ package printers import ( "bytes" "regexp" "testing" corev1 "k8s.io/api/core/v1" metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1" "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1/unstructured" "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/runtime" "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/runtime/schema" ) var testPodName = "test-pod-name" var testPodNamespace = "test-namespace" var testPod = &corev1.Pod{ TypeMeta: metav1.TypeMeta{APIVersion: "v1", Kind: "Pod"}, ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: testPodName, Namespace: testPodNamespace, Labels: map[string]string{ "first-label": "12", "second-label": "label-value", }, }, } var testStatus = &metav1.Status{ TypeMeta: metav1.TypeMeta{APIVersion: "metav1", Kind: "Status"}, Status: "Failure", Message: "test-status-message", Reason: "test-status-reason", } func TestPrintTable_MissingColumnsRows(t *testing.T) { tests := []struct { columns []metav1.TableColumnDefinition rows []metav1.TableRow options PrintOptions expected string }{ // No columns and no rows means table string is empty. { columns: []metav1.TableColumnDefinition{}, rows: []metav1.TableRow{}, options: PrintOptions{}, expected: "", }, // No rows, means table string is empty (columns aren't printed). { columns: []metav1.TableColumnDefinition{ {Name: "Name", Type: "string"}, {Name: "Ready", Type: "string"}, {Name: "Status", Type: "string"}, {Name: "Retries", Type: "integer"}, {Name: "Age", Type: "string"}, }, rows: []metav1.TableRow{}, options: PrintOptions{}, expected: "", }, } for _, test := range tests { // Create the table from the columns and rows. table := &metav1.Table{ ColumnDefinitions: test.columns, Rows: test.rows, } // Print the table out := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{}) printer := NewTablePrinter(test.options) printer.PrintObj(table, out) // Validate the printed table is empty. if len(out.String()) > 0 { t.Errorf("Error Printing Table. Should be empty; got (%s)", out.String()) } } } func TestPrintTable_ColumnPriority(t *testing.T) { tests := []struct { columns []metav1.TableColumnDefinition rows []metav1.TableRow options PrintOptions expected string }{ // Test a basic single row table. Columns with priority > 0 are not printed. { columns: []metav1.TableColumnDefinition{ {Name: "Name", Type: "string"}, {Name: "Ready", Type: "string"}, {Name: "Status", Type: "string"}, {Name: "Retries", Type: "integer", Priority: 1}, // Priority > 0 {Name: "Age", Type: "string", Priority: 1}, // Priority > 0 }, rows: []metav1.TableRow{ {Cells: []interface{}{"test1", "1/1", "podPhase", int64(5), "20h"}}, }, options: PrintOptions{}, expected: "NAME READY STATUS\ntest1 1/1 podPhase\n", }, // Test a basic multi-row table row table. Columns with priority > 0 are not printed. { columns: []metav1.TableColumnDefinition{ {Name: "Name", Type: "string"}, {Name: "Ready", Type: "string"}, {Name: "Status", Type: "string"}, {Name: "Retries", Type: "integer", Priority: 1}, // Priority > 0 {Name: "Age", Type: "string", Priority: 1}, // Priority > 0 }, rows: []metav1.TableRow{ {Cells: []interface{}{"test1", "1/1", "podPhase", int64(5), "20h"}}, {Cells: []interface{}{"test2", "1/2", "podPhase", int64(30), "21h"}}, {Cells: []interface{}{"test3", "4/4", "podPhase", int64(1), "22h"}}, }, options: PrintOptions{}, expected: `NAME READY STATUS test1 1/1 podPhase test2 1/2 podPhase test3 4/4 podPhase `, }, // Test a single row table with "wide" printing option. Columns with priority > 0 are printed. { columns: []metav1.TableColumnDefinition{ {Name: "Name", Type: "string"}, {Name: "Ready", Type: "string"}, {Name: "Status", Type: "string"}, {Name: "Retries", Type: "integer", Priority: 1}, {Name: "Age", Type: "string", Priority: 1}, }, rows: []metav1.TableRow{ {Cells: []interface{}{"test1", "1/1", "podPhase", int64(5), "20h"}}, }, // Print with no headers. options: PrintOptions{Wide: true}, expected: "NAME READY STATUS RETRIES AGE\ntest1 1/1 podPhase 5 20h\n", }, // Test a multi-row table row table with "wide" printing option. Columns with priority > 0 are printed. { columns: []metav1.TableColumnDefinition{ {Name: "Name", Type: "string"}, {Name: "Ready", Type: "string"}, {Name: "Status", Type: "string"}, {Name: "Retries", Type: "integer", Priority: 1}, {Name: "Age", Type: "string", Priority: 1}, }, rows: []metav1.TableRow{ {Cells: []interface{}{"test1", "1/1", "podPhase", int64(5), "20h"}}, {Cells: []interface{}{"test2", "1/2", "podPhase", int64(30), "21h"}}, {Cells: []interface{}{"test3", "4/4", "podPhase", int64(1), "22h"}}, }, options: PrintOptions{Wide: true}, expected: `NAME READY STATUS RETRIES AGE test1 1/1 podPhase 5 20h test2 1/2 podPhase 30 21h test3 4/4 podPhase 1 22h `, }, } for _, test := range tests { // Create the table from the columns and rows. table := &metav1.Table{ ColumnDefinitions: test.columns, Rows: test.rows, } // Print the table out := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{}) printer := NewTablePrinter(test.options) printer.PrintObj(table, out) // Validate the expected output matches the printed table. if test.expected != out.String() { t.Errorf("Table printing error: expected (%s), got (%s)", test.expected, out.String()) } } } func TestPrintTable_ColumnHeaders(t *testing.T) { tests := []struct { columns []metav1.TableColumnDefinition rows []metav1.TableRow options PrintOptions expected string }{ // Test a basic single row table, shows columns. { columns: []metav1.TableColumnDefinition{ {Name: "Name", Type: "string"}, {Name: "Ready", Type: "string"}, {Name: "Status", Type: "string"}, {Name: "Retries", Type: "integer"}, {Name: "Age", Type: "string"}, }, rows: []metav1.TableRow{ {Cells: []interface{}{"test1", "1/1", "podPhase", int64(5), "20h"}}, }, options: PrintOptions{}, expected: "NAME READY STATUS RETRIES AGE\ntest1 1/1 podPhase 5 20h\n", }, // Test a basic multi-row table row table, shows columns. { columns: []metav1.TableColumnDefinition{ {Name: "Name", Type: "string"}, {Name: "Ready", Type: "string"}, {Name: "Status", Type: "string"}, {Name: "Retries", Type: "integer"}, {Name: "Age", Type: "string"}, }, rows: []metav1.TableRow{ {Cells: []interface{}{"test1", "1/1", "podPhase", int64(5), "20h"}}, {Cells: []interface{}{"test2", "1/2", "podPhase", int64(30), "21h"}}, {Cells: []interface{}{"test3", "4/4", "podPhase", int64(1), "22h"}}, }, options: PrintOptions{}, expected: `NAME READY STATUS RETRIES AGE test1 1/1 podPhase 5 20h test2 1/2 podPhase 30 21h test3 4/4 podPhase 1 22h `, }, // Test a single row table with "NoHeaders" option, doesn't print columns. { columns: []metav1.TableColumnDefinition{ {Name: "Name", Type: "string"}, {Name: "Ready", Type: "string"}, {Name: "Status", Type: "string"}, {Name: "Retries", Type: "integer"}, {Name: "Age", Type: "string"}, }, rows: []metav1.TableRow{ {Cells: []interface{}{"test1", "1/1", "podPhase", int64(5), "20h"}}, }, // Print with no headers. options: PrintOptions{NoHeaders: true}, expected: "test1 1/1 podPhase 5 20h\n", }, // Test a multi-row table row table with "NoHeaders" option, doesn't print columns. { columns: []metav1.TableColumnDefinition{ {Name: "Name", Type: "string"}, {Name: "Ready", Type: "string"}, {Name: "Status", Type: "string"}, {Name: "Retries", Type: "integer"}, {Name: "Age", Type: "string"}, }, rows: []metav1.TableRow{ {Cells: []interface{}{"test1", "1/1", "podPhase", int64(5), "20h"}}, {Cells: []interface{}{"test2", "1/2", "podPhase", int64(30), "21h"}}, {Cells: []interface{}{"test3", "4/4", "podPhase", int64(1), "22h"}}, }, options: PrintOptions{NoHeaders: true}, expected: `test1 1/1 podPhase 5 20h test2 1/2 podPhase 30 21h test3 4/4 podPhase 1 22h `, }, } for _, test := range tests { // Create the table from the columns and rows. table := &metav1.Table{ ColumnDefinitions: test.columns, Rows: test.rows, } // Print the table out := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{}) printer := NewTablePrinter(test.options) printer.PrintObj(table, out) // Validate the expected output matches the printed table. if test.expected != out.String() { t.Errorf("Table printing error: expected (%s), got (%s)", test.expected, out.String()) } } } func TestPrintTable_WithNamespace(t *testing.T) { tests := []struct { columns []metav1.TableColumnDefinition rows []metav1.TableRow options PrintOptions expected string }{ // Test a single row table "WithNamespace" option, prepends NAMESPACE column. { columns: []metav1.TableColumnDefinition{ {Name: "Name", Type: "string"}, {Name: "Ready", Type: "string"}, {Name: "Status", Type: "string"}, {Name: "Retries", Type: "integer"}, {Name: "Age", Type: "string"}, }, rows: []metav1.TableRow{ { Cells: []interface{}{"test1", "1/1", "podPhase", int64(5), "20h"}, Object: runtime.RawExtension{Object: testPod}, }, }, // Print with namespace column prepended. options: PrintOptions{WithNamespace: true}, expected: `NAMESPACE NAME READY STATUS RETRIES AGE test-namespace test1 1/1 podPhase 5 20h `, }, } for _, test := range tests { // Create the table from the columns and rows. table := &metav1.Table{ ColumnDefinitions: test.columns, Rows: test.rows, } // Print the table out := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{}) printer := NewTablePrinter(test.options) printer.PrintObj(table, out) // Validate the expected output matches the printed table. if test.expected != out.String() { t.Errorf("Table printing error: expected (%s), got (%s)", test.expected, out.String()) } } } func TestPrintTable_WithKind(t *testing.T) { tests := []struct { columns []metav1.TableColumnDefinition rows []metav1.TableRow options PrintOptions expected string }{ // Test a single row table "WithKind" option, prepends "pod" to name. { columns: []metav1.TableColumnDefinition{ {Name: "Name", Type: "string", Format: "name"}, {Name: "Ready", Type: "string"}, {Name: "Status", Type: "string"}, {Name: "Retries", Type: "integer"}, {Name: "Age", Type: "string"}, }, rows: []metav1.TableRow{ { Cells: []interface{}{"test1", "1/1", "podPhase", int64(5), "20h"}, }, }, // Print with Kind "pod" prepended to name. options: PrintOptions{WithKind: true, Kind: schema.GroupKind{Kind: "Pod"}}, expected: `NAME READY STATUS RETRIES AGE pod/test1 1/1 podPhase 5 20h `, }, } for _, test := range tests { // Create the table from the columns and rows. table := &metav1.Table{ ColumnDefinitions: test.columns, Rows: test.rows, } // Print the table out := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{}) printer := NewTablePrinter(test.options) printer.PrintObj(table, out) // Validate the expected output matches the printed table. if test.expected != out.String() { t.Errorf("Table printing error: expected (%s), got (%s)", test.expected, out.String()) } } } func TestPrintTable_WithLabels(t *testing.T) { tests := []struct { columns []metav1.TableColumnDefinition rows []metav1.TableRow options PrintOptions expected string }{ // Test a table "ShowLabels" option, appends labels as columns. { columns: []metav1.TableColumnDefinition{ {Name: "Name", Type: "string"}, {Name: "Ready", Type: "string"}, {Name: "Status", Type: "string"}, {Name: "Retries", Type: "integer"}, {Name: "Age", Type: "string"}, }, rows: []metav1.TableRow{ { Cells: []interface{}{"test1", "1/1", "podPhase", int64(5), "20h"}, Object: runtime.RawExtension{Object: testPod}, }, }, options: PrintOptions{ShowLabels: true}, expected: `NAME READY STATUS RETRIES AGE LABELS test1 1/1 podPhase 5 20h first-label=12,second-label=label-value `, }, // Test a table "ColumnLabels" option, appends labels as columns. { columns: []metav1.TableColumnDefinition{ {Name: "Name", Type: "string"}, {Name: "Ready", Type: "string"}, {Name: "Status", Type: "string"}, {Name: "Retries", Type: "integer"}, {Name: "Age", Type: "string"}, }, rows: []metav1.TableRow{ { Cells: []interface{}{"test1", "1/1", "podPhase", int64(5), "20h"}, Object: runtime.RawExtension{Object: testPod}, }, }, // Print "second-label" as column name, with label value. options: PrintOptions{ColumnLabels: []string{"second-label"}}, expected: `NAME READY STATUS RETRIES AGE SECOND-LABEL test1 1/1 podPhase 5 20h label-value `, }, // Test a table "ColumnLabels" option, appends labels as columns. { columns: []metav1.TableColumnDefinition{ {Name: "Name", Type: "string"}, {Name: "Ready", Type: "string"}, {Name: "Status", Type: "string"}, {Name: "Retries", Type: "integer"}, {Name: "Age", Type: "string"}, }, rows: []metav1.TableRow{ { Cells: []interface{}{"test1", "1/1", "podPhase", int64(5), "20h"}, Object: runtime.RawExtension{Object: testPod}, }, }, // Print multiple-labels as columns, with their values. options: PrintOptions{ColumnLabels: []string{"first-label", "second-label"}}, expected: `NAME READY STATUS RETRIES AGE FIRST-LABEL SECOND-LABEL test1 1/1 podPhase 5 20h 12 label-value `, }, } for _, test := range tests { // Create the table from the columns and rows. table := &metav1.Table{ ColumnDefinitions: test.columns, Rows: test.rows, } // Print the table out := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{}) printer := NewTablePrinter(test.options) printer.PrintObj(table, out) // Validate the expected output matches the printed table. if test.expected != out.String() { t.Errorf("Table printing error: expected (%s), got (%s)", test.expected, out.String()) } } } func TestPrintTable_NonTable(t *testing.T) { tests := []struct { object runtime.Object options PrintOptions expected string }{ // Test non-table default printing for a pod. { object: testPod, options: PrintOptions{}, expected: "NAME AGE\ntest-pod-name \n", }, // Test non-table default printing for a pod with "NoHeaders" option. { object: testPod, options: PrintOptions{NoHeaders: true}, expected: "test-pod-name \n", }, // Test non-table default printing for a pod with "WithNamespace" option. { object: testPod, options: PrintOptions{WithNamespace: true}, expected: "NAMESPACE NAME AGE\ntest-namespace test-pod-name \n", }, // Test non-table default printing for a pod with "ShowLabels" option. { object: testPod, options: PrintOptions{ShowLabels: true}, expected: `NAME AGE LABELS test-pod-name first-label=12,second-label=label-value `, }, // Test non-table default printing for a Status resource. { object: testStatus, options: PrintOptions{}, expected: `STATUS REASON MESSAGE Failure test-status-reason test-status-message `, }, // Test non-table default printing for a Status resource with NoHeaders options. { object: testStatus, options: PrintOptions{NoHeaders: true}, expected: "Failure test-status-reason test-status-message\n", }, } for _, test := range tests { // Print the table out := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{}) printer := NewTablePrinter(test.options) printer.PrintObj(test.object, out) // Validate the expected output matches the printed table. if test.expected != out.String() { t.Errorf("Table printing error: expected (%s), got (%s)", test.expected, out.String()) } } } func TestPrintTable_WatchEvents(t *testing.T) { tests := []struct { columns []metav1.TableColumnDefinition rows []metav1.TableRow options PrintOptions expected string }{ // Print WatchEvent with Table resource. { columns: []metav1.TableColumnDefinition{ {Name: "Name", Type: "string"}, {Name: "Ready", Type: "string"}, {Name: "Status", Type: "string"}, {Name: "Retries", Type: "integer"}, {Name: "Age", Type: "string"}, }, rows: []metav1.TableRow{ { Cells: []interface{}{"test1", "1/1", "podPhase", int64(5), "20h"}, Object: runtime.RawExtension{Object: testPod}, }, }, options: PrintOptions{}, expected: `EVENT NAME READY STATUS RETRIES AGE Added test1 1/1 podPhase 5 20h `, }, // Print WatchEvent with Table, and "NoHeaders", "WithNamespace", and "ShowLabels" options. { columns: []metav1.TableColumnDefinition{ {Name: "Name", Type: "string"}, {Name: "Ready", Type: "string"}, {Name: "Status", Type: "string"}, {Name: "Retries", Type: "integer"}, {Name: "Age", Type: "string"}, }, rows: []metav1.TableRow{ { Cells: []interface{}{"test1", "1/1", "podPhase", int64(5), "20h"}, Object: runtime.RawExtension{Object: testPod}, }, }, options: PrintOptions{NoHeaders: true, WithNamespace: true, ShowLabels: true}, expected: "Added test-namespace test1 1/1 podPhase 5 20h first-label=12,second-label=label-value\n", }, } for _, test := range tests { // Create the table from the columns and rows. table := &metav1.Table{ ColumnDefinitions: test.columns, Rows: test.rows, } // Add the table to the WatchEvent. event := &metav1.WatchEvent{ Type: "Added", Object: runtime.RawExtension{Object: table}, } // Print the event out := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{}) printer := NewTablePrinter(test.options) printer.PrintObj(event, out) // Validate the expected output matches the printed table. if test.expected != out.String() { t.Errorf("Event/Table printing error: expected (%s), got (%s)", test.expected, out.String()) } } } func TestPrintUnstructuredObject(t *testing.T) { obj := &unstructured.Unstructured{ Object: map[string]interface{}{ "apiVersion": "v1", "kind": "Test", "dummy1": "present", "dummy2": "present", "metadata": map[string]interface{}{ "name": "MyName", "namespace": "MyNamespace", "creationTimestamp": "2017-04-01T00:00:00Z", "resourceVersion": 123, "uid": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001", "dummy3": "present", "labels": map[string]interface{}{"test": "other"}, }, /*"items": []interface{}{ map[string]interface{}{ "itemBool": true, "itemInt": 42, }, },*/ "url": "http://localhost", "status": "ok", }, } tests := []struct { expected string options PrintOptions object runtime.Object }{ { expected: "NAME\\s+AGE\nMyName\\s+\\d+", object: obj, }, { options: PrintOptions{ WithNamespace: true, }, expected: "NAMESPACE\\s+NAME\\s+AGE\nMyNamespace\\s+MyName\\s+\\d+", object: obj, }, { options: PrintOptions{ ShowLabels: true, WithNamespace: true, }, expected: "NAMESPACE\\s+NAME\\s+AGE\\s+LABELS\nMyNamespace\\s+MyName\\s+\\d+\\w+\\s+test\\=other", object: obj, }, { expected: "NAME\\s+AGE\nMyName\\s+\\d+\\w+\nMyName2\\s+\\d+", object: &unstructured.Unstructured{ Object: map[string]interface{}{ "apiVersion": "v1", "kind": "Test", "dummy1": "present", "dummy2": "present", "items": []interface{}{ map[string]interface{}{ "metadata": map[string]interface{}{ "name": "MyName", "namespace": "MyNamespace", "creationTimestamp": "2017-04-01T00:00:00Z", "resourceVersion": 123, "uid": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001", "dummy3": "present", "labels": map[string]interface{}{"test": "other"}, }, }, map[string]interface{}{ "metadata": map[string]interface{}{ "name": "MyName2", "namespace": "MyNamespace", "creationTimestamp": "2017-04-01T00:00:00Z", "resourceVersion": 123, "uid": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001", "dummy3": "present", "labels": "badlabel", }, }, }, "url": "http://localhost", "status": "ok", }, }, }, } out := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{}) for _, test := range tests { out.Reset() printer := NewTablePrinter(test.options) printer.PrintObj(test.object, out) matches, err := regexp.MatchString(test.expected, out.String()) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("unexpected error: %v", err) } if !matches { t.Errorf("wanted:\n%s\ngot:\n%s", test.expected, out) } } } type TestUnknownType struct{} func (obj *TestUnknownType) GetObjectKind() schema.ObjectKind { return schema.EmptyObjectKind } func (obj *TestUnknownType) DeepCopyObject() runtime.Object { if obj == nil { return nil } clone := *obj return &clone } func TestUnknownTypePrinting(t *testing.T) { printer := NewTablePrinter(PrintOptions{}) buffer := &bytes.Buffer{} err := printer.PrintObj(&TestUnknownType{}, buffer) if err == nil { t.Errorf("An error was expected from printing unknown type") } } func TestStringPrinting(t *testing.T) { tests := []struct { columns []metav1.TableColumnDefinition rows []metav1.TableRow expected string }{ // multiline string { columns: []metav1.TableColumnDefinition{ {Name: "Name", Type: "string"}, {Name: "Age", Type: "string"}, {Name: "Description", Type: "string"}, }, rows: []metav1.TableRow{ {Cells: []interface{}{"test1", "20h", "This is first line\nThis is second line\nThis is third line\nand another one\n"}}, }, expected: `NAME AGE DESCRIPTION test1 20h This is first line... `, }, // lengthy string { columns: []metav1.TableColumnDefinition{ {Name: "Name", Type: "string"}, {Name: "Age", Type: "string"}, {Name: "Description", Type: "string"}, }, rows: []metav1.TableRow{ {Cells: []interface{}{"test1", "20h", "This is first line which is long and goes for on and on and on an on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on"}}, }, expected: `NAME AGE DESCRIPTION test1 20h This is first line which is long and goes for on and on and on an on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on `, }, // lengthy string + newline { columns: []metav1.TableColumnDefinition{ {Name: "Name", Type: "string"}, {Name: "Age", Type: "string"}, {Name: "Description", Type: "string"}, }, rows: []metav1.TableRow{ {Cells: []interface{}{"test1", "20h", "This is first\n line which is long and goes for on and on and on an on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on"}}, }, expected: `NAME AGE DESCRIPTION test1 20h This is first... `, }, // terminal special character, should be escaped { columns: []metav1.TableColumnDefinition{ {Name: "Name", Type: "string"}, }, rows: []metav1.TableRow{ {Cells: []interface{}{"test1\x1b"}}, }, expected: `NAME test1^[ `, }, } for _, test := range tests { // Create the table from the columns and rows. table := &metav1.Table{ ColumnDefinitions: test.columns, Rows: test.rows, } // Print the table out := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{}) printer := NewTablePrinter(PrintOptions{}) printer.PrintObj(table, out) if test.expected != out.String() { t.Errorf("Table printing error: expected \n(%s), got \n(%s)", test.expected, out.String()) } } }