17 package wait
19 import (
20 "context"
21 "errors"
22 "fmt"
23 "reflect"
24 "testing"
25 "time"
27 "github.com/google/go-cmp/cmp"
28 "k8s.io/utils/clock"
29 testingclock "k8s.io/utils/clock/testing"
30 )
32 func timerWithClock(t Timer, c clock.WithTicker) Timer {
33 switch t := t.(type) {
34 case *fixedTimer:
35 t.new = c.NewTicker
36 case *variableTimer:
37 t.new = c.NewTimer
38 default:
39 panic("unrecognized timer type, cannot inject clock")
40 }
41 return t
42 }
44 func Test_loopConditionWithContextImmediateDelay(t *testing.T) {
45 fakeClock := testingclock.NewFakeClock(time.Time{})
46 backoff := Backoff{Duration: time.Second}
48 ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
49 defer cancel()
51 expectedError := errors.New("Expected error")
52 var attempt int
53 f := ConditionFunc(func() (bool, error) {
54 attempt++
55 return false, expectedError
56 })
58 doneCh := make(chan struct{})
59 go func() {
60 defer close(doneCh)
61 if err := loopConditionUntilContext(ctx, timerWithClock(backoff.Timer(), fakeClock), false, true, f.WithContext()); err == nil || err != expectedError {
62 t.Errorf("unexpected error: %v", err)
63 }
64 }()
66 for !fakeClock.HasWaiters() {
67 time.Sleep(time.Microsecond)
68 }
70 fakeClock.Step(time.Second - time.Millisecond)
71 if attempt != 0 {
72 t.Fatalf("should still be waiting for condition")
73 }
74 fakeClock.Step(2 * time.Millisecond)
76 select {
77 case <-doneCh:
78 case <-time.After(time.Second):
79 t.Fatalf("should have exited after a single loop")
80 }
81 if attempt != 1 {
82 t.Fatalf("expected attempt")
83 }
84 }
86 func Test_loopConditionUntilContext_semantic(t *testing.T) {
87 defaultCallback := func(_ int) (bool, error) {
88 return false, nil
89 }
91 conditionErr := errors.New("condition failed")
93 tests := []struct {
94 name string
95 immediate bool
96 sliding bool
97 context func() (context.Context, context.CancelFunc)
98 callback func(calls int) (bool, error)
99 cancelContextAfter int
100 attemptsExpected int
101 errExpected error
102 timer Timer
103 }{
104 {
105 name: "condition successful is only one attempt",
106 callback: func(attempts int) (bool, error) {
107 return true, nil
108 },
109 attemptsExpected: 1,
110 },
111 {
112 name: "delayed condition successful causes return and attempts",
113 callback: func(attempts int) (bool, error) {
114 return attempts > 1, nil
115 },
116 attemptsExpected: 2,
117 },
118 {
119 name: "delayed condition successful causes return and attempts many times",
120 callback: func(attempts int) (bool, error) {
121 return attempts >= 100, nil
122 },
123 attemptsExpected: 100,
124 },
125 {
126 name: "condition returns error even if ok is true",
127 callback: func(_ int) (bool, error) {
128 return true, conditionErr
129 },
130 attemptsExpected: 1,
131 errExpected: conditionErr,
132 },
133 {
134 name: "condition exits after an error",
135 callback: func(_ int) (bool, error) {
136 return false, conditionErr
137 },
138 attemptsExpected: 1,
139 errExpected: conditionErr,
140 },
141 {
142 name: "context already canceled no attempts expected",
143 context: cancelledContext,
144 callback: defaultCallback,
145 attemptsExpected: 0,
146 errExpected: context.Canceled,
147 },
148 {
149 name: "context already canceled condition success and immediate 1 attempt expected",
150 context: cancelledContext,
151 callback: func(_ int) (bool, error) {
152 return true, nil
153 },
154 immediate: true,
155 attemptsExpected: 1,
156 },
157 {
158 name: "context already canceled condition fail and immediate 1 attempt expected",
159 context: cancelledContext,
160 callback: func(_ int) (bool, error) {
161 return false, conditionErr
162 },
163 immediate: true,
164 attemptsExpected: 1,
165 errExpected: conditionErr,
166 },
167 {
168 name: "context already canceled and immediate 1 attempt expected",
169 context: cancelledContext,
170 callback: defaultCallback,
171 immediate: true,
172 attemptsExpected: 1,
173 errExpected: context.Canceled,
174 },
175 {
176 name: "context cancelled after 5 attempts",
177 context: defaultContext,
178 callback: defaultCallback,
179 cancelContextAfter: 5,
180 attemptsExpected: 5,
181 errExpected: context.Canceled,
182 },
183 {
184 name: "context cancelled and immediate after 5 attempts",
185 context: defaultContext,
186 callback: defaultCallback,
187 immediate: true,
188 cancelContextAfter: 5,
189 attemptsExpected: 5,
190 errExpected: context.Canceled,
191 },
192 {
193 name: "context at deadline and immediate 1 attempt expected",
194 context: deadlinedContext,
195 callback: defaultCallback,
196 immediate: true,
197 attemptsExpected: 1,
198 errExpected: context.DeadlineExceeded,
199 },
200 {
201 name: "context at deadline no attempts expected",
202 context: deadlinedContext,
203 callback: defaultCallback,
204 attemptsExpected: 0,
205 errExpected: context.DeadlineExceeded,
206 },
207 {
208 name: "context canceled before the second execution and immediate",
209 immediate: true,
210 context: func() (context.Context, context.CancelFunc) {
211 return context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), time.Second)
212 },
213 callback: func(attempts int) (bool, error) {
214 return false, nil
215 },
216 attemptsExpected: 1,
217 errExpected: context.DeadlineExceeded,
218 timer: Backoff{Duration: 2 * time.Second}.Timer(),
219 },
220 {
221 name: "immediate and long duration of condition and sliding false",
222 immediate: true,
223 sliding: false,
224 context: func() (context.Context, context.CancelFunc) {
225 return context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), time.Second)
226 },
227 callback: func(attempts int) (bool, error) {
228 if attempts >= 4 {
229 return true, nil
230 }
231 time.Sleep(time.Second / 5)
232 return false, nil
233 },
234 attemptsExpected: 4,
235 timer: Backoff{Duration: time.Second / 5, Jitter: 0.001}.Timer(),
236 },
237 {
238 name: "immediate and long duration of condition and sliding true",
239 immediate: true,
240 sliding: true,
241 context: func() (context.Context, context.CancelFunc) {
242 return context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), time.Second)
243 },
244 callback: func(attempts int) (bool, error) {
245 if attempts >= 4 {
246 return true, nil
247 }
248 time.Sleep(time.Second / 5)
249 return false, nil
250 },
251 errExpected: context.DeadlineExceeded,
252 attemptsExpected: 3,
253 timer: Backoff{Duration: time.Second / 5, Jitter: 0.001}.Timer(),
254 },
255 }
257 for _, test := range tests {
258 t.Run(test.name, func(t *testing.T) {
259 contextFn := test.context
260 if contextFn == nil {
261 contextFn = defaultContext
262 }
263 ctx, cancel := contextFn()
264 defer cancel()
266 timer := test.timer
267 if timer == nil {
268 timer = Backoff{Duration: time.Microsecond}.Timer()
269 }
270 attempts := 0
271 err := loopConditionUntilContext(ctx, timer, test.immediate, test.sliding, func(_ context.Context) (bool, error) {
272 attempts++
273 defer func() {
274 if test.cancelContextAfter > 0 && test.cancelContextAfter == attempts {
275 cancel()
276 }
277 }()
278 return test.callback(attempts)
279 })
281 if test.errExpected != err {
282 t.Errorf("expected error: %v but got: %v", test.errExpected, err)
283 }
285 if test.attemptsExpected != attempts {
286 t.Errorf("expected attempts count: %d but got: %d", test.attemptsExpected, attempts)
287 }
288 })
289 }
290 }
292 type timerWrapper struct {
293 timer clock.Timer
294 resets []time.Duration
295 onReset func(d time.Duration)
296 }
298 func (w *timerWrapper) C() <-chan time.Time { return w.timer.C() }
299 func (w *timerWrapper) Stop() bool { return w.timer.Stop() }
300 func (w *timerWrapper) Reset(d time.Duration) bool {
301 w.resets = append(w.resets, d)
302 b := w.timer.Reset(d)
303 if w.onReset != nil {
304 w.onReset(d)
305 }
306 return b
307 }
309 func Test_loopConditionUntilContext_timings(t *testing.T) {
313 tests := []struct {
314 name string
315 delayFn DelayFunc
316 immediate bool
317 sliding bool
318 context func() (context.Context, context.CancelFunc)
319 callback func(calls int, lastInterval time.Duration) (bool, error)
320 cancelContextAfter int
321 attemptsExpected int
322 errExpected error
323 expectedIntervals func(t *testing.T, delays []time.Duration, delaysRequested []time.Duration)
324 }{
325 {
326 name: "condition success",
327 delayFn: Backoff{Duration: time.Second, Steps: 2, Factor: 2.0, Jitter: 0}.DelayFunc(),
328 callback: func(attempts int, _ time.Duration) (bool, error) {
329 return true, nil
330 },
331 attemptsExpected: 1,
332 expectedIntervals: func(t *testing.T, delays []time.Duration, delaysRequested []time.Duration) {
333 if reflect.DeepEqual(delays, []time.Duration{time.Second, 2 * time.Second}) {
334 return
335 }
336 if reflect.DeepEqual(delaysRequested, []time.Duration{time.Second}) {
337 return
338 }
339 },
340 },
341 {
342 name: "condition success and immediate",
343 immediate: true,
344 delayFn: Backoff{Duration: time.Second, Steps: 2, Factor: 2.0, Jitter: 0}.DelayFunc(),
345 callback: func(attempts int, _ time.Duration) (bool, error) {
346 return true, nil
347 },
348 attemptsExpected: 1,
349 expectedIntervals: func(t *testing.T, delays []time.Duration, delaysRequested []time.Duration) {
350 if reflect.DeepEqual(delays, []time.Duration{time.Second}) {
351 return
352 }
353 if reflect.DeepEqual(delaysRequested, []time.Duration{}) {
354 return
355 }
356 },
357 },
358 {
359 name: "condition success and sliding",
360 sliding: true,
361 delayFn: Backoff{Duration: time.Second, Steps: 2, Factor: 2.0, Jitter: 0}.DelayFunc(),
362 callback: func(attempts int, _ time.Duration) (bool, error) {
363 return true, nil
364 },
365 attemptsExpected: 1,
366 expectedIntervals: func(t *testing.T, delays []time.Duration, delaysRequested []time.Duration) {
367 if reflect.DeepEqual(delays, []time.Duration{time.Second}) {
368 return
369 }
370 if !reflect.DeepEqual(delays, delaysRequested) {
371 t.Fatalf("sliding non-immediate should have equal delays: %v", cmp.Diff(delays, delaysRequested))
372 }
373 },
374 },
375 }
377 for _, test := range tests {
378 t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("%s/sliding=%t/immediate=%t", test.name, test.sliding, test.immediate), func(t *testing.T) {
379 contextFn := test.context
380 if contextFn == nil {
381 contextFn = defaultContext
382 }
383 ctx, cancel := contextFn()
384 defer cancel()
386 fakeClock := &testingclock.FakeClock{}
387 var fakeTimers []*timerWrapper
388 timerFn := func(d time.Duration) clock.Timer {
389 t := fakeClock.NewTimer(d)
390 fakeClock.Step(d + 1)
391 w := &timerWrapper{timer: t, resets: []time.Duration{d}, onReset: func(d time.Duration) {
392 fakeClock.Step(d + 1)
393 }}
394 fakeTimers = append(fakeTimers, w)
395 return w
396 }
398 delayFn := test.delayFn
399 if delayFn == nil {
400 delayFn = Backoff{Duration: time.Microsecond}.DelayFunc()
401 }
402 var delays []time.Duration
403 wrappedDelayFn := func() time.Duration {
404 d := delayFn()
405 delays = append(delays, d)
406 return d
407 }
408 timer := &variableTimer{fn: wrappedDelayFn, new: timerFn}
410 attempts := 0
411 err := loopConditionUntilContext(ctx, timer, test.immediate, test.sliding, func(_ context.Context) (bool, error) {
412 attempts++
413 defer func() {
414 if test.cancelContextAfter > 0 && test.cancelContextAfter == attempts {
415 cancel()
416 }
417 }()
418 lastInterval := time.Duration(-1)
419 if len(delays) > 0 {
420 lastInterval = delays[len(delays)-1]
421 }
422 return test.callback(attempts, lastInterval)
423 })
425 if test.errExpected != err {
426 t.Errorf("expected error: %v but got: %v", test.errExpected, err)
427 }
429 if test.attemptsExpected != attempts {
430 t.Errorf("expected attempts count: %d but got: %d", test.attemptsExpected, attempts)
431 }
432 switch len(fakeTimers) {
433 case 0:
434 test.expectedIntervals(t, delays, nil)
435 case 1:
436 test.expectedIntervals(t, delays, fakeTimers[0].resets)
437 default:
438 t.Fatalf("expected zero or one timers: %#v", fakeTimers)
439 }
440 })
441 }
442 }
449 func Test_loopConditionUntilContext_Elapsed(t *testing.T) {
450 const maxAttempts = 10
452 const estimatedLoopOverhead = time.Millisecond
454 intervalMax := func(backoff Backoff) time.Duration {
455 d := backoff.Duration
456 if backoff.Jitter > 0 {
457 d += time.Duration(backoff.Jitter * float64(d))
458 }
459 return d
460 }
462 intervalMin := func(backoff Backoff) time.Duration {
463 d := backoff.Duration
464 return d
465 }
471 fail := t.Logf
473 for _, test := range []struct {
474 name string
475 backoff Backoff
476 t reflect.Type
477 }{
478 {name: "variable timer with jitter", backoff: Backoff{Duration: time.Millisecond, Jitter: 1.0}, t: reflect.TypeOf(&variableTimer{})},
479 {name: "fixed timer", backoff: Backoff{Duration: time.Millisecond}, t: reflect.TypeOf(&fixedTimer{})},
480 {name: "no-op timer", backoff: Backoff{}, t: reflect.TypeOf(noopTimer{})},
481 } {
482 t.Run(test.name, func(t *testing.T) {
483 var attempts int
484 start := time.Now()
485 timer := test.backoff.Timer()
486 if test.t != reflect.ValueOf(timer).Type() {
487 t.Fatalf("unexpected timer type %T: expected %v", timer, test.t)
488 }
489 if err := loopConditionUntilContext(context.Background(), timer, false, false, func(_ context.Context) (bool, error) {
490 attempts++
491 if attempts > maxAttempts {
492 t.Fatalf("should not reach %d attempts", maxAttempts+1)
493 }
494 return attempts >= maxAttempts, nil
495 }); err != nil {
496 t.Fatal(err)
497 }
498 duration := time.Since(start)
499 if min := maxAttempts * intervalMin(test.backoff); duration < min {
500 fail("elapsed duration %v < expected min duration %v", duration, min)
501 }
502 if max := maxAttempts * (intervalMax(test.backoff) + estimatedLoopOverhead); duration > max {
503 fail("elapsed duration %v > expected max duration %v", duration, max)
504 }
505 })
506 }
507 }
509 func Benchmark_loopConditionUntilContext_ZeroDuration(b *testing.B) {
510 ctx := context.Background()
511 b.ResetTimer()
512 for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
513 attempts := 0
514 if err := loopConditionUntilContext(ctx, Backoff{Duration: 0}.Timer(), true, false, func(_ context.Context) (bool, error) {
515 attempts++
516 return attempts >= 100, nil
517 }); err != nil {
518 b.Fatalf("unexpected err: %v", err)
519 }
520 }
521 }
523 func Benchmark_loopConditionUntilContext_ShortDuration(b *testing.B) {
524 ctx := context.Background()
525 b.ResetTimer()
526 for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
527 attempts := 0
528 if err := loopConditionUntilContext(ctx, Backoff{Duration: time.Microsecond}.Timer(), true, false, func(_ context.Context) (bool, error) {
529 attempts++
530 return attempts >= 100, nil
531 }); err != nil {
532 b.Fatalf("unexpected err: %v", err)
533 }
534 }
535 }
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