/* Copyright 2014 The Kubernetes Authors. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ package validation import ( "strings" "testing" "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/validation/field" ) func TestIsDNS1123Label(t *testing.T) { goodValues := []string{ "a", "ab", "abc", "a1", "a-1", "a--1--2--b", "0", "01", "012", "1a", "1-a", "1--a--b--2", strings.Repeat("a", 63), } for _, val := range goodValues { if msgs := IsDNS1123Label(val); len(msgs) != 0 { t.Errorf("expected true for '%s': %v", val, msgs) } } badValues := []string{ "", "A", "ABC", "aBc", "A1", "A-1", "1-A", "-", "a-", "-a", "1-", "-1", "_", "a_", "_a", "a_b", "1_", "_1", "1_2", ".", "a.", ".a", "a.b", "1.", ".1", "1.2", " ", "a ", " a", "a b", "1 ", " 1", "1 2", strings.Repeat("a", 64), } for _, val := range badValues { if msgs := IsDNS1123Label(val); len(msgs) == 0 { t.Errorf("expected false for '%s'", val) } } } func TestIsDNS1123Subdomain(t *testing.T) { goodValues := []string{ "a", "ab", "abc", "a1", "a-1", "a--1--2--b", "0", "01", "012", "1a", "1-a", "1--a--b--2", "a.a", "ab.a", "abc.a", "a1.a", "a-1.a", "a--1--2--b.a", "a.1", "ab.1", "abc.1", "a1.1", "a-1.1", "a--1--2--b.1", "0.a", "01.a", "012.a", "1a.a", "1-a.a", "1--a--b--2", "0.1", "01.1", "012.1", "1a.1", "1-a.1", "1--a--b--2.1", "a.b.c.d.e", "aa.bb.cc.dd.ee", "", "", strings.Repeat("a", 253), } for _, val := range goodValues { if msgs := IsDNS1123Subdomain(val); len(msgs) != 0 { t.Errorf("expected true for '%s': %v", val, msgs) } } badValues := []string{ "", "A", "ABC", "aBc", "A1", "A-1", "1-A", "-", "a-", "-a", "1-", "-1", "_", "a_", "_a", "a_b", "1_", "_1", "1_2", ".", "a.", ".a", "a..b", "1.", ".1", "1..2", " ", "a ", " a", "a b", "1 ", " 1", "1 2", "A.a", "aB.a", "ab.A", "A1.a", "a1.A", "A.1", "aB.1", "A1.1", "1A.1", "0.A", "01.A", "012.A", "1A.a", "1a.A", "A.B.C.D.E", "AA.BB.CC.DD.EE", "a.B.c.d.e", "aa.bB.cc.dd.ee", "a@b", "a,b", "a_b", "a;b", "a:b", "a%b", "a?b", "a$b", strings.Repeat("a", 254), } for _, val := range badValues { if msgs := IsDNS1123Subdomain(val); len(msgs) == 0 { t.Errorf("expected false for '%s'", val) } } } func TestIsDNS1035Label(t *testing.T) { goodValues := []string{ "a", "ab", "abc", "a1", "a-1", "a--1--2--b", strings.Repeat("a", 63), } for _, val := range goodValues { if msgs := IsDNS1035Label(val); len(msgs) != 0 { t.Errorf("expected true for '%s': %v", val, msgs) } } badValues := []string{ "0", "01", "012", "1a", "1-a", "1--a--b--2", "", "A", "ABC", "aBc", "A1", "A-1", "1-A", "-", "a-", "-a", "1-", "-1", "_", "a_", "_a", "a_b", "1_", "_1", "1_2", ".", "a.", ".a", "a.b", "1.", ".1", "1.2", " ", "a ", " a", "a b", "1 ", " 1", "1 2", strings.Repeat("a", 64), } for _, val := range badValues { if msgs := IsDNS1035Label(val); len(msgs) == 0 { t.Errorf("expected false for '%s'", val) } } } func TestIsCIdentifier(t *testing.T) { goodValues := []string{ "a", "ab", "abc", "a1", "_a", "a_", "a_b", "a_1", "a__1__2__b", "__abc_123", "A", "AB", "AbC", "A1", "_A", "A_", "A_B", "A_1", "A__1__2__B", "__123_ABC", } for _, val := range goodValues { if msgs := IsCIdentifier(val); len(msgs) != 0 { t.Errorf("expected true for '%s': %v", val, msgs) } } badValues := []string{ "", "1", "123", "1a", "-", "a-", "-a", "1-", "-1", "1_", "1_2", ".", "a.", ".a", "a.b", "1.", ".1", "1.2", " ", "a ", " a", "a b", "1 ", " 1", "1 2", "#a#", } for _, val := range badValues { if msgs := IsCIdentifier(val); len(msgs) == 0 { t.Errorf("expected false for '%s'", val) } } } func TestIsValidPortNum(t *testing.T) { goodValues := []int{1, 2, 1000, 16384, 32768, 65535} for _, val := range goodValues { if msgs := IsValidPortNum(val); len(msgs) != 0 { t.Errorf("expected true for %d, got %v", val, msgs) } } badValues := []int{0, -1, 65536, 100000} for _, val := range badValues { if msgs := IsValidPortNum(val); len(msgs) == 0 { t.Errorf("expected false for %d", val) } } } func TestIsInRange(t *testing.T) { goodValues := []struct { value int min int max int }{{1, 0, 10}, {5, 5, 20}, {25, 10, 25}} for _, val := range goodValues { if msgs := IsInRange(val.value, val.min, val.max); len(msgs) > 0 { t.Errorf("expected no errors for %#v, but got %v", val, msgs) } } badValues := []struct { value int min int max int }{{1, 2, 10}, {5, -4, 2}, {25, 100, 120}} for _, val := range badValues { if msgs := IsInRange(val.value, val.min, val.max); len(msgs) == 0 { t.Errorf("expected errors for %#v", val) } } } func createGroupIDs(ids ...int64) []int64 { var output []int64 for _, id := range ids { output = append(output, int64(id)) } return output } func createUserIDs(ids ...int64) []int64 { var output []int64 for _, id := range ids { output = append(output, int64(id)) } return output } func TestIsValidGroupID(t *testing.T) { goodValues := createGroupIDs(0, 1, 1000, 65535, 2147483647) for _, val := range goodValues { if msgs := IsValidGroupID(val); len(msgs) != 0 { t.Errorf("expected true for '%d': %v", val, msgs) } } badValues := createGroupIDs(-1, -1003, 2147483648, 4147483647) for _, val := range badValues { if msgs := IsValidGroupID(val); len(msgs) == 0 { t.Errorf("expected false for '%d'", val) } } } func TestIsValidUserID(t *testing.T) { goodValues := createUserIDs(0, 1, 1000, 65535, 2147483647) for _, val := range goodValues { if msgs := IsValidUserID(val); len(msgs) != 0 { t.Errorf("expected true for '%d': %v", val, msgs) } } badValues := createUserIDs(-1, -1003, 2147483648, 4147483647) for _, val := range badValues { if msgs := IsValidUserID(val); len(msgs) == 0 { t.Errorf("expected false for '%d'", val) } } } func TestIsValidPortName(t *testing.T) { goodValues := []string{"telnet", "re-mail-ck", "pop3", "a", "a-1", "1-a", "a-1-b-2-c", "1-a-2-b-3"} for _, val := range goodValues { if msgs := IsValidPortName(val); len(msgs) != 0 { t.Errorf("expected true for %q: %v", val, msgs) } } badValues := []string{"longerthan15characters", "", strings.Repeat("a", 16), "12345", "1-2-3-4", "-begin", "end-", "two--hyphens", "whois++"} for _, val := range badValues { if msgs := IsValidPortName(val); len(msgs) == 0 { t.Errorf("expected false for %q", val) } } } func TestIsQualifiedName(t *testing.T) { successCases := []string{ "simple", "now-with-dashes", "1-starts-with-num", "1234", "simple/simple", "now-with-dashes/simple", "now-with-dashes/now-with-dashes", "now.with.dots/simple", "now-with.dashes-and.dots/simple", "1-num.2-num/3-num", "1234/5678", "", "Uppercase_Is_OK_123", "example.com/Uppercase_Is_OK_123", "requests.storage-foo", strings.Repeat("a", 63), strings.Repeat("a", 253) + "/" + strings.Repeat("b", 63), } for i := range successCases { if errs := IsQualifiedName(successCases[i]); len(errs) != 0 { t.Errorf("case[%d]: %q: expected success: %v", i, successCases[i], errs) } } errorCases := []string{ "nospecialchars%^=@", "cantendwithadash-", "-cantstartwithadash-", "only/one/slash", "Example.com/abc", "example_com/abc", "example.com/", "/simple", strings.Repeat("a", 64), strings.Repeat("a", 254) + "/abc", } for i := range errorCases { if errs := IsQualifiedName(errorCases[i]); len(errs) == 0 { t.Errorf("case[%d]: %q: expected failure", i, errorCases[i]) } } } func TestIsValidLabelValue(t *testing.T) { successCases := []string{ "simple", "now-with-dashes", "1-starts-with-num", "end-with-num-1", "1234", // only num strings.Repeat("a", 63), // to the limit "", // empty value } for i := range successCases { if errs := IsValidLabelValue(successCases[i]); len(errs) != 0 { t.Errorf("case %s expected success: %v", successCases[i], errs) } } errorCases := []string{ "nospecialchars%^=@", "Tama-nui-te-rā.is.Māori.sun", "\\backslashes\\are\\bad", "-starts-with-dash", "ends-with-dash-", ".starts.with.dot", "ends.with.dot.", strings.Repeat("a", 64), // over the limit } for i := range errorCases { if errs := IsValidLabelValue(errorCases[i]); len(errs) == 0 { t.Errorf("case[%d] expected failure", i) } } } func TestIsValidIP(t *testing.T) { for _, tc := range []struct { name string in string family int err string }{ // GOOD VALUES { name: "ipv4", in: "", family: 4, }, { name: "ipv4, all zeros", in: "", family: 4, }, { name: "ipv4, max", in: "", family: 4, }, { name: "ipv6", in: "1234::abcd", family: 6, }, { name: "ipv6, all zeros, collapsed", in: "::", family: 6, }, { name: "ipv6, max", in: "ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff", family: 6, }, // GOOD, THOUGH NON-CANONICAL, VALUES { name: "ipv6, all zeros, expanded (non-canonical)", in: "0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0", family: 6, }, { name: "ipv6, leading 0s (non-canonical)", in: "0001:002:03:4::", family: 6, }, { name: "ipv6, capital letters (non-canonical)", in: "1234::ABCD", family: 6, }, // BAD VALUES WE CURRENTLY CONSIDER GOOD { name: "ipv4 with leading 0s", in: "", family: 4, }, { name: "ipv4-in-ipv6 value", in: "::ffff:", family: 4, }, // BAD VALUES { name: "empty string", in: "", err: "must be a valid IP address", }, { name: "junk", in: "aaaaaaa", err: "must be a valid IP address", }, { name: "domain name", in: "myhost.mydomain", err: "must be a valid IP address", }, { name: "cidr", in: "", err: "must be a valid IP address", }, { name: "ipv4 with out-of-range octets", in: "", err: "must be a valid IP address", }, { name: "ipv4 with negative octets", in: "-", err: "must be a valid IP address", }, { name: "ipv6 with out-of-range segment", in: "2001:db8::10005", err: "must be a valid IP address", }, { name: "ipv4:port", in: "", err: "must be a valid IP address", }, { name: "ipv6 with brackets", in: "[2001:db8::1]", err: "must be a valid IP address", }, { name: "[ipv6]:port", in: "[2001:db8::1]:80", err: "must be a valid IP address", }, { name: "host:port", in: "example.com:80", err: "must be a valid IP address", }, { name: "ipv6 with zone", in: "1234::abcd%eth0", err: "must be a valid IP address", }, { name: "ipv4 with zone", in: "", err: "must be a valid IP address", }, } { t.Run(tc.name, func(t *testing.T) { errs := IsValidIP(field.NewPath(""), tc.in) if tc.err == "" { if len(errs) != 0 { t.Errorf("expected %q to be valid but got: %v", tc.in, errs) } } else { if len(errs) != 1 { t.Errorf("expected %q to have 1 error but got: %v", tc.in, errs) } else if !strings.Contains(errs[0].Detail, tc.err) { t.Errorf("expected error for %q to contain %q but got: %q", tc.in, tc.err, errs[0].Detail) } } errs = IsValidIPv4Address(field.NewPath(""), tc.in) if tc.family == 4 { if len(errs) != 0 { t.Errorf("expected %q to pass IsValidIPv4Address but got: %v", tc.in, errs) } } else { if len(errs) == 0 { t.Errorf("expected %q to fail IsValidIPv4Address", tc.in) } } errs = IsValidIPv6Address(field.NewPath(""), tc.in) if tc.family == 6 { if len(errs) != 0 { t.Errorf("expected %q to pass IsValidIPv6Address but got: %v", tc.in, errs) } } else { if len(errs) == 0 { t.Errorf("expected %q to fail IsValidIPv6Address", tc.in) } } }) } } func TestIsValidCIDR(t *testing.T) { for _, tc := range []struct { name string in string err string }{ // GOOD VALUES { name: "ipv4", in: "", }, { name: "ipv4, all IPs", in: "", }, { name: "ipv4, single IP", in: "", }, { name: "ipv6", in: "2001:4860:4860::/48", }, { name: "ipv6, all IPs", in: "::/0", }, { name: "ipv6, single IP", in: "::1/128", }, // GOOD, THOUGH NON-CANONICAL, VALUES { name: "ipv6, extra 0s (non-canonical)", in: "2a00:79e0:2:0::/64", }, { name: "ipv6, capital letters (non-canonical)", in: "2001:DB8::/64", }, // BAD VALUES WE CURRENTLY CONSIDER GOOD { name: "ipv4 with leading 0s", in: "", }, { name: "ipv4-in-ipv6 with ipv4-sized prefix", in: "::ffff:", }, { name: "ipv4-in-ipv6 with ipv6-sized prefix", in: "::ffff:", }, { name: "ipv4 with bits past prefix", in: "", }, { name: "ipv6 with bits past prefix", in: "2001:db8::1/64", }, { name: "prefix length with leading 0s", in: "", }, // BAD VALUES { name: "empty string", in: "", err: "must be a valid CIDR value", }, { name: "junk", in: "aaaaaaa", err: "must be a valid CIDR value", }, { name: "IP address", in: "", err: "must be a valid CIDR value", }, { name: "partial URL", in: "", err: "must be a valid CIDR value", }, { name: "partial URL 2", in: "", err: "must be a valid CIDR value", }, { name: "negative prefix length", in: "", err: "must be a valid CIDR value", }, { name: "prefix length with sign", in: "", err: "must be a valid CIDR value", }, } { t.Run(tc.name, func(t *testing.T) { errs := IsValidCIDR(field.NewPath(""), tc.in) if tc.err == "" { if len(errs) != 0 { t.Errorf("expected %q to be valid but got: %v", tc.in, errs) } } else { if len(errs) != 1 { t.Errorf("expected %q to have 1 error but got: %v", tc.in, errs) } else if !strings.Contains(errs[0].Detail, tc.err) { t.Errorf("expected error for %q to contain %q but got: %q", tc.in, tc.err, errs[0].Detail) } } }) } } func TestIsHTTPHeaderName(t *testing.T) { goodValues := []string{ // Common ones "Accept-Encoding", "Host", "If-Modified-Since", "X-Forwarded-For", // Weirdo, but still conforming names "a", "ab", "abc", "a1", "-a", "a-", "a-b", "a-1", "a--1--2--b", "--abc-123", "A", "AB", "AbC", "A1", "-A", "A-", "A-B", "A-1", "A--1--2--B", "--123-ABC", } for _, val := range goodValues { if msgs := IsHTTPHeaderName(val); len(msgs) != 0 { t.Errorf("expected true for '%s': %v", val, msgs) } } badValues := []string{ "Host:", "X-Forwarded-For:", "X-@Home", "", "_", "a_", "_a", "1_", "1_2", ".", "a.", ".a", "a.b", "1.", ".1", "1.2", " ", "a ", " a", "a b", "1 ", " 1", "1 2", "#a#", "^", ",", ";", "=", "<", "?", "@", "{", } for _, val := range badValues { if msgs := IsHTTPHeaderName(val); len(msgs) == 0 { t.Errorf("expected false for '%s'", val) } } } func TestIsValidPercent(t *testing.T) { goodValues := []string{ "0%", "00000%", "1%", "01%", "99%", "100%", "101%", } for _, val := range goodValues { if msgs := IsValidPercent(val); len(msgs) != 0 { t.Errorf("expected true for %q: %v", val, msgs) } } badValues := []string{ "", "0", "100", "0.0%", "99.9%", "hundred", " 1%", "1% ", "-0%", "-1%", "+1%", } for _, val := range badValues { if msgs := IsValidPercent(val); len(msgs) == 0 { t.Errorf("expected false for %q", val) } } } func TestIsConfigMapKey(t *testing.T) { successCases := []string{ "a", "good", "good-good", "still.good", "this.is.also.good", ".so.is.this", "THIS_IS_GOOD", "so_is_this_17", } for i := range successCases { if errs := IsConfigMapKey(successCases[i]); len(errs) != 0 { t.Errorf("[%d] expected success: %v", i, errs) } } failureCases := []string{ ".", "..", "..bad", "b*d", "bad!&bad", } for i := range failureCases { if errs := IsConfigMapKey(failureCases[i]); len(errs) == 0 { t.Errorf("[%d] expected failure", i) } } } func TestIsWildcardDNS1123Subdomain(t *testing.T) { goodValues := []string{ "*.example.com", "*.bar.com", "*.foo.bar.com", } for _, val := range goodValues { if errs := IsWildcardDNS1123Subdomain(val); len(errs) != 0 { t.Errorf("expected no errors for %q: %v", val, errs) } } badValues := []string{ "*.*.bar.com", "*.foo.*.com", "*bar.com", "f*.bar.com", "*", } for _, val := range badValues { if errs := IsWildcardDNS1123Subdomain(val); len(errs) == 0 { t.Errorf("expected errors for %q", val) } } } func TestIsFullyQualifiedDomainName(t *testing.T) { goodValues := []string{ "a.com", "k8s.io", "dev.k8s.io", "dev.k8s.io.", "foo.example.com", "this.is.a.really.long.fqdn", "bbc.co.uk", "", // DNS labels can start with numbers and there is no requirement for letters. "hyphens-are-good.k8s.io", strings.Repeat("a", 63) + ".k8s.io", strings.Repeat("a", 63) + "." + strings.Repeat("b", 63) + "." + strings.Repeat("c", 63) + "." + strings.Repeat("d", 54) + ".k8s.io", } for _, val := range goodValues { if err := IsFullyQualifiedDomainName(field.NewPath(""), val).ToAggregate(); err != nil { t.Errorf("expected no errors for %q: %v", val, err) } } badValues := []string{ ".", "...", ".io", "com", ".com", "Dev.k8s.io", ".foo.example.com", "*.example.com", "*.bar.com", "*.foo.bar.com", "underscores_are_bad.k8s.io", "foo@bar.example.com", "http://foo.example.com", strings.Repeat("a", 64) + ".k8s.io", strings.Repeat("a", 63) + "." + strings.Repeat("b", 63) + "." + strings.Repeat("c", 63) + "." + strings.Repeat("d", 55) + ".k8s.io", } for _, val := range badValues { if err := IsFullyQualifiedDomainName(field.NewPath(""), val).ToAggregate(); err == nil { t.Errorf("expected errors for %q", val) } } } func TestIsFullyQualifiedName(t *testing.T) { goodValues := []string{ "dev.k8s.io", "foo.example.com", "this.is.a.really.long.fqdn", "bbc.co.uk", "", // DNS labels can start with numbers and there is no requirement for letters. "hyphens-are-good.k8s.io", strings.Repeat("a", 246) + ".k8s.io", } for _, val := range goodValues { if err := IsFullyQualifiedName(field.NewPath(""), val).ToAggregate(); err != nil { t.Errorf("expected no errors for %q: %v", val, err) } } badValues := []string{ "...", "dev.k8s.io.", ".io", "Dev.k8s.io", "k8s.io", "*.example.com", "*.bar.com", "*.foo.bar.com", "underscores_are_bad.k8s.io", "foo@bar.example.com", "http://foo.example.com", strings.Repeat("a", 247) + ".k8s.io", } for _, val := range badValues { if err := IsFullyQualifiedName(field.NewPath(""), val).ToAggregate(); err == nil { t.Errorf("expected errors for %q", val) } } messageTests := []struct { name string targetName string err string }{{ name: "name needs to be fully qualified, i.e., contains at least 2 dots", targetName: "k8s.io", err: "should be a domain with at least three segments separated by dots", }, { name: "name should not include scheme", targetName: "http://foo.k8s.io", err: "a lowercase RFC 1123 subdomain must consist of lower case alphanumeric characters", }, { name: "email should be invalid", targetName: "example@foo.k8s.io", err: "a lowercase RFC 1123 subdomain must consist of lower case alphanumeric characters", }, { name: "name cannot be empty", targetName: "", err: "Required value", }, { name: "name must conform to RFC 1123", targetName: "A.B.C", err: "a lowercase RFC 1123 subdomain must consist of lower case alphanumeric characters", }} for _, tc := range messageTests { err := IsFullyQualifiedName(field.NewPath(""), tc.targetName).ToAggregate() switch { case tc.err == "" && err != nil: t.Errorf("%q: unexpected error: %v", tc.name, err) case tc.err != "" && err == nil: t.Errorf("%q: unexpected no error, expected %s", tc.name, tc.err) case tc.err != "" && err != nil && !strings.Contains(err.Error(), tc.err): t.Errorf("%q: expected %s, got %v", tc.name, tc.err, err) } } } func TestIsDomainPrefixedPath(t *testing.T) { goodValues := []string{ "a/b", "a/b/c/d", "a.com/foo", "a.b.c.d/foo", "k8s.io/foo/bar", "k8s.io/FOO/BAR", "dev.k8s.io/more/path", "this.is.a.really.long.fqdn/even/longer/path/just/because", "bbc.co.uk/path/goes/here", "", "hyphens-are-good.k8s.io/and-in-paths-too", strings.Repeat("a", 240) + ".k8s.io/a", "k8s.io/" + strings.Repeat("a", 240), } for _, val := range goodValues { if err := IsDomainPrefixedPath(field.NewPath(""), val).ToAggregate(); err != nil { t.Errorf("expected no errors for %q: %v", val, err) } } badValues := []string{ ".", "...", "/b", "com", ".com", "a.b.c.d/foo?a=b", "a.b.c.d/foo#a", "Dev.k8s.io", ".foo.example.com", "*.example.com", "example.com/foo{}[]@^`", "underscores_are_bad.k8s.io", "underscores_are_bad.k8s.io/foo", "foo@bar.example.com", "foo@bar.example.com/foo", strings.Repeat("a", 247) + ".k8s.io", } for _, val := range badValues { if err := IsDomainPrefixedPath(field.NewPath(""), val).ToAggregate(); err == nil { t.Errorf("expected errors for %q", val) } } } func TestIsRelaxedEnvVarName(t *testing.T) { goodValues := []string{ "-", ":", "_", "+a", ">a", "